Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 21, 1911, Image 7

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A?Vtur jJ V.
m What
An occupation that Is always
attractive to the average Amer
ican boy, who sees only its sur
face features and does not take
Into consideration the energy
and hard work so essential to Its
success. It Is a profitable call
ing, however, for those who
master Its difficulties and at
tend strictly to business.
NK of the most attractive of
business men to tho aver
ngo youth Is tho drummer,
or traveling man, or com
mercial traveler, or com
mercial salesman, or trav-
sllng salesman, as ho Is called In va
rious parts of tho country. This ad
miration on the part of the American
boy, who is always on the lookout
or somo life-work that appeals strong
ly to his idea of what is both agree
able and profltablu, Is duo to the ap
pearnnco of comfort and prosperity
which tho traveling man presents
When "on the road." This, of course,
Is only a surface fcaturo of the busi
ness and does not d away with tho
(act that underneath this apparently
baro-freo exterior there is tho samo
necessity for the exercise of good busi
ness ability and application that char
acterize most other occupations.
Your boy who has an ambition to
adopt this calling should be made ac
quainted at once with tho facts In the
case. He should bo convinced right at
tho start that the traveling man's gold
Is not all glitter, and that he Is ono of
the hardest worked Individuals to be
found among those who are trying to
get on In tho world.
That wagon load of trunks which he
so blandly orders sent to tho samplo
rooms of tho hotel has to bo unpacked,
every one of them, and the contents
attractively sprpnd out on counters
and shelves and ho must do It all
himself, because it is his taste and
knowledge of goodB which must bo
used in arranging them so attractively
as to hypnotize the local customer
Into buying. After a few hours these
samples must all be packed again
and spnt on to tho next town. Tho
traveling man's easy affability and
happy-go-lucky expression is not as
sumed much for pastime, but for the
purpose of selling goods, and to sell
goods in these days of strenuous com
petition means tho hardest kind of
work and study and acuteuess. And,
furthermore, as he works on a com
mission basis, either directly or Indi
rectly, his success depends entirely
upon his own efforts. This is more
general In his case than in most oc
cupations. , But if your boy still insists on being
a drummer it is quite possible for him
to be ono and also have ahead of him
tho prospect of as groat success as at
tends tho other branches of mercan
tile life.
Tho best way for him to begin is
with some wholesale house, tho larger
the institution the better. However,
unless in the rarest of instances, he
will not bo able to earn his living tho
first year; for this timo will bo spent
largely In getting acquainted with the
rudiments of tho business. Say he is
a good, healthy lad of 1C or so, with
the ordinary common school educa
tion. Ho had better choose tho par
ticular line of mercantile business he
wishes to follow before ho makes his
beginning, aa it will bo somowhnt dif
ficult to make a ohango afterward.
Ho will bo paid anywhere from $50
to $160 for the first year's work, or
I . I "WT TbbTTTI rf 'iv" '
Ijrom ft iu t i.ou u nioiuu, uuu wm uu
jput to work in the stock rooir
I I Let us, for examplo, say that he
bas ohoson a wholesale grocery Arm
i and that he Is assigned to the soap
department. Here he will see an al
most endless variety of soaps, from
the high priced dainty kind used In
my lady's boudoir to the yellow
laundry soap, and it will bo bis
duty to seo that this stock is kept
up and Is always in order. When
over any of the goods aro deploted, he
will report to the head of the depart
ment and they will be roplonished.
Then he should be careful to noto
of tho way visiting customers are at
tended to by resident salesmen, and
aftor a yoor or so he will have oppor
tunity of waiting upon somebody him
self. If ho makes good at this, he
will havo more of the same work to
do, and after awhile will, perhaps, be
able to show that be can take care of
tho most troublesomo of customers.
agpprfThen It may be after four or Ave
7 Roars' work ho can realize his ambi
tion to bo sent on the road.
