Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 02, 1911, Image 7

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People Are Liberal In Their Contribu
tions to Youno Men's Chrlttlan
Thin year Young Men's Christian as
sociations are likely, It Is said, to
break all records In amount of money
ralBed for new buildings. The success
at Philadelphia, when $1,030,000 was
secured In twelve days, has given stim
ulus both to Young Men's and Young
Women's associations. Added to it
1703 the $2,000,000 campaign for build
ings In foreign capitals. Drooklyn
women, with the aid of a few men.
havo JuBt secxred $415,000; Atlanta
men, $600,000; Rending, $217,000;
Elyrla, Ohio, $127,000, where the com
mittee asked for but $100,000; Charles
ton, S. C, $160,000; Raloigh, N. C,
$76,000; Walla Walla, Wash., $48,000.
'and Ishpomlng, Mich., $22,500. Assocl
fttlon leaders say throe things help
them in getting these largo sums;
Christian unity, a short and pubMc ap
peal, and real results accomplished In
buildings already erectod.
Cuticura Soap and Ointmett do bo
much for poor complexions, red,
rough hands, nnd drv. thin nml fnll.
lng hair, and cost so little that it is
almost criminal not to us them.
Think of the suffering entailed by
neglected skin troubles mental be
cause of disfiguration physical bo
cause of pain. Think of the pleasure
of a clear skin, soft whlto hands and
rood hair. Thcso blessings are often
only a matter of a llttlo thoughtful,
timely care, viz.: warm bathB with
Cuticura Soap, assisted when neces
sary by gentle anointings with Cuti
cura Ointment. The latest Cuticura
book, an invaluable guide to skin and
hair hoalth, will be mailed free, on
application to the Potter Drug &
Ghem. Corp., Boston, Mass.
He Used Good Material.
Rembrandt and Michael Augelo
were playing checkers under a spread
ing tree In the golden sunlight of the
Elyeian Fields.
The famous Italian looked up.
"Remmy," ho said, "did you notice
the price somebody has Just paid for
that 'Mill' of yours?"
"I heard about it."
"Well, I'm glad I had enough money
when I painted that picture to buy a
good quality of canvas. It's your
move, Mike."
And tho game wont on. Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Like the Other Chicks.
Charles T. Rose, equally well known
In Masonic work and banking circles
of Cleveland, Is a great chicken fan
cier, Rhodo Island Reds being his
favorite breed. Walking through his
Incubator houso ho discovered that
Helen, the three-year-old daughter,
had followed him.
"Come here, little chickabiddy," he
called to her. And when she ran
up to him to bo tossed up tond down,
sho asked: "Papa, which was my in
cubator?" Very Like.
"Did Hawkins take his punishment
like a man?" asked Lollerby.
"You bot he did," laughed Dub
blelgh. . "Ho hollered and yelled and
used strong language to beat crea
tion." Harper's Weekly.
Used to It.
Thompson Wouldn't you hato to
have death Btaring you in the face?
Johnson No. If you'd Been my
wife's staro, you'd realize that death's
has no terror or me. Harper's Bazar.
Dr. Pierce's PleaBant Pellets first put up
10 years ngo. They regulate nnd invigor
ate, stomach, liver and bowels. Sujjar
coated tiny granules.
There's nothing disappoints a wom
an more than not to be disappointed
when she expects to be.
Tho biggest work in the world Is be.
lng done in the little red schoolhouao.
Garfield Tea overcomes constipation.
The way of the transgressor Is hard
but smooth.
Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
pnimrl Win "T otti rAnH f
Pounce that I have been curod of dys
pepsia ana iomnio
roubles by your
nedicino. I had
been troubled with
hoth fnr fnnrtaim
years and consulted
different doctors.
but failed to got any
relief. Aftnr nilnn
Lydia E.Plnkham'a
Vegetable Com-
T)0und find Tl 1 ft n rl
Purifier I can say I
nm O wrfAil rnSMn.
I can't And words to express my thanks
me. You maypubllsh this If you wish."
Mrs. IIeiuian Sietii, Pound, Wis.
