Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 04, 1911, Image 7

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    I- i ,-. ,r, ' ,
Backache, Headacho and Dizziness
Caused Untold Misery.
Honry J. White, 410 No. 3rd St., Ft.
Smith, Ark., sayo: "I suffered every
thing but death, from terrible kidney
trouble. I did not havo a moment's
peace Tho urlno ro
scinbled blood and
loft a red stala when
It touched tho llnon.
When passed, fire
could not havo burned
more. I had awful
headache" and dlzay
spoils and my back
ached coimtantlv. I
began using- Doan's Kidney Pills after
various remedies had failed to help
mo and was completely curod. I havo
had no sign of kidney troublo since."
Remember tho namo Doan's.
For sale by druggists and general
storekeepers cvoryrrhoro. rrica 50s;
Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Butcher--Haven't seen you In rar
hop lately, ma'am. I hope you haven't
Btopped trading with mo entirely.
Mrs. Blunt Yes, entirely, sir. I'm
a woman that floesn't believo in half
weigh measures.
"Whon my first baby was six months
old be broke out on his head with llttlo
bumps. Thoy would dry up and leavo
a scale. Then it would break out
again and It spread all ovor I1I3 head.
All tho hair came out and his head
was scaly nil over. Then his faco
broke out all over in red bumps and
It kept spreading until It was on his
hands and arms. I bought several
boxes of olntraont, gavo him blood
medlclno, and had two doctors to treat
him, but ho got worao all the tlmo.
He had It about six months vhen a
friend told mo about Cutlcura. I sent
and got a bottle of Cutlcura Resolvent,
a cako of Cutlcura Soap and a box of
Cutlcura Ointment. In threo days
after using them ho began to im
prove. Ho began to tako long naps
and to stop scratching his head. After
taking two bottles of Resolvent, two
boxes of Ointment and three cakes of
Soap ho was sound and well, and never
had any breaking out of any kind. His
hair came out in llttlo curls all over
his head. I don't think nnythlng else
would have cured him except Cutl
cura. "I havo bought Cutlcura Ointment
and Cutlcura Soap several times since
to use for cuts and sores and havo
never known them to fall to cure what
I put them on. Cutlcura Soap is tho
best that I have over used for toilet
purposes." (Signed) Mrs. F. E. Har
mon, R. F. D. 2, Atoka, Tenn., Sept.
10, 1910. Although Cutlcura Soap and
Ointment are sold everywhere, a sam
ple of each, with 32-pago book, will
be mailed free on application to "Cutl
cura," Dept. 16 L. Boston.
Resting Must Be a Business.
Will M. Ross, a well-known wrltei
of Stevens Point, Wis., who is himself
a cured consumptive, holds' that un
less resting becomes a business to the
tuberculosis patient, he might as well
give up his fight for health. "Tho pe
riod of infection with tuberculosis,"
he says, "Is not a vacation. It Is a
twenty-four-hour-a-day job. True it is
a period of idleness, but ono of Intel
ligent, directed idleness. The day's
work should consist of rest; rest
should be the only business on hand.
The light exercise, or hour of read
ing, should be considered as the re
ward of a good day's work, llko tho
evening of slippered caso to tho tired
business men nt the end of tho day.
This recreation, however, should be
considered only as an incidental re
sult of tho patient's work, not the
main object."
New Penal System for Ontario.
The Ontario government has recent.
,y abolished the system of prison la
bor contracts In that province. In fu
ture tho majority of tho prisoners In
the penal Institutions of Ontario will
bo employed upon farms and the mak
ing of roads in the newly oponcd dis
tricts. There will, however, be a per
centage of the prisoners whoso health
or other circumstances prevent them
from joining in this open air work.
These men will manufacture hospital
supplies beds, blankets and so forth.
A Distinction.
Mrs. Gaddy There are some dis
tinctions In life which nro very puz
zling to me.
Professor Pundit Like what, for In
ctanco? Mrs. Gaddy When you wrlto every
thing bnd and mean in a man's llfo In
a book for everybody to read, It is
biography; but whon you Just tell tho
samo things to a few people on a front
porch, it's gossip.
