3 Ma&Hiq V-w i'-b W fIVmk KwA . Jk! r VB LY W rwTE .. 1 jaj. mrzmc i m m m mmm mrm r .aUisSUfclME- fcw V .p av L & L. .r V & ei MMMBk HE flfioonlh ot December, JBk 1911, was the Utno sot for f ftj tho formal adoption of ono v H of tho most Important inter- H national conservation mens- y-ri Hj r uros that has over boon of- ventlon or treaty concluded at Washington on July 7, 1911, by tho United States, Great Britain, Russia, and Japan, tho fur Beals of tho north Pacific Ocean will re ceive for tho first tlmo a form of protection that has been Bhown to bo absolutely necessary, and Is gunran anteed by theso four groat powers for a term of IB years. Tho agreement prohibits absolutely pelagic senllng, or tho killing of fur seals whllo in tho water, and places tho legitimate killing of surplus malo seals on land under tho direct control of tho governments Interested. This convention lnsureB tho rescue of tho depleted fur-seal herds from commercial ex tinction; prohibits tho citizens or subjects of tho contracting powers from engaging In a wasteful, cruel occupation, and removes a long-standing disturbance of International good will. Fur seals Inhabit certain parts of both tho northern and southorn hemispheres, but the most important herds live in tho north PucMc, represent three distinct but closoly related spe cies, and are known as tho Alaskan, Russian and Japanese fur seals, respectively. Although tho northern seals roam widely on tho high seas, they always resort for breeding purposes to certain deflnlto bits of land, and it is this habit which gives particular nations property rights in them and has created several inter national complications. Tho Japanese seals visit no land except Rob ben Island and certain Islands of the Kurllo chain; tho Russian seals novor go to other shores than those of tho Commander Islands, oft tho coast of Kamchatka; and tho Alaskan seals, after distributing themselves over the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean as far south as southorn California, mako an annual pil grimage to islands In Pterin? Sea, Of all tho fur seals, the most numerous and important are those ot Alaska, which camo to tho United States with all the othor resources of the territory when Russia ceded her Juris diction. Tho Alaskan fur seals have for many years boon tho subject of protracted nntlonal and International discussion, and during the years 1910 and 1911 came In for an unusual amount of attention. In addition to tho con sideration received during the diplomatic nego tiations resulting in tho treaty already men tioned. Congress has enacted a now law re lating to the seal Islands, a new dispensation has como in tho administration of tho islands, and tho government as represented by tho Bureau of Fisheries has for the first time en gaged in tho business of talcing and market ing seal skins. The "new dispensation" includes permanent scientific observation and control of tho herd, discretionary authority to suspend all killing, and discretionary power to leaso tho scaling privileges or to exploit them as a government monopply. Tho only land to which the Alaskan fur seals over resort Is the group of small, rocky Islands lying In Bering Sea 215 miles north of Una laska Island, tho nearest land. Theso bits of bleak land have come to bo popularly known as tho Seal Islands, from their most conspic uous feature; but among geographers they are callod tho Prlbllof Islands, In honor of tho Russian navigator who, in 1786, whllo In the employ of a Kamchatkan trading company, followed the migrating seals and ascertained for the first tlmo whero thoy resorted. At tho time of tho discovery of the Prlbllofs there wero no human Inhabitants. As soon as tho Russians began to take sea skins thoy transferred thereto from tho Aleutian Islands a number of natives to do tho manual labor, and from time to tlmo established small colo nies at various convenient points. Tho present population numbers about 300 on the two Islands. When tho seal islands camo into our custody the fur seals thereon constituted the most val uable aquatic resourco that any government over possessed. Owing to tho