S W4BW-a.' W., n III LL. f TFV9.V. ' m ft I: Lw c tt 'Ml A Dakota County Herald .... . lOHN H. RBAM, PUDUSHER , Bubscriptlon I'rlce, Sl.OO 1'or Yoat. Official Pflcr o 7ftoa C.o0'iry, n0 CliIDH to I11V used only REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Clerk arxmai: wii.kins. For Trcjisuror"- , W;:j. 'MANiNINO. For .Sliqr)ff-r " . JOHN lr. HAZTjEGIIOVE. For Judgt. J. I.. l'HILMl'S. For' Superintendent . WILFItED 13. VOSS. For Commissioner let District W. h. 110SS. For Coroner I). F SAWYER. Candidate for Clerk UoorRp Wllklns. the republican nom inee for county clerk. Is n young man of BterJIiiB qualities, whose honesty nnd integrity linve nover ljccn ques tioned. Ho was born In Dakota county In J883. nnd hiiH been a resident here, nil Ills life, with tho exception or u Hhort tlino spent working for lurga mcicnnlllu and insurunco concerns In Hloux City nnd Mnson City, In. Mr. Wllklnn has served tho county mUIh factorily as clerk of tho district court. Mr. Wllklns Is hard worklnir and Industrious, .yomn; IhimIiipph man. Hla knowledge of court house methods and county nffnlrH pre-eminently qualifies him lor tho clerk'H place and tneaiis a caving or mttny Hundreds of dulluis In breaking In n new man. Vote for him. Elliott for Congress. Thc-votcrs-ot tliu Titinl district bava nn opportunity to send to Washington, to succeed tho lamented Congressman llattu, a man of broad-mindedness, of splendid ability, of deep sympathy with. the neds of tho common people, and one who Is In thorough accord with tho progressive spirit or tho times. Col. Jamca C. Elliott, tho Vo publican nominee, thowth vt In thn vigor of manhood, han lived In WesL Tolrtt rt quarter ota, century, during whlch tlmo ho Iibh boon. Idcntlflod with tno cducationnl. iiolilical und bus no; life of northeistorn Nobraaka ao close ly tnat wo daro say no mnn in tho district hotter knows tbo needs of tbo constlunncy whom ho will In all nrob ability bo chosen to ropresont than ho does. As editor of tho West Point Ilenubllcnn bo has ''rubbed shoulders" daily with tho people of hla communi ty, nnd at tbo saiiio time has had op portunity to watch tho drift of public opinion and tbu course or legislation. both state and national, In such a wny aB to mako him a valuablo nnd efficient public servant. Col. Elliott began his career upon a farm, afterwards be camo a school teacher, later a lawvor. and then a newspaper man and post- master, ho believes in such a revision of tho tariff Fchedulea as will afford a substantial reduction In prlccB, whllo leaving reasonable protoction to Amor lean labor nnd American capital. Ho is also opposed to tho storing of food products hy corporations whoso solo object is to extort a high prleo from the public. Such a man as Col, Elliott in tho halla of congress will bo a credit to tnp stato or Nebraska. TnornnBlxllait is-a-sattj muii to elect railway commissioner. His ex perience as a lawyer, farmer nnd banker fit him for the nlnco. fin rnn look at a question from tho standpoint of tho farmer, his knowlcdgo of law and business experience gives blm the iccnnical training required by a mom- bcrof the Nebraska railway conuuls- -alonTbcuIanncr Sit tha businesa nutu need not he afrnld to havo Mr. Half look artor his Interests, for ho is hrtn ostr fair Just and Impartial, nnd has the habit of digging down into things and getting at ihe vital points. Elect Hall for railway commissioner and you will havo a njan who will uervu you woll. "WJo will give fr(io, a ycsr'a subscrip tion to Tbo Hnrald and Parmer and Breeder to any one wlu nan "show ns wboro a oandiilntn on tbo republloan tiokct was ever m-rested by tbo Sioux City policH for .IruukoiiesH. Royal has no substitute for making delicious home-baked foods Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar will d. g, evans do it? To sum up D O Evntit.' published ,utameut, bo aaya Mint bo will run tbo office of county treasurer, It elect- i iiu.iu lor uepitiy line iubi year, iue delinquent tax Hot on tbo insido pitmen ' of ttiis pa'ier). IIo cIocb not promise lo limit bis deputy biro to $171) 75 tin thia jour, nornoxtyonr, nor tbo next; , but to got along with whatis absolute , ly necessary. V J Manning is just n honest nnd oonsciencions ns 0 O Ev i hiis, and tnakos tbo same promise to ! do tbo work of tbo trosurer's ofllco I with just ns littlo deputy biro os is j absolutely necessary. llesidi'8 W .T Muunlng is n proporty owner in Dako ' ta county and baa interest other than j tho salary connoctod witb tbo treasur j ei's office, wlilob usnnot br. tratbfully I said of Mr Evans. What tbo votnts itnd taxpayers want to know is, will i D O Evans do tbo work in tbo county I treasurer's ofllon next year witb $179.75 'deputy biro, nnd tbo year after for tbo came, or will bo use- nil that is necessary of tbo $000 allowed by law to properly caro for thfl work, oven if it should require it nil? J C Elliott, editor of the West Point republican, who was notuinatod by tho republicans of tbo Third district lait week, in congressional convention, iih tbo candidato of tbo party for congress to succeed tbo lamented Congressman Lntta, is well known to many Nubriis kans outside bis own district. Ah n mombor of tbo Nebraska Press Ahko elation, and of tbo legal fraternity, and a pioneer and rccont president of tbo Nebraska Stato Volunteer Fire men's Association, bo lias thousand of Trinnds throughout tbo stato who will retain a keen interest inbiHruoe ven though Ihoy hnvo no voiuo in tho mit ter and will sincerely bopo lo hi biro elected. With a candidate of I lie ability and strength or Elliott there'll bo something wrong with tbo ThirI district if it docs not commission lnm as its representative in tho lower honso of congress. Grand Inland Didly In depoudont, Oct a, 1911. Tbo Oedar County News boasts of tbb smallest tax list over published in I mat county, and probably tbo small est in tbo state, and attributes it to tbo Bplondid business ability of tlnir county troaruror. If Dakota County could only do likewise but no I wn probably bavo tbo largest list Ibis year in tbo history of the county, and tho largest list of any county for its M7.o in tbo stato an increase of sov oral columns from two years ago, when Manning was treasurer. Ono of tbo latest cues sprung by democrats is that if Hazlegrovo in oleoted sheriff nil tbo slot machines must go. and what will tbo kids dp for gum, then, poor things? What ever should happen, if John L Dossil grovn is eloetml wo will vontnro the assertion that ho will perform tho du ties of tbo ofllco of sheriff of Dakota county without foar, favor or partial ity. Voto for Hazlegrovo. it iiiimu u vobb nas ecrved von woll ns county superintendent, ho re spectfully solicits your voto and sup port. We Lave tho llrst ono yet. to hear Bay that ho has not sorvod Dako ta county faithfully nnd well duriug his term of oltico, nnd ihe present pros perous condition of our schools is tbu vory best testimony. Tbo Lyons Mirror used a lot of its valuablo space Inst wook trying to do fond tbo liquor element for tbo purl, it Is playing in politics tufa year. You oun't toll whether Mosoy is a Bryan county optionist, a Dnblman domocrnt or a I) O Doffernan "consumer." If you want a good, cupnblo busi ness man on tbo board of county com midaionors, W L ltoes is tho man to ohoosci. His past