ir ? r Vi3 r II. E. Knepper's Grocery Specials " for Friday and Saturday Red Raspberries lUook Itaspborrios Currants Oberrios Orangoa Lomona WatormoloDB Canned gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries nil fresh per can. . . 10 Imported Maocnroni, tho best to bo bad, per box 15$ Nioo big Florida Pineapples 16$ Fresh farrad Blwttyu iu ntook FreBh, dainty cookioa of nil kinds .... Now assortment of candy Bulk olives, sweet, sour and dill piokleB Bananas, per doz 20$ Salt Pork, best quality, per lb . . .13$ Best Sugar on red Baoon, perlb .... 20$ Best Lard, per lb .....14$ Pressed Ham, per lb 14$ California Hams, per lb 14$ Bulk Coffee, per lb 20$ and 30$ Our Own Pio 3 for 25$ Cheese, mild, per lb 20$ Any kind of Laundry Soap, 6 bars, 25$ Agents for Chase & Sanborn's Cof fee 25$, 30$, 35$ and 40$ Akron Wheatine best breakfast food going 5 lb sack for 25$ Wo are still paying the highest prico for produce Eggs and Butter. Nico line of straw hats all prices Shoes, Rubbers and Rubber Boots. All kinds of Dry Goods Notions. IVI. E. Knepper's Grocery OAKOTA CITY, NEB. R R Time Table C.St. P., M.ftO. Trains leave Dakota City at tho fol lowing timo: HOBTE BOUND SOOTH BOUND G:2Gpm Omaha11, 7:58 am 10:38 am Omaha t5.17pm 3 :38 pm Norfolk f8 :33 am 9:37 am Norfolk 4:53 pm 7 :35 am Newcastle. . . . .10 :38 am 2:01pm " 5:50 pm BUJIDAY THAISB 12 :13 pm Omaha 2 :80 am 3:38 pm...... Norfolk 8:33 am 9:37 am Norfolk 4:53 pm daily except Sunday, t do not Btop CBSQ OUTH No. 91 Looul Freight 7 :15 am 17 " Passenger .. 12 :57 pm NORTII No 92 Local Freight 2:25 pm 16 Local Passenger . . 6 :u0 pm daily. daily except Sunday. . DISTRICT COURT DATES For tho Eighth Judioiuldistriot ol Nebraska, for the year 1911: Gumlng Jnnunry !W, September 11 Dnkotiv Fobruury 13, Soptombor 25 Stanton March i OotoborO CeUnr Mnioli is. November 13 lllxon ...March 37, December 4 Thurston April 10. October 10 Thellrstdny of ench term Is set for heur uppllcntlons forcltlzonshlp papers. Guy T Grnvos, Jutlgo. I sell the Stickney Engine because its the best Renze & Green I EXCLUSIVE RENZE & GREEN 415 Sixth Street Undertaking Old Phona, 71 New " 2471 ! i i I Now Open r,he Dakota City Am here to serve you with Wines, Western Brew SSf ua Beer Courteous Treatment FRED G. tm I Abstracts of Title A $10,000 Surety Boud I Guarantees tho acenraoy of overy Abstraot I make Local Items Friday, June 30, 191 1 A babv boy was born to Will Barlels and wife, Monday. Everything in Firoworks at tho Da kota City Pharmacy. Bruon's ooffeo is still iu the lead, Van do Zoddo sells it. M M Ream and wife, of. Sioux City, Sundaycd with relatives hero. Frank Ilirsch, of Sioux City, was talking Florida land hereabouts, Mon day. Frank Niomoyer roturnod to Chica go Sunday evening, after a two wooka visit here. $1.00 buys n good soroon door at tho Edwards & Bradford Hardware, Dakota City, Nebr. Mrs Mollio Broyhill visited at the Will Broyhill homo below Homer, a couple of days last week. Savo your horses worry and fretting by a liboral use of "Fly-No." Tho Dakota City Pharmaoy sells it. Sovoral members of the Odd Fellows lodge oxpeot to go to Allen to cole brute at tho lodge pionio on tho 4th. Owon J Owens and Myrtle A Tay lor, both of Rookford, 111, were united in marriage by Rov Warren, Monday. Prof J A Ohiooino returned to Jef ferson, S D, last weok after spending a couple of days hero looking after business matters. Vim has somo of those fine Vouiliau mirrors whioh he is giving away with coupon trado tickets. Call and boo thom, it won't oost you anything. E J Smith and wife and Misses Lulu Hirsob, Laura Booth and Miss Mo Bride woro up from Homor Sunday, enjoying an antomobile ride and a dip in tho lake. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will braoeup the nerve, ban ish sick headaohe, provont diapond oncy and invigorate tho whole system. Sold by all druggists. The Fields & Slaughter company havo purchased the two lots just south of tho Omaha depot and will move their corn cribs from the sohool square to the new location immediately. On Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Delier and two daughters, of Sioux City, vieitod at tho Cyril E Simpson homo and foastod on cheraies picked from Mr Simpson's trees. We notic ed thoy drova a mighty fine looking team. The Lytle Construction company began work Monday remodeling tho Qeorge Carter residence. The roof will be raisod and a second story ad ded to it, making it a twelve room house. It will be furnished with mod ern conveniences. In compliance with tho order of District Judgo Ouy T Graves the vil lage board of Dakota City on Satur day evening issued a saloon license to Henry Krumwiede, and on Monday morning Mr Krumwiede opened up for business in the building1 which ho for merly used for a pool hall . The annual school meeting for dis trict No 1, Dakota City, was held Mon day afternoon at the court houso. R E Evans and John H Ream wero eleot ed members of the board. Tho re ports of tho seoretary and treasurer wero approved, and an estimate of $4,000 for general school purposes and $1,100 for bond interest was author ized, Eleven voters nttonded tho mooting. Be sure the melon isn't a lemon. It all depends on the dealer. I handle neither melons nor lemons. AGENTSI Hubbard, Neb. WM. F. DICKINSON Llcarvsod Cmbalmar Sioxzx City, Iowa I I I a for Business Liquors, Cigars I STANNARD Dakota City Nobrasku Successor to Dakota County Abstract Co. Bonded Abstracter J. J. EINERS Big bargains iu Firoworks at tho Dakota City Pharmaoy. Tho Omaha dopot is being decorat ed with a coat of red paint. Jamee King was a business visitor hero from Homer last Friday. Will H Ryan was a passenger from Homer to this place last Friday evon ing. S A Stinson is stocking up his now toro and fast getting it iu shape for business. Harry H Adair is tho owner of a now Chalmers-Detroit oar whioh ho purchased this weok, Tho V H & F M society will meet in tho Lutheran church next Tuurs- day, July 0th, at 2:30 p m. Time now to got after tho ohioken mites and lioe. Tho Dakota City Pharmaoy will show you how. John and Qny Stinson, Frank Nio meyor and Qeorge Wilbins saw tho carnival at Walthill last Friday. Allio Androws, of Bloomfiold, visit ed relatives tho Rockwells and An trims hore a few days this weok, Mabel V Roam is at Waterbury this week holping oaro for Mrs Kido Ream, her brother's wife, who is seriously ill. Mrs Wm Ohoney visited with her daughter, Mrs Ed Morta, at Wynot from Saturday until Tuesday morn ing. Don't forgot the coffoo with tho dish es at Van de Zedde's he has a nico assortment. A nico dish with eaoh package. Missss Nana and Kathleen Nois wanger leave Saturday for a few months vist at Marshalville, Ohio, with their grandparonts. Cards announcing the birth of a daughter to Mr and Mrs Thos Eascott, of Mitchell, S D, on Juno 1st, woro reoeivod horo this weok. For Salo Good Hotel business in oounty Boat town in northeast Nebras ka, terms reasonable, good roason for selling. Address, Tho Herald, Dako ta City, Nobr. A good