Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 08, 1911, Image 4

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IhiuMutfiZ.-. .
The Store With the
Christmas Spirit
To Treacle cvi Beck's is to Instantly
Recognize the Advantages Offered. .
There is More to Choose From.
Those Seeking Moderate Price Gifts Will Find In-
numerable Things Particularly Nice for the Money.
You Will Be Served Well.
: pu,chases Made NoV Will Be Reserved until the
A Store Full of Jewelry of Real Worth.
Will H. Beck Co.
Goldsmiths, Jewelers aivd SllversmltHs ,
(Illustiatcd Catalog on Request.)
bull nooro for high school cham
shin of northenHt Nebraska, 1 to 0
in Winnebago's favor. Jackson for
feits tlio namo uftor 20 minutnsof hard
tugging.... J J Soolia.ru moved) tlila
week, oulo a 200-aore plaoe, two mllos
west of Dakota City. Mr Bcollnrd lion
worked 1G0 norrs noar tho Agency for
tlio past two years. Sucocs to you, J
Both Phones
Sioux City, Ii
J. in yonr now location . . . .Thoao from
this vicinity who attended tho rccitai
Inst Friday ovonlng at tlio high Hobool
in Homer, woro: Misses (Jlaru and
Tillie Holswortli, E II Faugh and wifo,
Geo Vau Houton, and Mrs Faunio
Straight, Tho entertainment was
very well rendered.
Homer Star: H W MeKlnloy made
a tr p to Bassett tho 11 rat of thn week
loo hi ijk after business interests... .A
boy and a girl, twins, wero born to Mr
aml'Mrs Ross Folly, Tupsday night.
Thfiy only lived a short time however.
. .Ther-nnntli-ol(loliild of AOolliaou
living northeast of Homer, died Tues
day morning and won buried in tho
Taylor cemetery yesterday oiiernoon.
.... Mr and M rs Geo V Ash ford spent
Saturday and Sunday at Lincoln.
George took in the foot ball game be
tween Miohigan and Nebraska univer
sity teams.... Hugh Oarnoy, the othor
member of Oainoj Bros, liverymon,
was quietly married at Hturgis, S D,
last Thursday, according to reports re
ceived by our follow townsman. Mr
Carney expects his brother and bride
in Homer shortly. ...(Jonstablo Good-
sell wits called to tho Swinglo placo
on upper Fiddler creek, Bundny, to
Dakota County Herald
Subscription t'rlcc. $1.00 Tor Year.
A weekly newspaper published at
Dakota ( ity, Nebraska.
Permission has been granted for tlio
trftiifiinflfinii of thispaporthrotigh the
mtiiic ha ii ciind. class matter,
TelfphiiiH' No. 43.
Official Paper of Dakota County
Taft Republican Convention.
A hi. is cnvcutiouof republicans is
cilli'il t ii.' et at Lincoln at 2 o'olook
p tn, Tit Hilar, Decombor 10, 1011, for
the piirpubti of organizing in tho inter
im t of fie t...0i)M..n of William H Taft
as president of tho United Status.
All np'il lu'iitm who are in sympa
thy "iili tliii purpose are onrdUlly in
vited tn nit mi, und in the inteivitl to
firm Tift M'tibi in their respective
caTtnuniti h. All Tuft dubs aro also
urgfd to appci it i legntus to represent
them Tn IbN u nivcutiou.
an is still visiting somo of his unolnV
frioiMls ut laeksou....Mr and Mrs
Francisco came up from Hubbard,
Thursday morning, to cat turkoy at
tlio Zapp homo. Mrs Fruncisco in n
niece of Mrs Zapp.... Mrs Dort Ohase,
of Waktrileld, stoppod over in Emerson
Saturday, with her cousin, Mrs Slier
loci;, till tln evening tram, when alio
went to Viita to spend a few dny
with hor parents, Mr and Mrs Hodg
Potica Journal: Goorgo Bray, .ho
ton year old foii of Mr and Mrs Geo
Bray, died .Monday afternoon at 4
o'clock at St. Joseph's hospital nt
Sioux City, from a species of blond
poison, Hiporimiuci'd by it blow on the
leg whilo pluying shiuny. His father,
Rov Geo liny, who has been in the
west for some time, was telegruplud
lor, ami arrived in Hioux City, Jlon
day. Dr 11 E Bray, of i'onmi, h broth
or, was with him at the hospital. De
ceased was injured thn early pact of
last woek, and within a few days was
takon to the hospital. Tho funeral
Items of Interest
from our Exchanges s
HartingtonNows: Mr andMrsOliBH
Ireland wont to Emorson this morning
to spend tho day with friends,
Salix Items in Sloan, Io, Star: Mrs
S Oono vlsitod her mother a oouplo of
days last week at Dakota City, Nub,
Pondor Times: E J and Dr Smith
wore over from Homer, Saturday....
