i w. Li It! Knepper'e iie i Groeerv ! i I Bargains , had at Kncppcr's Store l,argc size Salmon, per can 15c 3 Cans of Corn for 25c Sliced Pineapples, per can 20c Grated Pineapple, per can 15c 2 cans of Blackberries (as long as they last) for. .25c 3 pkgs of Macaroni for 25c 3 pkgs Corn Starch . . 25c 3 cans of Lye 25c Goods "Diamond S" which arc the and "Libby's" BlvST. We also keep Cabbage, 5c. .Spanish Onions, 7c. .Sweet Potatos, 6c Dry Goods Notions g ...At Your Own Price... Knepper's & Up-to-date & Grocery J use esses e varm wn e acnm swk o wnu whhkp Dakota County Herald lOHN H. REAM, I'UIIMSHER Subscription Trico. $1.00 Per Year. A wcokly newspaper publiuhod at Dakota City, Nobruakri. Permission haa been granted for tho transmiBBionoftbispaporthrouKlitbo maiia as second-class matter. Telephone No. 43. Official Paper of Dakota County 5 $ Items of Interest $ from our Exchanges Pouch Journal : Mrs V M FiiIih is lit Dakota City this iouk visiting Mrs Rosa, Albiilon Items in Sloan, Iowii, Star: Gnu OIhou h'.ih in IJUibbiwil, Nub, hint week: Tlio county judgo of 'i'liurston county reoeivud a liorsowhippiiiK recently by fin irato woman at a public sale near Ponder. Hu will probably kocip his cub to himself after this when in tho preseuco of lad ins. Tho railroads of tho world, it is es timated, Hunuully kill Ions than ono fourth us many pooplo as tho mosqui toes. As there is no way of HtiiiiR tho rnoMiuitous, thoro is a grout deal of profitable bnsinosH lost to the lawyers. Gov Chester II Alilriob, who wrest ed tho uovernorshin from tho booze element of Nebraska in thu last statu cauipuigu, in again in tho race for rc nominatiou at tlio coming primaries. Do your duty and wo will huvo a gov ernor thiit wo can bo proud of for another two yuars. The NobraBka Experiment Station Iiiih jul ibniied Uullotin 12U, which in cludes tho results of several years' work lu fattening hogs on alfalfa and corn, and on alfalfa, corn, and other grains and mill products, at tho North Platto Substation, Tho results of funding alfalfa hay iu tho rack, chopped alfalfa and alial fa-meal, ami of feeding various proportions of corn nnd alfalfu tiro uomparod. This bul letin follows Uulletiu 121, which shows tho cost of kcoping brood sows, tho cost of the pig when it has roachod thu weight of CO pounds and tho cost of growing pigs during tho summer. This bulletin may bo had free of cost by rcsidonts of NobraBka on application to tho Agricultural Experiment Sta tion, Linooln, Neb. Wayno Domoorat: Eugeno Leahy was hero from Juckuon Sunday, visit ing relatives. Emerson Enterprise: Mr Jones, of Ileacnn, visited with George Cougtitry and family last Monday, Nowcastlo Times: Mrs Al llUHsell and Bon, Willie, returned Monday from a visit to Dakota City. Hnttington News' Mrs Clias Ire land wont to Emorsou, Monday, fur a brief visit with relatives of Mr Ireland, Pouder Times: Prof Rich, of Da kota City, was in town last week mov ing to his father's farm near Wisner, Watorbury Itomo in Emerson Enter priso: Will Lonox and wife, from near Allen, spout last Thursday at tho Iko Woods homo. move next year to his land iu Colorado. Beulinal-Trlbunp, Howling Groen, Ohio, Fob US: Daniel Hagor, who lolt here thirty years ago, is hero ue enmpanied by his wifo from Dakota City, Nebraska, and is surprised at thu great improvements nnd changes in that period as it is his ilrst visit to Ohio since ho went west and Mrs fin ger's first Ohio vhit. Mrs J J Double, tho Ktirfcss and Mutgars aro cousins and other relatives at Stony Ridgo. Mr Ilager went to Medina coutitv Sat urday whilo Mrs Hager and Miss An in Kurfess wont to Findlay Monday to visit tlio Thomas llolden family and will visit in Howling Green before thoy return. IlomorStar: M S Manslleld and wife, of Winnebago, and Guy Sides and wife, of Salem, were guest nt tho Audruy