Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 05, 1912, Image 5

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Baking Powder
Absolutely Puro
Makes Home Baking Easy
With minimum trouble and cost bis
cuit, cake and pastry are made fresh,
clean and greatly superior to the ready
made, dry, found-in-the-shop variety,
and danger of alum food is avoided.
For Senle
A reaBonably cheap team for sale,
weight iibont 2100; bIbo a sot of liar
noss. First man coming gets u bar
gain. J. T. Kneppor,
Dakota City, Nour.
VmOorUon. trusteo, ot nl. to Walter
Dyson, lot Iff. blk 41, lot 23, 1)1 k 85, all
in Joy I'lucondd toH HO t 210
W A Houtz ami wlfo to H M Tolllngor
lot 0, bllt 2fl, Monti's ndd to 8 S O
DO Kvliis, county trcasuier, toll W
Wood, lot 11, blk 7, 1st ndd toS SO.
J II Youiik to Josslo M You UK, lots 1,
2, 3, b-k 71. Oovlngton annex to 8 HO , 1
SniuncI Maxwell uiul wife I311zn Ann
to J 1) l'utorson, 4(1 acres olio end lot
2. l-RS-48, also inonnder description
230-in()aores In snmo section,. ,-,!. V"3
OurtlsK Hilton and wlfo Snrnh to V
HHon?er.o, 80 25-28-8 8000
Horatio T! ran nt aifd wlfo Katlma, to
Henry HuiiKe, sr, lot 20, blk 7, 1st add
toSS 0 1200
"Win Goidon, trusteo, and Wm Gordon
ami .Stella Goidon, husband and wlfo
to 1) Mackenzie, lots 1, 2, it, blk 40,
lots 1-Sa, blk 61, Joy 1'lace ndd S SO.. 1
Krcd Illume, trusteo, to Gun A Ison
borg.piinxiyi.HoXnvkX 23-27-7 1
OK Martin and wlfo to Klenor Good- s
win, lot 4, blk 30. Jay Place ndd to
8SO 00
Wm Gordon, trustee and Wm Gor-
don nud Stella Gordon, husband and
wife, to Jacob I)y son, lots land 2 blk
82,.Ioy Tlncoadd toHHU...,. ,. ,. 180
David Wood, nlntclo; to Theo F Lek
nndor, lots 1.3,1', 4 and C. blk 3i, Cov
ington ndd.Sd lllliiB.8 S 0
Wm Gordon, trusteo, to John Nclluuli
lot 6, blk 32: lots 8 nnd 10, blk 3s; lots
29 and 30. blk 30: lots 4, 6 nnd 6, blk 38;
lot 25. blk 41 ; lots 10 nnd 14, blk GO; lots
4 and 5, blk 61, nnd lot 2, blk 63, nil In
Joy Place add to 8 SO
Thus N Told and wlfo Annie to Locust
club, a meander description in blk
3, Orystnl Lnko Park, so deed recoid
34, PP081 3M
FA Wood.sliiKlo, to W J McPhnll, a
small pt of beJ..sttK8.-2D-9 HO
I- O Velts. single, to Ohailty Unit, lot
6, blk 119, Dakota Olty
JolmOGrlbblonndwlfo Mary to B II
UrlOhle, wJasM, ;-. uv? lot 2. s."
1U20-29-8 , 1
W PToternnJ wlfo toJ I Elmers. lot
9, blk 2. 2nd ndd to 8 80 1
II 11 IIoKnn, single, to I.nlu Laison,
lot 3, SJ-28-9 1
O K ratiertaw nnd lfe to Henry Frnn-
cUco, soH 11, w)jsw412. nil ln27,...