During all this time ho will have
icon absorbing everything ho possibly
ban from tho regular traveling men
krhon they como back to headquar
ters, studying their methods of ap
proaching and handling tho retailers
and tho general technical phases of
the business. He will also find that
tone of tho fundamentals of a travollng
talesman is to know all about tho
oods he handles. This includes a
close analysis of the soap Itself, a
knowledge of the process of manufac
ture, of where tho raw material comes
from, of ita chemical composition, of
the prloos at whloh It is sold and the
lowest price at which It can be sold
profitably, of what tho freight rates
will be to the town of the customor, of
tho terms of sale, of the financial
standing of the merchants ho will en
counter in his soarcb f"r trado, of
what competitors are pi i to offer In
Hko way of prices, qualir etc.
In short, he must De n - o answer
satisfactorily overy po&b.blo quo Ion
and r g inu-nt that may be offered by
a .o pcMvc buyer. And, finally
v, u tho crux of the entire matUr
r t bo able to got the man's
Shall It Be?,
order. The most successful drummer
of soap probably knows moro about
soaps of all kinds than any other man
on earth.
During this process of acquiring
knowledge and experlenco your boy's
pay ImB steadily grown from tho orig
inal olght or ten dollars n month of
tho first year to nearly doulilo thnt
the second, and up to ?30 or $40 by
the tlmo he is watting on customers.
On tho road, ho will bo started at
$75 to $100 a month and traveling ex
penses, and ho must bo able, as al
ways during his travollng salesman
ship, to earn his pay. Ho will prob
ably be given an unimportant section
of a little corner of now territory un
til he has proved himself, when his
route will gradually bo enlarged ac
cording to the needs of tho firm and
his own peculiar ability. Somo travol
lng men nre moro successful among
village merchants than In tho largo
cities, and vice versa.
From this point on thero is steady
advancement, as your boy grows In ex
perlenco nnd ability, and he will bo
getting acquainted with the other
goods handled by his firm so as to soil
everything on its list. As he advances
his pay will Increase until It
reaches and passes tho general av
erage of about $1,800 a year and ex
penses. Ho will find that tho firm is expect
ing him to bo ablo to tako caro of
largor and larger contracts, until he
can go to a newcomer who Is opening
a large retail storo In St. Louis, or
Chicago, or Minneapolis, or somo oth
er largo city and persuado him to
place his entire order, or nearly all,
with his Arm, even though It should
amount to as much as $100,000. By
the time he reaches this height ho will
be getting anything from $3,500 to
$10,000 a year. Somo traveling sales
men earn even moro than this.
Onco a traveling man, always a
traveling man, Is generally the case;
but If your boy has the domestic In
stinct nnd wlh? to pottle down, he
will not lack opportunity; for ho can
become tho head of the local sales de
partment at a good salary or olse ho
can take up tho buying end, which of
fers even greator pay. Anyhow, ho
has achieved a large and last
ing success.
Somo boys who live In small towns
havo made their 3tart by getting a Job
in ono of the local stores, learning nil
they could about tho business and
made It a point to attract the favor
able notice of visiting traveling men,
with the result that the latter have
recomended them to their own Arms,
and tho latter hava put them Into the
stock department, or even on tho
road, at living remuneration.
(Copyright, 1910. by tlio Associated Lit
erary Press.)
John D. as a Jester.
Every little while Cousin John
Rockefeller does something to ndd an
other plank of evidence to tho theory
that he has a deep-seated senso of
humor. Ho is becoming moro and
moro of a giddy sort of Jester.
A short timo befor tho Rockefel
lers loft here for th east, Cousin
Rockefeller and a number of friends
were out a-golilng. Several women,
wives and friends of a number of the
contestants, wore nresnt. and John
I T"l mirna linirlniv irront am-f nnlrrr fun
at tho golfers whenever one of them
would mako a poor strwko. Tho wo
men laughed heartily at tho expense
of tho erring playor whenever John
would Bprlng one of hi funny gibes
and tho oil refiner was in high glee.
