"A;- licit Atf el w I ! 35 " 3K 2 1 A : , la Iks u 8 if" IIS I IS 3 5? 3, H' U. T Rv t ' o M . r Dakota County Herald TOI1N H. REAM, PUBLISHER Subscription Price. S1.00 Tor Year. A weekly nowapaper puliholiod nt Dakota City, Nebraska. rorinissiun mis open crauipii jor tue i tnneraiHloti of thuipapprtbiuiiKlitho maua as second-class matter. Telephone No. 43. Official Paper of Dakota County Republican County Convention Call. Tile repuhllcnn of 1'nkotn county. Ne bmskn, lire hereby culled to meet jnronven ttouottho court houu In Dnltotn Vlly, on Saturday, July 8. lSll.nt !:3) o'clock, p m, Tor tbo purposo ot selectlnK llvo delrKntea to attend tlm ropubllcnn ntnto convention In Lincoln, Notirnnkn.ou Julyffi. 1VII. nt S o:lockpin,niidnloforthopurpoe of jo IccllnKtho county centrnl coinmlttce for tlineuiulna yenr. 71,i.sntrconr',nttoii alinll bo made up of delegates from the Mirlous precincts to 1 nelected nt precinct caucuses, on the lx ttiof one delesnte for encb ten votes or major fraction thereof caU for Hon Oliestor A Aldrlch, republican nomlneo for govern or, nndcach precinct Khali In addition be entitled to one delegate nt largo. Said apportionment entitles the neveral precincts to tho following representation in tbu county conpntion; Hubbard Kmcrson Ouia.ll... . Dakota. Uovlngton Ht John's..... .Summit PlKeonCJrcok . 5 Delegates l Delegates M Delegates .13 Delegates 12 Delcgntcs 3 Delcgntcs , 1 Dclcgato . 3 Delegates Total M Delegates It U hnrcbr recommended tbnt the over- n) preclnot caucuses bo held throughout the county on Haturdny, July 1. 1011. nl nsw o'clock, p ra. Hnld convention ahnll havo power ana and nuthorlty to transact any other busi ness which may properly come before It J J KtMKIlfl, Olinlrnmn County Oentrnl Oommlttee. aconOE WlMttNH, Secretary (Jounty Oentrnl Uommllte. Political Announcements COUNTY CLKIIK. ' I hereby onnonnco myself as a can didate for tbo ofllco of county clork of Dakota county, subject to tho will of tbo republican voters at tbo Primaries, Augnst 15, 1011. Your voto and in fluence will bo nppreciuted. Georgo 11. Rockwell. C00N7V'0LEr.K. I boruby announce myself na n can didato for tbo office of county clerk of of Dakota county, Nebraska, pubject to tbo will of tbe republican voters at tbo primarios, to be bold Tuesday, August ID, 1911. Your voto und in flaenco will bo appreciated. ltospoctfally, GKonciK Wilkin8. COUSTY JUDO.E. I hereby announce myeolf a candi date for nomination for county judge of Dakota county, Nebraska, subject to tbe decision of tbe republican voters at tbo primaries August ID, 1011. D. O. Stinbon. COUNTY OXKIIK. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for tbo dutriooratio nomination for tbo ofllco of couuty clerk, BUbjeot io tbe will of thii voters of Dakota -county at tbo primaries to bo held on August 10, l'Jll. Respectfully, John O. Hooan, Jackson, Nobr. SjKW)0WKiOC!)!sW)MtS XiiVIIIS'.'l tnitJIOtil V from our Exchanges ;e8 1 Waltbill Times: Dr Smith, of Ho mer, is asatbtiog her brother, Dr Beam, tbis week. t Beacon Items in Emerson Enter prise: Mra D W Warner, of Canada, ir visiting tbis week at the Lomea of Mrs Ward and Lyman Hutohings. Watorbnry Items in Ponon Journal: Martin Deaoom, of Goodwin, was a Sioux Oity caller Friday.... Miss Beam, of Sioux City, is visiting ber brother south of 'own. South Creek Items in Ponoa Journal : Mr and Mrs John Twohig spont Sun day witb Mrs M Hhoahun. ...Mrs M Sheaban drove to Goodwin Sunday evening where oho expects tn visit for a fow days, Way no Democrat; Fred S Berry ana latniiy went to bioux Ulty Huuduy morning where Mrs Berry will viBit 11 week with homo folks and friendB, They wero uoeompanied by Mrn Hor ry's Bister, Mudalino Davies, who baa boen at the Borry homo for tho past two months. Mr Borry returned Tuea duy. Sultx Items in Sloan, Io, Star: Mrs ltusaell Litikwilitr lnftfnr her homo at Winuobugo lust wook after having un derwent a Buocossful operation for np j)undioilii....MidNea Mildred und Udlth Uorr returned TuoMlay from Goodwin und Waturbury, Neb, whoro tboy have boon making h tbreo weeka visit with friuudB, Sioux City Journal, lt: Eugono nt uayusu, wijo delivered