In oil its forma among all aces of horses,
aa well as dogs, cured and others in same
Btable prevented from having the disease
Every bottle guaranteed. Over 000,000
bottles sold last year $.50 and $1.00. Any
Rood druggist, or tend to manufacturers.
Agents wanted, Spohn Medical Co., Spec.
Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind.
"Was ho geuerous when a boy
"Yes; ho always lot his school
mates tako Ills sharo of tho punish
ment." Judge.
A lovo affair can end two ways:
in 0110 tho letters and pictures nro
burned; In tte other the letters and
pictures aro forgotten.
fjfer m
City Wages War to
They fought tlio dogs and klllrd the cats.
And bit the jnt)P3. ri tliolf crnillea.
Tney utu tub chd-so out 01 dm vula.
And drank tho soup from tho cook's
own ladles.
"Tho Pled I'lpor."
CHICAGO. The health department
estimates there aro more than G00,
000 rats in Chicago nnd that tho num
ber Is increasing day by day, despite
tho efforts of professional rat catch
era and tho uso of mechanical devices
for tholr destruction.
War of extermination against mem
bers of the sunnulot tilbo la carried on
In all parts of tho city, but in no placo
Is tho slaughter greater than at tho
stock yards. There tho battlo is waged
Every morning for breakfast mon
who havo studied tho subject say tho
llttlo brown rat in this city consumes
a quantity of food equal to tho meat
of 62 cows. Since thoy oat three
meals a day In each twenty-four hours,
they consumo throb times that quantity,
or equal to 15G head of cattle. This
Qa """
Weeping Widow Quickly Weds Consoler
SWAINSBORO, Ga. Standing besldo
the opon gravo into which tho
body of her husband was about to bo
lowered, Mrs. J. J. Jewell was hyster
ical with grief, and friends had to re
strain her from throwing herself into
tho gravo upon tho casket of tho man
with whom sbo had lived happily for
15 years und who was tho fathor of
her six children.
Women tried In vain to comfort her
and tho sccno was an unusually pain
ful ono until Robert S. McDanlel, ft
young man who "recently camo here
from Joplln, Mo., and who had become
very friendly with Jewell, stepped
closo to tho widow and whispered. a
few words through her heavy veil of
Whatover McDaniol said seemed to
glvo tho widow courago to bear up
during tho soul-trying "ashes-to-ashes,
dust to dust" period of tho corcmony,
and sho waited through those painful
momonts with surprising forfltude,
considering her pitiful condition be
foro tho whispered consolation given
to her by McDaniol.
Turning from the grave when It was
all over, sho leaned on the arm of Mc
Danlel as sho walked to tho gate,
where sho and hor children wero
helped Into a carriage by kind-hearted
neighbors and wero driven to the fa
therless homo, a llttlo farm for which '
Horse -Poisoning Is
EW YORK. The pollco hero be
lievo that they havo finally suc
ceeded In breaking up one of tho
strangest as well as ono of tho mean
est forms of graft which tho members
of tho underworld, always fertllo In
uuuh schemes, Imve uvur duvuiopud.
This form of graft in no way resem
bles the good old bunko games of tho
professional sharper, but has brought
about instead the new calling of the
professional horse-poisoner.
The methods of earning u livelihood
In this manner, aa revealed by tho
capture of a gang of poisoners, aro
simple. As practiced here, tho game
has been worked by mon noting in
couples, one to handle tho finances, the
othor to do the poisoning. Tho for
aier, to begin operations, selocls a cer
Texas Papas May
FORT WORTH, Tex. Elopements of
lovers under tho legal age, twenty
ono for tho young man and eighteen
for the girl, will bo effectually checltcd
In Texas by tho new law adopted by
the lato legislature and now effective.
Under this law no person under tho
legal age can obtain a marriage !!
cense without the written consent of
tho minor's parents, nnd tho paper
must bo acknowledged before a notary
public llko a deed. If a minor has no
parents, a county judge's consent to
the union Is necessary. If tho clerk
doubts that either the prospective
brldo or bridegroom r-as attained tho
legal age. ho is authorized to roqulro
tho affidavit of somo othor than tho
contracting parlies. County Clerk
lleavers has Interpreted tho law to
mean that tho written consent of both
paronts, properly executed, must' he
filed, and that tho consent of tho fa
thor or tho mother singly Is not buIII
clont, Tho old law authorized tho county
clerk to rcnulro tho bridegroom or oth
or person applying for a marriage li
cense to mako affidavit to tho ages of
The Comeback.
