Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 01, 1912, Image 1

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Mb Wfe It Ii Mw.
NO. S3.
Citizens Notified That City Will De
Stormed Unless It Surrenders
Rebel Reinforcements on the Way
Loyal Troops to Put Up Fight.
Washington. Tho war department
ha.i orderod two companies of the
Fourth cavalry to Douglas and one
to Xogalea from San Antonio. Neces
Bltv for strengthening the patrol on
the Arizona border Is fully realized by
tho officials. Captain Craig of the
general staff has been ordered from
San Francisco to the Imperial Valley
to Investigate conditions there.
El Paso, Tex. Juarez Is waiting a
rebel attack. Seven hundred rebels
undor Emlllo Campa are encamped
twelve miles Bouth. Their command
or announces hlo Intention to attack
unless tho town surrenders, ns soon
as reinforcements, a thousand strong,
arrive from tho south.
Juarez Is guarded by more than 400
apparently determined but untried
men, and the officials declare they will
put up a fight If attacked.
Massacre Threatened as Result of
Shelling of Beirut by
Beirut, Syria. A strong antl-Chrts-tlnn
feollng Is prevalent hero as an
aftermath of the Italian bombard
ment, which wrecked tho city and
killed 60 Innocent Inhabitants and It is
feared on every side that a massacre
of Christians may result Tho native
resentment against tho followers of
Christ has been fanned to fever heat
by tho declaration of the Turks that
the town was shelled with a view to
promoting this action to the end that
International intervention might bring
a speedy termination to the Trtpolltan
struggle that is costing Italy millions
of dollars.
All American residents are reported
safe, and tho ntmosphoro has been
considerably cleared by tho nnnounco
ment that all Italians of every class
would bo expelled from Turkey and
that tho Dardanelles would be closed
to shipping.
Introduces Bill to Strengthen Greatly
the Government's Anti
Trust Powers.
Washington. Senator Cumnjins of
Iowa introduced a bill to strengthen
greatly tho government's antl-tmst
powers Tho measuro provides what
It Is nsFertccl would bo tho first au
thority to limit the slzo of corpora
tions and to gunrd against unfair or
ruinous competition through protract
ed underselling.
Tho purpose In limiting corpora
tions, it Is Bet forth, is not to prevent
operation of business in a big way
with economy of production, but to
limit them In tho beginning in such a
way as to leave room at least for oth
ers of substantially tho same magni
tude, between which healthful compe
tition may bo preserved.
Senator Gardner of Maine Has Plan
to Link Business With
Postal Service.
Washington. Senator Gardner of
Maine Introduced a bill under which
the government would take over tho
properties of express companies and
operate thorn ns a part of tho postal
eervlco, extending tho servlco to the
rural delivery. Tho moasuro Indicates
tho probable cost of taking over tho
properties as follows:
Real property, J14.932.169; equip
ment, $1,381,405; materials and sup
plies, $138,210; advance payments on
contracts, $5,830,603, and franchises,
good will, etc., $10,877,369. Total,
Counsel for Labor Attorney Asks
That 8tate Show Hand, So Charge
May Be Defended.
Los Angeles, Cal. Earl Rogers,
chief counsel for Clarence S. Darrow,
filed a petition with the district court
of appeals for a writ of mandate to
compel Presiding Judgo Hutton to or
der the district attorney to supply a
complete transcript of tho evidence
on which Darrow was Indicted for al
leged Jury bribery in tho McNamara
The petition sets forth that unless a
full transcript Is given tho defense
Darrow cannot prepare for trial.
Pugilist Held as Thief.
Now York. Pollco Commissioner
Waldo announced that tho detectlvo
bureau had arrested Edward Klnman,
formerly a prize fighter, as tho princi
pal in tho recent taxlcab robbery, In
which two bank messengers wero held
up nnd robbed of $25,000.
Leaves Suicide Note; Vanishes.