Allaway homo lust Sunday. ....Word ifUfivbil hero by fncntln of W II Clapp, of Kindeihook, Now York, states that ho is spending sever al weeks in Florida and other southern states. . . .Dr Ashley, of Lyons, was in Homer last week. He inspected tho live slock of Frank- Nowliurn, who moved to southern Missouri last Wed nesday, and that of John Ralzor's who shipped to Minnesota yesterday.... Mrs Louio Rockwoll slipped and fell on tho ico near her homo west of llomor, Monday, and sustained very pninful injuries, although no bones wcro broken. Sho was confined to tho house for several days, Sioux City Daily Nows, 5: Sylves ter Cainoy, junior partuor in tho ilrm of Camoy liros, livurymen and stock men of llomer, Neb, was shot iu tho hack by ucuiduut last night at IIotnr, whilo assisting Jeff Taylor, constable, to inuarcerato three tramps whom thu had arreirted. Tho bullet camo from a .1(2 caliber rovolvor carried by Jeff Taylor. Thu fact that it passed through tho back of tho buggy seat and through the heavy clothing which Carney woro and then iinally struck one of his ribs accounts for thu fact that bo was not killed. CJarnoy was brought to St Jnnuph's hospital this afternoon and oporated upon. The physicians took an x-ray photograph and located tho bullet at tho right of tho spinal column ami near thu iiftli lib. It had struck a rib and had not petftrated into any of tho vital organs Taylor had received a call to go to a suhoolhouHO two miles houtli of Homer to urrcst three trumps who had broken into tho house. Camuy drovu and Taylor sat behind tho men and held tho gnu. Thoy reached Homer with out any trouble. As Taylor got out of tlio buggv tlio automatio rovolvor went off. Tho bullet went through tho back of tho scat and lodged in Car ney's back. Carney is -10 years of ago and has live children. Taylor ac companied Camoy to Sioux City for tho operation. Ho was grontly giieved over the imoideiit. and whs rn liovod when tho x-ray photograph showed Unit it would not result fatally. Lyons Mirror: Leonard Muokoy, of Hubbard, is working for Clydn Rob binu.... Harry ltaadal, father of Clar enco Itasdal of Ilouior was hero Saturday. Ono of our oxohangus, in speaking of Senator Norris Urown's candidacy for reelection, pays him thu following' tribnto: "Whilo Norris Brown continues to attend to his olllcitil duties iu Wash ington iu a dignillcd manner, his friouds in NobraBka ivtll buo to it that his political interests iu Nebraska do not suffer nnd that ho is accorded thu endorsement of a rouomiiiatiou to thu souate. Tho senator is ono of thu true progressives who stood for progressive policies in Nebraska when suoh a statid meant simuthing, and wliou so doing, hu was compullod to battlo with somu of tho place hunters who aro today hurling tho epilhot of n 'standpatter' at him. Thorn is not a man iu public lifa tiuywheru iu thu nation who has had moro continuous and consistent record of progressivenrss than Senator Drown mid through it all ho has been a steadfast, loyal republican prefer ring that tho nuodod reforms should be brought about through tho parly, rath er than by tho destruction of it. Tho republicans of NobraBka aro gratuful to Senator lirowu for tuu position he has muiutuiuud, uud thu' will undnrco his caudidaoy at tho coming primaries." Sioux City Journal, Itli t Tho an nual mootiug of tho Crystal Lake lm provemunt association, which was to havo buou held this afternoon at South Sioux City, hus boon postponed until thu first Monday in May. Saeo, Mont, Observer: Miss Mary Eustoii, from Dakota City, Neb, sistoi to our popular druggist, A E, arrived hero tho latter part of last weok. She has a claim north of Saoo, on Milk river. Shu intends to make this part or tlio country her futuro Inme, we understand, Walthill Times: Mrs Lou Oloment has been on tho sick list this week. . . . J