Comedian Hoarder I havo namoo
this coffeo November, my dear madam.
Stern Landlady ludeod, sir. And
Comedian Hoarder llocauso It Is so
cold and cloudy.
Stern Landlady What a brilliant
young man! I though of naming It
aftor you
Comedian Unorder And why?
titp'n I.-"diad llocauso It la so
4-' (J L t t 4 t
SWtTV -;-7gr-?-3----
Rout Army of Rats
estimate Is based on an allowance of
Ono ounco of food for each rodent each
Dogs, ferrets and cats arc used In
the war of extermination, nnd although
thousauds of rats nro slaughtered
dally their number continues to In
crease. This can easily bo understood
when It is known that from ono pair
of rats to a nest ono thousand youug
Bunuulols will otced In ft ear.
"Back of tho yards" crowdn of boys
gather nightly to go on hunting expedi
tions for rodents. Garbage cans -aro
ovorturnexl, and as tho rats scamper
away dogs accompanying tho boys
catch and kill them.
Tho boys carry sticks or clubs In
their hands and kill tho rats when
they attempt to oscape. Many become
so expert at rat catching that In aftor
years they embark In It ms a profes
sion. Some of tho storos In tho loop dis
trict havo a pack of trained fox ter
riers to keep tho rats away, but tho
animal which has earned tho namo of
"naturo's pollco woman" Is tho plain
alloy cat that stalks the street at
Rats cause heavy losses to business
houses. They burrow through bolts of
cloth to build tholr nests, destroying
many thousands of dollats' worth ol
J we didn't'
Mrs. Jewell and hor husband bat
worked hard to pay.
Mowoll died on Tuesday and thi
funeral was held on Wednesday. Tht
next day tho widow drove into Swains
boro, accompanied by McDaniol. ant
went to the courthouse.
"Tho Widow Jewell ain't losing an:
time In settling up the estate," re
marked those who saw her enter tht
courthouse, and her prompt attcntlot
to business cnuscd comment nmon(
those who had feared tho day befor
that sho would collopso at hor hus
band's funeral.
It wasn't tho probate Judge thnt
Mrs. Jewell wns looking for, however,
but the marriage Hcenso office. Guid
ed, by MoDanlel, sho walked Into tho
office and gavo her ago as tblrty-ono
while ho gavo his as twenty-six.
Lifting her black veil so that sho
could eeo to write hor name, tho
widow signed tho affidavit and In a
few minutes they wero married and
on their way back to tho Jowcll farm.
the Newest Graft
tain section of the city, preferably one
In which ono or more big stablcs'aro
located. Ills assistant Is then bent out
to poison two or three horses a day
for a week.
This is accomplished by giving them,
as tho opportunity may occur, a lump
of sugar, half an apple or sorao other
equine delicacy, loaded with poiton.
Thero is no monotary gain in this,
tho preliminary stage, which is mere
ly dono to create a favorablo stato of
affairs that is. from the viewpoint
of tho grafter. As soon ns tho poison
ings begin to bo talked of the finan-
cittl limn gets busy. lie gC-eo to thO
owner of a largo stable, mentions the
numerous deaths from poison, nnd of
fers protection for a sum varying from
525 to 5100 a week.
If the owner refuses to pay, coercion
Is brought to bear In the bhuju of u
fow deaths among his animals. Tho
fact that tho two graftcr3 wero never
seen together made tho gamo a diffi
cult ono to stop, but tho final rounding
up of tho gang of poisoners should end
this peculiar graft, slnco the penalty
undor tho law Is a heavy ono.
Prevent Elopements
tho parties, In caso of doubt, but this
law wa3 frequently and successfully
A common method of evasion was
for tho young man, If under ago. to
put a slip of paper, bearing tho num.
her 21, In his shoe, and for tho girl to
put in her shoe a slip of paper with
tho number 18, and then tho man
would cheerfully mako affidavit that
ho was "ovor twenty-one," "and with
equal sincerity the girl would mako
affidavit that sho was "ovor elghtoon."
