r wfcwin.wii , A&&i&Z54vi3 tmmmmmmm i 7 .1 1. i '&: fs p y t mi i im ers Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday Lettuce, por bunoli 5fr Ridishcs, per bunch... 5$ Celery, por liuncli, lnrgo lOr) Bananas, pur doz '-ili Ornngcs, por doz....20o, JlOo iind UCki Gano Apples, por pk C5(J Winesnp Apples, por peok 0C- Suit Pork, beat quality, por lb. . . 1.1t$ Best Sugar cured Bacon, porlb. . . .226 Lest Lard, por lb 14J Pressed ITrttn, por lb 14! California Ilnuis, por lb. . , llt Bulk Coffee, per lb 20(f ami 3C$ Grape Fruit 2 for 2D$ Our Own Plo 3 for 2r Brick cheese, per lb 20 Cheese, mild, pur lb 2()C Any kind of Laundry Soap, Gbars, 25i Agents for Chuso & Sanborn's Cot- feo 2C6, JJOr;, af-v and tOo Wn uro still paying the highest prico for produce Ejiks, per doz 15(J Butter, per lb 23(f Garden Seeds and Onion Sets F linen, Rubbers aud Rubber Hoots. All liinda of Dry Goods Notions. A Pair of Roller Skates Frefortlic Children Ask About Them M. E. Knepper's Grocery DAKOTA CITY, NEB. SEEDS' Id BUCKBEU'S SEEDS SUCCEED I SPECEAL OFFER: 'Mado o bolld New Uuilnm. A trial will1 niako vou our nermauent customer. Prize Collection SSJiHHJlSiW:1 11 the flnent : Toratp, 7 plend.d : Union, 8 bet varie ties; 10 Barlnifllowrrl.il liolb. cj Tarletl!8 In Ml. uuaiiantecd to pleaje. Write to-day; Mention this Paper. SEND 10 CENTS . srrrt poiUf an1 pickln nd recti this valuable ii.ncci oi pwji pofMntuu. lOfMiwr wan tny bi & jtiiruriicuio, rnninui 3Ca una l'iant iioou. r wjiiu b?u& m urn varievift 01 ;eai. runtf m.. Si I!. W. Riinthon 01 BUMBH L SnET6 . MUWIMWI Lincoln Sanitariym pmsk; JwSfii:Bls Suipho-SaSine Springs Located ou our iraa promises and tHJ lit ths Natural Mineral NVator Unnurpaised in the treatment o( Heart, Btouiaoli, Kidney and Unr Dlieasoa Madtrit Cfaireti. Adlrtii Oft. 0. W. EVtttETT, Mgr.. Lincoln, Hob. GOOlilliCDK. GmJ Enter l:ln- irifnl.Acllvelheol ni-.Ul!i:ncl!!l3l!aT'3 Theso aie tho lliliu j Willi li r ill tiiil.i n man nl luur buv. Komi re liia lt l'Iv Inter est nnd w liolo come de olopTiem by Bh Inc lam The AMERICAN BOY nilPd ttithflnn ivi'HtiK Hcb fajcinatcs liojj. Ci.'clliil ttorlcs of O'lvriitiire. travel, lilslory and current evenl j. ri'Olocrapl;;, fclai.ui , t'lcc trlc.ty, carpentrr', roor3, 'janics. TclM loy? lurt hat to Ji nnd now in do II,, rcautirully Ulu3 truted, ard ccn lina In harmony wlt.i rpflncd hoint! training: tpdorfed hv cio.rO'ihoynntlllii'lr liarpr.n. bemi 11. d) for a Jull yc:r. On pn In at ell news-stands at la cent':, The SPMGUc PU3USHIN5 CD. V!! f.'Jlesl's gld j , Dtiro I, Mi:,. CHURCH NEWS METHODIST. K'V. W. H. Wnrifii, l'nstor. Sunleos at the Mtliiut Kolsoopul church every Sunday ns folluwa: I'ruiioli 1 us ut II n in: Kuiidiiy school lit 10 u in; class iiiuuUiik li in: Kpwortli I.i'iikui) T i in; Diciiclilim H v in- LUTHERAN Ituv.S. h. Kplltif. I'nstoi. DAKOTA CITV Siiiuluy school uvery Suiicluy at UMSh m; Kliiihuth S. IIiihsc, NiipoilutHiulent. iiicacliliiK at 7::m i in. cvt'i-y Sunday. HAI.r.JI I'lcaelilnif iivury humliiy ut 11 a in: Sun day sulionl pioniptly at in it m. K. 1'. Oul lii'i'tson. Hiipuilntondciit. The piiblloUconll.tllj Invited to nil these Kiirvleei. UVUAI VIVA a 4iiJ ,M HS js iclffi&igSftHU isra.