Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 28, 1911, Image 5

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E. tor's
Grocery Specials
for Friday and Saturday
Lettuce, por bunoh Gf
lUdisliee, par bnnoli G$
Celery, par bunob, largo 10J
HnnnriRfl, per iloz 20$
Oranges, por doz....20o, 80a inul 3W
Qiiuo Apples, por pk C5J!
Wtaesnp Apples, por peak CD(J?
Suit Pork, best quality, por lb 13J
Host Sugar-ourcd Uaoou, perlb. . . .22(i
Host Lard, por lb 14
Pressed Hum, por lb 11
California Hanm, por lb Hi
Hulk Coffee, por lb 20$ and 30
Grape Fruit 2 for 2C
Onr Own Pio 3 for 25$
lirick oheoHo, por lb 20$
Chceso, mild, por lb 20$
Any kind of Laundry Snap, 6 bars, 25$
Agents for Obnso & Sanborn's Qpf-
feo 25$, 80$, 3P$ and -10$
Wo are still paying the highest prico
for produce
Eggs, per doz 14$
Putter, per lb 23$
Garden Seeds and Onion Sets
Shoes, Rubbers and llubbor Boots.
All kinds of Dry Goods Notions.
A Pair of Roller Skates Fre for the
Children Ask About Them
E. Knepper's Grocery
Local Items
Friday, April 21, 1911
See those smokeless lamp nicks at
Sohriover Bros, Give them a cull at
their nowly llxed up store; you will
find a good Btock of hardware, etc,
aud prices right. Phono 73.
Urtien's coffeo is still in tbo lead.
Van do Zeddo sells it.
E II Corntll drove to Ponca Tues
day with his auto, au u business trip.
Miss Bess Robertson went to Emer
son last Friday evening to visit over
Sunday with her sister Mary.
Kemembor the Dakota City Phur
muoy carries a comploto lino of buggy
and wagon paint none better.
If you haven't got time to do your
own shopping call up No 1. und ho
will deliver tho goods promptly.
Louis Pedursen, of 8t John's pre
cinct, was grunted his final naturaliza
tion papers by Judge Graves Tuesday.
Tho chattel mortgage reeord shows
releases filed by Jas M Barry lust
week to tho number of 138, raugiug
from 2E to 1,475.
Keep your chickens free from gapos,
roup aud kindred diseases by using
"Ileus's Poultry Punaoea." Tho Du
kotu, City Pharmaoy keops it.
Nuna and Kathleen Neiswangor ox
peat to leave as soon as school closes
for Mittbliullvillo, Ohio, to spend tbo
summer with tbeir grandparents.
Georgo Burnett bus installed his
puitublu saw mill on Walker's Island
in the Al O Ayres timber, whoro ho
has contracted to saw about 200,000
foet of col ton wood lumber.
Ilenry Krumwiede has moved Uiu
old tenement house fiom tho Ohonoy
place, which he recently purohnsoJ, to
liin lots at Urystal lake, whero he will
convert it into a summer cottage. Tho
haul was made with Will Bergor's
traction engine.
The griboliuo light plant in the Van
do Zeddo storo got to uoting up Sat
urday evening when tboy wont to light
up. Gasoline had esoaped during the
day and when tho generator was lit
thomachino was a mass of flanios for a
fow minutes. Hovoral sacks of Hour
were dumped on the fire and it was
soon smothered.
Tho members of the GAR post mot
in this place Uatarda; afternoon and
nrrauged to hold their meetings alter
nately at this place and South Sioux
City, to accommodute those living in
the south purt of tho county. John
Welker was up from Homer and sig
nified his intention of joining, aud
others will likely follow.
Tod Christopherson and Editor
McCoy of ho Journal at Crofton, this
state, were here Monday evening on
business. Tod has disposed of his in
terest in tho saloon business at Crof
ton to his partner, Will Lamsnn, und
has bought out 11 drug stoio in Iuh
homo town. Ho was looking around
for a druggist to go to Crofton
and run the storo for him until his oon
Jack Christopherson, a graduate in
phtrmaoy, can take tho state examina
tion and become a registered phurmu
cist. Makes Home Baking Easy
Absolutely Pure
Tho only baking nowdof
tnatto from Royal Grapo
Oroam of Tartar
A son was born to Win Slerk mid
wile on the 10th iust,
Miss Julia Power visitod over Sun
day at her homo in Ponca.
Mrs Georgo Pranger was down from
Wakefield ovor Tuesday night.
