Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, July 07, 1911, Image 5

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    """" ' ' "" i as a a . ,-
for Friday and Saturday
liod Rasplwrriea
Pluck IlaspborrioB
Canned goosobornoB, bluokborries,
raspberries nil frcah per can. . .10$
Imported Moocnroui, tlio best to
bo bad, por box..... IGcJ
Nico big Florida Pineapples 16$
FreBb bread always in stock
Froob, dainty cookies of nil kinds. . . .
New assortment of candy
Bulk olives, awcot, sour utid dill
Bananas, per doz 2(ty
Salt Fork, best quality, por lb . . . 13$
Best Sugar-oured Bacon, porlb. . . .204
Best Lard, por 11 H$
Pressed Ham, por lb 14$
California Hams, per lb 14$
Bulk Coffee, per lb 20$ nnd 30$
Oar 0 wn-Pio 3 for 25$
Cbeese, mild, por lb 20$
Any kind of Laundry Soap, G bars, 25$
Agonts for ObuBo & Sanborn's Cof
fee 25$, 30$, 35$ nnd 40$
Akron Wbeotine best breukfast
food going 5 lb Back for 25$
We nro still paying tbo highest prico
for produce Eggs nnd Butter.
Nico lino of Btruw buts nil prices
Shoes, Rubbers nnd Rubber Boots.
All kinds of Dry Goods Notions.
E. Knepper's Grocery
R R Time Table
C.St. P., M.ft o.
Trains loavo Dakota City at tbe fol
lowing timo :
morth bound sooth bound
6:26pm Omaha 7:58 am
10:38 am Omaha 1 5. 17 pm
8 :38 pm Norfolk f8 :33 am
9:37 am Norfolk 4:58 pm
7 : 35 am Newcastle . . . . 10 :38 am
2:01pm " 5:50 pm
12:13pm .Omaha 2:30 am
3:38 pm Norfolk 8:38 nm
9:37 am Norfolk 4:53 pm
daily oxoopt Sunday, f do not stop
C B& Q
No. 91 Looal Freight 7:15 am
17 " Paasengor. .12:57 pm
No. 92 Loonl Freight 2 :25 pm
16 Local Passenger.. 6 :00pm
,- daily. daily except Sunday.
For tbo Eighth Judicial distriot ot
"NMtriurica, Jorthe yenr!911 r
(j'uinlns January , Heptomborll
Uakolu February l.t, ttoptombor 35
Stanton M U 0, October!)
Uvilnr Muroh I'l, Noembir 13
Dixon March 27. Decent)"'!-4
Thurston April 10, October lfl
Thellrstilny of onoh torm Is set for lieui
nppllcatlons forcltlrennlilp papois.
Utiy TQiuvua, Judge
buy an engine from an exaggerated picture book and the descrip
tion of a dreamer and pipe artist. The real engine- (Stickney)
with its 57 point of superiority is at my store and you can see
for yourself.
Renzc & Green
zsxsxmsuzsm exclusive
415 Sixth Street
Oia I'Kimo. 71
Now 4 271
Now Open
Am here to
serve you with
We&tcrn IBrcw
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Suroty Bond
Guarantees tho ncouraoy of ovory
Abstraot I make
0 gap
Local Items
Friday, July 7, 1911
Real estato loans. Uco Wilkitis.
Di D O Stitisuu nud v,Ifo celebrated
at Allen.
Uriien's roffco is still in tbo lead.
Van do Zoddo uolts it.
Mary liaaton wnn a vJRitor at Homer
nud Winnebago last Friday.
Gut IbAiibnrg of Emerson, transact
ed busiuoss hero Weduesdny.
Mrs D II linger went to Onnwn, To,
Wednesday to spond n week with
Julius Quintal has gono to tbo
mountains in Colorado to Bpcnd tbo
hot months.
Editor II L Peck, of Randolph, Nob,
wiir a camper u t Oryutal lake with bis
family Inst week,
$1.00 buys a good sorocn door at
tho Edwards & Bradford Hurdv,are,
Dakota City, Nebr.
Goorgo T WoodB nnd family autocd
to Ilomor Sunday and spout tho day
at tho a A Combs borne,
Savo your horses worry nnd frotting
by n liboral use of "Fly-No." Tbo
Dakota City Pharmacy sells it.
