K w -rf K 11 v. Jgjggg''PllM1 11111 I 'Ce AAMlf IKTS7 Ttminu ormh OLDE& NATIONS Personalities Behind the Transformed Otttman Empire The Young Turk Organization Really a Masonic Movemont The Sultan as a Tool. h ' Dy WILUAM T. ELLIS. Constantinople At the back of every movemont u.ust bo men. The transformation of Turkoy from n modlaevnl absolutism to a constltu tlonal governmont was not wrought without human agencies. Who did it? At tho time of tho constitution and the revolution there wero atorlos of a romantic secret committee in Paris, with a chief possessed of greater statesmanship and more dictatorial lowers than any crowned head In Europe. Tho present Paris commit too is disgruntled and in opposition, and It is rather generally admitted that there was considerable romanc ing about tho original committee. Admittedly tho Voung Turk move ment was a bit of successful oppor tunism Its leaders were quick to take advantage of favorable events, which Is certainly nothing to their dls credit. The men wero ready for their chance when it camo. i A German on Top. But now, artor tho lapse of many months, who la tho top man in Tur key? Amid all the personalities hero, which one towers above all others? It is nono other than Duron von Uoe bcrsteln, tho Gorman ambassador. Ono searches In vain for this oranls sclent, omnipotent Young Turk of whom we read so much at tho tlmo of tho passing or tho old ordor. Instead, he finds behind tho forces at work here this shrewd old diplomat, tho ablest In Europe, who has within a year recovered all tho prostlgc that the German cause lost with the fall of Abdul Hamid. In domestic affairs, as well as in foreign relationships the hand of von Beeberstein may bo traced by those whoso business it Is to know tho In wardness of current events here. Since thla wise old (Jerman is an extra Turkish personality, perhaps It Is not fair to consider him in looking for the most iniluentlal figure in tho present regime. A Glimpse of the Sultan. It is easlor to say who this man Is not than who ho is. First of all, It is not the sultan. Ho may bo elim inated at the outset A high diplomat wtio has had to converso with the present sultan Baya that tho ordeal is like talking to a wooden man. Ono encounters various terms In the dip lomatic circles to describe the nonen tity of Mohammed V. Doubtless, many of thesu aro exaggerated, llko tho stories of his doyotlon to tho flow ing bowl. Tho sultan sees no for eigners, but anybody may seo him at tho Selamllk tho weekly function when he goes to tho mo3quo to pray. With Abdul Flamld, this was an or deal to be dreaded, and he sat cower ing In his carrlago in a coat of mall. Apparently his brother is glad to havo this weekly outing, for tho poorest hauial that totters over the Galula bridge beneath his monstrous load, sees more of llfo than does his Royal Highness. Fin likes (ho pomp of the lines of soldiers who line tho high way for the short distance from the palace to the iiiosiiue. These soldiers aro part of the mod ern army; on tho whole, well armed and fairly woll sot up. Along with thom ono sees the archaic, red-hel- moted fire brigade, with tho long! leather guards at tho back of their helmets. Tho lancers, who are tho sultan's bodyguard, aro plainly Mongo lian, and ttuo tcllowa they appear. Tho sultan, himself, Blares at the crowds as the crowds ntaro at him, or aa a countryman gazoo at tho circus. Ho wears a fez, and but ono decoration on his breast. His faco Is weak, with puffs under tho eyes. His beard Is grey and rather close crapped. Ho looks for all tho wodd llko tho typo of ge nial old New Kngland no'cr-do-vell, whom ono may seo sunning himself outside tho house, or sitting on a cracker box in the corner store, while his wife runs tho family affairs. Tho day 1 saw tho sultan an Amer loan girl In tho carriage nest mine was aiming a caraora at him. He was attracted by Urn fiuah young fig ure, and obligingly turned his face toward her and smiled and then kept on smiling and craning his nock toward her llko a gay old flirt. It was not very dignified or