M King, of Homer, was iu town Wednesday afternoon. .. .Miss Mabel llarvoy was down from South Sioux City, Sunday.... OG Uampboll went to Homer Wednesday evening ta at tend tho hog sale advertised iu these columuh last wook....J M King and (1 W Molloath, of Homer, drove to Walthill, Fiiday afttirnoon, to attend tho Masonic sohool, driving li'iok after it closed. Puudur Republic: Mrs Harry Pouuds was down fiotu Hubbard tins wuuk visiting with Peudor relatives. . . . . W C Mtitn ban m'ld his million building and tlstures to Thos E Hef furnau, of Hubbard, possession to bo given May 1st, Mr Ilofii-ruan is a son of D 0 Ilofforniin, county judge of Dakota county. Mr Moyor will io main in Pundor this year and will Wiuuubago Chieftain: Mr and Mrs M S Mansfield wero llomor visitors last .Sunday, nt tlio homo of Mr and Mrs Audroy Allaway... .Mrs Thomas Ashford and Mrs D B Stidworthy, both of Homor, wero guests at thu John Ashford homo yesterday after noon.... On last Wednesday morning, February 128, promptly at 10 :1)0 o'clock at thu homo of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs Jus O Foltz, Miss Mollio Foltz was married to Mr Claud Thack or, Ruv R 0 Skoupoolliciating. Those present at tho wuddiug weru: Mr and Mrs Oeorgo Thaeker, of llomor, pa rents of thu groom, uud tho Misses Mattio and Gertrude MuKiuluv, of llomer. Tho bridu has n bust of friends iu and around Wiuuubago and also iu tho vicinity of Homor, in both of which places sho has filled posi tions iu busiucits houses. Only recent ly was sho an cmployo of thu 0 J O'Connor ntoro of this place. The groom is an industrious young man en gaged in tho farming businoss midway between Wiuiiobiigoand Homer, whore ho has been kei-ping "bachelor's hall" for thu past couplo of yours. Both aro hold in tho highest eatoera and ro- spoct by all who know them and will lm noblo rompanions for ouch other. Alter periornianco ot tlio ceremony which Hindu this happy couple man and wife, those presout sat down to a bountiful wedding suppor. Tho couplo took their duparturo for Lincoln and Omaha and other iiumudia.o poiuts for a visit, to roturn in a few days. Wo piosumo that Mr uud Mrs iThackor will make their homo at tho farm upou which tho groom has been living. Hearty congratulationn uro estendod by tho Ohiuftaiu. and wo bo liove wo voice thu wishes of their many friends in wishing them every success in lifo. stook to tho Ward Commission com pnny at Sioux City. Ed seems lo bo getting tho big end of tlio business here, mid his patrons aro all pleased with their sales. Mr and Mrs Reninger woro iu Sioux City, Monday. Garden tools of all kinds at Curl Audirsnii's, Mrs Jim Smith is nicely on tho way to recoMiiy and will soon bo nblo to leave the hospital, William Goerlz was a city passenger lust week, When you want anything in tho Hue of smoked, salt or piokled fish ro member we have it, Wo aim to keep tho beat grades nnd fresh stock at all times. Geo Timlin. Tho Jncobsen and Ericksen boys re turned from school at Wayno last Saturday. Carl Froderickseu and O Anderson woro county sent visitors Monday. Sum LarsL'ii ulleiidud u balo ucar Jackson Inst weok. Tinware of nil desciiption and prices at Cnrl Auderson's. 0 R Smith was in Hubbard the Urst of thu week on business. Mrs Varvis was n Sioux City shop per Saturday. Chris RHsmusseu nrs among tho Sioux Cityians last weok. Leo's Egg Maker will muko your hens lay; wo sell it and guaraiitco vour monoy's worth or jour money buck. Geo Timlin. Jim Barry wuh in Hubbard tho first of tho week. James Timlin, with his family, is vis iting relatives in Hubbard this week. H Jensen moved onto tho Hans An derscu farm Monday. Delia Timlin spent over Sunday in her homo hero. Bting us vour farm produce, espe cially eggs and butter, and get thu highest market price . Curl Andurson. Wm Reniucer shipped a car