Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, July 07, 1911, Image 7

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Doea Not Take Average Boy Long to
Arrange One to Suit Himself
T General Description.
In Fig. 1 tho sail wagon Is shown
complete with an end vlow at "a"
showing tho steeling uirungemoul, A
board about 3 feet, G Inches In length,
T)y 18 Inches across and about one
ltalf or thrco-quartera Inch thick, Is
'cut into a shapo something llko an
t'jflK Si& J
Jaanm i w tn uiMa
I ThePfffcrence
I feci like n second Columbus.
l''or I have discovered, you oeo,
A world In tlio shape of an orniiKo
Which grandma has given to mol
"FN covered with rln1:lo and creAsos
Which represent mountains and seas,
Deep caverns, largo Islands and rivers
I traco on Its surface with case.
And 'way down below this touch cover
Opld Julcea ar rolllns nrouiul
Llko lava beneath tho earth's surface
Just seo what a treasure l'vo found.
'Tli 'a vnltiablo world I am certain.
All golden without as within.
And people who llvo on my oranso
Can never commit any nlht
I wish that tho world of Columbus
America, homo of the free
Were as good as tho gold of my orange,
Terhaps It depends upon met
For looking for good I can And It,
And trying to love every one
I'll tlntl them more gentle and loving
Than ever beforo I have donot
Ironing board, narrower at one end
than at tho other. A one-inch piece
of board is secured to tho front end to
give strength for the mast and steer
ing gear.
Ono pair of large wheels and ono
pair of small ones must be procured
or made as described further on. Tho
large wheels and axlo can bo secured
to tho bottom board by moans of two
blocks of wood as shown in Fig. 1 and
Apparatus Designed by German Mas
ter Enables Pe'rson to Move
About In Water Freely.
Tho swimming apparatus designed
by a German swimming master is
both for trained swimmers and thoso
ignorant of the art. When out of use,
this apparatus is readily carried In
tho pocket, says tho Popular Mechan
ics. It consists of two oblong air
cushions, each subdivided into flv
compartments which are connected
together by transversal straps. Bo
fore putting on the apparatus, which
consists of thin caoutchouc lined with
a dense fabric, it is inflated through
a valve, within a few seconds, by a
few strong breaths.
Being arranged on both sides of tho
body, the apparatus leaves tho head
and neck perfectly free, thus doing
away with any pendulating motions
characteristic of most salvage ap
(Copyright, Hit, bj- Anocteted Ulerary ITcaa.)
Tho chorus girl and tho chorus
bohller boy swung Into placo in the
marching, singing column.
"Our life is a glorious glitter," they
"It's a glitter all right." muttorcti
the soldior boy, "a silly, tinsel glit
ter." The chorus girl looked at him In
surprise. For weeks they had march
ed side by side in tho chorus of "Tho
Fisbtlss ITlnco," and this "was the
first time ho had over spoken to her.
"You don't like It?" she asked.
"I hate It. Do you enro for it?"
The leading lady was singing. They
were nt tho rear of tho stage.
"I have- no Illusions about it," sho
answered. "It is a means of bread
and butter."
"1 had illusions, an artistic ideal
and operatic ambitions."
"Have you kept them?"
"1 have learned tho limit of my
ability. Tho best I can do Is to carry
a tin sword and strut in a chorus
with a score of other mediocre war
blers. I leave tho stngo at tho end
of my contract. Say," ho hesitated
like a bashful schoolboy. "I know
you art; you are awfully particular
and prudish, but would you won't
you have supper with mo after the
show tonight? I abhor this whole
crowd, except you. l'vo wanted to
know you you arc different from the
The girl looked squaroly into his
eye. "You're different, too," sho said
frankly. "I'll go with you."
"You nro moro different than over
in your street clothes," ho informed
her across the restaurant table.
"So are you," sho retorted. "In
citizen's apparel, with your faro
washed clean you look like mny I
say It?"
"Go on."
"Llko a nice, well raised young man
from somo quiet, llttlo city a long
way from Now York."
"Good. At least, I was well raised
and tho home city is quiet and little
and far away."
"And probably your father was tho
wealthy man of the llttlo town and
your mother was tho grand lady. You
"Don't think of mo nt nil. I am a
child of this groat, wicked city. After
tonight wo shall novor see each other
"It's no use to send n lcttor In to
Miss Mnyne," tho doorkerpcr was say
ing to an Insistent young man. "She
never reads stngo door letters nor
speaks to Johnnies."