hfniaolf up to tho polico authorities here as n desort er, worked for u year on tbo Nebraska sido of tho Missouri undor tbo namo of John Allen. Shortly nftor ho loft South Sioux City a woman claiming to Do ins wifo viBitod tho town, but was unable to find traoe of tho ruau. Lyons Mirror: Miss Mnbel Dowell returned from Dakota Monday, where sho had visited Mc City, rela tIves.....Mrs Horatio Brauut. of South Sioux City joinod her husbuud hero Thursday, who has been Belling somo of bis putunt ironing hoards, Th peo ple seem to bo highly pleased with this now invention. Pender Bopublio: Minn Helen Nio bubr of Winnebago, visitod over Sun day visited ovor Sunday witb Miss Ed na Farnbam.. .Jobu Scvorson wbb down from Sioux Oity ovor Tuesday night Iookiug after aomo bualnoNa .11 ut ters.... Mitts Mabel Gannon aooumpa niod by hor frioud, Miss Edna Bayliss of O'Neil visitod with frionda in Pen der Ibo first of tho wcok. Emerson Enterpnue: WJUfo Ire land is visiting relatives nonr Gaudy, Nobr.... A baby girl was botu to Mr ,ud Mrs Jalo Ugndersoo, Monday, . . . W T Wnrnor, Untied States marabnl, whb in town Tuesday.... M nod l)ott McEntaffer nro reuiodltng tbo botol at Homer.... Elln Bohopkois enjoying a visit from iicr cousin, Cutl Honkd, of Mognct, Nohr.... Sheriff Rockwell and Geo Wilkius, clerk of tbo district court of Dakota county, wero in Enter- i,.u p.m.. soa oa busin"8 Friday. Homer Star: Robert Sinclair is brick to Homer nnd is again in tbo employ of C J O'Connor.... Tbomnn Asbford mailo n run to Wnkellebl in bio unto on bnsiurnit yealoiday cftcr noon. ...Mnbel Miles returned to bor bomo in Onawa, Io, last Thursday after being bore over a year,... 01 Smitb bui bcon building tbo founda tion aud doing otber muson work on tbo largo now rcaidoncc being erected by John Uorger.... James Drown leaves next week for Houtli Omalia wuoro no nns seonrca a bhuuiiou hb supply foreman for tbo South Omaba Goal and Ice company.... Mrs Ellen E Ferris und daughter-in-law, Mrs Ucrtbs Ferris, of Bornards, N Y, visit ed boro last week witb Mr and Mrs Marvin Armour. They are visiting missives in Uionz Oity tbis wcok. Winnebago Obieftain: Mrs Sarah Mansfield and, daughter, of Lincoln, weio visitors last week as tbo bomo of Mr nnd Mrs Mansfield.... Omar Jul- bourn, of Waltbill, nnd Miss Itutb Darling, of Decatur, wero married at tbe borne of tbo bride, on Wednesday, June 28th. Mr and Mrs 0 II Ktl bourn, of lTomT, parents of tbe groom, end ble sister, Mrs T T Harris, were present from tbis community, to it ness tbo event. Mr Kilbourn was for merly of Winnebago, and baa many friends boro.... Bay Mansfield aud family have relumed form Eagle Un' to, 8 D, whore tboy havo boon living for otno timo, nnd seemed pleased tn again take np their abodo in n country whoro tbero aro plonty of crop pros peota. Wo wolcomo Hay nnd'rhis to Winnobago and claim thorn ua ronowed citizens of this commnnlty, wo trust never to ag.in wander from prosperous old Nebraska, Iloflkinn Items in Wnyno Herald: Mrs O W Smith, who was marriod but a short time ago to a relief operator here on tbe M & O road, tried to jtet away from ber folks Sunday on tbe train, witb the intention of going to her husband at Jackson, who bad writ ten ber to come. At tbo time other raur- riago tbo father objected and bad Smitb arrested and, claiming tho girl was under age, brought her bomo witb him. It is now charged that ho did not treat bor any' tbo beat and oven went so far as to whip ber last Friday evoning. So Sunday noon aba decided suo wouiu go to JaoKeon on tlio pas aouger traiu, Her fathor was down to tbo train and just as it started to movo out Mrs Smith stepped on tbe car and her father ran to tbe front 'of the oar and got on. A number here who sympathized witb tho girl derided to see fair play and followed him into tbe car. Now it is claimed that bo pushed bor off tbe moving cars, and that it It bad not been for bystanders she would have fallen under tbo wbenls. (Mrs Smith wont and filed n charge of assault witb intent to do bodily injury against bor fathor and papers wuYe nerved, and having no ono to go bis bonds, bo was looked in jail. Tbo next morning bia case