Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 21, 1911, Image 4

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    TW3W mnw. in ww" wr "W " "ft'!'
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That well organized
and successful
cal Experts
known as the
United Doctors
Will be at the Mondamin Ho
tel, Sioux City, Iowa
Beginning Monday, May 8,
and Remain Until Sat
urday, May 13,
Six Days Only
Remarkable Success of these Talent
ed Physicians In the Treatment
sf Chronic Diseases
Dakota County Herald
Subscription Price. $1.00 Tor Yenr.
A weekly nowapapor published at
Dakota Oity, Nebraska.
Permission has been granted for tho
transmission of this paper through tho
mails as second-class matter.
Telopbono No. 48.
Official Paper of Dakota County
I Items of Interest ,
from our Exchanges
Ilnrtington Nowb: Bruco Laird has
accepted a position uh pitcher for the
York baseball team for tho coming
season. Hn lijaveH for York April 20.
Pender ltopiiblio: Mrs J W Nnun
was ovei from Winnobago tho first of
tho week .... Mrs .7 L Phillips nnd son
of South Sioux Oity visited at tho LD
lloiph homo tho first of tho week.
Sionx City Journal, 20th Miss
Georgia Jay, hookkoopor for Walter
Bros' Commission company, .returned
Tuesday from Chicago, whoro sho has
been for tho past three wookH taking
troittment in a hospital.
These doctors are considered by
many former patients among America's
leadiog stomach aud nervo specialists
nnd aro experts in tho treatment of
chronic disouses uud so groat and won
derful have been their resnlts that iu
many cation it is hard indeed to find
the dividing lino liotwcon skill and
DisHUHcH of tho stomach, intestines,
liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart, spleen,
kiduoy, or bluddor, rhoumitisni. sci
atica, diabotes, bed-wetting, leg ulcers,
-weak lungs and Uioho alHictod with
long-stauding, doep-seated, chronic
diseases, that have bullied tho skill of
tho family physician, should not fail
to cull.
According to their sjsteni no moro
operations forappehdiuitis, gall stones,
tumors, goiter or cortaiu forma of can-1
cor. Thoy wero among thu first in
America to earn the name of the"lllood
less SurgeouF," by doing away with
knife, with blood und with all pain in
suocessfult treatment of these danger
ons diseases.
If you havo kidney or bladdor troub
les bring a tw6-onnco bottle of your
urino for chomical analysis and micro
Hcopiu examination.
Deafness often has boon cured iu
sixty duys.
No matter what your ailment may
bo, no matter what othcra may huve
told you, no matter what oxDorienco
you may havo had with other physi
cians, it will bo to your advantage to
soo them at once. Have it forever sot
tied in your miud. If jour case Jh in
curablu they will give you such advice
as may, relievo and stay the disease.
Do not put off this duty you owo your
self or friends or relatives who aro suf
fering bocauso of your siokuesH, as a
visit this time costs you nothing aud
may hoip you.
Married ludics must come with their
husbands nnd miuors with thoir fath
ers. Ofllons at Mondamin Hotel, Sioux
City, Iuwa. Hours 10 a. ra . to 8 p. m.
South Shore, S. 1)., Juu. 11. lull.
- United Doctors
Minneapolis, Miuu.
Dear Sirs: 1 thought I would writo
n few lin"s to lut you know how wo aro
gotting nlong be'oimso I think you
would bo glad to hear, My wife is
feeling lots bettor than sho has felt for
8 years aftor taking about 2 mouths of
your treatment. 1 will havo you give
her 4 months moro utter thoso I run
out if I can rustle the money. I am
feeling good mysrlf aftor your !
mouths tteatmont, 1 think a little
moro treatment is necessary. Please
inform mo in regard to this matter if
you think it it best,
lours truly,
, Mrs A a Olncn, of
1 writes tho United Dootors
Martin Lyuetud, nf Vol in, S D, nays
ho is entirely cured of stomach aud
kiduoy trouble,
Qeaa Olson, of 12gan, S D, cuied of
nervous breakdown.