It came tho turn of ono player who
had Just taken up tho game a week or
two previously, but who averaged as
good a game as most of the others.
"You'd better explain to tho ladles,"
ho whispered to his host, "that I am
Just n beginner,"
"Tell them you'ro Just a beginner,"
repeated John, toud onough for all to
hear. "Why, man, do you think any
of the ladles present aro so stupid
that thoy won't know that when they
see you drive off?" Cleveland Plain
Father Didn't See.
The indulgent father whose nose had
struck many sparks from tho high cost
of living grindstono, Jerked a thumb
In tho direction of a passing young
"Why didn't you get one of those un
trimmed hats," he askod, "Instead of
th.it creation with tho $40 willow
plumes on It?"
"Because," explained the daughter,
as patlontly as though she were speak
ing to a small child. "Only women
who havo money enough to buy willow
plumes can afford tho economy of un
trimmed millinery. As untrlmmed hats
aro tho only ones I can afford, for the
sake of appearanco I cannot afford to
wear thorn. By fo doing overybody
would seo that I couldn't afford willow
plumes. Don't you seo?" And ho con
fessed ho didn't.
Interesting Find.
An interesting And was u.udi the
other week by workmen whiio laying u
conduit near Astwlck, North Brocks.
They camo upon two completo human
skeletons, malo and female. Tho head
of tho malo was most massive, and his
height when living must have been at
least sevou feet. Tho woman was laid
at right angles to tho man, with her
feot robllng against the Bide of his
body, Apparently when hor lord died
sho had been slain and burled with
him, Tho remains aro thought to bo
long to the stono age.
Saving Car Fare.
"Do you think It Is likely to gi i il,-
conductor into troublo to offer him
your faro after ho has passed you by?"
"1 can't say. But I do know that
that theory has cased my conscience
many a time."
Mr. William A. Radford will answer
questions and kIvo iuIvIcb KURD OP
COST oil nil subjoclo pertaining tonhe
subject of bulldliiR, for tho readers of this
Impoi. On account uf Ills wldu experlunco
as Editor, Author and Manufacturer, ho
is, without doubt, tho highest authority
on all thoso subjects. Address alt Inquiries
to William A. lladford. No. 178 West
Jnckfon bouWnn!, Chlcauo, 111., and only
ncloso two-cont stamp for reply.
Tho great antiquity of concreto as a
building matorlal would Justify a
search for early examples of Its use
In architectural expression. But ap
parently this remarkable material,
which, after all, Is only Just beginning
to rovoal Its ultlmato possibilities, was
used by tho ancients only for tho
basor purposes of piling up masses of
masonry, or at best as a backing for
stono nnd marble facings. The first
Buggostion of Its fitness for architec
tural expression camo when builders
took tho ldoa of constructing architec
tural features of cement mortar.
Thoro is undoubtedly a fascination
about being nblo to mold so thoroughly
a plastic matorlal as coment mortar
Into any desired form, or even to shnpo
It by hand, whtlo still soft, and so pro
duce crodltablo work of decorative
soulpturo. But ono Invariably suffors
a shock on discovering that boautlful
statoly collonados or arcados and por
ticos, well designed and In style, are
not built of stono, but that we are
looking at a thin veneer of coment
mortar, in short, that thoy aro a moro
During this period of development,
whllo architects wore being lod to
adopt new materials, they did not con
corn themselves with tho evolution
of doslgn In conformity with their now
materials, and it followed qulto natur
ally that no progress wan being mado
toward tho realization of n real con
crete architecture In fact n attempt
was mado In this direction.
It would bo difficult to estimate
Ruskln's Influence In bringing about a
restoration of truthfulness in doslgn.