John Ashford was over from Winneba
go, Tuesday.
Wayne Demoorat: Ohas Kato and
sister Francis, woro passengers to Da
kota City this morning to spend tho
day with relatives.
Lyons Mirror: Clarenoo Rasdal
and Olnrn Wilkina, two of our best
pupils, wonMo Homer, Wednesday, to
spend 'IbniiRMRlvinB with their pa
, rents.
Sioux City Journal, 2nd: Clydo E
Burdiok, tho 13-year-old sou of Mr
und Mrs G E Burdiok, 2107 Morning
sido avenue, diod at tho homo of his
parents last night of typhoid fovor.
Tho lad had boon ill twonty days, but
his condition was critical only this
this week. Ho was tho only child of
Mr and Mm Uurdick. Mr Burdiok is
fcecrotary of tho Live Stock oxohango.
Pundoi Repnb'in: Miss Lou Hirsoh
spent Thanksgiving day with relatives
iu Homer.... Mrs Mori Roam, of Ho
mer, visited Ponder relatives several
days recently,. . ITho G A. Orinklaw
family enjoyed u family reunion
Thuuknglvlng day. Mr and Mrs Don
OrinkWw, Mr and Mru W F Orinklaw
and ohildren, of Craig, Mr and Lloyd
Jeep, of Omaha, Mr and Mrs Frank
Ttti Miul-oliililimi, vv'iiru thara to aujov
the day together.
Emerson Entorpriso: Nicholas Uy-
took placo Wednesday at 1
from tho Presbyterian church.
Sioux City Journal, 3rd : Announce
mont has boon mudo by the Kruger
Browing company that the capacity of
the plant it propose" t" wreot nt Month
Sioux City will bo 10,000. Plans of
tho plant arc boing drawn... .Frml A
Wood, of tho special committee of the
Crystal Lako Improvement association
appointed to open tho natural water
ways loading into Crystal lako, yestei
day said, this work, long delayed,
sni-nlv nrrtlilrl tin alimind Mtiu i,ml
Ti, (nn.r.1 .n,tn... ,. n..i.. ....till" do not hesitate to admit a
-. .uu.. -w. ..uuau. w.juu uuiuiu.,
the only son of air and Mrs G E Bur
diok, 2107 Momingside avenue, will
be held from tho residence tomorrow
aftornoon at 2 o'olook. Bov It Clif
ford Cully will ofiloiato. Intormont
will bo in Graoolund comotory.
Waltbill Times: Jack Christophor
eon, of Croflon, a young man with ex
cellent discrimination, was in Walt
hill n oouplo of days this Wook ....
Doputy U a Marshal Bides was in
town Sunday and took. Turner Striok
lott to Omaha on thu afternoon train.
. . . .Louis Priest, tho Winnebago In
diau who was sont to to tho ponlton
tiary last wiuter for giving liquor to
another Indian, wub purdoned last
wook by Governor Aldrich, Tho par
don was rocommondod by Judgo Guy
T Graves, boforo whom ho waB triod.
Priest is an ignorant man who does
not Rpoak English and probably did
not realizo his offouso or oomprohond
thu laws of tho stato, and his punish
nmnt Iihm lem ample, considering tho
Winnebago Chieftain: Miss Mary
Herman wont to Homer, Saturday
evening.... Miss Mollio Foltz is clerk
ing tn tho O J O'Connor store in Win
nebago.... Sam Brown wob horo last
wook calling on somo of his old Ho
mor friends,., , Mrs T T Harris waB
in Walthill, Monday, to boo hor broth
er, Omar, and wifo.... Mr and Mrs
Audrey Allswny wr 1own from F
mor. yesterday afternoon, accompany
lug Mr and Mrs M S Mnusflold, via
auto, to boo thn football gamo.... Foot
put a stop to a family row that was iu
progress. The mixup was between
Uharles Frooney and his wifo who are
working at tho abovo mentioned place
and wo are intormod that axes und
other deadly weapons were takon away
from the combatants by neighbors. It
seems that thu dove of peaco huvorod
ovor their douiotio trouble, agoiii for
they iuit their job and shipped their
household effects from Homer yester
day. ...Georgo Harris sold to Tim
O'Uonnorfitesduy afternoon, a Poland
China sow that tipped tho beam nt 812
pounds, This is the largest porker
that was ever marketed in Homer.