Wra Parsons, Ksteliuo, S D, nearly
cured of bladder trouble that bus both
ered him for years.
P II Frantz, Aberdeen, suys ho is
doiug lino undor the United Doctors
Mrs 0 0 Krogh, Jluron, S D, cured
of blood tiosble.
E S Zimmerman, of Montrose, S D,
says tho United Doctors cuied him of
piles with one treatment.
Miss Lottie Taylor, Egan, S D, says
sho novor expected to get such quick
reliof iu so short a time. Miss Taylor's
brother is also doiug well under the
Unitod Doctor's treatment
John Mock, Forbes, N D, cuied of
chrouio stomach trouble.
Mrs J n Unruli, Freeman, S D,
cured of kidney trouble uud lumo back.
Walthill Tiraos: Dr Koam has pur
chased tho Waltor Waito proporty,
north of E W llossitor's, and will
move about May 1st.... Yesterday,
Dr Beam sold his building, occupied
by Shaw's varioty storo including tho
rcsidonco in tho roar, to Wm lMctroor.
Ponoa Journal: Mrs John Ilnrney
visited at Jackson ouo day last week.
....Chas N Phillips Bppnt over Sun
day with rolativoa at South Sioux City,
returning Mondny noon. Mrs Phil
lips oamo up with him nnd thoy will
soon toko up their residence in Ponca
Mr Phillips is employed at tho Journal
Ponca Loador: Tho Misses Kaylo
who aro attending the convontat Jack
sou camo homo today noon to spond
tlio Easter vacation . . . .Joe Power camo
up from Sioux Oity this week. Ho
hail noon witu too packers talcing a
tryout witli tho longuo team . IIo re
ports next Monday at Watorloo, Iowa,
whore ho iu under contract.
Ed Campbell and Joo Ilogan wero
olnoted members of tho board of trus
tees. Mighty good way to out down
expenses. What a the use of election,
Sioux City Journal, 18th? A num-
ber of Sioux City physicians attended
a mooting of tho Dixon, Dakota, Cedar
and Thurston Counties Medical society
last night at Emerson, Neb. Tho doc
tors discussed tho question of infantile
paralysis.... Fifty years of married
lifo was tho cause of a celebration in
which thirty guests, all relatives, took
part at tho homo of Mr and Mrs Henry
Oehlcrking, uoar Morgeant Mlufis,
April 11. Mr and Mrs Ochlerking
wero married in Germany. Mr Oohler-
king is 70 years old, nnd his wife is ten
years his junior. Six children were
born of tho union, ouo of whom died
in Gorrnany, before Mr and Mrs
Oohlorking camo to America and Bot
tled near Sergeant Bluffs, twenty-five
years ago. I lie oinidron wno are liv
ing aro Mis Louis Dierking, of Dakota
City; Mrs Jlonry lluiige, of South
Sioux Oitv; William Oehlcrking, of
South Sioux City; Fred Oehlcrking,
of Canada; and Carl Oohlorking, of
Lyons Mirror: Earl llasdal was
down from Homer Sunday, Dow Hill
accompanying him... .Etirl and Bar
nard Smith, Alvin Peterson, ltudolph
Loppuow, Chas Piper and Leo Mc
Dowell accompanied their former
school teacher, Miss Pearl Murphy, ns
fur as Oakland Sunday on hor way to
Papillion where bIio is toacning
Winnebago Chieftain: Miss Mabel
Niebuhr was iu Oakland Wednesdav,
....M S Mansfield has boon in Pondor
tills wook... .Johnnie Ashfoid, who
was ailing lust week, is again out aud
on tho well list.... Mis M S Mansfield
was in Homer last evening nnd this
forenoon visiting relatives. . . . Mrs Ash
ley Londrosh was tho guest at tho
homo of Mrs Nellio Nuun last Friday
and Saturday.... II G Niobuhr was iu
Ponder the first two days of this week
attonding court. Ho returned Wed
nesday morning.