immense body of animals present and tho difficulty of count ing with any degree ot accuracy, estimates of tho size of tho herd at that time necessarily differ widely, tho extremes being two million and seven million. It Is safo to assume that tho number was between two and a half and four million, distributed on 20 to 30 rookeries. At tho close of tho season of 1911 tho Alaskan seal herd consists of not more than 150.000 Individuals of all ageB. This appalling dwindling of tho herd has occasioned much concorn and has subjected tho government to much unfavorable criticism, because tho government has exercised full and continuous control during all tho Intervening years up to tho present dato. It will bo seen, however, that the criticism 1b not justified, for tho reason that the decline and decimation of tho herd camo through causes operating when the seals were on tho high seas and beyond tho protecting caro of tholr foster father. It is furthermore a fact that tho government took activo steps to securo adoquato protection for tho sealB when away from tho Pribllofa, and that its efforts wcro frustrated chlofly by tho results of; an unfortunato International arbitration. Although the seals aro easily killed by tho methods adopted by man for tholr destruc tion on soa and land, thoy are capable of with standing great privation and of undergoing extraordinary muscular exertion. To maintain themselves during winter in the tempestous north Pacific without resorting to emr seal Abundant Hticfli M Siiiilli tatesDenmv Qomwissionerof m? Zfixhprfpf cr s-tgy L--'- --- " """ f- . " -iiib ..isp. :, , A , 5 ?"? Sssmur -r7 v--fl yuatt uvmuAa -, VJ&J&ih .mmmmiEmJiK :. - mumm iICP,?L", . rrV.-'r5,'(f.vV, .m v7sS35CiiiL. . . Tfc..1. "- -r"-. J ., fJBJ?aHBnSflSBasSSBaasSSSSSSJbX. X WWS&M). fH? ;. xl--v" t-;Jnu; ,3. -.. -! VaHllHHS-'TZftr 7 Jlffl W&SfamSSSi . A 1" M" ' imiOIW" An " l I' ' w A yMwmMmmmnmy ii .VAM7 V. -r -t . . v - - - a-'i , 1 't.ii.tr. . 'I I II , H I' I II I ' HomeTbujn iTHeipsT- III I IIIMll II Ml Baking Ecoriom. ar tK tm of ix-rffldt UaWtiff pawflr iiifl iiousowuo can ucnvo na mucn econ- emy pa from any othtr rtlo)9 uwi ij bftklnr And cooking. In selecilnr n baff lne powder, therefor, cars should bo x trclited to purohaso on that retains Its, n original strength and always remains same, thus tnaklnr the food sweet Trho1nm and producing; sufficient. leaT' same, thus ttiAklng the food sweet an enlng ens to make tho baktng light. Very little of this leavening una Is pro ved bv the elif on linUlnir nowilnj. mflk. !nc It n"?esary to hko ioutU the ouan pjm JBAO&XOX, m w,y CTOWllAJJMD Glf 2M &MAGH: land is in itself no small accomplishment for air-breathing animals. The females, leaving the Islands in Novembor, go further Bouth than any other members of tho herd, and In December appear off southern California, where they remain until March. They then begin their long return Journey, renchlng tho islands early in Juno. Within two days of their arrival on the rook eries tho cows givo birth to their pups. Not until ten or twolvp days havo elapsed do thoy return to tho wator or take any food. Then, after washing and playing near tho islands, they malco their first long trip to tho feeding grounds, coming back to tho rookeries after three or four days. Thereafter throughout tho season tho cows mako regular feeding .trips at intervals of fivo to ton days. Tho seals subsist chiefly on squid, but also on herring, smelt, salmon, pollock, and other kinds of fish, which aro caught and caton in tho water. They havo prodigious appetites and gorge thomsolves whenovor the opportu nity comes. On tho approach of cold weather, tho cows and pups leave tho islands togothor. Up to that time tho pups havo subsisted solely on milk, and they then havo to learn to catch their own food, consisting of flBh and squid. Inasmuch as tho natural mortality among tho pups In tholr first year Is fully 50 per cent, it in ovident that thy experience many vicissi tudes In tho tempestous sens to which they commit themselves. Tho males follow shortly after, but somJ remain about tho Islands throughout tho winter In mild seasons, nnd