i DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD. w 1K w. MOTTO All The News Whea 14 Is Hewi. HI T VOL. 20. DAKOTA OITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1912. NO. 23. MNMHfcrf FtflR II ? "irr I 1 F INVASION OF MEXICO BY UNITED STATES TROOPS AT EARLY DATE IS PnOEABLC. -ARMY ORDERED TO BE READY Regiment of Infantry and Battalion of Field Artillery Will at Once Rein. force Cavalry Patrollng Border at El Paso. Washington. Tho war department iUiih given orders that 5,000 troops bo held in readiness to proceed at a mo jneut's notlco to the Mexican border, and tho actual invasion of tho repub lic of Mexico by tho United States Is believed to bo near. Another 5,000 men will bo held lc reserve. Thia second force may not bo ordered to take the field lor some time, even though an invasion be comes necessary, but they will bo equipped, it was stated, and held for a second expedition should such an -army movoment bo found imperative Tho war department has ordered a regiment of Intuntry and a battalion of Held, artillery to El Paso for the reinforcement of tho cavalry now pa trollng tho Mexican border In that section. A general ordor has gono out to tho mobllo army to bo prepared for any call tho war dopartment may make on it should another mobilization bo ordered in Texas. Fully 25,000 troops, east and west, are nffected by tho general order to prepare for tho field. All of them can bo entrained within twenty-four hours. Conditions In Mexico are even mora alarming, according to official state ments, than had hitherto been ex pocted. Reports from Ambassador Wilson and from consular olllccrs throughout the Mexican republic to tho state de partment have led tho administration to take extraordinary precautions. It was said these advices show that tho Madoro regime in Mexico is much weaker than was the Diaz rule at any stage of tho last administration. So powerless Is Madero that ho 1b not ;now in a position to guarantee any 'Tights to foreigners. ."J1. W. BLUMENBERG IS FIRED .Lorimer Investigating Committee Will Ask Senate to Punish- Stenog rapher for Contempt. Washington. Milton W. Blumen 'berg reiterated on tho witness stand .before tho Lorimer investigating com .mitteo his assertion that shorthand .notes Introduced to support tho per jury charge against Charles McGowan wero faked. Defore being called as a witness Mr. Blumenberg was discharged as the of ficial stenographer of tho committee as a result of his sensational action at a previous session, when ho interrupt ed the proceedings of tho committee to challenge tho authenticity of tho shorthand notes, after having ( con ferred with attorneys for Senator Lorimer. In addition to dismissing him as or 4iclal stenographer, the committee di rected its counsel to instltuto con tempt proceedings against Mr. Blu menberg before tho United States sen ate. Tho committee will recommend to the Huiiate lEat Mr. Bluuienberg bo punished tor contempt. It will be within tho discretion of the senato to reprimand him, discharge him as an official stenographer of the senate, Jmposo a fino or sentence him to jail. SIDEL LIBEL SUIT SETTLED Mayor of Milwaukee Denies That He Made Statement Attributed to Him. Milwaukee, Wis. Tho $50,000 suit for damages, started nlno months ago against Mayor Emil Seldel, by Circuit Judge Franz Eschweller for libel, re sulting from a campaign speech, has boen settled out of court. Tho mayor has secured a settlement by writing a letter in which he charges that tho statements attributed to him wero never made, but wero misrepresenta tions by tho uowspapers. VESSEL SINKS; 14 DROWN British Gunboat Rams Submarine and All on Board of Latter Are Drowned. Portsmouth, England. Ton sailors and four lioutenants wero drowned hero when tho submarine "A2" was rammed by tho British gunboat Haz ard. Tho submarine sank llko a stono, with a great tear in her armor, and none on board had a chanco to escapo. Tho Eubmarlno wont out of tho har bor for a sorlos of diving and torpedo exercises. Busch Opera Gift $50,000. St. Louis. Adolphus Ilusch, now at his winter homo in Pasadena, Cal., has offered to subscrlbo $50,000 