Tho price paid for this nearly half a
ton of potk was $5 B0 per hundred and
brought $18.85. It ia too bad MrHu'
ri did nut hue this sow on tlio mar
ket when loss than two yoars ago tho
buyers iu Hoinor wero pitying ton
centH a pound for hogs. Sho would
have brought $81 20. Mr Harris is
noted for raising heavy Polaud-Olnnu
hogs and soldom markets any that will
not avorago around 450 pounds.
Sioux City Journal, 5th: Rtmro-
Boutativcs of tho commercial clubs of
Sioux City and South Sioux City and
of thu biieineus mon of Dakota City fail
ed to accomplish anything dcilnato at
their meeting yeuturduy at the Com
mercial club dining room regarding
tho proposition to secure u free wagon
way across tho combination bridge,
Many plans woro diBuunaeu, but doll
nato action will not bo taken boforo
another meeting is held.... An em
blem boaring tho initials "J. B. U." is
being worn by Morningsido oollegu
coeds rooming in Marion hall. The
exuot significance of tho lottors has
been kept sooret, although members
Bocicty bas
boon formed. Gentlemen cullers at
tho ball have boon informed that for
overy visit a cortain tine is imposed on
the ontortaining girl, varying iu sever
ity uocording to tho length of tho visit.
Tho objoot of tho orgauization, it ia
said, is to discourage flirtations on tho
part of members, Tho hall has been
noted in former years as a haunt of
Dan Cupid. Tho girls who wear the
now pin aro: Anna Bioko, Lois Gil
lam, Esther Boss, Bothel Smith, Clara
Orummer, Edna Bioko, Buth Dunn,
Lydia MoOreory, Buth Bioko, Minnie
Nelson and Sarah Whitchouso... .A
lono burglar, dosoribod as "wearing
fur oarlaps and s Soman nose." bold
ly kicked a holo in tho front window
of the Horton store iu South Sioux
City about lam yesterday, followed
his foot into tho building, and was sont
scampering out by the brisk fire from
tho revolver of a night watchman, who
hus boon sloeping in the store sinoo
rooont raids by robbers on the bank
and stores of tho town, Tho watoh
man got rid of four bullets whilo tho
intruder was hotfooting it for safety,
and thinks ono of thorn found lodg
mont "just noithoast of thu burglar's
hip pooket." A. report of tho affair
was mudo to Chief of Polico J B Rich
ard early yesterday by tho South
Sioux City marshal and by Shoriff J P
Rockwell, of Dakota county. Officers
lhavo been scouring tho country to find
u mau uiiing mo uoBoripuon given uy
tho watchman, without suooess. Ho
ia thought to havo crosaod tho combi
nation bridgo into Sioux City boforo
ifiLr JhCj,
Big enough for the biggest
game. Quick enough fori
, the moit dangerous gameA
Deal five, t ma thing, one-ton blows will
Ding rapidity or dehberMe fire as need
ineomy iecou-cperaiea line mat lock! the
cartridge in Ihe chamber until after the bullet
has left the muzzle.
Built to handle the heaviest ammunition with
greatest accuracy nd safety.
mngtO1rUMC the perfect shooting
StnJ fat Dticrlftlec FolJtr v
Ranlagton Arm-Unlon Metallic Ctrtrldg Co."
299 BrsiuJwajr, Nw York City '
pion-1 iatetl. A goodly number of old mem
bers irom uerocxpcot to attenu.
Van Camp's pork and beans, tho
best for tho monoy on tho market, nt
Cnrl Anderson's,
Nora Hayes was a Sioux City shop
per, Tuesday,
O Smith and wifo Mr and Mrs Disk
ing, O Olaen and wife, James Ucnd-
rioksen and family, Miss L A Bruce
and Francis Borenson ate Sunday din
ner in Hubbcd,
We havo overy thing in shoos for
mon, women and children, at prioea
that cannot bo beaten anywhere.
Geo Timlin.
Tho oonvont pupils nil returned to
Jackson Monday.
Tho LadieB Aid servod an oyster
supper Tuesday evening.
We nro giving away free with every
two packages of corn flakes for 25c, a
haudsomo book for ohildren Funny
Jingloland. Carl Anderson,
A nurse, Mrs J MoUuiro, arrived
ftom Sioux City, Tuesday, to take'eare
of Mrs J Green.