In a fow instances indictments havo
been returned against bridegrooms tor
falso swearing, hut uniformly tho
fnthers-In-lnv aftor a fow weeks hao
decided to mako tho best of It, and
havo refused to testify against their
unwelcome sons-in-law.
The Next Step.
Tvo seen pictures of King Gcorgt
V. whon n baby, King Georgo V. when
a schoolboy, King Georgo V. whon a
sullor, King George V. In uniform. King
Georgo V. In street nttiro, King
Georgo V. In his corouatoln robes,
and now "
"I'm Just waiting to seo what news
paper will be the first to print a pic
turo of King Georgo V la h's royal pa
lumaa '
fit?'? WW
j jmoj
Mi. William A. Itadford will answer
questions and glvo udvlco FHEH OF
COST on oil subjects pertaining to tho
subject of building, for tlio readers of this
paper. On account of Ills wldo cxpcrlunco
no Editor; Author and Manufacturer, ho
Is, without doubt, tho highest authority
on ull llicst) mi'ujruU. Adliva nil inquiries
to "William A. Kudford, Io. ITS West
Jackson boulevnrd, Chicago, III., nnd only
enclose two-cent Btatnp for reply.
investigations show that the major
ity of men working on salaries aro
puylng out ono-quartor or moro of
their ontlro earnings In rent. Tako
paper and pencil nnd sit down and fig
uro out what this rent bill amounts to
In tho courso of a yenr; then seo the
amount Itcomos to In ten years. You
will bo almost appalled at the size
of tho amount. In most cases it Is
cnough to buy outright n flno house
and lot, a vnluablo property that can
bo mado Into a real homo.
But what has tho renter to show for
this monoy nt tho end of ten years?
Nothing but a big pile of rent receipts.
Nothing that he can call really hla
own after paying out enough monoy to
buy tho houso. Ho has no moro right
to it than ho day he moved In, und
may bo turned out Into tho stroot nny
tlmo his everlasting rent payments aro
not mado.
And, oftor all, the Investment fea
ture, tho monoy end of tho proposition,
Is really of minor Importanco. com
pared to somo others. Paronts hav
ing tho welfare of tholr children nt
heart should mako any sacrifice need
ed to provide a real home for them to
grow up In. Think of tho delights of
the "Old Homo" you onco know. What
fond memories cluster about It. What
an Influence for good that old placo
has been to you In your llfo! You havo
looked back to It with rovcrenco and
havo hurried back to It eagerly when
ever, thero was a chanco. "Homo" Is
tho most beautiful word In tho English
languago.K Thero Is no placo on earth
llko homo.
What do you suppose your children
are to do for a homo, when you havo
routed all your llfo, moving every year
or so from one rented houso to the
next? That does not mako a real
homo and Is not fair to tho children.
Lftve of home and lovo and respect of
parents go bond In hand. Thoy aro
tho two most racrcd things In llfo.
Thero is a sense of cocurity, of own
ership, of pcrmnnenco In n possession
of oven n small cottngo. It makes
llfo happier and more worth whllo.
.Sometimes, you hear people sny: "It
costs moru to own a home tbun It does
to pay rent." This Is not truo, but
oven If It wore truo. the arguments
still would be on the sldo of owning
your own home, both for your own nnd
for your children's onko.
Anyone who Is paying rent right
along can easily snvo for himself the
First Floor Plan.
landlord's profit and own his own
homo. Wo all know of many landlords
who aro not only making a good liv
ing.' hut uro growing wealthy by bor
rowing monoy, building houses with It
nnd renting them to peoplo who, If
thoy realized It, could with a llttlo ef
fort Just as well build or buy the
homo for themselves,
Homo builders nro considered tho
very best kind of security, and tho
real estate man and property owners
aro eager to do business, with them,
from $100 to $500 Is all that It requires
as a first payment to start you on tho
road to tho ownership of a substantial
ly built homo-llko llttlo place llko tho
ono Illustrated horowlth. After you
huvo inP'lo tho start it Is Just us ensy
to mako tho monthly payment ns It
Is to pay ront. for theso payments can
bo arranged so that thoy amount, to
tho sumo ns rent including both pay
ment on tho principal nnd tho interest
on tho unpaid bihnr-o Th Insurnnco
and taxei aro u' uully cx'ra, but theso
j Tfc'xio'O'Jj iro'xi'O' 5 J
smM H dem &,
L.V,MG RM yaW(
j I3-'67J3'0- ffL.jj
I Sl
9 - 9
are relatively small Items and nro noi
enough to deter any man from em
barking In a homo-owning cnterprlso.