tho natives always depend on seals for food in December and January. Fur ncala and hnlr fenl have always been regarded as legitimate objects of exploitation, and all governments having real or assumed proporty rights In herds of seals havo sanc tioned tholr killing, under restriction, for fur, leather, oil, food, etc. Beginning in 1780 and continuing until tho salo of Alaska, Russians wore almost contin uously engaged In killing fur seals on the Prlbllof Islands. In tho earlier years there was a promiscuous scramblo among rival compa nies, so that to maintain order nnd proporly regulate tho taking of sealB the government waB forced In 1799 to glvo tho privilege to a Blnglo company, created by Imperial decree and having among Its shareholders members of tho imporlal family and tho nobility. TIiIb association, known as tho Russian-American company, enjoyed a monopoly of this bUBlneas ns long as Russia had control of AlaBka. An ukaso Issued by Alexander I In 1821 for the regulation of tho company had as ono of Its features tho prohibition of foreign vessels within 100 miles ot tho Russian coasts and islands. This ukaso Involved Russia in a dis pute with tho United Stales nnd Great Britain, resulting in tho treaties of 1824 and 1825, which recognized Russia's clnlm to Jurisdiction over tho whole of Boring Soft, Okhotsk Sea, and other wntor Inclosed by Russian torrltory. From tho outset the company placed a ra tional limit on tho number of nnimals killed each year, and In tho light of later experience it is evident that tho herd would havo been fully able to sustain the annual harvest ot skins If theso hnd boon taken only from tho males. But males -and females alike wero slaughtered In ignoranco or disregard of tho polygamous chnracter of tho seals, and as early as 180C It was necessary to suspend operations for two yenrs In ordor to permit tho herd to recuporato. Whon killing was resumed, howovor, It was along tho samo destructive lines, and the mighty fur-seal host continued to dwlndlo un til by 1834 Its numbers wero reduced to one fifteenth or ono-twentloth of thoso proscnt In tho first years after tho discovery of tho Islands. Tho suspension of all killing for a term of years then ensued, and by tho time Operations wero resumed tho company officials had como to rcallzo that tho fomales should ho protected, and later tho sacrifice of old bulla and young pups was stopped. Tho result was a romarkablo recupuriitlon nnd Increase In tho hord that afford a valid basis for tho beliof that speedy recovery of the decimated herds of Alaska, Russia, and Jnpnn may follow tho elimination of lh factor re sponsible for their present comllU"", namely, tho indiscriminate killing of males and females at sea. Whon Russia ceded her Jurisdiction over Alaskn, tho. Prlbllof fur-seal herd had at tained a degree of prosperity closely approach ing its condition at the tlmo of Its discovery, and wo thus camo Into possession of a ro eourco but Il.ttlo Impaired and had a knowl edge of its significant history to gufdo us In Its treatment. it Is a cause for congratulation that no coun try has dealt with Kb seal life In a moro intel ligent, humane, und zealous mannor than the United States, and It waB a cruel fate that for bo many yeara rendered our efforts futllo. Tho only occasion whon there was any laxity In our administration of tho seal Islands Was dur ing tho first years of our possession, when tho govornmont was still unorganized anywhoro In tho territory and various prlva(o companies landed parties on tho Prlbllofs and took seal skins without any govornmont supervision or restriction. It was In that year that tho larg est killing in the history of tho Islands was mado; tho number of skins obtnlnod was prob ably not lcsB thnn 300,000, nnd mny havo rcachod 375,000; but this tako was not Indis criminate, was confined to bachelors, and hac no effect on tho permunenco ot tho hurd. Although the Indiscriminate killing or seals in the e?n had boon going on from very early times, this business was not extensive, wna conducted by nntlvt'8 "slug sponra In tholr ennoes, and hnd no appreciable effect on tho herd. Special Inquiry