to tho erection of a $500,000 opera houso in St. Louis, providing tho remainder ot tho fund bo subscribed withlu six months. Leaves 534 Descendants. Spring Valley, Utah. Flvo hundred nnd thirty-four descendants, running In tho fifth generation, survive Mrs. Sylva A. Sandford, who died hero, aged ninety-seven years. P FOUR OF FAMILY DIE SON MAY HAVE SLAIN AND MOTHER. FATHER Believed William Mallahn Murdered Kir. and Then Committed Suicide. Appleton, Wis. There Is much mys tery over tho discovery of four dead bodies In tho farm house of Lewis Mallahn, near Utugbamton, 15 miles northwest of this city. Tho father was dead from a gunshot wound and his threo children had their throats cut. A suicide and double murder is suspected. The dead: Lewis Mallahn, aged CG years, shot In head; William Mallahn. aged 21 years; Dora Mallahn, aged 1G years; John Mallahn, aged 8 years. The bodies were discovered by George Mallahn, aged 15 years, when he returned from the district school, which Is two miles from his home. The boy found his sister lifeless on the kitchen floor. Ho Informed his brother, Walter, aged 14, who. accom panied him from school, and nnother brother, ICdward, aged 24, who had brought tho two homoon a sled on which he had been hauling wood. Lewis Mallahn's body was found In tho barn, and those of John and Wil liam were discovered in the smoke house. The opinion of those who visited the homo is that William Mallahn was responsible for the four deaths. A fancied grievance over favors ex tended to other members of tho fam ily is thought to havo inspired the deed. NIAGARA ICE BRIDGE BREAKS Man, Woman and Youth Are Carried to Death in Niagara River Disaster. .Niagara Tails. Thrco people, a man, n woman and a youth, went to their deaths here when tho Isc bridge which every winter spans tho lower gorgo between th .American falls and tho upper steel arch bridge broke from its moorings and floated down the rlvf. Tho youth was Uurrcll licccci: of East One Hundred and Seventh street, Cleveland, O. The couplo Is supposed to be Mr. and Mrs. Eldrldge Stanton of 347 Huron street. Toronto, Out., who carae hero to view tho ice scenery. Hecock lost his life in a futile clTort to assist the man In an attempt, to save his wile, ue migni navo ioi lowed his chum, lgnatus Roth, also of Cleveland, to safety before tho bridge disintegrated, but ho was then assisting tho man with the woman, and before ho realized it the bridge had broken into pieces and Hecock found himself on a small floe of Ico floating down the river. U. S. STEEL FILES ANSWER Corporation Replies to Federal Suit Denying It Is a Monopoly and Justifies It3 Course. Tronton, N. J. Tho United States Steol corporation, filed its answer to the petition of tho federal government, in which tho court was prayed to ad judge the steel company Illegal and In restraint of trade. Tho answer is a general denial to the allegations of the government. It defends the organization of the sub sidiary companies, denies that they wero formed in violation of the anti trust act, asserts that they wero a normal and necessary development of the times, and insists that instead of restraining trade or customers, they havo developed and increased tho same. It is admitted that Roosevelt stated that ho did not feel It to be 1i!b duty to prevent tho proposed transaction, and says that "in reliance upon said statement Messrs. Gary and Frlck re turned to New York, whereupon the purchase was completed." ARABS SHOOT AVIATOR SPY Capt Monte of Italian Army Is Wounded After Dropping Missiles on Enemy. Tripoli. Capt- Monte, an Italian military airman, was severely wound ed in a spectacular aerial battle with Arabs whilo flying over their encamp ment near Tobruk In Cyronalca. Captain Monto set out In an aero plane to ascertain tho strength of an Arabian forco which of lato has been harassing tho Italian outposts and carae upon their headquarters at Tobruk. With him In the machlno was an army ofllcer. They circled high over tho camp and dropped sev eral bombs, all of them taking efTect. The Arab sharpshooters then formed in a great clrclo and opened flro on tho