DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD. ' MOTTO AH The News When It I New. . VOL. 20. State Historical Society DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1012. NO. 20. 1 f ft v - f . wL r I A Wfc. IS' ;- 5 1 T I POSSE KILLS THREE TWO ESCAPED CONVICTS AND FARMER THEY FORCE TO AID THEM 8LAIN. THIRD FELON IS CAPTURED Last Member of the Gang Which Killed Officials of the Nebraska Penitentiary Caught After a Des perate Running Fight. Omaha, Neb. As the result of a pittlo between the bandits and law g&cors John Dowd and John Taylor, tolas "Shorty" Gray, two of the con WctB who escaped last Thursday from tho state penitentiary at Lincoln, and (Roy Blunt, an Innocent victim of tholr murderous attempt to gain liberty, are dead. Taylor was slain by a posse. It is belloved Dowd alBO was killed by the posse, but his surviving companion says he committed suicide. Charles Morloy, the third of tho trio, saved his life by surrendering to the officers, with whom lie had fought a running battle for two and a half I miles over country roads with horses on the gallop. Armed with shotguns and revolvers,, while their pursuers had repeating' rlfleB, the convicts were within a few' miles of Omaha, whero they expected, to find fiionds who would shield them,; when the fatal battle took place. Early in the day the telephone op erator at Gretna, IB miles south of ;thl8 city, gavo tho alarm of the pres ence In that vicinity of tho desperate jmen. Six posses soon were ready to attempt the capture. These included a band of Omaha detectives and pa trolmen, Sheriff McShane of thlB coun ty and his deputies and Sheriff Hyers and his deputies from Lincoln. Sher iff ChaBe of Sarpy county, with his' doputles, are also within striking dis tance. South Omaha sent two posses under Chief of Police Driggs and the Gretna company of tho National Guard; jwas on the scene. Chief Brlggs of South Omaha and his deputy, John C. Trouton, wore lead ers in the party which overtook and vanquished tho three convlcfis and shot Blunt, tho Innocent victim. Brlggs left this city on an early special train' with several Omaha police officers. All left the train at Springfield and there learned of the movements of ,tho convicts. fc'lght miles from Omaha the otllcers caught up with tho vehicle carrying the convicts, near Mowlnkle school., i?oung Blunt was forced to lash bis torsos Into a run, but the officers kept up tho chaso. When they were within a hundred yards of the pursued men Brlggs and Trouton opened fire with their rifles. Tho convicts replied. There was a halt when young Blunt topplod back into tho wagon, tho vic tim of a bullet Chief Brlggs Jumped from his buggy and fired at tho men In the wagon. Other members of the posse Joined In the fusillade. John Dowd was tho next to fall. Taylor fell tho next instant Chief Brlggs shouted to Morloy: "Drop that gun or I'll blow your head off." Morloy, who held a big revolver, dropped the weapon and Brlggs or dered him to come forward with hands up. This Morley did, when, Brlggs took a second revolver from one of his pockets. Briggs demanded that Morley surrender tho other men In tho wagon. "They are all dead," said Morley. Tho bodies of tho convicts were turned over to Sheriff Hyers of Lin coln, and that of young Blunt to his family. Hyera took Morley back to Lincoln. BOILER BLAST K!' S 32 Locomotive Wrecks tho Southern Pa cific Roundhouse at San Antonio Bodies Blown Into Bits. San Antonio, Tex. At least thirty two men were killed and parts of their bodies strewn for blocks around when a big passenger cngino In tho South ern Pacific shops blew up here. Tho engine stood In a square formed by the copper-house, blacksmith-shop and roundhouse, all of which wore wrecked. A portion of the locomotive crashed Into a house seven blocks away and seriously hurt a woman. AVIATORS' BOMBS KILL TURKS Italians Drop Explosives From Army Aeroplanes With Deadly Accuracy Ten Are 8laln. Benghazi, Tripoli. Bombs dropped from an aeroplane belonging to tho Italians killed ten Arabs In a Turkish camp some distance from this city. The