Hcrmnn nnd Henry Biermann and
their wives visited over tho Fourth at
tho Wm Biormau home ntDanton, S D.
Minn Mnrthn Mulhop, stenographer
in Judgo E vans' lnw oflico, left Thurs
day for hor homo at Storm Lake, lo,
on a month's vacatiou.
Van has somo of tlioso flno Vouitian
mirrors which ho is giving nwny with
coupon trade tiokots. Call nud seo
thorn, it won't cost you anything.
Evan Way and wifo and Frank Stir
ber. of Pigeon Crook precinct, wore
visitors here Saturday evening, whilo
ourouto homo from Sioux City in Mr
Way's nuto.
Guy Cbonoy of Senttlo, Wash, or
rived hero last Saturday for n week's
visit at his old home. Ho had boon to
Obicago on business, nud camoou huro
to soo tho homo folks.
R M Lorko and wifo of O nadi pro
einct, wero pleasant anllors at tho
Herald oflico whilo- in town on busi
ness last Friday. Mr Lorko advnncod
his subscription anotbor year.
The Dakota City ball team trimmed
tho Tollerton & Warfleld buneb from
Sioux City last Saturday, 5 to 3. Tho
team goes to Rosalie Sunday to play
off a tio with tho corn-fed Canaries.
Presiding Elder Dr Tindall will bo
hero Saturday morning and hold quar
terly conferonoo at 10 o'olock. He
will also preach Sunday ovouing at
tbe usual hour and administer the
Work on tho new sohool building
was bogun by tho Lytle company tho
first of the week, and tbe oxuavalion
for tho basement has boon linisbod.
The brick is nriiving and a forco of
mon will be put to work laying tbo
nralls the coming week.
Tbo community at Wolthill is un
dergoing a siogo of typhoid fever,
about forty cases having developed in
tho paBt two or threo weeks. Tho
source of tho scourgrf has boon traced
to n well at tho Uco Cafe. Tbo well
in question in loeuted twelve feet from
u "toilet," nbd tho water was alive)
with disease germs, according to u
test made by a Sioux City physician.
A man that will ubo water from a well
tbnt is in direct connection with a
toilet or cesspool is a poor subject to
run a restaurant.
Owe It
Don't buy an engine on bunk from
a concern many miles away. Don't
- Hubbard, Neb.
t aJutiig
Mconsad Smbalmor
SaoiBx Caiy, Iowa
for Business
Liquors, Cigars
licit nnd
Dukot.i City
u 3&a
Snccessor to
Dakota County Abstract Co;
Bonded Abstracter
J. J
cauesa 0
Fruit of nil kinds at Van do Zeddo's,
Louis Goodsell of Homer was horo
on bustue'B Saturday.
Will Myers was horo from Sioux
City on business Wednesday.
Miss Mary Easion loft Wednesday
on a tour of tbo Paciflo coast.
OESimpiou loturnod "Wednesday
fromn trip to Jefferson, S D.
A big crowd attended tho colobra
tion at Homor on tho Fourth.
Mrs Harriet Wnldon relumed Sun
day from a visit at Doadwood, S D.
Myrtlo Ronton camo down from Nor
folk Tuesday for a visit with friends,
Best mado broom that ovor camo to
town, at Yrtn do Zedde's, from 8C0 up.
Buy a good farm on tho Dakota
county bottom, I bavo Eimors.it.
A baby boy arrived nt tho homo of
Bert Powell nnd wifo Thursday of last
J W Bridenbaugb is horo from
Phoenix, Ariz, looking nftor bis farm
Tho ball gamo with tbo Sonoy'a Sat
urday has boon cancolod on account of
tho circus.
Frank FueBton and wifo woro down
from Ponoa over Sunday visiting with
rolativos .
No flies on your stock if yoh ubo
"Fly-No" sold by fho Dakota City
Doo MoKernan, carrier on routo 2,
spent tho Fourth with friends at Colo
ridge, Neb.
.las Fisher and family camo up from
Wnlthill last Saturday to remain ovor
tho Fourth.
Mrs Fred Kipper of Homer, was
taken to a Sioux City hospital Wednes
day for treatmont.
Lou Walden arrived horo last Fri
day from Kellogg, Idaho, for a week's
visit with relatives.
Mrs W L Robs returned Sunday
from 11 ton dayB visit with hor btoth
ers iionr Kadokn, S D.