W H Hokum, sIiikIo, to Lulu Larson,
lot 8. 32-2S-9 ., 1
Oharles Suml nnd wife ti John I Ilo-
bler, ne4 beH.!t5-29-8 KX)
Fred Gustlnund wlfo to J M King. '4
swj-a. wKcUswK Ri21-27-9 000
JLPhllliDsnnd wife to Mao M Still-
man lot 14, blk 9. Ity ndd to 8 S O.... 150
J Ij Nelson nnd wlf to S A llelkes, w
nwii, soKnw29-2S-9 1
K FOIInkunbenid nnd wlfo Jo Terossn
Vun Hoin, lots 7 nnd 8, block 18, oil
KlnolplatSS O ,. liM
John H Priest nnd wlfo to J M King,
eswMswM 81-27-B 6
Hush N Gallagher and wlfo to 10 J
Smith. noKi fcoK 21-27-S 0I'
US A to Ohailes A Austin, lot 1,
Estellnllnrtonud Ohnrles Ilnrto to V
G (Jailor, lots 2 nnd 3, bile 31, Joy
Place adds SO 5o
i CF
1)M m
'1-17' .....-.--- .
lit SPECSAE. Ok-1-tni:
'lK-.Jo 1 t bn'M New Baatncea. Atrial will
H1 mikn v it our iMr.niMient customer.
F RHtp frtltprt-lrn .taiha. 17 varieties:
I i - .. i l, 11 UDUfl i lUMivn,
11 lira llnett : i nroip. 7 Bpier ilu : ioi.., g vtn vino
Uea t jo Spi int-non.nnn fiaiM ss varltllet la all.
Write io-ilay; Mention this Paper.
V -r-- poitafo ana packing tad rec.iTt this valuable .
iC.szra o: beeuo poaipmu, lof.iaer wua 1117 di ,
l rt ueiiTO, JteMUiuui rtecu ana l'lAin uook.
'yt-c tbo Jlcst TSXleti of Seeds, Haottt
jjmjUjjljiui'uv ,i"':j;jii"!'iirirr;rrgg?XTrwaaaiau
Tho HotMikl,
The Same
Old Good, Safe
Different Place.
Bf Id. - West flattlsL
Opposite Weare and Allison's old stand on Pearl St.
Everything in banking done Righ'c
Every convenience for out of town friends, and you
will confer u favor on us by making use of them when
in the city. Call and see us whether you ever do any
business or not. Business is not all there is to life.
Friendship counts much more and good wishes. We
are exceedingly well prepared to take care of all busi
ness coming to us.
We pay interest on time deposits at the same old
rate and keep your money "Safe as a Government
ED. T. KKARNEY. President.
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT."
"Always hungiy for More business."
Local Items
Real estate loans. Geo Wilkine.
MrH J B Taylor will do washing nud
houseclenuiug. Give her a trial.
A son arrived at the liomeol Mr and
MrH Herman Hurley Thnrsdny of lust
Kirk Roam, of Aztcll, Knn, tvns au
over Sunday visitor at tbo Geo T
Woods bomo.
When this flood Beanon ia past it will
bo tip to Mosey Warner to tell when
we find a worse one.
Jay Robertson went to Sioux Oity,
Fiiday, where Ho will work at earpeu
toring on the Bennett building.
Olyde Wilson and family this woek
moved into tbo W 0 Eclthart house
from the Honry Wood house east of
the Eagle office.
James Kramper, brother of Androw
Kramper of this precinct, suffered n
stroke of paralysis at Omaha this weok
and is in u serious condition.
For rheumatism yon will find noth
ing bettor than Chamberlain's Lini
ment. Try it and see how quiokly it
gives relief. For sale by till dealeis.
Frank H For r eat was kopt busy tho
prist week looking after the telephone
toll lines that were threatened by tho
high water in different parts of tho
county. The linos escaped any oori
ons damage.
"My littlo son had a very aeveie
cold . I was recommended to Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy, and before a
small bottle was Unished he was as
well as ever," writes Mrs H Silks, 29
Donling Street, Svdnev, Australia.
This remedy ia for sale by all dealers.
D a Hauar reueivuu uu Uluuut call
from tho Security Lumber company,
with headquarters at Mooso Jaw, Can
ada, to report for work tho coming
week. He expeots to leave the lattor
part of this wook or tho tirst of next
to take up his work as foreman of
their construction gang.
Mi's Mary Eastou, who recently took
up her residence on n claim nearSaco,
Mont, writes that she has taken a
school near her claim far a two months
spring term. Tho woather in Monta
na is about the snmo as it is here the
spring broakup being on, and the
farmers are preparing for putting in
their crops.