soaking rain foil in this lo cality Sunday night, whioh means a bountiful potato crop, whioh was about tho only orop that was suffering to any great oxtent. Wm A Niomevor loft for Ohioaeo Tuesday evening in response to a tolo gram Btating that his fathor was not expected to live. The old Kontloman is in his 82nd year, and has been quite feeble for some time. Fruit jar rubbers tho Rood kind threo dozen for a quarter; also a com bination dipper, fruit jar filler with sieve, strainer and funnel attachments for u dime at tho Edwards & Bradford Hardware, Dakota City. Chamberlain's Cough Romedy is sold on a gnarantco that if you are not aatisfied after using two-thirds of a bottle according to directions, your money will bo refunded. It is up to yon to try. Sold by all drnggists. M O Ayres and G F Broyhill leavo Saturday evening for Boston, Mass, where Mr Ayres goes to purchase u new $5,000 Knox automobile. Mr Broyhill, who accompanies him, will drive tho machine home, a distanco of about 2,200 miles. Miss Mary Easten will loave noxt Wednesday for a trip to tho Paoiilo roast, where she will spend a month sight seeing and visiting friends. Sho will return by way of Saco, Mont, whero her brother, Arch E Easton, is operating a drug store, and pay him a short visit. Throa candidates have announced their intentions of running for ofllce, through tho columns of tho Horald. Goorgo Wilkios and Georgo R Rook well, both of Omudi precinct, are out for tho republican nomination for county olerk, and D O Stinson for oounty judgo. TJ S Marshal W P Warnor of Oma ha, and Dr D B Stidwortuy of Homer, administrators of tho Into A lex under M Nixon estate, wore hero Wednesday nettling up tho affairs of tho estate in tho probate oourt. Mr Warnor ex pects to leave Omaha noxt week for an outing with his family at ttieir summer homo on ono of the beautiful lakes in Minnesota, near McGregor. "It cured mo," or "It saved tho life of my child," ato tho expressions you hoar ovory day about Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhooa Remedy. This is truo tho world over where this valuable remedy has been introduced. No other medicine in uso for diarrhoea or bowel complaints has received such general approval. Tho secret of the success of Chamberlain's Colio, Chole ra and Diairhoea Remedy is that it cures. Sold by all druggists. Ed Frederiok, rural mail carrier on routo 1 from this ofOco, has negotiated for a Ford auto whioh he will use in ctrrying mail on his routo. With the number of machines in tho county now about a hundred, and the good condition of tho roads, there is tio reu- son why tho rural routes cannot bo served by auto much cheaper and quicker thun by team. A route 27 miles in length can bo sorved by auto in tho forenoon, while it taken until 4 o'clock in the afternoon to mako tho rounds with u team. Dakota City's ball team went to Rosalio last Sunday loadod for "bar," and tiioy turew a scare into tlio camp of corn fed canaries down the line that will last thom untin after tho 4th. Tho game was the best seen thoro this season ending in a tie, 2 to 2. It was anybody's gamo all tho wuy through. Londrosh, for tho Dakotu City Toddy Boars, wus in good form und kept tho hits scattered, allowing only live, and those on tho scratch ordor, Tho game was fouturod by tho fust fielding of McAllister and Htinson'a buok-stop work. His throwing to socond dis couraged tho fast baso runnors from stouling second, few of them trying it aftor tho first inning. A three base hit in the