Of courso thoro should bo reason
In this as In other things. Ono should
not buy too oxponslvo n placo, any
moro than ho should nttempt to
"show off" by buying too elnborato or
expensive clothing. Tho moro expen
sive residence can como later If you
desire, after you havo finished paying
for tho first modest llttlo home. Many
Second Floor Plan.
havo begun this way and have event
ly become largo real estate owners
through systematic saving.
This is a story-and-n-half cottngo
of six rooms, it has a very artistic,
homo-like appearanco, being in good
stylo and substantially built. It Is
stated thnt tho houso has boon built
comploto for ?2,300, using good sub
stantial grade of material through
out. This Is a dwelling that Is well suited
to tho requirements of, a small build
ing lot. The total width of tho house
Is 24 feet, Its length 30 feet, not in
cluding tho front porch. A building of
rectnngular form llko this Is most eco
nomical to build, since thero Is noth
ing complicated about tho root nor no
Jogs nor corners in tho walls to add
to tho expense.
Tho arrangomont Is nil that could be
desired for a houso of this slzo. From
tho front porch a square vestibule Is
entered. To tho left Is tho living
room, a good-slzo, homo-llko, apart
ment with an open stairway at ono
side, nscondlng to tho second story. A
novel feature of this design is tho den,
which '.a really a part of tho living
room, bolng connocted with It by a
columned opening. Tho wldo bay win
dow with built-in seat, makos this llt
tlo room very attractive Indeed. Tho
dining room, kitchen nnd pantry aro
well arranged for housekeeping work.
On tho second floor two good sized
bedrooms nro provided, each with u
largo closet and storngo spaco. A
batlnuom Ib on this floor, opening from
tho hull. For a small house this de
sign Is well worth considering.
Swordflsh Rams a Dory,
A monster swordflsh rammed Its
sword into a dory sent out from Cnpt.
Richard Noonan's Doroas, near Bos
ton, breaking tho dory to splinters nnd
hurling into the sea Georgo Noonan
nnd Thomas O'ilourke, fishermen, who
wnr inscued with great difficulty by
throo of their mates off Block Island.
Just as they wero idnklng In water
probably a quarter mile deep Captain
Noonan, Unglncor Loulo Griffin nnd
another man plungod Into tho sea and
rescued them. All five woro llnblo at
any tlmo to bo rammed and killed by
the mad sea monster.
With tho seamen safely aboard tho
fishing vessel tho fight with the sword
fish was ronowed. Tho fish was weak
ened by tho firBt Illy Iron thrust deep
Into Its sldo, and Knglneor Griffin do
splto his dripping clothing put out in
another dory and again speared dio
fish. This tlmo it succumbed and
yielded to tho ropo which hauled it
in. Iloston Post.
It Helped Him, Anyway.
"Your husband doesn't look very
sick, Mrs. Anderson," said tho doctor
who was called in to attend n patient
suffering from too much hot weather.
"Ah, sure, you should havo seen him
half an hour ago," replied Mrs. Ander
son. "Ho was that fnlnt I didn't think
I could rcsuchltnto him, but I glvo
him nutomatla spcrrlts of pneumonia
nnd he come around splendid."
A Sure Way.
Ethol Tholr parents mado tho
match, I bollove.
Arthur I thoupht they opposed It?
Ethel Yes; that's how thoy made
! ) BedRm 1 ;
BE.D RM. I ) ;
I L . ' 1
$ IliMipiB)
'k EhHmmBBb
tt' Llllililnli;.illllllll!llSaiTiill.i!ff.'il''iflillii.liftlMII
Afc2cteb!e Preparation for As
similating IheFoodandKegula
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Dig2stion,ChccrfuI
ncss and Rest. Contains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
KO'r'N Atk C OTIC -.
fvmpkln Sua
tin Sum
1 horn Srtd
AncrfcctRcmcdv ForCotwliba
lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ncss and Loss OF Sleep,
1 ,. mi ,-
'Facsimile Signature of
Tire Centaur. Company
Guaranteed under trio Foodam
Exct Copy of Wrapper.