- KKiifffi?s KrSS rot." i ;tr.iTy? frav1 1 size will do your work most economically, both in cost of fuel and in the expenditure of your time as an engine too small to do the work is not true economy, it is not economy to over load your engine nor to run it at too high a speed. Again the right size of engine will not give proper results unless the pulley sizes are right and the hook up is correct. This is where I can help you before you buy as well as look after you when you have bought. Once more let me offer my help and show you the Stickncy Engine its outside igniter, its perfect cooling system, its auto matic mixer, its ball bearing governor and Us three point suspension. .. RENZE & GREEN Local IlAems Friday, April 21, ign Trudo ut homo. You will ilnd n good nsfortraent of luirdnnro and tinwuro ut runsonable prices ut Sohriover Bros. HrUen's coffeo its ntill in tlio lend. Vim do Zeddu sella it. John W Turnbull was n piBJciigerto Omaha Tuesday evoniug. 'Tiny ball boy&"nnd buy your bnso bulla ut the Dakota City Phrtrmnoy. Gnst Stebner spoilt the p.int threo weoKB at Luwtoti, Iowa, with relatives. P S lloltzsinger nnd M O AyrcH drove to Pouca ilonduj in tlio form ei'fl auto. Wonted houso-cleaning. washing nnd ironing to do. Enquiro ot Mrs Lizzie Yeater, dins Knto and wifo cumodown from Wayne 8uudny for i. short visit ut tho S A IicikcH homo. UmbrellaB, Kibbous, Lnen mid Em broideries nt half price at S A San son's Saturday, April 22nd. Chas Adair and family worn over fiom Sioux City Sunday, visitors ut tlio Mrs Win Aduir home. If you haven't got timo to do your own Bhopjiiug cill up No 1. and ho will deliver the goods promptly. Ooorgo 0 'Vullwey orders his Her ald changed from Cliutou, Minn, to Sfoux City, vvheie ho is now located. IS J Thomloy of Moville, Iowa, visit ed over Haturdiiv in this phieo ut tho homo of his biothor-in-law, trunk II Forrest. Rt member, for tea dayo, you can buy n 50o package of Flock's Stock Food or Poultry Powdnr, for'ijoat tho Dakota City Pliiirmncy. Word has been received by relatives of tho brido in this phtco, that Mis Nellie M Kiultaid was married in Chi cago, February 22, to C A Woodward. Evnn Wuy uu.I Harnoy Boylo were down from near Wnterbury Monday ou businetiH. Uoth renewed for, Hio Herald for "all tho news while it is news ." The dance to bo given in the Ayres hall next Tuesday evening, the 25th, promises to bo n swell ufftiir. Collius Bros orchestra lias beeu engaged for tlio occaeion. May Cth h tho date set by the school bi aril of thi-j district for u special meeting of the olectots of tho district for tho purpose of selecting n sito for u new school building. Ollio Fisher, who undorvvent an operation for appendicitis a fw weeks' ago, has been iu a precarious condi tion for the past week, but ia slowly iinjiroving at tins writing. Mis lien Newtomo and Mrs Louie Arbock, mother and sister ot Mrs Louie Larsen, came over fiom North River side !uf.t Thuiftday and remained un til Monday at the Larsen homo. Chamberlain's Stoin.ich and Liver Tablets assist nnliini in driving till imputities out of the system, insuring a free and legnlar condition and re stoiiug the organs of the body to health and strength. Sold by all druggists. P S Holtzsiuger drove iu Sunday fiom Omaha by Aulo, and spout it few days hero looking uftor automobile business lie i.s interested -villi his brothel iu the business at, Omuhn, am) was out on u tour estubliBliitig uen cies fur tho Kissel car which thoy bundle. "Bill" Mill has his drug store ut Pleasauton, Neb. Mr and Mrs Leotmid Lvtle, Mr and Mm F O Ericlison, .lime Pi ice and 3 Laura Aiideisnu, of Sioux City; Ida lit van of Fotuhi, Iowi; Mih