Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 05, 1911, Image 5

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Grocery Specials
for Friday and Saturday
Lettuce, per bunch Of
RkHhUck, por bunoh . . . C(J
(Jelorj, por bunch, lurgo 1U
Hummus, per doz 204
Oranges, per doz. . . .20o, 80o and 8(xk
O it no Apples, per pk G5J
WineBnp Apples, por pools GCJ
Snlt Fork, beet quality, por lb. . . 13J(j:
'test Sugar cured Uuoou, poilti.. . .224
Host Lnrd, per lb 144.
Pressed Htuu, per lb 14$
Gulifomiit IlaniH, per lb 114
Bulk Coffee, per lb 204. and 804
Gmpo Fruit 2 for 25j
Our Own Pio 3 for 2C4
Brick cheese, per lb 204.
Cheese, mild, per lb 204.
Any kind of Lautidry tinap, 6 burs, 254
Agents for Olniso & Sanborn's Cof
fee 254, 30$. 354 nnd 404.
Wr tire Btill pitying the highest price
for produce
Eggs, per doz 144
Hatter, per lb 204
Garden Seeds and Onion Sets
Shoes, Rubbers and Rubber Boots.
All kinds of Dry Goods Notions.
A Pair of Roller Skates Fre for the
Children Ask About Them
M. E. Knepper's Grocery
For the Eighth Judicial district ot
Nebraska, for the year 1011:
Oumlng .....Jnnunry 30, September 11
Unkotiv February i;i, September 26
Stnntoti MnrchO, October 0
Ocilur Mnrcli 111, November 111
Dixon Mulch 27. Di'comlier 4
Thurston..... April 10. Octolier 10
The llrst day of eucit term Is sot for hear
ing applications forcltlzenslitp piipura.
Ony T Groves. Juclgo.
The Herald, $1 per
Lincoln Sanitarium
Sulpho-Saline Springs
LacaUd on our own prml tad u4
Natural Mineral Water
Oninrpauad la th trratmant of
Stsrt. Stomach. Kldny and Um
M4tt Ckirfo. A44rtu
ifl. 0. W. EVERETT, Mgr., Lincoln, Rtb.
"W mmmmm i t00
have it around, and when I say to you that Stickney
Gasoline Engines are the best, my reputation is at
stake and if it isn 7 so I am here to back it up.
Buy a Stickney from me and you will get an en
gine with an outside igniter, a perfect cooling system,
an automatic mixer, a ball bearing governor and an
engine that contains true value in every pound. I "will
give you your money's worth, you know me.
Why Drinking Men
Can't Make Good
Their Systems Are Storehouses of
Alcoholic Poison
The Neal Treatment Removes This
Poison in Three Days.
Every mouth has its full quota of
businets fuilurcs.
The basio cause of a largo percent
age of these failures is duo to tho in
attention of employers aud employees
caused by iiIcoIioHniii.
No man can fill himself full of li
quor aud properly attend to It i h busi
ness duties He is handicapped in the
discharge of dutv ut every angle He
lows personal iulluenco mid prestige,
tho coufidencu of his friends in purtiu
nl ir, and tho public in genoral. Ruin
is certain, but not necet-saiily ho.
Any drinking man can easily and
immediately wind off threatening dis
aster by giving threw days of bin time
tn the. Meal Three Dav Ttoattneut. It
will prove to be a Hue invotinent.
Excessive dnukers who simply re'v
on will power to t ml their folly ilnd
tlieir resolutions overwi.t Imrd by crav
irg and desire for liq which toon
drugs them back to t u old ways in
spite of thomselves. These mon are to
bo pitied rather tlisu blamed. The
can't help it. They need medical help
as badly us does the victim of luer.
What people cull "liquor appttito" is
Local Items
Friday, May 5, 191 1
Beo Hiobo omokelesN lamp uiokB at
Sohrievcr Bros, Qivo them 11 cull nt
their newly fixed up Htore; you will
llnd a good stock of hardware, etc,
and prices right. Phono 73,
Union's coffeo is still in tho load.