A dance was given at tho George
Jensen home, Saturday night, in hon
or of Maurice Clausen.
Havo ynu seen thoso fine knives and
forks, boxed in sets, at Carl Ander
son's? The'ro something nice,
Maud Sorensen was homo with pa
and ma over Thgnksgiving.
Mrs "row spont a fow days at the
Paul Sharp home.
Everything you will need or want
for tho Holiday aeason can bo found
right hero at home in our elegant dis
play of Christmas goods. Presents
Buitablo for young and old, in endless
variety. Carl Anderson's.
Mamio Clausen camo up from
Wayne last week to remain over
Thanksgiving with hor folks. She
left for Way no again Sunday where
she is attending school.
Ghas Dodge and wifo ato Thankf.giv O Ci
!... ,1.-.... ...in. 41. I..11 ... . :.. . cT
Ill( I11UUU4 WlbU IUU lIllilUI a JJUrUIlbA in ' K
Sioux City.
Always in the market for your pro
ducu, cream, butter and eggs, and al
wayspayiug highest market prices for
them, Geo Timlin.
Miss Katio Halo, daughter of Geo
Halo and wife, underwent an opera
tion in Sioux City, Monday, for appen
dicitis. Wo learn bIio is getting along
Wm Goertz and wifo entertained a
few families at dinnor ou Thanksgiv
ing day.
Our Christmas stock of toys is now
in and we can supply your wants in
Santa Glaus goods for thu littlu folks.
See our stock und lot us make your
Christmas shopping easy. Gail Anderson.
Both the Workman and Woodman
lodges have men hero this wook push
ing tho work of gotting now members.
Several now membors wore initiated
as a result of their efforts.
Dick Bochirc!! and Sam Thorn were
pasBongors to Dakota City Tuesday od
A splendid lino of cotton and wool
blankets in all weights and prices, at
Carl Anderson's.
Bert Francisco and wife spent
Thanksgiving with relatives in Emer
son. John Green is doing some high
stepping these (lays, owiug to a fine
baby boy which arrived at his home
December 5. No flies on John now.
A atoro is kuown by the goods it
puts out. Here are four of a kind,
tho high grade kind, that are hard to
boat: Gold Medal flour; Sunshino
crackers and cookies; Boll toa and
coffoe; Diamond S oanned goods,
Geo Timlin.
Charles Thompson was takon to Da
kota City Monday on a charge of in
sanity, but his condition was so much
improved Tuesday that ho was sent
homo again,
Emil Young and wifo went to Ly
ons, Nob, Sunday and visited at the
homo of John Young, brother of Emil,
until Monday evening. Emil is seo
tiou bobs for the Omaha road nt this
place and his brother holds a like
position at Lyons.
Try our Millar's ooffeo and yon will
uso no other, as it gives such excellent
satisfaction. Carl Anderson,
Tho Graco M E ohuroh building out
on tho bottom has boen put on wheels
and started on its long journey to this
place. It will bo a long, cold trip.
Miss Adtloy Smith and F H Dior
king woro married Wednesday oru
ing, November 20, 1911, at Dakota
uuy, by ltuv a u ivellur. Tlio young
lady is well known here, having been
a rosident of Hubbard nud viainity for
several yoars, and many good wishes
go to tho young oonple for a happy
and prosperous life,
Gilt Edge Investment
Get in on the Ground Floor and
Subscribe for a Few Shares in the
Kriger Brewing Co.
At Scruth Sioux City Nebr.
A Home Industry
150 Shares Preferred 10 Dividend Stock will be sold at the par value of $100 per share.
GOO Shares of Common Stock of the par value of $100.00 per share will be sold at
$50.00 per share.
Air Stock when Issued will be Fully Paid Up and Nonassessable.
Boost for Dakota County,
25 must be paid when stock is subscribed for, and
stock are delivered.
For futther information write to
the balance when certificates
Krug-er Brewing Co.
South Sioux City. Neb.
MP?!. I 1Q19 R
vi. CTs ss ' iii x j 4 itm
iliiBlW9HNiiiiii fo n
I rnnv Hl fLM v I
' RS wri s$ feSK-jBSSSSSS '& SS;
lifliflB I
In 1912
You Will Elect a President
THIS election is of supremo importance to you. The whole country Is
divided. On one side tho progressive Insurgents, on the other tho
Conservative Standpatters. Both parties will promise many things.