Tho young man wroto his name be
ncnth tho superscription on tho let
ter. "Take that to her,"
A few minutes later ho was in a
stago dressing room.
"l'vo como back," ho announced.
"To carry a tin sword in the
"No; to tnke a certain girl out of
tho chorus; to tnko hqrr back with mo
to a quiet, llttlo town."
"To lslt your wife?"
"To bo my wife."
"But tho other girl, tho first sweet
heart, tho Innocent "
"Wo have broken our engagement.
She is as glnd to bo froc as I am.
When I went back she she, I don't
want to talk llko a cad, but I want
you to know tho truth sho bored
me. Her Innocence and convention
ality are the result of a narrow en
vironment. Sho knows only tho lit
tle world of tho l'ttlo town, nnd sho
Is satisfied that that Is all there is
worth while In life. Sho welcomed
mo ns a prodigal and expected a
bended knee repentance and confes
sion of the sins I must surely hnvo
committed out In tho wicked world.
Wo have not ono tnsto or Interest In
common, except the picnics and tho
strawberry festivals. The woman I
lovo Ib ono who has lived In the big,
wicked world, who knows llfo nnd
has kopt her soul pure and true Tho
llttlo town is a lovely, quiet spot,
and It will bo a heaven If It you nro
there. Will you corn back with
"The right sort of man chooses hla
wifo fiom nn environment which
makes her innocent "
"This man has learned a few
things about women, and he will
learn moro if you will teach htm. I
am nn Ignorant country boy "
"You nro not. You nro everything
that li clover and wise and doar, ami
and of courBe, I am going back
with you."
How They Brighten Up tho Town
Switzerland Whero tho Cheeso
Comes From.
Fig. 2, tho latter being a view of tho
under side of1 tho wagon.
The two small wheels must bo
rigged up a llttlo differently. A board
about tho same thickness ns the axle
Is shaped ut ono end Into a lound
handle, which should fit loosely into
a uoreu nolo m tno iront enu oi xno
wagon." Tho' broad end 6t this board
rests on tho axlo, and is boUed to two
pieces of board tho same width, which
como down on tho front and rear
sides of tho axle, and are bolted to it.
Fig. 2, A, A. Tho fifth-wheel bearing
Is mndo out of tough wood, and placed
so thnt tho steering wheel turns easi
ly (Fig. "a") A round stick is put
through the stern of tho pleco, to
press tho feet against when steering
(Fig. 1 "b").
Some boys make a rail (Fig. 1, "c")
around the end, that they sit on.
Tho mast can be mndo from a round
stick about 4 foot, C Inches long. A
broom handle will do for tho cross
arm, to which the sail is attached.
Tho sail should bo so arranged that
It can bo very quickly lowered should
the wind get tho best of tho wagon.
Should it be found inconvenient
readily to procuro a sot of discarded
baby buggy or express wagon wheels,
they can easily be raado by an in-
J I ?l rfcty
New Swimming Apparatus. I '
"Take That to Her!"
Another Cure by Thunder.
Another caso has been added to the
long list of thoso who aio said to
hnvo been cured of deafness and
dumbness by a sudden shock. This
tlmo the story comes from Ahilens,
whero a woman is said to have recov
ered her 3pecch after n particularly
loud clap of thunder. Thore havo been
heavy storms In tho region for tho
last fow days, accompanied with hall,
rain, thunder anrt lightning, nnd trees
in somo places havo been pulled up by
tho roots. At others lightning struck
houses and barns and horses and cnt
tie havo been killed. A woman
forty-eight years of age, tho wifo of
a workman, had completely lost hor
speech since 1905 Sho was still ablo
to hear, but the only way sho hnd of
communicating with any ono was by
writing. Sho was subjected to various
treatments, among others that of elec
tricity; but they seemed to havo no
effect. During the recent thunder
storms sho was seized with a tcrrlblo
nervous attack, and suddenly she re
covered her speech, and is now ablo
to converse as er.sily bb beforo. Sev
eral physicians havo como to question
hor, and her cure is talked of as al
most miraculous.
Thoso who think all tho delights of
Switzerland Ho nmong the high Alplno
peaks or in tho Joy of winter sports
will find upon visiting it thnt much
of It utront; npnonl lies in tho plc-
turesquo charm of lis fat in and vil
lage scones.