Van do Zoddo sells it.
Will Uartols has purchased 80 acres
of tbo Will Uridunbaugh farm.
Ilomombor tho Dakota City Phar
maoy carries a completo lino of buggy
and wagon paint none hotter.
D II Hagor and wife visited friends
and relatives at Ouawa, Iowa, laBt
woek from Thursday until Saturday.
Don't forgot the coffeu with tho dish
es at Van do Zeddo's hu has a nice
aBsortmout. A nice t.ish with each
Attorney M F Lnughliu has return
od from western South Dakota whero
he attended legal business ulong tho
Milwaukee lino.
Keep your chiokons freo from gapes,
roup and kindred diseases by using
"(loss's Poultry Pannoea." Tho Da
kota (Jity Phnrmaoy keeps it,
Miss Ethol Urodsky, of Sioux Gity,
will give a theater party this evening
in honor of Miss Gouovieno Stanard's
guest, Miss Dora Itastede, of Emer
son. Mrs Elizabeth dcrwig is tearing
down tho old house that has stood ta
cant on the lots opposite tho lumber
yard, and will utilize tho lumber in
building a cottage at the lake.
Roland B Orr purohased of Henry
Filmore, west of Homer, last week, a
flno four j oar old draft colt that tip
ped the sualos at 1840 pounds. It was
one of tho handsomest animals brought
to town far some time.
A touch of rheumatism, or n twingo
of nouralgia, whatever the trouble is,
Chamberlain's Liniment drives away
the pain at once aud on res the com
plaint quickly. First application gives
relief. Sold by all diuggists.
S A Stinson's new store building is
coming tight along and is fast ap
proRchiug completion. The inside
walls are beiug plastered and the fin
ishing work is also being put on. The
cement covering for tho outside will
(to on next.
John D Rockefeller would go brokn
if ho should spend his cutiro income
trying to prepare a bettor medicine
than OhamlierlainV Colic, Cholera and
Dirtrihoea Remedy for diarrhoea, dys
entery or bowel complaints. It is sim
ply impossible, and so says every one
thrit uas used it. Sold by all drug
gists. Tho village board met Monday even
ing to take action on tho saloon appli
cations of Henry Krumwiede and Fred
G Stanard that were on tile. After
duo deliberation it was decided to
grant a lioouso to Fred G Stanard for
$1,500. Tho board adjourned until
Tuesday morning when thoy mot at
7 o'clock to ratify tho action of tho
evening before, as there was somo
doubt as to when the fiscal year be
Riin, the old law specifying tho rlrst
Tuesday in May unci the law pussed
bv the last legislature changing it to
May 1st.
You Know Me
Don't go up against a nut
shell game or a three card
monte sell no junk, I won't
Renze & Green
- Hubbard, Neb.
really tbo result of accumulated alco
holic poisoning. Tho hard drinker's
system in impieguated with alcoholic
poison which has been taken on too
fast for nature to expel it, It is this
stored up poison which causes the in
tense craving and desiro which more
liquor ouly temporal ily satisfies. The
Neal Treatment in three days' time
neutralizes and eliminates the accumu
lated poison, whereupon tho slave of
drink immediately becomes master of
himself. Ho returns to his home, re
sumes iiis business duties witli nerves
restored, faculties brightened and nil
dosiro for liquor completely removed
The Neal Treatment consists of tho
administration by regular physlciais
who nro in constant attendance, of a
perfectly harmless vegetable remedy
taken internally, with positively no
hypodermic injections.
While uiideigoing treatment the pa
tient on joy h all the piivaoy and coin-
forts of homo, club or hotel. Names
are never divulged and all coi respond
eiiee is hold in strictest confidence
Home treatment can bo anangod for
thotn who prefer it. If you have a rel
ative or frieud who ought to rid him
self of thedrink habit don't delay u day,
Call, write or phone tho
The Neal Institute
1025 Douglas St,, Sioux City, Iowa,
Auto I'hone Sll, Hell l'hono W9.
v-rs M M Ream, of Sioux City, vis
ited relatives hero over Sunday.