Prof J A Ohicoino was down from
Jefferson a couple of days this week
looking after school matters.
Timo now to got after tho chicken
mites and lice. Tho Dakota City
Pharmaoy will show you how.
Mrs Minnio York, formerly Minnie
Phillips, wbb marriod Juno 15th, at
Beatrice, Neb, to Wm B Jones.
If you haven't got timo to do your
own shopping call up No 1. and he
will deliver tho goods promptly.
Helen Graham nccompaniod hor
undo, Roy Graham, to Idaho Springs,
Colo, lust week for a month's visit.
Rural Carrier Ed Frodoick mado his
first trip in his auto Wodu?day, cov
ering tno routo in about throe hours .
Paul Pizey, wifo and baby are
spending n few wnks at tho homo of
Mrs Pizoy's parents in Randolph, lo.
Frank llirsch was ovor from tho
city Monday in tbo interest of tho
Hunter land company, talking Florida
Moll A Schmied wont to Mason City,
Iowa, last wcok to attend a mooting
of tho auditing committeo of tbo M B
A order.
Ed Eastern suffered a badly bruisod
hip when his mules run nway and
threw him out ot a buggy at tho lake
Mrs Ella Duggan, Misses Abby and
Marie Duggau and Clomont Duggan
of Sioux City, spont the Fourth with
rolativeB at Homer.
For Salo Good Hotel business in
county Boat town in northenut Nobras
ka, terms reasonable, good reusou for
selling. Address, Tho Herald, Dako
ta City, Nebr.
All kinds of coal, food and hay foi
salo at reattouable prices.
1'ixi.db & Slacoiitek Co.
ThjcoE Blivkn, Manager,
Dakota City, Nob.
Barbara Neiswangor loaves this
weok for Keokuk, Iowa, for a month's
visit with friends, and her brothor
Stott goes to Cherry connty to spend a
fow mouths on tho C J O'Connor
Fruit jar rubbers tho good kind
threo dozon for u quarter; also a com
bination dipper, fruit jar filler witii
Hiiwe, strainer aud funnel attaohmonts
Lfor a dimo nt tho Edwards & Bradford
Hardware, Dakotu City.
Tho little two und a half year old
baby of Mr und Mrs R A Harris of
this placo died Tuesday of scarlet fo
ver. Tho family has boeu under
quarantine! siuoo May 30tb, when thoy
lost a child with diphtheria.
Rev W R Wairon has been confined
to Iiih home this woul; from the effaots
of being ovetcouie with heat last Sat
urday. Mrs Warren, who hud been
on u visit at Belgrade, Neb, was call
ed homo on account of his sickness,
Tho cane of the State vs August,
Herman nnd Henry Tick, chnrgod with
assault and battery on tho person of
John Ryder, is being held today,
(Thursduy) before Judgo Hcffurnau.
Tbo Ticks tiro residents of South Sioux
City, where tho assault occurred, and
Ryder lives in Sioux City.
Mrs Jano Don, one of Dakota ooun
ty's pioneer women, pissed peaonfully
uwuy Tnosuay at tlio lionio 01 lior
duugbter, Mrs Libbio A Forbes, north
of town. Her death was duo to nil
mon In incident to old ago. Sho wiih
born in Now York statu December 8,
1823, and camo to this county in tbe
early 70s, locating on a farm in Illy
burg. Later tho family moved to a
farm iu tbis precinct. The deconsod
wus a Kind ouristian women, wnose
memory will bo cherished by u hot of
friends und sorrowing relatives, Tho
funeral wus held Wednesday after
noon, intormont being in tho Dakota
City oomotery.
A republican caucus wiih held at
Homer Saiurday afternoon, with Dr
1) li Stidwortby as chairman and Gen
Wilkins as secretary, Tho following
Bixteen delegates woro selected to at
tend tbo county convention at this
place Saturday afternoon: D B Stid
wortby, Louis Rockwell, Wm H Rook
well, Ed L Ross, W S Orr, Geo Har
ris, N R Smith, Em Harris, Fred Wil
kins, W H Ryan, II Zentmiro, TJ
O'Connor, Glen Armour, Aug Wilkins,
Jns Allaw.iy aud Wm Leamor. Tho
following precinct oUloers wero nomi
nutod: Justices of the peace J E
Mnngr aryl 8 W McKinley; consta
bles W IJ Muokland aud Jeff Taylor;
road ovorseorfc district No 1, P O
VanOloive, district No 5, R M Lorko,
district No 0, Geo N Goorgonseu,
t Hkb!t 1 vm1 v3
Republican candidate for tho nomina
tion for county olerk boforo tho prima
ries, to bo hold August tbo 15th.