Buy a good farm on tho 'Dakota
oounty bottom. I have it. Elinors.
Max Eustou and wifo were ovor from
Sioux City Sunday visiting relatives .
Mrs Gfcrtrudo Best, of Honior, was
a Sunday night visitor at tho Cheney
CIius Goodsoll was called hero from
Spencer, Nub, by the suddon (loath of
his mother.
D II llager and A II Baker havo
just finished putting in cemont walks
around their promises.
Rev Keller united in marriage John
Leo aud Mlm Lavida Kevm, both of
Sioux City, on the 21st inst.
Wrs Y Allen of .Madison nud M P
Tyler of Norfolk, were hero this week
as attorneys iu tho ditch fight.
Don't forget lless's Instant Louso
Killer is sure death to all chicken lice,
and that the Dakota City Pharmacy
stlls it.
Goo M Pardoe, of Sioux City, aud
J J McCarthy, of Ponca, were looking
aftor business in the district court
bore Monday.
W Soott Thompson and Mary J
Dovonoy, of South Sioux City, woro
granted a rnairiuga Iioenso in Sioux
City last Saturday.
II WeBloy Brown returned Wednes
day to his homo at Qorriok, S D. Ho
drovo homo in a brand now Ford auto,
piirahasod whilo hero.
Mrs Martha Ileffnor, of Leods, la,
spent tho puet week at tho home of her
mothor, Mrs Gust Stobnor, and with
her sister, Mrs Wm Lorenz.
Mrs W R Warren, Mrs Thoo Bliven,
Chas Antrim and wifo, Burt Ilurdou
and Gladys Orr, attonded tho Good-
eell funeral at Homor Sunday after
noon. H W O'Neill, M R Boler, Jas Barry
aud Miko Ifynes, of JucUson. were here
this weok lookiug after their intorosts
in tbo ditch cube, which is boforo tho
district court.
All those indebted to mo ploaso
come and pay part of what you owo
m, if you cannot pay it all. Kindly
oblige mo for I need tho money in my
business. VandeZuddc. your grocer.
Mrs O B Ho waul arrived hero Tues
day from Shebosta, Neb, for a fow
months visit with her daughters, Mrs
Theo Blivon aud Mrs Frod Parker.
She was accompanied by her son
Tho Sulem young folkB to tho num
ber of about thirty surprised Samuel
Keller at his homo here last Friday
evening, it being his nineteenth birth
day. They presented him with a
handsomo watch fob.
A baby was born to Mr nnd Mrs
Fruuk Alahon, of near Pouca, last
Thursday, but tho lit tl 0 ono only lived
a few hours. Airs J P Rockwell,
mother of Mrs Alahon, has been with
her daughter tho past week.
Miss Emma Frederick, who former
ly resided iu this place, but for tho
past two years employed on tho News
at Dallas, S D, was married on Wed
nesday to Homer Hotts, of Dullus. The
Herald extends congratulations.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Livor
Tablets assist nature in driving all
impurities out of the system, insuring
a free and regular conditiou und re
storing tho organs of the body to
lion 1 tli and strength. Sold by all
Mrs AIny L Spurliug and baby loft
Tuesday for their home at Cherry
Crook, S D, having spent tho winter
hero at tho purental homo of Airs
Spurling. Air and Mrs Edwin Aloriu
of Wynot acconipauiod thorn homo for
a month's visit
Diarrhoea should be cured without
loss of time and by a modioiuo which
liko Ohamberluin's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhooa Remedy not only cures
promptly but produces no unpleasant
after effects. It never fails aud is
pleasant and safe to tuko. Sold by all
Thomas M Fiuuegan and Ida O An
derson, of Sioux City, woro married
by Judge Heffernan last Tuesday.
On Monday Bort E Lawson of Sioux
City and Edytho Bly Woodward, of Al
len, Nob, were joined in wedlock, and
on WednoRday Malvin Johnson and
Helen Wallace, of Sioux City, woro
married by tho judge.
An adjourned session of district
court convened hero Monday to hoar a
motion to dissolve an injunction grant'
cd by tho county court restraining the
officers of the drainngago district from
constructing tho proposed ditch from
tho town of Jackson to tho Jackson
lake, Tho caso is still on trial, a de
cision not having been reached at tho
time of going to press.