O 0 Deermaun shipped a car of
hogs from Wood Park Saturday
Kvan Way was down from his farm
noar Wutorbury last Saturday on busi
Mis Emurott MoKornan spent tho
past week nt the homo of hor son in
Sioux City.
Walter Cheney hud two cars of hogs
on tho Sioux City market Tuesday and
S A Hoikes one car.
Tho Dakota County (lomemakeis'
Club "ill hold thoir next meeting Sat
urday nftomoon, May 20th.
Mis O L Culler, of Wnyno, visited
at the homo of hor mother, Mrs M F
Adair, Monday and Tuesday.
If you hnvdu't got time to do your
own shopping call up No 1. aud ho
will deliver tho goods promptly.
Ladles, keep your complexion, by
tho liberal uso of tho numerous toilet
requisites tho Dakota City Pharmacy
A uivorco was granted at tho session
of district court held last weok to Lu
elln Lautie from her husband, James
H Laurie.
Dr C H Maxwell went to Omaha
Monday to attend a banquet of tho
alumni of Rush Modioal college given
by tho Omaha members.
Van has somo of those flue Veuitiau
mirrors which ho is giviug away with
coupon trade tickets. Call aud see
them, it won't cost you anything.
If it is A 1 grooerios you want, just
plunoo over Von do Zeddo's stock. Ho
will sell just as cheap ns possible, and
ho handles nothing but first class
John and Guy Htinson, who have
boon in California and Oregon for
somo time, nro expected home this
week, as thoy intended to start for
Nebraska tho first.
Horaco Dutton and Jnkio Sides no
companiod II Wesloy Brown to ITur
rick, S D, last week in tho latter's new
automobile, nnd spout n few days vis
iting relatives and old friends.
Among tho Dakota county teachers
elected to positions in tho Sioux City
schools for tho coming year aro Mil
dred Uurkett, Edith Fonts, Mabel
Fonts aud Mrs Nellio Swingle.
Joe Htigen, ono of tho prosperous
faimerB of Hubbard nreoincl, was
down ou business Tuesday. Ho re
membered tho Herald with a couplo
of years subscription in advance.
All kinds of coal, food nnd hay for
sale at roasuiiablo prices.
r'lrLDs & Slauqiitkii Co.
ThjcoE Bmven, Manager.
Dnkotn City, Neb.
Miss Genevieve Stanard entertained
a few girl friends Tnosday ovening
complimentary to Miss Mabel Austin,
who is Boon to bocomo Mrs Mark Hlg
mnn. Tho ovening wns spent infor
mally. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will clear the sour stomach,
sweeten the breath and creato u healthy
appetite. Thoy promote tho flow of
gastric juice, thereby inducing good
digestion. Sold by all druggists.
Word camo hist week that Bert
Ream, who is with a stool gang build
ing a bridgo at Stillwater, MiL.n, wan
seriously ill nt n hospital in that plnso
with pneumonia, Late reports au
nouueo that ho is improving slowly.
Tho village board effected nn or
ganization nt their meeting Monday
ovening by reelecting J P Rockwell
chairman; Paul Pizey, olerk; A T
Haase, treasurer, nnd Jnmes Fueston,
marshal and street commissioner.
The splendid work of Ohnraberlnin'd
Stomach nnd Liver Tablets is daily
coming to light. No such grnnd reme
dy for liver and bowel troubles wnn ev
or kuown boforo. Thousands blesa
thom for curing coustipation.-sick head
ache, biliousness, jaundice and indi
gestion. Sold by nil druggists,
Frank Willurd, who is beiug held
in the county jail hero on a charge of
forging a check for $20 50 on Henry
Lau, n Wnlkor's Island farmer, on
Monday waived examination and was
held to tho district court, which con
venes hero tho latter part of tho
month. An effort is beiug made to
Ecttlo the matter out of court.