Famous for Its chocolate and
cheese works, tho town of La Gunyoro
Htlll clings to its nuclent customa and
surroundings. Many of tho houses
dato back to tho fifteenth nnd slx
toonth centuries, whllo tho chnteau of
tho Counts of La Gunyero Is of an
oven earlier period.
Anclont buildings, howover, soon bo
como commonplaco to tho European
travolor, says Country I'tfo in Amer
ica, und so probnbly tho first thing
ono notices In this Interesting vll
lago Is tho prevalence of window
They nro everywhere. No matter
how old or tumbledown tho house may
bo, thero aro always flowering plants
In tho window, and they brighten up
tho wholo town wonderfully. Gay col
ors aro tho rule; pink and red ge
raniums aro most common, although
one sees a fow nasturtiums avd car
nations, with an occasional hydrangea.
Unllko American window boxes,
which nro boxes In actuality contain
ing n consldernhlo quantity of soil,
theeo usually found In Switzerland aro
a sort of grated box, with sides much
llko a picket fonco, In which potted
plants nro placed. These boxes aro
cither set upon tho broad window sill
Itself or Just outsldo upon brackets
socurcd to tho wall of tho house
When thero nro very heavy storms
which might do damage to tho plants
tho blinds mny bo closed to nfford pro
tection In tho formor ense or tho pots
mny bo taken indoors by one In the
ilnce Doan'a Kidney Pills Cured Him
of Terrible Kidney Trouble.
Fholdon Smith, Prop. Arlington
House, Woodland, Cal., Bays; "Throo
years I was almost
helpless. Kidney se
cretions scalded ter
ribly and obligod mo
to arise ton to twolT
times a night My
left limb became bo
stirt nnd noro I could
hardly walk Just
hobbled around with
n enno. I had almost
every complaint that
diseased kidneys pro
duco, and Doan'a Kid-
hoy Pills removed them nil. At tho ago
of 70 I feel llko n boy nnd enjoy health
and comfort. Cau anyone wonder tt
my gratltudo?
Ilemombcr tho name Donn'a.
For salo by druggists and general
storekeepers everywhere. Trlco BOo.
Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.
f '
If you want to be up with tho lark
In tho morning, boware of the swal
lows at hlfjliL
KM. WlnMo-w-s floothtnif Byrnp for Culture-'
trethlnit. "oftfnn the Kami, reduces Inflamma
tion, nllajra palD, cures mind colic, 2Se a bottla.
"Familiarity broeda contempt" it
ono of the rules that work bath wftys.
1-4 M li C Ml 1
Mr. Bugg Why, I expected this
messngo two days ago.
Snnil Mossongor It's not my fault,
tho company only gavo It to mo a
week ago.
u ...
paratus. The person equippod with
tho apparatus moves about in tho wa
ter with remarkable safety and sta
bility. A special advantage of tho ap
paratus is its allowing tho swimmer
at will to take up a vertical or hori
zontal position, thus enabling him to
remain in the water for hours with
out fatigue.
genlous boy as shown in Fig. 3. A
hub is made from a round block of
wood, as shown at "c," and round
sticks, cut from light curtain poles
or broom handles, made into spokes
as at "b," caro being taken to got
them all tho same length. The rim
Is mado fro.n barrel hoops, although
uome boys make them of thin wood,
well soaked in warm water and bent
Into shape. A nail or screw is put
through the rim at each spoko, as
shown at "a," tho completed wheel.
While this is a general description
of a sail wagon, it does not take tho
average boy long to make ono to suit
himself out of almost any old thing he
Is sure to find about the place. It is
Interesting to notico tho many and dif
ferent designs of wagons and sails
when onco the craze is started.
Smooth roads, an open space and
plenty of wind Is all that is necessary
.'or a successful sail-wagon race.
The Truth.
Father and son wero walking tho
streets and passed a largo park In
which wero many statues. Ono of
them tho largest of all was of a
"Father, what Is that?" aBked the
pon, pointing to this particular one,
which was inscribed "Woman."
"That is not a statue, my son," an
swered tho father. "It is but a figure
of speech." Life.
Little Honey Gatherer Has Solved
Problem of Room, of Lightest Ma
terial and Strength.