In tho list of nominations in tho Eu
ropean tour contest inaugurated by
tho World-Herald, Omaha, tho follow
ing mimes of Dakota county peoplo
are given: Airs F J Morgan, Aliases
Margaret Quinu, Alice Demaray, Mar
garet Twohig, Kato Beacom, Jaakson;
Misses Edith Fouts, Anna Burtlott,
Lucilo Maoombor, Sioux; Misses Nora
Crosby, Murtlo Mitoholl, Goodwin;
Misses Aland Doohttlo, Mnjorio Spen
cer, Dakota City. It isn't at all likely
that all of them will mako the Europe
an trip.
Airs Phileua Goodsell, who resided
iu this place for tho past yoar or two,
droppod dead at Homer last Friday
afternoon at 1 ;30 Hulo walking along
tho etroet. Iler death was iluo to
heart failure She only recently sold
hor belongings here aud was intend
ing to mako her homo with her child
ren, when the grim roaper called her
homo. Phileua Mowers was born in
Oneida county, N Y, July 12. 1847.
Sho was married to Louis Goodsoll
December 22, 19G9. To thorn woro
born six boys and four girls. Three
ehildion died in infancy. Thoso who
survive hor aro Alls S II Mooro and
.Mrs V O Lake, of Dakota City; Clar
ence Goodsoll aud Airs O S Like, of
Omaha; Roecoo and UIiiim Goodsell, of
Hpoucer, Nib; and Louis Goodsoll, of
II' mer. nor husband died April 1,
1008 Sho was an earnest christian
uoraun, aud leaves a host of frionds to
mourn her sudden departure. Tho fu
neral was held at Homer Sunday
afternoon, Rev J L Phillips conduct
ing tho services. Interment was in
tho Omaha Valloy comotory.
Mrs Homer Sk en returned to her
homo at Cody, Neb, Tuesday.
A good sized crowd attended tho
danco given iu the Ayres hall Tuesday
Ray Kosncr, of Sioux City, has ac
cepted u position as clerk in tho Kuep
per grocery in this placo.
Ladies, keep your complexion, by
tho liberal uso of tho numerous toilet
requisites tho Dakota City Pharmaoy
Don't forgot tho coffeo with tho dish
es at Van do Zoddo's ho has a nico
assortment, A nice (.ish with each
Tho regular mooting of tho W H &
F M society will bo held at tho homo
of Mrs Geo Niebuhr, Thursday, May
4, at 2:30 p tn.
Van hns somo of thoso lino Vouitiou
mirrors which ho is giving away with
coupon trade tiokets. Call and see
Ilium, il won't cool you auytulug.
If it is A 1 groceries you want, just
glance ovor Von do Zoddo's stock. He
will sell just us cheap as possible, and
he handles nothing but first class
Prompt relief iu all cases of throut
and lung trouble if you uso Chamber
laiu's Cough Remedy, PleaBant to
take, soothing and healing in effect.
Sold by all druggists.
A Ira Davis aud wife, of Enerson,
woro passougers to Sioux Falls Tues
day, whero Mr Dayis has purchased a
quartor section of land adjoining town.
They have sold their Emersou prop
erty. All kinds of coal, food and hay for
sale at ronsoiiablojirices.
I'nrLDs & Slauqiitkk Co.
ThicoE Blivkn, Manogor,
Dakota City, Nob.
In tho trial of tho MaNuiuara di.
voico caso hold boforo Judgo A A
Woloh in this placo last week, the caso
was taken under advisomont by the
judgo und a decision will tio handed
down ut homri future date.
Dr W R Rhiuii, of Wulthill, drovo
through horo Saturday with a brand
now Ford automobile just purchased
in Sioux Gity. IIo was uacompauiod
by his sister Dr Niua Smith aud uioco,
AIis Lulu Hirsch, of Homer.
Evory family and especially thoso
who reside in tho country should bo
provided nt all times with a bottle of
Chamberlain's Liniment. Thorb is
no telling whon it may bo wanted iu
caso of nn accident or emergency. It
is most excellent in all ca3es of rheu
matism, sprains and bruises. Sold by
all druggists.
Frank Willard of South Sioux City,
was arrested Sunday at Foyo's park by
Deputy Sheriff John UnzlcgrovoTin a
churgo of foreery. Willard passed
a bogus chock for $20.55 on Henry
Lnn of that place, aud was brought to
this place and lodged iu j til to await
his preliminary oxamiustion, which is
set for next Monday.
Your tongue is coated.
Your breath is foul.
Headaches oomn and go.