eighth by Herman Lulus sent Morrison across tho plato with the tying scoro. Tho gumo was called at tho end of tho ninth inning to allow our boys to catch tho Burling ton train home. The tio will bo play ed off ut Rosalie July 0th. During the act-to Hoxulio garnertd 2 runs, fi hits and 2 errors, to Dakota City's 2 runs, 7 hits und 2 errors. Huttcrics : Ilosa- lio Schilling and McDonald; Dakota City Londrosh and Stinson. Struck out, by LondroBh, 8; by Schilling, 0. Bases on balls, Schilling, 1. Timonf gamo, 1 ;5B, Umpires Bring und E Hiloman. OEORGB WILKINS, Republican Candidate for County Clerk. Mr Wilkins, who has been tho effi cient olork of the district court for tho pi8t two yoars, has filed for tho nomi nation of county olerk, Mr Wilkins has proven his ability in tho line of work ho is socking and will not dis appoint his frionds if olooted to that important ofllce. Roal estato loans. Geo Wilkins, Fruit of all kinds .t Van do Zoddo's. Best mado broom that ovor oamo to town, at Van do Zoddo's, from 35o up. Buy a good farm on tho Dakota oounty bottom. I havo No flies on your stock if you uso "Fly-No" sold by fho Dakota City Pharmaoy. Prof C E Simpson went to Jeffor aon, S D, Thursday to visit until after tho Fourth. If you haven't got time to do your own shopping oall up No 1. and ho will deliver the goods promptly. Proteot your horses from tho flics. A good pair of covers for $1.00, at tho Edwards & Bradford Hardware, Da kota City, Nobr. If it is A 1 grooerioa you want, just glanco ovor Van de Zedde's stock. Ho will sell just as cheap as poHsible, and ho handles nothing but first class goods. Lamo shoulder is invariably oausod by rheumatism of tho musoles and yields quiokly to tho froo application of Chamberlain's Liniment. This lin iment is not only prompt and offootual, but in no way disagreoablo to uso. Sold by all druggists. If you are not satisfied after using according to directions two-thirds of a bottle of Ohamborlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, you can havo your money baok. Tho tablets cleanse and invigorate tho stomach, improve tho digestion, regulate the bowels Givo them a trial and get well. Sold by all drnggists. Attentionl Notico is horoby given to all parties intrHtnri that there will bo held in the court house yard at Dakota City, Neb, Saturday, July 8, 1011, at 1 o'clock p m, u meeting for the purposo of trans acting such business as may bo neces sary for tlie next annuul meeting of tho Pioneers and Old Bottlers' associa tion of Dakota county, Nebraska, to be held Thursday, August 31, 1911. Geoiioe Wilkins, t Secretary. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. A I Davis, roforco. (1 Mlsscrschmldt lots 1,'lnml It, bile !I, Ditkota add to Kinursoii mo Henry llrunean and Iliiiiim Itruneiiu to lames K llevors, lots 1, 2, U, hi-o 2fi, w H seo 25, e soJ4 seM neji and lots 1.?, a, l, stc 2rt, nil in :u-7 awou Jos V Hunsiokor to tho On t lied ml chapter of the dloeeso of NoIhunIui, lots, iillc7;lotli. ilki: lot 1, hlk la; lots 1 and V, 1)11:21); lot 12. hllc&i; lots, blk!!H;lot7. hlk 44; lot 4, hlk)5;lot V, hlk (Ml: lot 111. hlk u: lot 2. hlk ll.'l: lots it, 10, 11, hlk 127: lots, hlk Mi; lot 7, Ulk Hfi;lot7. hlklilUilot 1. hlk 22(1; lot D, bikini; lot It), hlk?ll;lotH'.'iindt3, hlk 3U:lotU, hlktrj; all In Dakota Ulty, Noli J A Ira Uuvls unci 1'liclioJ Davis to Ar vld Ilallln, lots 6 iimlO, hlk H, Ninth ad ts Kinursoii , :xl Morton Kitlxirt, ot id to (J U Olmich, lotl7.hlkl7, lstoddt"HHO GO KdwardTSwlKBort