Mr Rockwell is a son of Mr aud Mrs
Louis Rockwell, ot Ornadi preoinot,
nnd was born nnd rnisod in Dakota
county, and it in tho support of tho
people who bavo known him nil his
life that bo is now asking in his raco
for tho county olorksbip. His ability,
qunlillontions, eto, am best known to
thoso who will bo called upou August
15th to pass judgment tho votors.
Notico is hereby given to all parties
interested that thoro will bo bold in tho
court house yard at Dakota City, Nob,
Saturday, July 8, 1011, at 1 o'clock p
m, r. meeting for tho purposo of trans
acting such business as may bo noocs
sary for tho next annual meeting or
tho Pioueers nnd Old Settlors' nsBooin
tion of Dakota county, Nebraska, to
bo hold Thursday, August 31, 1911.
Gkojiok Wilkins,
Borntim & Bailey Show in Sioux City,
Saturday, July 8.
This community will bo -ull reprcsonti'il
lu Sloitx City on circus tiny. ImllcrUloi.s are
that tli" pooplo will turnout by tliu tlious
uuiUiitlli acted by the womlfrful new cir
cus wlileli tlio llnrnum niul linllcy puopto
nro putting lortli tills sunson. Tlio mIkiw
linn 1111 entire now equipment, costinc the
liianaKoiiiont t:l.'J0O,(UO. Ono third of this
vust amount was spout on tho parnrio w lilcli
Is reported as tho most elaborate Ntrcot
spectacle ONOrdovlseil. It Is threo mllenln
Tho Kieat nlonaKorlo of this clieus Is cro
ntltut nothluK fhoi t of a koiimiUoh in tow us
HvIbIU. It contains tho most iniuiirkablo
collection of raro Im-iwIm of any zooloclcul
display In tho world, and many specliuuiiN
which aro not duplicated In any othur zoo
liiAiiioiIcuoi'lCtuupu. Thochlof attruotUm
hoio Is u yenr old Blraffo, tho only one over
born lu this country. In fact It lp Vho only
KlrafTo, not uroun, ovor scon otusldo tho
tlcpthsof tho Afilcau Juuslo. Mnxurcd ul
1 aires nic scarce enough but thin jounustor
Is worth Its weight In Bold.
Tho poifornioneo 111 tho main tout Is pro
sonteel by lUOof the world's Krentost artists,
unthereU from no ltiks tlinu thirty-two nn
tlons. Tho acts lhy aro oITorlnc uie imixu
nud not lit all HUo thoncts that hno been
hten lu Aincilculu tho past. KIty clowns
fin ulsh the comidv nnd lu this icspect the
slum l tho IniiKlilnsj success of tho iikii.
And thoro nro thrills without niiinlKir from
tho start to tho Ilnlsh. Tho poilormniicoof
Uharles tho Klrst chluipanzuu bicycle rhler
and rolloi slcnter, Isaiuoit sunsatlounl sur
pilsu. Tho specialties of John Dueaiulor's
U-ll-rlUKlnc horses, WIiihUhiM ildliiK seals,
a brass band of elephants, tho Kouyot fam
ily of (Jernmuildois, tho Konelll family "f
Itidtiiuiu'iobats, tho Los Dclto fiiinlly of
riiullbilHts und tho BleKrlst-hllbou family
of nuilallstsaroof tho llrst Hitropeiin liinlc.
Hai mini and llulloy cany 1,'Ail people, 7ix)
hors, 4U elcphint" w 'iuiinls. l.ixi) other
wild nnlmalx, dynamo plants, barber shops,
tiiliorlnutestabllshuieut, bath purlois, laun
ch los, lilnckHiultli shops, hill noss shops, cur
pontor shops, ilentlsts, doetois, u lawyer
and 11 pilMito police foico. Tho many tents
coverfouileeniicitsof ground.