John W Hozlegro-e wub in town
Monday looking after insurance busi
ness. Ho says tho loss on tho bam
which burned on tho Thus Graham
farm in which Goo Hirshbnck lost n
valuable horBo nnd several pieces of
,-naohiuery, had been nrijusted, Mr
Graham's loss was Bottled, and a new
barn is ubont completed to take the
placo of tho ono burned.
Saloon liconscfl were granted in ev
ery town in Dakota county this weok
with tho beginning of tho Ilscul year.
South Sioux City, Dakotn City, Jack
son, Nauora and Homer eaoh granted
one saloon license; while Ilubbaud
granted two. Emerson granted four
licenses. Goodwin is not yet hoard
from, but as this is not an incorporat
ed village, a liconso must bo obtained
from tho board of county commission
ers, In tho suit brought by Honry W
O'Neill ot al vs tho oflicorsof Drainage
District No 2 of Dakota county, tried
in tho district court hero last week in
which the defendants sought to dis
solve an injunction restraining them
from constructing tho proposeil ditch
from Jackson to tho lake northeast of
town, a mass of evidence was submit
ted nnd tho oourt took she ouso under
advisement. Tho pluintiffs were al
lowed liftoen days in which to file and
servo hriefs anil the defendants seven
days to answer.
Tho marriage of David M Neiswau-
ger and Miss Elizabeth S flaaso wns
holrncnizod Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock, ut tho homo of the bride's pa
rents, Mr and Mrs A T llaaso in this
pluco. Kev Luther Kuhns, of Omaha,
performed tho ceremony in tho presence
of the immediate relatives. The bridal
couple left in tho evening to spend a
couple of weeks in tho oast, going first
to Louisville, Ily, where tho brido is a
delegate to the national W II & F M
society, and from thero thoy will go to
Marsbullvillo, Ohio, tho boyhood
homo of tho groom, and to Akron,
Ohio, whore a sister of tho groom re
sides Upon their inturn thoy will go
to housekeopiiig in tho groom's resi
dence in this pluco. Tho best wishes
rl lln. mnnv friarwlu nt Ml., lirltlft mill
v. ..... ...,, ...u.... ... w
I groom nro extended to them iu their
voynge on the matrimonial sou,
Real estate loans. Geo Wilklns.
Fruit of nil kinds At Van do Zeddo's.
Earl Jay, of Sioux City, wub in town
lust Friday visiting old ftiouds.
Mrs C T Barto camo down Tuesday
from Wnkeileld for a few days' visit.
Buy a good farm on tho Dakotn
county bottom. I have it. Elmers.
Art Hnlo wns down from Allen this
weok visiting ut tho S A Bridonbaiigh
Auy pair of ladies iltio shoes for $2
at S A StitiBOL's Saturday, May G; also
men's !)5o neckties for 15o.
Mit-s Dora Itastede nccompauied
Miss Gunoviovo Stanard homo from nn
over Sunday visit nt Emorson,
Adolino Bliven entertained about
thirty of her littlo girl friends last Fri
day afternoon, it being hor ninth birth
Don't forget Hess's Instant Louso
Killer ia sure deith toH chicken lice,
and Hint tho Dakota City Pharmacy
Bells it.
Rev Wurrou wont to Lyons, Neb,
Tuesday to attend the session of tho
Norfolk distriot conforouco hold thero
Tuosdnyuud Wednesday.
Postmastor L Krvger, W H Brad
ford and Frank Gilispio, of South
Sioux City, were lookiug after busi
ness matters hero WodurBduy.
The new pump for the Dakotn City
volunteer fire deparsment arrived tho
llrst of tho weok, and tho satno will bo
mounted on n truck wngou and bo
put in rondinosB for uso.
All thoso indobted to mo plonso'
oo mo und pay part of what you owo
mo, if yon cannot pay it all. Kindly
oblige mo for I noed tho monoy iu my
business. VnndeZedde. your grocor.