Whllo It cannot bo Bald to havo ox
tonslvoly effocted Immediate and tan
giblo results, It did set men to think
ing, and In recent years within tho
present gonoratlon, In fact this subtle
infiuenco Is gradually asserting Itself,
and naturally bringing about a revival
of artistic Inspiration.
It is hard to depart from beaten
paths, and men as a rule will not and
daro not till somo genius carvos tho
way. It Is hard to givo up Jhe old
familiar forms that havo become a
veritable architectural alphabot, which
soems to most of us sufficient for the
sxprcsslon of our architectural ideals.
And now that wo have entered on an
era of concreto construction with a
ouddonnoss that is characteristically
American, wo cannot expect designers
to throw asldo all tradition and mako
for a now Btylo. That will tako tlmo.
Nevertheless thoy aro coming to recog
nlzo In concreto a matorlal that will
afford abundant opportunity for orig
inality and individuality, and accord
ingly bold excursions havo been mado
into tho now field, with credltablo re
sults. Somo of tho most pleasing work with
this now matorlal has beon dono In tho
construction of small houses. The
small cottage or bungalow haH about
it something that appeals to the hom
ing Instinct, and when tho little house
Is well designed this Is Intensified.
Hero Is displayed a design of a lit
tle house that Is to bo built of frame
and plastered on tho exterior with co
ment mortar. Wo know that houses
built In this manner aro cooler In sum
raor nnd wnrmor In winter than thoso
of othor construction, and tho cost Is
very llttlo moro than that of framo
construction. Tho effect of this do
slgn Is artistic and it Is of such a
character as to attract attention, al
though thero is nothing protontlous
about it Such a houso will always bo
salablo, and that is something to bo
consldortd when sottllng on a deshzn.
PagW iB 4 jAi-x 5JWmm y.9 vQa4VftvvBfBVBBraaa x x5 MttsamMummmWi sbbsbwV tllVPEwi sV'TX l 'flilliiMI
aBjMBBBMBBsWWBMBBBMBBBBBMMMlMiiSljfc3Krey v'?i' y'yr v ; 'il' ;Vnr tlWaTSflBBaBraMBBBBllTT I
p$ 3 Kitchen 1
BEDRm.JT ll'ffW'fjr I
iroyiyp-Yu s y ja
in SiHALLjj
Tiing RM.frxi(,.iDiMiNC Rm.
r i"vl
a m m
Floor Plan
It Is a ono-story houso, tho width
being thirty foot and tho length twenty-nine
feet bIx Inches. The porch Is
sU feel nluo Inched by tv,ont-sovn
foot six Inches. You enter tho houso
by a cosy vestlbulo and find youraolf
In a contrnl hall on each side of which
are wldo doors Into tho living room on
tho left and tho dining room on tho
right. Directly ahond is a passage
way that leads Into the bedroom, while
access to tho kitchen is had through
tho dining room. Betweon tho bod
room nnd the kitchon Is n bathroom,
whllo In tho kitchon a pantry of amplo
slzo Is provided. This houso will look
best if built on a cornor lot and sur
rounded with fiowors nnd shrubbery.
One In the List of "Must Nots" It tho
Use of Poison or Poisoned
Fow persons know how many re
strictions hedgo round tho privileges
of tho warrior under tho regulations of
modern International ogreoment.
Somo of these have n grim touch of
humor. A spy, for instnnco, is exempt
now from tho dishonorable doath of
hanging, nnd Is entitled to bo shot.
Slmllnrly, whllo poisoning streams and
woapons Is against tho code, doad cat
tle may be left in them to cause thorn
to bo poisoned.
Mr. Acland pointed out that a ques
tion to be settled was as to tho uso of
airships for dropping oxploslvos.
Groat Britain, tho United Statos, and
Austria had agroed not to uso ex
plosives from airships, but France,
Germany, Italy and Japan had all
claimed that It was fair to do so. That
would bo ono of tho most Important
things to bo sottlod at tho next ponce
conforonco, and ho hoped that, whllo
It was perfectly fair to uso airships
for Information, it would bo declared
unfair to use them for dropping ex
plosives or firing projoctllos.
