Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, September 22, 1911, Image 4

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Dakota County Herald tow
oottago in
tbo southwest putt of
Subscription Prlco. $1.00 Tor Year.
a wookly nowapapor published at
Dakota City, Ncbrnska.
Permission haa been granted for tbo
transmission of this paper through the
malts as second-class matter,
Telephone No. 48.
Official Paper of Dakota County
Kor Clerk
For Treasurer
For Sheriff
For Judge
For Super, utendent
For Commissioner 1st District
w. l. noss.
For Coroner
Ifamo n4 Intaroci V
, w , . ,? fj i i iiir vwi
'rnmnur pYrihanCfiR
Bloat), Io, Star: BInkn Wntoon und
Louis Uuhuj of South Sioux spent
Sunday at tbo Huaby Lomp.
Salix Items in Sloan, Io, Star: S
1) Cone left for Winnebago, Nob, Sat
urday, where he will spend several
Pondor Times: Goorgo Stiuo and
Mrs Olllo HHtohett, of Winnobago,
woro married nt Dakota City lust
Bloomflcld Monitor: Mrs C E
Hedges and daughters havo booh vis
iting rolatives in Minneapolis lor a
Pouoa Loader Will McCarthy was
a pnssenger for Dakota City, Monday,
....Thos Jones, of Vista, was a caller
at theP Eoglo homo Sunday ovuuing.
Emerson Enterprise: JM Llnwer,
John Eokermnn and Jim Mention went
to Hubbard last Monday to attend the
funeral of Frank Heenoy of that plaoo,
who ii a oousin of tbo Frauk Heenoy
living hero.
.Ponder Repnblio: WE Voss was
down from Dakota City over tiunday.
1 1 1 1 Mr1 I' h Ream left Tuesday even
ing for Homer whore she joined her
"woraur half" and where they will
make their houTe.
Lyons Mirror: Mrs John Clayton, I
of Homer, was tbo guest of Mrs M M
WarnBr, Monday.. ..M M Wnruer re
ceived a flno birthday urojont, au elo
gaut hall hat rack. The donors were
friends at Lyons nod the Frey genera
tion. By the way did it over occur to
you that tbo Freys never do tilings by
Oakland Independent: Itov Goo
Mead leaves about Wednesday of
next week for the annual conference.
We are among thoso who hopo that
Bev Moad will bo returned to Oakland,
His work in the ehureh sooms to have
been satisfactory, and hla plaoo in the
manual traiulngin the Oakland high
sohool it would be simnlv impossible
to fill,
Sioux City Journal, 10: Henry
Flider, of Jackson, Neb, was operated
on yesterday at St Vincent's uospiiai
for iwmiend cit Is.... Tno Bionx v-ivj
actio of tbo Fraternal Order of EsgleH
is considering a plan to build a club-
linnsn nt OMstal Iako Tlio uuuaing
probably would bo located upon too
north shoro of tbo lako, where several
members on the aerie have summer
homes. Tbo Eagles a year or moro
ago purohaecd at 711 Douglas street a
site for an Eagles' clubhouse, and the
areie has a large building fund, which
In nonstantlv crowiuH. But tbo build-
lug, which is to cost $75,000, will notl
bo oreoted, it is said, until tbo rights
of clubs and tboir members shall bo
m iro securely established by tbo Iowa
courts, Tbo proposed clubbouso at
Crystal Iako would not intorlero Willi
t:.b ptass for the fine buiMing whtnh
some time will bo erected on Douglas
street. Tbo aerio has refused $17,000
for its Douglas streot property, which
consists of a lot and a bblf.
rioraor Star: William Learner loft
Monday evening for a visit with his
sister, Mrs Geo Warner, at MoOreg-
gor, Minn Diok -ilson returned
to Atkin, Minuesota, last woek, after
several weeks visit bore with relatives
ind ftinnds Mr and Mrs Chris
Erikson returned Tuesday noon from a
ihrnn mnnths' trin in Denmark and
other European points.... Two land
deals were pulled off in Uomor the
past week. Joseph Smith purchased
eighty aoros from N It Smith, and E
J Smith purchased the Qallagbor
eighty.... William Clnpp returned
last wnnk from New York state.
There is some talk of tbo Olapps lo
cating peniuanontly in the Empiro
sUte, but wo believe that Mr Olupp
will hardly bo satii-fied there aftor
forty-flvo years contlunoiiH residence
in Nebraska.... Marie Lirsen, tbo
eighteen-year old daughter of Mr aud
Mrs Carl Larson died at ucatnoo,
Nob, Monday. Hor remains wciro
brought to Uomor and tbo funeral
will bo held today from the homo aud
tbo remains laid to rest in tbo John
son comotory.... Tbo remains of the
latn John L Nixon worn laid to rest in
in tbo Omaha Valley cemetery last
Friday. Tbo funeral services woro
conducted by Kov J L Hammond.