royal, hut it was decidedly roreallng, especially when one romembern that this man is "King of kings," "Commandor of the Faith ful." and "Tho Shadow of God on Garth.' Incidentally, ho is a political cipher. The Prisoner of Salonlea. Nor is Abdul Hamid any longor a possible factor in Turkish affairs. Wild rumors fly around occasionally if hla escapo from hla Imprlsoiimpnt, in tho garb of a woman sorvant, and of his being at the bottom of revo lutionary plots. This Is tho last of tho contingencies that tho present government has to faco. The best advised say that, while Abdul Is mo rose and sleepless, ho nono tho less is too fond of llfo to tuke any chances with this committee. His supremo passion is to be permitted to dto a natural death, For a generation ho ha3 boon haunted by tho nightmare of a violent death. Now ho in guarded by the most trusted repreaentatlvoa of tho commit tee of union and progress. I am told by ono who30 knowledge of Turkish affairs has protcd correct on othor points that tho Jailers of Abdul Hamid aro men who havo blood feuds with him whoso relatives tho deposed sultan has slain and who would bo glad of an oxcuso to squaro their ac counts with him, Moroovor, Salonlea Is tho center of Young Turk senti ment, and tho most difficult soil for ho growth of a reactionary plot. That tho common peoplo expect nev er to seo Abdul In power again Is shown by tho way tho press and the public derldo nnd detest and make eport of him, Tho meanest loafer in iSMISSII '?Kr5N ! - it r(v ;; j -wm tho sidewalk cafes Is free to curso tho memory of the prisoner at Salonlea A popular postcard In the shops rep resents tho prison beguilements of t!o late sultan. It Is a portrait cun ningly crented by the grouping of suv oral houris, and a vision of tho mosques and palaces of tho Hosphor us within the tarboosh. Tho harmless diversions of th litrem are all of his former glory permitted to Abdul Hamid. Is There a Man of Mystcry7 One snrchoR In vain for substanti ation for tho early tales of the wonder ful dictator In Paris, who, unknown himself, rules Turkey through tho cejimlttoo of Union and Progress. There is no really great personality on that body. Not all of the members nro known, however, although all pos sible members have been appraised. i hr is an Arabian Mights' flavor to the situation in Constantinople to day. Tho real head of a department may be a man In tho outer office. The cablnot minister may be subject to his secretary In the anteroom. Tho Inner clrclo of the Young Turk com mltteo Is made up of men who, for tho purpose, occupy plnces high nnd low. Some of the members of this Inner clrclo aro in office, some aro absolute ly without offlclal position. Tho com mltteo has a penchant for putting for ward tho men who look n part and who will fill tho role of popular he roes. This is tho anomaly of present-day Turkoy. Tho committee of Union and Progress is supposed to have dis solved and pnsscd out of existence It really runs parliament an Incon gruity which makes constitutional government seem llko a farce. Fur thermore, not all of tho figureheads who thomsolves understand their lack of power can enjoy this empty show, and they aro one element of weakness in the new order. A Masonic and Jewish Body. Rverybody In Constantinople seems to know that tho committee which overthrow Abdul Hamid and broi'ght in the new day for tho empire Is real ly a Masonic organization. It differs from tho masonry of tho west In that It is non-religious the name or tho Dolty is not mentioned in Its docu ments. It Is affiliated with tho Ital ian masons and not with tho Urltish or American": This fact has incurred tho special hostility of orthodox Mo hammedans, who dislike tho Masonic The Sultan on a order even more than they detest Christianity. This fact may be borno la mind in any study of present con ditions, for It Is likelier to bo a factor in tho developments than some more apparent causes. Another charge brought against tho commlttoo of Union and Progress ia that its membership is largely Jew ish. Here ono must try to master a