aeroplane, driven by an army aviator and carrying an officer as pas nger, left the Italian camp and flew t a considerable altitude into the nWrt, whero a strong Turkish and jfkrab encampment was found in a well-sheltered position. Southern Trains Delayed. JVashlngton. Traffic on tho South ern railway, which has boon so para lyzed during tho last forty-eight hours by tho heavy rain, Is gradually assum ing its normal condition. AH trains from tho south arc running hours be hind becauso of tho damago done by tho rain to roadbeds and brirtgos. Rear Admiral Mqfville Dead. Philadelphia. Hear Admiral Gcorgo "W. Melville, rotlrod, englnoor in chlor of tho United States navy, died here at tho ago of eoventy-onc years. SIDNA ALLEN IS SHOT SLAYER OF JUDGE FALLS IN BATTLE. "Xivr.o Members of Virginia Outlaw Gang That Killed Court Offl- clals Taken. Hlllsvillo, Va. A measure of ven geance was meted out lo tho Virginia outlaws In tho mountain fastnesses near here. Sldna and Floyd Allen, two of the chiefs of tho band which rode to the Carroll county courthouse and assas sinated Judgo Masslc, Prosecutor Fob ter and Sheriff Webb, aro In custody, both wounded severely. Sldna Allen's wife is dead. She was shot in a battlo with a posso In tho mountains while helping defend her outlaw husband. The fifth death was that of Miss Nancy Ayres, nlnotoon years old. Sho was shot accidentally during tho fu sillade in the courthouse. All the free members of tho assas sin band, probably eighteen, are up In tho mountains toward the North Car olina lino. They are well armed and determined not to be captured. Attorney General Williams, who Is here, declared that Sldna Allen's bul 'lets killed Judge Masslo. Floyd Allen, the cause of the trng ledy, was taken to tho lockup under a heavy guard. He slashed his throut with a pockctknlfo, but his wound is not serious. His son Victor, Cabell Strickland nnd Byrd Marion, wore locked up as witnesses. WILL TRY 54 MEN TOGETHER Judge Anderson at Indianapolis De cides Against Separate Trials In Dynamite Conspiracy Case. Indianapolis, Ind. All tho defend ants indicted for violation of federal statutes governing transportation of explosives, C4 In number, must go to trial in one cause October 1, accord ing to tho final ruling of Judgo A. B. Anderson after ho had heard argu ments of attorneys for the defense on a motion for separate trials. In tho consolidation of the cases the Indictments against 54 men are roprsed In one with 12S counts, 29 of which charge conspiracy to violate tho statutes forbidding carrying of dynamite and nitroglycerin on pas senger trains nnd 100 charge direct violation by the defendants both as abettors of and principals with Ortlo B. McManlgal, John J and James B. McNamara and Herbert S. Hockln. SHOOTS AT KING OF ITALY Anarchist Attempts Regicide as Ruler Leaves Palace for Humbert Mem orial Bulletc Wound Officer. Home, Italy. An attcmut was made to assassinate King Victor Emmanuel here. Several shots were fired at tho king, but all missed their target and his majesty escaped unhurt. His as sailant was arested. He gavo his naino as Antonio Dalba. The king was Just leaving tho pal ace on his way to the Pantheon to at tend tho annual momorial Bervlco In honor of his father, King Humbert, who was slain by an assassin at Monza July 20, 1900. Dalba fired several shots from be hind tho crowd in the street Ono of the officers of the king's body guard fell dangerously wounded. TWO LIABILITY BILLS PASS Conflict In Compensation Acts of Mich igan House and Senate Arrange for a Compromise. Lansing, Mich. Both houses of tho legislature passed worklngmen's com pensation bills, as recommended by Governor Osborn In his call for tho special session. Tho thirteen senators who have been standing In tho way of giving lmmcdlato effect to tho presidential primary bill on the ground that such action would bo unconstitutional, voted to glvo Immediate effect to a law prohibiting the "carrying of ten inch hatpins, slungshois, razors, and othor weapons." The'blll went through under suspension of tho rulos and tho house