Tboro woro over fifty teams in the pro
cession. Ono of the sad features of
this funoral waa tbo inability of John,
jr, to bo prosiiut, bo having not yet re
turned from Washington. Tbo body
was kept a week waiting for bis return,
of Sioux City,
W O'Neill home
Wayne Democrat; Ed J' Raymond
and wife woro Sioux City visitors Sat
urday.... Mrs B A Hoikes and sou, of
Dakota City, returned homo Saturday
aftervisiting uer daugbtor, Mrs Ohas
Kato....R B Orrof Dakota City, aa
here Wednesday. Mr Orr ie buying
draft horses for eaBtern market and
cares not how largo they aro if sound
and young..,. O L Culler and wifo.and
Miss Balsbaob, u dleoo of Mr Culler's,
were passengers to Sioux City this
morning, Miss Balsbaob going on to
Grinnoll. Iowa, to vi&it friends aud
Mr and airs Caller go to Bancroft for
a visit with relatives.
Bioux City Tribune, 10th l A pretty
wedding which wus of interest to many
friends at South bioux City occurred
Taesday when Minn Luln Kant,
daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Kurst,
Walker's island, uud Mr Clarenon
Phillips, sou of Rev aud Mrs Phillips,
of South Sioux City, woro married,
Tho brido wore a gown of white satiu
veiled in marqnisotto and carried a
shower boquet of white roses, Miss
Bessie Miller attended hr a maid of
honor and little Miss Burnioe Man
ning aorvod hor as flower girl. Rev
Mr Phillips performed the oorontony,
about 50 relatives aud frlouds beiug
present. Immediately following, a
wodding luncheon was Borvod iu three
WalthiUTimos: OW Pisbor aud
family, of Dakota City, spout Sunday
at the home of bis nephew, Jas W
Fisher... .Miss Mabel Harvey, of the
Dakota City sohools, was in Walthtll
Sunday afternoou, to visit her sister,
Mrs Loe Clement. ..Roy Armour and
family, of Dakota City, passod through
Waltbill in their or, Sunday after
noou, and called on tbo J W Fisher
family ...Jamos Fisher and family
were pussengors to Dakota City, Hun
day, iu O Y Fisher's uar, returning
homo next day by way of tho Burling
ton..,, Mrs Leo Olomont catuo to
Waltbllf last Friday to join hor bus
baud, who is employed ni tho Golden
Rule. They aro making their homo iu
Winnebago Ohioftain: Mrs Leon
Ream and MiBsLula Hirscb, of Uomor,
were iu Winnebago at the J E Smith
oflioo....Mrs Ohas Hisorote, wbolives
north of Homor, visited ovor Sunday
with her parents, Mr and Mrs M F
Evoland. . . .Mr and Mro John Ash ford
accompanied their son John to St
Paul, Minn, last Thursday, whore tho
latter bus entered college.... Wo are
pleased to note that Tiiurston county
is turning out what wo prenlot to ne
oomu a shilling legal light in tbo
Qreat Middle West. We aro referring
to noue other than to Sidnny From,
who haa recently formed a partner
ship with one of tho host attorneys in
the statu of Nobruska, Judge Evans, of
Dakota City. Mr Frum is u graduate
of tbo State University of Nebraska,
aud has taken a special law course,
with a view of making as great a sua
ooss in that profession as ho possibly
can. Ho possesses much natural abil-
ty for the calling ho has chosen, and
buiug a young man of exooptionally
good habits, a gentleman in every re
spect, wo see no reason why our friend
and fellow olttzon will not make Ins
mark In the legal world. Ho showed
splondld judgment right on the start
when ho mauagod to connect himself
with a man of the stauding Judge
Etana enjoys. Wc shall watch, with
oonsidorable intorost, tho caroor of
this young Thurston county lawyor,
aud we ask our roaders to also watch,
and seo if our prediction does not
onrao true, iioro aro tho congratula
tions of the Chieftain, Sidney, and
horo'H that yon may uever employ au
argumont you believe is not founded
on the truth. ...On Tuesday evening
Soptombor 12, at the rosidenoo of
Henry Q Niebuhr, ooourred the mar
riage of his daughter, Miss Mabel
Qertiu io Niobuhr. and Mr John
Emmet Morgan. Rhv Robert C
Shupu of tbo Prosbytorian church of
ficiated. This was uueof tho rottiest
home weddings ever hold io this vi
cinity, and tho pleasures of tho nr-
raugemouts wero tuoroasod by the
knowledge of the contracting partlanr
The happy couple wero attended by
auks UfbhIo Morgan nnd Wm V Mc
intosh. After tho oercmouy and the
oougratulatiuus wero over, a dainty
two courso lunch was nerved. Neither
Mr or Mrs Morgan aro strangers in this
vicinity, as botli wero here bfore most
of tho 'present population uiovod to
tuts county, ami wu aru sure that all
their acquaintances with us will rejoice
In their newly acquired happiness,
Thouti ptunuul iiulil tho IitihimlinUi
famllv of Mr Niebuhr woro: Mr aud
Mrs Mel II Niebuhr, of Sioux City;
Mrs Anna Morgan, Mr and Mrs Walt
er Qrieve, Mr and Mrs V 8 Morgan,
Mr and Mrs B E Morgan, Miss Veliua
Morgan aud Mrs R C Shupe aud little
son. After the rioe and tho ubarivari
bad done their worst tho wedding
party doparted for Sioux City by an
tomubile, Mr and Mrs Morgan will
bo at home to their friends after Oo
tobor loth at the Morgau farm south
west of town.