strange condition, possible only in this romnntio east, where tho improb able and tho incongruous aro matters of overy day. This particular story hurksi back more than tlOO years, when tho son of a Salonlea rabbi announced himself as the Messiah and got a con siderable following. His cause was so portentous that lie was arrested and taken before the sultan, whero, in his extremity, he renounced his claims ami accepted Islam. So great was the confidence of his followers In this Messiah, that they too obeyed his load nnd became Mos lems. During the ensuing centuries they have remained a distinct commu nity, with their own mosque. They nc-or Intermarry with other Moalema, and tho genuineness nnd depth of their fidelity to islum is a subject of scepticism among the faithful Cer tainly this Moslem-Jewish community has furnished somo of tho most ng grcsslvo men In the empire, and far more than its proportion of tho lead ers of tho Young Turk movement. The Military "Dictator." I have Interviewed many of tho lead ers of tho Turkish government, and shall havo occasion to quote some of thom. Hero It must sufflco to give ns representative the one most pictures quo flguro In tho government Mali tnoud Sheykot Pasha, tho minister of war, tho supreme commander ot the Turkish armies, the "Saviour of Con stantinople" and tho man who has frequently been said to bo tho real dictator of the present reglmo in Turkey. Ilenlly, Gen. Shevket is practically subordinate to one of his own aids and associates. Ho is not in the In ner circle of the committee of Union and Progress, although a genuine Young Turk. It Is perbapB an incon slderato way of putting tho case, but I urn credibly luformed that ho is only a sort of puppet In tho bands of stronger men. However, ho looks tho part of a popular Idol. Tall, bearded, with small black eyes that flash, ho Is a veritable Beau nrummel. Ho could readily bo a cruel man and a dictator If ho had tho power, else I misread physiognomy. While we talked ho twirled his noso glasses by tho handle, or rolled thom on his fb gors, or twiddled his noso tho right sldo of which bears a largo vaccina tion mark. Frequently ho tilted aside hla green aBtrachan fez and scratched his iron-gray hair. Ho Is a charming gentlomnn to meet, and ho spenks with an apparent outnness that would disarm an un sccptica Interviewer, lie told mo In all earnestness and apparent sincerity that thero was absolutely nothing in tho rumored agreement between Rou mania and Turkey, although I had other moro trustworthy Intormntlon, which history has since confirmed, that tho deal had been made. Ho speaks with the greatest optimism concerning the future of tho now regime. Tho financial revenues In creased by thirty-three million francs during the first year and, because of better methods of collection, a still greater Increaso will probably be mado during tho presout year., Tho situation throughout tho provinces, ho snld, has very much improved, the turbulent Albanians havo been paci fied and disarmed. Paronthetlcally, I may remark that ono who snw tho arms tho governmont took in, says that thoy aro only fit Tor u museum, nnd that the rlllea and revolvers which can really do business aro still within reach of tho warllko Albanians. Shovket Pasha says ho thinks tho Al banians will bo a valuable asset vo Turkey when enrolled In tho army, and ho spoko mo3t magnanimously of their defoat by tho Turkish army sent against them. Ho said they lack ed good leaders and organization, nnd were overwhelmed by tho mass of gov ernment troops. Ho looks forward to 150,000 troops from Albania now avail Able. Moslem Versus Christian. When we got to talking about tho possibility of further troublo between tho Moslems and tho Christians, ho naively asserted that it was the Mos lems who were in danger from tho Christians, which would explain why Christians rather than tho Moslems, are being disarmed. He snid that what is being dono In Albania in the way of establishing a suitable government with law and or der, Is Icing carried out also among tho Druses. Thero Is