and Kdlth S Gra ham, executors, to alias 11 Hulguort, lot 1, blkCI; lotfi, hlkM; lutsi.H, 4, u, 0, blkV7, OovliiKton annex to HSU... 1 J K Knoor ot ol, to Kdwards ,t Iliad ford Lumber (Jo, lot 10 und IS fcetoir of north Hide of lot , hlk n orlKlmil plat to Homor , 173) Matt oraan, unmarried, to Jlleh ael MolilvnrKaii, be4 hw4 25, nuj-i nv,lA'M,nl In -M-6 1200 Olins K 1'almer, et id,, to William 1' Warner, trustee, lot 12. hlk 27; lots 7, 8,0, hlk IU; lots 11.7, H,fi. hlk 14. and lots 4,6,0, hlk 111, nil In tUiilitou lid toUov lngtou, within tho Ullnuo of South HlouxUlty 1 Oharles E I'idmor, ut nl, to William II 1'almer, lots t,D, n, hlk III; lots 1, 2. , hlk 26; lots 10, 11, hlk 1U; lots 7, H. V, hlk Sit, iii I iii htitiitou mid to OovliiKton and bolns .Ylthln the vlllng'Mif nmi l BARNUM CIRCUS AT SIOUX CITY The World's Best Show to Exhibit 'there on Saturday, July 8, Tho people of this Mclulty uie to lie Klven nn opportunity of seelnK the Itanium mid llnlley Greatest Show on Kuuli which will Klo tuo poiforniunces in Sioux Ulty on July 8th. Mmiy uondarful features, new to Ameri can elicits ftoors tiro piumlsed. A company of 4) of the world's inont prominent circus talent, principally Kuropcau, will prent an array of novultlos, thoro will Ixi an el uliorato foronoon intrude and ti imw niiuiii- Kurle. Iu the meiiiiKerleiiiiioiiK imiiiy oth er wonders Is to Ik) found lluhy lliimhceno, the only KlrulTuuiur loru In America. It is Just one year old. Amoiiit the inoi u sensational numlMirs on the Iouk hill are John Duueauuor's compa ny of Im.'II rliiKlhK horses, from KiiKland; the Konelll couipuuv of Italian aciohats, theSleKrlst-HlllKiii family ofGoniiiin aerial Ists, Jupiter the hnlooii horse, (Uiurloy the Frst, a Uhlmpiiuzfo bicycle rider and roller skater, the flcoriietty family of French Jiik Klors, the I.c Dnko ami Les Sllvas fam ily of French euiilllhrlsts, N'oonau's brass hand of elephants, dipt Winston's troupe ofrldliiK and JukkIIiik seals and seallous, llerau's company of mule and pony aetors, Noderwold's doK and monkey circus, Victo ria Codouii, tint world's Kieates wire danc er and tho fifty funniest clowns In the world The Itanium find Itnlley circuses Is now at tno zouilli ot success, u travels on a train more than a mile In leuitth. It employs 1,591 peoplo and has 7 horses. In the mo miKorlonro forty elephants mid over l.trno other slriuiKO animals. The show carries Its own dynamos 1 1 In mini ll nu the twenty tents and the show Krouuds with l.uoiucan descent lamps, nic UkIiIs, scinch IlKhts and iH'iicous, The railroads will make special arraiiKc meats to coincj visitors from outlaying towns to Sioux City on show day, Cut Your Weeds! Notico ih horoby givon to nil proiior ty ownnrb to cut tlio wuoiIh in front of tlioir (iromiHOH mill nitnovo nil rtilibiHli from ulloj h, or tho huiiio will bu do no by tho villiiii uuthorltiuH ami tuxod to tho property. Jamks Fuksiov, Yillugo Marshal, School House Contract Let to the Lytle Company. Tho school board met at tho court houso last Friday afternoon to opon tho bids for tho oonstruotion of tho proposed ow school building to bo erected in this place. Sovon bids wore on fllo for tho construction of tho building and six for tho installing of a steam heating plant. Tho bid of O F Lytle, representing tho Lytlo Construction company of Sioux City, was accepted on tho build ing, aud that of La Velio & Hogan, aleo of Sioux City, for tho heating plant, oaoh of their bids boing the lowest in its class. The total cost