of cat tle Wednesday. Emil Andersen has moved his fami ly into thu old hotel building. JohnllogHU is a busy man these days, moving onto his farm. He in tends doing a great deal of improving on tho pbico this yesr. John Biko wos a business caller in Hubbard Tuesday. Garden seed, the best to bo had, nt Carl Anderson's. A BUrpriBo party was given Monday niht at the Edward Jensen homo, it being their second wedding anniversa ry . They were presented wttli a nice rocking chair, Mrs A 0 Hansen has been quite sick tho past week . Fred Bartles shipped two cars of sheep to Sioux City, Tuesday. Mrs It Francisco was a Sioux City passenger, Wednesday. Mrs Herman Nelson returned Fri day from Sioux Oily. The young folks aro having a great time skating theso line evenings. Sue our lino of men's hats in latest and nobbiest styles. Carl derson. Dan Hartnott sold two of his mule teams Tuesday to Bur Lalta of Tekamah, shipping them tho samo day . Frank neeney was a Sioux City vis itor, Wednesday. Sam Thorn drovo to Jackson la&t Friday. Roy Wilsoy raovod Friday onto tho Riloy placo near Waterbury. Sheiiff Million was in Hubbard on busiuess, Tuesday. Roy Wilsoy liuished moving tho ffrst of tho week. A flue baby girl arrived at tho Geo Timlin home, Monday, and now you ought to boo Georgo stopping high. tho Ail- big to Bullnrd, Texas, sovornl weeks ngo by tho illness of her brother Dan, nr rived homo tho lost of tho week. Ilei brother accompanied her home and will remain here u few woeks to con valesce, Albert Carpenter and family moved Sututduy to the John (Jullen farm near Watorbury, and Mr and Mrs Csl ii'ii have moved to their newly pur chased homo hero to bo near tho church and where thoy will take their leisure. Iu last weok's items tlio nnnounoe raont of tho arrival of u son nt tho Frank Reed home, bhotild havo rend tho "seventh" son instead of the "second" son. Five children mako quito n differonco in ti man's family. HOMER. Banker W 11 Ryan returned Satur day fioin n business trip to Elgin, 111, Frod Ochnnder attended u Masonic lodgn mooting at Dakota City, Satur day evening. Mrs John II Roam was down from Dakota City, Monday uftornoon, vis iting relatives here. Mrs Charity Hart and daughtor Lo raino and Mrs Mary MoBcath, of Da kota City, spont a fow days with friends liore last week. N F Hansen and wifo camo down from Dakota City, Monday, Mrs Han sen remaining for n fow days visit with her mother, who is quito ill. Tho George MoBeath homo was re leased from quarantine for smallpox biBt Saturday, tho children having en tirely recovered from u mild attack of tho disease. Miss Mabel Miles is now chief ope rator in the telephone exchauge, suc ceeding Gertie Bucklautl who is iu a Sioux City hospital recovering from an operation. Mrs Sadie Abbot, who hns boon hero from Woodstock, Vt, for tho past six weeks, visiting her parouts, Mr and Mrs Honry Loomis, departed Wednesday for her homo in tho oast. Tho Geo 0 Blessing hog sale was fairly well attended last Thursday, but prices did not go ns high us thoy should, considering tho offerings, which included some of tho best of tho Duroo breed. S A Comba is making preparations to start a Hour nnd feed storo in this placo, having sold his intercuts in the 6toro at Wiuuubago. Ho oxpeots to opon up next week in tho old Skid more shop iu tho south part of town. Oluudo Thaeker nnd Miss Mollio Foltz woro married Wednesday of lust week at tho bride's home south of Ho mer, By Rev Shiipe, of Winnebago. Congratulations aud well wishes aro extended these popular young pocplo. They will reside on a farm south of Homer. A distressing accident occured Mou- day while Uonstablo Jeff Taylor was brirgiug three tramp prisoners to town from a school house south of hero whero they had broken iu and spent tho night previous . Taylor was riding in the back sent of tho rig