mado by tho government showed that In different years from 70 to over 90 per cent ot tho soals killed nt sea, either on tho northwest coast or In Boring Sea, wero females. What polaglc hunting then meant to tho seal hord when so largo a licet wna engaged, and what It Iiub meant recently whon tho floet was larger in proportion to the number of Boala. may be appreciated whon It Is stntod (1) thnt for every sual killed and secured by the hunt ers not loss tlmn two seals woro killed and lost bocnuso Uiey sank boforc the hunters could luy hold ot thorn, whllo many that wero woundod and escaped dlod lator; (2) that for ovory adult fomnlo k'.Ucd on tho way to tho luinn.in In Biirlm: an unborn pup wna sacri ficed; (3) that for .every female killed after tho hord had reached tho Islands a pup on shore wns left to die a lingering death by starvation, and a pup to bo born tho next Ben son was llkowlso sacrificed. Tho govermiH-nr was not slow to realize tlto damago dono to tho seal herd by polaglc seal ing, and was led to assume Jurisdiction over tho entlro American sldo of Bering Son and to regard as poachers any persons found hunting seals therein. The selzuro ot vessels Hying tho United States and British flags followed, and there uropn a controversy with Groat Brit ain, which culminated In tho roforonco of tho caso to an International tribunal of arbitration thnt met in Pnrls In 1893. Tho award of tho arbitration court wns agalnBt tho United States on both of tho main contentions, namoly, tho Boring Sen Is a closed Boa, and that tho prop erty right In the kau! herd warranted tho gov ernment In protecting mo scaia wmio on i high seas. Since tho award of tho ParlB tribunal tho caso of tho fur-seal herd has gono from bud to worse. The United States govornmont early showed Us good faith by prohibiting Its citi zens from engaging In tho lucratlvo industry of polaglc sealing; but the subjects ot all othor countries wero pormlttcd to do so, nnd It wns tho Injection of a new fnctor, Japan, that con tributed moro than any othor causo to tho decimation ot our Boal hord. Tho fur-soal problom with which tho United Stntcs governmont now has to' doal presents sovoral phaBes. Tho moat important duty tho reBponsiblo officials havo to perform Is to con serve nnd Innronso tho soal hord. This In volves continuous caro, study, and observa tion; tho determination of tho actual condition nnd needs of tho hord, and tho application ot tho resultB of scientific nnd economic investi gation to tho wolfaro of tho sealo. A scarcely less important duty, and ono that Is In no rospoct antagonistic to tho first, 1b to provide a rovonuo and to utilize a highly usoful rosourco at tho tlmo whon that resourco pos sesses tho greatoat market value. ThlB In volves tho Judicious killing of tho malo sealB when thoy nrc two or throo years old and the disposal of tholr polts to tho best advantage. A third duty Is to ascertain what aro tho real needs of tho holploSs nntlvo Inhabitants of tho seal Islands, and to lv thorn tho air .that Is best suited for tholr montal, moral and physi cal nnturos. Recent criticism of tho government's policy of tnklng tho skins of aoals In view of tho de pleted condition of tho herd is basod on defi cient knowlcdgo. Tho fur seal being a highly polygamous animal, and males nnd fomales bo In:: lrn In equal numbers, it follows, that un der tho conditions thut havo prevailed arid Btlll contlnuo tho numbor of males produced Ih far In excess of tho requirements of nature for the perpetuation of tho species. Tho preservation nnd lncreaso of tho soal herd Is entlroly compatible with Judicious Bac rlflco of a limited numbor of young malo Bonis each year, ami this Is quite as truo whon the hord Is doplctcd as when the rookeries aro crowded to tlioir full capacity. When tho pres ence of n sufficient reserve Is dotermlnod by responsible odlcors of tho govornmont, the utilization of tho surplus males for their pelts and Incidentally for native food Is Justified and demnndod by common sonso, and fulfills tho utmost domnnds of both tho spirit nnd tho lottor of gonulno conservation. If not a slnglo mnlo seal wero to bo