A now time card went into effect on
tho Northwestern road last Snndny,
while all the ttaius wore tied up by
high water. Tho only trains effected
by the new schedule are tho Omaha
from the south iu tho evening and the
Wynot going west iu tho oveninp,
Tho Omaha arrives hero at 0:48 p m,
and the Wynot at 5 '58 p ra.
Spring is coining and the time is at
hand fur painting, papering, and gen
oral brightening up. Tell uu jour
wants and let us assist you. We can
supply you nt right prices with Mound
Oity paints, varnishes, iloor paints,
inside wall finish, ulabastiuu, bugfty
piiut, and best white lead and oil.
Also now lino of paint and varnish
brushes. Dakota City Pharmacy.
Owing to tho largo number of let
ters and parcels that llud thfir way to
the dead letter oflioo ouch year, tho
dopArtmeut uiges that every piece of
mini hnul'.l lt?r the ii"me and ad-
drets of th chikuv on iha onihiiip. as
lutteis can bo returned, and those
mailing other matter of value ecu bo
uotiilod of non-delivery. Thirteen
million letters aud parcels fnuud their
way to the dead letter ofH -o during
the past year. Elnvcu million of these
wero letter, nr.d could havo been to
tumod lo the writers without being
sent to the doad lot tor allien i( tU
name aud address of the sendei hud
boen placed thcruou.
Ways of Hanking in
That's the
Tho Herald for News when it is Nows
Geo Teller was down from St
John's preolnot on business Saturday.
Thos Graham of Hubbard prccinot,
transacted business in lowu Wednes
day. Mrs Frank F Adair, of Chicago,
spent a few days with relaUres hero
this week ,
George Darnott, jr, has Buoooedod
Androw Peterson as motorman on tho
street oar lino.
H Gribblo and Geo 0 Orr oaoh
had a oar of cattle on tho Sionx City
market Tuesday.
County Attorney J J McAllister is
building a modorn hog houso uu his,
farm west of town.
Mrs Mannion oamo dowD from Fon
ca Wednesday to visit hor sou, F J
Madnion, a few days.
Georgo Gribblo came up from Oma
ha, Saturday, uud visited relatives
hero until Sunday eveuiug.
Bankers M O Ayrcs and Geo W
Carter left Sunday for Alliance, Nob,
on a duck hunting oxpoditiou.
Mrs E J Morin, of Wynot, was a
visitor at the homo of hor mothor,
Mrs Wm Cheney, tho past woek.
Mrs E H Spurling and baby are
hero from Cherry Creek, 8 D, visiting
at tho homo of Mrs Spurling's mother,
Mrs Wm Cheney.
Louis Bourot, ago 40, and Miss
Mamie Robinson, ago ii, both of
Sionx Oity, were married by Judge
Hoffernan lust Thursday.
John W Gribble, a foruior Dakota
county boy, was dofoutod for city
troaBurer of South Omaha at tho elec
tion Tuesday. Ho was n candidate
on the citizens.
PIoqbo do not forget that wo always
cany on hand a vory good stock of
hardware, granitewure, eto, and that
our prices cannot bo beaten anywhere.
Sohriover Bros,
O S Lake, who hns been running ns
mail clerk between Sioux City and
Lincoln, has been transfored to tho
Omaha and Chadron run, with head
quarters ot Gmaha.
Chris Po-lsen will loave tho coming
week in company with D H Hagor for
Moose Juw, Canada, where he will en
ter tho employ of tho Security Lumber
Co, under Mr Hager.
All thoso who aro owing mo on book
account will planso call and settle, bb
wo havo our bills to moot and must
havo what is coming to us on store uo
counts. Knepper's Store.
Del Sanford and family aro moving
into tho Mrs Lattiu house in tho east
part of to nrn, having sold their houso
to Wm Loreuz, who will toko posses
sion as soon as it is vacated.
Tho proposition of making South
Sioux City a city of tho second class
was carried at tho village election held
there Tuesday. A special election
will bo called to elect a mayor and
city council.
