Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 29, 1911, Image 4

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    t -oi1i,n
:XW t, ifr-MafMtafjRrt'J''- n- .im-.,
SLfc -k-
I- M
' For the Holidays at the
City Market
We can supply your wants in the Meat line just as cheap
, or cheaper than anywhere on earth.
Give us your order for poultry, we guarantee satisfaction .
Yours for a Merry Xtnas,
W. F. I .orenZT Dakota City, Neb.
Dakota County Herald
Subscription Price. $1.00 For Year.
a weokly newspaper published at
Dakota Oity, Nebraska.
Permission has been granted for tbo
transmission of this paper through tho
mails as second-class matter.
Telephone No. 48.
Official Paper of Dakota County
I Items of I nterest
1 from our Exchanges
Albaton Items in Sloan, Io, Star:
Qeo Olson made a trip to Hubbard,
Neb, last week,
"WynotTribu.no: EJ Morin, wife
and baby, departed Wednesday for
Dsiota Oity to Bpond tho Christmas
holiday ith Mrs Morin'a homo folks.
Winnebago Ohioftain: Mrs S P
Doran Wob in Homor last evening and
today.... Mrs John Ashford was a
passenger to' Sioux Oity, last ovouiug.
-....Mrs O .T O'Connor -was down from
Homor, Tuesday, calling on frionds,
and taking a look at Iho now Btoro.
Waterbnry Items iu Emerson Enter
prise : Mrs E J Way received word
Tuesday evening of tho death of her
grandmother1, Mrs Wilson, who lived
in Kansas. Mrs Wilson baa visited
horfli several times and was woll liked
by all who know Jieiv Bhe was 85
EmorsorEnterpriso ; 0 0 Wisdom
was at Dakota Oity, last Wednesday.
....Mrs Bert Kroesen and children,
of South Sioux Oity, woro visiting at
the homo of Mrs Krooson's parents, Mr
and'Mrs W Y McLaughlin. . . .Mrb An
na MoTaggart, wifo of Miohaol Mo
Taggart, died of aouto paralysis at lior
homo threo and ono half miluo cast of
town on Monday morning, Deoombor
18, 1911. Sho was born noar Hub
bard and lived all hor llfo in that
neighborhood. Sho was married, to
Miohaol MoTaggart about seven yoa-B
ago and to them were born four child
ren, all of whom survive hor. Beside
her husband and ohildren sho is sur
vived by her father, Thomas Hogan,
one brother and threo sisters. Her f u
nenl was held on Wednesday morn
ing at 10:80 and was largely attended.
Interernont in Oatholio cemetery,
Sioux Oity Journal, 23 : Bon Potter
ofKuuBaa Oity, formerly owner of a
meat market in Sioux Oity, arrived in
town yesterday for a holiday visit... .
W W Stovens, owner of tho famous
"courthouse" building at South Sioux
Oity, yesterday ueolarod tbo titlo to
this property was perfectly dear and
Hint tltA daAd -would pass to tho Eru
gor Browing company within tho noxt
f AW-flaxa. .M. O .Avers, of Dakota
Oity, Neb, ilsall'liaa been served with
notice of tho suit against tho Sioux
Oity, OrjBtal Lako and Homor rail
road qwnors brouuht by John M Coo.
The papers were aorved whon Mr
Ayora was In Bioux Oity Thursday,
He refused to accept service in No
braako, and this was tho first timo ho
has been found on this sido of tho riv
er sinoo tho aotion was started somo
time ago,
Ponoa Leader : 0 A Kingsbury waB
transacting business in Dakota Oity,
Monday,... In Sioux Oity financial
and businoss circles it Iibb beou stated
that Ed T Kearney, of Jaokson, for
25 years hoad of tho Bank of Dakota
County at that plaoo, will ontor bank
ing business in Sioux Oity with a now
institution. Practically all tho ddtails
of the new bank hayo been workod out
except the signing of a loaso for the
building to bo occupied, Thore is lit
tie doubt that tho bank will bo located
on Pearl street, between Fourth and
Fifth streets. The building occupied
by the Iowa otato Havings Bank ia bo
ing considered, as Ib alsoja site on tho
east sldo or jf earl street. Tlio Unan
clal instituton will bo known as tho
Tristate Bank of Sionx Oity. und will
have a capital of 8100,000.