Clinton, la. Leaving a noto saying
he intended to commit suicide, Elmer
Sullivan disappeared. Part of his
clothing and an empty poison bottle
mere found near an ice hole In tho river.
Blizzard Extinguishes Fuse to Explo
sive Found In Basement of Big
Grocery Establishment.
Chicago. Ten pounds of dynamite
combined to form one of the most
powerful bombs over discovered In
Chicago, enough explosive to blow up
a city block or duplicate tho Los An
geles Times disaster, was found con
cealed In the basement of Guiseppi
Matnlono's wholesalo grocery house,
832 Austin avenue. A fuso and fulmi
nating enp had been attached, and
the fuse had been lighted. Flying
snow is bolioved to havo caught tho
spark of the fuso and extinguished it,
thuB preventing not only the murder
that was apparently intended, but also
the far more extensive loss of life
that would havo been the Inevitable
result of tho explosion.
Mntalono for more than a yenr has
been living under tho menace of
death. Ho has received scores of
mysterious anonymous lottcrs de
manding large sums of money.
Protest Against Confirmation of His
Appointment as Justice of the
Supreme Court.
Washington. Opposition to Pres
ident Taft's nomination of Mahlon
Pitney, chancellor of Now Jersey,
to be an associate Justice of the Su-
Mahlon Pitney.
preme court materialized when Sena
tor Kenyon of Iowa received from
President Urik of tho Iowa Federa
tion of Labor a protest against Chan
cellor Pitney becauso of some of his
"master and servant" decisions.
Labor Leaders Ack CongreGs to
vestlgate Conditions at Law
rence, Mass.
Washington. A congressional in
vestigation into tho Btriko conditions
In Lawrence, Mass., probably will be
made as tho result of complaints filed
with members of tho Industrial Work
ers of tho World, the organization
which has been conducting tho tight
for the textilo workers.
Coupled with tho nppenls which
came to members of congress to take
up this Inquiry wero tho details of tho
clash which occurred between strike
sympathizers and tho Lawrence po
lice and Massachusetts statu troops.
The authorities and the strikers
fought for hours after the pollco had
detained 14 chlldiun who wore being
shipped to Philadelphia.
Now York Police Reported to Have
Trapped Bandits Who Held Up
Bank Messengers.
New York. Tho continuation of tho
epidemic of robberies and holdups in
this city was accompanied by reports
that Doputy Pollco Commissioner
Dougherty's detectives had closed a
not around tho perpetrators of tho
sensational $25,000 taxlcab robbery.
Tho flvo men who held up the taxlcab
occupied by two bank messengers In
tho heart of tho financial district
havo been nt largo ten days.
Bureau at Washington Tabulates
Business Chances Abroad
30,000 In Export Trade.
Washington. To promote Amerlcnn
export trade tho bureau of manufac
tures is preparing a bulletin showing
tho languago, currency, weights and
measures, postal rates and parcel post
facilities of all foreign countries of
fering opportunities for tho manufac
tured products of tho United States.
It is estimated there aro 30,uuu manu
facturers In this country Interested In
foreign trade.
Paterson Strike 8tayed.
Paterson, N. J. Steps taken by tho
Oroad Silk Manufacturers' association
hero In putting Into operation a move
ment towards the drawing of new
wngo schedules to meet tho conditions
in tho different mllU temporarily
stayed tho general strike
Fire on President's Yacht.
Wanhlngton. Fire In tho cabin of
tho presidential yacht Mayflower
caused excitement at tho navy yard,
but was extinguished beforo serious
datnago was done.
G jz3
Bill Appropriating $60,000 for Univer
sity of Illinois Is Declared Illegal
Because It Was Not Printed Be
fore Final Passage.
Springfield, 111. Tho stato supremo
court has handed down a decision
which affects tho validity of many of
the most Important laws and appropri
ation bills passed by the legislature
during the last forty years.