a reasonable percentage of Christians now In tho army, according to the-now ordor, and ho says it Is unthinkable that there should ever again be strife between Islam and Christianity. Tho first busi ness of Turkey is tho development ot her army for tho sake ot iaw and or der throughout tho country, as well as in tho dealings with other nations. He stressed tho idea of a strong Turk ish army, ready Tor any emergency, but he looks forward to no Immcdiato Visit to the Mosque. armed eventualities with any other country. The Government's Many Critics. So much for one cablnot minister's view. That ho and many like him, In office nnd out, are real patriots can not be denied. Thero aro many dis affected persons in Turkey and for various reasons, sdmo of them obvi ous. The foreigner is displeased, ns ho chronically Is with any government carried on by those whom ho likes to call his inforlors. There aro various portentous elements of disintegration at work In the empire. I question whether it will over be possible to have a homogeneous nation here. The new order or things has brought in a now restlessness among all class es of people, and Turkey, bo it ever remembered, is a hodge-podgo of na tionalities. On one occasion I count ed at least fifteen distinct and differ ent peoples that go to make up this strango government. Tho Turkish Bhlp of state was never so difficult to navigate as just now. (Copyright. 1911. by Joiiepli B, Bowles.) New Circulating Library Scheme. Tho following scheme Is about to be set on foot In Drussels for tho dlffu sion of enlightening literature: A central library consisting at tho out set of 10.000 choice volumes is, tho Telegraph soyB, to bo created thero. and any inhabitant of any part of Bel gium owning a savings bank book will bo entitled to borrow from it nnd re ceive by post any book for a period of a fortnight on checking a penny off his savings bank book nt tho post office, his money at the bank serving as a guarantee for payment for books not returned. As thero aro about 1.C00 postofflccs in Belgium this will amount to the creation of n circulating library with 1,600 branches whoso risks will be moro than covered by tho deposits ir tho savings banks. It Was All Right. "Sorry, Brown," said tho doctor, after tho examination. "You're in n very sorious condition. I'm afraid I'll havo to oporato on you." "Operate!" gasped rBown. "Why, I haven't any money for operations. I'm only n poor worklngmau. , "You're insured, nro you not?" "Yes, but I don't get that until aftor I'm dend." "Oh, that'll bo all r)ght," Bald tho doctor consolingly. Cumulative Trouble. "The llvos of some peoplo are slngu larly unhappy," "What's tho matter now?" "I havo Just been reading about o baseball uraplro who waa mobbed by a crowd of fans In the nfternoon and when ho pot homo was thrashed by bis wife." mi i i n TViTT.-.fn-r -.,.-- Jr - k For the Below Zero Luncheon. The hostess iBsucd her Invitations on bluo-whlto cards, tho letters out lined with diamond duBt, Sho did thiB by writing with a henvy pen In gilt Ink, then went ovor tho letters with liquid gluo, then dipped tho card In tho diamond dust and the sparkles adherer to tho glue. A polar bear clasping a thormomotcr which regis tered "10 bnlow" waa in tho corner of tho card. "Pleaso wear a white frock'" was In tho lower left-band corner On arriving Iced grape Julco with a dash of lemon waa served In a few moments' tho dining room doors wore opened, revealing tho coolest place Imaginable Tho chairs woro covorcu with whlto cotton cloth, tho curtains were whlto and tho floor had been covered with sheets tightly stretched and fastened down with largo tacks A huge cako of Ico waa tho center piece, surmounted by a group of toy polar boars Ferns and vines were massed about tho base. Two small globes of goldfish wero on cither stdo Tho candles wore whito, also tho shades Diamond dust glistened on tho tablecloth and glass Icicles hung from tho chnndellors, while the dear est of tiny dolls drew sleds Inscribed with the name of each guest, forming tho place cards Then a