Bioux Oity Journal, 20: Tho aoci
aeniat aisouarge or uoiu uarreis or a
shotgun, given to Charles Martin, aged
IB, of South Sioux City, as a Christ
mas present, resulted in the serious in
jury of Rose Martin, his 10-year old
sitter, Saturday afternoon, Many of
the small shot were buried in her b dy
bvt.lt l thought she will recover.
.'TtMfM had bees gives Charles ev
6Wftlieyrevioly by his parents',
JtatawUaf im a torut of Mm
kitchen. A youngo brother slippod
two shells into tho barrels, so when
Charles playfully pulled tho triggers
witli tho muzzlo pointod at his moth
er, flistor and brother, a roar and a
flash und a spattoring of missiles all
over tho room followed. Tho girl was
standing noar tho kitohon stovo and
was holding a dishpan und a potato
muBhor. Both of theso utensils were
badly damaged , The stovo also suf
fered. Tho most soriouH of tho girl's
wounds arc nndor tho loft arm and in
tho right wrist.
Homor Star. : Mrs Rymill was vis
iting in South Sioux Oity with hor
daughter, Mrs Hogan, this wook....
Ilonry Storer, son of Mrs Ooorgo
Wbaloy and Miss Oapitola Sparks, of
Walthili, woro quiotly married in
Sioux City, last Thursday,... Dr
Roubo was down from Sioux Oity last
Monday, in consultation with Dr Stid
worthy in regard to Mrs John B Har
ris, who is quite siok at this writing,
... .Mrs Henry Loomis is quito siok at
her homo in Homor. Hor daughtor,
Mrs LE Prion., from -crest of town, has
been in constant nttondanco at her
bodNldo for sovoral diys. . . .Mrs W S
MoKinloy has boon engaged by tho
school board to till tho plaoo of Mar
garet A Murphy, cauBcd by hor resig
nation to take up her work as county
superiuleuu-jul., .otiutltis O Loubut
is homo from Columbus for tho holi
days. Tony Larson, Eleanor Mur
phy, Margaret Ashford aro homo from
Lincoln uud Clara Wilkius and Clur
enco Randal are homo from LyonB. . . .
Josiah Davis rooeived word last week
that his sistor, Mrs Sophia DoWitt.
living at Augusta, Muine, had died on
tho 11th of this month at tho age of
05 years, Sho had boon in apparantly
gsod health until aillioted with pneu
monia from wh oh sho suocombod after
a short illnoes, Sho wus ten years
oldor than our follow townsrann.