Our Bohools will bo dismissed this
afternoon for iv -Rock's spring vacation.
When sohool resumes Prof A B Rich
will succeed- Prof J A Cuicoino for
tlo remainder of the term. Mr Ohi
coine has resigned tho principalship
of our schools and will try farming lor
a Hvlihood.
P A Barrows, of Lincoln, an old
newspaper mun of tho slate, was hero
Friday, iu the interests of President
Tuft's renomiuation. Mr Barrows
stated that wherever ho had boon
throughout tho state ho found tho
sentiment for Tuft on tho increase as
tho primaries draw near.
Yon will look a good while beforo
you find a better medicine for coughs
and colds than Chamberlain's Cough
Itemedy. It not only gives relief it
cures. Try it when you havo a cough
or cold, nnd you aro certain to bo
pleased with the prompt cure which it
will effect. For sale by nil doulers,
Dakota county suffered considerable
from Hoods and high wntor in tho
streams the past week. Tho railroads
wore hit the hardest, tho Burlington
trucks at Jackson and at tho crossing
at Omaha creek botweon here and
Homor being out of commission for
two or throo days. Trains aro again
running on schedule timo.
The annual Eubter program by tho
Sunday schools, consisting of songs
aud recitations will bo given in tho
Salem Lutheran church at 2 o'clock
iu the afteruoou and iu Emanuel, Da
kota City, at 7:30 p in. Tho offering
for church extension will bo taken at
both places. All the membors nud
friends of tho Sunday school aro cor
dially invited to be present.
"Two times rofused n license to wed
within a week in Woodbury county,"
says the Sioux City Journal, Albeit
Grundier, ilin adopted sun ut Mi and
Mrs J II Grundier, seourol a license
yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon ut
DakoU City, Nob, under the name ot
Albert II MoCluro, and was married
to MiBs llama Qilbctt, Judge lltffcr
uau performing tho ceioniouy.
Divine soi vices iu Salem Evangelioul
Lutheiau church, Good Fiiday, tho
Oth iiifit at 11 o'clock, a in, promptly,
and in Em unit)'. Lnthoran church, Da
kota City, at 7:!)0 p in. Subject,
" Was tho Tsinl and hicculiou of Jesus
of Nazareth Just?" A congregational
meeting will bn held immediately af or
the service in Salem olmroh, when the
anunal election of oiliecrs will take
When Prof Chicoino wont to work
at his drill; in the schoolroom Monday
morning thern was a packigo l.tiug on
Ins desk, but as Mouduv was tho first
of April, ho was "wise" and left tho
pnokuge thexi until the following day.
Uu cuiinsity unt the better of him and
at noon timo he v utured a look into
the box and found a handsome set of
ilvor spoons, a gift from tho teachers
to Prof and Mis Chicoino.
W E Knowlton, one of tho promi
nent young merchants of Houth Sioux
City died at his homo Monday, April
1, 1912, of diabetes, aged 42, your.
Ho is Hitivived by his wife auJ one
duniihter, Donis, bin mother, Mm E
11 Knowlton, and thrao sisters Mrs
L O Jeep and Mrs Myron Pilgrim, of
South Hioux Oity, aud Mrs Harry Ed-
I wards, of Mitchell, S I), The funer
al services were held Wednesday aftor-
I noon and wete in charge of tin Odd
Fellowd lodge, of which tho deceased
I was a piotninout member llev .7 L
Pnilli'iH conducted tho stvic s at the
i Methodist church. Interment was i )
Logan Park cemetery, Sioux City,
Ohas Barto is down from Wakefield,
and ia ocenpying his residence in -ilm
oast part of town.
Addio Bidos and 0 Doolittlo havo
been summoned to Omaha tho 14th to
norvo ns federal jurors,
Tho ico bogan going out of tho river
Sunday and by Wednesday tho chan
nel was praotioaly olear of ico.
Druggist John W Tnrnbull wont to
Waltbill Wodncsduy to tako ohnrgo of
a drug store more lor me nossiior
brothers for a few wooks.