record ns u bnsiueHtf wau and county olllcial is without a blemish, Tim Tonoa Journal has boon sold to O H Itnloigh from Esthorvillo, Iowa QtllMl)M((0lM!)C)M). ! Items of Interest I from our Exchanges S Pender Republic: E. J, Smith was over from Homer Inst Monday on bus iness, Watorburv UeillH In Pnnra .liniiiinl Gus Aii'lrcnn f Hubbard sneiiL over Sunday with Ills brother Ait. near hero. Wayne Domocrnt: Mr. and Ai. John Harder returned to their homo at Dakota City Saturday after a visit with relatives at Randolph. Wttlthlll Tltiwiu. n.. w ii D....... attended tn mueliug or the medical association nf Pmlilr nlvnii nnlrrt-i and Thurston rountlos. hold at Emet- huh iiionuuy. I'onca Leader: Mr. Joo Davoy came homo from Omabn Saturday, roturnlnrc Monday, whore he has boen sorvlnjc on tho grand Jury. Mrs. Davey ntal daughter nro visiting with her motbor near Vlstn. Hnrtlngton N'owb: Mrs. Oeo. Nor dyke reurncd to Allen today nftor n 'i( in Ihlq city with Mrs. C. L. Lyle. F. E I'rovancba, who llvog In Logan county, Colo., and who was In Hart Ington several days visiting bis broth er, M. A. Provnnchn, and family, left Saturday for Wnterbury to visit anoth er brother heforo rcurnlng to his home. Emerson Enterprise: Miss Minnie Ireland went to Sioux City Inst Satur day. F. F. Hnaso has gone to Omaha to servo on the federal grnnd Jury. Lylo Olson of Dakota City Is tho new clerk nt the Emorson Mdso, store. Mr; -viti rir.ih.am and her daugh ter, Mlsn Mary, were in Jackson last Sunday. Frnnk Heeney of Emerson nnd W. M. Murphy of Sioux City left for Ex celsior Springs, Mo., last Monday, where lht will spend a few weks. Winnebago Chieftain: F. Henry of South Sioux City was a visitor In Win nebago Wednesday between trains. S. A. Combs received tbo sad Intel llgenco on Monday of this week, that his sister, Mrs. Amelia Itoycc, died at Clifton Springs, N. Y.,'nt tho age of G7. This was the first death that bad occurred In his immediate family in 40 years , Sam Brown, who Is mnklng his homo In Gregory, S. D., Is In Homer visit ing friends, and was In Winnebago on Tuesday of this week, calling on somo of bis friends. Sam snys ho has not done anything for five years, and lias half n notion to stick to tho enmo Job for a whllo longer. Well, Sam, we'ro believing all that. Wo would look for you lo tin ii pale In five minutes if you did not got off Bomo sticb ridiculous re mark. Rloux City Journal, 1-ftli: Chris Schoen, an old flslierinan who lives In tbo bnsement of a fisherman's resort at Masslnger's pnrk, Crystal Lake, was robbed of $fit in sliver Wednesday of this week. Ho had placed tho money for iiufe keeping within tbo ticking of his mattress, nnd was greatly dls mnyvl on hla return from nn nngllng expedition to find tho money gone. Frank Richmond, who Is accused of attempting rape upon tho 5-year-old Eileen Alexander, 509. Pearl street, was arrested at a residence near Twenty-second street and Central avenue by Officers Onrside and Lavery. Mrs. Ethel Alexander wns induced to nros- ecuto tho case yesterday, after being informed tno man was In Jail. A con tlnunnce waa granted by Judge Sims till Thursday morning, October 10, Richmond denies that ho made any as sault upon tho littlo girl last Sunday, a3 Is charged. Burt Lake, another roomer at tho apartment on Pearl street, and Dr. Milton Daily, who was mnklng a professional cnll at tho time, will bo witnesses for tho prosecution. Richmond formerly was an employe of tho Curtis Sash and Door company, hilt waa discharged Monday. Homer Star: John Illanchard is taking a fuw' days lay off from U. S. railway mall service and spending tho time in Homer, D. H. Stldworthy and Waller Smith