Linhio Rookwoll, who has been em
ployed ns operator in tho telophono
exchange horo for several mouths loft
for Contorvillo, 8 D, Sunday, to ac
cept a position in tho office in that
S F M Onrrngher, representing tho
Neal Institute of Sioux City, wub horo
Wednesday and placed an advertise
ment in tho Herald far tho institution,
which guarantees a threodnys euro for
tho driuk habit.
Two suits woro filed iu tho distriot
court thw week, one by Leonard Ross
against Harry E Brown for $478.90,
balance duo for labor; tho other by
Oh us Wiso against tho village of Da
kota City for tho payment of n $100
bond issued by tho village in 1870.
Never hesitnte nbout giving Cham
berluin's Cough Remedy to children.
It contains no opium or other narcotics
und cnu bo givon with implicit oonfl
denoe. As a quick cure for coughs and
colds lo ubleli ohildfou tiro susceptible,
it is unsurpassed. Sold by all drug
gists. Fred -Vallwoy, with tho Edwards &
Bradford Lurabor company nt Nnoorn,
Neb, and postmaster ut that pluco, has
tendered his resignation to tho post
ofllcn department. An tho office is not
n very paying proposition there consid
erable skirmishing is going on to got
some one to tako tho job off his hands.
Judge R E Evans went to Toknmnh
Thursday to attend tho funeral of
Lieut-Goveinor Melville R Hopewell,
who passed away Tuesday morning
nfter nn illness of only u week's du
ration of pneumonia. Tho Masonic
order, of which ho was u past grand
master, had clmrge of the burial ser
vices. Orvillo Lake has boon assigned to
tho Sioux City-Liucoln run as railway
mail clerk. lie nnd his family havo
been visiting relatives horo tho past
week, while awaiting orders to report
for duty. Mr Lalcn wont to Omaha
Thursday und will work on his old run
betwoen Omaha und Oheyeni o while
awaiting his other assignment.
J N Mono, otnl, to Harry W Loan, lot
25, blk5, orlKliml pint to H H U S M
Gonovlove. Ulark, ot al, to Mary Clark
(it al.eKIot.'l 1)11(8, lot 12 hlk N, lot fi
blk l.lotl blk 7, all lu I loci ires add
toJucUson 1
V A Ilouts und JohsIu K limits to O
Martin, lot la blk 12, oilKliml plat to
Kriink Iitisstur mid Susan R lairi-Iui' to
Kate Klannory. Pt nuJi scH 1-27-7.... I!W
Minnie M Ilii.lnton to I.avlnla Olom
onts, pt w'imli 2S-21MI i!0(W
I) T. Allen und (larollno Alluii to Ohiis
A Hlsurotc, wH'!il ne!i su, V5
suk 2. ullST-0 1
I) O Kvnns, county truusiirur, to V A
llouU, lot 8 blk 15, O H S (J
Hoburt K ICvaus nnd Anna M Hvam
to O Solor, und Y part nc nwM
21-21M1 mi
OJ Vnt'jntluo luul Oonorn 11 Vnlun
tlno to Mary K Hrown, lot s, blk 2,
(llllxtrt'sadd toS S (1 1
Geo H llllvon, unmarried, to HM Ilott
lots 1,2, H, 4,6, , s, 11. 12. lit. II, blk III,
2d Hallway add to H H O IN)
Harney II Orlbbli) and Ida V Orlbblo
to Oeo Timlin and llilduut Timlin,
e 7fi ft lots 7. H, blk PI, village of Hub
bard 2i)
Minimal' Iioniiiur and Tilda Ixianmr
to Jacob Iioamurutal, au und 1-Ulnt
lu nwM lfi-2H-nnd an und 1-U lot In
lot5 8MW-S 1
Win O i.eainur and Maud Learner to
Jacob I.eamuret al.an und 1-U Hit In
iiwWlG-2S-Hiindund l-'.i Hit lu lot 6
2I-2K-H WX)