Sionx Oity Journal, 22: Torms havo
been agreed upou between Frank Km
gor, president of tho Krugor Brewing
company, and W W Stevens, owner
of tho famous "courthouse" buildim-
at South Sioux City, whereby tho com
pany will bocomo tho ownor of tbo
propoity in caso Mr Stovens can givo
a oloar titlo. If tho company shull
come into oloar possession of tho build
lag, Mr Krugor immdiatoly will take
steps for oonvorting it into a browory,
Tho building is said to bo admirably
constructed for a browory and not a
groat amount of remodeling would
havo to bo dono. This building buB
stood for twenty years as u monument
to tho energy of tho famous quartet of
South Sioux Oity boomors, tho lato
John Moau, the lolo E O Palmor,
Frank Hunt, now of Ohiosgo, and O D
Smiloy, who still lives among tho
scenes of his early activities, This
quurtot took a notion ono day that tho
county seat should bo romovod from
Dakoto Oity to South Sioux Oity, Tho
courthouse at Dakota Oity wob a ram
shaoklo, tumbled down affair so tho
"big four" dooidud that tho proper
thing to do was to build a modern,
up to date courthouse nud make tho
county present of It, TUo idea was
no sooner suggested than the quartet
sot to work to carry it out. Those woro
dbys whon tho money to build a corn
palaco in Sioux Oity was raised in an
hour, It was a fast bunch on this
side of tho river and thoy woro just as
fast on tho othor sido. Mr Sluiloy
took personal olmrgo of tho work and
in no timo nt all tho walls of tho "court
houso" wero going up boforo tho aston
ishod gazo of tho county, Thoro it
was for everybody to see tho uow
courthouse I All who oamo to Sioux
Oity or who orosBod tho old pontoon
bridgo had to pass Joy park nud tho
new "courthouse." Dakota Oity was
knocked dizzy and tho approaching
eleotion to ohaugo tho oounty seat
soemod oinohed for South Sioux Oity
until one day soma smart person hap
pened to think that in a by tho new
"oonrthouse" which tho "big four" was
offering was a bribo td tho votors,
Tho idoo was oatohing with tho friunds
of Dakota Oity and it was thought
Morth wbilo to put tho question up to
tho aupromo court. ' Whilo tho lawyers
argued down at Linooln Mr Smiloy
kopt right ou laying biiok and putting
in tho big stool vaults for ull tho coun
ty officers. Ho had tho walls ready
for tho plastororers aud tho vaults all
completed oxcopt for tho massivo
doors when tho supremo court handed
dqjvu, its decision that tho"courthouson
was a bribo, So thoro it has stood to
this day, with "Dakota Oounty Court
house" abovo tho door, a finely con
structed building of brick, with stone
trimmings, 00 by 70 foot, threo stories
high and basement, representing a
cost to Messrs Moau, Hunt, Palmer
and Smiley of 119,600 in oold cash
which they had played on a gamble
and lost. The purehase prioe to be
reeelved by Mr Stevens is not made
pablie, Mr Kruger, who formerly wa
president of tho Inlorstnto Browing
oomrmny, lniviiip orgnnlzo'l that ineti-
tilll'ilii hihi who owiib a small browory
at Huron, 8 1), recently hlnrtod n com
pony, called tlio Krttgei Browing com
pnuy, for tbo tmruoso of building nn't
o))orut!g a browing jilimt nt tlio No
brnnka Hubnrb. If Mr Stovers ciui
givo a perfect titln to bis proporty tlio
plan of erecting a litdldiag will 1m
itbntdoncd and tbo brewing of beer
will bo started in tho "coiuUioiibo" us
soon an muobinory con bo installed.
You will find that druggists every
where spook well of (Jliuinl)orlainV
Oougli Komody. They know from long
ozperionco in the sulo of it that in
cases of coughs and cold it can always
bo depended upon, and that it is picas
and sifo to take, For sulo by all
Miko Farroll wus in Dakota Oity
Bring us yonr produce butter nnd
eggs aro in demand, and wo pay tho
highest market prico. Carl Anderson.
Tho Convent pnpils all oamo homo
to spend thoir Christmas vacation.
B B Gribblo and family aio Christ
mas dinner at tho Grandpa Qribblo
homo on tho bottom.
Como in whon you need anything
in tbo lino of onamaled waro or tin
waro, wo havo tho highest grades in
both lineB, Oeo Timlin.
Robert Mundy spent over Ohristmus
in Hubbard.
Tom Long was in Dakota Oity tho
tho latter part of tho wook.
Out out tho high cost of living and
buy your shoes at Carl Andorson's,
Big stock and little prices.
It is roportcd that Mrs Wilsoy has
resigned as oarrior on route 2. There
aio sovoral applicants for tho place.
Holon Dyor, littlo dauabaor of Mr
and Mrs B R Dyer, is siok with a so
Voro sold.
