Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 25, 1911, Image 5

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1. I tap's
Grocery Specials
for Friday and Saturday
Musk Molons
Ituportoil Macoaroni, tho beBt to
bo bad, por box lGr
Fresh broad always in stook
Freab, dainty cookies of nil kinds....
New assortment of oandy
Bulk olives, sweet, soar and dill
Rest Sugarourod Baoon, peril). . . .224
Bout Lard, por 11 l'H
Pressed Ham, por lb 14
Oalifomla Hams, por 11) l'ir
Bulk Coffee, por lb 2G$ and 30$
Oheeae, mild, por lb 20$
Agonts for Outiso & Sanborn's Cof
fee 25$, 30$, 3N' and 40$
Akron Whcatinc boat breakfast
food goiug G lb sack for 20$
Sloes, Rubbers and ltubbor Boots.
All kinds of Dry Qoods Notious.
We have n comploto lino of Econo
my Fruit .Turn, nt cost prioo, to eloso
out at once.
We will close out our percaleH and
'aalicos ut cost in order to put in a line
of glassware, lamps, eta.
Call in nud look at our No. i! Gold
Blast Xmnterus.
Wo aro also olosing our Shoo stock
at cost. (Jomo in and Rot a barguiu
before they are gone. We wish to use
the roum thut they oouupy for othor
Wo have just received a large ship
ment of TubMs, largo and small sizos,
all for 6$ ouch.
E. Knepper's Grocery
district Court Dates
For the Eighth Judicial district of
Nebraska, for the year 1011:
Oumlne January SO, September 11
Dakota February 1U. SoptombcrBS
Stanton March 6, OctoborO
Oeilar March IK, November 13
Dixon March 27. Deccmbor4
Thurston April 10. October 10
The first tiny or each tonnls sot for hear
applications forcltlzonshlp papers.
Guy T Qiavcs, Judge.
Because "J" a new crea-
TIOX?, covering every
field of tho world's thought,
action and culture. Tho only
new unabridged dictionary in
many years.
Because " defines ovcr 400,000
Words f more than ever
beforo appeared between two
covers. 2700 1'aiCBt Cooo IU
1Wki it Is tho only dictionary
. R" , with tho now divided
page. A "Stroko of Genius."
Because lt ls fin encyclopedia in
a single- volume
Rpmtkp is acooptod by tho
ucmuse 0ourt8 Bohooi8 nnd
Press as tho one supremo an
tfiority. Rprnmte h0 who knows Wins
" ccauac success. Lot us tell
you about this now work.
WHITE for specimen ex new 4lTitid pig.
C.4 C. HERRI AM CO., PnUuten.SprinsneU.Miu.
Specials for Sat. Aug. 26
For ihis
50 lbs Premo Flour, for
Millar's Charm 30c Coffee,
4 Lamp Chimneys No. 1
3 Cans Baked Beans, for
Melons and Fresh Fruits
always on ice
Oar Stora Will bo Open
on Old
I Kii.ik.otcv City,
Local Items
Friday, August 25, 1911
Real estate loans. Geo Wilklns.
Fruit of all kinds At Vau do Zoddo's.
The lluest spleen for prcscrviug, at
tho Dakota City Pharmaoy,
Tho Union Labor festivities and tho
101 Ranch show will be tho attractions
in Sioux City next Monday.
"Pioueors and Old Settlors," don't
forget you can rest and bo refreshed at
tho Dakota City Pharmacy.
L W White nnil family broko camp
at tho lako Tuesday and returned to
their home nt Woodbino, Iowa.
Mrs Albert Soliumnohor nnd baby
r-ame down from Deadwood, S D. last
week for a visit at tho Schmied home.
Hurt Peffers, of Dow City, Iowa, nn
old friend of Louis Larson, spent Fri
day and Saturday hero at tho Larson
John and Kelly Foltz and W J
Oileman went out to Al Ohallio's farm
Monday morning to begin work on a
big barn for Mr Challio.
Why is it that overybody likes
Broun's coffee? because it is tho very
best ooffoo on tho market for tho mon
oy. Van do Zoddo sells it.