Hurrv El wimls of Mitchell, S D; mid ilr Dun Dougherty of South Sit us City, eie guests nt the D C Stinson nomo Sun day paying a pitting visit to Mihn I'eile Htinson on the evo of her de parture for Europe. Notices have bci'ii posted by U P Matthews livinr just south of town, that the road leading south between his place and the liwr will be closed to tlio public, the tivir .laving washed the load iu at the southeast corner of his farm. This will be qeitti mi in eoiivienenco to thpen living south of tlii- place, as tlmv will hnvo to go wtst to tho old Dibble road to get to town. Fiaiin. Liinisnn of Walthill, formerly a resident of Uoimr, was run over by the Bii'liuutoii pasaeiiu'er train at Uehlmg, Neh, Tut sday evening, and hud bo tli feet so badly mangled that iiiiipiitntion vviiK necehsury. lie at tempted to board the tiulii after it had stnrb'll and was tlliowu nudnr the conch, which pushed over both feet, tin whs taken on hoard the tmiu and taken to 8ioux City and conveyed to iSt .loseph'i li(isiitii where the injured feet, wne ainiutnted. He is rhting eusy at thi- timn and may recover. No. 4 Economy Can Help You You know that you should have a Stickncy Engine but do you know what Renze & Green iKXCJLUblVli AUliiN 1 aa-i .v.--,rqtfa7Jt.a.tr.m.inai .. . - .rt.nwiwHwrwia..wi'-M'jinRrTff - Hubbard, Neb. rreT-r?greiTre?3gi Fruit of nil kinds At Van do Zeddo'e. W B Evans was down from Emoraon Tuesday ou business, Seth Wai'eman of Sioux Oity visited frionda he.ru Friday ovening, E H Cornell ami wife were Ponca visitors several days last week. Frank F Hanse of Emerson, visited nt tho parental homo hero Sunday, Chas Swunson shipped thrco cars' of cattlo from here Wednesday morning. II Zentmiro returned Inst Friday from n couple of dnys visit nt Ounvva, Iowa. Frank Bioyhill was out to August Wilkins' Monday installing a gasoline ougiue. Yon v ill ilnd n full assortment of Enster post curds ut tho Dukotu City Pharmacy. Georgo Kirshbaum, of Sionx City, is circulating a potition for a saloon in this place. Rev Luther Kiihns, of Omnlin, wne 11 guest at tho A T Ilanso homo Wed nesday night. Richard Twnmley, of Allen, Neb, wns tnkon to 11 Sioux City hospital Monday for nn operation. Miss Ireno Hutzol and Clarence V1 sou of Sioux City, wore visitors ut tho Ed EnBton homo Inst Sunduy. Edith Tholo and Mnry Mathoiiy of Sioux City, were Monday oveuing guests at tho D O Stiusou homo. D n't forget you can buy the finest porfunies and toilet necessaries of all kinds at tho Dakota Oity Pharmacy. Scott Dnncan returned Saturday from a months visit with his daughter, Mrs Ernest Triggs, at Ft Dodge, la, Mrs May Spurting and baby visited the past week nt Wynot, Nob, nt tho homo of Mrs Spnrling'a sister, Mrs E Moriu. Don't forgot tho coffee with tho dish es nt Van do Zedde's he hits a nico assortment. A nico (uuli with ench package, Ulysis G Uiloman, of Clara City, Minn, was a visitor at tho home of his inoiher hero Wednesday. Lis i.s now on the load soiling cigars. Miss Mildred Burkott wout to Una wa, Iowa, last Friday nnd visited over Sunday with Miss MoCaskey, n touch er ia tho Sioux Oity schools. Van has somo of those fine Vonitiun mirrors which ho is giving away with coupon trade tickets. Call aud sec thorn, it won't cost you anything. Prompt relief iu nil cases of throat ond lung trouble if you use Ohombor- lain'fl Cough Remedy. Pleasant to take, soothing aud healiug 111 offect. Sold by till druggists, All