Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, September 01, 1911, Image 5

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V-v '-
Absolutely Pure
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal G rape Cream of Tartar
M. I
Grocery Specials
for Friday and Saturday
Mnsk Melons
Imported Macoaroni, tho beet to
bo bad, per box 1G$
Fresh bread always in stook
Presb, dainty cookies of all kinds. . . .
New assortment of candy
Bull: olives, sweet, sour and dill
Best Sugar cured Bacon, porlb. . . .224
Best Lard, per lb H$
Pressed Ham, per lb 14$
California Hams, per lb 14$
Bulk Coffee, per lb 25$ and 30$
Cboese, mild, por lb 20$
Agents for Chase & Sanborn's Cof
fee 25$, 80$, 3F$ and 40$
Akron Wheatiue best breakfast
food going 5 lb snok for 25$
Shoes, Rubbers and Rubber Boots.
All kinds of Dry Goods Notions.
We have a complete lino of Eoono
. my Fruit Jars, at cost price, to oloso
out at once.
Wo will dose out our percales and
calicos at cost in order to put in a lino
of glassware, lamps, etc.
Call in and look at our No. 2 Gold
Blast Imutuius,
Wo are also closing our Shoe stock
at cost. Oorue in and get a bargain
bofore thoy are gone. We wish to use
the room that thoy oooupy for other
We lmvn just received a largo ship
ment of Tablet 8. large and small sizes,
all for C$ each.
M. E. Knepper's Grocery
i A TH. flTu ".
SrTrM.'H - -
Specials for Sat., Sept. 2
For this
Be.3t Rice, per ib
25c Bulk Coffee, per lb
1 lb Best Pink Salmon
Can Strawberries '
7 Bars White Flake Soap
Can of Extra June Peas
Any Color of our 7-cent
Melons and Fresh Fruits
always on ice
S. A; Stinson
Dakota City,
Local Items
Friday, Sept. i, ign
Fruit of all kinds at Van do Zoddo's.
Louis Larson in helping out iu tho
Krjmwiedo saloon.
Spices aro but drugs, so why-not
buy tho purest kind, nt tho Dakota
City Pharmacy.
MrB H Wesley Brown oamo down
from Hernok, 8 D, Monday to visit
until after tho big picnic.
Mrs Morion Skoou of Godj, Nobr,
arrived here Sunday for a weok'B visit
at tho home of her father, M O Ajros
J ml go R E Evans installed a new
Chickoriug piano in his homo Monday.
The instrumont was purchased through
Prof Carl Sohriover and is a boauty in
tone and finish.
If yon know of tho value of Chamb
erlain's Liniment for lamo back, sore
ness of tlin musoles. sprains and rhou
matio pains, yon would never wish to
bo without it. For sale by all dealers.
Mrs Etta M Spenoer and family who
recently went to Ft Morgan, Colo, for
tho benefit of Miss Marjorio's health,
aro now located at Hoyt, Colo, whore
thoy will reBido with Mrs Spenoer'fl
son James.
Irvin Fisher and family, O W Fish
er, John Miller and family, Jacob
Loamer and family, all of this place,
aud Miss Lena Sund and Miss Mo
Guire of Sioux City, spent Sunday
with James Fisher and wife at Walt
hill. Goorgo Brashier, who was sent hero
from Homor to sorvo a sentenco in tho
county jail for vagranoy, was released
Monday. His pluco in tho county bas
tile was filled by Geo Gallagher, also
of Homer, who was sentenced to two
wnnka bv Justice MoKinley for
being drunk and disorderly.
Will Hileman, who bas been assist
ing the Foltz boys on tho now barn
which Alfred Ghaillie id erecting on
his farji, fell from a scaffold laBt
Thursday afternoon, striking on his
head and shoulders. The scaffold on
whioh ho was working was about uino
feet high, and the fall rondcrcd him
unconsoious for a timo. However, no
bones wore broken, and except for a
soreness in his ohest and neck, he is
getting along nicely,
Da.y Only
at 64c per yrd.
Ileal cstato loans. Geo Wilkins.
Tho Toddy Boars will play nt Horn
or Hunday.
Tho finest sploes for preserving, nt
tho Dakota City Pharmacy,
liny a good farm on tho Dakota
county bottom. I havo Eimora.it.