Tho success of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetablo Compound, mado from roots
and herbs, is unparalleled. It may bo
used with perfect confldonco by women
who suffer from displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir
regularities, poriodlo pains, backache,
bearing-down feeling, flatulency, Indi
gestion, dizziness, or nervous prostra
tion. Tor tldrty years Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetablo Compound has been tho
Btandard remedy for f malo ills, and
suffering women o wo it to themsolves
to at least givo this r "dno atrial.
Proof is abundant that it lias cured
thousands of others, and why Bhouid
It not euro you?
If you -want special advioo wrlto
Mrfi.Pinklmm, Iyrm,Mnss.,forit.
Xt is f rco and always hclpf uL
m m
I! zl m
XiJfiM'lwfr'' 'I ' i
Protects Them From Injury of Freez
ing and Thawing and Conserves
Moisture Fruit Needs.
The average farmer doesn't grow
strawberries at all nnd many of those
who do entirely neglect to mulch
them. Tho benefits of mulching aro
threefold; to protect from tho Injury
of freezing and thawing, to keep tho
berries clean and freo from grit and
to conservo moisture that tho fruit
often needs at timo of ripening. In
favorablo seasons berries can bo suc
cessfully grown without mulclhng, but
for a term of years thero Is no caro
that pays better. The work is best
dono tho first timo the ground la
frozen hard nnd any kind of straw
that is perfectly freo from grass or
weed seed Is good material, says a
writer In tho Ohio Former.
I havo mado two bad mistakes in
selecting material. Once when I used
wheat straw that had timothy seed In
It and again when I used clover hay.
I had such a good stand of timothy
and clover that I couldn't fruit tho
bed tho second season, but had to
plow It and start a now one. Whllo
the work Is considerably more thore
is no material qulto so good for mulch
ing as leaves. This season a strong
wind swept tho leaves clean from
the lawn and lodged them in a great
Early Ozark.
bank against the garden fence, right
close by tho strawberry bed, so that,
with largo baskets, it was but a few
minutes' work to put them whero they
would do tho greatest good.
As soon as all danger of freezing is
over In tho spring I removo a part of
the mulch that Is directly over tho
plants, taking off Just enough so that
I can see an occasional green leaf
peeping up through, raking It between
the rows where it Is loft to act as a
mulch to conserve moisture nnd make
a clean path on which to walk while
picking the fruit. The plants will
push up through a quite heavy mulch
and It is well to leave enough directly
over tho plants to thoroughly protect
tho berries from grit; for asldo from
tho extra worfc of freeing them from
tho dirt it is well known that it is pos
slblo to wash out much of tho dellcato
flavor of tho strawberry by ropeated
If Not Wanted Young Suckers and
Shoots Should Be Dug Up Cut
Out All the Dead Wood.
Tho young shoots and suckers from
tho old canes, If not wanted, should
bo dug up. Cut out all dead wood,
loavlng throe thrifty stock in each
hill. If a now plantation is to bo
made, dig up carefully with a ball of
earth the strongest young shoots
growing in tho rows. Sot theso In
clean, mellow ground; mark tho rows
Ave feet apart; sot tho plants throe
feot apart In tho row. For tho family
garden sot two feot apart in tho row
and train to a wire trellis. This Is do
cldedly tho best method, as tho bed
can bo properly worked and more and
more and flrmer fruit can be grown.
The Cuthbort is tho leading red rasp
berry. It is productive, hardy, with
largo, healthy follago. Golden Queen,
a yellow variety, soodllng of tho Cuth
bort, is a productive and hardy va
riety. Being of large size and of a
beautiful color, I consider It one of tho
best for family use as well as for mar
kot. Cumberland is tho populnr mar
kot black cap.
Clean out the grass and weeds in
tho rows; spread ono forkful of rot
tod manure around each hill; cultl
vato tho ground botwoen the rows,
thon throw a light furrow to tho hills
on each side of tho rows.
Tho dead wood of the currant bush
es should bo cut close to the ground,
fork out tho grass and weeds, and givo
tho same fertilizing and culture as for
raspberries. Tho work should bo
dono in tho fall and not left until
Peach Loss Caused by Insects.