Work on tho new school building is
progressing ruther slowly. Tho work
men aru now above tho first iloor, and
tho walls begin to loom up in fine
Tho many friends of Miss Leila J
Keller, who suffered from an attack of
diptheria the past week, ore plossod
to know she has improved so rapidly
ns to bo quito herBelf again .
Kelly Foltz dropped tho ond of a
six by six ou his foot und mashed it
tho foot whilo working on tho burn
at Al Chuillio's place Monday. Ho
has been hobbling nround on crutches
An ordinary easo of diarrhoea can,
as a rule, bo oarod by usiuglo dose of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy has
no superior for bowel complaints. For
salo by all dealors.
Tho homo of Rev Keller was quaran
tined last Thursday for diptheria,
their daughter Lelia having a mild
esse of tho disease. Tuoy were ro
leueed from quarantine Tuesday, Miss
Lelia having recovered from the ef
fects of tho disease.
Mrs Theodore Bliven returned Mon
day from a visit at Scotland, S D, at
the homo of her sistor, Mrs FroJ
Sohlieve. Mr Sohliovo accompained
hor on tho homo trip nnd went on to
Shobesto, Neb, whero ho will visit at
the O B Howard homo.
Slot Noiswunger returned homo
Saturday from a month's trip to Cher
ry county, whero ho sp nt the tinio ou
the C J O'Connor cattlo ranch. He
hud hotter luck on his homeward trip
than ho did going out, when he missed
his train st Norfolk and had to make
his way to tho ranch alone.
Mrs Caleb Antrim nnd son, of Groon-
lief, Idaho, spent the week hero at tho
Churloy Antrim homo. Sho will visit
hereabouts until after tho Old Settlers
picnic, wuen sue will return norao ac
companied by Grandma Antrim of
Homer, and Rev Ed T Antrim and
family of Boomer, who will make their
home in Idaho.
8 H Mooro placed a Bmoll advertise
ment in tho Herald last Tiinrsdny for
the salo of a sow und fix pigs nnd on
Saturday tho swino wero sold and sev
eral other inquiries wero,ieot)iveJ by
him for tho same, all of which goes to
show that tho Herald brings results in
advertising and that when tho Raleigh
riiitu advertises anything ho has tho
goods. See!
Monto Kuepper had quito an expe
rience ut tho lako hint Friday and
camo uoar losing u horse during the
nrdcal. Ho drove out to the luuding
at the Evans farm to get a load of
melons that wcro being brought over
in n bunt and attempted to drivo out
on tho beach to the waters edge when
tho horse dropped through tho crust
nn tho ground nnd floundered into tho
lako. Before ho could bo extricated
from the harness he was just about
drowned, and camo near drowniug his
roscuors in his attempts to get out of
tho iniro.
Da.y Only
or No. 2 .
2 '5c
till Noon, und iiftor G p.
Settlers Day.
Buy a good farm ou tho Dakota
county bottom. I have Eimorn.it,
A bnby girl was born to Harry Foyo
and wife, nt their Crystal lako homo
D D Dryden and family will move
to their homo hero from Sioux City fur
tho lUhtor.
Van do Zedilo brightened up his
store this week with a new coating of
wall paper.
Spices aro but drugs, so why not
buy tho purest kind, at tho Dakota
City Pharmacy.
A baby dughtor of tho usual weight
arrived at tho Hopo Diokovor hoiao
last Saturduy.
If you want to bny a No. 1 broom,
look over Van do Zoddo's assortment,
ho has thorn from 30o up.
Romembor, crushed fruits of all
kinds with ico cream, is served only at
the Dakota City Pharmaoy.
Homer will entertain at the big W
O W pionio Saturday. Gov Aldrich
will bo one of tho speakers.
OIibb Smith camo in irom Duff, Nob,
Monday, and was n passenger to Ho
mer, whero be will visit relatives,
One hundred suits of gnnzo under-
dorwonr, at actual cost prico to mako
room for winter goods. M E Kneppor.