The court held an appropriation of
$CO,000 for the medical department of
the University of Illinois to bo uncon
stitutional on tho ground that tho bill
in its final form was not printed bo
fore Its passago by the legislature.
Tho $60,000 item was inserted In the
conference committee report and
niched through tho legislature In tho
closing hours of tho 1911 session.
At each session for many years bills
havo bcon passed without fulfilling
tho constitutional requirement that a
bill and all Its amendments must bo
printed before final passage.
As n result an unprecedented situa
tion exists.
Governor Deneen probably will con
vene tho legislature in special session
to rectify the mistakes of past years
boforo other measures, whoso validity
is in doubt, nro nttacked In tho courts.
Many lmportnnt bills are affected
by tho decision of tho court, Including
tho following: Omnibus appropria
tion hill, making appropriation for the
expenses of tho stnto government for
tho ensuing two years; omnibus bills
ranking appropriation for tho seven
teen stato charitable institutions; sen
atorial apportionment under which
general assembly members huvo been
elected for last ten years; Cok coun
ty civil servlco bill; bill providing for
payment into the stato treasury of nil
fees collected by stato olllcors; mu
nicipal court civil servlco bill; Chi
cago parks civil servlco bill; Cnicago
pollco pension fund bill; stato game
commission bill; appropriation for
Bltos for stato armories and nrmory
buildings; appropriation for now
buildings at stnto fair grounds.
Congressman Wilson Offers Bill for
Federal Commission to Recom
mend Laws.
Washington. A federal commission
of nino members to bo appointed by
tho president and serve without sal
ary, to recommend now legislation to
cangresB for tho benefit of American
Industries, is proposed in a resolution
introduced by Roprescntntivo Wilson
of Chlcngo. Tho commission would bo
authorized to spend $25,000.
Clark and Wilson Forces Divide Dem
ocratic Delegation Evenly Be
tween Them.
Oklahoma City, Okla. In accord
ance with tho provisions of a resolu
tion adopted after hours of wrangling,
the Democrntlo stato convention ad
journed, having nnmed a list of dele
gates evenly divided between the
Clark and Wilson factions. Robert
Galhrenth was namod natlonnl com
mitteeman by unanimous vote.
Fine Lord Tennyson's 8on.
London. Lord Tennyson, son of the
lato poet laureato, appeared In tho un
literary rolo of milkman at tho Islo of
Wight petty session court, where tho
magistrate fined him $4 for not having
his name on milk cans and carta as
tho law requires.
Killed While Saving Pets.
Ottawa, Ont. Mrs. Elizabeth Moore
was burned to death at Montreal
.hrouKh returning into a blazing Iioubo
n an endeavor to save her pets four
Announced International Policy of His
Country Toward United States
Will Be Maintained.
Bogota, CoIombln.-vGon. Pedro Mel
Osplna, Colombian, minister to tho
United States, was recalled by tho Co
lombian government.
Tho action of the Colombian (jov
cruraent wns taken becauso neither It
nor the Colombian peoplo upholds tho
position taken by the Colomblnn min
ister at Washington in notifying tho
stnto department that tho visit to Co
lombia of Secretary of Stato Knox
would bo Inopportune, owing to tho
fact that Colombia's claims In connec
tion with Panama havo not yot boon
Tho notification , given by tho Co
lomblnn government says that General
Osplna is "separated" from his post
at Wnshlngton, and that tho incident
hotwoon Colombia and the Unltod
Stntes is thus closed. Colombia, It
continues, will maintain lior niterna"
tlonal policy.
Democrats in House of Representa
tives Take Action on Chemical
Washington. For tho first tlmo
since tho Insurgent Republicans broke
away from tho regulnrs In tho light
on tho petroleum duty in the Payno
tnriff bill In 190'J, tho Hepublicans of
tho house presented practically a
solid front against tho passago of a
tariff revision bill.