of tho building will bo $13,315 00 412,006 for tho build ing and $1,200.00 for tho boating sys tem. Tho contract calls for tho com pletion of tl..i building by Ootobor 1st. Architect F E Colby of Sioux City, who drow tho plaUB and apooifloatione for tho building will havo supervision of tho work throughout. Following aro tho bids as filed with tho school board on tho two aoparato contracts: 1I01LDINO O P Lytic, Stoux Olty SIS.OV, no Morten Oonstruotion Co, Sioux Olty 12JOT 0 Win rruden, Randolph, Nob 18,496 00 Joseph I'ayetto, Htoux Olty 13,8.12 0B J Plltddlo.OrolKhton, Iowa 14.000 W Norman Oleu 18,U8 00 HparaU t Hollos, Walthill, Nob 10,!OO 00 HKATINO tfLANT, Lavello A Iloffnn. Sioux Olty I l.SM 00 J l'Hooncy 1.2SI (O Iscnlmm A Ilotoke, Kmorson, Nob. 1.M2 no A J Vallquottc 1,327 00 Jensen & ZetnlerOo l,.Wi 00 Owon A Graves 1,W0 00 CHURCH NEWS METHODIST, Itev. W. It. Warren, Pastor. Services at tho Methodist KpUcopal church every Sunday follows! I'nuioh I nit at 11 ant: Sunday school at 10 a in; class mcetlnst 1:1 in: Kpvvorth Ienuuo T p in; prcachlnn 8p m. LUTHERAN. Itov.S. L. Kollor. Pastor. DAKOTA OITy Sunday school every Sunday at 0:45a m; Miss Illanohe Hamilton, superintendent. proncliliiK at 7:1K) p in. ovory Sunday. 8ALKM Preaohlng every Sunday at 11 a m: Sun day school promptly at 10 a in. K. P. Oul hertson, superintendent. Tho public Is cordially Invited to all the-e services ADVERTISED LETTERS ltemalnlmt In tho postoltlce at Dakota, Noti., for the mouth of June, 1011: OIIITord Heotor John Strasak Llda llewey Parties culllmr for the ahovo plcaso say "advertised." John II. Ukam. Postmaster. All kinds of ooal, teed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. jTivldh & ShACallTEIl Co. TnKoE Ulivkn, Managor, Dakota City, Nob. Lincoln Sanitarium Sulpho-Saline Springt Located on eur own prtmlMi amd aatsl In the Natural Mineral Water BATHS Unsurpassed In tbt treatment ( Rheumatism art. Btomaoh. Kldny aud Utm Btomaoh. Kldny Dlseaidi MtdttaU Chstfti. AiUnii 0. W. EVERETT, Mgr.. Lincoln, Rtb. n, sdopt J9310OJ JO 401 V 03JJ pntS TTta A pun jadud PO 9tnji 'tr 'uinor) -a im J 'aaBvi oidarotioj ojjjjv. oranioA oiSais oiqojetaoj BOiu Bq noqti noA no sn oi sannop non?ux o jrti XlJBOU ;BOO BUOJ'JtJJIBtini OOOO 'oSbj 00iS 'spJOAl 000'OOi 'otivj pspjAia mK Jiooq eiSais uf tpodoioXona: ny 'oSpe 'lAVOn JO PT.OTJ iCjOAO sjoaoo AJoaqx oAiiBHJoqina nu jo oonoaso pnw mid o suimnoo 'BivoL Anotn ut Xatiaoti -ojp po3pjquun tojvj Xu() oqi U31SS3M WVmy31AI 3H AHVJMOIXOIQ TLVNOIiVNHaXNI s.naxsaHAa. wmMfflssmi' DOMESTIC Now $ A MONTH Yoij fan lilac th UUt ioll, cnuin iotn . f all aarurlni llU mrhlnt In yuttf Imm, It contlnutlir liil ray! nff $2 a month and en ov a varv aoaclat prlc dlrwrt lo rou or from our nairwt mgtttr. A tnBKtiincsht mfcthitio tUpIMlOjUIOUl. Wc Will Take Your Old Machine ''JKUl'S ilrftl kllowtnca on a pUncJll now kiinactle. And rou ran till Uk ! vwitaiiMbfUM ipcUi prlc and tuy lnus DOMESTIC The perfect awintf machine that lias always tod all other makesiUHl U tlay tttr than vmr. Two machlnaa In ona-lock atltch nd chain alltcli. btralcht drop. h4, hitch srn. tall baarlnir A rornpUU t of ltchnirt-. virr on pra tleal, te , nia ! tor varyjy u. Tti lumile li rvUUuri nfmol'm wlnir inirhlnw jiroirr! f Inu outatfVullli SEND FOri OOOK, mCC. T tie Truth AUut Hewlny Kuhlnai tltirrf you how you ran hvh finaiawinir nch. ml ut a 8p-lal Uw I rka anj ml OH1.Y ti inmilh .,l"7 hv wil'l(r(K ,MnrwnvnoBtfniatMiviTy(iUN i" (tUAKANIKI-;, UtthfrU(r(r yog buy any mai-Mo l rra litrtur will von rnonay H-n-l for itNmV, Mlli tiMf Hnk9 C . 