went to Gregory Monday to register for a chanco on the Roaebud-PJnn ttldgo drawing. Tho Methodist church of Homer has engaged. Ibo services of Row Joseph a. isuge or Mornlngsidc. who will con duct regular services both morning and evening. W. ti. Richards and fnmlly of Red Oak, In., nro hero visiting with their uncle nnd mint, A. S. Richards nnd wife. Mr. Richards Is a substantial farmer near Red Oak. Al SbnlHo returned last week from a visit nl Mound City, Mo., bis old Htnmp'ng grounds, and ropotts tho ro cent neavy rainfall aB having donu con. sldernblo damage to crops and live stock. Mrs. J. H. Rockwell Ib recovering from n slego of blood poisoning, nnd is again nblo to tnko chargo of her Household duties. Her daughter, Mrs, J. E. Munger, hns been staying with nor for u couple of weeks. Mm. Thomas Jordan and children stopped ovor In Homer this week en route fioni Hrndy to Saskatchewan, CniiRilfi, whore Mr. Jordan has pur chased land. Thoy visited with Tes- dames Dana Purdy and Chns. Skid more, Jr. m. J, amttn nns excavated Tor a large modern farm dwelling on his farm now occupied by Leon Ream, and will bo built In tho west part of iho orchard. Water ba3 been piped to th sito from tho big spring in the bluff. Marvin Armour or UiIb place, who attended tbo Ak-Snr-llcn at Omaha last week, waa a victim of tho light (In gored profcBslon which generally In rest thoso fall festivities His pockots were picked ror ?2!i, wo are Informed. A. a. RichanH iHlurnl Ratuidin morning from Tiirton, S. D., where ho baa been visiting with his daughter. Mrs. Goldthorpe. for tho past two weoks. Mr. Richards says they, had plenty rainfall whllo ho wns there. Announcements have reached friends In Homer chronicling tho mar riage of Mary Ann. daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Honcom or Hubbard to Harry P. Covel. ThuiBdny, October 5, 1911. Thoy will bo at homo In Nncorn, No vombor 1. WILFRED E.V0SS FOR SUPERINTENDENT Wdlrrd U. Wn?, candidate for county superintendent, has given splendid miucv in that olfiee (he past two ten a lie lint been tiled mill hni proved lailliln! to the trust given him. He i mi able eiliieiitur anil has nivin gnnd service in the sclloolt of I hit count. As a d-epstu lent, unswayed lv pujiidice and dt liliernte iu judgment he i capable ol dniui; his duty find rtlla-l-iiH honor on llientliie he occupies He bus Ixen n cnreliil iv iint of; he p iiple mid bus j.'i"n n ooil netoimt ol hinwclf, in the -plemlul woiMtiy cond lio . of the cI'ooIa of tnis eouiitx loilnv hluuv Mr Vh it n Oitfim coii'U buv. Imvinj' innile hit home in Diiimli pife'f.i ..II Ins life. A voleliu Willriil If Yost iiimith n ciiiliiiiKil ,Hitnl ! lesull prodiiciMu FehooN for ltiloii eoiinti, mmtr-mmma W. L ROSS FOR COMMISSIONS V. I Uo8 a entulidme for county coinuiissioner from tliU district.' He it n man iu whom ihe people may trust lie b'is the united support of his party nnd is certainly eutiiled w it, Mr. Items U entitled to the ollice becacse ol Ins fitness for tlieplncr. Helms served the countv as clerk, knows iverv in and out ol the county's bushiest, and wnuM title with him to tin oflicw ol eoiniaistioner a fund ol kii(iwle'iie ol countv nfTnirs tbnt would mean thcieoiinmlciil udiiiinintintloii nf countv busi nrst where his vole nod support was Kven. Mr. K''s '"in been n contiinious ieident ol the county ! inr.nv crx, he i;i henw pniiritv bolder, r II his iulnest j arc in D ikotu countv lie is well ipialilicd lor the place. Vote for bun. i M&vtMm, S Candidate for Judge ! J Xj. Phillips, candidate for county Judge. Is n man well fitted for the plncr. Tils character Is above rcpronch and iitB tiRlTly U uiitluuMcd. lie