Probably King Solomon has been
most crlticlsod In nls Judgment tor
sending the "sluggard" to tho ant.
thoro to "consider her ways and be
wise." We can't say, but it rnuy have
been that in Solomon's time they didn't
have tho present day Italian honey
bco turning out comb honey In the
commercial squaie, pound frutnes. But
wo are assured Just now that taking
up a pound of honey In an ordinary
frame, the averago engineer ought to
feel immensely incompetent and un
wibe as to ordinal y wav3 and means to
engineering le&ults.
In tho construction of tho hexagon
honey coll of material fiom her own
body, tho working beo at onco has
solved the problom of economy of
room, of tho lightest possible mate
rial of greatest strength, whllo tho
dividing wall in each honey caso al
lows tho greatest number of work
ers to continue "on tho Job." A. 11.
GodaM, writing of tho engineering ca
pacity of tho honey beo says; "I havo
seen strips of comb n foot wide and
four feet long sustaining n weight of
30 or 40 pouuds of honoy, while the
comb itself would probably not weigh
moro than five or six ounces. Wo
need not hesltato to say that such a
structuro compares favorably with
some of the best achievements of the
modern engineering skill of man."
An American Eagle.
Tho United States transport Buford,
on its wuy from Chlnn to San Fran-
cisco, rescued an American eaglo in
distress far out at sea. The national
bird had probably como from Alaska,
tho nearest land, and It was so tired
that It would soon havo fallen Into
tho sea if tho steamer had not ap
peared. It alighted In tho r'gglng and
a sailor climbed up and caught it It
was put In a cng nrd rarrkd with
tho steamer to San Fran Ieco.
A Gentle Method.
Llttlo Edward had been visiting his
uncle's ranch, whero they wero very
much bothered by rats. When he
came back ho started to school, whero
he received the Information which he
gavo his grandmother ono day. Ho
"Grandma, do you know how to get
rid of rats."
"No, Edward. How?"
"Why, a soft answer turneth away
The Home Team.
"Can I get oft this aftornoon to go
to a funeral?" asked tho ofilco boy.
"Whoso funeral?" naked tho man
with a cynical smile.
' I guess it's goin to be tho homo
toaa".' YwnJitrs Sitciuao.
lived in a big, old-fashioned house.
Thoy sent you away to college and
gavo you overythlng you wanted."
"How do you know all this?"
"You are stamped mentally and
physically by your environment"
"Next month I shall return to the
little fnr away city and a desk in my
father's bank. Do you intend to re
main on the felage?"
"As thero is no father, no bank nnd
no home waiting for mo I shnll re
main in tho chorus of 'Tho Fighting
Prince.' "
"1 wish you wouldn't," ho said
earnestly. "It is not tho life for a
girl like you. There are other voca
tions. School teaching, nursing or
something llko that would give you
better opportunities for the develop
mont of the womanly virtues you
surely poshess. On tho Htugo yOu
le.irn all the scams of tho world, all
its dark spots. Its tragedy. You are
exposed to a thousand hideous ex
perlenees which tho sheltered woman
never knows Somo day you will
want to marry. The right sort of
man and you could never caro for
tha wronK sort chooses his wifo
from an environment that makes a
girl gontle, trusting and thoroughly
womanly. GIvo yourself such an environment."
"Little country boy," laughed the
girl, "don't lecturo this worldly,
wicked chorus lady."
"You are a good, true woman.
Your eyes aro clear and gontlo and
steady. Your mouth Is tender and
that dlmplod chin Ii as firm as gran
ite." On tho last night of hla engage
ment with "Tho Fighting Princo"
they went to the table whore they I
had eaten their first supper together.
"It Is tho good old life for mo
again, Eleanor, and I am happy at tho
prospect; regular habits, homo cook
ing, simple Ideals."
She nodded comprehendlngly. "It
Is tho llfo for you," sho agreed. "You
will work hard and gratify your
father's prldo. You will bo tho rising
young man of tho little city. Your
recreations will bo picnics and straw
berry festivals. There will bo a girl,
a sweet, charming, conventional girl
with domeitlc tastes and llttlo knowl
edge of tho outside world,"
"There is such n girl thoro."
"An old aweothoart, Jack?"
"Wo grew up together In tho llttlo
city. Sho la ray Ideal woman con
ventional, domestic and Innocent"
"You will bo irery happy," alio com
mented dully. Tho color had loft her
faco and hor lips wero rigid.
"I wish you would leave tho stngo,
Eleanor. You have been a good
friond, a truo comrade in this last
month. 1 shall bo happier if I can
thin'' of you In a d!ff rent, lesa dis
Ulualonlzltig envirenment."