Theno symptoms show that your
stomach is the trouble. To romoyo tho
cause is the first thing, aud Oluitnbur
lai i's Stomach und Liver Tablets will
do Unit. Easy to take ut.il most of
feotive. Hold by all druggists.
Dakota Olty, Nob., April, 24, lull
llonnl of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment. Present, Kd Mnr
Kan, chairman, Tlios I.ouk, Geo W Tliuck
er. and V, Ij. Hoss, Olork.
llond of H O Hllumnn, rod ovurseor ills,
tilct No 111, approved by tliu boaid.
Iload No 142, beginning at tho west end of
Jolmstivutln tliu vlllitKo of llomor, Dakota
county, Nebraska, thoncu west on tho sec
tion lino ton point four (1) lods west of tho
southeast corner of tho swj.. swK of section
11, twp27, II 8 east, Is ordered vacated by
the bourd of county commissioners.
Olork ordered to wrlto warrant for in 01 on
tho noiiorul fund Iu fiivor of Mliuor KldK
wny forsoino circular laws.
Heportof GeorKO Wllklns, olork of th
district court, approved by tho boaid.
Oounty clork Is oidered to stilko tho per
sonal ta of J T Kneppor In OovliiKton pie
clnot, liuvliw boon assessed In Dakota pre
cinct. Hourd made ordor for county tiuinuror to
rciuljust tlio ralliuad roaddlstilct funds for
the jviir lOnDiind oimlil to tho vailoiln dis
tricts their proportionate share.
The following claims woro allowed
on the county general fund:
.1 Van do Zeddo, nulso I IDS
James Kueston, salary . :i!i fill
.lohn HazloRtovu, salary 10 00
J lMlockw ell, salary 91 00
Hiimiuoiid .v. Stephens Oo, judso 2 20
Kdwurds it lliudfoid I.br Oo, mrtsc... 2 85
S AStlnsou, nulso l Sl
S 11 Kunk.foes 0 6G
l'orklns llros Oo, supplies 12 U'J
Tho Smith l'romlor Typewriter Oo,
supplies 2i
Donls 1 1 ill lies, witness fees 2 ()
IClopp A. HnrtlottOo. supplies 1 25
Wllfied K Voss, salary mid expense. 2.11 M
Fields A. SlausshtorOo, eoivl to Mayors 0 7ft
Nobiuskti Telephone Oo, phono rent . 21 111
Dnvtdson llrosOo, mdso II III
lCIopp,t liurtlcttOo. supplies ... 2H Ml
University l'uhllshlni Oo, supplies.. 7 60
" " " '.... ID
Oeo W Thackor, freight and drnyiiKO. 7 40
Dakota Oounty Ileruld, supplies 4 no
lohn II Ileum, health I muni fi no
J K MuiiKor, naino , . ISI
O 1) Sinlb'y, sumo. 8 fill
Juntos Fly nn, siime 4 75
(loo II HiuiMu, sumo 1 fid
Mrs John CI llachoi t, euro NIbduii IS Ml
.loh 11 (i Itiiolnii t l.diuilliin pauper ... X 0(1
1) O Kvaus, postuKd 21)01
11 V .Sawyer, Inquest of Mis Goodsoll. 14 no
Thos I.ouk, Salary 715 (X)
The following cliiiniH were allowed
on tho county road fund:
Tho Austin Westorn Co, supplies. . . (51 tti
Tho Austin Western Oo, Krnder, No u
Commissioner district liffl (HI
Tho Austin WertornOo, Krnder, Noil
Commissioner district 12.5 1m
Tho Austin W'ostomOo. Krndor, No il
Commissioner district 12fi 00
Tho Austin Wostern Oo, Krudor, No il
Ooiiiiiilssioner district MOO
Tho Austin Wostorn Oo, Krudor No il
Commissioner district Ill fid
Tho Austin WertornOo, Kinder No 2
Commissioner district 117 00
Tho Austin Western Oo, Krudor No 2
Oommlssloner district Dim
The Austin Western Oo, Krudor No 2
Commissioner district... . .. 271 nfl
Tho following claims woro allowed
on tho road district fund:
Ourl lllrsch. road work dlst No IS. . 42 W)
I.ouls 1'edorson, road work dlst No I 41) fid
1) O llelTeriian, nulso, dlst No U f) fin
Geo N GeorKonsen, work, dlst Noll . ill 7S
It M Dorke, work, dlst No fi . Ill mi
l'O Viicleuvo, work.dlst No 1 . ill 7fi
M J Hynes, work, dlst NoH. .. 711 Ki
Martin lloKh, work.dlst No in 2 Mi
M lleucom. work, dlstNo IS fin 00
Hoard adjourned to Muy 22, lull.
w L, HOHS. Clerk.