Tho Teddy Bears will RO to Akron,
Iowa, tomorrow. Saturday, for a gtttnu
with tho Akron boys, aud to Lemurs,
Jauio Kneppor, of Sioux City, visit
ed lust weok at tho T J Kuoppcr
home. Daisy Kneppor accompanied
her home for a weoUs' visit.
Rev Ed T Antrim and family arriv
ed hero Wednesday from liecmor, Neb,
for a fow weeks' visit, hoforo leaving
for their new homo iu Idaho.
Deputy TJ S Mershul John F Sides
loft Monday ou a business trip to Fre
mont, Columbus, borltolk, St Edwards
and other points iu tho Btuto.
Don't forget on Old tiottlors night
botween dauces that you can cool off
at tho Dakota City IMutrinnuy; iluest
ice cream and coolest driuko in town.
Rev S L Keller will till his regular
appointments ut Salem und Emanuel
Lutheran churches, no preventing pro
vidence, this comiug Sunday, the 27th
Miss Nellio LindBuy camo down
from Phillips, S D, list Thursday,
and will remuiu until after tho Old
Settlers picnic, visiting relutives und
old friends.
Henry Weigand and family have
moved from Laurel to bioux (Jit),
whero Mr Weigand has ucoi pted u pu
sitiou as bookkeper iu tho Tuokaberry
wholesale house.
Rev and Mrs S L Keller desiro to
thank their many friends for tlieh
kindness und interest shown iu various'
ways during the illness of their daugh
tor, tho piiBt week.
Prof W L Best, a former assistant
principal in our schools but for the
ptst threo yema principal at Chad
ron, Neb, wus married 011 August 14,
to Miss Annie Ross, of Cliudrou.
Henry Francisco x:zz devn fiom
north of Jueksou l'riiluy anl romem-
berod tlio Herald fur a short vi-iit
Henry is accumulating conidrslle
land iu that neuk of tho woods.
Judge G W Norris, of McUook, Nub,
representative iu congiess from the
Fifth district of Nebrasku, will deliver
the Labor uy address at Rivon-ido
park, Sioux City, Monduy, Stjptorn
bor 4.
-A well known Don Moines woman
aftor suffering miHorubly fot two days
fiom bowel complaint, was cured b
ono dose of Ohamberlaiu'a Ooliu, OIiol
ery nud Diurrhoea Remedy. For Bale
by ull dealers.
Harold Van do Zddo wns thrown
from u liorbo Monday nt.il received sud
oral bad bruijeo. The nuimal got
frightened at en nutmrdiln and in
orobsing the street car truck htumbled
uud throw him off.
B O Buchanan and Miss Maud Duo
littlu were j lined in marriage lust
FriduybyRov W R Warren. They
havo Eouo to hoUHi'keHijiiif in tho
Ohns Coughtry house, recently pur
chased by tho groom.
Bny it now. Now h tho time to buy
'i bottle of Chamberlain's Uolio. Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is al
most certain to bo needed before the
summer is over. Tliis remedy has no
ruperion. For sale b all dealers.
Armiuta Powell, daughter of Burt
Powell and wifti, and Uewain Loomix,
sou of Eugene Loomis uud wifo of
Omadi precinct, were married by
Judge Hcfferiiun on Mondoy. Thoy
havo gone to housekcepiug in Homer.
Outs and bruineH may bo healed iu
nhout ono third tho timo n quired ly
tho usual treatment by upplyiug Cham
berlain's rjinimuut. It i an uniisep
lio and oniW'H Mich l.tjuriru to heal
without maturation. This liniment
ulso relieves soreness of tho muscle
uud rheumatic puius. For sale by all
Tho proposition to 1111 Crystal lake
has been virtually deeidnd upon by
the Crystal Lako Improvement nseo
ciation. The outlet fiom tho lako to
to tho river inst west of South Sioux
City, will be reopened, hm ti.in oau In
done at a small cost oomptred with the
laying of a pipo lino at the 'vest end
of the lake,
Prospeots of an automobile spend
way on this hide of the river are von
flattoring nt present. The Siiux (Jin
Automobile olub in negontiiiK with J .1
Eimers and John F Hides for a tract
of land ou the north side of the laki
ou which to ustablirili u speeilwav an"
if thoy comu to terms it will mean a
big thing for the lake.