A Cheering Arabian Plant.
"I saw a llttlo of Arabia In my trip
around the world by way of tho Suez
canal," said Itcuben Ferguson of Mary
laud. "An English tourist suggested
that I ought to tnko a turn with tho
laughing plant of tho Arabian region.
He had n nnttvo And somo of tho
plnnt and tho seeds theieof, predicting
that if I would nmko a tea out of tho
seeds or even mnko tho seeds and
leaves Into a powder and take a dose
of It occasionally tho effect would bo
cheering and that 1 would dfRlro to
laugh for an hour or moro without ap
parent reason.
"Onco assured thai there was no
danger from tho effects I tried tho
seedf. and am ashamed to tell what
others told mc of my amies a whs
a case of high, Jinks, dancing and fool
ishness bolh in conversation and no
tions. I cannot recall what 1 said or
what sort of capers 1 was guilty of,
but those who wero with mo soemod
to tnko delight In telling of my Intoxl
cation and tho utter nonsense of my
conversation. Once thoy had told mo
of a few things I decided to havo
nothing moro to do with tho laughing
Unslghtllneso In Development Usually
Duo to Greed of Speculators
and Promoters.
Tho unattractlvenoss of most su
burban development lies, first, In tho
fact that tho land is hopelessly sub
divided Into unlfoim and monotonous
units admitting of llttlo or no variety,
excepting by an expenditure of money
which tho investment does not Justify;
henco tho attempt to obtain variety by
Btunts and detail, much of which Is
tawdry. John M. Cnrrero writes in
Country Llfo In America.
Secondly, tho designing of these
houses, which has been mostly in tho
hands of spectators nnd piomolois,
has not usually been Intrusted to archi
tects of skill, and has not been devel
oped with tho idea of elevating and
developing public taste, but rather of
catering to passing fancies.
Assuming four lots, each 60 feet
wide, if, instead of building, n3 usual,
four houses with a narrow frontngo
and extending back Into tho lot all
in a row, with a small garden In front,
n contracted spaco soporatlng thorn,
and ugly yards in Iho buck it wore
planned to place tho two end houses
with narrow fronta and extending
back, and tho two mlddlo houses Bet
back and designed with bro.td fronts,
thus forming a court, a composition
would Immediately bo possible, and
a bettor distribution of light, air and
grounds whether for ornnmontal or
merely back yard purposea would
Immediately result without any Inter
ference of property iinoB or of light
"Whan my first baby waa six
monthB old ho broko out on his head
with llttlo bumpa. Thoy would dry
up and leavo a scalo. Then It would
break out ngalu and It spread all oyer
his head. All tho hair camo out and
his hoad was1 scaly all over. Then hlB
faco broko out all over in red bumps
and It kopt spreading until it vraa on
hio hnndB nnd aram. 1 bought sovernl
boxcB of ointment, envo him blood
medicine, and had two doctors to treat
him, but ho got worse all tho tlmo. Ho
had it about six months when a friond
told mo nbout Cutlcurn. I sent and
got a bottlo of Cutlcura Itesolvcut, a
cako ot Cutlcura Soap and a box of
Cutlcurn Ointment. In threo days
after using them ho began to improve
Ho began to tnko long naps and to
stop scratching hla head. After taking
two bottloBof Resolvent, two boxes ot
Ointmont and threo cakes ot Soap ho
was Bound and well, nnd novor had
any brenkins out of any kind. His
bait camo out In llttlo curls all over
his head. I don't think anything olso
would hnvo curod him except Cutlcura.
"I havo bought Cutlcura Ointmont
and Soap several times since to uso
for cuts nnd sore3 and have never
known them to fall to euro what I put
them on. I think Cutlcura la a great
romedy and would ndvlao any ono to
iiro it Cutlcura Soap Is tho bent that
I havo ovor uaed for tollot purpoaos."
(Signed) Mrs. F. E. Harmon, H. F. D.
2, Atoka, Tonn., Sept 10, 1010.
Ctiew and nnoln tinUtM tobieco. cheap n4"
ondoped Merlnfther KU'rra,Ulaiklll,Tena.
If a girl la In lovo with a young mas "
she can't pee nny one elso In a crowd.'
To Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound
Bcottvlllo, Mich." I -want to tell
trouhow muoh noodlivdlaE.Pinkham'
a nrrpv- retina ana Sanative
Wnshhavo dono mev
I live on a farm ana
haTO worked very
hard. I nm forty
ilvo years old, and
am tho mother of
thlrteon children.
Many pooplo think
it Btrance tunc iara
not brokort down
with hard work and
Ily, but I tell thorn of my good friond,
your Vofjotablo Compound, and thai
thoro will bo no backache and bearing
down palnB for them if thoy will tak
it ns I havo. I nm scarcely over ritb
out it in tho house
"I will say also thntl think thoro la
no better medicine to bo found for
young girls to build them up nnd maks
them strong and well. My oldest
flaucrhter has taken Lydla . Pink
lsanva Vcgotablo Compound for pain
ful poriods and irregularity, and it has
always helped her.
"Im always ready and willing to
npcftk a good word for tho Lydia B.
I'lnklmnVs It omedles. I tell every on
I meet that I owo my health and bap.
iilnos3 to theso wondorful medicines?
Mrs. J. Q. JonNBON,Scottville,Mich.,
EJP.D.8. ,,
Lydla E.Plnkhum's Vegetable Com
pound, mado from native roots and
norbs, contains no narcotics or harm
ful drugs, and to-day holds tho record
for tho largest number of actual cures
of female, diseases.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when tlio liver la
right tho stomach and bowels are right.
nm 1 1 1'ln HI I I
l u.(f: utitt f rt
'.iAWF w f.'i,
V ' tlrV&r"9lVrlm: I
JKSf vittle
jxniv dim
gcntlybutfirmly com
pel a lazy liver to j
do its auty.
Cures Con
stipation, In-
and Diltreu After Eating'.
Genuine must bear Signature
So Simple When You Know.
There Is renson to believe that the
lady mentioned in this bit from tho
Clovelnnd .Plain Dealer knew moro
about cooking than about navigation,
or. to put It nautlcally. was moro at
hono in the galley than on tho quar
terdeck. Tho lady was reading a nautical
novel. She struggled along-bravely
for a fow minutes, but finally hud to
appeal to her husband.
"Gerald." she aald, "the author sayB
that the boat was sailing 'wing and
wing.' What does that mean? I've
been on a yacht, but I never hoard
that before."
"That means," unswered Gerald, re
joicing in tho fact that he, too, had
spout several hours on a Bailing ves
sel, "that moans that schooner had
her malns'l out to port and her forea'l
out to starboard or vice vorsa."
"Oh, I seel" cried tho lady, "it's
Juat llko a chicken a wing on each
sldo. Now I understand why thoy
call thoso llttlo saila In tho mlddlo
'Jibs.' It'a abort for 'giblets.' of courso.
I3i)'t sailing Interesting?" Youth's
Tho llttlo boy regarded tho plcturoa
of tho harom uklrt with starting eye
balls. "Does it mean that I nm to havo
twlco aa many trouserB cut down for
mo?" ho shrieked.
Thon ho fell on hla kncea and
prayed as novor bofore that several
Bisters might bo vouchsafed him in
tho futuro.
Holland a tand of Flowers.
Thero are two Hollands, ono of the
dikes and windmills, and ono of tho
flowers, that is scon by comparatively
few, says Country Life in America.
The) Holland of tho (lowers la n thing
of tho past each year by tho time tho
average traveler g"tH around thnt wny,
which, us a rule, Is July or August.
So early aa February the annual
llower pageant gets n stnrt with tho
rnro Tulipa hnufmnuulaua, winter
aconite and snowdrops, until it makes
Us first grand demonstration with
scilln uud oiocub in March Then in
the elory of tha tulip nnd hyacinth
c-uiioh tho groatest burst of color, fol
lowed by tho Sinnish lrlts, early gladio
lus and lily to provide an nntt-climnx
that runs owr Into Juno. Hut for
sheer gorgcouHncas, nothing can match
the heydey of tho tulip, tho banner
bulb of Hollnnd.
A Now Sensation.
Llttlo Jean had visited ono of tho
largo summor niousomont parks for
tho first time, and with tho courago
poBscssod only by thoso glrla whoso
playmates aro boys and girls older
than thoraselves, sho had not hesi
tated, when lnvitod, to take a rldo on
ono of the "thrillers" that abound in
such places.
"To her mother, on hor return from
the park, sho confided tho emotions
sho had experienced nn she swept
round tho curves of tho "figure eight"
with her elder brothors.