delicious whlto menu was served first Iced bouillon in glasses cold breast of chicken, Rnrntoga. chips, baking powder biscuit, pear and pineapple salad with whipped cream dressing, Iced tea nnd canta loupe, filled with vanilla cream com plctrd this feast, with tho UGunl ac cessories of nuts, .whlto French bon bfms and Individual onses, and the most delicious watermelon preserves The guestB wore asked to relate tho enldpst oxpprlence they had ever had Thorn wre large thermometers around the room with tho, mercury down below zero Novel Potato Party. Tho hostess passed to each lady a I well-washed potato of rather long i slender sjiapo Then each one was given four small wire hairpins, four small black tacks, two fancy paper napkins with gnyly colored borders, and a supply of pins. There wero Pretty Tea Cosy i34tslptff'- HEKIC is an Idea for a delightfully pretty cosy, which would sell woll at a bazaar, or would make a charming present for n friend. Tho materials necessary for It aror (1) Half a yard of sateen. (2) Three quarters of a yard of thin silk in any pretty light color. (3) Half a yard of narrow ribbon. (4) A small chiua doll. (5) About n quarter of a yard of whlto cotton-wool Cut out from tho sateen ten triangular-shaped pieces, each about sir inches from point to base, nnd about three Indies across the base. Tako five for tho cover end flvo for tho lin ing of tho padded 'art Settm up both cover and lining on their wrong sides. Slip cotton-wool iu .between thom, seam them together round tho baso. thus getting a padded cone, as shown in tho illustration. Now cut off tho little doll nt her waist, and fix her into a nolo mado at tho point of tho cone, so that her shoulders, head and arms stick out at OTES In splto of Its simple effectiveness, not ono woman wears a sailor hat to day whero flvo wore them a few years r.go. Sleeves Just now uro half and three quarter length, but thero Is a rumor afloat that thoy aro to again bo long and close. With tho Incoming ot thin summer clothes one sees a good deal of tho now established French Idea of using pink ribbon In one's llngorlo instead of any other color. Skirts of tho hlur aro closo, narrow, ruiUe short as a rule, but recently made suits show skirts some wldor nt tho foot although tho straight effect ctlll obtains Su3G 'oos, perfumed and palo of M? ?;.' Xtk L HrSP . - nii mi-ji.i iniini..Kwii,ii.,,i,iiiii,.l t M Wi,,IJ,Mltl,l M Hostess scissors and tubes of library paBto. Tho ordor whb to construct a doll. With prizes to bo awarded for the best and poorest specimens tho ladles worked with amazing aeal. This going back to childhood days was thorough ly enjoyed, and whilo none had manu factured "potato" dolls before, nearly everyone confessed to tho "clothes pin" variety, and it was surprising tho array of attrHotlve little figures that emerged from tho hands of theso orst whilo crentlvo artists. Tho hairpins wero used for arms and legs, tho tacks mado eyes, noso and mouth, and it was astonishing tho variety of fnclal expressions achieved All Morta of garments were mado from the napkin, which wero pinned and pasted Into shape. There wero bnbles. children, Japs In kl monos, sun bonnet toddlors, Indies of high and low degree, all acknowledg ing a common potato for their origin. Tho prizes wero in keeping with tho novelty of tho pastimo. Tho first one was a large sweot potato pie plied high with fluffy meringue; tho consolation offering was covoral quarts of now potatoes In a most charming green bosket. For the Bride. Many years ngo this sentiment ap peared In a household mngazlno and a woman confesses thnt from reading It Rho formulated a rule she adopted early In her married llfo. It Is such excellent advice, I put It hero for all our departmont brides and for those of us who nro old housekeepers, too, 1 think tho Httlo quotation Is by N P. Willis. Do that as it may, the senti ment Is one we should all adopt. Let Us all try to give not only our hus bands, but our children and friends "an unclouded welcome." The world well tried, tho sweetest tiling In life Is the