O Martin and 1 ! Martin to H 11 Mnr
tin. lots II, 12, blk 12, Joy Plnco; lot
12, blk il. Pnliiiur'H Place; lots 1. 17, 18,
blk D, 2d add ; lot I. blk ID, 2d add ; lots
ls.2.1. hlkf;lotf, blk , all lu Utudil;
lots H, 11, blk tl; lots 8. U. 17. blk 7: lot
ill, blk 8; lot 10, blk 0; lots (1, 12, l.'l, blk
11, alllnorlRlnal ptat; lot G, blk 2,
and lot 1, blk il, all In ('initial add;
all lu thivllliiKrHHi; lot H, blk
Mi lots 1,2.1, 4, fi, bit Oil: lot 10, lilkKI;
lot 1, blk 85, all In UovliiKtou annex
toSS U fl
It P I)odK(i and Mary I. Ilodt-n to I.ul
la Hollo Kshiir, lots II, ).' 10, blk H
Martin's add toSSC) 1
II M TollliiKor mill Minnie Delhi Tol
loiiKorto Hdwnrdu .1 llradford I.br
Oo, lot 1, blk 17.1st Ity add to S S U 75
I have a 100-acro pasture, with good
water, and will take horses or oattlo
to pasture. John 0 Sullivan,
Hubbard, N'obr, Route 2.
Census of Dakota County, Neb.
Tho advance sheets of tho census
enumeration taken last yonr give tho
following population for Dakota coun
ty by precincts and villages:
Dakota Uounty .WII tBwi RWd
(JnvItiKtou precinct, lucliullliK
South HlOlU Oity ..IBIS VM lftiX
South Sioux (Jlty 11W MJ WEI
Dakota precinct, IncludliiK Da
kota tllty W HUH 1077
Dakota Olty 171 Ml
llnuirson precinct, Incliidlntf
part of Kmurixiu vlllauo.. . T(if Ml I.I I
Ihuursoii vllhife s.'W HI7
Iliiblxird nrcclnct. lncllldlllK
Hubbard vIIIiiko OTII CIS HVt
Hubbard vllhmit Iftfl ll
Omadl precinct, lucltiillnf Ho
mer village 1111 IIB7 vm
Homer vllhiKU SOT 1111 lifil
I'lf-eon Oruuk precinct . .. 1U1 aw iWJ
HI Johns precinct, liiclildllitf
Jackson vtlhiKii . . WI 719 07
Jackson vIIIiiko !iUO USU II M
Hiimiiiit pruclnot . 617 IW IW9
Men nro born with two eyes, but
with ono tongue, that thoy may rco
twico as much us they any. Cotton,
Owing to oyo troublo Mabel Wur
men is forced to quit school for tho re
mainder of tho yonr. She will spend
tho summer with hor piirouts iu Tripp,
S D, nnd will return next full to again
tnko up hor sohool work, Mabel is
one of tho leaders in her grade.
Evs Graham completed tho 8th
Crude examination satisfactorily in
one trial nnd Mnrg. Sohriovor has but
one grade to raise, Those two girls
should make strong high eohool stu
dents. Tho basket ball girls have purchas
ed b few new suits and nro now prac
ticing for matched games. No parent
should objoot to their daughter play
ing ill eitliet pi nutlet) or Innlohuil
games but should encourage them.
Our gills need physical development
aud basket bull does not aid to
do ouly that but also toadies tho girls
to be truo ladies under firm discipline
All games will bo under supervision of
tho sohool.
A compound microscope nn i several
other articles havo been purohased for
the botnuy laboratory.
Do u6t forgot (hut you nre interested
iu n now school sito nnd that ynu aro
to aid in its selection May Cth.
M. Kdnn Italuss, Teacher.
Tho roll of honor for month of April :
Loyd Mooro, Raymond Quintal,
Jnmos Graham, Helen Wnldeu,
Irene Lnko, Edith Hall,
Charles Hull, Pearl Powell,
Harold Antrim. Floyd Vvnlloru,
Henry Krumwiodo, Ruth Lnko,
Nellio Trigga.