Kato Flauuery departod last Thnrs
da for Livermore. Iowa, tfhoro sho
exuects to spend a month with rela
Nellie Ilarty has gono to Hlnton,
Iowa, whero sho will teach the coming
Henry FranciBcoand wife spent over
Bunday'night with relatives at Obert,
W T Bartlett, of Slonx City, was
transacting businessjbero, Saturday.
Mrs O A Barrett, of Sioux City,
spent Over Sunday with her daughter
James Harty haB sold his residence
property hero to O K Heffernan. Tbo
fsmily will shortly movo to Sioux
Mrs Cora Lovo is visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs Call Hawe, at Florence,
MHry Waters returned to Binsinawn,
Wis, Thuisday, to resnmo hor studies
at St Clara academy.
Lorraino Duggan,
whs a guekt in the H
last Saturday.
James L Barry departed Sunday for
Iowa City, Iowa, to enter the universi
ty tboro for the coming year.
John Bowsman, of carat cm Iowa, is
yiiting in th .Ion M Twohig home.
Every body from horo is nttending
the fair at Bioux City thin week, and
prouonnco it the best evor.
Ruth Lovo loft Wednesday for Oma
ha to attend school.
LittloOladjs and Glurico Boyles
have entered Bt James Orphauugo ut
Benson, Neb.
Mr uud Mrj O F Inglednf, off Em
mott, Neb, were guests of Mr and Mrs
John Lois several days this week.
Jack Cavanaugh and sister Counie,
af Allen, spent over Sunday iu the
Horaco Dugan homo.
J M Barry and Ed T Kearney at
tended the ' f uuernl of Congressman
Lutta nt Tekamah last Friday. Mr
Barry was ono of tbo pall bearers.
Ed T Kearney attended tho bankers
convention at Omaha the firbt of the
week .
Neil Flynn, who joined the navy at
San Franoisoo last June, writes that
he likes it fine. Ho eulisted as stenog
rapher and olilof potty ofllcor, having
pasAcid tho civil sorvico examination.
HonryFlieder is recovering fion an
oporation at St Vincent's hospital,
Sioux City.
Jackson defeated tho Keen Kutters,
of Bioux City, in a ball game here
Buuday. Score, 7 to D.
Uolon Kearnoy is spending the
week with frisnds iu Sioux City.
Tho rumains of John Crosby, a for-
Dakota nnnntv hov, who died at
Probcot, Ariz, wero brought here lust
Friday night for interment. Tho fu-
ueial was held from the Uutliolio
churoh Saturday morning. A(solemn
requiem. maBS was celebrated by Fr
Devuno, assisted by neighboring
priesta, Tbo remains woro laid to rest
in Ht John's cemetery, bebido his fath
er and, mother, it being hiw labt request
that hu bo burled bore.
The community nnd many friends
of the family of James Harty rogrot to
learn that tboy havo disposed of their
residence aud property here and will
remove in a short time to Bioux City
to reside. Mr and Mrs Harty havo
raado their homo iu Jaoksou for many
years, their family have boon reared
and educatod in our midst and have
alwuysbeou prominent in tho social
affairs of our town. Tboy will bo
greatly missed from our circles but
take with them on their departuro tho
best wishes of a host of frieuds and ao-
quaintauoos for their futuro huoooss
and happiness iu tboir now home.
Luo A Hirsch was over from Pender
Buuday visiting at the E J Smith
Mrs Geo W MoUealh and daughter
Loih returned Tuesday from u vinit ut
Atohison, Kus.
The candidates am doing somo rust
ling these days.
Mrs L L Ream aud Miss Lulu
Hirsch eaoh had a pou of thorough
bred chickens on exhibition at the
Interstate fair.
Wm Olapp returned last went from
a trip to York state, whero his son
David is located ou a dairy farm,
l'ho family are talking of all moving
to Now York soon.