County Assessor Beningor informs
us that all chattol mortgages on lllo in
tho oounty elork s offioo that havo not
been released will bo listed and ns-
scseod tho coming year.
Dr Ghas T Maxwell arrived home
from Chicago, Tuesday, whore ho re
cently graduated from tho Hush med
cal college Ho will assit Dr House
of Sionx Oity for a.fow wooks.
Don't bo surprisod it you havo an
attack of rheumatism this spring.
Just rub tho affootod parts freely with
Okamborlain's Linimont and it will
soon disappear. Sold by ol doalors.
At tho tillage election held here
Tuesday Julius Gioso and Louis Lnr
sou woro rooleotod for terms of two
years, aud Geo W Cartor was oleotod
for a term of ono year to fill a vacanoy,
Of tho 34 votes cast Gicso reooivod 33,
Larson 29 and Carter 31.
Let us talk to you about Poultry aud
Stock Food. Wo aio agents for four
lines and heartily rocommond all.
Drs Hos Jk Clark's, Fleok's, Prussian,
Lee's. Try n paokogo and bo convin
ced that these exoolleut preparations
aro tho best tonics for your poultry
and Stock at this bobbou. Dakota Oity
Tho hearing of tho two prisoners,
Glonn and Corusll, held iu tho county
jail on a chargo of breaking into tho
Farmer's Exchango at Homor about a
month aoro. was Dostnoncd acrain last
Saturday, owing to tho nbsonco of tho I
county judgo and oounty attorney from
tho city. Tho hearing was Bet for
Thursday of this weok.
In tho presonoo of tho family and
a fow immediate friends, Miss Minnio
Wasmund, daughter of Mr nnd Mrs
Fred' tVasmund, was united in mar-
liago Wednesday afternoon at their
homo in this plaoo to Androw Peter
son, Bov S L Keller, Lutborau pastor,
officiating. Mr Peterson for tho past
year has been motorman on tho Hioux
City, Crystal Lako and Homer stroot
car lino, only recently giving up that
position . Ho has rented the Luther
Harden farm northeast of towu and
with his brido will tako up his rosi
denco thore. Congratulations and
well wishes nro extended tho happy
young couple.
It is moro fun to boo a man read a
puff on himself in a newspaper than to
soo a fat man slip on a banann peel,
Tho narrow mindod man reads it over
sevon or oight timoa, nnd goes around.
to nppropiato what copies ho can.
Tho kind heartod man goes around to
the office and pays what ho owes. The
successful business man who advertises
all tho timo and makes money by it,
immediately starts out to Und tho edit
or, and the two walk silontly down tho
l-nt "Pf' th b!u$P man tnVoa n-
gar in his, and they both oat n clovoor
two, and lifo is swootor nnd poaoo
settles down on their hearts for mo
ments. uuoti is tho oxpenonoo of a
mustard seed that falls on different
Meet Us in South Sioux City.
Wo nro indeed grateful to all of our
Dakota county frionds aud patrons
for the many favors shown us whilo
wo had chargo of tho E & B iuletests
at Dakota Oity, As the company saw
fit to transfer mo fioui Dakota Oity to
South Sioux City, wo extend you ono
nnd nil a cordial invitation to visit us
at our now location. Look over our
mammoth stock, noto tho carload aflor
oar load shipments being unloaded
daily and in timo distributed to tho
various yards throughout tho stato.
Then yon will see and know for your
self why thoEdwurds & Brndfordstoro
in your town is ublo to sorvo you
faithfully and well.
Wo wunt your business. 's
i Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co,
South Sionx City, Neb,
V O Lako, Mgr.
Why Me Was Late.
"What madoyou ho late?"
"I mot Sraithson."
"Well, that is no reason why you
should bo an hour late getting home
to supper." '
"I know, but I asked him how ho
was feeling, and ho iusisted on telling
mo about his stomach trouble."
"Did you tell him to take Chambor
1 ia's Tablets?"
"Sure, that is what hn nerds."
For sule by nil dealers.
To My Patrons.