Tho Teddy Bears won two good
ball games the mht week Tho first
was with. the .Inhiihon llisonit Nni o
Sionx City, nnd they went eli-aned up
11 to 8. Tho Bars played sto.uh
ball nil through the gumi , and buirinp
ono iuning when our team run in live
scores, the Joliufcotis played tiglit ball
HtinBon's homn run and a two base
hit by McAllister with tuo buses full
accounts for the flvo runs in thu sev
enth iuning. McAllister pitched the
tlrst six innings for tho Hears und al
lowed five hits Londrosh tho last
three aud allowed SI hits. Sunday
ut Jackson in tho championship series
for tho county Dakota City won handly
by a score of 8 to 4. Sorao of tho
spectators who had a few dimes up on
tho resnlt wero so badly workod up
over tho loss that they prooipatated a
fight, lint no oue was killed, not oreu
tho umpires, '
Thursday. August 31st
Will Bo Gala Day
Next Thursday the Pioueors and
Old Settlors will meet nt Clinton
Park, Dakota City, for their 30th an
nual reunion, Everything is iu readi
ness for tho big gathering and a largo
crowd is anticipated.
Following is tho program:
10 A. M.
Uuslo, by Heed's Military Hand, of Sioux
Olty, Iowa,
rrajorby Ohnplnlu, Iter. w II. Warren
Addrcsi by tho President, U. il.Urlbblo.
Annual Address, by aov.Olietor A. Aldrloli.
2;UO 1. M.
Memorial Iloport.
Short Addresses by Pioneers and Promt-
nont Visitors.
Business Meetlmr nnd lClcotlon of Oinoers
llacesat tho Ilaco Track Adjoining l'lonlo
Free-for-all Trot or Pnco, purse tlU.OO
County Trot or Pace, purse pifl.oo
fanners Trot or Psce, tnr lioiws owned
nnd driven by (armors, purse ilfi.00
Base Hall Oamcs. for purses, at tho ball
grounds Just eait of tho Park,
Dance- at tho Hull in the KvenliKf.
Fiealdent E. II. dribble.
VIcq President Wm, H. Ryan.
Secrctury Georgo Wilklns.
Assistant Secretary Mrs. D.
Flnnnclnl Secretary B. Grlbble.
Historian M. M. Warner,
'i'rensurer Geo. T. Woods.
Jlurslmla J. I Rockwell John
Iluzelcrove, J. M. Locdom. Jeff Taylor,
L. J. Goodscll nnd James Fueston.
The following committees wero ap
pointed to complete und carry out ar
rangements for tlio 30th annual reun
ion, to bo held August 31, 1911:
Iixecutlvo Committee St. John's,
John Boler; Covington, J. W. Ilnzel
.jrovo; Dakota, I. W. Fisher; Omadl.
Wm. II. Hynn; Plneon Creek, Frank II.
Vuy: Summit, Mike Beaeoin, Emor
bon, Fred Illume; Hubbard, R. D. Rock
well. Invitation George Wilklns, W. l.
Ross, Eftlo Z. Engolen and W. 12. Vosa.
Speakers R. E. Evans, F. A. Wood,
Harry II. Adair nnd Wm. P. Warner.
Music acorgo Wilklns, Harry II.
Adair and Gcorgo Carter.
Transportation R. E. Evans, J. J.
Elmers nnd M. O. Ayres.
Registrar Mrs Fannie Crozler.
Privileges A. II. Baker, B. drlbblo
and Geo. T. Woods.
Amusements M. O. Ayres, C. II.
Maxwell, W. H. Mason, John Hogan,
J. B. Leahy, W. E. PmUli, Ben Bonder
sou nnd John II. Ream.
Membership Harry II. Adair and L.
H. Arnibrlght.
Grounds H. D. Wood.