was dismissed After his arrest her friends (secured an auto and oho was taken to Jackson, whoro she is now with ber husband. Sioux Oity Journal, 2nd: Soo Cnt tlo company, of Soutb Sioux Oity, Neb, bad in two loads of oattlo over tbo Chicago, Burlington and Quinoy.... Miss os Nana and Kathleen Neiutvuu- cor, 01 uuKota uity, JNoo, were in Sioux Oity yesterday on their way to Mnrshalville, O, to spend the summer viiotUou at tho homo of thoir graud parontB, Mr nnd Mrn Jacob Noittwnn ger...."Did wo havo n good time? Well, I should say wo did, but, bo Uuvo mo, wo aro glod to got bad; to town," ubirpod n freckled f.icod, uuu' burned uuwaboy yosterdny as ho drop pod from a bouth Sioux Uity street car on his return from the vrook's out ing at Crystal lako. The lad carried 11 roll of blankots aud jt dilapidated carpot urg, wulcli dragged tho pave tnont, Tbo nowsboys wero not tho on ly ones to show the effocts of Old Hoi, Tho 1 MUA man who made tho trip wore possessors 01 rod nnsoa nnd faces, the lestilt of too many hot aftornooua in tho lako, Ono of Ihn meinbuia of tho W O T TJ corps carried u two by four court piaster on tho bridge of bur lioso anu also exhitntod a black eye. Sho had participated in one of the ball games, A trip to tho Dakota enmity jail at Dakota Oity was made by tb boys Friday night. Tim aboriff was myru 10 snow mem turougu. Mini trip was groatly enjoyed by tho bulb until tho aheriff landed them in the "bull pen" of tbo jail and looked them in. "You lads havo groatly disturbed tbo quiet of our littlo oity nnd viciuity during tho woek," said n fako county attoruoy to thn now frightonod news boy h "Wo havo you safu behind tla bars und you must pay tho ponaltv " After consulting with tho sheriff about tbo amount of fluo und rcariiuu from a horse doctor book, suppoaod to uu 1110 statute book 01 the Btato of No braska, tho "attornoy" nunouucod, tbo boya must either pay a fine of $10 or Bcrvo u jail oontonco. Tho jail sentence- was a ton minuto ono, but muuy of the boys in thoir frightonod eomli tiou understood the jailer to any ten years. A howl of disapproval went up from the ungod nowsios, and tho sheriff, fuming a riot made an apolo gy and explained tbo joke. No sooner bad tho boys left tho camp yeHterdny tbun tho advauco guard of the boy scouts took poHBcsslon and begun to make ready for tho first annual on oampmout of tho ncoutn of tbu Sioux City district, which opons Monday morning, Soout Commissioner Wol oott and bis assistants remained at tbo oanip yesterday aud will bo there to day to got tho plaoo in readiness. Protect your horses from tho flios. A good pair of covoia for SI. 00. at tbn Edwards & Bradford Hardwnrc, Da kota City, Nebr. If it in A 1 Rrocoriea vou want, hint glance over Van do Zoddo'a stock, Ho will sell juut as ohoap as possible, and ho handles nothing but first class goods, WttMCmKWI(ltOir I CORRESPONDENCE HUOBARD. Frank Dftlng was a bnoiness visitor nt tbo city Monday. Try our 3-stor rolled corn for a de licious breakfast food. Carl Ander son. Guy Anderson of Martinsbnrg, was a visitor bore last week. l'rinp n your cream, bnttor and eggs. You will always got tbo highest ii.ui!.f,t price nd fair treatment. Geo Timlin. Ghaa Varvais wont to Sioux City Wednesday to bco his son Boy at tho bospitnl. Do not fuil to bco our lino of men's dress abitts nnd bats. Geo Timlin. Miss Mnrtha Zapp of Emerson spent the first of tbn week in this viciuity visiting relatives. Onr aim is to always havo on hand a lull uno 01 ircsn lanoy groceries. Como in and sco the good things to oat which we can supply. Geo Tim lin. Nellie Hogan of Jackson, woa a vis itor hero Wednesday. Parasols in all shades, styles and prices, at Carl Anderson's. A largo nnmbor from here celebrat ed the 4th at llomor. Mary Jano aprons, bouse gowns, ready-to-wear, at Carl Anderson's. A goodly nnmbor from this vioinity attended tho dance nt Jackson Tues day ovening. Wo can supply your wants in tho lino of fruit jars, covors, rings and all kitchen utensils needed for can ning fruit or vegetables. Geo Timlin. All ure pleased that Mary Hurtnett is again nblo to be about and bo bor old Bolf again. Shoes to fit nuy member