Approximately ?8,000,000 loss was
Bustained by tho peach growing indus
try in tho United States east of tho
Rocky mountains last season from
brown rot, scab, and curcullo, a small
beetle, acordlng to n department of
agricultural bulletin. The heavy an
nual loss has been Investigated for
four years by the bureau of entomol
ogy and plant industry with a view to
preventing or minimizing tho ravages
on a fruit that In commercial impor
tance ranks second only to applos. It
Is estimated that with 113,760,000
bearing tree3 last soahon's crop ag
gregated from 112,000,000 to $10,000,
000. Biggest Apple.
The biggest applo in tho world, prob
ably the biggest that has over boon
grown, was sold at Covart Garden ro
cently. The applo sold, says tho Pall
Mall Gazette, Is a beautifully propor
tioned and colored Gloria Mundl, was
grown at the King's Acre Fruit Trees
Nursery, at Hereford, and woigha no
less than 27 ounoos. It has a circum
ference of 1CV4 Inches nnd Is G Inches
In height
Lcaf-Gpot May Do Prevented by Use
of Bordeaux Mixture Mildew
Usually Found on Sprouts.
Leaf-spot and mildew tho first
named dlsenso is caused by what Is
called "Shot-hole Fungus" nnd may bo
successfully provontod by tho use of
bordeaux mlxturo, except that only
half tho strength of tho mlxturo may
bo applied with nnfoty to tho foltago
of tho cherry. Tho mlldow Is usually
found chiefly upon sprouts and young
Sound and Rotted Cherries.
shoots. If spraying is required for
mildew, two applications will probably
bo very satisfactory.
Leaf-spot symptoms aro everywhere
abimdnnt and aro really of very di
verso origin. In uny example hi which
tho leaf tissues are locally Invaded by
a parasitic fungus wo may expect
ovldent effects. In tho downy mlldow
troubles thero may bo wet-rot symp
toms when tho weather Is moist, after
the leaves havo becomo badly dis
eased they may appear to dlo very
suddenly becauso the gradual Inva
sion of tho areas has beon overlooked.
In many othor leaf diseases no Buch
rapid multiplication or reproduction of
the parasite is poBslblo and limited
dead patches or spots aro tho result.
These leaf troubles aro commonly
very evident during rainy seasons and
aro preventable by spraying the fol
iage of tho diseased plants at repeat
ed intervals, thus keeping a supply
of tho fungicldo on tho leaves to ar
rest renewed spore development.
Cherry rot, or brown-rot, affects all
stono fruits, including peach, apricots,
etc It Is by fnr the most unrioun'
and baffling of cherry diseases to tho
commercial cherry grower.
Tho decay of tho fruit is caused by
this fungus. Tho conditions of tho
season may favor or retard tho spread
and development of the disease. The
threads of tho fungus survive In tho
rotted fruits, which may hang on the
trees unless removed. Careful re-
Leaf Attacked by Spot Fungus.
moval of all rotted fruit and spraying
for the fungus, as per tho calendar,
may bo relied upon to save a part of
tho fruit, but Judgment and attention
to tho details of tho work aro always
required. It is to bo understood, also,
that checking tho curcullo in a suro
moans of helping to check rot
Grafting Wax With Oil.
Tho wax is mado of ouo pound hues
wax, Ave pounds of resin, ono pint of
flaxseed oil and ono ounco of lninp
black melted togethor. Tho object is
to get a wax that Is soft enough to
bo pliable without running and a little
practice will soon show whether tho
wax needs moro or less oil. A con
venient furnnco can bo mado for heat
ing the wax in tho orchard by tak
ing a coal oil can, cutting out the
top, placing four whoa ucross, two
each way about four inches from tho
top, and cutting an opening to uso in
placing fuol In tho bottom. A wiro
ball completes tho furnace. A threo
quart saucepan Is largo enough to hold
wax, which may be mado as needed.
Fruit Growers.
Fruit growers are mostly In the for
estry business. They train their trees
to produce wood and wonder why
crops aro lato in appearing nnd dull
In color when they come. They should
bo la the fruit growing business, and
prune so as to let In light nnd air, also
to Induce early productivity. It is as
easy to grow good fruit as poor fire
wood) Newly Set Strawberry Beds.