As citizens may legally tnko part In
warfaro In dofondlng their country,
providing they do not concoal their
weapons, tho following list of "Must
Nots" laid down by tho intornntlonal
rules may havo an Interest to our
road era:
You must not use poison or poisoned
Wound or hurt by tho employment
of treachory.
Kill anyono who surrenders.
Threaten that no quarter will bo
Use projectiles which causo un
necessary suffering or explosion.
Use expanding bulletB of any kind.
Destroy any of tho enemy's proper
ties, except for tho sternest military
Mako peaceful subjocts of the en
omy'p 'country take part In oporutlons
against tho enemy.
Spider's Web.
Tho strength of tho spidor and of
tho materials It employs is somothlng
almost incomprehensible when tho
size of tho insect and tho thickness
of his thread aro taken Into account.
Reoent experiments have shown that
a slnglo thread of a web made by
a spidor which weighed 51 milligrams
supported cndwlso a weight of four
grams, or 74 times tho weight of tho
spider Itself.
When, therefore, a spider spins a
wob to lot himself down from tho coll
ing or from tho branch of a tree, and
Wo seo him descending without per
ceiving hi3 thread nt all, wo may bo
perfectly suro that ho Is not only in
no dangor of falling, but that ho could
carry 73 othor spiders down with him
on his invisible rope. Knowing this
fact with reference to a single thread,
wo need not bo surprised that tho
threads of a web, Interwoven and re
inforced ono by another, havo a very
considerable strength and aro ablo
to hold been nnd wasps, themselves
very powerful In proportion to their
slzo, and to bend without breaking
under a weight of dew or rain.
Catgut and Silk Worms.
Probably but n Binall porccntogo of
tho flshermon who uso files strung
with flno translucont "catgut" aro
aware that tho almost unbreakable
substanco that holds tho hooks
against tho fiercest struggle of tho
fish comes from sllkwonns. Tho prin
cipal center of tho manufacture of
this kind of catgut Is tho island of
Proclda, In tho Bay of Naples, but
most of tho silkworms omployed ard,
ralsod near Torre Annunzlata, nt the
foot of VosuvIub. Tho catorplllais are
killed Just as they aro about to begin
tho spinning of cocoons, tho silk
glands are romoved and subjected to
a process of pickling, which Is a ce'
cret of tho trade, und afterward tho
threads aro carefully drawn out by
skilled workers, mostly women. Tho
length of tho thread varies from a
foot to nearly 20 'ticb'd- Sclentlflo
French Boy Caused Merriment by rak
ing the Order of the Court Too
A droll Incldont Is reported ns hav
ing tnkon place In one of the- provin
cial appeal courts In Franco. A boy,
about fourteen, was summoned to givo
evidence, nnd his nppenranco war. Bitrh
na to movo tho wholo court to laugh
ter, lie wore a long redlngote, pecu
liar lo tho Basque country, and lm
inenso boots. His trousers, collar and
hat wore unquestionably thoso of a
man. Tho court was convulsed, nnd
tho president asked tho boy how ho
dared to treat tho court in such a
tnannor. Tho boy seemed ns surprised
na tho prcsldont, nnd tnklng out tho
citation from his pocket, rend tho
formula inviting him, ''Compnrnitro
dans les affaires do son poro." (To
appear In his father's suit.)
Finds Victims Among Evftry Race,
Age and Condition-
Of all tho diseases of tho skin and
scalp which torturo nnd disfigure man
kind, throe-fourths nro cczomatous.
Millions are born with oczoma, and It
is tho only thing othor millions havo
loft when thoy dlo. Neglect in infancy
and childhood, irritating conditions at
footing the skin, Jgnoranco of its real
nature, Improper remedies nnd many
othor causes tlmt might bo mentioned
havo created rm eczema which, with
varying severity, has afflicted count
less nutnbors during their entire Uvea.