took similar action when It reached that body. TRAIN MESSENGER KILLS TWO Mallet and Gun Used to Slay Bandits Who Held Up Southern Pacific In Texas. San Antonio, Tex. A San Antonio express messenger named David A. Trucsdalo Is the hero of all Toxas. Starting unarmed and covered with two revolvers held by a masked train robber, ho emerged from obscurity flanked on either side by the body of a dead bandit That, in brief, sums up tho fatal error made by a pair of desperadoes when they attempted to hold up South ern Pacific train No. 9 at a lonely point In Texas. Bermudlan Defeats Rival Boat. New York. An ocean raco that last ed ull the way from Bermuda to this port ended when tho Bermudlnn reached her pier two hours bofore tho steamship Oceana had disembarked ber pasengers. "judge Pitney Takes Oath. Washington. Mahlon Pitney of Kdff! Jersey has takon tho oath and as sumed tho duties of associate Justlco of' tho Supremo court of tho United Slates a3 tho successor of Justice IParlan. A REGULAR TRY 10 KILL JUDGE ROSALSKY HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROM BEING BLOWN UP BY BOMB. SEES DANGER; CALLS POLICE Jurist's Library Wrecked and In spector Egan Badly Hurt by Explo sion That Follows When the Latter Opens Mailed Package. Now York. Judgo Otto A. Roaalsky of tho court of general session ramn within a hair's breath of being killed hero by a bomb rcceivod through tho mall. It was only a defect said to bo a small accumulation of dirt In the mechanism of tho infernal machine, which tho justice had unsuspectingly opened, that savod him from probable death or certain injury. Tho bomb later exploded while be ing examined by Inspector Owen Egan of the bureau of combustibles, sort ously Injuring tho official about tho face and hands. The library of tho apartment was wrockod. Tho Intended victim of tho explosion hns been given a great deal of pub licity lately In connection with tho Brandt caBe. It was Judge Rosalsky who sentenced Brandt to a 30-year term for burglary at Mbrtlraer L-. Schlff's home In 1907, and who recent ly reversed his action. ,Tho nttack upon tho Jurist is tho first case of such vlolenco attempted against n Judgo here within memory, and It set the whole machinery of tho police department speedily at work upon tho mystery. KILBANE IS GIVEN OVATION Featherweight Champion Greeted by 200,000 on His Arrival In Cleve land, His Home. Cleveland, O. Johnny Kllbano. featherweight champion of tho world, on his arrival home, received tho big gest welcomo ovor accorded a notablo in Cleveland, a crowd estimated nt be tween 150,000 and 200,000 strong, greotlng him at Union station when hiB train pulled in nnd lining tho streets ovor which tho parade passod. Cleveland was a solid mass of green from Public Square to tho wefitnrn limits of tho city. Tho pnrado which traversed tho down-town streets was more than two miles in length, nnd was1 rovlowed at the city hall by Mayor Baker and oth er officials, bb well as a number of state officials from Columbus. PUTS SUGAR ON FREE LIST House Passes Bill by Vote of 198 to 103 Measure Makes Big Cut In Revenue. Washington. The Democratic bill removing tho tariff entirely from sugar Imported into this country waB passed by tho house of representa tives by a voter of 198 to 103. According to the Democratic load ers the measure, If it becomes a law, will reduco tho price of sugar to con sumers about 1 cents a pound, an aggregate saving of $116,000,000 an nually to tho households of tho na tion. The loss of $53,000,000 rovenuo annually from sugar duties will bo off set, undor tho Democratic plan, by tho proposed tax on Incomes ovor $5,000 a year. German Publisher In United States. New York. Loula Ullstoln, ono of Germany's foremost youbllshers and part owner of four dally nowapapers, nlno weeklies and as many magazines, arrived here and will seek to get nn Idea of tho manner In which Araorl can publications aro handled. Sugar Convention Renewed. Brussels. Tho sugar convention was renowed for anpthcr five years by tho International sugar conference. Tho renown! becomos effectlvo