St Patilck's chuiuh of .Tacltsun to Mt
Oliiru collogo, lots 0, 7. 8 mill o ill ft lot
lot G nud alley running noriih and
south ltw m lots H nud U bile i), also
w'Hof John st lying botweon oth st
and Hope st, all lu the village of
Jackson y $
ItosaGcitiude Harris, daughtoi of Jo
seph Hiiuls, sr. dt censed, und John
11 lluirls to (Jeorgo II Harils nud
itolHiiti: Hauls, und h lnt lu nh
neJi nud ol4 hel-4 nwW SI. nil In '-T-.
uU n wH 1M.7-U, pt soK neii 1M-27-8
Wm 1' Winner, trustee, to Ourtls It
lluu, lots I. (i, a, bile I'll Htnutoii add
boulliSlov Ulty.,...
J.oulso H Hnll to Nellie Nead. lots 1, 8.
.), bile 101, OoWiiRtau add to HMO ....
Krnnlc Heencyniid Margaret Heency
to.Iumcs 1" Heeuy, nH vU noW sw1-
Fred J O'Ohaniler to IkiwIs J (foodsuli,
lot 7, blk 7, original town of Ilouiur,.
Honry W "Wood und fenruli 1 Wood to
(ipsrgoll llllvt'ii, und 'ji lut In south
JK ft lot H, bile l, Mima's mid H H O.
W II llyan ot nl to Krcrt .1 O'Ohaniler,
lot 7, blk 7, original tow 11 of Homer
J 1' Uociwoll, shoillT.to A II Halter, lot
0, bll. 1,H, Dakota Ol ty
Oarolino A Uonnublo, koIo survlng heir
ofKdgarl Mason, ilccorsud, widow,
to Uharles Unit, lots, pic, MS, Dakota
BWTB or Ohio Cirr or Toledo, I
Lucas county. . (
Thank J. Oicnet innkrs oalli that ho U senior
Cartncr ol tho linn ot F. J. CiilNrr & Co, clolnu
uslnoa In tlio City ot Toledo, County anil Htato
otorciialil. anil tut said firm will pay tlio sum ol
ONr, itUKOItl.U DOM.AHB for each and every
eaj ot Catakrii that rannot bo cured by tho uo ol
Hworn to bctoro mo anil subsrrlbeil In my presence,
UiU Clti day ot December. A. I) , 1880.
, i A. W. aLKASON,
I 2? I Notahy runtic.
Halls Catarrh Cum la taken Internally and acts
directly upon the blood and mucoua iurfaces ol tho
system. Send tor tratlmonlaH. Ireo.
r. J. CHUNKY & CO , Toledo, O
Bold by all nrumbu. 71c.
'lake Hall Family Fills for constipation.
rba Genuine
J? - Yoq f n plae Om UU
T fr uutAt Knain I)om-
tie.trt rofnliJ
qucn of all Mwlnif
mi it conlinuaUy hli
raylntf $2 m month and en
ov a vry PcUl pnc
urhioAi n ihii nomi.
4itMt t yoi or f row our rril
tKntf. A mtiiiVnt iluo
tiOMMOUM bffti.
We Will Take Your
Old Machine "JZZl'l
Ilbcnl kllwwnc on t. pTfnai'l rW
htmtm'ls Arviyoucan Ull Uk m
uiliUiti pcUl price ii4 Mil
IE S lei C
Th iwfMt k uilnff rn&ehtne that Ima always led all other
JNow $
makes and l t ty btlr than vr. Two machlnaa
In sna-lsck slltch and duln slllch. Htralkht drop
hul lilsh arm, I r 1 1'n.ii if A cot.pUI. wt ! tthi.Mj.
SCKO FOH HOOK, lntC, lhTath AliOUt Bmlnj
li.iui.i.ti, v .11 "(' .m4.II MW.i. -'?
t'nm Ui.r.tr. ... whi i . Bjn.1 t.r ill iW
) Mts Mary U, McUcathi Agent
Life Among the Germans
Miss Perlo Stlnson Writes of tier
Trip In France anil Uermnny.