Got a Good pair of logglns for tho
snow. Wo have them in all grades of
loathor and duck. Geo Timlin.
August Anderson and wifo visitod
Tnpsiluy ut the Lester homo.
Roy Wilsoy and wifo ale Christmas
dinnor at the Riokor homo in Sioux
Wo havo somo big bargains in fur
coats, Oarl Anderson.
Leo Biodo and wifo, E Goertz and
wife, Wrn Gooitz and wifo and W
Nelson and wifo vcro Christmas din
ers at the homo of Thco Poters.
Mrs B R Dyor enjoyed a visit from
relatives from Sioux City, Thursday
and Friday. "
Overshoes, winter caps and mittens,
wn can supr ly your needs in theso
BMudti t light p.'iecS. Geo Timlin.
Henry Co vol 1 and wifo woro Ohrist
mus visitors nt tho Beaootn homo,
Ed Hartnott oamo down from Sioux
City to oat Christmas dinner with Fa
and Mr,
Hormnn Nelson and wifo spo t
Christmas in Sioux Oity with their
daughter, Mrs Oarl Nelson,
Y Let us fit you out with n pair of
Ball Band overshoes, tho bost over
Bhoo mado. for wavr und comfort.
Oarl Anderson.
Dave and Geo Beaoom came last
wook to remain over Christmas at tho
parental homo.
Maudo SoronBon spont over Christ
mas with tho home folks.
Mrs Roy Mayflold oojoyed an over
Christinas visit from hor parents, Mr
and Mrs Ooonoy,
We have n good assortment of wool
aud cotton blankets that wo aro sell
ing at roduoed prioos. Geo Timlin .
Maymo Clausen, Willio Sorenson,
Art Smith, Fred Ericksen and Harry
Jensen all camo homo from Wayuo to
spond tho Christmas vacation with
their folks,
J Mayflold and family ato thoir
Christmas dinnor at tho Roy Mayllold
P Pcrsinger and family wero Christ
mas diners at tho G H Ogburu homo.
Our wool and cotton blankets aro
tho bost money can buy for tho prioe,
and wo havo lots of thorn in stock.
Oarl Anderson.
Oora Soronson went homo Saturday
to remain over Christmas.
Ohas Oleson and Luthor Martin,
with thoir families, loft Saturday for
Sloau, Iowa, whero thoy will remain
over Christmas wook with rolativos
Whea you -srautuil your produoo is
orth bring it to uf, we will pay you
tho beat market prico. Quo Timlin.
Mr uud Mrs Carl Anderson and
Mr Chris Morgonsan and fam
ily woro Christmas diners attho Mar
tin Hnwk home near Goodwin.
Bon Oullen camo homo and remain
ed ovur Christmas at tho parental
Try our famous Millar's coffoo, it
cannot be oqualod for thu price. Carl
Thoso from hero who attended tho
Woodman rally in Sioux City lust
wook woro: B B Gribblo, E Ohriston
son, Oarl Fredorioksen, John Groon,
Chas Finklo, Oscar Johnson, Dau
Hurtnett, Roy Mayflold, Honry Han
sou, Harry Rookwoll, Jim and Ed
Happy Now Year,
Tholmn Zalunf is spending tho holi
days with rolativos at Ducavur, Nob,
Mr and Mrs L W Hall departed for
Dixon, Nob, Saturday, torpeml Ohrht
maa with their folks thore.
Mrs C A Stone and littlo daughter
aro visiting hor parents iu Wisconsin.
Mr nnd Mrs Frank Nelson, of Eaior
son, spout Christmas with Mrs Nel
son's parents, John Slerk nud wife,
noar Goodwin.
Horman and Louis Roost wero cull
ed to Newoastle, last week, by thu ill.
noBs of their brothor, Thoy left him
somowhat improvod,
Roso MoKeover returned Wednes
day from an pvor Christmas visit with
friends at Hawarden and Ireton, Io.
J E MoGonigal and wife presided
at large fa ily dinner Christmas.