Sep tember 1, 1913. SEAT-HOG! TERMS ARE REFUSED i SUSPENSION IN'U, 8. MINES PRE DICTED TO OCCUR APRIL 1. White Declines to Say If Strike Will Be Called, Meeting May Decide British Workers In Deadlock. New York. "All negotiations with the anthracite coal operators aro off,"l declared John P. White, president of tho United Mino Workers of America, at tho adjournment of tho meeting bo-, tween tho minors and operators, In which the miners declined tho oper-, ators' counter proposition. "I look for a general suspension of work April 1," h added. "Will thoro bo a strikoT" ho was asked. "I can't say as to that," ho replied. "Tho minors' officials will dlsouss that matter this afternoon." Tli meatlng between tho miners and the operators was brief. Mr. White read to the ornlors the min ers' reply to tholrejectlon of the miners' domnnds. It was received without comment and tho mooting ad journed without delay. None of tho operators was willing to "talk. London, JRnglnnd. Another dead lock has been reached In the ne gotiations for a settlement of tho coal strike that Is paralyzing In dustry through tho United Kingdom, but Premier Asquith is endeavoring strenuously to bring tho parties to gether. Mcantlrao conditions through Great Britain nro producing incon vonlonco to tho public nnd suffering to tho miners nnd tholr families. PAY HONOR TO CLEVELAND Exercises Commemorative of Seventy Fifth Anniversary of His Birth Held In New York. Now York. Exercises commemora tlvo of tho seventy-flfth anniver sary of the birth of Grovcr Cleve land wore hold In the great hnll or tho Collego of tho City of New York. ,' Tributes by letter camo from Prosl dent Tart. Governor Dlx, Alton V. Pnrkcr, Oscar W. Underwood, Mayor Gaynor, Richard Olnoy, Cleveland's secretary of state; Senator-elect Hoke Smith of Georgia, David It. Francis or Missouri and Gov. Judson Harmon of Ohio, all members or Mr. Cleveland's cabinet, and many othcrB. DR. H. W. WiLEY RESIGNS Famous Chemist 8nys "Pure Food Act Paralyzed or Discredited" Own Ideas Trampled Upon. Washington. Declaring that for tho last six years ho had coen grow up an environment In the department "In hospitable" lo his own Ideas or tho administration of tho pure food law and had seen "tho fundamental prin ciples of tho food and drug act, aB they appeared to bo, one by ono par alyzed or discredited," Dr. Harvey W. Wiley laaued nn explanation of his resignation as chief of tho bureau of chemistry In tho department of agri culture, which ho had sent to Secre tary Wilson. Jury Finds Minister Guilty. lPttsburg, Pa. lie v. Dr. W. D. Mc Fnrlnnd, minister and educator, form er head of tho Pittsburg Central high school, but later connected with United Presbyterian mission work at Greenville, Tenn., was convicted by a Jury in the criminal court of causing the death of Ills forraor secrotary, El bIo Dodds Coo, last January. U. 8. Marines Land In China. Swatow, China. A detachment of mnrinoa from the United States moni tor Montoray was landed hero In con sequence of tho continuous disturb ances nil over tho city and tho threat ening nttltudo of Bomo of tho natives. Asks $100,000 for U. 3. Target Range. Washington. Itoprcsontatlvo Kahn Introduced a bill to opproprlato $100, 000 to purchaso a sultablo slto on tho Pacific coast to bo UBod ns a rango for small arms target practice by tho United Stut.es navy. E SUPREME COURT CHANGES POSI TION IN SURETY CASE. PROHIBITS COMPACTS IN LINE State Auditor Barton Issues Warning to Those Dealing With "Outlaw" Insurance Companies. Tho supremo court revorsod Its former decision in tho caso of tho stato against tho American Survy "company. Tho court now holds thnt tho Junkln anti-trust act includes in surance companies In tho enumera tion of trusts nnd restraint of trado. Tho case camo up on a motion of tho state for a rehearing, tho court holding in a previous opinion that the act did not apply to such companies and that tho Gondrlng act which did, having bcon ropcalod by tho Junkln net, thcro was no law which included innumnco companies within tho inhi bition. In the rehearing it was