Representative Theron Akin of
Now York, an Independent Repub
lican, and Mr. Hanna of North Da
kota, a regular Ropubllcan, voted for
the measuro. Representative Ilerger
of Wisconsin, Socialist, voted against
it All Democratic members of tho
house voted for thn bill.
Meet to Discuss Demands of En
gineers for Increase In
Now York. Executlvo olllclals rep
resenting all of tho largo railroad sys
toniB In tho eastern territory met in
this city to oxchango views on tho de
mands mndo by tho locomollvu oii
ginoors for higher Ynt:f Tim en
glnoers aro uniting in a movoment
for a wago advance of 15 per com.
Every road east of Chicago, north of
tho Chesapenko & Ohio and south of
tho Canadian border, is affected.
Tho railroads, It 1b understood, nro
Inclined to look upon tho demands or
tho engineers as hardly Justllled by
existing conditions.
Large Section of Arkansas Is Devas
tated by Storm Many Peo
plo Injured.
Llttlo Rock, Ark. Details of a
double tornado which devastated por
tions of Lincoln, JefforBon nnd Arkan
sas counties, placo tho list of dead
at ten with at least twontyllvo per
sons soverely hurt.
Tho greatest destruction wnB report
ed near Almyra In tho pralrlo and rice
lands of Arkansas county. Mrs. Ed.
Johnson, her threo children, n hired
man named McClaln nnd an unidenti
fied stranger who waB stopping at tho
Johnfaon homo all woro killed.
Aid Sent Flood Victims.
Gibraltar Tho poverty throughout
Andalusia on account of tho Into floods
Is appalling. Monoy Is being sent
from all partB of Europe In nu nttompt
to remedy tho pltlublo situation. Tho
popo mado a genoroua contribution.
Aviation Is College Study.
MadlBon, Wis. Flying machines
and tho prlnclplos of aviation aro to
ho studied by Btudonts In tho collego
of engineering of Wisconsin unlvor
slty as a rpsult of tho formation of an
aeronautical club by studoaiA.
Proposed Amendment to School Law
Was First Rejected by Legisla
ture, but Later Passed.
Nebraska was tho llrst state to re
quire by statute that teachers in pub
lic schools .should cinallty thonifelvos
to teach elementary principles of
ngrlouUuie, tho san as to touch
other branches of learning in such
In tho year 1SS9 the Hoard of Re
gents of tho UnHurslty of Nebraska
requested that tho State Hoard of
Agriculture npimlnt a special commit
too to consult with a like committee
of their board touching certain ques
tions concerning tho nuuniBcment of
Uio unlvorslty exporltuont farm and
agricultural experiment station of
Nebraska. Tho committee iipiwlnted
on tho part of the State ikmrd of
Agriculture- consisted of Robert W.
Furnas of Nemaha county, P. II.
Harry of Greeley county, and S. C.
Hasv-vott of Buffalo comity. At every
meeting of tho Joint committees tho
principal subjirot of discussion was:
"How to secure u larger attendance
of students at tho Agricultural col
lego of the university."
In 1001 a proposed amendment to
tho school laws or tho state, as word
ed by Dr. Uesaoy of tho Stnto unlvor
Blty, was placed by S. C. Bassett In
tho bands of Hon. II. D. Ream, mem
bor of tho legislature from Custer
county, and by him offerod as an
amendment to tho bill introduced in
tho Iiouro at tho request of Statu Su
perintendent W. K. Fowlor, relating
to qualifications of candidates for
teachers' certificates. Tho amend
ment was defeated in tho houso,
largely for the reason that a llko at
tempt was nmdo to compel tho tonch
Ing of music In tho public schools. In
tho sonato Senator Miller of Huffnlo
county offered tho amendment to tho
Fowler bill nnd It was again defeated
in tho committee of tho whole, and
for the same rcnon ns in tho houso.