Eczema is n skin disease. It Is not re
garded ns hereditary, nor contagious,
and is impartially distributed among
the rich and poor, tho high nnd low.
The agonizing Itching and burning of
tho skin, causing loss of sloop, Is usual
ly tho most distressing symptom and Is
caused by tho bursting of little vesicles
filled with an acrid fluid, which burns
ns with flro tho donudod ekln. Now
teslclc3 form, fill and burst, scales
form upon scales, and crusts upon
crusts until disfigurement is added to
Ono of tho most successful treat
ments for eczema, -whether applied to
tho youngest Infant or tho oldest por
son, Is hot baths with Cutlcura Soap
and gontlo anointings of Cutlcura oint
ment. For moro than a generation,
theso puro, sweet and gontlo emolli
ents havo proved tho most efficient
agents in tho opcedy nnd permanent
relief of all forms of cczomas. rashes,
Itchlngs and irritations of tho skin and
scalp. Although Cutlcura soap nnd
ointment aro sold by druggists and
dealers everywhere, In order that
thoso who havo Buffered long and
hopelessly ami who havo lost faith in
everything may mako trial of thorn
without charge, a liberal samplo of
each will bo mallod freo to any ad
dress, together with a 32-pngo pamph
let, giving a description and trcatmont
of tho various forms of oczema, na
well as other affections of tho skin,
scalp, hair and hnnds send to "Cutl
cura," Dept W, Boston.
Triumph of Courage.
Courage and tho "powor of tho hu
man oyo," saved Walter Sargent, n
prosperous rancher, In tho Redwood
district, San Joso, when ho was con
fronted by a hungry mountain Hon
tho othor evening. Sargent wns driv
ing a herd of cows to his homo In tho
foothills whon ho noticed tho big cnt
Btalklng him. As It crouched for a
spring Sargent turnod and fixed tho
boast with his oyo. Man and lion
remained aB immovablo as statues for
a fow seconds and then tho animal
turned and trotted away.
Need of tho Agriculturist.
"Hero I am," Bald tho returned wnn
deror, "back with tho fortuno I anld I
would mako and ready to pay tho
mortgage off tho farm I"
"Ft that ain't hard luck I" exclaim
ed tho father. "As times are goin'
now that mortgago nln't botherln' no
body. I'd a heap ruthor havo seon
you broko an' rendy to do regular
work for wnges."
Why? Ju6t Because.
"Papa," Bald tho llttlo boy, "why do
they pay a woman la 'sotting her cap
for a man' when she wants to marry
"IlocauEO, my son," explains the
father, softly, "If sho sets hor bonnet
for him nho knows blamed well tho
prlco of It will scaro him to doath."
Opposite Methods.
"Why has Miss Wrltem such a far
away look?"
"Bocauso she poses as a nenr
gonlus." Boro Thront ii no trlflln ailment. It
may carry difcnisG serins to any part of
the bodv through thn food you ent. When
von M orf throat coming on, use Ham
tins Wizard Oil.
Man without patience Is tho lamp
without oil; prldo In a rago Is a bad
counsellor. A. de Mussot.
Garfield Tea contains no harmful drug.
Composed of Herbs, It is an ideal laxatlvo.
Ignornnco of ono'B misfortune le
oloar gain. Uurlpldos.
No Man is Stronger
Than His Stomach
A strong man is strong all over. No man can bo
strong who is suffering from weak stomach with Its
consequent indigestion, or f;om somo other disease
of the stomach and its associated organs, which lm
lairs uigcstion ana nutrition. 1'or when the stomach
1 weak or diseased thero is a loss of tho nutrition
contained In food, which is tho source of all physical
strength. Whrn a man "doesn't feel Just right,"
when he doet'i't sleen well, tins an imr-nmfnriaM
feeling In the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, IrrlUblo ond despond
cnt, he is losing tho nutrition needed to make strength.