called to tho attention of tho court that in the Omaha Elevator caso It had bon held that all of tho Gondrlng act, except the first section, was ropoalod, but that this flrBt section specifically men tioned insurance companies nnd the court therefore rovorsed its formor ruling and holds that Insurance is trado and commorco within tho mean ing of tho law, nnd therefore covered by tho Junkln aot Buf for this rever sal insurance companies would have been freo to enter into any combina tion which they saw lit State Auditor Gives Warning. Stato Auditor Barton has Issued a warning to all merchants nnd manu facturing companies in tho stato ngalnat dealing with tho "outlaw" In surance companies which havo no le gal right to wrlto Insurance In Ne braska. Tho auditor proposes to pros ecute agents of Buch companies if they aro found soliciting business In this state. Ho states that all admitted compan ies aro required by law to appoint tho auditor of public nccountB tholr at torney, and In case of dlBput or liti gation tho claimant can obtain serv ice on the auditor and compel the company to make their defense In tho Nebraska courts Instead of In n for eign stato or country. Mr. Bnrton bus received complaints that mnny mer chants In tho stato are pntronlzlng tho cnBtorn concerns, and takos this means of warning them against tho danger In doing so. Ho says, in part: "Tho outlaw companies maintain no agents and aro forced to wrlto their lnsuranco by reprcflentatlonn mndo made through tho malln. Every busi ness mnn knows thnt the agent who writes hlq lnBuranco is watchful to boo that his Interests aro protected, that the terms of policies aro concurrent nnd do not conflict, und Is just as careful to gunrd tho Interests of tho Insured ub ho Ib to look after tho In terests of tho company ho represents. Thcso lnsuranco agents aro, as a rule, compotent and active and representa tive men In tho community and fairly earn tho commission thoy rccolvo on tho business entrusted to their care." Sale of Bonds. Some figures compiled by Stato Treasurer Walter George show thnt during tho last year bonds of othor BtateB belonging to tho school fund havo bcon Hold to tho amount of $1,010,210 nnd that a premium of $8,118,98 has been realized on them. Tho proceeds havo boon reinvested In Nohraska securities drawing .93 of 1 per cent higher Interest, which real izes $9,450 yearly for tho BOhool fund. Thesu bonds havo been bought at par. Talking Through Their Hat. When Governor Aldrlch wns told that a Lincoln pastor nuBortcd In a Bermon that tho management of tho Nebraska penitentiary lu bucIi that prisoners nro mndo worse instead of better, ho said somo ot tho critics of tho Institution do not know what they aro talking about Many Cattle Dying. ItcportB from tho western ranges aro that many cattlo aro dying as a result of tho severe wcathor and scar city of feed. Tho heavy snowB havo covered up tho rangos and tho torn peraturen havo bcon so low much of tho time that stock hau suffered greatly. Part of National Guard. Adjutant General Pholpa Ib consid ering a plan to muko the Pershing Ri fles, tho crack company of the uni versity cadets, a part of tho Nebraska National Guard. Tho plan, was sug gested by Captain Yates, commandant of tho cadets, and huu been under consideration for uoino time. Western Families In Hard Lines. Rov. W. H. Kearns, a8 Held secre tary of tho home mission department of tho Prcubytoriau church of this ter ritory, ban studied the financial condi tion of tho people lu tho western pait ot Nebrnskn, und says that tho condi tion ot many furnlllos lu pitiful, espe cially lu tho North Plutto valloy, whero tho government Irrigation ditch Is bolng built Throo years ago tho govornmont sold tho land to Bottlers xt tho rato ot $35 an acre, which was to Includo water rights. Many ot tho people have not vat had water. A RULING E SEO WORK FALLS BEHIND. State Supreme Court Continues to Lose Ground. Tho suprome court at tho present Uino la from twenty months to two years behind with its work, or in othor words a caso filed recently will bo heard In