ts without prejudice and without rear. Every cage tbnt comes before him will be tried on lt merits. Mr. Phillips Is a man of wide acquaintance among men nnd he knows human nature well enough to ! nblo to udmlulstei' tho nffalra of the probate court and handle an estate In such a manner that nil would be- fairly dealt with. He has no enemies and as a judgi- would know no friends. IK believes that oil men are entitled to tin honest deal, and If elected will pee that the get It He Ib the best man In Dakota couutv for ths place. ote for him. Candidate for Treasurer W. J. Manning, candidate tor roun trtnsuier. is well known throiigbout the county. He lias lived hrc for the greater part of his life and his par ents were pioneer settlers here. He Ih Known ns u man of integrity nnd u innii of Ills woid. One ti-im to tho treasurer's office promt to the people mat lie is a caret ul, capable mnn. There isn't u Uuulsh in hls'name and everybody gives him irrdlt ror being one of tho best officials Dakota county ever had, Mr. Munnlng It elected will Itfiy for his bond, use economy in dep uty hlrejmd Is against ucimllMii. In fuel. i!lU-il It pat com tnat he will not appoint a relative as deputy. Vote lor biin. JOH L, HAZLE6R0VE Candidate for Sheriff John I,, Hazlegrovo was born nnd 1'iisrd In Dakota county. lie gleu' lo ITUiniU'Od lure mill recuved ni.i edlieil- iX'UKWSJT BttW!! I S U' c -as atxompHnl.d bonio by his City. He wiih raised on the furm of i "'. '-ue McCormick, v.-ho will visit his patents. Mr. and Jlrs. J. w. Huzh- relatives here a few weeks, grove, and Is an example or Dakota Tho boys received their new foot county's sturdv young mnnliood. lie . ball suits Saturday and expect to bo Is well tltted l'or the office he seeks, unnn i oi,n r,. (i,a ,,i,. . having served for tin pact year IIS deputy sheriff, of thin county to the satisfaction of nil. All who know him speak of him In the highest terms of praise, lie Is pledged to use economy In his office and against ring rule. He will n-iiko Dakota countv a good sheiltr. t'olo for him. All kiudsof coal, fcod and hay for sale at roasuiinhle pi iocs. livLve & SLAnaiiTKn Oo. 'I'isko E Dmvkn, Manager. r)nkolnGity,Nob. JACKSON. Tho Northwestern depot was struck by lightning In tho electrical storm Sunday evening and only for tho prompt arrival of a number of citizens of tho town tho building would have been completely destroyed, but tho bucket brigade booh had It under con trnl. rrii,, uiu,Jl. l...iii.l tin, nl! lnirii. ed out and ono side or the buildins badly damaged. Mnmln Carpenter or Vista spent sev eral days hist week visiting Lizzie Teller John J. Hynn and wire of Sioux City spent several days tho last of the week ',sh,t, ha",d "Dlifled thoy renewed their with relatives here baptismal vows. And thus came tho Horn to Mr anil ''Ira I 11 Con c,oso of il anccessful mission, nnd ley or Chicago! 111.. October 1 2. 1UI1.,.Kh,,,"pb Ka,1,,on ad. ?ttanlc will a dftUBhter. Mrs fonlov v:iK f,,r.,.,.,lv isnima O'Neill or this Phvo. They bavo a "Uoosovolt f.unil'" consisting of six daughters and two sop . Hans ll. Anderson returned troni Grogory, S. I).. Tuesday, where iie went lntt week to register. Mrs. Klhi It. Mnlonoy of Sioux City was a guest in tbo William Hnrtnctt home Sunday. The M W. A. will hold n meeting at The "She had done her besta leaky range was to blame." Frequent failures cant be avoided with an ordinary steel rane or cook stnvo. Why put up with such embarass ments and inconveniences? Why not know the delightful satisfaction of always having your work perfectly done, that comes from using a Monarch Range? You might as well , have one. It will effect a saving