air craft. Tho aeroplane was hit four times, ono of tho bullets striking Captain Moute. lie was able to main tain his seat with tho assistance of his companion and they fled back to camp with tho Information which they sot out to obtain. Italians Begin Bombardment. London. Bombardment of Hodeldr., on tho lied sea, has been begun by tho Italian fleet. According to a nows agency dispatch from Constantinople part or tho Turkish port has been de stroyed. Accidentally Kills Sister. Leonardtown, Md. Shot by her sixteen-year-old brother, Ned, who In play pointed his rlllo at her, thtnkliiK ho had drawn tho load, Helen Oweus, soven years old, Is dead at Red date. HOPE. COUPLE El LIVES FREDERICK NOBLE AND WIFE END THEIR ELOPEMENT IN DOUBLE SUICIDE. DEATH SEALS THE MOTIVE Woman Regretted Flight From Walter L. Suydam, Millionaire Husband Couple Had Been Married But New York. Double sulcldo ended tho sensational romance ot the former wlfo of Walter L. Suydam and Fred erick Noble, tho young plumber, for tho love ot whom Mrs. Suydam ran away from her millionaire husband and married In September IrsL Mr. Suydam divorced his wife that she might wed tho man who had sup planted him In her affections. Clasped" In each other's arms they wero found llfolcss from gas asphyxi ation in their pretty apartment at 82 West Twelfth street. There was no possibility of accident. Their street clothes had been laid carefully away; every room had been put to rights; one door hud been bolted and tho other barricaded, so that no one might enter until tho deadly fumes had done tholr work. They left no famwoll message, no written explanation. But in tho minds of the few persons who knew them especially tho girl lately their motive was entirely clear. They were not happy together. They never really loved each other. The young wife never loved any man ex cept Walter Lispenard Suydam, tho millionaire husband from whom she ran away on September G last. Fred Noble, the son of a Brooklyn plumber, know this: knew that she married him only to set herself right as might bo boforo tho world. Ho married her only to givo hor what standing a wed ding ring might Impart. M'LEANS GET HOPE GEM Washington Woman Wears Famous Diamond at Reception Litiga tion Settled. Washington. Mrs. Evelyn Walsh McLean, wife of Edward McLean and daughter of tho lato Thomas F. Walsh, tho mine ownor, now is the lawful owner of the famous Hopo diamond. Sho wore it for tho first timo when Mr. nnd Mrs. McLean gave a recop tlon in honor of tho Russian ambas sador. Millionaire McLean bought tho gem as a presont for his wlfo several months ago, but a dispute aroso bo tweon him and tho New York jowolors who made iho Bale as to tho price, and tho caso was carried Into court. Tho litigation has been settled. Tho price finally paid has not boon learned definitely, but It is known that tho figure Is not far from the price asked in tho first place. $2G0,000. Jay Gould Is Now Father. New York. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gould aro receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Jay Gould was Miss Annio Douglas Gra ham, a daughter of a former mar riage of Mrs. Hubert Vos. Her mar riage to Jay Gould, who Is tho second son of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gould, took place at St. Thomas church last AprlL Royal Arcanum Gets $5,902,100. Boston. Tho Supremo Council of tho Royal Arcanum will havo returned to It $5,902,100, tho amount of a re servo fund on deposit with tho stato treasurer, by ordor of Supremo Court Judgo Uraloy. Senator Thomas Grady Dead. Now York. State Senator Thomas F. Grudy, widely known In Demo cratic councils In stato and nation and familiarly called "The Silver Tongued Orator of Tammany Hall," is dead here. BOTH CLAIM VICTORY CODE TELEGRAMS ARE PRESENT ED IN BEEF TRIAL. ! Each Side Declares Sme Message Proves Its Contentions "Knlp- Ing" Is Armour'BiNamfc, Chicago. A codo book was brought into the federal court In the trial ot tho Chicago packers tor violation of tho anti-trust law to translate a great bundle ot telegrums exchanged In tho courso of the business of tho National Packing