of tbn fami ly and nt prices that cannot help but snit. Carl Anderson, Androw Anderson oame down from Uloomfield Monday for a two weeks' visit witb friends nnd relatives. Try u sack of our Wyandotte Clean ser and if it fails to suit bring back the empty sack and get your monoy baok. Carl Anderson. Among tho city passengers from boro last Week wero Maggie Thorn. A Larson and vifo, Mrs Paul Sharp, and Mrs Fred Shumaobor. If you noed a fancy shirt, neoktio or anything for the Fourth, stop at Carl Anderson's and he will fit you out. Fireworks canned a sad accident at tbe Charlio Varvais home on tho 4th, when their son Boy was trying to light a roman candle. It exploded, nearly blowing out ono of bis eves. He was taken to Sioux City by Dr Leahy in bis nuto to St Vincent t hospital where it was found necessary to remove tho injured eye. At present he is getting along 11 b well as can be txpeated. You can't beat Millar's coffee for quality or price. Try it, at Carl An derson's. Quite a littlo excitement was caused Monday evening when fire wbb dis covered in tho cellar at Carl Ander son a store, rue uine was sonn ex tinguished and no great damage was dono, thanks to the prompt nssitanco rendered by tho neighbors. It is sup pnaiul that tho lite was started by some child plnying with firecrackers and dropping ono in tbe cellar. JACKSON. 1 D Mitchell had a load of whitolaces on tho market Monday that averaged 1271 oaob and sold for $0.00, tho top prico of tho soitBon. Pearl Welsh is visiting relatives at Onawa, Iowa, M F Dillon, of Salix, Io, was nn ovor Sunday guest in the JntnosHarty homo . Mr and MrsKrniiBo returned to their bomo at Waltbill, Neb, Monday, nftor au over Sunday visit in tbu borne of Mrs Krnuso'd sister, Mrs L W Hall. Among thoso who spont tho Fourth at Allen, Nob, wero Mr and Mrs Fred J Morgan ami buu Stephen, Mario and and Bernicu Dtigau and L JW Hall, wifo and baby. Born, to Mr and Mrs William lleo nau, of Vista, July 2, 1011, u daugh ter. Bev Fr Dovano. enjoyed an over Fourth of July visit from his Bister, Anna IKmuuo, of Omaha. Biohatd Nash, of Osmond, Neb, was n guoHt iu the J M Kerry homu tho Fourth. MraOarrio Thompson, of Watorbnry, iu yisiting httr daughtor, Mrs O A Bar ber, this wook. Curl Vitkoy, of St Charles, Mo, ur lived boro the last of the week tor a fow wnoliH visit with Jou B vun, iv for mer uobrol mate at St Louix, Mo, Mary Bolor, who underwent an ope ration for uppuudicitiH at St Viuceut'a hospital luHt week, is getting along ua well na could bo expected. Mm Jauo Lilly roturnod Friday evening from a weeks visit with rela tives at Wayne, Neb. Tho home of Mr and Mia Frank Konnelly wus gladeuod by the arrival of a IU pound boy at thoir homo July 2, 1011. William Suudt nnd Luko Murray went to Omaha, Sunday, to tako iu tho eights tbero for a fow, days. Frank Biley, of Seneca, Jvas, spout over Sunday with the homo folks. J B Smith is enjoying a visit from hia daughtor, Mrs Arnold and child ren, ot iWUHkogpo, Ukla. 1vuo.11 hu hud not seen for twenty yeara. JaokBou spent u quiut aud sane Fourth, tho most of thr folks h pending the day at home, a fow goiug to Crys tal laku aud Humcr, Jaak&ou defeated tho Sioux CityNa tiouls hero Suuduy in a fast balllgume 7 to D. Battories Marsh and Fryo -Uriudo and Maloy. Dr J M O'Oouuoll, of Ponoa, was hero on u professional call, Wednes day. Margaret Keofo doparted Friday for a mouths visit with friouds at Wiufleld, Kuh, nud othor points, Mra P Smith nud daughtor Moua, of Sioux City, uud eistor, Mra Margaret IjiwleSH and children, of Top ok n, Kaa, arrived hero Saturday evening to visit relative. Sam lhu'ston, a sohool mnto of Jns L Barry at itleefl Military ncndt'my, wan a guest iu the J M llarr; homo over Inst Thursday night. On Fndny ho pitched for Dea Moines in their se ries of games with Sioux City. Miss Hazel Foster, of Lincoln, vlut cd friends here the lirnt of the week. Mrs Mary MoUormick, ouo of tbo oldest pioneers in tbo county, has been feeling quite pcorly tbo lnit couple of weeks, being very ucak and taking very little nourishment. HOMEIl. Mr Kthhrm MoManns, of Keokuk, and ber littlo daughter, who has boen visiting at tbo bomo