Anna BInnoho Evans wasou the sick
list Thuraduy nnd Friduy.
Ironn Lake rccoived u porfeot at
tendance diploma this woek.
Charles Ash ford is in school again
nfter n weeks absence.
Farmers' Tribune Becomes Parmer
and Breeder.
Tho Herald is iu rccoipt of au an
nouncement Of the ohango of name
of Farmers' Tribune to Farmer and
Breeder. Fnrmors' Tribune was es
tablished in 1878 aud has bcou pub
lished in Sioux City, Iowu, since HUM
Tho publishers, Farmer aud Breeder
company, emphasize tho fact that the
ohango is in name ouly, ub tho nun
who hnvo so successfully couductod tho
business tdnoe it wub brought to Sioux
City will continue in charge. Farmer
and Brooder is owned, edited and pub
lished by northwestern farmers and
brooders. U G McMillan is president
und general manager uud John Thomp
son, oditor, Botli of tlieso men are
highly successful furmers and stock
men nnd own und oporato farms iu
connection with thoir newspaper work.
Furmer uud Breeder is a most appro
priate name for that publication. Its
scope fully covers tho live stock indus
try nnd tho grain farmer is fully as
woll served by tho publication ns tho
brooder. Wo uro advisod, ho i ever,
that it is tho intention of the publish
ers to dovoto more attention to livo
stock and .bleeding features iu tho fit
tnro. Wo believe this is h good move,
because tho future of this groat ngri
cultural territory depends up.m how
much livo stock our farms proiluco. A
liborul production of livo stock in this
country will i-oivo tho greatest prob
lem of conserving our natural resources
a retention of tho fertility of ours il.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, n- they rnnnol reach
the neat o( the (11-e.i-c. Cntnrrli In a blood or count .
tutional dl-cnso, and In order lo euro It ou mum take
InU'diiil irumllra. Hull's CutaMli Cure U Ulan In
ternally, ami nets directly upon the blood and inucoti
surtuccs. Ilall'a Catarrh euro li nut n quack medi
cine. It was prescribed by ono ot tho best -iliy-lclan-in
this country for years and Is a regular presirlpllon.
It la corntxi-cd of the, lie-t tonlrt known, romblned
with tho bent blood purinere, acting directly on tho
inucou- surfaces. Tho iwrtect combination ot tho
two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful re
sults In curing catarrh. Hnd for testimonials, free.
P. J. CIIliNHV A CO., Props , 'loledo. O.
Sold by Druvefils, price 75c.
Tako Hall's Tamil rills for constipation.
Klrst publication 1-21-11-lw.
Ill the county court of Dakota county,
Iu the mutter of the estate of John II.
llrauiit, deceased.
Notice s hereby Klvon, that the creditors
of the said deceased will meet the iidiulnli
trntorofs.tld estate, before me, comity Jmlire
of liakota county, Nebraska, at the county
court room In said county, on the 10th day
of AimiiHt, llill.on the H.lrd day of .Hoptciu
I Mir. lull, and on the ilxl day of Oolulxir,
lull, at III o'clock n m.rnch day for the pur
pose of presenting their claims for exam
ination, adjustment mid allowance. 8lx
months' nro allowed for creditors to picMiut
t lielr claims and unity car for the administra
tor to settle said CHtate, from the luthilnyof
April, lull. This notice will lie published lu
the Dakota County Herald, for four weeks
successively pi lor to thu Itlth day of An
KUst, Hill.
Witness my hand, and seal of said court,
I bis Itlth day of April, A. 1). 1011.
fsKAi, (Jounty JuiIkc.
R R Time Table
C, St. P., M.&O.