Al Plaoy went to Bt Paul, Minn,
Inst Fiiday on n business trip of sovoral
Anna Lnntonbnoh, fr.un uoar Ponca.
visited nt tho homo of her undo, Fred
Sund, tho past week.
If yon wnnt to buy n No. 1 broom,
look over Van do Zoddo's nssorttnont,
h has thorn from 30o up.
Romombor, crushed fruits of nil
kinds with ico oronm, is sorvod pnly nt
the Dakota City Pharmaoy.
Mrs Goorgo Pranger oamo down
from Wakofield Tuesday to visit
friondstho bnlanco of tho weok.
Mrs Paul Kinkol and son, Wilfred,
went to St Paul, Minn, Wednesday
on a fow mouths visit with relatives.
Ono hundred suits of gauzo undor
derwear, at actual cost prico to ruuko
room for winter goods. M E Kneppor.
T T Lindsay arrived Wodncsday
from Pennsylvania to spond tho winter
at the homo of his daughter, Mrs J F
Theo filiven drovo his oar to Laurol
and buck last Friduy, taking E A
Fields and wife, of Sioux City, to that
plaoo on business,
Will Phillips arrived horo Monday
from a summer's sojourn in Nortli Da
kota, and will havo chargo of tho
Krumwiodo pool hall.
A side ourtain to a buggy found
on tho rond southwost of town, was
left nt thin office. Ouor can havo
samo by paying for this notice.
Gnstav Gorlaoh, who is now con
ducting a butohershop at Winnebago,
was. a visitor in town Monday ovening.
Ho orderod the Herald sont to his ad
rtrocB anbthor your.
John L Hazlcgrove and hiu mother
returned last Thursday from Roches
tor, Minn. Will Hiizlcgrove, of Phoe
nix, N D, who was at Rochester for
medical treatment, accompanied them
Fred Oomell cam down from Dan
ton, S D, Tuesday, bringing bis stook
and housohold goods. Mrs Cornell
has beenbere for several weoks. They
havo located iu South Sioux City for
tho winter.
Tho Sioux City Automobile club fi
nally deoided on a sitofor a spcodwuy,
taking a looation noar Riverside Tho
only objection to the Sidos-Eimers
tract at Crystal lako was tho bridge
toll to and from Sioux City.
In tho assignment of teachers by tho
Sioux City school board appears tho
names of Misses Lillian Orr and Mil
dred Burkctt, of this place, Miss Em
ma Bliven and Mrs F VY" Swinglo,
both formor residents of this county.
Fred Rungo writes to change hi ad
dress on the Herald -from MoOlusky
to Alta, N D. Ho says they had plon
to of rain during August aud that hay
was good; wheat, fair; flax, fine.
Just north of him they wero hailed
Will Rungo lost oontrol of his unto
while coming to tho pionio .Thursday
and tho machine turned turtle near
Will H Orr's place. Mr Rungo was
caught under the oar and sustained a
broken leg. Tho two men with him
csoiped with slight injuries.
Miss Mary Enston arrived homo on
Mouiln J from a six weoks' tour of the
Pacifio roast, returning by way of
Saoo, Mont, whoro her brother, A E
Easton, is running a drug store. Sho
filed on a claim uoar Saco, and will
go there in February to reside.
The implicit confidence that many
peoplo havo in Chamberlain's colic,
cholera and diarrhoea remedy is foun
ded on their experience iu tho uso of
that remedy and 'their knowledge of
tho many remarkable cures of colic,
diarrhoea and disontory that it has
effooted. For slo by all dealers,
Mrs Paul Pizoy and daughter went
to Randolph, Iowa, last Saturday,
whoro thoy will visit with Mrs Pizey's
paronts until the latter part of this
week, when thoy will accompany Mr
Pizuy on their trip to Boise, Idaho,
their future home. Tho peoplo of Da
kota City are sorry to lose this estima
ble family.
Few, if any, medicines, havo met
withathe uniform suoocss that has at
tended the use of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Tho
remarkable oures of colio and diar
rhoea whioh it hiiB nffootod in almost
evory neighborhood have given it a
wide reputation. For Balo by all
Tho W O W picnio at Homor last
Saturday drew a large crowd of vis
itors, and oil attending say it was tho
biggest picnio of tho kind ever pulled
off in tho comity. Gov Aldrioh was
the principal speaker and tho drawing
card for tho day. The ball game be
tween Ilomor nnd Rosalio went to tho
formor, 13 to 12 .