Mrs Mary Molt ath, of Dakota City,
spent the patt week here at the Geo
Malioath home, while George's wife
was nt Atohitou, Kas, vihiting a sister.
C J O'Connor nnd family attended
tbo funoral of Mrs Eokbart at Dakota
City, Sunday.
From tb? lltrcord
Miss Luetic Morfrnn commenced her
year's work ut Mornlngslde college this
Mrs, Elizabeth Ullcs. of Tender, Is
n uut-nl rtt the J. M. Johnson hom
this week.
Miss Leah nesflegleu left Saturday
for a visit with relatives at Winne
bago und Maccy.
Mrs. John Frederick was a. visitor
at the borne of Jier son, Earl Freder
ick, near Dakota City, over Sunday.
Mrs. W. W. I'llsrlm Is spending
tho week with relatives nt Crofton
nnd Eincrson nnd Is expected home
Miss Ida Jeep nnd Miss MIlllo JWctz
will leave Monday for Wayne, where
they will ntend the stnte normal school
this year.
Mrs. Edith Dorn this week win
granted a divorce from her husband,
Duvld V. Dorn, on the grounds of de
sertion. Mrs. nobert Vcach, who had been
visiting hero from Des Lncs, left this
week for Arabia, where she will visit
Iimi Hon, Irn Vfi.ich.
Mrs. J. It. Kingston, of Pender, re
turned home Monday morning nfter
a visit nt the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Klmer Wharton.
Mr n. a. Mnnnlnir returned home
frmn hpr Visit nt the home of hor
mother nt Bnncor. Mich., having en
joyed n. pleasant journey.
The now house of Court Church wns
fittingly dedicated Just evening by n
few fi lends of Mr. und Mrs. Court
Church, who Indulged In a social dance
nobert Mcnrlde, while delivering Ice
one day this week suffered n fall back
ward 'rom the steps of his Ice wagon
nnd waa considerably bruised by the
fall. Ho is able to again be at work.
Miss Lillian Teter bus ngnln pur
chased her store In Sioux City nnd has
taken possession. She has Miss Han
mih for ii nnrtnor in the business.
Misses Amelia and Mary Harris und
Messrs. Frnnz and Ed Deiong were
married In Sioux City last week and
are now enjoying a honeymoon trip in
Miss Anna nartlett returned from
Hornick Thursday, where she taught
cchool a few days last week Tor the
leirubir teacher. Miss Bnrtlett is en
rolled at the Mornlngslde Conservatory
of Music this year.
H. A. Ullvcn has been busy the past
few weeks fixing up the property
where he resides nnd which ho re
cently purchased from Nols Bllven. A
now cont of paint was put on last
week, which adds to Its nppearancc.
Mrs. J. M. Johnson was taken to tho
German Lutheran hospital In Sioux
Cltv for treatment Tuesday. Mrs.
JohnHon lins been a sufferer with
heart trouble for somo time and It Is
hoped that her recovery will bo speedy.
Nols E. Bllven wus up from his
home at Winnebago this week. While
Mr. Bllven has closed out his real
estate Interests berc, he Is contem
nlatlnc buying ngaln. tho house owned
by his sonlnlaw on Mnln street being
the prospective purchnse.
Miss Elizabeth Boals entertained a
company of friends Monday evening
In honor of JIIss Lulu Karst, the
bride of the week. The party took on
the nature of a "shower" and many
useful and ornamental gifts were
iimde to Miss Karst by thoso present.
Mrs. Cora B. Miller was hostess
Thursday afternoon, entertaining u
number of Sioux city lady rriends at
n farewell party before leaving on her
western trip to the Pnclfic const, where
she expects to spend a yenr. Tho ladles
presented Mrs. Miller with u handker
chief shower.
The roof or tho Normal school
building Is being repaired this week.
C J. Klostcr is doing the work. This
move was taken by tho school board
more as a measure to preserve the
building in good condition limn from
any prospect that It would bo used
for school purposes this year.
Mrs. Cora B, Miller and daughter,
Mis Bessie, expect to leave this week
on their extended western trip. They
plan to be gone about a year und will
tnko In nil the benutles of the western
mountains and const country, visiting
plnces of Interest nnd the big cities of
tho west while gone. air. ana airs.
Charles Savldg", of Orchard, will
travel with them for a part of the time.
The Odd Fellow lodg entertained
about a dozen visitors nt their regular
meeting Friday evening, when re
freshments were served by the new
oftleers. Printed Invitations were sent
out nnd n large attendance of local
members wero present. Those from
Dnkotu City wero D. a. Evans, Oeorgc
Itockwell, James Fueston, Fred Dun
sing nnd several others.