Wynot Tribuno: Mrs 15 Spurling
of Chorry Greek, S D, is tho guest of
her sister, MrsEJMorin, for a few
days, having arrived last Satmday.
. . . .Tho Farmers Graiu company of
Homer hold thoir annual meeting the
other day. The financial report of
tho company, while it only showed
net earnings of $800, was very satis
factory for the reason that it demon
strated that an enormous amount of
graiu had been handled und thai thu
farmers had received for their grain a
much higher pneo than thoy would
otuorwiso navo received, wiilou moro
than etihuled tho usual dividends dc
elarod by lino elovators.
Horgeant Bluffs.
HoratrStar: Albert Priest left for
South Dakota. Tuesday, whero ho has
contracted for a job for tho summer.
. , ..Chas M Borowsky went to Omaha
yesterday to arraugo for his bond for
another year.. . .Ucrmnn Htauiug, a
brothor-iu-law of Fred Kipper, has
boon omployod by tho Rockwell Gro
cery to begin work next Monday. . ..11
A Mouioc was confined to his homo all
of last weok, but is ablo to attend to
his duties ns auditor for tho Edwards
& Bradford Lumbor company... .Wo
aro iu receipt of a lottor from John
DoMoyor dated at Pineher Crook, Al
berta Canada. Thoy aro now nicely
settled thoro and like tho couutry vory
much.... James Btown received a tel
egram last Saturday morning contain
ing the sad news thut his mother had
died tho proceeding day at Itivorside,
Iowa, IIo loft for that place iu tho
afternoon to bo proseut at tho funeisl.
....Georgo Harris returned from
Omaha, Tuesday, whoro ho went to
servo on tho federal jury. Ho was
ablo to oscapo fromBerving which will
savo him about six wcelis away from
homo during tho busy season 'on thu
farm....P C VanClevo received a tel
ephone mossago from Docatur, Tues
day afternoon thnt his mother, Mrs
Eliza VnnOlove, was passing away and
loft for that plaoo with his family early
next uiMruiug. In oaso of her ilenii
the remains will bo taken to Slo.i-r,
Iowa, for burial.
Wayno Domocrnt: Monday ovoning,
April 10, 1911, at his home in this city,
death camo to Michael Leahy, at tho
ripe old ago of 78 years, 8 mouths and
(idays. Miohitol Leahy was born in
Ontaiio, Canada, August 1, 18JJU, and
grew to manhood in that country. In
18C0 ho was united in marriage to
Bridget Torjoy at Petersburg, Canada.
They moved to Clinton county, ',lowa,
and resided there until 1881, when
tlio' movl to Mouraslta, settling in
Wayno county, not far from Wayne.
About eight years ago they moved to
Wayno, where ho continued to reBida
except two years spent iu Omaha le
cently. Ho is survived by wife and
nine of ton children that wero born to
them. The ohildrou are Mrs Marin h
Collins of Oklahoma, Frank Leahy of
Winnor, S D, Mrs Anna O'Conuell of
Keunebeek, S D, Joseph Leahy who
diod nt Burk, S D, tuo years ago and
was buried iu tho Wayno comotery,
Dr B J Leahy of Jackson, Nob, J T
Leahy of this plaoo, Rov Wm Loaliy, J
S, of St Louis, Eugene Leahy of Jack
son, and Misses Ella and Agnea of this
plneo. Dr and Rev Leahy, besides
tho hortio folks, ariivod at his bedside
before his death, aud tho other mem
bers of tho family wero hero to attend
tho funeral which occurred at tho
Catholic ohurcri in this plaoo Wednes
day morning at 10 o'clock, conduotod
by Rov Wm Reams, An uged and ro
Hi'iuotod pioneer has gone from our
midst to his roward and the sympathy
of tho community is with tho borenved
first gamo of ball last Saturday. The
gamo resulted in favor of Hubbaid, of
Mrs II Potcrs enmo homo last week
lo bo at tho bedside of her mother,
Mrs Rouingcr, who has been vory ill.