Pick off nil the blossoms from new
ly set strawberry beds; thus you send
all the plants' strength back Into thorn
selves Into growth. It is unwise to
let plnnts fruit tho first season.
Thero ore several hundred serious
nnd injurious plant diseases.
It Is said that applos aro an antl
dote for liquor and tobacco.
Holleboro Is tho best poison to usu
on gooseberry and currant bushes.
Rod raspberries thrive best In a
deep, rich, yellow, cool, moist, well
drained loam soil.
Bush fruits should bo planted In
rows four to six feot apart, which will
mako it possible to uso tho corn cul
tivators for tltlago purposes.
Tho importanco of shading plant
should be thoroughly understood by
horticulturists, and it is tlmoly that
tho matter bo considered now.
Wherever fruit or truck crops aro
raised commercially spraying forms
part of tho care of tho crop Just aa
much as does tlllago, pruning and fer
tilizing. If roso bushes havo boon lnjurod by
tho frost, Uio tops should bo cut off
at or below tho point where tho In
Jury stopped, which Is sometimes oloso
to the ground.
Strawberries must not bo uncov
ered too early. Tho mulch should stay
on late, bo as to rotard growth and
thuB mako tho bloom coma cfcr th
late spring frosts,
7 IjM
i 1 . r ; i-r
Imitations of Pretty Little Pets May
Be Put Together Out of Raisin
and Few Cloves.
I know that mnny of my playfellows
havo all sorts of iult plD outs,
dogs, birds, and many othors of which
they aro very fond, so I am suro
they will bo Interested In hearing how
to mako imitation animals out of qulto
slmplo materials.
Let us tako tho turtle, for Instance.
Get a big prune or raisin nnd flatten
It down with your fingers. Now slick
four cloves (which must also bo beg
ged from mother's pantry) In It for tho
legs, and uliuUier oho for llio lieuil
and, hey presto! you will have a moat
realistic looking turtle which may be
pullod along by a thrond. (Fig. 1.)
A frog also is slmplo to mnko, but
must bo put together in a Bomewhat
dlfferont manner. First of all cut his
Imitation Pitts.
shape out of paper which has been col
ored a greenish grey, nnd pasto this
onto an egg shell. (Figs. 2 nnd 3.)
Tho slightest breath of air will mako
hlni wrigglo in a most lifelike manner.
Disapproves From Bottom of His Na
ture of Hopelessly Vulgar and
Awkward Animal of Desert.
Anlmal3 have their llkos and dislikes
as well as men, and thoy aro qulto as
hard .to explain.
A cat naturally dislikes and fears a
dog. The elophant hates mlco nnd
dogs. Horses loathe camels, and will
not stay In tho camo block with them
If they enn help It.
It is hard to give a cnimo for theee
aversions. Why should tho horso dlB
llko tho hnrmless camol nnd be fond
of tho dog?
It must bo that the horse has a
dormant senso of beauty and of humor.
Tho Ideal of tho horao Is graco, com
bined with strength. Ho disapproves
from tho bottom of his naturo of tho
hopolossly vulgar, awkward and un
csthetlcal camol. The bear, ho sees
at once, though clumsy, Is unpreten
tious, truthful nnd not dovold of n
senso of humor. Tho dog ho recognizes
as a good fellow, companionable and
unselfish. A strong bond between tho
dog and tho horso is that thoy aro both
fond of sport, whorens n enmel would
not go an inch to see tho best
that was over run.
Birds Woo With a Dance.
In tropical South Amorlca, and on
Bomo of tho Islands In tho Pacific, is
found the bonutlful bird known ' as
tho Jacana, narrates Harper's Weok
ly. It Is famous for Its so-called love
danco, which Is executed by tho males
to lncreaso the admiration of tho fe
male birds. When tho mating season
approaches the Jacaca will single out
its favorito lady nnd try to win the
admiration of tho attontlvo female
with all its bowitchlng maneuvers.
In the danco tho wings aro spread and
workod In such n manner that tho
beautiful colored feathers produce a
brilliant effect.
A Busy Little Chap.