company, and, when the strange messages had been interpret ed, both the government, and tho pack ers claimed a great victory Tho packers wero Jubilant because some of tho messages 'complained ot strenuous competition ,nnd declared that tho last answer Jb the charges of combination had been auawored. lsadoro J. Snydor, assistant Inspector of the Boston branch of tho National concern, identified many telegrams and said that all wero sent In tho usual course ot business. Tho government claimed a victory In that some telegrams threatened that tho supply would bo curtailed un less branch houso managers main tained better prices District Attcr now Wllkerson contonds that prices could not bo maintained by tho curtail, ment of shipments unless the packers had a working monopoly of tho busi ness,. GRAIN OUTPUT IS IMMENSE Northwestern Elevators CO.000.000 Bushels In to Contain Spring Amount Is Unprecedented. Duluth, Minn. Prospects are that there will be G0.000.000 bushels of grain between tho Duluth and Su perior and tho Port Arthur and Fort William olevatore at tho opening of navigation next spring. This Is said to be unprecedented. Winnipeg esti mates that tho Canadian grain of tho present crop will be sent east via tho American head of tho lakes for next spring will aggrogato about 15.Oou.000 bushels. PENSION BILL IS PASSED Measure Abolishes Seventeen Agencies Maintained In Various CitieB Hits Non-Resldents. Washington. Tho pension appro priation bill, carrying about $152, 000,000, passed the houso by a voto of 245 to 33, after several south ern Democrats had domandod a roll call voto. A provision oxclud lngpens!oners who live out of tho United StateH was defeated by 1C0 to 133. Tho bill abolishes 17 pension agencies which have boon maintained in different cities. DEFEAT FOR PUBLICITY BILL Provision In Measure Requiring Presi dent to Give Out Names of Indoraers Rejected. Washington. A provision In tho houso bill to roarrango tho Judiciary of tho Seventh United States circuit In Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin, which would require tho presldont be fore appointing a Judgo to mako pub llchls Indorsements, has boon thrown nut by a sub-commltteo ot the senate udlclary committee. Tho bill, as a tUiole, was not acted upon. Claudia Halns Again Wife. Boston. Claudia Llbbey Halns, con tral liguro in tho sensational shoot ing of William K. Annls by her bus band, Capt. Peter C Halns, at Bay. sldo, L, I., in 1908, was married to Reglnai F. Bollos, a prominent Bos ton artist, nt her homo in Milton, Says Woman Stole $6,118. Now Bethlehem, Pa. Miss Klla Latimer, agod twenty-three, for six years a trustod cmployo In tho poBt office horo, was arrested, charged with tho embezzlement of $6,118. ATTACK LIQUOR LI CMAHA CASE ' GOES TO CUPRCMC COURT. STATE TREATS DEALERS 'DIFFEnEHTLY Licenced Vendor Liable for Civil Damages, Whllo Unlicensed Seller Is Not So Held Under Act. Tho United States supreme court has notified tho supremo court of Ne braska to certify up to tho. federal su premo court tho caso of Ford Smith against Edward A. Roohrlg and tho Titlo Guaranty company ot Scranton, Pa. Tho action was ono against Roehrlg, a saloon koopor of Omaha, and his bond, tho Guaranty company, tho Douglas district court giving Smith a verdict for $2,(100 nnd tho siipromo court of tho state affirming tho court below. The defendant sought to go to tho federal supremo court on a writ of error, but tho stato court denied tho writ, which had now been granted, by tho federal courL In 1008 Rochrlg ran a saloon at 1023 North Sixteenth street. Ford Smith and Loo Hawkins, colored, en tered his placo, in which at tho thno wero George and. Bud Wcatherfjrd. Tho four had several drinks togothor nnd during tho timo they wero in tho saloon also engaged In a row. Smith losing nn cyo in tho 'moloo. Tho suit was ono for dnmagos, Smith alleging that whilo Roohrlg did not put out his eye, he, as ownor of tho place and tho party who sold all tho participants the liquor, which It Is charged caused tho row, was liable. Tho point on which tho federal court Is asked to intervene Is that tho law makes tho