The gneeto ineladed Dr Leahy, wife
nud family, Michael Heffornan and
family, OK Heffprnun and Nolllo Mo
Gonigal, of Van Metro, 8 D.
Mary Ryan was a guest in tho homo
of hor allot, Mrs Ella Malnuoy, Sioux
Oity, several days last wook.
Dr K A Jonkonnon and wifo, of
Hlaux Oity, wero gtiosts in tho E J
Mullaloy homo for Ohristmas dinner,
Tho banna of marringo were publish
ed in the Oatholio church at Yista,
Sunday, betweon Thos JonoBnnd Mar
garet Etiglo, of Ponca.
Joseph Qulnn, of Laramio, Wyo, is
spending tho holidays with his folks
Mrs T H Sullivan attended tho fu
neral of hor cousin, Mrs Anna MoTag
gatt at Emerson, luBt Thursday.
Gcoffroy Boler, of Carroll, Nob, is
spending tho holidays in tho M Boler
William MoGonigal, of Van Meter,
S"D, iirriv.nl liurti SuiUld&y G7mi&X
to spend Christmas with tho homo
Margaret Sullivan depurtod Tues
day mjrninc for Omaha, to visit
Mr and Mrs Geo Toljor and daugh
ters Nellio and Lydia attended thu
funeral of thoir Mint, Mrs Merrill, at
Jefferson, S D, last Sunday.
Loo McCormick camo homo loBt
Thursday from Spanlding, Neb, whoro
ho ib attending collego, to spend tuo
J P Bolor and wifo, of Groely, Nob,
and Dr Thomas Color and sisters Ma
ry and Margaret, of Omaha, spont
Christmas with tho homo folks.
Tho Misses Mary nnd Bonny Barry
nrrivod homo from Chicago, Saturday
ovoning, to spond holiday vacution.
Alico Domaray is spending a fow
days of hor vacation with relatives in
LoMars, Iowa.
Geo Mongnrand family went to
Balsam Lake last Tuesday to spend n.
week with relatives.
Mr and Mrs John Hogan, of Water-
bury, spent Christmas with tbo lattor's
parents, Mr and Mrs Gill.
Mr nnd Mrs John Brady and daugh
tor Gonevievo went to Sioux City last
Friday whoro thoy aro guests in tho O
A Barrett homo.
Ed Walsh and family have moved
onto one of M Twohig's farms near
Mrs Lowery, of Omaraa, is visiting
hor daughter, Helen, at St Catherine's.
John J Ryan and wifo of, Sioux Oity,
woro guests in the H W O'Neill bore
Herb Kinney is spending n fow days
with relatives nnd frionds in Bloom
Hold, Neb.
Mr nnd Mrs Joseph Marsh and ohil
dren spent Christmas with Mr Marsh's
parents in SiouxtOity.
Tho homo of Mr and Mrs John Ry
an was gladdened by tho arrival of a
Mrs Fred Anderson and children
are spending tho week with relatives
at Salix, Iowu,
Among tho teachers and studonts
homo for tho holiday vacation wo no
ticed John Sullivan, John Heffernan
and M Qninn, from Omaha; James L
Barry, from Iowa City; F 'B O'Neill,.
Nellie Teller and Connie Cavanaugh,
Linooln; Mary V Quinn, from Fair
bury; Catherine Quinn, Bancroft; Leo
MoCormiok, Spaulding; Mary Waters,
Sinsinawa, Wis; Margaret Waters,
Spring Valley, Wis.
Wo wish to call your attention td the
fact that most infections diseases such
as whoopingcough, diptherin and scar
lot fover aro contracted when tho child
has a oold, Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy will quiokly ouro a oold and
groatly lessen tbo danger of contract
ing theso disoases. This remedy is
famous for its ouros of colds. It con
tains no opinm or othor narcotio and
may bo given to a child with implicit
confidence. Sold by all dealers.
i '
Rov. "NV. U. Warren, Pastor.