It has been ascertained that tho
mouse, when ho Is freo to range about,
Bleeps only two hours In tho twenty
four, or loss than nny other animal
known. During tho rest of tho timo
ho Is on tho hustlo nnd probably cov
cra flvo miles In his runnings. The
honey boo sloops from dark to duwn,
nnd that old saying "ns busy as a boo'
should bo changed to "as busy as a
mouse." In four days nnd nights a
mouso will olthor oat or convoy away
a pound of cheeso. Ho hnn nlwnys
got his appctlto with him.
Size of the Stone.
Little Ferd was telling his father
about a peculiar stono ho hud found
whllo at play in tho back ynrd.
"How big was It?" nsked his father.
"Ob, about as big ns n good sized
sranll applo," replied Ied.
v COB GM1MJ13 0ffB3 A(?03D3XIR)!
7001? CyUS'O'K) 0 7 AK3B &KHS 8Q.7.
D0C3S 07 O-SG8-70FO-.C-lLV
I 7CW3 WKH7 ffDaSV D33B(?K)0Gfl 03 th S7taoCa&.
Our nobby . a Uttle boy of six years old
And every kind o rubbish In his pocket
h will stow.
One day he thouRht he'd empty It (so .
nKnln could slock It):
n W. n WM
in nobby s pocket.
A was n rosy Apple, with somo bites out
here nnd thero;
B was a bounclns; rubber nail that bound-
ed In tho nlr.
C "'Ttrtr. "USty Cftk' WUh - -
D waa a dnncinJr Donkey that could jumj.
n round and hop. ,
was a little robin's Ess. all speckled
bluo and brown: -
was a fluffy Feather that was whits
and soft as down.
a wan a lively OrMshopper. who( legs
and wings were STeen:
II wn a Krlmy Handkerchief that once
perhaps was clean.
1 Wnpiaat?r'Xhte'ad?m,"te thnt 'Mt "'
J was a jolly Jumping Jack all painted
blue and red.
K wruthr?ol,:x:t,bniKn,fe ,lwouM
r. was a llttlo wooden Lion, strayed out
oi roairs Ark.
at was a Marblo, largo and round,
coioni nriRiit and clear:
N was a bent and rusty Nail, of little
use, I fear.
O was a ttny Oil Can, which was always
upside down;
P was a Penny Mob had svrcd to spend
some day In town.
Q was a quilted ear tab, which had lost
Its velvet mate;
It was a Ulnar wlh Rlassy gem of won
drous alzo and weight.
S was a Strlntr, a piece of Soap, a Stono,
a Sponge, a Stick:
T was a lump of Taffy, exceeding soft
and thick.
U, an umbrella handle of stiver-mounted
V was a comlo Valentine, a little creasod
and worn.
W was somo sticky Wax, lovely to pinch
and mould;
X was an old Xpress, worn out In every
T was a lot of Yellow Tarn, all bunched
up llko a mop;
Z was a Jagsed plcco of Zlno. found In a
plumber's shop.
All these aro Bob's possessions; he loves
each slnglo thlnsr:
And owning all theso treasures he's as
happy as a King!
-Carolyn Wells. In Llttlo Folks.
Columns, Perpendicular, Horizontal or
Diagonal, All Add Up 369 An
other Peculiarity.
Hero Is a curlouB mnglo square, the
columns of which horizontal, porpon
dlcular nnd diagonal all add up 3G9,
48 84 80180464 88 60
Ui U JO'lS II o y70 63 60
C2 M,3T 81 13 8Ts78 70
Jpa 7 S3 SI S3 IS n
T 03 6T 40 il 83 83 IT )
JSM S3 43, "ST flO
SS 14 0W 71 toO 88 80
iiili2k M
Curious Magic Square.
but which line the further peculiarity
that all of tho odd numbors nro placed
within the Inscribed diagonal squares
It May Be 80.
Somo ono has discovered, or thinks
ho has, that when Chrlstophor Colum
bus was a boy of 13 lie was so fond of
gooseberry Jam that ho would got up
at night to steal it from tho pnntry.
It Is claimed that If ho hadn't boon so
fond of Jam that ho would nover havo
grown up to discover America.