You will have to judgo their claims and their fitness to carry them out. In
theso stirring times
is a necessity to the busy man or woman who values being up to date. In
a hundred ways its editorials, its character sketches and its timely articles
will help you make your choice. It gives you the best, clearest and most
accurate, non-partisan and unprejudiced news that monoy can buy. It Is
the great monthly newspaper on which Intelligent people everywhere rely
for their news, and you get this newt almost as promptly as it is given in
the great daily newspapers of the country.
Senator LaFoIlele says I " 71a mett tanttu, accurate, cm J imfarttat rtviiio tfthi aft.
I lint havi utihuJ ihi mntazln In III current luuit at a valuable meant efinfirmalitn."
Never will the Review of Reviews be more necessary than next year
Bit mtjr Biktit epportuitkt for stub
Write Ir our waoi or ipare lumt proposition
Ohris Kasmussen and wife were over
night visitors in tho city last woek,
Christmas candies and nuts of nil
kinds, for tho holiday soaBon, at Carl
Andoaron's .
Art Smith roturuod to Wayno, Mon
day, uftor spending Thanksgining at
Guy Anderson was in Martinsburg
tho past weok
This soasons pnok of dried fruits
is now in. Fresh, cloan goods in this
lino carried at all times. Oeo Tim
lin. Martha Bmith camo homo from Ho
mer to havo Thanksgiving dinnor with
tho homo folks.
Carl Olson went to Sloan, Iowa, last
wook to visit over Thanksgiving with
Bring us your produce butter and
eggs aro in demand, and wo pay tho
highest market price Carl Anderson.
Herman Nelson and wifo wero oity
oallorB, Monday,
Amanda Nelson vinited tho past
weok at tho Ghri HasmuHsou homo.
Tho fluo lino of uudurwoar that wo
uro soiling at right prioes is making a
hit, Do not buy until you havo soon
it. CleoTimliu
Tho barn on tho Martin HasmuBson
farm has just boon ruisod,
Quito a few Woodman candidates
havo boon riiBtlod and will go to tho
rally iu Sioux Oity tho 10th to bo in-
Editha Eotiruny returned Monday
from an over Sunday visit with Oatlm
rino Duggan at Sioux Oity.
Marie Knudssu, who spent the
Thanksgiving vncation with her moth
er, Mrs Mads Enudsen, returned to
Sioux City, Sunday, whoro sho is at
tending bouooI.
Mrs Rush, of Ponoo, was in town
sovoral days soliciting subscriptions
for Bonziger's magazine
Mrs Thos Ousoy, of Cloveland, Ohio,
arrived horo Saturday for a visit with
Mary Ryan was a guest ovor Sunday
in tho E J ResBogieu home, Sioux
"MR Bolor, who has been confined
to his homo tho past Bix weoks with a
spraiuod ankle, is now ablo to walk
out around tho yard.
E J Mullalley lost a cow last weok
in tho corn stalks, presumably from
oating too much corn.
' Tho MisBes Modolino MoMulln,
Mary and Anna Beacom and Mary
Flood, of Watorybury, uttoudod tho
danou here last Friday evening anil
went gueds ia the J E McOonigbl
homo until Sturdny evening.
J B Smith and wifo spent Thanks"
giving with their Fon William, at Win
nebrtgo, Neb.
Gns Mnrry departed Wednesday
for Bemedji, Minn, to Bpend the
winter with his sister. Mrs J A Heath.
Leo Hall nud wifo returuod Mon
day from Dixon, Neb, where they had
been visiting relatives since Thanks-
E J Mullalley has purchased a fino
young stallion, from Illinois.
Thos Deignan, of Sioux City, was
transacting business horo one day last
week. Ho formerly lived horo.
Mrs H Dugan onjoyod a Thanksgiv
ing visit from her suitors, Mrs J W
Collins and children, of Allen, and
Coustance Oavanaiigh, of Lincoln.
Bert Smith and family, of Sioux,
Neb, spent Thanksgiving with Mr and
Mrs G E Smith.
Tlio danco last Friday night was
o e of the best of tho season. There
wo e 65 oouples present, every town in
tho county being represented. The
musio wus excellent.
J W Finnell and wifo ate Thanlti
giving dinner with their sister, Mis
Mary Smith, Sioux City.
Died, Dioimber 3, 1911, tho infant
daughter of Mr and Mrs Jnm Henri
rickson. Interment wus mado iu tho
Drake oomotnry.
.Tames Sutherland, Helen and The
resa Erlaoh, hiw "Tho Girl in tho
Taxi" at tho Grand, Sunduy evening
The Misses Follis and Olive Bel
lenger returned to Sioux City, Mon
day, niier tin vr Thantagiving visit
ita Margaret Kf-
Acnes Shorlook, of Emerson, is
snoudinc tho week in the homo of her
uncle, It W Ryan .