Ladies waists and dress skirts at
Carl Anderson's, m all styles and pat
terns. Minnie Rasmussen camo homo from
tho City, Saturday.
Emil Andersen had a runaway last
week that lCBultcd in a pretty badly
smashed buggy, but luckily no ouo
was hurt.
Bert Dyer hud a phono installed in
his homo last week.
A splendid lino of the celobrated
Case corsets at Carl Andorsrn's. Also
a full lino of ladies furnishings.
Juke Francisco and wife aio
proud parents of a fine baby girl.
James HoRan, Frnnk Hccney
Henry Cain shipped cattle from
Mr uud Mrs Wilsoy and Mr aud Mrs
August Anderson ato dinner ut tho
Bert Francisco homo Sunday.
A J Wcstphall will bo at Reuzo &
Groan's next Monday, tho 21th, to re
pair cream separators. Any one hav
ing any repair work to do cau bring or
send it iu aud ho will attend to it
promptly. Rcnzo & Green.
O M Loudcrgon has been laid up
some time with n bad attack of rheu
matism. .
Chas E Hedges is serving ns relief
agent for tho Omaha at this place.
Cora Soreuson, clerk in Carl Ander
son's store, was off duty a few days this
week on account of sickness.
Leather gloves both for dress and
work, at Carl Andorson's.
Moadamee Collins and Ron.o woro
Sunday visitors at the Tom Long homo.
Mrs C Rasmusson and Hans Larson
woro among tho City shoppers irom
hero Saturday.
John Unity was a City visitor last
Will Kcnelly of Jackson, has been
doing some telephone work in this vi
cinity the past wook.
Men's hats aud summer caps nt Carl
F II Forrest of Dakota Oity, was
here Tuesday looking aftor telephone
Ilertha Smith visited with her sister
Martha ut Homer last week.
brother of Mrs J V Gorham, mado his
sister a short visit this wook, tho first
timo for eighteen years.
Mrs John Ashford spent Easter with
relatives iu Homer.
Mrs Amos Shook, formerly Miss Eva
Kinncar, who lives near Kndoku, S 1),
is home on a short vacation.
Miss Mabel Miles has been visiting
in Onawa this weok.
Norval Church of Emerson visited
Malcolm Smith nnd bis brother Frnnk
a fow days tho last of tho week.
Nick Mahor, nu old timo resident of
Dakota county, was in Homer Mon
day. Mr Hughes was called to tho home
of his brother iu western Neb, by' bis
sorious illness.
Miss Florence Lowis visited at tho
E J Smith homo tho first of the week
Mrs Will Mason of South Sioux City
wns down visiting relatives iu Homer
Malcolm Smith entertained about
twouty of his school mates Friday
evening. The occasion was his fif
teenth birthday.
Mrs Off Harris
Mrs Hoy Crippou
N L Crippcn nnd
spout Sunday with
in Sioux City.
Louie Rasmussen and family nnd
Petor Saienseu and family ato Luster
dinner ut the John Jesscu home.
Minnie Stono spent Sunday with rel
atives iu Soutfi Dakota.
Mrs John Josseti visited a fow days
with friends nt Lincoln, Neb.
Chas Olsfii and wifo of near Hub
bard, visited Suuday at- tho Miller
Bros homo.
Cora Sorensen came, homo to speud
Easter with homo folks.
Nols Hanson and family woro among
thoBo who enjoyed Easter dinner at
tho George Johnson homo.
Wm Kuhl is spending a few dnys at
thu Ed Maurice homo.
Paint and
Dakotrx City Phnrmixcy
Of Every
Size and
van Meredith.
Clark, S D,
arc curing
For tho Eighth Judicial district ot
Nebraska, for the year 1011:
Oumlnu January :, Heptotnlior II
Dakota Kohtuury U. Heptontlicr'Jfi
Ktnutoii , . .Match (I, Octoberl)
. Mm eli lit. Noxomlx r IU
.. . March Sr7. Deceiulier I
April in. OctolierlO
Theflnitday of caulr term U out for hear
hiK application foicltteoiuhlp imperii.