Paris, Franco, Juno 19, 1011,
Dear Folku ut Home:
Jnal received your loiter. You nBk
wby 1 do not vrrilo oiterief, I have
fiont you lots of cards, but only three
letters. Think soruo of tho curds got
lost on tho wny over. I wrote two
cards from Algoars nml from Biskra
nud you only sem to havo gotten ono
of them. Just got n card from Homo
from our oompuuioDs ou tho Africa
trip, thoy havo boon stning thoro
whilo wo havo heon n!n8 'roiu jilaoo
to plnce as faot wo could. I try to
send you n card from most ovory placo
whoro wo stop long enough, but boiuo
nights after lots of climbing, I nm too
tired to piok out postals, but got to
bod ns quick ns I onu.
Quite oUou wo would bo in n placo
only ono dny nnd wo would keep going
uutil 10 o'clock p m nnd thou got up
ta catch nn enrly train, nnd I get just
as tired ns if I got up early nt homo
nnd wont to Hionx Oity, worked nil
day in tho oflloo, nud camo homo at
night nnd went to n dance. So don't
look for lettora too ofton nnd think
that no nows is good nows, nnd noth
iug will happen tomounloEsIgctsick,
nud then I will scud ti oalilo, for tho
peoplo ftro all so nico nud sponk oug
glisli in ovory town wo bnvo been in
so far. ,
In Heidelberg, Germany, wo woro in
vited out for tho nftornoon ut the homo
of Mr Schmidt, who is Italian tutor
portor and belongs to tho corps of tho
Judge, Ilis sister enmo ovor on tho
snmn bont with US', so sho had us over
nnd wu just hnd a lino time, 'thoy
sorvod ooffto nud Mr Loos, tho son of
ono of tho judges, wns thoro to moot
ns. Ho wuh on tho bont, too, no wu
had quito n n reunion. Another btoth
er is tonohor of English iu tho uuivor
sity nud ho is singlo and just lino look
ing, nnd ho (ook us nil over towu. Ho
tried to tnlk English but it wan rather
bard work for him, but hu just laugh
od it off and wo mado motions, it was
groat fun.
Next wo went to Mayonco nnd took
a bout Up tho Ithiuo to Oologono.
I havo nlwnys hoard of "JUingon on
tho Hhlno" nnd now I havo soon it .
It is a bountiful oity nnd tho Rhine
falls nro just no pretty ns anything I
oversaw. All colors of tho rainbow
sliino in them and make them scorn
Just aftor wo started on tho bont a
blu all follow camo up nnd sat down
besldo mo and started to talk Gorman.
I was so surprised that I could not
even think of "Ya" or "Nino," to aim
wer baok, so I askod him if ho oould
speak English. Thon ho laughed nnd
spokn Euglish. His homo is iu Yeno
via, Austria, and ha said if wu oanie
th-it wny his si&ler would show nn n
good timo, ns both of thorn havo buou
lo tho TJ B and tho pooplo woro so nico
to thorn thoro. His father is iu busi
ness and ho was sout to Frnnkfort to
transact somo business for him.
In Cologne wo mot a man on tho
sight Booing car who is n lnco mnnu-
faturei iu Germany, and ho was just
line, told us nil about thu most inter
esting pluccB to bo soon in Germany,
Ho in iilao quito a musician nud said
when wo got to Viiiniob ho will run up
in his nuto and boo ur forno Sunday.
Ho don't spank Euglish very good but
wo iuuJo out to unucratnnd him vory
well ns Ticra is quito a Gorman sohol
ar. Tho German people aro tho nicoc't
wo havo mot nny whoro. Tho Itnl
iatiB nnd Ftonch nro too quick, nro iu
too mu oh of a hurry lo see or uotioo
nny thing but thomsolves.
Wo nrrivod in Palis at noon yester
day, ho wo wont out to tho parks and
boulovardp and woro out until U:U0
p m.
It is just boautiful hero. I had nl
wuvs hoard of tho styles of Paris nud
wo certainly buw them yestorday, It
being Sunday ovory thing wuh closed
and peoplo out iu their holiday nttiio,
Vo look ho funny wheu wo look ut
ourselves in tho windows for our full
skirts. Everything huro iu plain and
It ha been raining till morning so
wo could not do anything, only go nnd
get our mail and poo about our trunks.
This nftornoon if it quits mining wo
nro going to do tho principal shops.
Thoy don't havo many department
stores ouch shop oarrios just ono line.
Well it stopped raining long enough
ior us to go to ouo of tho shops und
Tiera bought two dresses und 1 got a
now suit, dark blue, f-o it will do for
winter at well as summor. I had to
got n now pair of shots, us I woro my
other pair too much climbing.