and iu handling his automatic revolver it was uccidontly discharged, tho bull pass ing through tho back of tho seat, striking the driver, Sylvester Carney, in tho back. Tho injured man was hurried to n Sioux City hospital whoro tho ball was extraoted. Tho injury will not prove iib serious as it might have, if tho ball hud not struck tho buggy soat. DISTRICT COURT DATES For tho Eighth Jndiciul district oi Nebraska, for the year 1912: Uumlng February B, November 11 Dakota February 1!!. SoptomborlSI Stanton Kebiuury 2C, OetoU'l 7 Cedar March l. Kiiti'mbui a 'Dixon March 25, December!! Thurston April in. Oetolior IS The llrst day of each torin Is sot (or hear applications forcltlztmshlp papers. Ouy T a raves, Juiltu'. ff une Mid-West Bstnk. in SIOVX CITY, IOWA (Kearney's Bank), will open for business MONDAY, MARCH 11th, 1912, at No. 408 Pearl Street, opposite Weaie and Allison's old stand. S Needless to say, you will bo "wolcomo ns tho flowers iu May" nnd that I wish a call from each roader of this whethor you do busi nesn with us or not. tf Tho now Bank will bo managed and run ns was tho old ono for moro than a quarter of n century RIGHT nnd bo mnde, always, "Hafo ns n Govornmont Bond", if it bo in my power. I'T will bo n country bank city planted, using tho samo nieth- oils, that made my other bank a quarter century old with less than $50 losses, nnd will bo bneked by every dollar and every foot of land I own. IT will bo SafoSnno Sound RIGHT. Call iu tho noxt time you aro in tho city and say "Hollo" at IcaBt. And phono or write when wo can serve you. Tho first 2D0 depoeitors, go ou our ROLL OF HONOP.. Gook things iu storo for them, so seo that your namo is written THERE. The Mid-West Baxvlc Ed. T. KEAnsET, President. Sioux City, Iowa iLjJ.iuiiMiHiMmiiximijj,iiLiaiiiniui.u.iWI IHARNES Harness and Horse Goods I Concord Harness, $35.00 j S " a s Our Spring Stock of Harness Goods is now in, and it will be money in your pocket to get our prices first on any thing you may need in our line of Harness, Pads, Whips, Etc. We make a specialty of all kinds of repair work. Hubbard Fsobrastcoi -BUY YOUR- Meat Meat -at the- City Market Wc can supply your wants in the Meat line just as cheap or cheaper than anywhere on earth. FVesH and Out red Meat, Poxiltry, Oysters, surd EvcrytKinfi, In tKc Mcodt Lrirvc & Give us your order for poultry, we guarantee satisfaction . Yours for Business W. F, KorenZT Dakota Ci y, Nob, I CORRESPONDENCE J. HUBBARD. Miirffarot Huyos visited rnlntivH in Sioux Uity last week. A now line of funey dress shirts snd eommon work shirts, at Uurl Ander son's, Mrs ChriHtenson is quito sick with a severe cold. Jim Rarry, of .lacksoii, was a busi ness ouller 111 Hubbard tho llrst of tlio week. Rring your produce to us, oream, buttor and eggs nnd got tho highest market prico. Goo Timlin. Alien Reacom returned from Sionx Oity hint Friday, where she hud been visiting her brother Georgo. II O Rasmussun had business in tlu oity Monday. New ginghams and dress goods in all the latest aud prettiest patterns, tit Oarl Anderson's. Cmiipboll & Pounds uro ooiuiug right to the front witli their rostauraut and meat market business. Woods M Hiloman loft Tttesduy evening for Julesbiirg, Oolo, after u woeks stay hero lookiug after businoss matters. Wo have just reooived u now stook of stone-ware, iiml lmve a meo lot of largo size meat jurs, Oall on us whou jou want this olasu of goods. Geo Timlim. Ed J Hartnott was horo Tuesday aud ou Weduesday tihlppod n itriug of JACKSON. John lleffcrnau, of Omaha, spent over Sunday with relatives here. Mr and Mrs Frod Sundt i.ro tho happy parents of 11 littlo daughtor, bom Mureh 3, 1012. Mrs J limes Muloan, of Vista, spont Mouduy with her sister, Mrs Margaret Hoyle. Jiimos Garnor was down from Now eastlo last I'ridny. Roin To George Stephens and wifo, February '27, 1912, a sou. Rose MoKeover returned Mnndny from an ovor Sunday visit in tho Keur uoy home iu Sioux City. Borii To Mr and Mrs John Gill, Mureh 1, 1012. n son. Dr and Mrs E A Joukinson, of Sioux Oity, woio ovor Suiidiiy gnosis iu thu E J Mallalcy homo. Mrs Murgarot Kyim, who wns utider the doctors care the past week, is muuli improved. Mrs J II Welsh, of Missouri, and her father, Williuin Gilleu, of Dixon, Neb, aro gtiests at tho L W Hall home. Tho entertainment planned by the Jaoksou high sohool uoya for St Put rick's Dny will be given on Friday ovoning, Mureh 15, instead of on Sun duy. TIib Forty Hours Devotion will bo opened ut the lust muss, Sunday, March 17, iu St Patrick's church. James Keefo, who was a student at Ann Atbor, Mich, college this year, returned homo Momluy, being unable to continue t-cliool work on account of his eyes, Mr and Airs Michael Heffernau re turned homo Monday evening aud wero met at the train by a ohivururio party, Catherine Quinn was horo from Hun croft, Nidi, for an ovor Sunday visit uitli home folks. Tho high soiiool boys will give an entoitaiti.nt-nt here March 17th in St Patrick's hull, assisted by local talent Marguret Twnhig, who whs ealltd Tho News. Horald for Nows when it is first I'ubltcntlon Feb 2.1 Iw UOAD NOTICK. Stuti of Nftirnsliii, County of llnkotii, ss. Mtk'o of vui'iitliiK ami opening road. Thu uoiiitiilislfiiii'i' upiHilntPd to Micatc u loiul eomniHiiuliiK at thu mil thi'iist cortiei of MH'tloiiulKlitt'itii (1SI. township twonty nlnu 1210, iiiiiKiMv'ii.f"), I'ast, tlii'iico riin 11I..K oiiu-hul lnllo west on tue tii'c-tlon line Iwtwi'Kii suctliinselKliti'Uii (13) ami smell (7), all In t"nlil I uiwity-nluc! C".M, nmur hin mi (7). oust: iilo tn loi'iito and OHtalillsh a road forty i l(i ft'i't wlilo eomiiUMirlnu at the northeast corner of -eetlou eighteen (IS I, township tweiity-nlmMSlii, mime seven 17) east, riiiinliiK thenee south elKhty iwOrods nloiiff the west side of sei-tlon line between seetluas seventeen 117) and elKhti-en is) all In township twenty-nine (-iu, ramie sev en (7), east, theneo west about one hundred llfteeu Hint lodson tlio north half ot the noi theast nuartor I N j N K S) of sec tion eighteen (is), township twenty-nine (ft)), rimitii Mivi'ii 17). tlioiuM! south about twenty lil feet, thence west about fin ty llo (4.'i rods and there terminate, has re ported in favor of vacating tho road drat aboo dcReilhed, aud In favor of e&tabllsh inxiil of tin. i iiml lust mIkiw dimerllied, ami all objections thereto, or claims for dam nuns, if nay thorn m. must bo llled In the county clerk's ollleo on or liefnro noon of tho SitH day of March, A. !.. 1012. or tho rond heroin llrst dosorllH'd wilt bo vacated, nnd tho latter road herein ilfsorlboil will bo established and located without further lofciunce thoieto. (iUOltflK W'M.KINS, County Clerk. Easier Ter ms for GoveraLSx&'ii't "yyat-Br Rights Payments for water rights on the Government Shoshone Project in the Big Horn Basin are now $4.70 per acre first year SI per acre second year SI per acre third year S3 40 per acre fourth year S6 per acre fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth years and Sll per acre the tenth year. No interest. 6300 acres to be opened to entry soon. 320 Acre Free Homesteads in Campbell County, Wyo., good for dairying, stock raising, and mixed farming the kind tnat insures a steady casli income. New Folders Free Write me today for new folders telling all about the cheap lands along the Burlington. Get in on the ground floor before the coming land movement starts. Homeseekers' rates from Eastern Nebraska every first and third Tuesday. SI D. Clem Denver, Immigration Agent OMAHA, NEBRASKA tggSgyS'agag n t,.tw,fig not am) and VAnllUlpTk. fl Mi.ii.iii j j" .V'SGMtSttmTtTA CONCORDjfEXfflURNESS; CARRIAGE HEATERS. 