of her paront;, Mr nnd Mrs C J O'Connor, for soveral days, returned to Keokuk, Thursday, Mrs Gorbam accompanied by Kath leen nnd buby Ned, inado n visit to Mr Gorbam's parents in Sioux City tho past week. Jay McEntnficr is building quite an addition to tho Commercial hotel, which be recently purchased. Sovcn good sized sleeping rooms and a kitch en is being built. Tbis will givo Ho mer a good hotel and under the pres ent mangemont tbe public cannot fail to be pleasod. Misft Helen Bolster, of Des Moines, is hero for a visit with her mother. Mrs Myrtlo Hoover and mother, Mrs Ohas Bates, of Waltbill, came up Wednesday evening for a fowdoya vis it and to fittingly celebrato tbo 4th. Mrs Georgo Ashford and two child ren, Uatliermo ana William wont to Lincoln Monday for a vioit witb Mrs Ash ford's parents. Miss Margaret Ashford accomponied ber as far as Fremont, returning on tbe ovoning train. Harold Bucklaud and OmarKilburn lmv been in rioracr visiting friends nnd relatives. Miss Lettio Ileikep retnrnod bomo tbis week from a visit witb relatives at Dalas, S D. Sho was accompanied by ber cousin, Zolo Slangbtor, who will remnin a couple of weeks. Miss Nellio McEntaffer went to Em erson Saturday ovening with her uu- olo Monroo. Tbis is tho young lady's llrst trip away from homo. Frank flirscb, wifo and daughter wero down from Sioux City to cele brato tbo Fourth and also remain for a snort visit witu relatives and friends. Joo Gorbam came home from Walt bill to oelobrato in a patriotic manner. Mrs Sherman MaKinley returned Sunday from n three months visit in Book county. OPPOSITION TO FILLING LAKE DEVELOPES. fleeting Held at Island Beach Hotel Sunday to Plan Work of Raising Lake to Normal Level. 81ou Oity Journal, ml. At a meeting attended by more than fifty ownora of property around OryHtal lake und about a dozen farmers living between tue upper end of tbe lako and tho Missori river, bold yesterday after noon at tue John Thayor cottage, near tho Island lieach hotel, action was taken which may load to the adoption of ho me plan for putting water into tho lake. The farmers present said they would resist any movement to raise tbn lake to any such stage that their farms would bo inunnndated. Louis O Stephens and others took the position that two more- feot of water would make tho lako about right Mr Stephens pointed out that when the lake was that high last year, and even higher tho year beforo, thoro was no kicking ou tho part of the farmers. However, aecordiug to Mr Stovens, it was not his desire, and bo felt sure it wiu not the dceire of any of tho cot tagers, to havo bo much wnter into the laku that tho laud of the farmers would bo flooded. In Mr Stephens' opinion, God ulniighty will fill' tbiInko up in timo and no earthly boings, cottager or lurmer, wilt uuvo auythmg to hay au to what tho Btugo of wafer Hhalt ho, Fiually the proporty owners ehoso a committoo of live to confer with 11 00m inittuo of six chosen by tho farmers. Tho object of this conference ib to de cide upon soao plan to ruu wator into the lako which will be satisfactory to the property holders on tho lako and tho farmers alike. . Tho couforeuco botweon these com mittees will bo held at 2 o'clock next Friday uftornoou ut tho city hull, South Sioux City. The committees nro composed as follows : L iku property owners N S Bruuer, John 11 Burko, Frederick Wood, Den ins Finuerty and Bussoll Frisbio. Fat mors J W DoForest, Louis Bor der, Ira Wnddell, F W Lohr, Georgo Wilson ami J G Sbumnkur, Iucidontul to this movument to put more witter into the lake, steps wore taken toward the organization of 11 per manent association of lako property owners. Upon motion of James Covouy a committee of fivo on constitution und by-laws will bo named by tho chair man of yesterday's meeting and report at a meeting to bo held next Sunday, Yeaterdav's meeting wna nailed to bo hold at tbe Island beach hotel, but tho crowd was so largo that au adjouin mest was taken to tho capacious porch and lawn of tho Tbnyei cottage, a chort dbtauco to tho west, N 8 Bruuor, Sioux Oity manager for tho Western Iowa company uud tho Woodbury company, who owns a beau tiful cottage