Services at the Mothodlst Kplscopnl
church every Sunday m follows: Preach
ing nt.ll am: Sunday sohoolnt 10 am; class
mooting 12 m: Kpworth
League 7 p mi
prooohlng 8p ni.
Ilov.S. L. Kollor. Pastor.
Sunday school ovory Sunday at 0:13 am:
MIbs lllanoho Hamilton, superintendent,
preaching at 7S3pra, ovory Suiiduy.
Preaching ovary Sunday nt 11 am; Sun
day school promptly at 10 am. V. P.OuI
bortson, superintendent.
Tho public Is cordlnlly Invited to all tljese
ror Sx!c
I havo soma good, clean hsy for sale
in stacks. Fred Bartols.
Hubbard, Nobr.
A Dos Moines man had an attaok of
musoulnr rheumatism iu his shoulder.
A friend advised him to go to Hot
Springs. That meant un oxponso of
$1D0 or raoro,, He sought for a quick
er and cheaper way to ouro it and
found it in Chamberlain's Linament.
Threo days after thu first application
of this linoment ho was well. For sale
by all dealers.
$100 Reward, $100.
Tho readers of thb paper will ba pleased to learn
that then Is at least one dreaded disease mat science
has been ablo to cure la all IU stages, and that Is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tne only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
twin- a constitutional disease, requires a constitu
tional treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taxen In
ternal! r. acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surl-re ot the system, thereby destroying thu
foundation ot the disease, and clvlng tho patient
tlrcntth by building up the constitution and ft-aUt-Ing
nature in doing Iu work. The proprietors have
so mueb faith In Its curative powers that they otter
One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fail to
cure. Hend lor Hit of teatlmonlaU-
Aildreas F, J. CHENEY it COW Toledo. (X
Hold by all DrunrUta, Tie.
'lake Hill's Family I'llU tor constipation.
K! rst publlcotlon 1S-16-4 w
In tin" county court of Dakota oounty. No-
lirnsku. . .
IutliiMimttorof tho estate of Jano Don,
dPcenst'il. ....
Nntlvn Is lioruby Ktvcn that tho creditors
of thf .mlit dceiiseil will meot tho executrix
of Mild i-vtntx. boforo me, county JuiIko
of linkotn i-ouiity, Nobrnskit. at tho county
court room In siild county, on tho 18th day
of April. WIS. on tho SWth day of May.
Wit, und on tlio l'tlidny of Juno. Wit. at
10 o'clock n. m. each day for tho purpose of
prtoiitliiK their claims for examination,
ulluotitifut nnd nllownnce. Hlx months
lint allowed for creditors to prosont their
utulnu uud ono jenr for tho executrix
tosottlo sidd estate, from tho 6th day of
Deceiubor. Wll. , .
This notice will 1 published In the Dako
taOountyHernldforfourweeks successive
ly nrlor to the Kith day of April. Wit.
witness ruy hand. and seal uf said court,
this 8th day of December, a. h. iuu.
d. (J. llnrrKiiNAM.
sbalJ Oounty Judgo
First Publication IJcc SO Iw
y virtue of nn execution lsiuml out of
UiedUti lot court or D.Uotft county, r.'pb..
KlKhth Judicial district. In favor of Olarn
MliolH.ll, nwilnst Albert J. illtclicll. I
will -.oil nt pulillo miction, on Jnuunry 8,
1(112, nt tho llmtKnn farm In Summit nre
clnct, Imkota county, il., nlu tolxRliuit
1 o.oiock p. in., thu following dCorlL')d
proporty, to-wlt:
:i,i hu-hoU of corn,
B hend of horses,
2 .Male.,
C liciul of cattle,
:i7 head of hof-s, over 0 months old.
AUmllB shoiitH,
5! note- of 030.00 eneh, sosurcd by real
1 (IniiK plow,
1 liny rake.
1 l)lc,
1 Mower,
1 Hinder.
2 liny rakes.