Other boys should not lot them
solves bo tempted Into tho Jnm bust
ness on this account. In tho first
irnico, moro aro no moro Americas to HI, fellcrsi Jest look what sea it
discover, and in tho next, tho mothor don't mind playing wit ua it w alnt
may mlBS tho jam In tho morning, and rough!"
tan somebody's Jacket. .
A Prudent Program.
Lucky Coins. "I mako It a rulo novor to lend any-
rtocontly thero was sold by auction body an umbrella," said Mr. Qrowoh
tho great collection of Oroek colnsor.
mado by F. S. Benson of Brooklyn, "Good Idea," roplled Mr. Grump.
during tho past fifteen years. Somo "If you keop lending an umbrolla
of tho coins sold for mnrveloim prlron about there's no telling when It may
Tho record prlco of $3,G00 wns palddrlft Into tho hands of tho original
for n totrndachnin of Katana, whlchownor."
hal beon purchased by Mr. Honson In -
1903. A tetradrachma of Amphlpolla, II sometimes happons that a woman
which rcallzud half that amount, hadmarr,eB mw becauso sho la aorry
cost Its lato ownor $1,500. A Torlna'01" n,m- But ,B not that a poor way
stator, which had boon purchased forto show her sympathy?
$200, roallzod $1,C00.
. . If vour skin is marred tiv nlmnlo and
Tho Girl Beat
At a county fair held In Mansnchu-nurifv
sotts, a prlzo of $2G waB offered to tho
victor In n pony race. Nine boya nnd
ono girl onterod for tha event, and
tho girl camo out so far ahead that
somo of tho boyii rodo off tho grounds
In disgust. Perhaps wo may boo the
day whon a girl will boat a boy throw -
lng atones nt n mark or outrunning
. . . .... UUMIUQ
him in n foot rnce.
Clean Sanitary Floors.
Varnish, which Is commonly regard-
cd only n ' uus" anVfflcfcnt
tary agent. Varnished surfaces can
bo cleaned by wiping, and tho microbe-
laden dust Is thus kept out of tho air.
A varnlshod floor Is thoroforo not only
up to date, beautiful and easily clean-
c.d' b ,B h'nio. Tho National
Association of Varnish Manufacturers,
C3G ho Rourso, Philadelphia, Penn.,
,nro distributing froo a booklet entitled
'Modern Floors," which tells how
floors may bo mado and kopt wholo-
p iSSPthS Td
far moro BatistV.tory.
mTh.er, o times in the life of every
small boy when ho would like to as-
sumo tho rolo of fathor to tho man for
a few brief moments.
-,. ,,,
. Garfield Tea Will KSUUU tha liver, Sk-
lnR freedom from sick-headache and bilious
attacks. It overcomes constipation.
Somo m6Q Ma """" t0 sot money
because thoy think It will enable them
to got moro.
sr fmon p -
merely to bo broken.
similating ttteFoodandRetjuM
Itog Hie Stomachs ahd Bowels of
Promotes Difrttion,Cheerful
ncss and Rest. Contains neither
Opium.Morphlne nor Mineral
V m'vi'ii SrSAsrvjUrtnirm
AkH JttJ
I mat) firm Kttvn
A perfect Remedv forConsHMV
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrttdei,
norms convulsions .reverisn
ness and L099 OF SLEBP
Fac Simile Signature off
"Iwt Centaur Compahy,
Guaranteed under the Fmodim
Xsact Copy of Wrsppsr.
liver msrks, take Garfield Tea. It will
regulate the liver, cleanso the system and
ia Muvi.
To Take for a Headache,
"What do you take for a headache?"
"Liquor, tho night boforo." Toledo
1""' window's sootbinj srup for ohiidw
"""""jf. B0"en "o jumi, reduces mnsmm
.... U nUHM. W nil Anil. OL. n .lll.
Uoa, lLaj paln.our wind colic, 2Jo ft bottle.
Thero Is no fool llko tho peacemaker
who Interferes between husband and
Chew mill nook notaiod totmeoo, ciuup and
ocOoped. MariniiUior A IUwurdi, CUikarlUa.Tenn.