Having chnDgcd niv i lausand tnado
otlur urrnngnmonto, I havo decided to
stay by tho Ilawleigh business, nnd I
thank jou one nnd all for past fuvnn
and roapectfully solicit your patronage
in the future, for I am hore to stay,
I'm glad to say with lUwloigh goods,
tho BEST. S H Moore,
The IUwleigh Man,
The Florida Farms Company
Join Our Next Land Buyers Gxcur
sion to Florida.
Northern fanners now realize what
fiplcndid opportunities iwaits them in
this golden state and especially in St
Johns county of which Ht Augustine is
tho county heat .
We have 21,000 aures of (lie choicest
lands in the state fur sule, at low
prie'H and on easy payments
Excursions run every mouth. For
full particulars and dosciiptive litera
ture call on Win II Borgor, Dakota
City, or wiito D II Bandy, Sionx City,
Ilov. V. It. Warrnn. I'antfir.
(Service at the MetliodlKt llplucopiil
church uury Hunclnv a follow: i'reucli-
I iw at 11 a m; Kuiidny uclioolut nia nt ; duns
muuiin? ii in; Kuvwirlli i.ciikuo t p in;
UK'llullllIK S p in, '
Knv.S. ! Ki I lor. riiHtnr.
Sumlny client i!vm Sunday nt u 4Sn in;
Ml lil uifiH' lliimllti. , Hiipuiliiteiidout.
preauliliiu at TstUp in uury Sunday.
I'K'iicliliiK ei'ry Kuii lay at 11 a in Hun-
nay ariioul promptly I J'J a in K. l'.Ctll-
IWltMlll MlptlllU-lld(l
Tin puhltcini-ordlalh .iWU'i to all these
1-rtltraUs tratt4 with Groat
Brttaia mi. JTMuu.
Veta et Ariawas, taUaood IU
boHpe o reM ot ju4gs provlftloa.
9-38aiorcMst of S airman ntt
trwU Uw wttfcMt far or favor.
4 Vte ai DtaaacrftUo wol, oottoa
ut tt Ut ktlM m umtalr, unscUa
tiAa MUt daMmotlv ot Ut IUubllc&n
aelmaifl at pfwtootlott.
( JLroaU ot discriminating
pasffrt traiy with RuaiU.
Poatal nrtai baaka atahllsa4.
7 Rallroa4a yrareaUd from putting
rats lacra4Ma lot Sot without ap
proval of liiafWki comro com
mlaaloa. I Panuaa osa yuh4 to arlr
complatlaaa without hUt of
19 AdraUaUn ot AtImm and Naw
Mexico to staUhood.
11 Buraau of mia aatahUahed to
saiosuard th Itvaa of mlaara.
12 Amarlcaa capital and labor ben
fitted by exUnalon of toreiga markata.
13 Abolition of peonaga.
14 Income tax amendment to th4
Constltutlon submitted to atate lcfcls
Jatures for ratlflcatlon.
IS Boiler Inspection law poasod by
16 -Bond Issue to complete Irriga
tion projects In tho west.
17 Malntananco and extanslon ot
open door policy In China.
18 Peac maintained In Cuba,
South and Central America by friend
ly warnings and Intervention.
19 Oovornmont business mothoda
modernized and reformed by economy
and oftlclency commission, caving mil
lions ot dollars annually.
20 Non-polltlcal methods used In
taking 13th census.
21 Buckot-shop and got-rlch-qulck
concerns destroyed.
22 Parcels Post recommended.
23 Now treaty with Japan, ending ra
cial controversies on tbo Pacific coast
24 Further extension of safoty ap
pliance act.
25 Post otllce department mod
26 Canadian reciprocity: rejected
by Canada through fear thai tho Uni
ted States would derive the benoflts.
27 Publication of campaign funds
and expenditures.
28 Indorsement ot commission's re
port and proposed bill concerning em
ployers' liability.
29 Reorganisation of customs sorr
lco; corruption eliminated; frauds ex
posed and punished and millions of
dollars recovered.
30 Court of commerce to review
findings ot lntorstate commerce com
mission. 31 Non-partisan tariff board to re
port on tbo dlfferonco In tno cost ot
production at homo and abroad.
92 Corporation tax, yielding ?V
000,000 annually; government examina
tion ot corporation methods provided.