Tho many friends of E. B. Church
planned n surprise party for him Inst
Frldny evening nnd reminded him ho
had another birthday. After the many
presents were presented, the rooms
were cleared nnd ever' ono danced,
enjoying themselves to their fullest ex
tent. Lunch wns served and Llgo says
ho hud the llmo of his life. Kvry
ono Joined heartily In tho decision.
Dakota (Jlty, Neb, Sept. 18, 1011.
The board of county coiiiiiilsloi!r loot
purtunnt to oil Journment ns a board of cqu-
ul .1.1 I, .11. 1TI1&UI1L. 1-U .IIUIUOU. IZI1I1IIIITT.II.
Thoi liontrnml Geo W Thnckor nnd W U
Ilosn. county clork.
Tlits t to certify that a regular mooting
of the board of nuporvlsirs of clrnlnnite dls
trim Vn'j nr linkntn county. Neb. held on
tho 6th clay of August, 1911. tho following
motion was unnnlmoiuly adopted, jo-wlt:
Moved nnd sedonded thnt whereas tho sold
Thomas Kulltvnn lias Riven to tho said
DrolnBKO district No 2, of Dakota connty,
.noIi, nrecolptforllOT.nl for n portion of his
right of woydnmndcsfordltchos In this dls
inntnnil tlm nnymcut of tho taxes as shown
by tax receipt SOTJ for tho year 1910 is u
seconu payment 01 wiu awuiu ins uniucawu
that the County Hoard of Dakota county,
allow the claim of the snli Thomas Sullivan
for 1187.01 ditch tax: and thnt the minutes
of said board show suuh action. In wltnoss
wliorcof we have hereunto cot our hands
and tho senl of said corporation this 6th day
of August, Kill. r
Attest! Jacob Learner, Secretary.
J T Dally. Chairman of tho Hoard of Su
pervisors of Drnliiago District No 2 of
Dnkota County, Ncbr.
County clerk is ordered to wrlto a refund
ing warrant to Thoi Sullivan for $17.01 on
tho protest lllvd August fi, Kill, uu DiitIni.G
District No 2.
Hoard made order to divide tond districts
NoU nnd 10, to make two district!) out of
each, .NoU to be divided north and south
between sections 10 nnd 11. 14 nnd 16. 22 nnd
'a, 'M and 27, t wp 28, rnngo 7, the east district
to lie called No U. and the west district to
called No 21.
Hood district 16 to bo divided north nnd
south between suctions 1 and HS, twp2S 117.
and svoUons 2 and S. 10 nnd 11, twp 27-7: thr
iat district to Ixs called No 10, nnd the
west district to bo called No 22, tho samo to
go Into ctTcct April 1, 1012. nnd to bo furnish
ed to tho nssessor for 1012 nssosginent.
Heportof 1) O llollornnn, county judgoi
for KlrstnuartornDoroved by tho bonrd.
Heportof DO llelTernnn. county Judge,
for Second quarter approved by tho board.
Tho following claims were allowed
on the county general fund;
Hammond & Stephens Co. supplies. .S 28 84
.1 K (lobby. Riinnllus ISO U0
Hammond A Stephens Co, supplies... 10 40
V A Nlomoycr. work on court house. M) Hi)
J L llnzlegrove, balary....... .. 40 (XI
Samaritan Hospital, care or winery
Dickinson MM
Ohni Shane, repairing chimneys Ut iv
Ueorge N Ooorgenson, road work, dls-
trlctNoO 732fl
M M Welch. MfgOo, supplies 7 02
James Kucston, snlary nnd boarding
prlslonerg. ..,.... 4360
KloppA UartlottCo, supplies 02 60
J 1 Itockwell. salary and expenses. .. 127 16
Klopp.t Bartlett Oo, supplies in ou
Fred Schrlever, mdso.. 8 2S
W L Hobs, snlnry nnd oxnensus. ete. . 130 25
Willlo Schrlovor.work 3 60
George Wilklns, salary and court
costs i 70 60
O H Maxwell, medical sorvlces 210 HO
Scott Duncan, cleaning chtmnoys... 2 00
The following claims wero allowed
on tho county bridge fund:
llenio A Green, mdso ..S 1100
Kdwaids Hrauford LbrOo 139 00
Dodgo Corrugated Iron Oo, culverts., liu ou
' " ..no go
Kdwnrds Urndford l,br Oo, lnmber. 21 15
E K Hentty bridge work 1605 00
Km Heatty, brldgo work 1285 10
KBHeatty.brldgo work... 254 10
The following claims were allowed