killed on tho Islands or nt soa during tho next five yenrs, not a slnglo additional aoal would 'bo produced as a result of that course. If not a single malo seal wero to bo killed on the lehinda or at sea during tho next 20 years, not a slnglo seal would bo nddod to tho hord that will not bo added If tho present policy of re stricted killing of surplus males is continued. MEANS END OF SMALL TOWN William Allen White Sounds Warning Analtut the Dig City Retail Mail Order Houses. Writing to tho convention of tho Southwestern Lumberman's nasocIa tlon. held recently nt Knnsnn City, William Allen Wlilto aays: "1 mn exceedingly sorry that 1 can not attend your convention. It Booms j to mo that tho lumbermen ot this section nro undertaking a work thnt should commend them to all good cltl- I zona. L J'Tho nroHAi'vntlnn of tho homo trado to tho liomo town cnrrlos with it tho preservation of many of oui American institutions. "It Booms to mo thnt n lot of good things in Amcricnn lito will pass if tho country town passes. And it will pass Just bo surely as centralization of rotall mall ordor business In cities continues. , "Tho American country town, tho town of from on hundred to ono hun dred thoiiRnml peoplo, preserves bet tor thnn tho crowded city and bottor than tho lonely ranch nnd isolated farm llfo, tho things thnt mako Amer ica great. "Hero in thoso country towns the spirit of nolghborllncsn la tho prevail ing spirit. Men como to know ono nnother and whon any two human bo lnga como to knoW ono nnother, In tho ono who 1b Intelligent nnd wiso respect always rises for tho other. To know ono's follows always is to sympnthlzo with thorn. Nolghborli- nosB spells fraternity. "Tho Amorlcan country town with Its brond clrclo of friendships, with Its close, homely, Mmple rolaUona be tween men, with lta spirit of co-opor-ntlon and with its economic, status that permits tho creation ot no In decently rich and no nbjoctly poor, tho Amerlcnn country town, It scorns to mo, Is tho most hopeful of our Amorlcan institutions. "To destroy that town, furnishing tho market for tho farmer and giving Btcady employment to lnbor, moans a reorganization of our commor&inl, so cial and, industrial llfo thn will bo revoluttonnry nnd moro a mnttor of doubtful value. , "Tho mall ordor house thorotoro be comos a monnco to this country, tho mall ordor houso unrestrained will n tlty ordinarily reaulrcd to secure good re sults. You cannot experiment every tlmo you make a cakn or biscuits, or test th Strength ot your baking powder to flnit out how much oMt you should use; yet with most baking powders you should da this, for they are put together no oara leesty they aro never uniform, tho quality -nnd strcnctlvvaxsJs; with each can pur chased. Calumet llaklng Powder Is mado of chemically pure Ingredients of tested strength. Experienced chemists put It UB. The proportions of the different material remain always tho same. Bealed In air tight cans Calumet Baking Powder do not alter In strength nnd Is not affects . by ftimospncric ennnges. in using Calumet you aro hound to harp mml. enko or biscuits, as Caltl met does not contain any aheap, uielei or nduUefStins"1ngred!ents bo common! used to increase the weight. Further,. II produces pure, wholesome rood nna is . baking powder of rare merits therefore m recommended by leading physicians andj chemlsta. It compiles with oil the JuW foci larr. hn RTATE and NATIONAIi. rom hr era-l in h iroods are modem n price, um wlijr lady purchasing Calumet from hr e cer. It not satisfied with It can return and have her money reiunuea. A woman thlnkB a man Ib extrava gant bocnuso ho would an soon pay l. for anything ho wants as 98 cental To restore o-normal notion to I4ver, Klin Roys, Htomach and Bowels, Ufcs OarSoliS Tea h mild hotb laxatlTO. All druffgltU.; When a man Is completely wrapped) up In himself tho package Is apt toj bo small. ' "Fink Kye" Is Bpldemtc In th Hprlng. Try Marine Ere Remedy for Reliable Relief. What dught not to bo dono, do not von think of doing. Epictotus. t Sioux Gity Directory "Hub of the) Northwett." GOING TO BUILD? IKE LTTIE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Sl.n