those indebted to mo pleaso carno nnd pay part of what you owe in", if you cannot pay it nil. Kindly obligo mo for I need the money in my business. VandeZedde. your grocer. Every family mid especially thoso who reside iu the country should be provided nt all times with 11 bottlo of Chnmberlaiu's Liniment. Thero is no telling when it muy bo wanted in case of nn accident or omorgoucy. It is most oxcollent in all cases of rheu matism, sprains nnd bruises. Sold by all druggists. Frod Culbertson of this precinct and W K Breslinof St. John's precinct were in last weok and ouch ordered a sup ply of envelopes and letter heads bear ing the nomo of their farm and post olliee ttddress. Mr Oulbertson bus adopted tho nuiiin of "Tho Duttou Furm" for his stationery and Mr Bres iiu's homo address is known us "Fitir viow Farm." Both thoso fanners nro up to date in business matters and show their euterpiise by tho ctntitmery they nso. Your tongue is coated. Your breath is foul. Headaches come mid go. These symptoms show that vonr stomach is the trouble. To remove the cnuse is tho lirst thing, and Chamber laij'ri Stomach nnd Liver Tnblets will to tlntt. Eusy to take m.d most of ftctive. Sold by all diuggists. Win W Armour cime over from Sioux City Monday and will uiiiko his home with his children iu this locality fur the piet-ent,. His daughter, Mis Sclby. with whom he hud been stuyiug, moved to Dakotah, Iowa, the past week. Diiirrhoea should be cured withont Ions of time mid by a medicine which like Chamberluiu'.s Colic, Chnleru aud Diarrhoea Remedy rot only cures promptly but pioduces no uupleasaut alter eitects. it never fails mid is pleasant and safo to take. Sold by all druggists. If it is A 1 groceries you want, just eliince over Vun de Zedde's stock. Uo will sell just us clump as poHsible, mid he handles nothing but lirst class goods. All kiudb of coal, feed and liny for sulo at reasoiiuble prices. i'lFLUK it Sl.AUOllTKU Co. ThjkoE Blivkn, Munnger, Dakota City, Nob. Apptopriuto Easter seiviees weio held ut the M E chinch Sunday even ing. S P Birnes was up from Homer Sat ttriMiy looking after insurance busi ness. Fred Culbertson wim on tho Sioux Oity market Monday with n cur of cuttle Buy a good farm on tho Dukotu county bottom. I hnvo it. Eimers. S A Heikcs shipped u cur of fut cat tle to nioux Oity Tuesday morning. Sunday School Convention, An interesting program is to bo ren dered nt the County Suudny School Convention ut Bouls M E church, South Sioux Oity, April 20 und 27, 1911. Tho county oilioors nro iinxious to hnvo overy Sunduy school represented ut overy session of the convention, All schools thut have not attended to the mutter of electing delcgutes should do it this week, II every Sunday school would bo represented, und tho new methods rec ommended would be introduced into these schools, it would ceitiinly result in lmger suiK ols, latter woiic, und inor-t 11.JI n.nce of the school in the local community, WnntoU. Oatlo and horses to usture. ,' 1 J n- 1 J." , H' uicr, Nil . SEE CORONATION KING GEORGE V. OF Miss Porlo Stiusou departed Tues day for Kansas City, Kns, whero she joined MUs Ticra Furrow, n formor schoolmnto at Gnrnott, Knns, and from thero thoy start on a snmmor's tour of Europe. Their itonernry t.ikes them first to Washington, D C, nnd from there to Now York, whon they sail tho 20th iust on tho stenmor Koonig Albort, of tho North German Lloyd Hue. Their trip will take