Ouy Turns cm, J mine.
lilxou ...
Real estate loans, Geo WilkluB.
Emerson .Enterprise: Mario MoEn
thffor visited with rolatives at Nacora
Saturday... .Frank lleonny and Paul
Uteinark woro oil tho Sioux City mar
ket witu a load of nogs a piece Tues
day morning-... Mrs J A Ireland was
taken to St Joseph's hospital in Sioux
Wfduesdny whoru she was operated
upon for appondioitis. Sho is report
od to bo getting along nioely....Mr
and Mrs M MoEutaffer visited Sat
urday and Sunday with relatives at
Homer and Sioux Oity, Mr MeEn
taffer has snourod tho contract to build
a houso and barn alion: nine miles
southeast nf town for Jameu F Toy of
Sionx City... .Mr and Mis M P Doraii
havo movod to LoMarM, lown, where
Mr Doran has purohased a fine eight
room residence .Mr Doran is ouo of
me oiu seniors nero anil nis many
friends will wish him aud his estima
ble wifo a now sojourn in their now
homo.... Last Tuesday Hubbard held
tho first eleotion for throo yoars. Dan
Hartuett, I) C neffernnu, John Hogun,
Makis Komi Baking Easy
Absolutely Pure
Tho only baking powder
madm from Royal Grapo
Oraam of Tartar
m alum.no lime phosphate
Mrs Wm Goertz was a Sioux Oity
shopper Wednesday of last week .
Mrs Wm Reniugor hits been quite
sink for some time, but is slowly im
proving. Louis Kuuduen nnd wifo wero among
tho City shoppers Tuebuay.
Dried fruit of tho finest quality
fivsh cauued goods, of all kinds and
tho niObt complete aud up-to-date
stock of groceijea iu tuo comity, at
Uitri Anderson's.
Wm Rouiugof was at the county
seat on business Fiiduy.
Georgo Ehel is putting tho finishing
touches on tho hotel.
Frank Hemic y and daughter Ell.i
wero in the city Wednesday of last
Wo want your produce, and wo are
still paying more than the market nf
foids, Carl Aiuleioon.
Carl Piodeiik.4ou aud wifo were city
slioppeis Tuesday,
Jou Leedom went to Dakota City
last l'riday to atteud court.
Katie Hall wcut to Sioux Oily the
fimt of tire weok whero sho uill make
hoi liume for a couple of mouths.
Garden seed of alldoNciiptiou both
in hulk and puulugoi, at Carl Ander
son's, E AudeiHuu and wifo Sundayed at
thu Joe ljuedoui home,
John Uogan anil wifo ato Sunday
dinner at thu Jas Hoguu home.
Communion services will bo held in
Tiinity Lutheran church iu Hubbard,
Sunday April 251, at 11a in All cor
dially invited to attend. Rov Tios
tle, pastor.
Mrs Cliff Priest is visiting iu South
Dakota thit weok.
'the convent pupils nil came homo
last Thnisiluy to speud Eastor vaod
tiou, returning .Monday.
Wo havo on hand a now lot of Early
Ohio potatoes. Get your seed hoforo
tho supply ii exausted, Carl Ander
son. I
Emcson aud Ilubb'ird phyed their'
L W Hall aud wifo returned Tues
day liom an over Easlui vinit with hor
paretitH at Dixon, Nob.
Marie Goodfellow, who is attending
school at Lincoln, spent thu Easter
vacation with homo folkb.
Olareneo Hungerford enjoyed a
weeks visit from his parents, Mr and
Mrs L B Hungoiford, of Seibort, Col.
Miss Ruth Gentleman, an instiuctor
at St Catharine's academy, spent tho
Easter vacation with her parents at
Omaha. Sho was accompanied by
Miss Genevieve Biady, who was her
guest while home.
15 A Leahy returned fiom Excelbior
Springs, Mo, lust weok, being culled
homo by tho death of his father, M
Leahy, of Wayno.