Senator Miller then made a personal
ploa to tho senate to adopt tho
amendment. In substanco he .stated
that the amendment had received tho
unanimous endorsement- of tho Stato
Board of Agriculture and of tho Dairy
men's association; in addition it was
endorsed by Dr. Chnrles K. Hesse' of
tho Stnto unlvorslty, by Stato Super
intendent Fowlor as well as by a
host of farmers throughout tho wtato.
Then the senato adopted tho amend
ment, the house concurred and It be
came a part of tho school law of the
state. Tho law as amended gave tho
teachers or the stato until July, 1902,
to comply with Its provisions.
It was at once realized by thoso in
terested that toxt books relating to
tho elementary principles of agricul
ture and sultablo for uso In rural and
graded schools would bo needed. At
the roquost of Superintendent Fow
ler, Dr. Chnrles 13. Bossey, prorossor
of botany; Lnwrenco Bruner, profes
sor of entomology, and O. D. Swoozy,
proressor of astronomy, all of tho
University of Ncfbrnskn, prepared tho
copy for a toxt book entitled "New
Elementary Agriculture for Rural and
Graded Schools," and tho Bamo was
published, being first Issued In 1003.
Suit for Salary.
Assistant Attornoy General Kdger
ton hold a conference with Matt Gor
ing of Plattsmouth over tho tlmo tor
tho hearing of tho suit in which
Samuel Patterson of Arapahoo is ask
lug for tho recovery of $0,000 salary
which 1 o alleges la duo him.
Permission to PurcliSbC.
Tho state- railway commission has
given tho Lincoln Tolophono and Tel
egraph company permission U pur
chase tho Sownrd Telephone com
pany under tho provisions of tho mer
ger agreement which was effected
some tlmo ago between tho Independ
ent and Holl interests in this stato.
Tho Soward company Is valued at
$100,000, and will bo purchased with
somo of the money accumulated
through the sale of stock, permission
for the Issuance of which was- given
about two wookH ago.
Medical College Law,
Tho Omaha medical college law
will bo submitted to the stmto su
preme court March 8, according to the
call Issued. Dr. S. J. Stewart of Has
tings Ih applying Tor a writ of injunc
tlon preventing Auditor Hartnn rrom
bonding warrants on tho $100,000 np
proprlatlon. Tho contention Is mado
that tho law di&crlmlnntos In fnvor
of tlie alopathlc school of medicine
as aniliiBt all others, and thnt it
violates a statutory provision which
sets out that all buildings shall bo
near the stato capital.
Publication of Amendments.
Governor AJdrich Is In receipt of
many lottora asking why Uio publica
tion of notices or tho constitutional
amendments has not lioon com
menced, as the date or tho primary is
approaching He calls nttontlon to
the law which says tho notices shall
bo printed for thirteen consocutlvo
weeks preceding the November elec
Ion, which would mako tho dnto or
tho liift publication some tlmo In
August Tho papers -which will print
thee notices will bo designated
the governor in duo time.
Douglas County Assessor Up Against
a Problem.
' W. (J. Shrlvor, county iis,itRor of
Douglas county, Is up against a proo-
Irm which he desires Henry Seyjmmr,
! secretary of the Board or Iviiiu!t.A-
tlon, to solve for him. Mr. Seymour
! admits he Is stuck and has nvkeu tho
attorney general k otllco to solve It
for him. That department la delving
Into the statutes and supremo court
opinions and cxtectB to be able to an
swer Mr. Seymour, who will answer
Mr. Shrlvcr, who will toll tho voters
of Douglas county about It In due
Tho law provides that In counties
containing cities of more than 4,000
Inhabitants in addition to tho county
assessors there shall be elected as
many district assessors a nocesary to
perform tho work nnd that theso dis
trict assessors snail bo elected en
masse. The law also says that pre
cinct nnd township officers ncod not
bo nominated at Uio primary election,
but are to be named iy tho old caucus
system. In nnother placo tho law
says that wherever tho word township
or district ofllcer is used It fhnii bo
defined to moan the same as precinct
and vice vorsa. What Mr. Shrlvcr
wants to know is whether Uio district
assessors shall go on the primary bal
lot, whether Uioy must divide coun
ty Into districts and the nominee in
each district must resldo In the dis
trict In fact, tho whole machinery by
which those district assessors nro
nominated and elected.