Tho Comedian Our stage monl la
tho second act la coutrury to tho usual
methods of sorvlng dinner.
Soubrotto How bo?
Tho Comedian Tho supo comes
niter tho dessert.
North Carolina Gold Mines.
About Charlotte, N. C, are many
historic spots. Tho Mecklonburg Dec
laratlon of Independence eignod May
20, 1775, roporesents tho crown Jowel
of this "Queen City." Nearby also
was born James K. Polk, tho olovonth
president of tho United States. The
pioneer cold mines of tho United
Stales weio located in this historic
county. Elghty-threo gold mines
wero recorded, and up to tho tlmo of
the discovery of California gold Meck
lonburg mines took tho lead la gold
production. National MnEHztne.
Mn. Winston's Sootbtn? Sirup for Children
teething. Hoftens the gumi). reduces Inflamma
tion, alluya jialu, cures wind colic, Cio a bottle.
Thero aro but fow sure things In
this old world. Ono of them la tho
uncertainty of a woman'o ago.
v' r
A Poor Weak Woman
As she ! termed, Trill endure bravely ad pstlently"
Konles which o strong man would live way under.
The fact Is women aro more patient than they ought
to be under such troubles.
Every woman ought to know that aha may obtain
(he most experienced medical advice frit of ckttrt
and in absolute coufidenct and privacy by writing to
the World's Dispensary Medical Awoolatlon, R. V.
Fierce, M. D.. President, UuiTalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce
has been chief consulting physician of the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., for
many years and has had a wider practical experience
in the treatment of women's diseases than any other physician In this COBSftyr. '
His medicines are world-famous for their astonishing efficacy.
The most perfect remedy ever devised for weak sad deH
cate women k Dr. Pierce's Favorite Presoriptloou
The many and varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are folly eat
forth in Plain English In tho Peoplo'a Medical Adviier (1008 pages), a newly
revised and up-to-date Edition of which, cloth-bound, will bo mailed frit oa
receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Address aa above.
Low round trip fares to
New York, Boston
New England, entire Atlantic Coast and
other Eastern Summer Resorts
NewYork&ntral lines
Lake Shore Bis Fur
Tickcta at reduced
m wiK
t"ts w r fii-i-Jr-t
'JMSMjI rT-rfffSj
f sasaVsri I'-t-s
m rsBKVV- ; A mr
For Infant 1 nnd Cfcildrttt,-
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
fKicKTAUHMirr, RntTwrnwrW
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Uin quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable
act surely nnd
liver. Cure
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ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
lornuneateV coiiiii
imt,caniB. unia
I tip eyr, wtU ot m4
in. fnmr i tnylMafl.
ICuinatttd cBtcV
llrt. OlalUuitna
wot prepaid lor
tltt't ht t- 1.1:
Established 30 Years
Floral emblems and cut flowers for sll
occasions. SIOUX CITY, IOWA,
lror the treatment of Curoalo Ulcers, Dca
Vlcers,Kcrof oloas Ulcers. Varicose Uloers,Ij
Ins:, Milk lJC. FfiTor Hores.dliU um, Tarrn.
crural. Uf mil Vim. t, P. AUiS, .,. jl;, St. rul, teas.
other lurches only U ounce ttme pile ss4
1 M T EfrUTO WtsoK.Clem,'WasB.
PATENTS sEStc2rwa2&
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 31-1911,
Michigan Central
fares will be on salo daily during
m w m
of fUf
-BbU A ii
11 1 it
fX 41
.mmm ;. ;. .. '
miiiiiv VkH -ES
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August ana September. Many ireo stop-over priv
ileges, and optional boat trips on urea: leases,
- St Lawrence and Hudson Rivers.
Wo will be glad to send you full informa-
tlori 03 to fares, berth reservations and
routes, and on request will send
copies of our new 1911 summer
booklets and folders.
Address W. B. Jerome
C0J La Salle Strr jt Station
.1 rtsahsli.rlTi
4 j
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A' 1
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In Wilv lAJ u L ia.Jfc-. &f ,.,