on tho lake, and who is sued the cull for tbo mooting, wua up on motion of O F FeSjoudeu mtilo chairman of the meeting. Fred Duvi. upon motion of Louis U Stephens, was onoHon Houretary, Mr Urunor stated tbe object of the moetiug to be to bold a fiioudly dis ousBion ou w ays aud means to put more water into tho lako and I.eop tho stage about tho same all tho time. Ho said tho artesian well plan had bcon snggoRtod. Auotber way would bo to pipo tbo wator from tho Missouii river; another, to siphon it. Air Bruuer bad seoured figures on tho cost of pipe, pumps and tilo. Fred Smith, of the eugiuoenng firm ot Smith & Finley, was called upon aud stated ho had run levels botweon tho river nud tho lako and that tho plan to ruu water from tho former iutn thn latter was entirely feasible llo aaid the distance to bo piped would bo from 0U0 to l.uuo feet aud ho would suggest a 21-inch pipo. Tho C06t would not be great. G J Savldgo, upon invitation, 'spoko for tbo artesian well plnn. Ho said tho four wells at Lako Andes aro ro- npousiblo for thut beautiful lako of uour vratcr free from tation. Mr &nvidgo suggested n 1G inch pipo, which, bo said, would havo a flow of from 1,000 to 1,500 gallons per minute. The cost of digging tho well, install ing tbe pipo and all, wonld bo about $7 per foot. Fred Wood, Judge A Van Wagencn, O F Fosselmnn, Charles Young, Oscar Borman, John Voidt, Willinm Judd, "Billy" Anderson, Milt K Hartman. Joo Trauertnau und others favored uny plan which would mnko tho lako better for boating and fishing. Mr Bruner said it was only n ques tion of n short timo until a traction lino would bo built up through tho island and another, lino would run up tho south sido of tbo lako. "Tbeso improvemontB are coming suro," MrBrunor said, with much poa itivenesa, "and when that time comes all this farm land around bore is going to bo very valuable. Wo expect to make a groat resort here, and in order to do this wo must havo tho hearty co operation and good will of tho farmers of this community." Applause- greeted this statement, nnd BubboU Friable, of tho Consumers Ico company, said Mr Bmnor was right. Mr Fsisbio olso called attention to tho fact that all tbis farm land was deeded land and that to flood it by ar tificial means would bo doing some thing pretty serious. In this connec tion Mr Friable took occasion to say that ho thought tbe cottagers wero un necessarily alarmed regarding tho stago of water in tbe lake. Mr Fris- bio approved the suggestion of John II Burke that a oonferonco committoo bo appointed, so that tho lako prop erty owners and farmers could get togothor. , Mr Do Forest said what tho farmers wanted was u diko at the oast .end of tho lake und a dike nt tho south end, bo tho water could bo confined within the shores of tho lake. Mr Smith, tho cngincor, said it would be an eaHy matter for tbo water to be controlled Bciontifically. If tho water ohonld be piped from tbe Mis souri, Mr Smith aaid, it should bo ta ken from back water, which never car ries sand or silt. Following further discussion as to tho relative value of tho pipe from the river plan and the artesian well plan, the committees wero announced, utter whioh adjournment took plaoo. Tho News. Herald for Now a when it is NOTICE OF BALE. Tho undersigned will sell on 'fuiltiy, August 1, 1011. to tho highest bidder for cash, 495 shares of tho Capital Stock of tho Sioux Oity, Orystnl Lnko und llomor Hall way Company, Raid shares foeliiK of the par value of tioo each, nnd belnir inoro particu larly ucsunocu us toiiows: Oortlllcnto number C, Ifssuud to Hurt II. Foyc, reprCMmtliiB 31 shares; certificate numbor 10, Issued to J. A. Koyo, represent ing 100 shares; cortlllcate number 12, Issued to Joseph A. Foyo, Jr., representing 40 shares; curtlllcntu numlxir It). Issued to J. A. Koyo, rcpresentlns 01 nnd 7-8 shares; certificate number 17, issued to J. A. Foyc, ar., roprosontlns 0 nnd 0-8 shares; certifi cate number 19, InitHnl to Itllcy Howard, ropresentinir 01 anu ,-s snares; certificate numbor iS), Issued to Hlloy Howard, repre senting 1S7 and r-3 shares; cert llloa to num ber ;!1, Issued to Ira How aril, roprcbuntlng 1 sluiro: cortlllcate numbor 32, Issued to Htophen Howard, representing I 'share; cor tlllcnto number:!.), isHued to John M. Coc. representing 1 share. All of tho abova certlfluates of stock hav ing been nstlgued In blank to tho liank of uattotn Ulty, to secure the payment of cor taln promissory notes of tho .