Anyway, thero Is nothing monoto
nous about tho weather.
L " " I
Aids Nature
Tho firest suooess of Dr. Pleroo's Golden Madlen! DIs
covery In curing weak stomachs, wasted bodies, weak
Iun.t, and obitlnato and lln.erln. oouhs, is bated oa
the reopjnltion of tho fundamental truth that "Golden
Medlesl Discovery" supplies Nnturo with body-build-in.,
tUsue-repnlrini!, musclo-msklnrf materisli, in con
denied and concentrated form. With this help Naturo
supplies jho necessary strength to tho stomach to dhfeit
food, build up the body and thereby throw on" linierintf
obstinate coughs. Tho "Discovery" re-establishes tbo
dlfeitive and nutritive organs in souud health, purlBcs
and onriches the blood, and nouriihes the nerves In
.uuii sitBDiisaes souuu vigorous health,
your demler often momtthlni "last ma ioosf."
It Im probmbly better POR MMlt pmym better.
Out you are thtaklni ot tho caro sot tbo profit. m
there' m nothing "luet mo &ood' tor you, May .
t tDr,of'"?iS''JC?nr5,mon Sen,e Mlcal Adviser, In Plain En.lliht or. Me.
eiy. aoth-bound, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pleroe, Buffalo, N. Y.
Cleanses the System
effectually; Dispels
colds and Headache
due to constipation.
Best for men, women
and children : young
and old.
To get its Beneficial
effects, always note the
name of the Company
plainly printed on the
front of every acfcace
of the Oonui ne
Tor Infants end Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
tMI !? WWT. I
44 Bu. to the Acre
treulu inob as 4.-
bmhoU of wheat
U.DeruriL SA. BO and II
ira iai a ore, or ui.i
Duiliel yloldi wen num
erous. As hlh as IU
buitieli of oala to to
acre werathrcthed from
The Silver Cup
a ww recent c;
Alharta Goiunmintfiii
IU exhibit of graias.tTaiMtud
ii. ports oi ezMUsot
ikatchewan and Manitoba In
o mm
rn Canada.
era, and ailjplnln pre
Donesivaoa ox lou
options or abu norea (at
tlamenU ttlers'iaw railwaT
tn hjwt nkiw rt mmi
Oait Be tWaaf' (tent tree on
appueauon ) and other lnrorma
yon, lornp'i oi inmunn
OoTunmcat Agent.
t T. Nwt.11 J Jatas SUt hat. Hs.
X a. HicUdrai, stmt IK.ffstotnsAA
(Ueo addre i nesreit you.) i
ShsJkw Ialo Your Shoe
Allen'i Foot Eue, the antiseptic
'Tler ror tbe feet. It rl!ma
palatal, awollm. mattlof, teodtr. nar
roaa (et, and fUDtlfiaaM thartlo
ont of eoroa and bunlmia. It'a th?
ks'vs:: cip.rFus2i-r;v4
tight or new ataoee feel awj. It If a
oartala ralleffor Ingrowing nalli, pea.
nlrlng, eallooiand tOed, aebtnvfMt
niQTnitn; gi
las El
ie ilfn'
I, obUdns. Bold bf
Da imwi msaicwe tor
1741 enmrhfT.
IrlalPaakue FKEB.
Ettabllahid 30 Years
Floral emblems
and cut flowers for all
other itarcbel onlr 13 ounce tame price aad
w71l7u.r8IOUXCITY, NO. 22-101t.
of b W
HJ. bMTr TlsU. bnt that what John Xocnwlrof
SMtsonton, AlMrta, Wesurn oaoaoa, go jrom 0
tl, uomoUMrdlttriotalntbatproT-
WHIVrl.'VlllPaf I pomiaj ikore. or uii
m.llBllpAl I bu.perar.,IK)and0
m 'iu I ww
nriww iv
I i afcatU vmu
(aHIBtalrin "
a par acxe; art.io pa nag
Stubs obolcesi dUtiiets.
ma tijS cellnly aojjr tEa
tutddTp u I din jr lumber
cheap, f ual aay tosfw ajd
reaaouablo In price, wstMr
aallr prooafed. snliM