Reception Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Ross,
Mrs. Eva Orr, Wm. II. Orr, Harry
Rockwell, Mr. nnd Mrs. John II. Ream,
Mr. und -Mrs. Charles D. Hail, ucorgo
Wilklns, Esther Ross, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. H. Bcrgcr, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. A.
Hrldnnbaugb. Mr. und Mrs. Herman
nwrrnnn. W. IU. Voss. Mr. uUd T.Irs. S.
A. Stinson, E. J. McKernan, Mr. and
Mrs. John B. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
rjocrts. Mr. and Mrs. Ohrls Fey. Mr,
and Mrs. MlUc Farrcll. Georgo R.Rock
well, Mr. nnd Mrs Rich Long, Mr. and
Mrs. Phllo McAfee, Mr. nnd Mrs. Huns
Bonnlcksen, Mr. nnd Mrs. Leo Blede.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrry H. Adair, Mr. nnd
Mrs. George Carter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrry
II. Foltz, Mr. and Mrs. August Andre
sen, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles T. Westcott.
Mr. und Mrs. James Hogan, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Frank B. Church, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Thomas F. Monnlmn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo.
W. McBentb, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Man
ning, John L. Hnzelgrove, Bert Karst,
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Rockwell, Mr.
nnd Mia. C. J. O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Ashford. Mr. nnd Mrs. John
Ashford, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Crltz, Mr.
and Mrs. W. II. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Wilklns, Mr. und Mrs. Carl Lar
sen, Mr. nnd Mrs. Max Nelson, Dr.
nnd Mrs. D. n Rtldworthy, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Chas. L. Dodgu. Mr. and Mrs. B.
Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. August Wil
klns. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. w. uavis, mr. .
and Mrs. James Alloway, Mr. Scth P. j
Barnes, Mr. und Mrs. J. W. Orr, Mr.
and Mrs. Georgo Hale, Mr. and Mrs. i
C. E. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. (
Mungor, Mr. nnu Mrs. n. . oiii m
Mr. nnd Mrs. George BIcs3lng. Miss
Charlotte Kelly, Miss Margaret Mur
phy, Miss Lena AVIlklns, Miss Helen
Bolster. Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew Larson. '
Mr. and Mrs. T. Murphy, Mr. und Mrs.
rivnit rtlnmn. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. .
Wallway, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Meeker, Henry
Bcermnn and wife, E. J. Melz uild wife,
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wilbur, S. P. Mike
sell. Cora Mldklff. J. M. Plnckncy, John
C. Dlneen, Mrs. Cora B. Miller.
Two full blooded Horefard bulls,
Ntiiudnrd bred, enming 2 years old.
Geoige Ilayrs, Hubbuid, Neb.
Seemed to Olve Him a New Stomach.
"I -uffered intently aftere-iting und
nn nvxtioinu'or tn tiint I tried Hi-em-.il
to do am goon," writes II M Young'
nntcrs, editor of The Bun, Luke View,
Ohio. " The ilrst fow iloseHof Oham
ni'rbtin'H Stomach and Liver Tablets
gave me snipiiHiiiR leliof and a now
ntomunh nud perfectly good houlth."
For sale by all dealers.
Here's Your Chance.
You net the Dully Statu Journal ull
the rest of this year, without Hnnday
for onli One Dollar, or including tlio
llig Miindnv piper, only $1.25. This
ih a cut price made just to get you
htaited rending this splendid papei,
and at the end of the paper will bo
-topped without any iffoit on your
.art. The rjtuln Jnnruul, in addition
to iU wonderful iifsoelated press und
speuial t-ligrnph services, Ih tho leader
in reporting affairs from all over tho
.tatuiif AoiitiiHkii. J' it cieiin, mule
pendent, and thornughl) reliable. Tho
publishers ihink it's the one NebriiMkn
pi por aliovo all others thar. jou should
r-ad, nn matter what your olitics.
't'liis Ijincoln p)er will plnaso yo'""
whole family. Tho soonof yoo hond
in the more papers you will get for
your monoy
ltuv. W. It. Warren, I'ostor.