unclouded welcome of a wife." MADAME MEUUI. To Whiten the Skin. Benzoin, diluted or mixed with nn other Ingredient, whitens and softens the skin, and it also closos the pores. It is a good plan to use a little of this mixture in the water Just after tho faco has beon given a good steaming. tho top, as tho illustration shows. Sew Httlo hommed frills of silk round aud round tho cone, to repre sent ono of tho flounced skirts which our great-grandmothora used to wear ovor crinolines Fold a bit or silk to match acroHs the doll's shoulders, to stimulate a low-cut ovenlng dress, nnd tic tho ribbon round to look like u hlgh-WulMled aah. When tho cosy Is on the pot, it seems as though tho little doll wero keeping tho tea warm undor nor bil lowy skirts. Tho Idea may bo carried out In any color and almost nny light fabric. A cosy of flowered muslin would, for In stance, look exceedingly dainty with u whito toa-net having small flowers up. on tho cups If tho cosy is intended for uie jn tho nursory or school room, you can make It far moro serviceable by dress ing mo uoii in a bonnet and a long dark cloak; or this cloak and bonnet may bo added when tho cosy grows u triflo soiled. tint, long nnd loose, aro ono of tho crazes oi ino Hour, To bo suro they uro extravagant, for thoy soil at onco, but thoy are liked well and aro worn unlvorsally; thoy aro chic. Baby's Dresses. It very often happens that baby's sheer lltllo frocks are creaEed if put away in a drawer, ovon if great caro bo oxerclsed in keeping thom smooth. A much bettor plan Is to procure a number or coat-hangers, children's sizo, and on those place tho llttlo dresses. Any particular dress Is casl ly found nnd may bo taken down with out danger of crushing tho others. It will bo found worth whilo to hnvo a circular bar put up in tho closet, ns a groat many more frocks may bo put away nt a tlmo. To Pull Bastings. Few persons know that an ordinary orangowood stick, such us Is used for tho nails, Is tho best instrument for removing bastings. A scissors when used Is very npt to cut or tear tho garmont Procuro tho stick at any drug sf , - " g ALCOHOL-3 per PEMT AVcfiefablc Preparation for As similating IheFoodamineula- ' ling ihcSlomachs and Bowls of Promotes DigcsKcn,Chcrful ncssandRcst.Conlains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not "Nauc otic fort tfouDrSAWumurEX M.' Avyritn Sum' AWArthS-Hi ,4nitt JVrf fwrmit ' htrm Sttil tttrfrrl fjttvon w M Mfc Apcrfcct Remedy forConstlpa lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrfwca, Worms.Convulsions.Fevcrish- ii" ncss and LOSS OF bLEEP. Facsimile Signature of The Centaur Compakv, NEW YORK. LVH. v fi& m m '.Guaranteed under tho Foodaw Exact Copy of vrpper. BEST SHE COULD SAY. ffffefcJ Myrtle I understand Miss Critla paid mo a compliment last night. Natlca Not qulto, but sho camo aa near It aa you could cVcr cspect from her. She Bald you woro charming, but A Human Cruet-Stand. Several villagers wero discussing a departed slater who had hcon given to good deeds but was rather too fond of dlsponslns shnrp spoken advice. "Sho was an excellent womnn," said tho deceased lady's pastor. "Sho was constantly In tho homos of tho poor and ntnlctcd. In fact, sho was tho salt of tho earth." "Sho was moro than that," remark ed a villager. "Sho was tho vinegar, tho pepper nnd tho mustard as well. Sho was a perfect cruet stand of Vir tues." London Tit-Bits. Paces Included. Ho has a weather-beaten Howell faco. Powell Woll, everything. tho weather beats I.ATHKS CAN WEAlt ftltOHa on iIjo ttnalter after tiling Alien' Rot-Bns. Uw Anlliopllo powder to be unakan Into the luua. It mokdi tight or now thoeefrolcanr. QlTtroUnnd comfort, ilruit luiititutet Vox I'll KB trial paufcftgs, addreu Allen B. Olautwl, Lo lloj, N. X, Wlfey Knew Him. Benham 1 can't romembrr dntes. Mrs. Bonbnm Dut you hnvo pretty good memory for peaches. BEAUTIFUL POST CARDS FREE Send 2clauip for flro ajtuplei uf tut very clinic est Uold Hmbosux! Ill rthdajr, Flower nnd Motto I'on Curds) bountiful colors and loTellrei OmIbiis. art 1'oat Card CluD. 731 Jackson