"Mamma," sho said, "when I went
round thoso awful turns so fast I folt
Just as If I had. freekleson my
stomach I" Youth'i Companion.
With Emphasis.
Mistress (hastily sticking a flager
into either ear) Kittle, for heaven's
sakol what doeB that frightful noise
' and profanity in tho kitchen moan?
Kittle Oh, that's nothln', ma'am!
It's on'y cook rojectln' a propc3'l av
raarrij from tho ashman l Hnrpor's
511-H1 W. Adanii St., Chleao
T" 1 ofu&paperde-
tijed in itt column should inn upon
having what they ask tor, rehtosg alt
lubttilutei or imilstioni.
Established 30 Years
Texas Women Beautify Their City.
This la tho time of year whon house
wives aio (.leaning tho intorior of their
homes. Hut thero aro llttlo touchos
that may bo mado In tho yards that
will glVo moro pleasure to a greater
number than oven tho clean homo.
Tho women In a block In which the
nlley In negleoteU could got together
and chaugo tilings very soon If they
would. Thero is a woman's civic
loaguo down in Shormank Tex., BayB
tho St, Ixuls Globe-Democrat, with
five hundred members, thnt lias dono
mnrvela, It is said, in tho wny of beau
tifying tho city. It mndo a beautiful
squat u, with Uowors and plants, in
what was an unsightly "hitching"
place. It will erect fountains thoro,
oxpecta to securo n library, will Jlght
tho mosquitoes and do numerous otbei
cure uny possible case of DISTEMPER,
PINK. KYK, nnd the llko among horees
of all nRea, and prevents nil .others in the
tsmc stablo from having tlio diseato. Alu
cures chicken cholera, and dot; distemper.
Any pood dniRRist can supply you, or tend
to mfrs. CO cents and $1.00 a bottle. Agents
wanted. Frco book. Spohn Medical Co.,
Spec. Contauioui Dlseaaes. Goshen, Ind.
MrB. M. Who did you vote for?
Mrs. N. I don't remember hie
namu. Ho gavo me his seat in tho
streejt enr last week.
JS i!f
Floral emblems
and cut flowers for all
mill kilt Ul
llltb tint. dua.
ornamental, conTes
caltCbeap. LaaUftU
Muva. Can'Uplllo
tip over, will not tell
GuaraatMd eflacto
tt. 0111 dtalanoi
iat pit paid lor zoo.
iurolp soaiaa
tsa E (alb in.
If you mako a fool of yourself don't
take it too much to heart. Tho world
is full of pcoplo who are kicking
I.nc.i overHores.alloUirM. raalilwlja
lailin. UBalliOc JJ'U.UNjJeptJaTjatJ'anl.Mlnn.
npin our Booklet "Vbr Tbr More to North
Tlior'll Interoat ium-em, the'ro free. Write VOHTIN
Kin iiiniciuTio.i absuiuTiuV, naGo, voutii lHkOT.
W. N. U. 8IOUX CITY, NO. 27-1911.
In the Present,
tho wIho man it
is always
Improving House Yard,
Tho houso yard should never bo
overlooked. As a rulo, the lawn up
ppars bettor if not fenced; n gently
alonlng lawn givos tho host offoct,
Ornnmental shrubs may be planted
with good offoct. The trees may bo
arranged in rows or placod irregularly
so ns to glvo tho uppoaranco of n
grovo. Whtto elm, box-elder or catal
pa mako good shade treoa. Walks
should bo laid whero .ece3Bary, and
then as direct ub possible Flower
beds along the sides of thn walk nro
v tj attra"tle
The expression occurs so many times in letters from
sick women, "I was completely discoursed. " And there
is always food retson for the discouragement. Years ot
pain one' suffering. Doctor after doctor tried in vain.
Medicine doing t o lusting good. It is no wonder that
tho woman feels discouraged.
Thousands of these weak and sick women have found
health and courage regained as tho result of the use ol
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
It establishes regularity! heals Inflammation and ulcersjf
tlon, and cures weakness.
Refuso substitutes offered by uuscrunulotiS ilruitUf
for this reliable remedy. ,
Sick women oro Invited to consult by letter, free. All correspondence
strictly private and sacredly confidential. Writo without fear and without
feo to World's Dispensary. R. V. Pierce, M. D., Pres't, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny lirsnulcs, easy to tsko ns candr.
' t