HcmululiiK In the p..tolllce ut Diikntu,
Neb,, for the mouth of April, lull:
Ourl Hanson MorlU ICunuth
DrO 1' I.oIUoll MoriU Kuimth.curd
Carrie Kramer Kd Martin
Kurt. Kramer Mrs Doll Heed
Laura Kramer Geo Seaman
John X Williams llei thu Sharp
Miss It Wild
l'nrtlos eullliiK for tho uliove plenso suy
"advertised." John II, Ukaji. l'ostmaster,
I havo a 160-ucro pasture, with good
wutor, and will tuko horses or cuttle
to pasture John 0 Sullivan,
nubburd, Nebr, Routo 2,
It is U10 wish of tho stnto dopari
mentof publio instruction to mako
tho work for this bieimillm oouut for
tho greatest practioal good to all parts
of the school system of tho state, and
particularly to the rural school.
Thoro are so many Hues of nativity
which these schools might pursiiu with
profit that it has boon deoldod to givo
to tho teachers of nil parts of tho state,
who wish to put oxtra time nud effort
onto their work, special help and on
courugouicut along lines it littlo out of
tho usual rut iuto which wo are all
so likely to fall. This will bo done Oy
moans of a correspondence class con
ducted by Miss Anua V Day, assist
ant statu supariutoudont.
It will bo tho purpose of this class
to suggest ways iu which inturcst may
bo arousod iu bettering both tho mate
rial conditions of tho schools and tbo
uciulemio work, t 1 doviso and put into
oporution work w'uoh will help to do
velop tho children to tho fullest oxtont
mentally, physically and morally.
One of tho lines to bo omplmsizod nt
once will bo "The Boautifyiug of tho
School Grounds," nnd bottoring tho
conditions without tho school houso.
As ei oil lino works out nud results be
come apparent, other liues will bo
taken up.
Membership in the class is limited
to fivo rural touchers from each county.
Only BucooHsful, ouorgotio.wido nwuko,
resourceful touchers, who will not bo
easily discouraged by difficulties, will
bo dosirublo members. Have wo any
suoh teachers? If so, ploaso mako ap
plication at onao.
This office has a number of copies of
a bullotiu regarding tho work that can
yot bo dono (aud continued next fall)
in ugrioulturo and tho school garden
line. A progressive teacher will do
biro to take up tliie work whon tho mi
attructivo ani unsanitary conditions of
tho rural schools are brought to her
mind by tho matorial which may bo
hud upon request.
Every school yard in tho county
shou'd bo oncloacd by a woven uiro
fence. It is a shame tho way some
school yards aio run ovor by cattlo and
rootod up by tho hogs r.nd oven driven
over by tho gonaral public. Is a
school houso and its yard ontitled to
loss consideration thuu your house and
its yard? If so, tho uppciiruuco of
your homo will explain why you think
that way.
I adviso you to ro-hiro your teacher
now for next yoar if hor work is satis
factory . Don't wait until lato in tho
summer to do this work. Tho two
members of the board whose terms do
not oxpiro next July, may do tho con
tracting now.
Tenohors, aro your certificates going
to run out boforo you bogiu teaching
next fall? Remombor that you will
not be permitted to contract for a
school without having a certificate iu
force nor has a school liourd a right to
hire you without first seeiug your cer
tificate. Tho thing to do is to got
your credits as early as possible und
thou get your coitificate filled out
whon ucodod.
Tho teacher's examinations held
at Dakota City on the 21st and 22ud
of April, 1911, woro almost entirely
taken by youug peoplo wtio aro intend
ing to teaoh withiu tho next year or
two. A liat with addrcesos follows:
Jackson: Francos McOormiok, An
na MoGoe, Monica Flynn, Mabel Hef
fernan, Agnes Kerwin, Margarot
O'Neill, Alico M Demaray, Mario Du
gnn, Lyda Toller, Oluru IJyruo, Outh
eriuo Long, Nora nogan, Ambrosn
Hall, Leo MoGouiglo, Frank Waters,
Helen Kerwin, HoleuErlaoh Kathleen
Urannan, Blanche Riloy, Edilha M
Kearney, Margaret Ilaitnott, James
Kcofe, John McGomgle, Raymond
Quinn, Joe Harty, Aladeliuo Al Butler,
Anna M Clark, Uuthoriuo Casey.