-.aid Sioux Ulty. Orystal I.ako and Homer Hallway Company given to the Hank of Dakota Oity, and (lesori nod an follows: Noto for 112M, dated August 19, 1010, duo Hopteinlxir 1, 1910, noto for tUIH, dated Aug- KIIO. IV, IVIV, UUII CTU,JlUIIli.UI Ji 1V1U. l.UU UUIU for (2750, dated August 19, 1910, nnd duo Sep tember 1, 1910, each of said notes drawing interest nt tho rate or 10 nor cent nor annum fioni Augunt 1,1910, and each of xald nuti'i having l)eon signed by tho said Sioux City, uryslul .hake anil llomor llnllway oompii ny. nnd the payment thereof guaranteed by iiiiuy nownni, j. a. roye. sr ana .101111 .M. uoo. too amount now one on sum notes no lug the sum of JK).(U), and lntciest nt tho rato o' 10 per cent, pur annum from July 1, inn. Said sale will lie held in the olllco of tho Hank of Dakota Oity, at Dakota City, Dako tu county. Nebraska, at 11 o'clock A. JI., on Tuesday, August 1st, A. D. 1911. Dated this 7th day of July, A. I). 1911. Hank or Dakota Oity. NOTIOi: OF bALE. To Grace W. Foye, widow of Burt H. Foje, deooiised, and Ncfdin Foye, only heir of Burt II. Foyo, deceased, notico is hereby given, that tho under signed will soil on Tuesday, August 1, 1011, to the highest biddor for cash, 105 shares of tho capital stock of the aiour. Oity, Crystal Lake and Homer Railway company, said shares being of the par vnluo of $100 each, and be in k mote particularly described us follows: Gertiticuto number D, issued to Hurt II. Foyo, representing !14 shares; cer tificate number 10, issued to J A Foyo, representing 100 sharos; certiilcnto number 12, issued to Joseph A. Foye, jr., roprosnntiug 40 shares; certifloato number 10, issued to J A Foye, repre senting CI and I shares; certificate numbor 17, issued to J. A. Foye, sr., representing G nnd shares; certificate, number 19, issued to Riley Ilowurl, representing Gl and shares; certifi cate nnmbor 20, issued to Uiloy How ard, representing 187 and Jshnr's; certificate numbor 21, issued to Ira Howard, representing 1 share; cortiri cute number 22, issued to Stoplicn Howard, representing 1 share; certifi cate number 23, it sued to John M. Coe, representing 1 slime. All of tho above certificates of stock having been assigned iu blank to tho Bank of Dakota City, to secure tho payment of certain promissory uotes of the siiid Sioux Oity, Crystal Lako and Homer Uiilivay company given to tho Bunk of Dakota City, und described as follows: Noto for $4,23G, dated Augu-t 19, 1910, duo September 1. 1910; noto for 1,0H, dated August 19. 1910. I'lin Sopt ."ruber 1, 1910 ; and note for $2,7C0, dated August 19, 1910, nnd duo Sep tember 1,1910, oi ch of said lotot drawing interest nt the rate of II) per cent per annum from Augubt 1, 1'HO, uud each of tho said notes having been signed by tbo said Sioux City, Crystal Lake aud Homer Railway company, nud tho payment thereof guaranteed by Riloy Howard, J. A. Foye, sr,, und Jobu M. Coe, the amount now duo on said notes being tbo sum of $10,000, nud interest at tbo rato of 70 per cent, per unnum ftnm July 1, 1911. Said sale will be held iu the ofllco of tho Bank of Dakota City, at Dakota , City, Dakota county, Nebraska, at 11 o'clock A. M., on Tuesday, August lbt, A. D. 1911. . . Dated thlB 7fb Tiny of July, A. D. 1911, Bank ok Dakota Lm. Good B8t.fik.ii2g Kxerxxpliflecl That's always the goal with this good Bank. Been' at it Twenty-five years and more. Less than fifty dollars losses. No suits, no foreclosures, no enemies (that we deserve). Always plenty of money for good loans, and excellent accommoda tions extended all our customers. Why not try this Bank for a sample month, and know the difference yourself? Or ask any customer of ours how we treat them. "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" Batvk. of Dakota Paint and Whitewash Brushes W. L- Dakota. City tShe Question of PaInt Is one that should interest not