Such a man should use Dr. Plerce'a Golden Medical
Discovery. It curca dlaeaava ot the stomach and other
organs ot digestion nnd nutrition. It enriches the blood.
Invigorates tho liver, strengthens tho kidneys, nourishes
the nerves, nnd no GIVES HEALTH 'AND STRENGTH TO
You can't afford to accept a tttrtt nostrum as a substitute lor this non
elcohollo medicino oh known composition, not even though tho urgent dealer
may thereby mako a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper.
ColormoreKoodsbrighterandfatterrolarsthanany otherdye. One 10c package co'ors all fibers. They dyo In cold water belter than any other dve Youeasi
dye any garment without tipping apart. Wrlta for free booklet How to Uye. Ueach and Mix Colors. MONROE PHUO COMPANY , Quisicy. IH.
She Where has your pana boon nil
lie Developing n couplo of nega
tives with an instantaneous dovolopor.
Producing standard goods ucd by stores,
banks, farmers nnd practically everybody,
is rending its ppeciiU renretentatfvo to
open a distributing office lor this district
and other unoccupied territory and desires
a resident distributer with ?000 to K1.000
in cash, carrying stock for immediately
fillinR orders; we allow $100 to $200 month
ly compensation, extra commissions, of
fice nnd other expenses, per contrast, ac
cording to sizo of district allotted and
stock carried; permanent arrangements;
references required. If you can fill re
quirements write promptly. "Liberty"
Manufacturing Association, 230 West Hu
ron St., Chicago.
Aroused Suspicion.
Old Rocksey Why did you quarrel
with tho count, my dear?
Miss RockBoy Ho called me his
treasure and It sounded altogether too
suggestive. Smart Sot.
tba AnllMptlo ponder to lmk Into your shoes. ll
IIotm Oorni, llunlons, Ingrowing Nulls, Swollen snil
BvrestltiK fret, milters and Oallout apotit. Bold
Ti7ihoro,SSo. lhm'tacttplanvubttitult. Bm
fUllMlll. Address Allan B. Olmsted, Lolloy, H.T.
It is not tho quality of tho moat but
tho choorfulnoss of the guests which
makes tho foast Lord Clarendon.
Simple remedies arc bcstl Garfield Tea
Is simple, pure, gentle In action, and al
ways potent. Composed of Hcrbs.not drugs!
I am a man, nnd nothing that con
cerns n man do I deom a matter of
Indifference to mn. Terence.
Awgctable Preparation for As
similating trteFoodandttegula
ling rhe Stomachs and Bowls of
Promotes DigislioClieerful
ncssandRcst.Conlflins neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
Not Nauc otic
Wjjy tfOM DrSAMVlmXt
RimJri'n Suit'
MtMttStb ..
Hi-m Sttd
Itintyrrtit Ztiwn
Anrrfirrl RcmPilv i7irfVin-.llDa-
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
nessand LOSS OF SLEEP.
toe Simile Signature of
Tire CENTAtm Company,"
'tiunrnntecd under tho Foedanj
Exact Copy of Wrapptr.
Rare care and pultlT preTSBtlTt.ua natter Luw tioraeaat any aUae an lofaetai
er"eipo4." Llaald,rlTnontaet0BcuaiaeU0BtbBloo4andaiandi airxlatn
polwnoinjttrmifromfbabodT. OurMDUUmper In Dear and Bheep and CkoUra U
I0UU17. CanrMtMlllns'llTeitoekreniadr. Cures La Orion amonc human belan
MdUadneKltlner remedy. Mo and St bottUi to and lie a doitn. CuttblJeJV
KmpIi. hhowtoTourdrnralat.vnowlllntltterroTi. free Booklet, -Plilemnaa.
Gauiea end Cure." Bpeolalaientawanted.