An ariiolo that has renl merit should
iu time become popular. That such
is the case with Chamberlain's Gough
Rompdy has been attested by many
dealors. Hero is ono of thom. II W
Hondriokson, Ohio Falls, Ind, writes,
"Ohomborlain.s Cough Remedy is tho
best for coughs, colds nnd croup, and
is my best seller." For salo by all
The joint soesion of tho Dakota and
Thurston county institute held at Em
erson last week was ono of tho most
instructive and interesting sosMoun
held in years. Supts Tarrant of
Thurston and Voss of thin county wero
iu chargo of tho joint meeting. By
combining lorcea n mucli better corps
of instructors was secured than if sep
arato sessions worn hold in eaoli coun
ty. The attendance vas very grati
fying, there being fifty-five teachers iu
attendance from this county.
Tho Dakota City ball teum wont to
Akion, Iowa, last Saturday to play a
dato with tho fast aggregation of that
place, A bunch of errors in tho last
fi'w innings gave Akron tho gamo, 0
to 0. Londrosh, for tho Teddy Bears,
held tho Iowa bunch to 7 hits, while
tho Hours ooppod 10 hits from tho
Akron pitcher ono of thom a homo
run by MoAlllstor. Tho team went to
LnMars, Io, Sunday for an exhibition,
but owing to wot grounds tho game
was canceled. Tho trips to both
plaoes woro mado by auto, sovoral
oars of rooters accompanying them,
30th Annual Reunion
a Hummer.
A perfect day and ono of Mio largest
orowdR iu tho history of tho associa
tion groetod tho l'ioueors nnd Old Set
tlers nt their thirtieth nnnual reunion
held in Dakota City yesterday. Long
beforo noon tho crowd began to assem
bio nt Clinton park, whoro Reed's band
of bioux City discoursed music during
tho day nnd where tho old timers ex
changed grootings with others who had
oomo ror many tniios to grasp tho hand
of Bomo ono thoy knew ia tho oarly
Governor Chester A Aldrioh, tho
speaker of tho day, Was Into iu nrrlv
lug, and gavo his talk nftor tho dinner
hour. Ho dwelt on tho early history
of Nebraska and told of tho rosources
of this groat state, tliu character ot ils
people, its state and educational iu
stitutious. He also paid n splendid
tribute to old settlors, whom ho class
ed as tho boat of tho union soldiers
who mado real starts after tho war.
His talk was thoroughly omjoyod by
all who oould get within roach of his
Tho sports of tho aftornoon included
n boll gamo betwoon Homer and Da
kota City for a purso of $20, which
was won by tho Teddy Boars, 11 to 8.
M Boacom's horse, from Hubbard,
won first money in both trotting races.
The following ofiloers nud commit
tees for tho coming year wero ohoson
at tho business meeting ot tho associa
tion; President Will II. Itynn.
Vlco President OoorKo A. ISIcssIuk.
Secretary Georgo Wilkins.
Assistant Secretary Mrs. D. M.
Financial Secretary B. Cribble.
Historian M. M. Warner.
Trensurer Geo. T. Woods.
Kxecutlva Committee St. John's,
John Holer; Covington, J. AV. Hazel
Bxovo; Dakota, I. W. Fisher; Ornadl,
Win. II. Ityun; PIsron Creek, Frank II.
Wny: Summit, Mike Dencom; Emer
son, Fred Blurnc; Hubbard, R. D. Rock
well. llndKO Oommlttoo Mrs. Fiiuiiio OioIer
and Mrs. KvaIj. Orr.
The following memorial report was
road by Soorotary Geoige Wilkins:
.T. w Davis. Jr.. aevA 29 yearn, ill oil nt Isn
lwll, Hon tli Dakota, HuiHlny, buptumbor 9.
1910. Ho was born nnd reared in Dakota
county and was ono of its best youmt mon.
On Wednesday, Sopt. 21, 1910, Orn Mny
MoU.nitod !M years. duDartcd this lift) nt
hor homo lu South Hloux Olty. Hlio was a
kind, christian woman nnd is missed by a
host of IriuiuU.
Mrs. Eliznboth Worntckdlod at tho homo
of hor son, O. A. Harbor, nour Jackson, Nob!
nt tno ago oi a years, ono una ooon n resi
dent of this county for n nutnbor of years.