South Sioux City : Leo Monuhun,
Ralph George, Frank ulucomber,
Francis Cowuie, Lee Conant, Elmer
Couant, Alico Hugumnu, Mary Moua
hun, Zellu Grocno, Rose Martin.
Dakota nity : Fred tichriovor, Wil
lie Sohriover, Olive Stinson, S L Kol
lr, George Harnett, Yira Bangous,
Cluudo Ileikes.
Winnegngo: nzol Davidson.
Soma touchers nud somo pupils havo
tho idea thut tboy must furnish their
own soratcli paper. This is not neces
sary nor does it look well to have any
othor pupors nbout 0110 than oxaminu
turn papers while on examination.
Though it is not felt yot thut uuything
dishonest bus been intondod, yet wo
do huvo, from tiran to timo, very much
more slv und (moulting exhibits of dis
honesty thut are the talltalo Bigus
largely indicating tho extont of tho
teacher's fitness to proporly guido tho
children givon to her euro.
No examination papors will hore
aftor bo accepted and sent to Lincoln
unless tho foo for their number bus
boon paid in advance
Gutosuid; "no approaches nearest
tho Gods who knows how to bo silont,
ovou though liu is in tho right." Teach
ers, piiucipals aud superintendents
often aro corapollod to mako uso of
this maxim when dealing with a wrath
ful patron oven though ho is liable to
go homo thinking that ho has accom
plished wonders by his oxtromely ju
dicious (?) and pointed remarks.
New Time Card
On the Omaha
Tho following timo curd will go into
effect 011 tho Omuhu road Suuduy,
April 110th:
Trains loavo Dakota City at tho fol-lo-viug
0:20 pra Omahu4 7:58 am
10 :!18 am OmuliD 1 .53 pm
3 :88 pra Norfolk t8 :38 am
0:37 am Norfolk 1 :DB pm
7 :3r am Nowcastlo . . . . 10 :38 am
2:01pm " 5:50pm
12:l!)pm Omaha 2:30 am
3:88 pm Norfolk 8:38 am
9:37 am Norfolk 4 :58 pm
daily except Suuduy, t do not stop
R R Time Table
C I3& Q
No. 91 Locnl Froight' 7 :15 am
t 1 T .,... m.rn
il i linnuuK'" " pi"
No 92 Local Freight 2 :25 pm
10 Loonl FtiBsongnr" . . 0:00 pm
-' uuuy, - uany oxcopi ounuuy.
A 1,350
Top, Wind Shield,
Lamps, Horn.
SajMPJ&LJiifcl 30 lloro Powor. 5 Paongcr. l&LwSJ
Do not think thoro Is no uso finding out nbout this proposition.
1 no offer Is niiulo and backed up by tho oldest and most reliable ngrl
cultural paper in tho Northwest. A Hudson Autoiuobllo wns
Klvcn to K1W. A. PKDKUSON, 11I0NHDN, MISS., Inst.lnn-
MINN., 011 April loth, by tho l'nrm, Stook Jt Homo Co.
This $1 ,350 REO is Going to be Givon to Somebody
You havo as good a chnuco'as anyone. Send this coupon todnv.
First pulillcntlon l-SMMw.
In tliu county court of Dakota county,
In tliu mutter of the cstntu of John II.
Notice Islicreliy KlM'li, that tliu creditors
of the 811I1I doocnii'd will meet tho ndnilnls
trutorofNiild OHtuto.lK'fore 1110, county JuiIku
nf Dukntu county, Nelirnxku, at the county
court room Iu iinld county, on tho lutli day
of AuitiHt, lull, on tliulrd tny of St'ptt'in
iMir. mil, and on tliu Xlst iluy of octolwr,
lull, at III o'clock a 111, cui'li day for tliu pur
posu of pivsonUiitf their clnlins for oxiitn
inntlnu, iidJUMtiut'iit aud iiIIouuiick. Six
inolitliM uro allowed for crcdltois to pmsoiit
tlmlrclMlnii und onoj -nr for thuudiulnlstiu
tor tomittln Midd CMtnto, from tliu lutli dnyof
April, lull. ThW notlen will Ik piihllKhcd In
the Diikotu Oounty Ileruld, for four weeks
-mcvosslxuly pilor to tliu HUh ilny of All
KiiHt, 1IU1.