licensed aolUrt' ot liquor liable for civil damagos whllo tho unlicensed vendor who sells or gives it nway Is not liable, and there fore tho law is discriminatory and void. NhraKlcn'R Gold Discoveries. According to E. II. Barbour, stato geologist, tho discovery of gold near Tocumsoh Is not an unusual circum stance. Four other such discoveries havo been ma do at Crete, Superior, Scottsbluff. and BloomflcW. "The dis covery of gold-bearing quartz in this state Is something decidedly new, however," ho asserted, "and I am In clined to doubt that they aro deposit ed hero naturally1 Tho most profits able bit of gold cwy found in Nebras ka was near Creto, whero $10 worth wtus found In 1C0 loads of sand. Senators Will Support Bill. Tho stato railway commission has received word from Senators Hitch cock and Brown that they will both support tho Nolson bill denying to federal courts Jurisdiction to stay, by Injunction, certain actions started by the different states. Tho bill is in tended to curb tho powers of the fed eral Judiciary in matters that aro con sidered wholly within tho authority of the states themselves. Back to the Farm. Sovcnty-llvo per cent of tho gradu ates of tho Nebraska collogo of agri culture go back to tho farm after fin ishing tholr schooling, according to Dean B. A. Burnott of that college. In tho school of agriculture 00 per cent return to tho farm after graduating. Champ Clark's Name Filed. Forty-ono democrats from Falls City filed a petition with tho secre tary of stnto asiking that the namo of Champ Clark, speaker of tho national house of representatives, bo placed upon tho primary ballot as a candi date for tho prosidoncy of tho United States. Talbot Talks cf Rates. At tho offlco of A. K. Talbot, head ot tho Modern Woodmen It was said tiio talk of secession from tho ordor on account of tho increase in rates was all bosh, if for no other reason because tho scceders would have no othor place to go, as most states pro hibit companies having lower rates than tho ones proposed by tho WOOd-m-ell. Will Examine the Corn. Food Commissioner Hansen an nounced that seed corn submitted to Iiis offlco for Inspection would be examined despite tho fact that for a a timo ho belloved It would bo im possible to do this. Tho donation of a reed tester by an Iowa concern paved the way for a reconsideration of tho original resolve of tho head of tho department. Harmon for President. Tho namo ot Judson Harmon of Ohio was Hied as n presidential can didate iu Lincoln while that of Wil liam J. Bryan was withdrawn. Paying Stcto Warrants, For tho llrut timo in soveral months the treasury Is paying all warrants on presentation. All outstanding regis tered warranta haYo been called Feb, 1, when Interest on thorn ceases. Also tho treasurer Is takint: up nil current Issues either from cash in tho gonoral fund or from Investment fund3 of tho state, and thoy aro hold for tho ben ollt of tho school fund. This will moan a matorlal saving for parties having claims against tho Btato, as doalors have insisted on discontinuing stato obligations in tho past SEED FOR PLANTIU6. Food Commissioner Hansen May Make, Tests. It in likely that In Bpito of tho fail iirA nf tlm UUItnr to mnlcn anv appropriation for testing seeds by tho puro food bureau, como action may bo taken. It Is suggested that whllo tho full application of tho law could not bo made without tho expenditure of a cousldorablo amount of money It la pointed out that It would not cost much to tent tho germinating power of uocd3 oflercd for nalo and UiIb ma) bo done. Tho poor quality of tho seed raised in Nobraska and elsewhere nnd the consequent largo amounts which seed companies aro likely to dlsposo of to farmers who aro not satlsllcd with their own product, indicates that some thing Bhould bo done to piotcct tho purchasers of seed. Attention is called to tho fact that tho demand may bo oven larger thnn has boon anticipated, for tho shoftago elsowhoro has engen dered high prlcos and cousldorablo quantities ot tho good seed which la now In Nebraska is being shipped out of tho state. Incidentally, It Is gossip around tho stato houso that