S3 A deficit of $68,000,000 trans
formed into a $30,000,000 surplus.
34 Non-partisan Judicial appoint
35 Further control of railroads
through extension of powers ot the In
terstate commerce commission.
36 Workingmuu's compensation act
brought to successful Issue in the Su
preme court.
37 Stock and bonds commission;
valuable and exhaustive report sub
mitted as basis for legislation.
38 Extension of civil service by
'executive ordor.
39 Practical conservation acts.
40 Courts of customs appeals; un
dervaluations stopped.
"On tho fourth of March next I shall
liavo served three and a half years',
and this three and a half years consti
tute my first term. Tho wlso custom
which llmltB the presldont to two
torms regards tho substance and not
tho form, and UNDER NO CIRCUM
NATION." Theodore Iloosovelt, Nov.
doro Roosovolt, Doc. 11, 1907.
TENDERED TO ME, and 1 will ndhoro
to this decision until the convention
has cxprossed its prcforonco." Theo
dore RooBevelt, Fob. 24, 1912.
lift fur Poses,
It wbb only by tho excrclso of rwo
discretion nnd tact thnt war woo1
averted with Mexico nearly a year ago.
Hnd President Tnft yielded to tho de
mands of some of tho "Jingoes" of th
country tho United States might easily
have boon plunged Into n conflict with
Its neighbor over fancied wrongs.
Without permitting tbo rights of
American citizens to suffer In any ro
Bpcct, Mr. Tatt handled n ticklish
diplomatic situation with such good
Judgment that trouble wob nrcrted and
fho friendly relations with Mexico
were undisturbed,
Taft' Anti-Trust Record.
In the real prosecution af tho trusts
tho administration of President Taft
has established a record that Is far
noyond that ot any ot his predecessors.
Rig combinations havo been brought
to tho bar of federal Justice, their pro
motors have boon fined for disobey
ing tho Sherman anti-trust Inw, nnd
the controlling corporations havo been
disintegrated. Tho record of tho Tnft
administration stands unequaletl in Its
curbing of Illegal combinations and
Wants. For Sale' Etc.
liny u good furin on
ronntv bottom, I liuvo
tin- Dnkntn
EhnnrH, it.
Fur Hwle ' teiiniH i f dorse, anil u
uooil Snpciior irci-H drill. Putriok
Joihih, Hulilmrd, Ni'b
For Bule Hevorul line ntundiud
bred Pol und China bnurH, oligiblo to
reniHtriition, Auiriifct 1911 piH, weiKli
Itiir about il'iO pinudti Jucjb linger,
Uukotn City, Neb,
Specials for Saturday, Apr. 6
For this D.y Only
1 pound kept fresh ColTcc 25c
3 cans of Corn, Pumpkin, String Beans or
Blackberries .' 25c
1 3-lb can of Yellow Peaches ..' 15c
5-pound package of Oats ,7;w 20c
40 yd. Red Table Cloth, worth 35c, per yard 19c
A few pair of Men's Shoes left on the bargain
counter, per pair $1.00
A larjje Orange, per doz 25c
We will have for Saturday: Celery,
Rutabagoes, Cabbage, Lettuce, Ba
nanas, Figs and Dates. 3? 2?
S. A. Stinsbn
Dakota City,
City Market
We can supply your wants in the Meat line just as cheap
or cheaper than anywhere on earth.
FVesH and Cured Meat,
Poultry 9 Oysters, sund
I&verytRSng Sn tKe Meect Lritxe & &
Give us your order for poultry, we guarantee satisfaction.
Yours for Business
W. F, LorenZ; Dakota City. Neb.
New Lend Opened
Irrigated B& Goverixtrvent
Big Horn. Basin
The Government will open for entry 0300 acres of choice
irrigated farm land at Powell,
ten payment plan without interest.
The Government now allows graduated payments, requiring,
only a small part of the total, during the first live years; thereby
giving the settlers a chance to improve his farm bafore paying,
veiy much of the water charge.
A NEW FOLDER telling all about this opening and con
taining a map of the Shoshone Project, showing lands filed on
and lands lo be opened on Apiil 22nd, will be sent free upon
request r Don't fail to $et this.