them liiioiigh tho Medileinncnn to Ituly, whoro they will visit nil the places of interort in near ly evor; country on tho oantorn hoinis phiire. Thoy will bo in London for the cor onation of King Georgo V, which im portant event takes pluco Juno 22, Germany, Franco. Irolund, Sootlntid, Norvvny, Sweden mid Denmark nro on MISS PERLE STINSON. their list. Their Inst stopping plnoo abroad w'll bo Munich, whore Miss Farrow expects to lemnin a year or moro for the study of language. Miss Furrow spent seveinl months abroad last year and is well versed iu tho wnys of foreign poople, which will bo of value to them on this trip. Miss Stiusou had partially decided to spend somo tini'i in the study of leusio while abroad, bjt will not delormiu upon that until Inter. Their sight seeing tiip will ei.d at Beilin, August 1st. ' HIGH SCHOOL NOTES j$ Thursdny und Fiiduy of this weok tho second oighth grade exuiuinntion will lin lii'lil Tho Botany class has been supplied' with hei bariums und ench member is required to nnulyzo twenty-live speci mens. This will nid materially iu mnking plant study interesting aud prauiical. Tho sooner the grado pupils learn that thoy must measuro up to the htunduril the Minuer wo will have good high school btudents. Over 7r)'u of the frtilurea in high school are directly duo to having been "slid tluough" tho guides. The two new 12 inch suspension globes wore received this week und placed in the inteimediute nnd second primary departments. Thes- globes will be a great help us most of the Ge ography work for the remainder of the year iu the -ltd, 5th mid Ctli grudts will be map stuily. Tho returns of the March eihlh guide examination have been received and while the adverse o'inditioiis un der which tho vork has been preient tul may excuse some of our pupils to 11 CHitmu exteut Ptill it is very apparent that not nil of them have put foith an honest effoit. Although vve would liku to have a lcrgo ninth grade next year under uo circumstances will any one bo admitted who cannot puss the required examination satisfactorily. Many people make tlio fatal mistuko of wauling their children to bo promot ed whether thoy have met the require ments or not. Right thero is wheie the tionble begins. After a pupil bus once "did through" he depends on that process, llowmanyofns who have never studied Greek even though we have seen many Oicok books can lead Xeiiophou Analnisis? So it is with the student who lucks foundation, he ouli uot grasp the subject though he put foitii all honest etloit. Curious Foods. Man is tho only animal that laughs, so the naturalists decline. To which muy Do lidded, tuui no is annul mo only animal Hint is an omuivoious feed er; all-dovoniiug; swullowing tho ani mul, vegetable and mineral kingdoms iudisuiiinliiiitidy. Tliut ho puy h the prico of his catholic appetite, the fuel that eighty-live percout of I he diseases that arise lo unlet him arise fiom the digHslivo nrguns, go to prove. There nro edibles whoso uso proba bly beg ah with necessity, mid the tasto for them so ncquiied, continued when tho necessity for them disappeared. Or, to put it in nnother wuy, hiingor set the fashion mid the vogue survived the buuger. Riw oysters, insects and sea weeds are representatives of this cluss. The use of other foods mny be traced to palates thut have been vitiated by . indulgence in epicurean pleasures, mid whoso sense of tusto in couso qiienoe only respond to food