in fuel and repair bills that, in a short time, will pay its entire pirst cost. "It pays for itself." Let us SHOW vou how it does it. It's Uecausc of the flonarch's Construction There's no MYSTERY about this. We can ex plain it to your entire satisfaction. It's sim ply that the Monarch is built differently fron the others. Unbreakable Malleable Iron is used for those parts that are made of brittle cast iron in all of the "common sort" o steel ranges. Frames of this material are joined to the body by cold driven rivets. To Vsers jf Two to Five-Yotxi Old Steel Ranges: .Bear in mind that the Monarch not only pays for itself, but for years will do your work with 4 to K less fuel than other ranges use. So it's not economy by any means to continue to use a common range. Make the change now. Hr IihII RafIlrrf.1T- nvn-ilnn- tr loll over tho proposed building "of a new hnll here. All tho members ure ex pected to be present. Ed T. Kearney nnd family had to postpone their western automobile trip on account of the bad condition of tlie roads. Frank Hendricks and wife of Sioux Ulty arrived hero IIoudA evening for a visit in the L. D. Hicks home. Mrs. Baker and two boys or Lawton, la., who were visiting in the Chris Smith home, reurned home Monday. John W. Twobig returned from a two months' trip through Montana and North Dakota the last of the week, feeling much Improved In health by bis trip. C. K, Hefrernan returned Snturday j from ii visit In tho homo of his sister, Mrs. Ttnlinrt. MfPnr..ilnl.- nl Vn., U.Ht. . j p MnPnrmlnlf nml llltlo daughter attended tho carnival at l'on- ca last week, and were guests until Monday in tbo George Hauks home. Jos Elliott of West Polne, Neb., re publican nominee for congress in tho Third district, was In town Monday looking up his republican friends. Genoviove Brady departed for Oma ha last Friday, where she will be pres ent at tho voddlng of Miss Ituth Gen tleman nnd William Dooloy at that city Tuesday. Miss Gentleman was ono of the Instructors In music at St. Cath erine's academy last year and mado many friends while hero. Tho mission given here by the Rev Fathers Kannon nnd Brockbank of tbo Dominican Order, camo to a close Sun day evening. The Fathers are tireless and zealous workers or unuaunl ability, end thoy nover railed to move their listeners by the force or their ser mons. They not only conducted a mis- 5,0.nIIror '' Brown-up pooplo but one for tbo children as well on each after noon. On Sunday evening took place a most Impressive and edifying cere mony wlion all, both young and old, stood up In a body In the church and "K uo ruiiioniuorcu ny uie people or St. Patrick's church Josopli Shnnuhau, who spent tho i summer in Ireland, returned homo the last -of the week. He was accompa nied home by Margaret harklns of Limerick, Ireland, a nleco of Will lnm Shoehun. who will make an extended visit with relatives bore. Kliht niililleiilloii llMM-lw. 1'ItOUATi: NOTICE TO CIIEDITOUS. In tho county court of Dalcotn county, .imilknitli. Ill tliu umtteror the estate of (lUKtiu I,, lloruor, JvcenstMl, Notlco It hereby kImmi, that tlm creditors of tliu siilil ilneeiihcil will meet tho execu tor of hiiUI estate, U'foui mu, county Juilxn of Dulcotit county, NobnisVii, nt tho county court room In mild county, on the aitli lny of.lnniifiry, mis, on tho mth ilny of 1'ulirn nry. Wi. nml on the lnl ilny nf March, IMS. at in o'clock u ui.eneh ilny for tlm pur Pomi of pieseutlliK their claim for omiiii- iiiiiuou, iiiuiiswueut mm niiowuncc. .six moiithNiiriiiilloweil for ckhIIIiiih id pniseut their cIiiIum and nun year for the i'xi'CU tor to sot tin snld estnto. (imii tlm Uithdnyof SeptemlxT. 