on tho county road fund:
Henzo iVGreon, rond word ...., 04 00
, Urutsdho, samo,.... 32 00
MOGri'on, same , 40 CO
Pat Green, tamo -.. 4100
Frank Oiling, samo 66 00
Frank lining, sntno 28 60
Kd Onulllold, somo 40 00
J w Ewell, ditching 201 75
The following claims wero allowed
on the road district fund:
Benzo A Green, work on scrnpor. dlst
No 20 t 40 00
Kanzo A Green, work, dlst 10 6(10
10 VnnOleave, work.uist 1... ., 42 60
Martin Hough, work, dlst 18 80 00
Honze A Green, work, dlst 0 y 4 00
John Heacom, work, 9 8 75
James Hosan. wort, dlst s 25
TMOullon, work, dlst 0 2 00
Henzo A Green, work, dlst 17 2 60
Ed Campbell, work, dlstO 4 55
Hlchard Long, work, dlst 20 0 (X)
Patrick Greon. work, dlst 0 18 00
linns llonnlckson, work, dlst 20 123 76
Frank Uillng, work, dlst 9 70 (X)
M Fnrrell. work, dlst 0 10 00
O HGoodfel'ow.,work,dlst7 -22 00
T II Sullivan. work,dist7 48 00
Henry Mann, work. dlst 7 !M (X)
O I Goodfellow, work. dlst7 02 00
Henry KnudBon, work, dlst t IS U)
Louis Pedersou. work, dlst 4 40 u
K F Hasmusson, work, dlst4 8 00
Carl Hlrnch, work, dlst 15 05 00
George Hale, work, dlst2l) 7 (X)
K II Way, woik, dlst 14.. 05 to
I,otilH Pedorson. work, dlst 4...., 67 60
Sam Thorn, work, dlstO 2 00
Alfred Demary. work, dlst 4.,, 12 00
Uo2rd adjourned sine dlo.
W. L- BOSS Clerk.
County Clerk.
Specials for. Sat, Sept. 23
For this Day Only
25c Wool Dress Goods I5c
50c "Karo" Syrup 5c
10c package of Soda n7c
7 Bars of Beat 'Em All Soap, for.'? . 25c
S Pounds Sugar with each $2.50 purchace, for.. SOc '
Navy Beons, per pound ". 5 c
Gloss Starch, per pkge 4c
Try Our New .
Jersey 2re&m P&nckxke Floxxr
Watermelons On Ice
How's This?
We otter dm Hundred DolUra Itewarrt for an)
em ct Cstarrti ttst canuot t cuml by IInll'i
UtMrro Cure. .
. T. J,CIJIMJEV4 0O..Tell0.O.
We, th utKlfrikaed, hie known F. J. Clirnry
fur ttw tut 19 YCra. awl twllfvtt Win prrlrctly lion,
oratle la all buatnew Irausarllom aud fluancUll
tbx W carry out any i.bliuailoiui inadt by tU lira.
WlKilwal DrwigiiU. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh that U Cakcu Internally, artlni
dintMly upon lot blood and mucous aurfacc of Uiv
I0MU&OWWU aeni irec rnn recu i
botU. iMM bv all lmuurtaU,
rake fUU'a rtmUr ntt for eosatlMUaa.
Notice to Stallion Owners.
Tho 1911 atiilllon ReRiHtration Law
requires till lualoa, pure bred, orosH
lirod, grade or jaok to liu examined by
a alatu iutspootor.
Au insneotor will bo at the boat ho
tel iu JaokBon ou Soptombor 25th aud
at tho beHt hotel in Allen ou Hontem
bor 20th, for tho luirpoHo of iticpuotltiK
nil HtalliotiH and jaiku iu the vicinity
of roflpootivo townrt unuiod, Tho in
apeotioii will coat $5 00 for ouch aui
tual and will begin nt 0 a. m, onoh
day. Uopit'B of tho law may be had
from W It Mollor, Beorotary NobniBka
Htalliou ltogiatration lioard, Liueolu,
School allocs, and ahooa for overy
mombor of tho family, at Carl Andor
ton's, Hubbard, Nobr.
Albort RoberUou marketed hoga
Homer liat Monday,
Will Itlaoketor, of Jnlesburg, Colo,
vinitod friouda und rolativoM hero the
paat week.
UoBoiu Ililotuau spent Sunday at
Peter Peters aud family visited at
tho Qlou homo Buuday.
Chris Simmons and daughter Mary,
Kd Boronsen and wife, from Like
Vies', Iowii, aro visiting witli friends
in this vicinity this ivoek. Tliuy oamu
down iu their auto.
Mies Mabel Orippen spout a few
days with Losly Chutohill near Ho
mer. Ohirs Bimonaon and family, John
JoBsoti aud family aud John King and
family from lloiuer, spout Sunday
afternoon at tho Peter Boionsou home.
N L Crippon aud wife spent Sunday
at Hurt llatnob' near Emerson,
August Wllhius aud family ato Suu
day dinner at tho Fred Wilkins homo.