9 WFnPllljM , m vm JP&UA&BtHQRSBjJMJNKETSJ Stxvra: , i 8HAEDU0KJl.OLANKJiTfli Statu or Ohio Citt or toutdo. i Ll'CtS Cul'TY. f 55- 1'iunk J. Cheney inalifs oath that he ti senior partner ot tho nrni ot V. J. Cheney A Co.. doln tutniw In the cny ot Tulislo. County ana State nton-MUI. ami that mM tlrm Mill pay the turn ot OM: lll'NRi:i DOIXMtri for rach Biul cmy mm ot Cataiihii (hat cannot bo currJ uy tho lue of 1 1 ALL'S CATAlllltl CVUE. ritANK J. ClIUNTY. Hworn to error me anil autwcrlbcil In my irvcnce, thu ttli day of December. A. 1)., 1SS&. I 77 I A. W. aLKASON'. I , I NOTAUT f'1'HUC. Ilall'i Catarrh Cure la taken Internally and acta dlreetly uxm the bkxxl ana mueom iurfacea oi the Itttm. Nrna fur tntlinontel. tree. o , . . .. '" Cllll.NKV it CO.. Toledo. O. Hold by all PrwrnUU, 75c. lake llall'a laiatly mu lor conatlpatlon. Klrst pulilli'iitlon :i-l-lw. XOTICK OF OI'KNINO 110AU. State, of Nebraska, county of DaUota. ss NotU'v to I.aml ilwni'rs. To all whom It may ooneurn: Tlio eomialiisloarr applonti'il to oxamliu ami riiiort on a piopoM'ilailtlltlon of thirty tluoi del) font ou tlm wost slilo of a ronil hiTi'tofori' looati'il ami i-stnliUsht'il roin mi'iii'liiK ut tlic northfiist i-oruiT of thu northwust quaitur l N V l) of m-i'Mou m'V unti'i'ii (17), township twonty-nlnu liin raiiKO hovt'ii i") i'ast. runiiliiK tliuni'v south on half M'ctlon Hnu until It termlnnU's with tho roail known as tin1 .liiokon ami Toiu-a oail iiinnlim In a northM'stirly ami houth I'asturiily illu'ctfon, has tuportoil In faor of thi' uilil It Ion thiui'tif. ami all objections thuK'to, or claims for iliinuifos. uuist ho llh'il Iu tlio oonnty clurU's olllcii on or lie. foiiMioouof tho Ufltli tiny of Mnich. A ! lull', or hiicli Mililltlnii to Midi road will lie Krtmti'tl without furtlirr iufcrrncc tlu'ii to. UK mm; vn kin.s. Count) CllirK SlK,U BUCKBEE'S SEEDS SUCCEED! SPECIAL OFFER: Made I i bu'ld New lluilnraa. Atrial will' male vr a our e.m.Miont customer. Prl7n f nilrrr tin rfaduh.ijTarieumtt.i lnf. 12 kind! 1 TOHllor.. 1 1 the flneit ! Taralp. 7 (plendid i oia, beat ratio UrailOkpri.r.il'wrriic Ilnlk. UTtnctlaluall. (lUAHANTCKU TO l'LK.Vl. SETdDlOENTS i i3ni m rrrua povt ntaf toftincr w,ui tnjr tf i inuuriircv nrHUiiiui nrru ana rum ltook. i i UUifcUitoultb HttlllMof ili, l'loU,tc. UUlOUtHBtt 5rEETfi AUV1UUAU, AJUlt 4 .H.W. Buclbes, WHY NOT MAKE S200,00 A MONTH - - That's S50.00 a Week, almost SIO.00 a Day bcIlliiR Ictor Sntes nnd llre-jiroof Uoxca to aieruhunts, doctors, lawyers, ili'iitlsts ami well-to-ilofarmfrs,ullof whumrcaliiothencril of asiife, hut ilo not know how easy It Is to own one. Satcsiaea declare our proposition ono of tlio best, clean-cut inonuy-muMiiK opportuni ties ever received. Without proUous experi ence YOU can duplicate, tho success of others. U.ir handsomely illustrated 2vo pace catalog will enable vou to present tho eulileet tnnnu. tomers iu lis Interesting a manner as though yon wero piloting them throURh our factory. Men appointed as coiivliiclnu tttlkliiR points wlilch It Is Impossible for a prospective customer to deny Why don't YOU bo tho llrst to apply from your Mclnlty before someone else sets tho terrltorvr Wo can favor only ono salesman out of each locality. - i" n.uorj The 25th anniversary of our company was celebrated by erecting tho mostmodarn safe factory in tlio world Wide awake men who received our special soiling Inducement, rendered ltnccessary todouble our output. o aro spending innny thousands of dollars en larglngour sales organization, but to learn nil particulars, It will cor vou only the price of o postal card Ask for Catalogue 16T. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO m'mm Our Nw Home. Capaolty 20,000 Salos Annually. At.a.JL II BRIO'S LTJMl i All Sizes ISAf & VKUViifdniirt rr v jnmfmrsKxrwryFF t 1 1 OraCleS Carl ndersoix, abbard nebr. . US8BT"