1911. This iiotleK w III lie pulillsh. oil In the Dakota rminty llcinUI. for four weeks successively Dilor to the MUi ilny of Jiuiiinry. A D.lDl. Witni'ss niy hfiud.nnil seal of said court, this mth day of .SritumlH'r. A. I), lull. - , l. I'. IlKKH'IIN IN, IHFAi.. County. Indue. l'tmt pulillcntloii lO-rt-w-l. 8EI1V1CE OF HOIVMONa I1V l'lMU.U'ATlOX lu the district court of XulinikLn, In nnd for liiikota County. Porter M. Itoalsvs. the rnkuowii llilrsiif John Ulnv, diceiiM'd. To tliu ITiiIcnow u Heirs of John duv. tin. censed, di'feil.liintH, You will tnkn notlco that on the sail day ofUotolMtrA. I), lull, l'oti'r M. IIiihIk. ns plnllitllT, filed his petition In Iho district court of Unkotit county, N'clirmkii, m;iilust you, n a defeiidiiuts, t liu object mid prnj er of which iin liMiulet tltlo In pliilntfir to the north hnlfof the north cunt quarter of nee tlon 4, Township ZH. Ultimo 8, In llakotn county, Nehriiskn, and to havo the elalliu Hindu liy yon, the snld defendants decreed mill nnd void as clouds on phiiutltr's title tosnlii piviiihvs;iind ior such other relief as to tho court limy so.-m Just nml eiiultn tile. You are requlieit to answer Mild petition on in iH'foiu tliu liltliday of Xouiuuci l. IUII, Hated at PakotnClty, Nelraka Detolior urn. luu. Point ll M. I!iiaij MONARCH PAYS FOR ITSELF Why try to Get Along without one? lijet w STNSONS Specials for Saturday. Oct. 21 For this Da,y Only Best Standard Tomatoes, 3 Cans for 25c Best Standard Corn, 3 Cans for 25c Good Gooseberries, 3 Cans for 25c Royal Red Catsup, 3 Bottles for ?5C 3f)e Crescent Mapeline, 1 Bottle for 30c All Children's Fleece Uned Uuderwear, 15c to 25c Per Garment N. Y. Concord Grapes, Jersey Sweet Potatoes, Pears, Cranberries, Hubbard Squashes S. A. Dakota City, Under lakor County Coronor. B.F. SAWYER was born May I), 1850. iu Mansfield, J!u8. Ho blurted us u apprentico for tlneo yearn in the.Undeituking bnMoera in p-lork City with tl, iBTgMtflrm in tho city, remaining with tlifcin for Avt. years, nelm, followed tbo profefiRion tver since, coming lo JacLson, Ncbr. in 1H80 and starting tbo bn6incS3 brio. Ho bu8 oua of the W equipped Li.doitdiuRPrlo,fliu the Hale, with commodiom, quartern, lady ninlttuut, ih,0 beatBea und equipment and a lurgo stock j w MKUU He understands, nil tbo succe'ifnl molhotls of cmbnlminc ai l:ea a specialty of tbo "Jlico sMnn n.fi. .. .1 1 .; inal; forever, r.quiroa no cutting or excision of tbo body, and to ben nothin . way nor adds anything to tbo Bitbjeet, the tborongb embalmiug bdn done exclusively by asternal methods. b eeihe whole west under one roof iKfSal U"? Somothlng dolnsr oil the time. SEr&tVnVD I fS Jt B a show that will Intorest you. Q DjUM IWsfniM M r,( Hlu .Machinery Exhibit, with etery. ,n.. br ' KrVS ivl fj l?onS.C,IOn- Xractlon Mms demonst"1 iiMWV J I M !w.K,W,,IW P101""- Uml W' .1 FVWII rifo,,-muT:i..ij.j.m.Li iuluuhhi.,- ' tt . Ji:t.,-i'A .vJSt H ri.T," 1 ,-"- -, ; "' --' ; . y , yy- y ; . gv-rp-Tyrr . SMrWtfii-ilVi M w ftutiudk IM3tSiUfkclor):"JrA Ordinary STEEL RANOES Actually WASTE Fuel Ordinary ranges which are made of CAST or GREY IRON and sheet steel must be bolted to jether and calked with stove putty. After a very short time of use these bolts work loose, the putty falls out of the seams and outside air rushes into the flues and the fire-box through every joint. These "air leaks" Waste Fuel cause slow baking Poor Work. Edwards & Bradford Estxmbea Co. Dxk.otcx City, Nebraska. Stinson Webraskav and 11 H s B. F. Sawyej-, Jackson, Nebraska I IltilntllT, "WW pf tlffmmMmtU my wl" '"!''"' l(HM'i." p wrr- ',M'"."m.iii, I A-nnwffi vnttavT .wrf4..ri'ttyy-i vzr " rfHfi- "xxzrxjmz-z ,:';,,T3llPw"l