8hodlcdOct.il 1910.
Frank Knudson, nueil IU yonrs, dlod at
his Homo noarjtomor. Nob., Krldav, Octo
bcrSO, 1910, IIk was born anil reared in this
On Monday, Octobor 21, 1910, A. Frodorlck
Horner answered to tho call of tho Krtm
reaper. He canio to Dakota county In 1S53,
n sturdy ploneor, nnd by his uutlrltiK efforts
nuinsseu uuanusoiuo competence, iiusorv
ed his country during the civil war in com
pany 1, 2nd Nebraska cavalry.
Win. BIkks. formerly n resldont of this
county, died at liis iiomc In Knot county,
.Nob., Monday, Nov, 7, 1910, at the uko of (53
John Ntinn, a formor resident of this
county, dlod nt his homo In Wlnnolmuo,
Neb., Wodncsdny, Novembers, 1910, nt the
ago of 49 yenrs. He was better known
among tho. oldor settlors of this county.
Mrs. PatilckUush dlod In a Sioux Olty
hcvmltnt at tho rlpo old ago of 79. She came
to this county n number of yenrs ago.
O" Wodnosday. November 23, 1910, Mrs. T.
J. O'Connor, ngod S3 years, crowed the dark
rlvorof death nt hor homo In Homor, Neb.
Hlio wasn kind henrlod, christian lady, nnd
was admired by nil who know her.
Mrs. Mnrgarotllroyhlli died at tho homo
of hor son, O. V. llroyhlll, nt Dakota Olty,
Monday, November 28, 1910, at tho rlpo old
ngo of 81 years. She wan ono of those noble,
oh rlstlnn woman nud leaves it host of friends
to mourn hor loss.
Mrs. Eliza Ij. Osnmn, ngod Klyciirs, passed
Porter Bonis
trip io Idaho.
is on n laud-sooking
E II Cornell and wifo
Ponoa with relatives.
Sundaycd in
Mrs Jas Otrndospy, of Oedar Bluffs,
Nob, was u guest at tho John F Sides
homo for the weok.
H H Abel, a former Dakota couuty
boy, now living nt Vermilion, 8 D,
oamo down to attend tho Old Settleis.
Mrs Thos Ohristophersou aud daugh
ters, of Maple, Minn, spout sevoral
days lust week at tho Alfred Seymour
Georgo and Ben Bavhu, of Niobrara,
old time residents of this plaoo, oarao
down Wednesday to bo in attendance
at tho Old Settlors picnio.
Why is it that ovorybody likes
Breuu's coffee? because it is tho very
best ooffoo on the imtrket for tho mon
ey. Van do Zuddo bl-11h it.
Beginning today, Sept 1st, all in
ooming and outgoing mail will bo
classified and counted for ono mouth,
in tho ofiloo at Dakota, Neb.
Fred Bluma and Ben Uondorson re
turned liomn last week from Rrjohostor,
Minn, where thoy were Inking troat
mont ut tho Mayo hospital, tho former
for heart tronblo, the latter for rheu
matism. Mrs Luolnda Blotter, of Union, Nob,
and Mrs E J Taylor, of Gonova, Nob,
sisters of N D Snydor, oamo to spond
the wtfk nud tukn in tho big picnio.
This is tho first timo in 28 yonra the
brother aud sisters had met,
Fred Schmidt arrived hunt Saturday
from his oluim near New Underwood,
S D, with his stock uud household
goods, liis wifo and children came
lust weok, und thoy will tuko up their
residence horo for tho present
Burt Brnsfleld oamo down from
Owanka, S D, Sunday, and will likely
spond tho winter hero. lie, like many
others, states that grain sowed last
spring Is just now oorainu tip, us thoy
had no ruin nil summer until tho lust
fow weeks.
Rov W 0 Eokhart received a tele
gram Monday stating that his brother,
Georgo Eokhart, had died bntunlny,
at his homo at Havwards, Calif. Do-
coasod was about 85 yonrs of ago,
and was born in Dakota county, where
ho resided until about tho ngo of ten.
Running up and t'.own stairs, sweep
ing aud bending over making bods
will not makn a woman healthy or
beautiful. Sho must get out of doois,
walk n milo or tno evoiy day and tako
Chamberlain's Tablets to impovo hor
digestion uud rrgulato hor bowels.