tho governor's sec retary, L n. Fuller, might como to tho rescue of Food Commissioner llmitson by loaning him a seed bed in which to mako tho tests, Early lu tho winter tho govornor'B offlco was graced by sovoral boxes of foliage and blooming plants, but botweon tho combined ac tivities ot tho governor's bull pup nnd tho frost tho plants aro all dead. Docs Your Farm Pay? Tho Rural Llfo Commission wishes rollablo Information concerning tho operation of Nebraska farms. Will you kindly answer tho questions bo low and return this paper to W. S. Dolano, Chairman Tax Section, 1801 Q SL, Lincoln? What is tho market value of your farm based on tn rpcont snips of farms in your neighborhood? What Ib the interest rnto on farm mortgages in your aoctlon What is tho assessed valuo of your farm? What is tho amount of your 1911 farm tax? Whul !h Igo liiatkut valuo cl tic personal property used to operate your farm in 1911? What 13 tho assessed valuo of such property? What 1b tho 1911 tax on such per sonal property? What is tho amount of all salon from your farm for 1911, and this should Include tho inventory valuo of 1911 products on hand January 1, 1912, but should not Include products carried over from 1910. In tho term "products" wo includo Hvo stock as well as grain? What is tho amount of operating expense for tho year 1911? And this should includo fulr compensation for yourself and all membors ot your family who worked on tho farm? Also cost of Insurance and depre ciation of buildings and tools? What Is tho Interest rato in your section on short timo loans? Should you bo ablo to givo figures covering tho operation of your farm for tho past flvo years plcaso do so on a ceparato sheet All of theso replies will bo treated confidentially and will bo published only In totals or without namo of farmer and postofflco ad- dross. Wo trust that you rcalizo tho lmportanco of this inquiry and will give it immediate and careful atten tion. Nebraska Rural Life Commission, W. S. Dolano, Chairman Tar Section. Rifle Practice Inspector Reports. Major L. II. Gage, inspector of rifle practice of tho National Guard, has made his report for 1911. He finds the avorago cfllcioncy of tho ontiro guard to bo 29.05 per cent, ngalnst 1G.58 per cent in tho provlous year, a most marked Improvement Filing for Water Rights. Many fllingB for wator rlghtB on small crooks ot tho Btato havo boon received at tho offlco of tho stato board of Irrigation. Tho JlllngB aro mndo under a now stato irrigation law and nro oortilled by tho socrotary of BtajLo board of Irrigation, D. D. Price. Janitor Receives Legacy. Joseph McKaln of 2425 O street, a Janitor at tho Capitol school, Lincoln, has rocolved notlco that ho has been loft $15,000 by tho will of a sister who rocontly died In California. McKaln was formerly an engineer on tho Un ion Pacific road. Working Out School Expenses. Almost halt of tho students of tho atato unlvorslty nro earning tholr way through Bcliool, in wholo or in part, according to figures Just given out by tho registrar. Tho figures show that of tho total of 1,242 male students, ex cluding those in agriculture, dentistry and music, there wore 012 carrying several hours' of labor along with their school duties. Objects to Interview. Governor Aldrich takes oxception to an interviow with tho head of tho Omaha publicity bureau, in which tho question of aood inspection is dls cussod. Tho govornor thinks tho Inter view is unfair in that it quotes him in part, but falls to quoto tho portion of his lottor in which he says tho legia laturo provided by law for soed in Bpection and testing by tho food com missioner, but failed to mako any ap propriation to carry on tho work. When tho law was passed tho federal bureau was discontinued. HOME, Tow HELP5 BEAUTY IN PRACTICAL FORM Roadildo Fruit Trees Produce an An nual Revenue of $600 to the Mile. Whcro tho roadside fruit trees aro most BucceHsfully grown and the con ditions aro moro favorable, tho re turn from tho fruit which is gathered by tho public authorities and sold at auction, has reached $600 to the mile, Whero tho yield Is only fair it io nev ertheless well