of u strong, unusual or even abhorrent Hn vo r. that is, ubhorieut to the normal mouth. Some Russiun dishes und cer tain cheeses are examples of this typo of tumbles From Piijsieul Culture for liny. Haster Services. Eustor services in both Sulom and Emunuel Luthuiuu uhurohes wero en joyable nnd inspiring. Muny express ed themselves us being glad in the pri vilege of celebrating Christ's undying love for them. Eleven young men und women mado a public profession of their faith iu tho risen Christ, mid were admitted to fnll membership in the church. The iiiusio of the trained choirs was Noul-inspiring. Tho offerings to bo duvotod to Synod m.uV Ohurcli Exten sion amounted to li) 58. o j K llir, Pastor. WILL .t., .V'.Vl ijrr - J M e JH ITY From the lleoord John I. Hnxlcgrove entertained the v-NDunge Uub Snturdny evening. WJ Manning nnd liunlly moved into the lllivcn house ou Lincoln street M011 day nnd will occupy it until their own home is vncntcd. IJnrl Meeker returned this week Iroin Tcxns. While gone Mr Meeker visited the states of the southwest nnd saw ninny new nnd interesting things. Kcv li A Sclmllcr und fnmilv, 11 wife nnd three boys, arrived from Primrose Frldnv nnd will inula- this their home. He will tnkc lipids wot kns pastor ot the Preshytcrinu church at once Flunk Hognu lies been couliiied to his home this week with Uphold feve He is recovering nt this writing, Mr llognn hud been sick lor several dnvs hut did not cull in the doctor. When la took to ins brd it developed that he hud been suffering from Walking Tvphoid. The barn on the Poyclnrinon Wulkcrs Island occupied by A W Hndlr wns blown down during the storm of Wcdncs day Tie- bain was n lnrgc one al though (piitc old. While not u total wicck, it parted iu the middle and broke oil where tlio liny mow commenced. ClerkjNMulliusofthc WO W lodge here received wotd this week of the denth ol Rudolph FinuctJc, a former citizen here nnd a member of the locnl ordtr. Dcnth took place at Onrncr, Iovvn, Anril 3rd nt the age of fit) yeArs. Death was due to nuoplcxy- He leaves a wife and tlucc children. It has been about 10 years since Mr I-inncttc nnd family have lived here. Budoro Lolgc No. I S3, A. 0. U W. has tiiinnimuusly tclcctcd I, iKrvgcr ol this city, as their choice lor the position us member ol the Finance Committee, a state office in that order. The South hioux City lodge feels that iu Mr ICryger thc.v have a good candidate. He has been a member nl the order lor 1?7 yeais wns n delegate to the organization of N'cbtuRkii Jurisdiction from Missouri During the heavy rain and thunder storm Wednesday altcruoou the icehouse nt D I. Fnirbnuk's residence wns struck by lightning and a fit c resulted. The heavy ruin prevented its getting n big headway nnd the other huildidgs on the pi nee from being iu any great danger. The ice was not 11 total loss but sulfcrcd considerable dmnnge. The loss is esti mated nt 5100. At their home iu Scurgcnt Hluffs on Motidnv Mr and Mrs Hcurv Oehlerkintr celebrated their golden weddinvr nuuivcr snry. Those iioin here attending were their sou Will Oehlerkiiiu and tuiuilv and the following friends md relative; Henry Hicrmnu and wile, John holm aud wile of Brushy Hend; Ficd Iviuiuweidc, Fted Heeriunn, Geo Hates and wife ol Dakota; Win Ilccimnn of Buttle Creek and Louis Dicrking nnd fnmily of South Sioux City. They pri-MMiUd Mr and Mrs Oehlerking with 2 rocking chairs nnd a hitciictt cabinet. A plensnut tlav wasenioved and they wished the old rouplc main hnppv tctiirns id' she day. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 0 Ii.Toy, iininariled, to U I) smiley, lots s, li. hlk I. lots 11), 12. hlkS. lots II, l'J, 111. ill, hlk I, lots in, lit, hlk A, lot il, hlk II, lots 1. S.il. I.n.rt, 7, S, 11. 12, lit. 14, hlk l.-,ull In'.'ml mid to S S S Killth K Wlnehrennor and Molvln N Wlnulironnri- to T H Ulnrk, und '4 lot In mi 10 rods i.w'jmi'j nnd 11 In mdR HWll SL'l4 SS-su-l) luuiesM W'oodi-ock mid Della.M Wood cock to II M Tolllinier. lot 1, hlk IT, Second Hallway add SSO (1 A Yoiinit and Mayiiia Youim to David Wlcjit, k's swU :il-W-fl Peter Johnson and I .aura Johnson to Juns Voter Jensen, w'i nwLi l--s. Martha Hlmne. widow, to W V Kurt, tindlv 'J-il hvv ! rcS ss-'jy-u lCUl :rAi fS,)0 7(10 Henry W Wtiod and Surah ,1 Wood, to N K.lolinsoii and M U Johnson. nfclot7, hlk 2, (IryHtnl heuuh Henry W Wood and Siirnh J Wood to W H lluiiKliiiiini, w lot 7 mill lilt of lots, hlk 2, Crystal beach M S linker and Albert I. HaltOftodliiiK llSuVldlJe, lot II, hlk lil,(;eilt SSC. Ivor Volson, widower, to llcrtliu I ver III) SI son, und 'i lilt In pt hvv se ; 2S-2U-II Janu'H Heeney and Mar Inry NWI Ileuuey to swU HWl4 .Iniiies W Heeney, 11-27-7 Juiues Heeney mid Mary Joseph 1' Heeney, nw KISIKl Ilueney i uvvh. iiwMiii-ise-iii-m-i ,.. WlllhiinUoidon, iitistna, ctal, toO V Ciase.lntxlSmid IP, hlk IU, Joy Place. ndd.H Sll Deliuou lloydaud T.I..lu M lloyd to llessln l'rlestly, n'a lots, hlk III, Clov- luxtou iimie to.S SO, IIIMKI 17(1 J?1 ou reftits' EKPEfllENCU Tradi: Mahk? Designs opvrichtb &c. Ari-nnof ..nmif 11 ekelili iiml dmciljitlun "in mini our iinliiliia frue vfhellier nn TUlekly 1191 v ,iuu.,ti.,n 14 Tir11l.nl, If ti'ilplitnble. (Nmiltailllcn liiiis-trlctlrr'iiilliloiillal. HAN0B03K oiil'itonti Hint tree V'I'le t iiiimicr lor bis urliix lmlonu. I'lili'iila 111 nun tlirnueh .Mima li Cu. locelrl tvrelttt iwllci-, vrllliout clinruo, 111 tlio Scientific American, A lmiiil-.iinclr Illii-lrnlPil vn-eklr. I.nreoit rlr. riiliiilmi nf iinjr Kolciilllti) louriuil. 'I'orim, 13 a -onri inurtimiilli. l. HolU Ujrull no"mlelera. 1V1UNN S Co.3C,D'6-a-Nevv York u.- ii.- i' w pu Washlnmon, 1.U Subscription Bargains "Ghe Hcr&ld Emnd Now Idea Magazine $1 Sionx City Duily and Sunduy Journal 5 without Sunduy to rural mute patrons, 3 at j Iowa Homestead 1 Poultry Gazotto (Liucoln) .... 1 Wnuinn's World 1 Hampton's " 1 Lippiucott's " 2 R R Time Table C, St. P., M.A O. Trains leave Dakota City at tho fol lowing tiuio: WOIlTH IIOUND. SODTn D01JND. a:2&pm Omahu 7:58 am 10:0U nm Omahn t.53pm li ;S8 pm Norfolk 8 rill am i) :28 am Norfolk 4 :5 pm 7 :,'!8 am Newcastle 10 ;18 nm 1:15pm "' .......5:50 pm I BUNDAY TRAINS. l'J :1.1pm Omnbii 2:f)0nm !l :!18 pm ...... Norfolk 8 :2!1 nm 1 0:28 am Norfolk 1 :5!l pm c n& q OUT!! N'o. 1)1 Local Freight 7 :15 urn 17 " PiiBsongnr'.. 12 :57 pm N0HT1I Sfo !)2 Local Ereight 2 :25 pm HI Local Pusrtonger,..0: 0 pm ' daily. duily ox pt Sir '.n SOUTH SIOUX C wr -s. 'f VIvr -.-.-.vti-u feraarafAtaterf 'W . The Herald, $1 per Copy of one of the many letters received on the 2f)lh birthday of "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" Eftarvk. of Da.lc.ota. County & wuSr!10" Mil Ed, T. Kkakney . Diiah Sit: Aa I understand it, todny is your Quarter Centonninl in tho Bunking business, nnd I nm sure that you can look back upon thoso twonty-flvo years (behind tlio Bnuking Guns) with plenBiiro find sat isfaction. 