Mrs D J McDonald and childron.
who wero guests iu the John Ryan
home, returned to their homo at New
ell, S D, Friday, whoro Mr McDonald
has recently moved aud gone into bus
iness. Louis Smith nud wifo of Sioux Oity,
were -isiting friends hero Sunday.
They formerly lived here
D Casey spent over Sunday with
friends in Siuux City.
Gertrude Hall spent over Sunday
witu relatives at ista.
Joseph Flidor has gone to Ord, Neb,
whero bo expects to spend tlio summer.
Joseph Shauahan of Vista, is plan
ning on taking a trip to his boyhood
homo m Irolaud, to spond tho summer
with relatives.
Ur JoukiuBon and v ifo of Sioux City,
woro Sunday guests iu tho E J Mul
lally homo.
Miss Constance Oavauiuigh of AJlon,
was a guest in tho homo of her sister,
Mis nornco Dugau, Htveml days tho
first of tho week. Sho wus returning
to hor school work at Lincoln,
Mrs G V Thompson of Watorbury,
spent Saturdwy in tho E .Maun homo.
MrB 8 E O'Neill enjoyed an over
Easter visit from her son Edtrar, who
is attending school at St Mary acada
my at Dixon, Net).
B a Fox of Sioux City, is iu town
this weok vuitiug lifo insurance.
M F Dillon of Sionx City, was a
guest in tho Jas llartv homo Easter
Milton MoTaggart, of Vista, hub re
moved to a Sioux City hospital Wed
nosdny, whoro ire will undergo an ope
ration for appendicitis.
Klist iitiblk'Mtloii l-T-iw.
Stateof Nohrakn, Dakota County si.
To vsliom It may concern:
Thu commissioner appointed to locale
uud cstubllsli a loud roimiioncliiK nt thu
quarter Isitweuu sections 13 aud 1.1, town
ship S3, laimu IS, west or fith 1. M.. lit tlio
point where road No. ". tin ns north, ami
from .said point run nest on the ctlou
Hue between (sections 12 and lit, Twp. ss. It.
if, to the point vhero the southwest corner
of lot la, section 12, nnd tho noitliwest cor
ner or lot 2, M'ctlon IJ, Twp. HS, It, IS, Inter
sects tho Armstrong meander line, and
there terminate, has reported In favor of
tho establishment and location theieof, and
all objections thereto or claims for dam
ngi's must Iri llled In the county cleik's of
fice on or boforc noonor tlieMh day or Juno,
11)11, or such.ioud will le estnbllshed,aml lo
cated without reference tlnueto.
W. Ij. HOSS,
County Clerk.
Klist publication 4-7 !lw
iiuucu isiii-iui Knt'ii mat uiu peiiuuil
of Kiau I.ehnianu for license to sell malt,
splrltuouH and lnous lhiuors on lots I mid
5 In block 1, In the vlllairoef Nacora, Dakota
luuiuj, .sumusuu, uuiiuk me usrai year
U'KlnnlriK orr tho first Tuesday In May, 1011.
Imou lllo In the olllco of tho county clerk or
Dakota county, Nebr.iuiil nil objections
thereto must Ik llled in or bofoie the :mtli
day of April, Hill, or tiro same will be KNint
ed. Fran l.ehuiuun. Applicant.
DiiUil tliUOth day of April, l'tn.
Klist publication 1-7 ;iwks
NOTICK OF Al'l'l.lUAl'lO) tult LIQUOR
Notice Is hereby Klven that on tlio utli day
or A pi II, lull, DilBuau.V. IloiToiunu tiled with
the vIMiiku cleric or Hubbard, Nohr.. thoir
application uud petition for a llcon.se to sell
malt, Npliltuous and vinous Illinois, and
conduct a saloon In said vllhure on lot S, In
block 12, under tho laws or tho state or Ne
braska and ordinances or said village, dur
ing the IKscul jear beKluulni; the llr.st
Tuesday In .Miry, Kill. Any and all objec
tions to the KruutiiiKtif -aid license should
1h on flic with tho lllnt?o clerk by the IWtli
day of April, Kill.