Survlcrs at tlio Methodist Kpltcopul
oliurcli eery Huiiilny an follows: I'lcncli
Inu at 11 am: Hnnday Hclioolut Ida in; class
mentliiK ii m: Kpwortli I.uaituu 7 n m;
Itav.K, Ii. Keller. Pastor.
Holiday school every Hundoy atD:45nm;
Miss Ilhinuhe lliiiiilltiin, siipurlntendent.
preaoiiluu at 7::nJ P in. every Hunduy.
I'reocliliiK overy Hnnday at 11 a m; Sun
dny school promptly atlOum. K. l'.Oul-
bertson, superlntenuoni.
The publlols cordially Invited to all theso
For Sale.
80 acres of hay. Iuqulro at this
Election Boards For ion,
JudKi's Krt-d Kchrlevor. Wllllnm Lahrt,
ItnVi'ow, Ctcrt:: unrtrics it Itcnm. Jny
Judges John Jenkins, John il Burke,
J N Mulllui. Olorki-U D Hinlley, Oscar
Judges Onrl Lnrson.T J O'Connor, N 11
Smith. Clerks Charles Holsworth, 11 Jlc
JudRCS T II Sullivan Jnines
Jnnies Klyiin. Clerks II II Holer,
Judaes Kd Green. John iinrty, tt n
ltookwcll. Clerks 11 P Cain, Hoy Armour.
Jinlues Kd V Maurlco, II II StoU. Theo
dora Peters. Clerks JiMiOrustkern.acomo
JudKes Asron I.tnifltor, Mnrtin Ilea
coin, K II Way. Olorks Audrovr Crowe,
Phllo MeAfT"
JudKos M llenoom, T P Crosby, N A Nel
son. Ulorkt John P TwohlcAntou Larson
All kinds of coal, food and hay for
salo at roasouabloprioes,
lttKlDB & SLAnQHTKIt Co.
ThkoE Bliven, Manogor,
Dakota City, Nob.
A team, harness and wagon.
Fred Ducnsing
If you haven't got timo to do your
own shopping oall up No 1. nnd ho
will jlolivor tho goods promptly,
R R Time Table
CSt. P., M.&O.
Trains loavo Dakota City nt tho fol
lowing timo:
0:20 pm Omaha1 7:08 urn
10:88 am Omaha fG.17 pm
8 : 38 pin Norfolk t8 :88 am
0:87 am Norfolk 4:58 pm
7 :fir urn ... . .Newcastle . . . . 10 :38 am
2:01 pm " ......5:50 pm
12 :10 pm Omaha 2 :30 nm
3:88 pm...... Norfolk 8:33 am
9:37 am Norfolk 1:58 pm
daily oxoopt Sunday, t do not stop
C B& Q
ifo. 91 Looal Froight 7:15nm
17 " Passenger' . . 12:57pm
No. 92 Local Froight 2 :25 pm
10 Looal PaBsongor..0:U0 pm
daily. daily except Sunday.
"Che Hercvld and
Now Idoa Magazino $1
Slonx City Daily and Sunday
Journal 5
without Suuday 4
to rural route patrons 3
Iowa Homestead 1
Woman's World 1
Hampton's " 1
Lippincott's "
2 75
Lincoln Sanitarium
Sulpho-SaHne Springs
LeoaUd on oar own prinlt and
In the
Natural Mineral Wstor
Unsnrpusned In th trvatmtat t
Brt, Btomaob, Kidney and LlTr
Mcdtfit Ckr(ii. A4dttt
BR. O.W. EVERETT, Mor., Lincoln, Rb.
Celebrated (or style, perfect fit. simplicity nnd
rllibllltv nearly 40 vears. Bold In licarll
every city and town In the United States and
Canada, or by mall direct. More sold than
any other make. Send lor "CO catalogue.
More tubtcrlbers than any other fashion
mii'azlne million a month. Invaluable. I .at.
est style', pattrrnt, dresunaUnij, millinery,
plain sewing, f ancy needlework, lialrdrcnlntr,
etiquette, L'ood stories, etc. Only W cents a
year (worth double), including a Irco pattern.