For salo by all dealors.
Among thoso who oamo from uwav
to attoud the picnio woro Mrs Holon E
Wnoks, of Rosobnd. H Lj Dr E J Do
Boll, Weslpoint, Neb; Tod Ohristo
phersou uud wifo, and Will Luni'on,
Crof ton ; Harry MoCormiok nnd fami
ly, Wynot; Grant 8miih, Sorgeunt
Bluff, Iowa; Ernest Paulson, Wayuo,
nwnynt hor homo In Lot AiikcIos, Onllf.,
Thursdny, December 10, 1910. Hlio formerly
resided in this county, wnsn Rood, christian
Indy mid highly respcotcd,
ltcv P. F. MoOarthy died nt St. Jnnie
Orphnnnge. nt Omaha. Tuesday, December
20. 19in. Ho hnd chnrgo of Ht. Patrick's
Unthollc church nt Jncksou for a number of
?cnrsand!s missed by n largo circle of
rieiidsnud nctiunlutniiccs.
Mrs. Koraco Duttoii, ono of tho pioneer
women of this county, died nt her homo
near Dnkotn Olty, Vv'eilneediiy, December
21,1910, nt tho ago of 7A years. She was n
kind, christian woman, nnd wnsnilinlreil by
n wldo cirolo ot frlouds.
On Thursday, December DO. 1910, Mrs. J. K.
Do Walt crossed the dnrk vnlloy ot drath at
her homo lu Monnlngslde. Io. Sho grow to
womanhood In this county, wns n noblo,
chrlsilnu woman nnd loaves n bos of friends
nnd ncquntntnnuvn to mourn licrloss.
Mrs. Frod llecrman, nged 69 yenrs, pnssed
111 U1U KM "IU WJU1IU, AUUlDUflJ ', UllllUllljr u,
mil. wno wns a iiohlv, christian woman ana
spout nearly nil of her llfo lu this county.
Isnno Foutsdlcd nt his homo In South
Hloux Olty, January 8, 1911, at the ngo ot Kt.
Ho ennio to Dnkotn county 21 yonrs ngo.
Win. Lccdom, fonnorly of this couuty,
died nt his homo in Huntington, oniirornin
at tlin nun of fill yenrs. Ho was n gonial
man nnd leaves a inlgo numnsror menus io
mourn his loss, ilii death oooiniodJfin.:.,
Htophou M. Hockwell. bettor Vnown as
"Unclo Stovo" Hockwell, died nt Homor.
Nob., Moudny, January 10, 1911, nt tho ago ot
78 yoars. Ho wis it timet, respected citizen,
anuwnsono ot too cany settlors oi mis
Mrs Anna Klostor, nged 76 yenrs. died nt
tho homo of hor son, Henry Klostor. In
Sioux Olty. Jnnunry 10. 1911. Hlio resided
in this county until about IS yenrs ngo.
August Isonborg, nged 74 yonrs, answered
the llnnnl summons at his homo near Km-
ersou, Monday, Jnnunry 23, 1911. lie wns n
highly respected citizon nuu is nusseti oy u
wldo clrclo of frlouds nnd acquaintances.
Mrs. northn Pnrkor-Soolo died at tho
home of her pnreutB, W. K. Purkornnd wifo,
South Sioux Olty, Jan. 28, 1911, nt tho ngo
of 23.
Wm.Ohenoy cntno to Dakota county In
1856, crossed tho dark valley of denth at his
homo noar Dakota Olty, Btindny, Innuary
29,1911,111 tho age of 79 years was nn honor
etl, lespeoted citizen and was held in high
esteem by his largo number of frlouds nud
A.O. Onrroll, departed this llfo at his
home In Hloux Olty. Iowa, at tho ago of 19
years, aud had resided lu this county up to
about u yenr ngo. Ha crossed the dark rlv
or Jnu.UO, 1911.
Grnco Wood, ngod 15 yenrs, died nt Ho
mor, Krlilny. February il, 1911, Sho wns a
senior memtierot tho Homer high school,
nnd would have, graduated nt tho close ot
tho torm.
Alexander M. Nixon, a ploneor resident
of Homor, passed to his ettiriml home, Fob
runryS, 1911, nt tho ngo of 62 years. He hud
spout nearly nil his llf-i In this county.