DuKKaii A lleireinun,
1). O. IltlTernan, Applicants.
Mrs Lewis Smiih mado a trip to the
City thu last of tho week, returning
Mrs Alfred Hanis and baby weio in
Sionx Uity over Sunday.
Mrs Bartow went to Lyons Mouday
to atteud tho funeral of a friend.
Master Guy Graves accompanied
Mihs Lite IliiMih over from Pondor
Saturday, H!.ondii)g Suuday at thu E J
Smith home.
Mrs Allen aud daughter Beuluh of
Sioux Ulty veto iu town this week,
Mrs Annie Weuuditr of Sioux City,
whs down Saturday to see hor father,
Josiuh Davis, who has been ailing.
Hanoi uud Muttio Gorham, Helen
and Climles O'Connor went down to
Winuobiigo Saturday to receive reli
gious training at the Catholic school.
Misses Maiguret Ashford and Elea
nor Murphy, who are attondiug tho
university at Lincoln, aio homo on
their Enster vacation,
David Ruddy of Butte, Montana,
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
ltti l.oru. M'l'LlC T10s an they cannot reach
th '.it "t I ho Uuvntt Catarrh la a tiloo,! ur I'vnstl
tutkinnl 0Hikt. ami In nriltr to cure It ion mini take
Inn nut mnnllm. IUIU UUairli Cure u taken In
tenullk ami lie 13 illrntly upon tho blood und muruiu
fiirlirw. Hall a futarrli furn b not n quack medl
jMnr It win linccrilusl liy one ot lhi best phjilclana
ta iliU country lor jcirs uml It a ricular imwrlptlou.
IV. Is romHMvl ot tlio lwst tonics Known, combined
brat blood purllli n. arllus directly on Ilia
IV. 1 con.
nu a
urtaco The ixrli-ct combination ol tin
two iiwrcdlciita U utiat product t audi uondrrlul ri.
tulta liVrurlnir calarrh hind lor li-Mlraoniata. free
'l J t 111 Nl A CO IToiw, loicda, O.
is' -i liy jiriiiKi,, irir,.
'lilt! If JVt! , I
P3' 30.
I'lrst pulillcntlou i-7 iws
Ill the county court of Dakota courrty, No-
In the miittorof the estate of Wtlliclmlna
IsenbuiK, deceased.
Notice Is heteby uivnti that the creditors
ot the hitld deceasid will meet the admlnls-
tratoror said estate. Iiufoi oine. county ludao
of Dakota county, Nebtaska, nt tho county
court loom in said county, on the 21)th day
of July, Hill, on tho 20th day of Auniist. mil.
and on tho I'.Hh diu ot SeptemlHJi, Hill, at
10 o'clock a. in. each day for the purposu of
picscutliitf their claims for examination.
adjustiiiput aud allowance. Six months
aio alloweil ror credltois to present their
claims and ouo jcur for the adiiilulstint.M
to settle Mild estate, fioin the AMIi day of
July, JUU.
This notice will be published In the Dako
ta County Herald for four weeks successive
ly pilorto the ."Jth day or July, 1011.
Witness my hand, uud neal of said court,
this 2Tth day of Muich, A. D. Kill.
D. ('. IlKH.'hllN-AN,
suai. Oounty JudRo
Kh. st publication i-1 1-11-w :t.
Notice Is hereby chen that Kied fl. Stan
aid has llled with the vllhure clerk or Dako
ta Ultj. Dakota county, Nehiiihkii, his appli
cation ami petition for a license tocllinnlt,
spli litmus ami vinous lhiuors, aud conduct
a saloon In Mild Illaee, ilurlm,' the fiscal
jenr iH'Klnulinr tin the HislTiieMtnylti May,
lull, under the laws of tin' state of Nebraska
and the ordinances of s.ilil vllhute, In a
billldliut located on put U or loU 11 and IS,
In block lie. Ail) ami all objections to the
Krautlnuof sahl license should he on (Ha
with tho vllhiKe clerk of snld VIIIiiko on or
before thuMUth tiny of April, 11)11.