Cb. Itwa can helpyou. ptore buildings, churches, school houses ami large residences erected etery wnerej HUMPHREYS STEAM DYE WORKS LARGEST IN WMT .... DRY CLEANING & DYEIN8.0UR SPECIALTY- EI7 PIERCE STREET SIOUX CITY. I0W,' CLEANlNGandDYEINB In all Its branch nio.Uru tnatbods. Espresa Said one way on t3 orders. W. C. DAVENPORT) 0., Doth Phones 2877,417 DouglMSt.,SiouCltr.tl l.sfifn Young people to Btndy, MS nil la aregg Buortaana, Tie Tfl U 1 I nil graph? and llookkeep- kill our smaller towua, cronwiis great cities with their terrible contrnsts ot llfo, with their cruol social relations, with their Inevitable casto fooling thnt como from tho i(rcsonco of Btrangora who aro rich and poor living nldo by side." Ing. Indlrldual Instruo m to write for booklet. NATL BUSINESS TRAlNlNB SCHOOL. Sloiu City, la. The English 8parroW. Tho fact that insect-eating birds arc lcsn plentiful In cltlca is truo, but 1 ImjIIovo that tho conditions aro rap- Idly Improving, oaya a writer on clvlo bcautyA Intelligent nature Btudy has dono much to J rii Ino uiuO" c sc Binnll boy who formerly used hlB sling shot and nlrsuii to Buch harmful ad vantage. It is probable, too, that tho English sparrow has done nearly as much as tho Bmnll boy to mnko the llfo of Bong birds miserable In tho cities. I doubt, howovor, if tho Bparrow is no black as ho is painted, and I sadly foar that somo published opinions of him havo beon blnsod by tho writers' ioB ot early morning Bl??p, I know for n fact that tho English oparrow Ib far moro of an insoct-oatlng bird than he ban tho credit of being. I havo obsorved them extensively nnd bird for bird I know that ho Ib a more valuablo bpocIcb from an onto mologlcal standpoint than is our -well-bclovcd robin. Wcro it not for tho Joy tho red' breast brings whon ho comes to us with each returning spring, I think that wo could do with out him vory nicely. Ho destroys few injurious insects, eats much fruit, and literally gorges himself on our 'soil Improving ilshlng worms. Ono moro Influence against tho pres- enco of birds in cities should not go unmentloncd. Tho peaceful (In day tlmo) houBo cat ia one of tho worst' oncmles of blrdB wo havo, and should be UHttlshod. PEERLESS CHICK FOOD PEERLESS POULTRY FOOD AKRON MILLING CO, Sioux City, Is, AWNINGS.TENTS Stack Coven, etc. TENTS TO RENT G. E. Martk Co.,M7JacktMSt.f SiouCky.kJ i r.P. HOI,TARBON, l'rlntarsi 417 Fourth &trt, (UooxCtty. loirs RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS, STENCIL of all kinds, DaUns Btaaps, Marking On fltm, Bta. Writ or.caU for what 70a woi' Soda Fountains and agpplia. Wo sell the Chesterman Co., Dept F, Sioux City, I WOOLFSON'S STEAM DYE WORKS Suits cleaned and pressed for M AA Express paid ono way. P W 4lO Cth A SIS VJ 7th, Sioux City, la. FLAXSEED FOR SOWING jUI tndteattoca are that tbo srloe of flux seed wilt oonunae bliti. hence a profitable crop to put In tnlg nr, Ws oiler Md for sowing at K.UJ per umbel la bafoS AMERICAN LINSEED CO.- R0GKL1N ft LEHMAN FLORISTS SIOUX OITY IOWA Frith Cut Fltwira It FUral Embltmt OV ALL DESCRIPTION ON SHORT. NOTICE. Order by Mall, Telephone or Telegraph. OUR PRICKS ARE RIQHT4 To Merchants Only Crockery, China, Gla9sware,L&mp3. HotclDishes,FountninSupplies,otc, Wholesalers and Manufacturing Agents. Write for catalog or salesman. SlOUXulf CROCKERY CO., 309-311 N.kSt., SioBJtCky.U. Double Decking Streets. Chlof Bnglnoer Goodrich of tho bu. roau ot lncumhrnncofl of tho depart ment of hlghwnys, Ndw York, hna pro posed n plnn for tho doublo docking of FV)rty-Becond street, Now York, bo twoon Fifth und Islington avenue. Tho tttroot Is ono of tho moat con gested In tho city, thoro being proba bly no plaoo in tho world whoro bo hinny systems of transportation con- tor ns hero. Tho doublo docking of tho street will glvo nn opportunity for soparntlng tho traffic, to say nothlngj of at onco doubling tho capacity ot tho street Horo IB r problom which will havo to be mot and successfully' solvod, ns tho modorn ofllco building, 20 to 30 stories in height, gradual replaces tho oldor buildings. Somo of tho downtown streets of Now York aro already congostod almost to a BtnndBtlll, so that traffic at tlmos is, nearly impossible. !H YOUR HAIR WITH DeLUTH'S GOLDEN DANDRUFF DESTROYER AND HAIR TONIC before too late. Wigs and Toupees to matok and ftt any bead. DeLUTH GOLDEN TOILET CO.. !6 GmIs fcthuss Bide, Slow City, lows, or you druggist. Complete Treatment, tHMtlixUd 11.30.