Everyone tries to overcharge and bog
from ns. They kuow wo aro Ameri
cans und thoy will just ttaud up iu
front, of us und bog for monoy nud tho
cab diivnrs when wo pay thorn what iu
coming to them, holler for inoro, und
o just run into llm houso or stoto to
get nwny. Wo would not take nny
cabs, but when wo get into thoso big
cities the streets aro so out up that I
can't walk around tho corner without
getting lost I don't think it would
taku long to learn tho stroats, I think
in u couple of weeks timo I could get
around. Somo pooplo who havo lived
hero for years would not think of going
out without a cab, but wo go out with
out them but hnvo to got ono to tulto
us to our hotel.
Saw Napolean's gravo und tho two
orohos ho built to commemorate tho
buttles ho won. When at Brussels wo
wont out to the pluco und rodo ull over
tho ground whoro ho mot his Waterloo,
so now I know tho position of tho men
who fought tho battlo of Waterloo.
Got a letter from Inez und a card
fron Bess this morning. Am so glad
to hoar tho news. Wnll I must go to
bed now us it ii 11 p a.
PnitLK Stimron,
mrnt.ActlveUieol ntaWllsaiidlllillandl
Ttiflo arn thfl Ihlnss Which
vrlll maLo n man of your boy.
f euro hli llvelv Interest anil wlicU-
some development by Klvms lilm
mi I Willi flno reaillnif which fascinates liti)i.
Ix li nl tor 1 ot 1 cnturo, t uvel, liUI ry
n den t cv nts 1 notoirrophy. stinipi, el -t
'y c pi i try. sports, nanKj. Tllslni t
i t I lo iIj 0 I Ikiw to On It Ueiutifully lllus
trjttd, 1 1 t every 1 n In liatmony with rehnud
Iioiii Iruinlnvi i mlomtilby v.o,(H)olioyun.llliolr
Pir' nts hon I li. uo (or u full j ear, On ssla at
sli at I
it kkth. I
all nuws-stsni'a at 1 0 cents
,tfUlirMM.IHMIffl 1fU I1.U.1IM U rUl,nl
B IIK sr.iWI r,w vv. hHpw.,,,..
MHhmhBH "
Patronize Home Industry buy
tity Jmeat
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand
Cash paid for Hides and Pelts
for Seymoui's White laundry. Basket
Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
Dakoitx City,
Undertaker County Coroner
The Mico Eterinl Process of jMnlmiiiir.-.
i i -.
Nothing taken from body and nothing put
iu body. All done upon outside. Body can
be kept for ages.
B. F.
Have Your Tlolcei-s
Every Day to Los Angeles. Through tourist sleepers via Den
ver, Scenic Colorado and Salt .Lake Route; personally con
ducted Tuesdays and Fridays.
Every Day to San Francisto. Daily through tpurist and stand
ard sleepers, just inaugurated via Denver, Scenic Colorado and
the Western Pacific Railway. Daily through standard sleeper
via Denver, Scenic Colorado and the Southern Pacific Railroad. -Daily
tourist sleeper service to San Francisco via Scenic Colo
rado; and personally conducted louiist sleeper excursions
every Thursday and Sunday to San Francisco and Los Angeles
via the coast line of Southern Pacific.
Every Day to Seattle Portland.- Complete through trains of.
chair cars, diners, standard and tourist sleepers, via Billings
and Great Northern and Northern Pacific roads; observation
cars on both through trains.
Please get in touch with the undersigned and let us show you
the convenience of Burlington through service
to and from the coast.
I irrnrn'iTtiTisTiir
Harness and
The pesky flies have commenced to come and we now
have our new stock of Fly Nets. Let us fit you
out while our stock is complete.
Our new stock of WKips has arrived and are selling
at greatly reduced prices.
ltopair Work Givon Prompt Attention
Sole Agent for Baum's Hog Tonic, 'Best on the Market.
resw e
your meats of
Proprietor of 1
goes on
Nebraska. 1
Jackson, Nebraska
React "Burlindiotv"
W. E. Snethcn, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr.
L, W. Wakklky, G P A, Omaha, Nob
1004 Farnam street.
in the line of
Horse Goods
Q!S3 9 CiC '
aaiiii.iM..iM...ii i wi, WHimn .ii i. inn"