Stolln Mlltor, nged rA yenrs, dlod nt hor
homo m South Slot' x. Olty, Monday, Febru
ary 0,1911. She hn J resided lu this county
for llfteon yoars.
Cook 1), QrltahlleW, n former resident ot
this county, died nt South llend, Washing
ton, Monday, Februnry 0, 1911, ut tho ngo of
63 years.
Mrs. Patrick Dompsoy passed nviy nt
nor uoine near ronca, neu., 10001111; mit
ruary 7. 1911, at tho ngo of Kl years. Sho for
merly resided iu this county.
John Itlosslug, a sturdy ploneor of 18S7,
departed this llfo nt his homononr Jnokson,
Monday, February 20, 1911, nt the ngo of 79
yonrs. Ho served his country In tho wnr ot
tho roliolllon lu Oo. I 2nd Noli. cnvnlry.Iniul
took groat Interest ltrthls assoolatloii,
Annie O'Urlon crossod tho dark rivor of
death at hor home In South Hloux Olty.
Tuesday, February 21, 1911, nt tho ngo ot 71
John MclClnnoy, who was ono of tho early
sottlcrs of this county, passed to tho great
beyond, nt tho home Of his. dmiKhlMi', Mrs.
Jorroy DoForrost, nt Hotitli Hloux Olty,
Februnry, 23, 1911, nt tho ngo of 80 yenrs;
was n highly respected oltlzou lu this com
munity, linnrv Pmvnll. who ennui to Dakota conn-
.. ... ,t".Y ! .Ilii.l . Iilu Iin.tui l.i flnlrt.tn
If ill ICliX.UIltlUItu 1,. ,110 liuiiiu .. wv
Olty. on wodiiobdny, March 1, 1911, nt tho
ngo of HI years, wns a quiet aud penceful
Perlo L.Tuckor died nt his homo In Phil
lips, Nob., Fiiday, March 3, 1911, at the "K"
of 28 years. Ho fonnorly resided in this
M 1 b.OIarn Merger Orr, nged W years, do
pnrtctl this life Mnroh 9, lull, nt hor homo
lu Dakota Olt. She grow to wonmiihouU
lu this community, was a model wife nnd
mother, nud held lu tho highest esteom by
the tmtlio community.
l'otor McHhnno ennio to thts county IW
yenrs ngo, died at Ills homo near Hubbnrri,
Saturday, Mnioli II, 1911, nt tho ng of K2
Hobort I.. Oxford. nged 08, dlod nt tho homo
of hlsdnughtor, Mrs II. M. Tolllngor, South
Hloux Ulty, Stinilny, March 12, 1911. Ho had
resided in this county n iiiiinlior of yenrs
On Tuesday, March II, 1911, Martha Helen
I.lsohko, Ciossud the dark rlvorof donth at
horhomu near Dakota Olty. She was 21
years of ago, grew to womanhood in this
county and wns boloved by a wldo cirolo of
Mrs. Georgo Hlldebrnnd died at horlhoino
in Houth Hloux Olty, huiidny. March 19, 1911,
at tho age of 79, years. Sho enmo to this
county n number of years ago.
Arthur Oampboll. who died at his homo
in Kmorson, Tuosdny, Mm oh 21, 1011, nt the
nstoof .! yonrs, enmo to Dakota county ill
years ago.
1). O. Dibble, enmo to Dakota County US
yenr-! iiho, died at his homo in Palo Alto,
O.illf., Thursday. March S3, 1911. Ho was
held lu high ostcom Iu this community.
Fred Molvln, a former roBldont of this
couuty, dlod ut his homo In Jclforson, S. 1).,
Snturdny, April 1, 1911.
Mrs.Oathorino Hansen, ngod 71, died nt
her homo near Kmorson. April 0, 1911. Sho
oomo to Dnkotn county about ten ears ngo.
MrsOlydo Heovesdled nt her homo near
WlunebBgo, April 7. 1911. Sho wns born and
reared In this county.
J.F. NnlTilggor. fonnorly n resldont of this
county, dlod nt Ida homo In Denver, (Jot., mi
Tuesday, April 11, 1911, ot thoagu of 4iyual'a.