- CLAROX THE BRICK WITH A NAME MM. by SIOUX CITY BRICK & TILE WORK For Sals Or Your Lumberman Held Prisoner All Morning School Teacher's Visitor Long Occu pied Undignified, Not to Say Em barrassing, Position. Tho vlllago schoolmaster had In curred the wrath of tho mother of ono of his scholars, nnd sho arrived at tho school nnd lnslstod on voicing her indignation loudly and Intermina bly, At first the master triod to pacify her with reasoning, but when at tho end of half an hour thcro was no sign of abatemont of tho storm ho took her gently but firmly by tho arm, guided her right out of tho porch, und lockod tho outermost door upon her. As master and scholars returned to their work, tho sound of angry expos tulations nnd of knockB and hammer ing upon tho door roachod them from tho distance, but tho much-tried man took no notice, thinking to himself, "Sho will go whon sho la tired of that." When at tho end of tho morning tho master went to unlock tho door, he found his enemy sitting calmly on tho ground, waiting for him with an expression on hor face that ballicsdo scrlption. Ho had shut hor skirt into tbo door when he locked it, and kopt hor a prisoner all tho morning! 8trange Reunion of Veterans. When MaJ. Uoorgo KdwardB Mon taguo Hastings of tho Drltlsh army "Vi ' ;h nnishod dinner at tho Hotol Astor, Now York, ho was surprised to Hnd a Ilttlo gray-balrcd man in the lobby standing at attention with ,hla band to his forehead ns ho passed out of tho dining-room. Ho stopped to learn tbo reason for tho snluto and found that tho man, I'oter Farroli, who Is n watchman in tho hotol, had fought with him in a battlo with tho Hulus in 1878 whon a majority of tho Kng llsh party was ktllod. It was tho first time tho two men had met since the battlo. Tho two mon fnlrly fell upon each othor whon they had told tholr names. For moro than threo hours thoy dls cussod tho mcmornblo battlo. Wbon thoy parted both agreed that thoy wanted to soo ench other again. Heading Him Off. "Mamma, why Is It that tho women novor havo any Bocret socletlos?" "You nro too youug to undorstnnd, darling but don't ask your papa or I shall not bring homo tho box or candy I promised you." Value of Street Illumination. Urging tho extension of lighting Borvlco along country highways, and1 in smnll villages, tho Electric llovlow says: "Tho tendency of tho times Is toward bottor stroot Illumination; roal ostnto values rlso and outsido' residents aro attracted by it; and apart from tho reduction of accldonts. nnd tho Improved conditions of pub lic safety afforded, tho rural commu-, nlty as a Hvo center If It dovotos a roasonnblo Bum yearly to meeting tho, lighting problom with courage nnd far slghtedncss." Electric) Light Plants for farms and towns. All H'nds pf . electric fixtures and supplies. Electric Supply Co., 525 Sib,' Slotix CRy, Is. You Get Value Received When You Buy TDIIPysaf W W The kind wtth the I p YfiLLOWBiVND Sold by all grocers, tho bands are yafuable n Club to Promote Clvlo Beauty. Tho exccutlvo commlttoo ot tho Oak Park (111.) Citizens' club has formod a bureau for listing nil vacant lots In, tho villngo to be ronted for uso ns Howor gardens. Tho nlm is to mako beautiful places out of what havo been hitherto weed patches. AUTO TIRE REPAIRING Prlooa Rlsht Work Guaranteed WeSpecIaliie netreadlng,KelInlng,audrepaU tug, etc. Agentafor KellT-SpriusQeld 'fires an4' tubes. We carry a complete line ot Auto Acces sories. Write (or catalogue. HALLER BROS. AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO., 621 PatlSt..8louClti,ls. M. (EL L. DENTISTS 421 4th Street Sioux City, la Gold or Porcelain Orowua ta.CO( Brldg Work, per tooth W.W. rainless Extraction, All work guaranteed Btat equipped Dntal ObUcm In Sioux Cltj. . Ilfl.i "781 :M it ..-it: I 41 Wtl u "31 n, h ill u. ,1 i , n n 1 -fl 1 XI if t '-,1 J. .(ft k gu-.y