In reply to the letter of tho county
attornoy of Hlaino county taking Issue
with the atfornev genoral'8 olllco on
tho questions v er tho county as
sessors In Hoyu and other counties
hold over when no eloctlon was nold
last year tho nttorncy general's or
lice Is or tho opinion tno Illalno coun
ty man has overlooked tho general
provision that unless otherwise bimjcI
lied In a law creating an olllco nil of
ileors hold over until their successors
nro olected and qualified, nnd that tt
was under this provision of law tho
offlco hold hold tho old assessor was
entitled to tho ofTlco.
Making Orchard Money Maker.
Tho bureau of labor and industrial
statistics has just ieud ft compre
hensive bullotln on fruit raising in
Nobraskn. In nddltlon to glvliig somo
oxamples or what financial returns
some fruit raisers havo received tho
bulletin sots out what kinds oi lands
are 9ii!tflbl for raising of different
fruits and also what sections havo
made a success of It. One notable
nrtklo Is what a Cass county man did
to mako profitable atl orchard which
had been unprofitable because it did
not Itcnr good crops and that llttlo
of an Inferior quality Ho called In
experts from tho university aud they,
made his orchard a big money maker,
by processes within tho reach and
comprehension of anyone.
Statutes Seem at Variance.
Senator W. V. lloagland of North
Platte has called Uio attention of tho
J secretary of Btato to an inconsistency
In tho election law wmcii may cause
somo trouble to candidates unless
they take precautions. Section 117 C
chapter 20 Wheeler and section 117
G, of the saiuo chapter, uio at vari
ance. Ono provides tliat where a
senatorial or representative district
comprises more than one county tho
filing tor tho primary nnd for the elec
tion shall bo mado with tho secretary
of stato and tho other that It shall bo
mado with tho county clerk of each
county In tho district. In tho absonco
of any judicial determination or tho
quostion as to which provision gov
erns it niny ho necessary to bo on tho
safo side to comply with both provi
sion. Purchase of Bonds.
Stato Treasurer George has mado
tho purchaso of $10,000 of Ilgh city
bonds. Tho securities iay j per cent
Seeks to Put on Frontier Day.
Charlos H. Irwin of Choycnno was
In Lincoln trying to Interest tho state
fair management In a proposition to
put on at tho stato fair a wild west
show, Bimllar to the ono given ovory
year at tho Choyenno rrontlcr day.
Such an undertaking Is regarded as
to expensive by Secretary Mollor.
New Style Seed Tester.
'Hie pure food department or Lin
coln lias received a now pattern r
seed tester and Chemist Redrcrn put
It to work at once. Thl makes- threo
kinds ho is using, tho rag baby, ono
In which tho grain la kept moist simp
ly by tho use of water In tho trays
and tho lntest ono In which tho grain
is simply laid In moist sand and tho
wholo machine put in a warm room.
Another Bank for Lincoln.
Lincoln will soon have nnother
banking houso If present plans do not
miscarry lrnforo they nro finally per
fected. It will bo a stato bank, tho
third in tho city excluslvo or Uio sav
Ings banks. The capital stock will bo
Oil Case Into Courts.
II. II. Haldrigo and Secretary llibba
or tho National Hennery company ap
peared lKroru tho attornoy gonoral to
ascertain lr they could not convlnco
lil in ho was wrong in his ruling ox
eluding low grade kerosono used ror
jKjwer purposes. The attornoy gen
eral held to his previous opinion thnt
his ruling wna according to law, and
It Is probable tho oil producers and
consumers of oil for lwwer will ap
peal to tho courts until thoy can get
uy logisuuive, wiutu chuuuw uo mim u
1 wliitor.