Mrs. Phollna Goodsoll died nt Homer,
Friday, April 21, 1911, nt the ago or 01, Sho
was a kind hearted, christian woman and
leavosn largo clrclo of friends to mourn hor
Mrs. Josephine J. Wellington, nged flfi,
died at her liom nr Alien, April 10, 1911,
HI111 oamo to lianoia county aoout 111 years
On Tuesday, April 26, 1911. Mrs. Kzrn Vnn
Cleave died nt the home of tier daughter.
Mrs.Uhnrlog jncltson. nt Decatur, Neb, at
the ngo ot 78. Sho hnd losldedlll llilseoun
ty 30 yenrs ngo.
Finnk LnmpHou, formerly 11 resldont of
Dakotn county, died Inn Sioux Olty hospi
tal. April 26. 1911.
John 'as'trow, of Nacora, ngod 70, dlod In
n Hospital nt ltookfoid. III.. Maj C. 1011.
Allwrt l'omrehn, who dlod ut Pondor,
May 7, 1911, at the ago of 18, hnd lived hro
tho greater pnrt of his llfo,
Jnmcs Ashloy died at his homo near De
catur Mny 12, 1911. Ho wns one tf the early
settlers of this county uud wns lespected by
nil who know him.
Leonard Krygnr, who passed to IiIh reward
May 17. 1911. nt 111) homo lu South Hloux
Olty. ut th" nve of en. was u prominent mini,
took great Interest In this association unci
is iiiiitl by ik largo circle of friends.
John O'Connor, of Nncoiu. nged 63, who
died In a Kloux City hospital. May ), 1911,
spent ueaily his entire life here,
On Tuesday. July i. 1911. Mrs. June Don
passed to the great beyond ut tho home of
her daughter, Mrs I.Ibblu I'oiIioh, near Da
kota Olty, ut the ago of HS years. She was
one of tho pioneer women and was a noble,
christian woman.
David Dodson, who was born ami reared
lu thtH county, died ut his home lu Oinnlui,
nt the ngo of 17.
"Mitchell Hattenbaeh.Jiinother of the old
lenldents of this con nty diet! at his home lu
Oheiokoo, Iowa, August 0, 1911 ut tho age of
Albt it r.umsou, who was Imrn mitt rearetl
lu Dakota count), died at the home of his
sister, Mr.i(.. I. Sheldon, of Wnltlilll. at
at the ago of 01 yoais, He punned away July
Win. II Ornliun, aged 40, who (Hit) ut his
home nt KimiiaOii, July 1C, IWI.camo to Da
kota county u number of joins ngo,
W. W. Knowlton. aged C5. dlf d lu n Sioux
Olty hospital, July 17, 1911. lie wiihuuuiiIiiI
man, inspected by all who knew him and
took gteut Interest lu this association.
Henry Hartals, aired Hi, who died at his
home near Dnkotn Olty, July 20, 1911. wns a
quiet, peaceful uud lobpected oltliou of this
Mumle Holliiinu crossed the dark river
of denth ut tho home of her brother, O, H.
llollman, of Sioux Olty, Iowa, August
0, 1911, ut the ngo of 69. Shu grow up to
womanhood here, und hnd been 1111 Invalid
nearly nil hor llfo,
Otistnv Horner, who came to this county
In 1W), entered Into his eternal re it nt the
homo of Will II. Orr, near Dakota City, Au
gust 11. 1911. at tho ngu of HO. Ho was a good
man, took great Intoiost In this association
nnd served his country In the war of tho
Mrs, Olurn Welsh, of Hubbard, dlod In a
Hloux Olty hospital, August 17, 1911, ugo 22.
Sho had resided lu thin county nearly nil
hor life,
Goorgo A, Uokhart, aged 00, diod nt hla
home lu Hay wards, Oallf., August 20, 1911.
Ho was born aud roared In this county
HM.ll P JsllllllHifiili.lH
aaaaaaiaHaLflRlaialaaaBBwIOEjaaaaaaaf HlaaaLlB
BSAaa&aaaSXaBaaU3AAVll',m ,)lBf I fllaLaLaH1
jHiti vDKH UAilllllB(HLtRMHilllH
aaaLVf IINaaaaaaaaaaaailBBaaNUBalBaaaH
Ulllllia l .1 UI.knTn"rTlllM
m 1 Starv the vtxit I
gtxe&t& wilK a. cold "W. B." I
I atvd sandwich. I
1 m m
We control 53,00 acres of irrigable land in Southeastern
Wyoming; part deed, part open to entry under Carey Act. Six
hundred miles west of Omaha, two hundred miles north of Den
ver and seventy-two miles north of Cheyenne; water now deliv
ered; elevation 4700 feet. The richness of the Valley is not
problematical, but a proven fact as shown by thirty thousand
acres of highly developed land on which water has been used
for upwards of ten years and which now is producing wonderful
yields of alfalfa, small grains and sugar beets.