Witness my huiid.und snnl of mild couit,
this lUtli duy or April, A. I. mil.
fsKAt, Uounty Judge.
Klist l'ubllcntlou l-U-aw.
To Whom It May Concern:
Ulmrles m. IKiiowsky Iiiis tills duy llled IiIh
iippllcutlon with the vIIIiiku oleik of the
vIIIiiho of Ilouier, Uukntueouuty. Ntlirasku,
nddH'ssed to suld vlllnue liourd for license
to hell limit, NpltlttiouM aud vinous Illinois
At letullln sulci vlllauo dull mk the .vein-end-lliK
Iu Muj 11112 on and at thu followlnu de-
Hcrllieil piemlses, to-wlt: (lo'iiinencliiK ut
a point elxlity ll) foot east or the northeast
corner of hlock four (1) orlitlnul town of
Hoinur: thence oust to the unst lino of the
southwest quarter of tin outti"iit Tiiurtt'r
of section eleven til) township twenty-sev-un
(S7) rmiKti clwlit (Mjeust or the .Sixth I.
M.; tlionee south nloim sidd line foi ty liui
feet: thence west to the eiist line or Kiout
street In suld vlllnue ot Homer; thoncu
norm moiitf sin 1 eusi lino of Krout street
forty 110) reel to plnco of Ih'kIiiiiIk, which
propoity nnd place so described Is within
tho eorpoiuto limits of tho vIIImko ot IIo
uiur, DuLota county, Nulirnsku.
All objections tosnld uppllcutlon tuny lie
lllcd with tho Vllhiuo (Uork 011 or boforo
Huturdny. ApillSU. 1011.
Dated this l'Jtli duy of Apill, mil,
Attest: Appllrnut for IJcensu.
J. h. UliANOllAitn, Vlllnuo tilnrk.
First pulillcntlon i- Ivs
In tho county court of Dakota county, Ne
braska. Iu thu mailer of thu estate of Wllholmlnu
Ihonlmitf, decunsod.
Notice Is heieby Klvun that the uiodltoin
of the kiiIiI deceased will meet tho adinlnls
trntorot suld cstutc,l)ufoieine,couiity Judiie
of Dakota county, Neluusku, ut tliu county
couit room Iu ruUI eounty, on thoswth duy
of July, llill.on thottlth day of AtiKUst.luil,
nnd on the iMth day of Supteiuboi, IUH, at
111 o'clock a. m. each day for the purpose of
presuutlim their claims for examination,
adjustment nud allowance. .Six months
uro allowed for cicdllorx to present thulr
claims nud ono your for the administrator
to settle said estate, from the iatb dnyof
July, lull
This notice will bo published In tho Dakota-County
Herald for four weeks successive
ly prior to thu 2lith ilny ot July. Kill.
Witness my hand, und seal ot suld court,
this '.nth day of March, A. 1). Hill.
skat. (lounty.ludKo
First publication l-7-lw.
notiok ok ofkn1no 1ioai).
jacoii u:ami:u uoad.
Stntuof Nobruskn, DuLotu County as.
To whom It muy concern:
Tho commissioner appointed to locate
nud establish u hind coninienelnK ut thu
diiai'ter between seellons l'J und III, town
shipbS. innifu IS, west of 0th I M.. ut the
point where road No. 7- tin ns 1101 th, and
fiom suld point mil west 011 tliu section
llnu butween huctlouti l'J nnd 11), Twp. W, It,
4H, to tho point whom tho south'.vcst comer
of lot l'J, section l'J, and thu northwest cor
nor at lots, Miotlou IJ, Twp.fW, II, -s, inter
sects thu Armstrong mcuuder lino, and
thuie teiiiiluutu, tins ruported In favor ot
thu establishment nud locution thereof, nnd
all objections tliuieto or claims for dam
iikuh must bo llled In tho county clurk's of
fice on or iHifoio noon of tlioGth duy of June,
lull, or such load will liu established unit lo
cated without refeience tliuieto.
County Clork.
First pulillcntlon 4-lMl-w.'l.