If you prefer n 320 acre Free Mondell homestead send for
our new Free Government Lands folder.
Plenty of moisture tliiw nr; pnw is tho time to. get w form, Write today .
L). Olom
'She Herald:
i. - .t. I aul.a nmnitrtmnft ftnlifaa FvurV Customer ttt SUCCCSS
To crow faying crop, you muit hnvo good Inn. Jo bo toiittvt that your treot .8I "f'.i1
lih thla. t Breati.t iiarterrln tho United BUUo-a Arm. famd for ita honeat poUcy for ovtr
uarfrooniiri-Mifoara. Btatk tree utoJoui from mu to B.UUJ an acre. (Mrai
ann r inn Clo.l Tn "lOO wTen-yeor-old 8nrk Dellcloui apple trees "J5
.ODD From 1UU SlarK lree3 a,OOOfirlliilrowiicr,Mr.lloller.hUjrear,ttuaWULN
t . .. if ia. jikj ki..i.. tfVno- 11 n kill n extntl.
PI Ifl'wl IVI'll IT l.lllV."Ml!lr.V. 'I . 11. A
llMililiia buylfm ouarantted
t&o famoas Mark bictai b
uud jeara ot practical tzptritnet,
imvn nail iiolu aoientiao
Stark Prices Lowered for 1912
uvular looaiui, uen piaa;ins
10 cntt ptr tret
cluaptr than faif vtarf
Iu Quality of any
miiiinn.doilflr nuMorY
' 'Z i 1 .
Two Great Books
si,ru v.ar ibttb
...iiii. (i , nr tin. or,.t..t
i i ' . .., .1.
" Von get tho auTlni. blaik Pellc ooa la tbo moat aenaatlonal aloe In I
TSfcv iSher Varl'aiik aa.ai "Uellcloaa la a 8V. '(" arpl in h U
I BoolrEW3t
Vmvfr, iGWWl
mb, l Jf
vszfli& yy
nx -vcity Tin;
I . ""7 Tf IwIIihIhI
Wyo., on April 22, 1912, on the
Uoavor, Immigration Agent
only $1 a
UVlIiOUria 11 IV ail 11 VUUUWI w -
BnrvteMl of
treoa at lout Jol.enoi5 "to uui.-r,.w.- ...-.
tarlita who
.!nitlon nJ. .till txtttsr. hae the knowledge which oomca only
from year
your jwr
n. They ad.lie jou fru vf eHarpt aa to imomi "" "
or 1911.
o l-'no
Ilea t ha
emanii lor tstaru iwiiupua on
d tone lower the ooat ot p roductlon.
thn fralt arorld.
worU. It U tho
apple I have ao far tcated.
i..tf,. - u... n.. ,l,.a l.ahln.1 Aran Kflflr nHVinfC.
I'eVHIUH Mtl.rvvr-.v ...,- .,.-. --- -
bohlnd men tttoiaout made and evory fltark tree aold
Exclusive Features f iven siarK uustomers ment kiiix. rvsvtr-
prlrca for 1018. Freo Uooka. ICrcloilvo Htnrk yailetlea ot Prlo-'n,Pn
Irelt. Va.tuallyrefrlitjrator freight acrtlco. ,Uhtpaldonordera,10m
nr mare. I'roe hoilna-Vroe packloir. Quarnnteodeale arrival ot treoa. .Ihree-
Iho Stark Orchard Planting Boot, the aplendlil work
of o
nro imill tllEli. ILo orcuata olantina dook ia uio va-
peolal Borrlce uepartment, ana too u-
hortlrulturlita ot today, not an advertlaement, oat n prao
...... In... n.1 n uvlnnAv KI
CONI)I.Si:i blAUU VljAlt liuuiv, ooe uemg Tri ijuio oiuiu.
rial auu uqiuu or nam ami. ipk. ki .f f 'w v iy w
ituoi.rc.'ioied. 'IhsyBtiiourlriHiBltttoyou, tttlto.
CO.. t UnWw. MMW
n J
: sure rate
'f '1