Terms Exceptionly Low, Price Forty Dollars:
We arc going to be represented in your territory by a man
who can produce business. There is big mone-iiF-Uilfor that
man. We are spending our money to reach him. If it's you
write us.
Macalister, Canning & Company, ' '
Broadway & Main Sts. Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Undertaker County Coroner.
II. F. SAWYER was born Mny b 1860 in MausQold, Mum, Hn
fiturtod u h mi apprentice for tlireo veurn iu tlio TJudorluking business in
Ise" York Olty with tbo Inrgtht Aim in tho city, renmining with thun
for flvo yearn. Ho linn follow ed tho jirofpHHion ever nineo, coming to
JuokHou, Nobr, in 1UHU nnd starting tho btiRinceN lieic, IU Iihr t,na of.
tho bcut equipped Uudcrtadipg Purlotn iu tho itatc, with oommodioua
quarters, lady DHBlntaut, lino hearses aud equipment and a largo stock
ulways on Iiaml,
Ho uDtlerntiUalft all tho miuotiKtifiil muliioiln bt embalming and
makes u spoolnlty of tho Mioo Hstem, which preserves tho rtmnius
forever, requires no cutting or oxciHiou of tho body, uud takes nothing
uway nor adds anything to tho subject, tho thorough tmbnlming being
douo exclusively by eitcriml methods,
C l' SJIV,er, Jackson, Nebraska
Scpt'mbV Travel Billetiiv
TLu exourslon rstca to Earttru ic-,t,H,i- will continue. It ia your. last
low riiteohaucnof tlioFtitiuiiHi in vitit oui' old homo or make a tour of tlio"EKt
Tho Dry Farming Onngn rh will tie In Id at Oolorado BpriugH, OoTober 10
20. Hpuuiul rates will bo uiuiie.
Tho ooloui t ono way mies iu tlin Pacilio Oiust are iu effect Soptcmbor 15
to October 15th, only, this yeai.
Tho Iliiilingtoh Ihim ihriKigii blitiiilnrd aud tuuiisl hleepors every day to
Californin on No D ii Urn (liaiid, cimiu Oolorado, nud tliotiouthorn Pacilio
and Halt Likf rou't; ou H, ) vh lUv UFn GmndM Hn.l tho Wcaieru Paciflc.-
"On TtmH" upttrntiiMi Wet'teru jnopl Hviug in the teiiitory Bervort by
tho llurliiigtnii mil tin iiiiiii'hti- in knoMing something about the punctuality
with which tho iiiaiiHg. ,ii t flics to opcivtu it trains. Fust mail No. 7, from
Ul ii'iign to Oin.h.i,. during ihn iikiuiIih Iiom Apiil to July inclusive, a period
of l2'2dH i nived ,it tlin Mii-sniiii livor "O.i I'imi" ovcry day. Thoolbnr ex
cl iivi- fust nmil i.il vspnw- IihIh Sit. lfi, f rum Chicago to Omaha during June
.ui'l Ji l. niiivi'1 "O i Tin..." at the Min-v.itiri Ilfver t-veiy da. Tht'uu nrii thov
HioliihUt, in it pud i.rprr.k trains that daily bjina i"to tlin wnst lliu uieat vol-n
u rui of tr i'.li! ho iKc-t4ry " tliu soeial nud commoioial lifn ot that region.
tfnr.a 9 1 1 j 1r 5 rt.fc a
Everything in the line of
Earaoss and Horse Goods
We have a big line of Horse Blankets, Fur Robes and
Blankets in stock, and lots more coming, kook over our
stock of Fall Goods.
Our new stock of Whips has arrived and arc selling
at greatly reduced prices, I
. liopair Work Givon Prompt Attention
Sole Agent for Baum's Hog
Fredricksei (Si Son
W. R. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr.
L. W. Wakklky, G P A, Omabti, Nob
1004 Farnam street
Tonic, Best on the Market.
o J