tho ordinary courso of events In that length ot time. What Is still moro discouraging tho'court la gradually falling behind Instead ot digging out under tho pllo of litiga tion. Ono reason for this is found In tho habit which somo Nebraska attorneys appear to havo of appealing prnctl cally every caso In which thoy can lnduco cllonts to take such action. Tho triviality of mnny ot tho cases Is notablo. Ono instnnco ot roccnt dnto Ib whoro a caso involving an attach ment against a $40 sowing machine was appoalcd twico to the supremo court, and In tho finality tho costs amounted to moro than $400. Another caao of comparatively recent vlntngo Involved a difference ot $8 over a doal in hay and this involved casts ot about $300. It Ib estimated thnt moro than 50 per cont ot tho civil litigation In tho court Involves sums of less than $500 and 25 per cont ot It less than $200. An aggravated feature of tho situ ation Ib that tho moro tho court gets behind tho moro cases will bo need losBly appealed, for It otfors an op portunity for dolay to litigants who havo that for their solo purpose Thoy appeal and let tho caso practically go by default when It actually cornea to a bearing and In tho menntlmo havo gained time to straighten thcmsolvoa out or accomplish whatever purposo delay Is usoful for. Tho Case of Murderer Prince. A. E. Howard, attorney for Albert Prlnco tho negro murderer of Doputy Warden Davia of tho penitentiary, In, his argument boforo Judgo Stewart on. his motion to havo tho Prlnco caao continued ovor tho torm, declared that his client had been treated with such persistent and oxtromo cruelty as to dethrone his reason and render him Irresponsible for hla actions. At tho conclusion of tho argument ho sus tained tho motion and sot tho trial for April 23d. Colonies for Nebraska. Labor Commissioner Guyo announc ed that ho had completed arrangc monta for bringing a colony of Jows from Chicago to Nebraska. Ho de clined, to stato tho exact location picked for tho Immigrants. Ho ex pects to mako similar arrangement for' bringing Danes nnd othor nation alities to tho stato. Reform School Report. Tho report of tho boys' Industrial school nt Kearney for February shown' that on tho last day of tho month there wero 199 inmates, against 19a on tho llrst day of tho month. Thoro wero no paroles during Fobruary, two In January and three In Deccmbor and six in November. Good Seed Corn Found. Tho pure food department has com pleted tho testing of another batch of aeod corn submitted to It. Ono lot, which came from Decatur in Burt county, Bhowcd tho highest per cont ot germinating power of any yot tested, It developing 90 per cent Fair Board Hires Band. The 6tato fair management has signed a contract for tho nppcaranco at tho 1912 fair ot tho Llboratl band and grand opera company. Nebraska Guard Maneuver. The question whero the next maneu ver camp ot tho Nobraskn guard shall bo hold hns been referred by tho War department to tho commanding gen eral of tho central division with head quarters In Chicago. It has been set tled, practically, that tho camp will bo somewhere in Nebraska. Socialist Filing. Tho socialists of the stato havo filed a largo list of candidates tor stato offices, tho number including Clydo J. Wright of Lincoln for gov ornor, Adam Adeo or Stoelo City for attornoy goueral, and congressional candidates as follows: First district, J. S. Bnlzor, Havelock; Second, J. T. Brlllhart, Omaha; Third, J. W. Swl hart, Fremont; Fourth, B. F. Walton, Geneva; Fifth, Thomas BriBtow, Supe rior; Sixth, F. H. Slgnor, Pibel, Whee ler county. Report On Industrial School. Suporlntondent Manuel or tho boys' Industrial school at Koarney has re ported to Land Commissioner Cowles an enrollment ot 199 boys in the In stitution. Tho numbor waa only 188 January 1, and a year or two ago was bolow 100. Tho recolpts of tho Insti tution for Dccomber aggregated $2,799.45, of which $2,CG1.55 was for sugar beots grown at tho institution farm. In Fobruary tho institution re ceived $1,500 from tho snlo of pota toes. Much ot tho farm land waa Irri gated during