Trains lonvo Dakota Gity ut tho fol
lowing time:
0:20 pm Omnhu 7:B8 am
10 :88 am Omahu 4 ,5'J pra
8 :88 pm Norfolk t8 :8K urn
9:37 nra Norfolk 4:58 pm
7 :8fi am Newcastle ....10:88 nm
2:01pm " 5:o0 pra
12 :18 pm Omahu 2 :!)() aro
3:88 pm...... Norfolk 8:38 nm
9:37 nm Norfolk 4:53 pm
duily except Sunday, t 'lo not stop
No. 01 Looul Freight 7 :15um
17 " PusBongor.. 12 :57 pm
No 92 -Locul Freight' 2:25 pm
10 Local Passongor..fl:l 0 pm
duily, daily oxoopt Hundny.
TnADU Markp
Sopyiiights &.C.
A n-nno t ..fllmr n rket fit mid description ma
il Ir lupnrimu nur eplnl in froo whether au
it uihin Is lnl ubiy imluulHldo ('(iimmnitca
, "ily! Hide Iifal. HANDBOOK en I'RtenU
li (,1'lc t niieiier fiirieiuriiii putenU.
i i is nucii t T r uh fluiin .V to. rtceln
I ii ittt, w Miout cliiirifo, 111 tho
Scientific American.
nun :- "irlT IUiikI ruled TreoUlr. I nrito-t clr-
, . , ',,i,r lei nun lnirnl. 'Ieriii, 14 I
. I.'iriui. (Ii,l. buiq hrall nowadeidcir
- o i ,' I I u V'n.hlk'toi., U. C
We Have st Million
Red Cedar Shingles
Selling at Very Close Prices
Lumber aud Building Material
Ford Lumber Co
Figure With Us. We Will Save You Money.
SiOQX Oity, Iowa. Near Combination Bridge. 5?h .-;
Mineral Paints
("Cement" Brand)
Is the best insurance you
can put on your barn
It is composed of Mineral Colors of the highest grade
obtainable, ground in pure Minnesota Linseed Oil, as
are all Minnesota. Paints and is WARRANTED to be
as durable a paint as it is possible to manufacture.
Try it this season.
For Ssvlc fay
Have your ticket read "Burlington"
Via DENVER Go via Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake; return
Shasta Route via Portland, Seattle. Yellowstone Park, Gar
diner entrance, on your way.
Via PORTLAND, SEATTLE Going to Seattle direct through
Billings, or via Denver and Billings, Shasta Route through Cal
ifornia. Yellowstone Park, Gardiner entrance on the way.
Returning through Salt Lake, Scenic Colorado and Denver.
RO This is the general excursion rate basis to California,
PvJU Portland and Seattle, on certain dates in June and July.
$15 higher via Sliastu.
(JOA This is the general excursion rate basis to California,
J)UU certain dates in May, and daily, June to September.
Also to Portland, Seattle, on certain dates in May, and
June to Sept. $lf higher via Shasta Route.
Proportional Rates from your Home. The Burlington folder
map will help you plan your tour, or let us help
Zhe Hersvld and T 1
Farmer and Breeder P '
mmmm - mmmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm m mmmm
Harness and
ZJlankets, Fly Nets and all
Kopuir Work tiivon
Sole Agent for Baum's Hog
Millet Seed guaranteed to Grow, 31.00 per bushel.
FVedrick.se (Si Son
Hubbard Nebraska.
o,TroT w
Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers
Book on patents. "Hints tolnventors." "Inventions needed."
"Why some inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for
search of Patent Office records. Our Mr. Greeley was formerly.
Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full charge of
the U. S. Patent Office.
- tfpi
trm a
AhctrantQ nf Title
A $10,000 Suroty HodcI
OuiirunteoB tho uoouruoy o( ovory
AliHtraot I luuko
& Bradford Lumber Co.
DaltottK City, Nab.
you. vou agent can ticKet you "liunington."
W. E. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr
L. V. Wakkley, G P A, Omabu, Neb
1004 Furnutu atreot,
in the line of
Horse Goods
seasonable Horse Goods.
Prompt Attention
Tonic, Best on the Market, I
SuooOBBOr t0
dukoui uonniy ADBtraoiuo; j
Bonded Abstracter I