Subscribe today, or send fur sample copy.
p to -A cents. Postal brings premium catalogue
and new cash prizo oBcrs. Address
TDK McCAU, CO.. 528 to 248 W, 37th St.. NEW JfOHH
JheA9U World Almanac t
Is the archway to a jtorehouse of re
liable lnformatloni full details of the
1910 census and of the most Important
and exciting Congressional Election In
fifty years; 10,000 facts and figures
about politics, labor, religion, sports,
farm statistics, finance, trade, com
merce, Insurance, money and banklngi
Information about our own and all
foreign countries, the armies and
navies of the world, Panama Canal,
aerial navigation, growth of the United
States, universities and colleges; postal
Information, naturalization laws and
qualifications for voting; Constitution
of United States, population of largest
cities of the earth, of 100 largest cities
In United States, of all United States
cities of 5,000 or more; In fact the
191. World Almanac will tell you some
thing about everything and everything
about a great many things. Price 25c
at bookstore$u(west of Buffalo and
Pittsburg 30c), by mall 35c. Address
The New York World. New York.
Tho Herald, $1 per
sMJIImiiltei .
illfffiWS& tfflnnSi
H i ii m iii d wi iSlffi
( Start A Bras3 BandOfv)
IHI MMrt liu H'Ui( UH1Ml- ai Mt mht V '
Nfl k, , w,. , t)An ht H Ih, UMi T.U,ihV;iOk
II lkHlMrtiatbitmi, Utanfit4 aM 1,-tf Ulwb.ul yn
I IV J I. w wwa ll,.N uia. fnuum-n. hm, I l rt
?r J
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A pump is a Pump, but some are different. We carry in
stock House Foice, Pitcher, Deep Well and Set Eength
Pumps. Tell us for what purpose you desire a pump and
we will fit one up that will give entire satisfaction. Can
also snpply you with Drive Points, Cylinders, Pump
Repairs, Pipe and Pipe Fitjings.
Call on us when you want anything in this line.
E. & B. Lbr.
Dakota City, Neb.
Undertaker County Coroner.
B. F. SAWYER was born May 3, 1850, in Mansfield, Mass, He
started uts an apprentice for threo years in tho Undertaking business in
Now York City with tho largest llrm in the city, remaining with "them
for flvo years. Ho has followed tho profession ever since, coming to
Jackson, Nobr, iu 1880 nud starting tho business heic. Ho has one of
the best equipped TJudertadiug Puilois in the state, ffith commodious
qunrtors, lady assistant, line heniBos nud equipment and a largo stock
always on hand.
He understands all tho successful methods of embalming and
makes a specialty of tho Mico system, whioh preserves the remains
forever, requires no cutting or excision of tho body, nnd take's nothing
away nor adds anything to tho subject, tho thorough embalming being
douo exclusively by externnl methods,
B. Jb Sawyer, Jackson, Nebraska
There is Plenty of Water
in the Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley
All of the rivers and irrigation canals are now running full .
The writer has just returned from an extended inspection trip'
through the Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley, where he
found that the farmers have all the water they can use for irri
gation; crops arc accordingly very fine.
Opportunity for Investment.
Irrigated lands, Cary Act lands, or deeded lands in the Big
Horn Basin, at present prices is sure to bring large returns for
the reason that the farmers of this country are beginning to
understand that the Basin and Yellowstone Valley have an
ample water supply and that the water comes down from the
mountains just at the time when it is needed for irrigation.
Come with me on one of our personally conducted excursions,
first and third Tuesdays, and let me show" you the crops that
follow a reliable water supply. Writer today for our new folder
telling all about these lands. It is free.
Everything in the line of
Harness and Horse Goods
The pesky flies have commenced to come and we now
have our new stock of Ffiy Nets. Let us fit you
out while our stock is complete.
Our new stock of WKSps has arrived and are selling
at greatly reduced prices.
liopair Work Given Prompt Attention
Sole Agent for Baum's Hog Tonic, Best on the Market.
Frcdrxckien (&L Son.
Money invested in Government
D. Olem Deaveb, Gen Agt
Land Boekors Information Bureau,
100-1 Farnam Btreet, Omaha, Nebr.
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