VP1 2-IS33J&4SHOES.0woii!5
71, Douo
Douglas Spring Styles
Snappy and Up-to-Date Shapes in Oxfords
and High Cuts than ever before produced.
W.L. Douglas warrants orety pair of his shoes to hold their shape,
look and fit better and wear longer than any other make, siring
you bettor Taluo for tho monoy than you oan obtain elsewhere.
Tlia genuine haro W. I Dnurlas name and the retail
prlre stamped on tha bottom, which arnarantees full valae
Sunt lirotnots tha weurftrutralnat hlpli nrlnflB anil InfArlnralinAfl.
for Mall Order Catalog, fthoei Mint direct from
W, I.. Ilouulue, la Mpark
H UPTURN on '100 lnreated. Inreatment
90 nCllinU bears thorough InTraUvallon,
Bank ref renoee. Addreis Ilia f, lull, lul.,, Oil.
Loss of Appetite
Which is so common in the spring or
upon the return of warm weather, is Iom
of vitality, vigor or tone, and is often s
forerunner of prostrating disease
It is serious and especially so to people
tlmt mut keep up and doing or get be
hindhand. Tho best medicino to tako for it is th
great constitutional remedy
Hood's Sarsaparilla
WhiVli purilW and enrtche the blood
and litiilds up the whole system.
Get it today in uml liquid form c
chocolated tablets called Snraotabs.
Why Rent a Farm
nnd be compelled to pay to your landlord most I
of your hsrd-earned profits? Own your own I
Bftw farm. Kcurft m Fr HnrnMUij In !
Msnltobn, Satkktchewsn or
Alberta, or purchut
land In one of these
dlltrlcta and bank
profit of 510.00 or
SIU.OU au aera
overy year.
Land purchased 3
years ago at $10.00 an
acre hss recently
ohaneed hands at
23.00 an acre. The
crops (frown on theae
lands warrant the
advance. You can
Become Rich
farming and grain crowing; in
the provinces oi Manitoba,
Saikatchfman and Alberta
Kreu homestead and pre
eruption areas, at well as land
held by railway and land com
nanl(, will provide homes
(or millions.
Adanlahle anlt. firalthfiil
climate, splendid achools
anrt cnurcne;
urches.Bood railways.
ettlers' rules, deaerlpuve
r"lrt Heat WeiVMiow
Kor i
to rf ach thecoumrjr and other par
ticular, write to Bnp't ot lminl
& ration, Ottawa, Canada, or to the
nnodlan Government Agent.
r. T IWmo. IIS JkVjm SI. St. fat, Mrs.
J. W. tlrtiUa, Ormrli;,itcrtmn,S H
(Dm address nearest yon.)
Floral emblem, and cnt flowers for all
occasions. SIOUX CITY, IOWA
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 16-1911,
For Infanti and Children.
Tho Kind You Hava
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
I am.
lolo.Vo't'aGOSHEH, IND U.S.A,
include more
factory to wearer.all cnarges "UTO SHOES
AS., Jtrackton, Maes. $2.00,2.00AC3.0
Instead of Liquid
Antiseptics or Peroxide
100,000 peoplo last year used
Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic
Tho now toilet germicide powder to ba
dissolved in water as needed.
For all toilet nnd hyglenlo uses it It
botter and moro economical.
To save and beautify tho
tea tli, remove tartar and
prevent decay.
To disinfect tho mouth, de
stroy diseaso germs, and
purify tho breath.
To keen artificial teoth nnd
brldiroworlc clean, odorless
To rctnovo nlcotlnu from the teeth and
purify tho breath after smoklno
to eradicate perspiration ana
odors by sponge bathing.
Tho best nntlboptlo wash known.
Relieves aud strengthens tired, weak,
lnflameduyes. Heals soro throat, wounds
and outs. 23 and 50 cts. a box, drugglsU
or by mall postpaid. Snmplo Freo.
EstabllsTied 30 Years fit
x jr.r
UL. l II
V 4f