tho dry summer. Census Figures High. A compilation has been mndo to show tho relation botween tho assess ed valuation ot Nebraska lands and tho valuation placed upon farm lands In tho federal conisus and it shows somo startllns results. In somo counties tho assessed valuation is only 17 por cont, of tho vnluo llxed by the census) and In others It Is G9 iwr cent, whllo tho average for Uo entire stato is 50.15 per cont. In no county In Nebraska is tho assessed valuation as high as tho census fig ures set forth. OAT BITES BABIES WHILE THEY SLEEP Snaps Arteries in Their Wrists as They Slumber in Their, Basement Home. ONE INFANT DIES Animal Then Lurks Near Scene Young Mother of Children FnlnU When Sho Sees Glittering Eyes of the Rodont Watching Her. Chicago. Sorrow pervaded tho baao mont resldcnco of tho Rungo family at 042 Dayton street the other day. In tho small barely furnished living room tho body ot a throe-months-old baby girl, a tiny, waxen, lifeless fig ure, lay. Baby Emmott was dead, killed by a largo rat that entered his crib and sovercd ono of tho Infant's artoflea with ono snap of Its sharp teeth. In another room the nlnoteon-year-old mother, Mrs. Johanna Rungo, nursed an oldor baby, who moaned fit fully and held up a smalt bandaged hand. Charles, fourteen months old, her first born, was tho second victim of tho rat, which attacked, tho two Infanta ns they slept Charles is a healthy normal child who was never sick before. Three phyicinns in attendance woro power less to aid him Beyond cauterizing nn ugly wound in tho hand, nnd blood poisoning at any moment may wrest tho baby from its mother's arms. Early in tho morning as tho young family slept tho rat crawled into tho three basement rooms In which tho Rungcs reside. The father, Henry Rungo, who is twenty-four years old, got up once shortly after midnight to look nt hla bablos. Thoy woro Bleep tng peacefully, Emmott in his crib at tho foot of the parents' bed and Charles in a larger cradlo in an ad joining room. Tho father returnod to bed and neither parent awoko again that night. At six o'clock Mrs. Rungo nroso to prepare breakfast for her husband. Emmott waa lying la his crib, the Severed One of the Infant's Arterlei clothes saturated with blood. Mrs Rungo Bcrcnmed and rushed to th cradlo of tho older child. Tho father Joined her, nnd tho distracted mother lifted tho bloody hand of tho second child from tho covers. Drs. Frank P. McQunn and A. C. Brcll wero called and tho battle to snvo the babies' lives was begun. It was found Impossible to save. Em mott'e life. Ho died In a few hours. Tho doctors declare the teeth wouudo to bo those of a rat. Relatives wero expressing doubt ns to whether tho rodent could have climbed Into tho cradles when Mrs. Rungo suddenly rose from a chair beside her Blck child and screamed to her husband: "Henry behind you, tho rati" In a corner of the room cIobo to a holo in the rotted floor a large slate colored rat crouched, his small eyes glittering. Mrs. Rungo had fainted; ono of tho watchers threw a missile at tho animal and It vanished. Wooea Thirty Years, Then Weds. Noblesvillo, Ind. Following a court ship of thirty years, during which tho bridegroom called on tho brldo twice a week, with tho exception of ono month, when he had typhoid fever, Jamea B. Sturdevant at last popped the question to Miss Anna Earl and thoy wore married In this city tho oth er day. Tho bridegroom la forty-three nnd tho brldo thirty-six. They havo been lovers since thoy wero In school together. Sturdevant is a farmer and a heavy stockholder in soveral tele phone compnnlos In tho county. Doctor Afraid of Surgeon. Now York. Dr. Samuel Short, one of tho most famous physicians In Newi York, died rather than permit a fel low surgeon to amputato his log In which blood poisoning had boon dis covered after ho had stepped on a rusty Bill, Bishops Are Sued. Elkhart, Ind. Goorgo II. Lambert hnB filed suit for $10,000 against three bishops ot tho Mcnnonlto church tor libel as tho result of a trial which re sulted in his being expelled from th church. 3 iLL r i i i tf