worth whllo as a source of Income In addition to this money return tho roads aro made extremely attractive. In tho spring they are lined for long stretches with trees covered wlthl blossoms. In the summer and cspe- dally in tho fall, tho fruit growing and, ripening is nearly as interesting nnd, attractive as tho blossoms of spring. And all through tho season for foil ago tho highway trees aro nearly vas useful ac any other trees would be tor shado. It is true that pears, apples, plums, and cherries do not grow on troos which attain such dimensions as the llncst maples and elms which shado American streets and roads and somo fruit trees aro too short lived lo be available. That is emphatically truo of tho teach. But in this coun try tho woll-shadod country road Is tho exception, not tho rule. By far th . greater part of tho typical! American highway is dovold of shade' trees. In every such caso to plant and caro tor fruit trees, preferably apple trees because they grow to largo size and. because they havo thick, lino pollago which thoy retain until late In tho fall, would be clear gain. It would not be a substitution but an uddltion of great interest and valuo. ii j un ihiiiuuii uniiubimtu Somo Points the Amateur Will Find of Value In Helping His to Success. Here aro some points In window gardening that it is well to keep in) mind. Tho nmateur will find them ot1 unusual valuo in guiding him to suc cess until ho has learned what to do and how to do It for hlniuolf. Keep a nail or nn old fork at hand, and stir' tho soil of your houso plants as regu larly as you stir that of tho garden plant. With no weeds to spur us on, wo are apt to forget that tho earth' must be kept loose and friable to ad mit air. Pinch the terminal buds from tho geraniums when they havo reached tho proper size and induco them to becomo thick and robust In growth. Always keep all decaying leaves and flowers closely cropped. They are a useless drain upon the plant Never drop them upon tho surface of tho soil. Thoy arc unsightly, and form a hiding place for insects. Somo of tho cacti, tho agave and other subtropical plants require rest during the winter, nnd should only havo water to prevent drying. Municipal Laundry Cincinnati has recently opened & municipal domestic laundry where poor women of tho tenement districts may take the family clothine and do tholr own washing with tho aid of tho must up to dutu machinery. Thus all tho modern laundry mechanisms aro brought within reach of tho poorest families. Tho oquipment includes enough pow er washers, drtors and olontrlc irons to accommodato 500 family washings each week and tho city is preparing; to build more laundries cf like nature. The idoa originated with tho Board of' Health, which was quick to rccognizo' tho snnltary advantages derived from, removing clothes washing operations, from tho living and sleeping rooms of tho tenement dwellers. Popular Me chanics. , x. wi y it W City Building. Thoro is but ono plan upon which' wo may build beautiful cities. Wo must havo a commission of architects,, landscape gardeners and a fow ad vanced thinkers from tlm ranks of bus iness to dovlso public improvements with a view to beautifying tho city.. Thon lot tho city take up these plans! seriously, and no mattor how slowly, do every pleco of work entered upon' in strict accordanco with these plans Slowly but surely tho development ofi beauty and fitness will come, and in tho end tho model city will surely un-, fold. Wo aro almost criminal In that wo continue to Inaugurate various fun damental public improvements with out having tho beautiflcatlon ot thai city In mind. Best Street Surfacing, The tar-macadam has given the best satisfaction ot any kind of street, surfacing et experimented with. Oni small stones, evenly spread, tho tar i placed, then another layer of stones.i and tho wholo rolled. It Is Anally coVt! ered with stone dust and rolled hard.. It roqulros only a few months to be-t como quite durable. Domestic Fashion. Stella Is it a one-pleco frock? , Delia No; she told me herself that; Ilt includes three pieces of her hu- band's mind. Harper's Bazar,