All household furniture, and otter arti
cles too Humorous to montlon.
In witiiosn whereof I hereby satiny hand
this 27th day of December, lll.
Notice Im hereby (riven that on or leforo
Jiimmiy 1.1B12. -bhIii'i I!Jo will bu luuuHvtl
at thu county clerk's olllco for furnishing
books, blanks and stationery as follows:
H) cords, 8-qr, plain, each,
Kecords,8-qr, printed heads, each,
Itccoods, printed page, eneh.
Goneral Indexes, U-qr, ruled, printed head,
' nch.
Numerical Indexes, 8-qr, ruled, printed
head, each.
All liooks tolM tnrule of bast linen ledsnr
paper, full Ilussla binding, to open Hat, aud
to correspond with books now In uso.
IiOttorheads. printed. Kmplro bond or
equal, per M.
Knvclopcs. printed. No. 1. size 6W. white.
por M.
Knvelopes, printed, Manila No. 10, por M.
Sanford's, Carter's or Arnold's Ink, por qt.
Sponcorlan. Gluclnum or Glllott's pons,
per gro-s.
Knbor's or Dixon's pencils, box., por gross.
Sonato scratch pads, pordoz.
I,egal blanks, full sheet, por KM.
Iegnl blanks, half shoot, per Km.
Legal blank . quartor sheet, per 100.
Legal blanks, eighth sheet, per 100,
Scparato scaled bids will also bo received
Oounty! printing.
Publishing tho delinquent tax list.
Itentlng tho poor fnrin nnd keeping tho
county pnupers.
Oounty physician.
Tho iKiard reserves tho right to reject any
nnd nil bids.
Accepted bidder toulve bond for faithful
pbrforiunncu of con ti not,
Dakota Oity, Neb., November 20, 1011.
W. L,. ROSS Clerk.
First publication 12-16-4W.
Statoof Nebraska, county of Dakota, ss.
Notlco to Land Owners.
To all whom It may concern:
Thu conimlHsIofitirimnljiiitfil tnlnnnt.A mwl
establish a road commencing at a point on
the township Hue betweon section 25. town-
suipzv, nortn or iinngoonnd seclonSO, town
ship 29, north of Hnngo71n said county of
uaitoia, at nortn end or the highway run
ning north nnd south on said township line
ooiweon saiu sections, said point being n
short dlstanco south of the northeast cor
ner of tho southeast quartor of the south
east quarter of said section 25, running
thence north of said townshln lino Ixitween
said sootlons 25 and liOnnd between section
21. township 29, HnclKoOund seotionlO, tov:i-
slilp 2V. ltnngo 7. nnd fectlon 18. township 29,
Range 0, nnd section IS, township 29, llango
7. to a point where said lino Intersects the
puhllo highway running northwesterly nnd
southeasterly through snia sections thir
teen nndelghteon and, thore terminate, has
ruuunuu 111 uivur ui iuu csuiuiisuinem unci
location thereof, nnd nil objections thoreto.
or claims for dnmnges. must bellied In the
county clerk's olllco on or beforo noon of
ino-jznu uay or January a. u. 1912. or such
rond will bo established and located with
out rororpneo tlioicto. v. L. IIOHS,
- C.Mii.ty Cifll!:,
the Ytomrs
for 1912 for only $1.75; also all the
issues for the remaining weeks of 1911,
Free. It is your last chance to get
the paper at this price. Ou January
1, 1912, it will be advanced to $2.00.
Serials and Other Storiet.
The 52 issues of 1912 will contain
the equivalent of 30 volumes of the
best reading, including nearly 300
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Athletics for Boys, Chats with Girls,
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Smtt for Announcement or 1912 and Sample
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FREE to Jan. 1912
Ctrary Nawuhacribar who cats out
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Then Tho Companion for the 52
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last chance at this price. On January
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Sunset Magaxlne offers
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The Herald, 1 year
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