They Are Sentenced to Deaih bj
Court Martial for the Unus
ually Brital Murder.
Wanted Money for Their Armementi
nnd Finding the Old Woman Alone,
Deat Her to Doath With a
Club, After Struggle
for Life.
Paris. Two young soldiers Belong
ing to an infantry regimont havobeoB
sentenced to death by tho court mar
tial sitting at L Mans. On tho seo
ond Sunday In October these me,
whoso nntncB nro TIsBonu and Nolot,
murdered under oxtromoly shocking
circumstances an old farm woman,
who had treated thorn In a most hoo
pltoblo manner.
Thoy wanted money for their amuse
ments, and, arriving nbout noon nt th
houso thoy asked tho old woman who
was alone, to glvo thorn somo refresh
ment, a roquost with which aho will
ingly compiled. Ab thoy woro eating
tame. Lucoau talked to Hi em about
her husband, who had fought in tho
war of 1870, and Bald that ho wasv ex
pecting tho modal for it.
She wont to a wardrobe, took from
It some documents which sho and' the
voteran trensurod, showed them, vrltk
prldo to tho two soldiers, and than
they spoke of the heroism which had
been displayed by tho French troops.
So lndignnnt was tho colonel who
presided nt tho trial whon all this was
related that ho oxclalmod, "So you,
who wero wearing tho uniform of the
army, nnd no pity on this poor tco
innn?" "No," replied Nolot, "tho conversa
tion had even mndo us forgot our pro
ject, and wo woro going to lenvo
empty-handed when Tlsscnu reminded
inn with a glnnco that wo had to
He Struck Ono Blow.
march." Tho soldlors shook hands
with their hostess ns thoy bado hor
farewell, a fact which ovokod another
emphatic protest from the president.
Then tho narrative of tho crlmo was
continued. Nolot said:
"First of nil I took tho woman's
head under my arm and throw her
down. Sho only sntd, "I am not rich,
but do not kill mo. I will givo you,
everything I havo." Sho got up and
then Tisscau throw hor down again
and mado a sign to mo. Taking a thick
stick, which ho held out to mo, I said,
"Oh, wo must havo dono with this!"
nnd I struck ono blow, which, was
enough. Then vo soarchod tho ward
mho nnd loft with seventeen francB,
which wco shared us wo went along."
"You certainly hit hard," remarked
tho president, and, undoing a parcel,
ho added, "Look, hero aro somo bits
of your victim's skull." Tho two young
soldiers hung their hcadB and did not
utter a word. In tho course of tho
trlnl It transpired that tho twt men,
whoso antecedents woro tho roverso of
respcctahlo nnd who had boon in tho
habit of bragging about them to their
comrades, bad previously contemplated
tho murder of anothor old woman
dwelling In a lonely farnihouso, and
also of a wealthy citizen residing at
Lo Mans, as woll as tho burglarly of a
jeweler's establishment at La Fleche,
winding up with n plan for tho murder
of a corporal In their company, with
whom thoy wero on friendly terms, in
order to obtain possession of his sav
ings bank book, the plan being that
thoy should hldo his corpso and spread
a report that ho had desortcd. Tho
verdict of tho court martial was unani
mous. See Wedding for 25 Cents.
Tho Dalles, Ore. Capt. Bernhard
Anderson of Tho Dalles corps ot the.
Salvation Army and Capt. Nolllo B,
Wllklns of North Yakimn, Wash., werd
married at the Congregational churcb
In this city by Brigadier IL Dubbin ofl
Seattle. Many Tho Dalles folk paid
tho ndmlsslon feo ot 25 cents and wit
uessed tho ceremony.
Proud of Record.
Pittsburgh, Pa. Isaac Jones, lotlred
whaler and Sunday school teacher,
boasts that only six ot bis Sunday
school pupils havo been hanged in
twenty years his class, being that la
the county jalL