Henry Tildcn deliverod 1,800 bush
els of cnru to tho elevator Monday and
.las Kemu'lly delivorcd 1,000. They
received 52 oeuta per bushel .
Annie Hurtnett spent tho Thanks
giving vacation with Floronco Lone at
The Misses Mary and Zita Clark
spont the Thanksgiving vacation with
relatives hero. Tho former teaches at
Ooleridge, tho latter at Randolph.
Joseph Marsh is enjoying a visit
from his taster, Nellio Marsh, of
Sioux Oity.
Mi and Mrs Jus Nolan, of Vista,
presided nt an attractivo7 o'olook din
ner at their homo Saturday evening,
in honor of Thomas Jones and Maggio
Engel, whoso engagement waB an
nounced, and whoso wedding will take
plaoe after tho holidays. Tho wed
ding colors, pink and white prevailed
in tho docorutions and nppoared in
the course menu . Covors woro laid
for twenty, which iuoludod mostly rel
atives of tho young people.
Christmas Suggestions?
$100 Reward, $100.
The resdttt ot thlj pEr will b plfuod to team
that tbere la at lout one dreaded dUca) that aclruM
baa been Mils tn cure la all Its atacco. ana that la
Catarrh. HaU Catarrh Curt U tho only positive
cure now known to tha medical (rattrnltr. Catarrh
betas a comUtutlotui discoto. requires a conjtltu
Mortal treatment, llall'a Catarrh Cure la taken to
ternallr, acting directly upon the blood and mucoua
eurtaCMi v( the lyatem. thereby deatrorlas the
foundation ot the dbcaae, and siring the patient
strength by building up the constitution and assist
ing nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have
so murh (alth In Its curatUe powers that they oner
One Hundred Dollus lor any case that It tails Io
cure. Bend lor list ol testimonials.
Address F. J. CIIKN'UY CO.. Toledo. O.
Bold by aU DrugtUts. !8.
TUa UaU's Family liui (or coaitlpaUoo.
Mrs E J Smith and son Malcolm
wero nhoppors iu Siox Oity, laatFri-
Mrs Fred Stadiug and Mrs Henry
Wallway, of Poncu, Nob visited rela
tives and friends here, Tuesday.
George Blessing, Goo MoBeathnnd
Marvin Armour wore lodge visit
ors at Bakoata Oity, Saturday oven-
Mrs Smith, who diod Thurs
dav morniug oa last week, at tho homo
Give Him
an Atkins
Silver Steel
Saw. Hg
Good Teeth k Good Temper
Are characteristic of the
Atkins Saws always.
That is because they are
made of the best steel in the
world Silver Steel by
men that know how.
Give Her
an E. & B.
Bs.H Bearing
Fivo Patterns to Se
lect From iiu d No
Bettor Machine Mado
at Any Price.
Above are Gifts that will be remembered and
appreciated in the years to come and go.
Edwards & Bradford
Lbr. Go.
DoklcottA. City, Nebraska.
of her daughtor, Mrs Oliver Smith,
was buried on Fridov afternoon.
What oamo near beine a pieco of
doteotivn work eclipsing auy of Sher
lock Holmes famous stunts was enact
ed here lust Friday when a stranger
giving tho namo of Anderson, was tip
ped off to our local blouth, Jeff Taylor,
as a man wanted at Hastings, Iowa,
for a murder committod twelve years
ago. Sheriff Rookwell happened in
town about this time, and after a fow
hours search tho fellow waB looutod
in a box car in tho Burlington yards,
where he had hid, having got wind of
thn oillcoiB searching for him. From
u fellow by tho namo of Hughes, who
claimed to be a relative of tho man, it
was learned that his right nnmo was
Robert Bowen. The sheriff at Hast
ings was communicated with by phono
and tho description tallied so closely
with tho man wanted that the Hastings
sheriff camo hore Saturday, briuging
another party to idoutify the prisoner.
But it seems something happened in
tho meantime, and when the Iowa
sheriff, who is a relativo by marriago
to tho fugitive, arrived on the sceno,
ho and tho mau who accompanied him
decided it was tho wrong party, and
Shoriff Rokwell aud Marshal Taylor
ucw think that some one slipped one
over on them, and the hopo of sharing
in tho ?G00 roward offered for tho man
now goes glimmonug,
ii (
IL -v