.Mrs Nols Smith and son lUyinond,
of uonr Homer, spout Sunday at tho
N Ii Crippen homo.
Mrs Jeus Larsou, from Sioux City,
is keopiug hoiiHo for tho Hanson boys,
while Mads Hansou nnd wifu aru visit'
itig iu Doiimnrk.
When you examine a Footo-Sohiilze
school shoe you feel you liny 6 good
shoo; after you hava worn it a while
you KNOW it's a good ono. Wo have
them in all sizos. Geo Timlin, Hub
bard, Nob. t
Hov. W. It. Warren, Pastor.
Services at tlio Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday ns follows: Preaoh
lngnt II aiu;8uudny school at 10 a in; class
luootluR 13 m: Kpworth Ijvague 7 p in;
preacbtnit tip m,
Itov.S. L. Kollor. Pastor.
Kiinday sohool every Sunday atOi-lfin tu;
Miss Hlancho llninllton, Htipurlntendunt.
preaolilno;nt7:sipin. ovcry Sunday.
Prenchlns ovory Hundny nt 11 a in: Sun
day school promptly nt 10 n in. V. P. Oul-
lMtrtann. tinnrltltimdeilt.
The putllol" cordially Invited to all these
See tho new Hue of aweaters for
boys, men and women, at Carl Ander
son's. 'All liandsomn colors end at
lowest prioos. Hubbard, Nob,
Mass Democrattc County Convention.
Kor tho purpose of Roleetlnit four dele
Itates to attend tho Third Uoniiresslniial
district convention to he held In Norfolk.
Neb. Tuesday, September SO. 1011. at 8
o'clock r in, to nominate a candidate lor
congress to till tho vacancy caused by the
denth of Clomiress'iian James P IjiUu, tho
democrats of Dakota county, Ncbrnska, aro
hereby called to meet In mass convention
In the court house at Dakota Olty, Neb. at
i;iMp m, on Monday, BoptomlMr 25. 1011, and
to tiaiihact HiichotherbUBlnessnsinay como
iMforo them.
Dated Soptemlier 18, 1011.
FltRlt SOlllCIKVKU. Tnos Ahiivoiui,
Heorotnry, (lhalruian.
We aru Belling moro of thu eolebrat
ed Millar's Coffee than all nthois emu
binud. Quality is what counts. Carl
Andittnuu, Hubbard, Neb,
A full new linn of full and winter
underwear for men, women uud ohild
run. Wool nnd cotton m all sUles
and nizes. Come iu and see them, ns
wo Oitu save ) on money on thi.. oNhh
of goods. Geo Timlin, Hubbard, Neb
There will be n democratic caucus hold at
Hubbard In Woodman hall, Hoptember 25,
mil, at 7:!W o'clock, p m, for the purpose of
nominating township olllcers:
1 Precinct assessor.
1 Hoad overseor, district No u.
1 Komi overseor. district No 16.
Ami for such other business ns may como
before tho lueotlliK.
Will Duooan. n koain,
Socrotnry. Ohalrmnn.
JZte Hcrcv.li a.nd
First publication 9-22MW.
Iii Ihuuuuuty court of Dnkota county, Ne
braska. In the matter of the estate of QufUuv L.
Hertrer, decensod.
Notlco Ir hereby Riven, that tho creditors
of tho said deceased will meet the execu
tor of said estnto, before me, county Judge
of Dakota county, Nebraska, nt the county
court room in said county, on tho 20th day
of January, 1813, ou tho lPth day of Febru
ary. 1012, and on thu Sard day of March.
1912, at 10 o'clock a m.eaoh day for tho pur
pose of pioscntluK their claims for exam
ination, adjustment nnd allowance. Six
months aro allowed for creditors to proBout
their elalniH and onu year for tho execu
tor to settlo said estate, from the lvth day of
tiuptuiikuut'.lCll. ThU notice will he publish
ed In the Dakota (lounty Hoinld, for four
weeks successively prior to the 20th day
of January, A. I) ,1012. , .
Witness my hand, nnd seal of said court,
this loth dny of September, A. I). 1011.
1), (J, llKKKKHNAN,
skal Oounty Judue
First Publication Hopt 15 .1w
Ordor of Hearing on Petition for Ap
pointment of Administrators.
In tho county court of Dakota county,
Htattiof Nobraxka. Dakota Oounty ss.
To Florence v. ruxon, jonn riuoii, .Flor
ence V. Nixon, Jr., William W. Nixon, and
to all persons interested in tno esinto oi
John 1.. Nixon, deceased:
On rendlmr thu petition of Florence V.