Notice Is heieby Klvon thut Fred G.Htun
aril lias tiled with the vllluuu clerk of Dako
ta Ulty. Dakota county, Nobruskn, blsappll.
cation and petition for a license tosellmult,
spirituous and vinous lliiuors, nud conduct
11 saloon In suld vIIIuko, durtim tho fiscal
year lieKlnnltm on thu first Tuesday In May,
lull, under thu laws of tho statu of Nebraska
und the ordinances of suld vlUiiKC, In 11
bulldlim located on parts of lots II und ID,
In block llll. Any and all objections to tho
KrantliiK of said license should Im 011 lllu
with thu vllliiKu clerk of suld vllhiK" on or
boforo thu imth duy of April, lull.
rur.ij (1. dTA! a 11 0 A ppllcant.
Pa hi. Pi.kv, VtlluuuUlurk.
Dated this lllth duy of April, lull.
District Court dates
For tho Eighth Judicial dietrict ot
NiibroBka, for tho year 1011:
OiiiuIiik lanuary no, Heptumbor 11
Dakota.. .... . Fobiuury 111, September aft
Stuntou March rt, OutolierV
Oudur March IM. NovenitMii-1!)
Dixon ., . March si. DeeuinlHir I
Thurston April 10. Octolsjr HI
Tliollrstday of each term Is sot for henr
Iiik applications forcltUenshlp papers.
(luy TOruvos.JudKu,
Ileal ohtatoloaiiH. Oeo WilkliiH.
Lincoln Sanitarium
Sulpho-Saline Springs
LccaUil 00 our own prtmltM aad mal
In tb
Natural Mineral Wattr
Unrpnil In th treatmaat at
art, Btouaoti, Kldnay and LWar
MWtitU Ckitto. AidtM
n. O.W. EVERETT, Mgr.,Llnooln, Ktb.
Thl coupon
to iirno pcrvn.
ship but upon the size of its bearings, the length of its piston,
the thickness of its thinnest casting, the size of its balance wheels
and the strength of its various parts. Upon the size and strength
of these parts depend the service you will get from the engine
and it also determines the total weight of the engine. In deter
mining the value of two engines compare their weight the same
as you do when you sell your hogs, pork is worth so much
per pound.
Come in and inspect my sample Stlckney Engine and show
me one place where any weight can be cut out without injuring
the service the engine will give and then I will show you it has
no surplus weight, no big useless unnecessary base and then
figure the price per pound. I will give your money's worth.
RENZE & GREEN - Hubbard, Neb.
Mineral Faints.
("Cement" Brand)
Is the best insurance you
can put on your barn.
It is composed of Mineral Colors of the highest grade
obtainable, ground in pure Minnesota Linseed Oil, as
arc all Minnesota Paints and is WARRANTED to be
as durable a paint as it is possible to manufacture.
Try it this season.
For S&ile by
Go Somewhere This Summer
TO THE EAST In due season attractive tourist rates will be
announced to the Lake and St Lawrence regions, Atlantic coast
cities and resorts. Can we help you plan an Eastern tour?
Or If You Prefer the West, think about the mountain climate
and scenery of Colorado, the Big Horn region, or a tour through
Yellowstone Park; there are circuit tours embracing Scenic Col
orado, Salt Lake, Yellowstone Park and the Big Horn Moun
tains, all in one journey. Perhaps you can take this summer
that long wished for journey to the Pacific Coast, embracing by
diverse routes the entire West and Northwest regions. A sum
mer tour, whether through the East or through the West, has
become to many a. necessity, while railroad and hotel facilities
make it a diverting and enjoyable experience. There are no
tours in the world that offer the traveller so much for his money.
Everything in the line of
Harness and Horse Goods
ilaukets, Ely Nets and all seasonable Horse Goods.
Kopnir Work (iivon Prompt Attention
Sole Agent for Baum's Hog Tonic, Best on the Market.
Millet Seed guaranteed to Grow, S1.00 per bushel.
Frcdrickscn (Si Sort
Hubbard Nabraal&at
Knrin, Stork A llotuir (,'n,,
Jtlniniiixdln, Minn.
l'lcnta lot 1110 know how tbo Iloo Autoaiobllo can bo
obtained frcu.
P. O.,
oounu loo polnln. Onljr ono couimn credited
No. 6
Get Your
Money's Worth
The. service an engine will give
you depends not only on its design and
OlialitV of its material nnd wnrbmnn-
Renze & Green
W -as,
k Bradford Lumber Co.
Dakota. City, Neb.
If you uro uxpitutlnK to iiiukunuy kind of imuiuniur tour I ahull
bo Kind to liuvu you Kut lu touch with mo ourly.
W. E. Sncthen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr,
L. V. Wakkley, O P A, Oinabu, Nob
1004 Fur nu in utreot.