41 Jli.lin lit i , tltpl. 1 1 Cbiciftt. Mis Mary R. McUcathi Agent btart A Orass linnilj k Jl b lb mti-t f tm ( ki inmmim a hiMU imAm-4 itnT m urn a luiiiaj aa ti. v u.i ... . jrjp--yrjv YB&k VaBBBWl ar w, I in) rtae Genuine W Yimm-- TfiU?MW?jiPr IU 1J l i I l M " imiRMmainmQMr .rutronizt: nome maustry I Why LORENZ, $ Proprietor of City Meat Market I Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand w Cash paid for Hide? and Pelts I I Agent for Scymoui's White laundry. Basket goes on Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays S I Dakota. City, Nebraska I Undertaker cv coroner The Mico Etornul Process of Jimbalmiiig. Nothing taken from body and nothing put in body. All done upon outside. Body can be kept for ages. B. JF. Sawyer, Jackson, Nebraska L Hhe Herald: Go Somewhere This Slimmer To tho East Take advantage able this summer to eastern cities. There are 30-day tourist rates to New York, Atlantic City, Boston, Montreal, Portland, Buffalo, and other places; slightly higher 60-day limit tourist rates to many of these cities; there arc diverse tours via Old Point Comfort, thence ocean voyage to New York and Boston; this tour recently introduced by the railroads has become one of the most popular tours of American travel. To the West Daily excursion Park, Big Horn Mountain Resorts, Black Hills, Pacific Coast, also circuit tours that will include all of these attractive local ities in one tour. Call or write for leaflets describing JHARNESSi Everything in the line of Harness and Horse Goods ' The pesky flies have commenced to come and we now have our new stock of Fly Nets. Let us fit you out while our stock is complete. Our new stock of "WKips has arrived and are selling at greatly reduced prices. Kopair Work (iivon rrompt. Attention Sole Agent for Bautn's Hog Tonic, Best on the Market. Fredricksem (Si Son Hubbard FaItS Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers Book on patents. "Hints to Inventors." "Inventions needed." "Why some inventors fail," Send rough sketch or model for search of Patent Office records. Our Mr. Greeley was formerly, Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full charge, of the U. S. Patent Office. GREELE Washington, X. C. SHiJiO IMiaVIV 1V133JS M(10 HO J 0W3S tj twdiipnma 3NIZV9VW S.JJ.03NIddIl noiVtMi 0 JO J3dD(j tjlj 0 SldpiO JD pU3 ' JC w OS'Zf xdo3 J"d u sz aujpBoj 3upnjuitxa jo 6iva& soSod 0003 03JJ3U1V uj uouoas louinq pajonb XapM jsoui om ,,'ouia. pun BjnuiDAV,. 1 HOlVflH NVDIM31W A3NI JO S39V.I 003 javttidjsiuj on paau inin SIV30.I !)NISV33d 09 1CJ1A puB 'ina-uoap 'joAap S3IMOXS XHOIIS 9Z. sjdjjjm ;uaiodtuo3 Xq S31DIXUV A33WIX 09 (hissj ipDO uj OUO-S13AON 3X31.HVOD XV3HO Z 1 flOA 01 0MHU 11IAV NOIWUDSUnS S.UMA 3N0 unj puo 'poj 'U0U3IJ uj jtaq XUO jaat oiM fjapuaj Duiiouiuiustip jo ppij opiM aiaAoa mou S.XXODNIJJn ,xau H Iuwm puu jsquinu ouo Xnq oj .tapuaj oi) of nua o u ojninu 8uiadiuo3 v ipnt jo ) t)ua)uo3 iorij uj afoidmoo antrj tfao 3NIZVDVW A1H1NOW S.llODNIddn ouy your meats of only $1 a y V of the low excursion rates avail fares to Colorado, Yellowstone any tour you expect to make. W. R. Sncthen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr. L. W. Wakklby, G F A, Omaha, Neb 1004 Farnam street, I I I i Nebraski Y&MclNTIRE tfM c irsr I i ; ip. iijj ra: XVX3PJ3itiTWim 'luinUJi It)l ui puNJS ui mm t)jnipoiip3it3joa ti,njt im it auioi 'jCMcdcniMUcldi I inwif 4) jiuiu jin i i wnr 4)l .' K Ainvno to koutiu ' Hi --tl