1 honestly thiuk thut you, during thoso twonty-flvc years, hnvo done much good to your followrnen, nnd this community gen orally mid siucorcly hopes that Kind Providenco will givo you fifty yenrs moro, happy, prosperous, successful business. I likoyour wny ot doing business, your kind monthly ndvices to your patrons is ox collonl and bound to do much good. Unfortunately very many just need such ndvico, nnd coming from n man in jour position, it is sure to bit the inugglnli spot in tho yellow fellow. Yes, Mr. Kearney, I liko your wny of doing business. I wisli I had moro money bo I could do moro bttsinoss with you, I thank you for tho kindness you hnvo shown mo during thoso twonty-flvo yoius 1 have known you. Sinooroly yours, Mi ifc jry -iiS r" llCldl ("Cement" s Is the best insurance you can put on your barn. It is composed of Mineral Colors of the highest grade obtainable, ground in pure Minnesota Linseed Oil, as are all Minnesota Paints and is WARRANTED to be as durable a paint as it is possible to manufacture. Try it this season. For S&Je by dwards & Dnltotcv Bradford jttentS Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers Book on patents. "Hints tourwentors." "Inventions needed;" 'Whv some inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for I search of Patent Office records. I Acting Commissioner of Patents, B the U. S. Patent Office. L RP.FRFYMnlNllRF tVT-JS tayaaa a. w itttna wn.t u Abstracts of Title A $10,00(1 Surety Bond IOnuriintcos tho acourooy of every Abstruot I make Spring and Summer Rettes Special Excursion Rates to California; general basis SGO on cer tain dates in April and May and daily from June to September; still lower general basis of $50 on certain dates in June and July. General excursion basis to Portland, Seattle, 860 on cer tain dates in May and daily from June to September; still lower general basis of S50 on certain dates in June and July; S15 higher to include Shasta Route. Usual diverse routes and stopover privileges. The tour of the Coast is the world's greatest railroad journey. Yellowstone Park: Plan now a summer tour of this wonderland. All kinds of excursion rates through Gardiner and Yellowstone gateways; also personally conducted camp tours through Cody. Big Horn Mortmains: The resorts of this delightful region near Sheridan and Thcrmopolis are attracting a large volume of tourist patronge. Send for special publication. Colorado and Rocky Mountains: Usual popular summer rates to Colorado and Utah cities aud resorts. Send for Kstes Park booklet. mmmm ummm m mimm mmmm mmmmm m mmmm !H A R N ESSi Everything in the line of Harness and Horse Goods tflaukcts, Ely Nets and all seasonable Horse Goods. KopiuT Work flivon Prompt Attention Sole Agent for Baum's Hog Tonic, Best on the Market. Millet Seed guaranteed to Grow, S1.00 per bushel. F'reclrlck.sen fiSi Sosv I e I I A I Hubbard O C3S3BZ O &ZZZ& n aints i Brand) City, Neb. OurJVtr., Greeley was formerly. and as such had full charge.of . - w - - m aaaaar tv Lumber Co, WASHINGTONX). C. rfiS3 I e I Successor to ! hi kola County Abstract Co; Bonded Abstracter J. 4?. EIMERS if yoiiiiioiixiioctliiK to make any kind or n summer tour I shall li Kind lo have you Ket In touch with me early, VV. 13. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr. L. V. Wakklby, G P A, Onmhu, Nob 1004 Farnam street. Nebraska. rai GZ'SZ - -55 i -Tl A l -ti I -MM ' I I i