Nixon prnylnit thnt the administration of
said estate boiirnutud to Floronco V. Nixon
and John Nixon, as administratrix and ad
ministrator: It Is hereby ordered that
you, and all persons Interested In said innt
tor. may, and do.nppear at the county court
to Ihi hold In nnd for snld county, on tho
with day of Heptuiuber.A. I) lOll.atlOo'clock
a. in., to show rause, If any there lw, why
the prayer of the petitioner should not lie
ttrnnted, and that notlco of tho pondoncy
of hidd petition and that the hearluK there
of Ik) Riven to all persons Interested In said
matter by puhllslilin; a copy of this ordor
In tho Dakota Oounty Herald, a weekly
nowspapor printed In said county, for three
successive weeks prior to said day of hear-
Witness my hand, and seal of said court
this 13th day of Koptointxr. A. I). 1011.
1) (1. IIKK1.'KNAN,
skai. Oounty Jndtto.
Evory farmer noods a tlrst olnss lan
tern. Out tho Liberty Lnutern nnd
you'll havo it. They givo a perfeot
light aud cannot bo blown out. Goo
Timlin, Hubbard, Nob.
Now Idea Magaziuo $1 35
Sioux City Daily and Sunday
Journal 5 00
without Buuday.. 4 20
to rural route patrons.... ... . I) 50
Ion a Homestead... 1 50
Woman's World 1 20
Hampton's " 1 75
Lippiucott'B " 2 75
I ,mT?M t tyCl CJ titaaalat.aP
Wm abfl &J.r.aaaaHr
irft" "7taaa
B. Ak JJ ",aaaaHii
iMk. ivr
ISMffnf a(aIIWalltla a!
3U ZnA lllallHila
will mi ko a man of your bor.
Cm..a lm Kuala ln AvtAal ami UfhnlMa
some development by clvlnkl bim
Filled with Una rtadlnir which faidnatea toy..
i:irelltnt alorlra at arjrenlurv, Irarrl. Iilnlory
anil currtnt event,, l'hotocrtphf, alainpa, clc
trlclly, carpnlry,iporti,tfaniB. Talla l.oalul
h hat to do anl how to do It. Ueaullfully lllua
trated, and evtrr Una In harmony with rafintd
noma training rndorud by JM,KD boy and their
parcnta. Sand tt.ro (or a full year. On aala at
1HE trUM rlHUSilHH CO. 101 Mlltlllfl 11 0ll. BldU
S. A. Stinson
Dakota. City,
Good Banking Personified
This is always the aim of
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
It seriously doubts, if any other bank in the United
States, is run with just such precise care as is given
each branch here, though most banks are absolutely
good. For instance
for each $1.00 of demand deposit owed.
Not necessary for safe banking, but
Bettvk. of Dakota County & !""
"ALWAYS hungry for MORE business."
Paint and
Oakottx City Pharmo.cy
Of Every
Size and
IShe Question of Paiiiat
Is one that should interest not alone the painters, but all
desirous of improving and preserving their buildings and
homes. In the Mound City Paint you secure not only a
paint of good wearing, quality, sun-proof, and reliable in
every way, but exactly the heaviest paint on the market,
which means that it is made substantially from the purest
ingredients known to the industry. Isn't that of value to
you? In Mound City barn paint, you secure the genuine
oxide of iron paint no imitation and furnished in red,
slate, brown or yellow. We know you cannot beat these
paints for either quality or price. Try them.
Interior Decoration
j Is something that should appeal to every housewife not
ainno necausu oi improved apijenrauuf, ma iruiu me buiuiiixiiuiui ecuu
omy of labor. On tbrse grouuds we wish to remind you that wh have
a new and up-to-dato stock of Wall Paper, something to please you.
And remember, we also e, t I h- sauitary wall coating, Alabastino.
II vill not lub off ..a o.i ... on plnin, or ctchid in the moat
artislij luiiuiif Y ir disappointed it you use it.
Oriented VivrnlaK
furnishes tin nrtletlo method for
brightening tlioso old chairs, cup
lioarils, oto. Wo furnish It In onk,
cherry, walnut, mahogany, etc.
Genuine Rubber Paint
ait is a preservative when applied
to ood work or Iron. Prevents that
roof leaking and Improves nppenr
niuesgei orally. Olvos satisfaction,
Dakota. City
N-bras k..
A. pleasant antd easy way to
Jlf ae& Ssssis
?'7?y n ""j. Ff&WWAfvr sr
m w .. , ti yw m
& S &t &3B & 33
Xliousansitdg;" o people are
tfioing ttifis wos?k profatatoly.
For full particutats of ve?y 3Ifceral
cash commissxons, extra
caslti privets, Iree saimoles.
etc, address Desk 90
1SS Flftti Ave. rsiew York City
A apodal offer open to thoso who writo nt once.
m4mntlim 4
H.4- w -nt&rsmfrunvtrt