St., Topeka, Easacj What somo lawyers don't know Isn't worth lying about nwzy, mm mm Stomach Blood and Liver Troubles Much sickness starts with weak stomach, and consequent poor, impoverished blood. Nervous and pale-people look food, rich, red blood. Their stomachs oeed Invigorating lor. alter nil, a man can bs no stronger than his stouiaouT A remedy that makes the stomach strong and tho liver active, makes rich red blood and overcomes and drives out dlsease.prodticing bacteria nnd cures a whsb nialti tuda of diseases, Ccf riif at your Stomach Wcabncaa and llrep Lnttacsa by takltii a course ot Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery the Hreat Stomach Ucstoratlre, tlvep invlHoratop and Blood Cleanser. You can't afford to accent nnv medlpln ,.!. nmposttlon as a substitute for "Golden cry, which is a medicino op known composition, lmvln a comnlete I la nf Inrfr.,i:.n.. : t-: r?J.. i .. . , ."f.in ,u plum titlglisu on IIS DOt uc-wrnpper, same being attested as correct under oath. ur. I'lero, a Pleuant Itllctt regulate and W. L DOUGLAS 2,50, $3,00, $3.00 & 4.00 SHOES WOMEN wear W.L.Douglas stylish, perfect fitting, easy walking boots, because they give long wear, same as W.L.Douglas Men's shoes. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS The workmanship which has madeW.L. Douglas shoes famous the world over is maintained in every pair. If I could tako you into my large fadories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W.LDouglas thoes are made, you would ihen understand why they are war ranted to hold their shape, fit belter and wear Ion ger than any other make for the price fjlUTIDH Tho Ksnulne imvo W. I loui;las yiimiuii nu,0 utl ,,rjv.0 stamped on bottom It Ton cannot obtain V. I. nmii-li hr,. in ?S.r, J?Xl!'.J,.rUe ,nr cat?,1(,p' f00 Ml rt nnitJi'f'J ti,,xi8aJer' ?'" prepaid.. W.I. DOlNIUrlS, 143 Suiult St., llrotktou, Mais, CASTORIA For Infant 8 and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the At, Signature fj& of For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Don't Persecute Your Bowels Cut out ralhartlm nni prtlre". TbST SSS brutal, harsh, unnecessary. TnM CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act. gently on I Me Uvtr, eliminate one, nna , sootne ine ueucate membrane ot thpj ixrwci. itirs. (nallpitlon, Blllotiiatu, ' Sick Mud. ch tnd loJIfeitlon. at milUtna know. SMALL FILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRIO Genuine must bear Signature f f LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN ORKAT VARIETY TOR SALB.tAT THB LOWEST PRICES BY WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION 511-531 W, Adams 8t, Chicago FflR Cfil R dwvlod Irrlcatml land, ISO peraersV Mil onSiii calxsprovca. grow aoyttimg, terma. fool billiard tablet, cigars, etc, tor tale, doing goal business, toruu. W.V. WOOD, Klcndeld, Idaho. DEFIANCE Gold Water Sfarck makes laundry work a pleasure, to oz. pke. XV AOENT-Dtt Towder Fire Extlngnltrm, call cm liu'torj, w uotasale unil retail trade, lltgntned work, lllg nilurni. JUUIBOHU UIISICU, CO., Rlckeuat, 14 J1CV I.AND-Beautlfnl dark foothills of Ai. fertile toll, Howlne sprfnin, health?, prices rbjaC J. U. Ml'l-oilKJLX, & COMPANY, JTaritUTlul. iflt W. N. V., niOUX CITY, NO. 34-1911 Sioux City Director sv JOHN J. KEEFE BUILDING CONTRACTOR Flrt and Nebraska Street. SIOUX CITY, IOWA Established 30 Years FLORISTS Flora, emblems and cat flowers for U oocMlou., 8IOUX CITY, IOWA r. frTTETSi. f:zt:3.-v&tZ "s ssK-Jsaseu mm &rj r ;-- JTlZi & Medical Discov- viy laytfontt Stomach, Ltrtr and Bowls. ONK 1'AITlor tnr ROYS' 3,.i.00of SJ3.00 SHOKS Mill posUlvolvvutiTur 'jewo l'AUta oi mcUnary Sj"Sw r b A k ft a Us a aaaaaaaaiB&UK rw: aiev butti r V HIYtK. iB PILLS. - AUENTS Send, for free copr Arents Hacaxlatv WctiNUu rear; trial anbscrtptiun II months W cent Aus-nts MauAXUiv. U&l llroodwar, New rotkOU. w. ..."".rsKi fi'trc - fnwHr &JC W?tt'u (t FT wttm-T,, wit JilmnHmmmW&L M 'M Ttl I t i 'Yl VI 151 "3' 1 ;, d Tl At ' v V -rzsa A1 i iv t'4 :n r,i -A Iftf. "SSI 1 J sloi H 'l :) V, i h "-3T ? --jp "TVt . ayt