alone the painters, but all desirous of improving and preserving their buildings and homes. In the Mound City Paint you secure not only a paint of good wearing quality, sun-proof, and reliable in every way, but exactly the heaviest paint on the market, which means that it is made substantially from the purest ingredients known to the industry. Isn't that of value to you? In Mound City barn paint, you secure the genuine oxide of iron paint no imitation and furnished in red, slate, brown or yellow. We know you cannot beat these paints for either quality or price. Try them. 1 Interior Decoration Is something that should appeal to every housewife not alone becauBo of improved appearance, but from tbe standpoint of econ omy of labor. On these grounds wo wish to remind you that wo havo a new nnd up-to-date stock of Wall Paper, something to please you. And remember, wo also keer thr sanitary wall-coating, Alafonstiiie. It will not rub off niio onn 1-. p on plain, or etched in tho most artistic manner Y imvi oe disappointed if you use it. Orleivtcv! Vsxrnlsh. furnishes nn artistic mothod for brightening thoso old chairs, cup boards, etc. Wo furnish it In oak, cherry, walnut, mahogany, etc. I Dakota City, Nebraskal IE ; r -mmm .. t This lK-in. Concord Harness No. 7G no collars 31 Our No. 179, l-in. Concord, with flat backs, a better job 835 Sttxrges &ros. &S"S.? 4 4 M-M"f- mimm aa WANTFfi mgh ln8 ,lFnwhw?iSfMSVLciti,or,d09nd exhibit a sample Latest Model monlv?fa iM l!y ,us- or0Keiit.soverywhero aro maklns money last. trrttt for full ttrtituiarttw,j ...,jf ..... m H-'W" r lftiEnIf J I mv.-iimf Ki. Biwni"J" .'"""" -'V?"' CP m?Ke ..,!... . nw. Wiwm IB' LwvW Wi ievftLn,SS2VS2r.,"?70,""9'r. WekraHtUacdwlthlLOaSfltAZrt'onnUt. my W OrdriinHl thod.T rmfnd ?5?il HANO BfcrcLES. We do not iSJLRnBftR !.K E.s ' 9"'rt" r I ai Hedgclhorn Puncture-Proof $ JiST i h 'dcii-iiKiiiinir iirpe'- r"" -- - cl. 1 V T"f' "rf ffrffiiin dim ... .....w m immrim rmirjQT . .((! n lOttb 6r4tTf4.it nu muiic i nuiDLCr KUM rURUIHKES NAILS, Toka,orcltivlll not lit tbolrout "'- or unit win noi lei in air o HijuuartUUiousana pairs bold last year. KW'S5W.3-V .uiiiht ;jr iuiuiiiu uiiu llllfU lOSiaO Wltll pnpvuui uuuitijr ui ruuuvr, WlllCa UOVCr t0- Krt:i;vrM"r"ii:.w,-jT! U fcia puuuUlv9iiiuiuub niiuwinirmaoir to tk iioToo Tiir "nSK Ant'fk.. SZ, .S" "i e ZXtJrJlJ!z,vim7l0TViaymliu nurpose V "f, a. WS&fcSWtt? L '"S rider of ,ro eVaminPrt n.i VA.i .r" " h'Ji-. "i on lturnedt0UHInin.l?fnVIJ:L"M!?.'0, Vou Kten n,Ur,cd,s,of ttcrstrom satUDcd customers l. fjotfeothothlekrubbortrsad llt,nLlatthW,rP3,iavoon,yteen'unipdupoiico M ''A'ndpuncturootrlp"!! K dfnare0 gi SKKl ?PTO th"S 7 jn- "p.. iuorim triPP "H-; .1' w iikcu iinej v,,.itwiLTS.' SSii.' ' i"i"ii7omnaror npiiroriiMittiicm MlMqaotM boT., or write forour i.rT-rii. Jnl.T'fil! T","" PI"?.T' "! trl.l at tho .peelal lotroJuctory of tlM.taboiTtuillhonlprKjSl tatalojuo wtlcU OoKrlUaand .juotw all m&kt and IfUnUJ rt,,Uri.7U;,0t,l, '??.' lorljro(u.rn.Uito7ra imvSSi.mfSiiii noA IJM..HEAD OYGLE OOMPJUiY.'CHIOAeO, it County okion r. ROSS Pharm&oy Of Every Size and Kind. Genuine Rubber Paint njts as a preservative when applied to wood work or Iron. Prevents thnt roof leaking aud Improves appenr nnces generally. Glvos satisfaction, INJESS - A RlilFR AhcNT rriJ (Df wf- lMMEvJn 5 WBfiD """I y5u' rece'fvoand approve of ?our UlCrclO. WO Sl ntnnnvnnnntimD uMi ti, n a ..... r .. If 'vou nbonm,?rilloblC5'?.lo,ln.d,)utlttonny test you wish. lilcrSiofih?niuSA.rJ?sUy satl:nct r do not wUi to keep tho "'" jnanuracturcrs cuaranteo behind your UU HILL He ASTfiyiSllElI "ben ruu rmreourtaantirul raUlocso wn.wHhi, 0(lFtudTOurBumrl.mu(Bi. i.a uvuf?f- you tb r. Wo wii tb. hiihTJtS-i.rV:r ft r -"cjcira uaaer jourown mnoplatoatdouble our prlo. ri!ral.rl h.nrti. - k...,,..., . t. I, .I, it n ii.i SHimSTE2K WS-ii escano .wpiivDiiiniiiGuuini, im tiro will outlait any other miiur i, cukKTIu ana wo aro " east rid NC. a onlr ,80 per pair. AU orders .htnnod ame "res approval, lou do not pay a ccut until you ren no ink in wnillnt ui an onlr u tbo tlrei mar l . "OTTHIHKOFOUVINQaUfTCtoor.palrot know,tao "" "pndertul offerVw, . "bTlIm. 4. V v