KrtunO.m K.sAiin, Applicant.
l'Atn. Pii'.t. VlllauulUeik.
Dnted litis hlthtlityof Mu.l.inil.
l'list ruhllcatlon i-ll-aw.
To Whom It May Concern-
OhurleM. Hoiowsky has this day llled his
application with the vilhm'o cleik ot the
llhlKe or Homer, Dakotacouuty, Nebraska,
addiessed to suit! IUiikc Isiatd tor license
toM'll nmlt, spliitiious und vinous Illinois
at tetall In sahl lllatro tltii Iiik the yeat end
InKlii.Miii itiii on uud at the follow lux dc,
sciIIkh! piemlses, to-ult: ('oiimeiicliur at
a point elKhty ISO) feet east or the northeast
coiuerof block four (I) oiIkIiiiiI town or
llotuei ; thence east to the east line or the
southwest until lor or the southeast (iiiiirter
ot section eleven tt township twent-se-eu
(27) liiliKeelKhl ISleast of the Sixth I'.
M.i thenco south iiIoiik said Hue lorty (Wi
leet; thence west to the east line or h'ront
stieet In said vIIIiiko or Hoiuer; thence
noith aloiuc sal I east Hue or Ktout stieet
roity (in) feet to pluct or Ih-kIiiiiIk-, which
propetty and place so deseiliied is within
the coi potato llntiu or Hie vIIIiiko or Ho
mer, Dakota count, .Nebtaska.
All objections tosald application may lw
filed with the lllaue Cletk on or Is'loie
Siitutdio. Apill2t). 1011.
Dated this 12th day or April, lull
till as. .M, Hoiiowskv,
Attest: ppllcuut for License.
J. I Hi. vm'h vim. Vltlmte Clerk.
Klrst, publication J-21-ll-lw.
Ill the count) conit of Dakota county,
In tho matter of the estate of John H.
Hi aunt, deceased.
Notice Is hereb (riven, that 'lie iteditors
or the said deceasetl will uii-et the adinlnls
tiatoror said estate, U'foie me, count) Jtulire
of Dakota count), NebiusVa. at the county
eotttt loom In Mildcouut). on the liith day
or August, lull, on tin 2Srd tin) ol) tent
tier, lull, nnd on the Slst ilu) of oImt,
lull, nt IU o'clock u m. each dit) for t ' put
pose or prosentliiif their cIuIuh for eMiiu
lnatloti, adjiistnieiit ami allow. nice, hit
mouths ttio alloweil for creditors to picsent
their claims and one ) ear for t head mlulstrii
tor to settle said otatc, from the lutlida) of
April, mil. This notice will l- publisht il In
the Dakota vlouul) Hi l.dd. for four wi Its
suectsUely pitoi tti th- luth tin) tif An
trust, lull.
lite ss tti) Idii .1, uud i tl of ii !
tilt Ivi lid 1) 1. 1 pi I D Hill
D ' Hi r. I IIVW,
1 VI 1 I i J t ,
tshe Qucestion qf Pacini
Is one that should interest not alone the painters, but all
desirous of improving and preserving their buildings and
homes. In the Mound City Paint you secure not only a
paint of good wearing quality, sun-proof, and reliable in
every way, but exactly the heaviest paint on the market,
which means that it is made substantially from the purest
ingredients known to the industry. Isn't that of value to
you? In Mound City barn paint, you secure the genuine
oxide of iron paint no imitation and furnished in red,
slate, brown or yellow. We know you cannot beat these
paints for either quality or price. Try them.
Irvtcrior Decoration
Is something that should appeal to every housewife not
alone becuuso of improved appearance, but from tiro standpoint of econ
omy of lnbor. On these grounds wo wish to remind you that wo havo
a now and up-to-dnto stock of AVull I'tipor, something to please you.
And remember, wo nlso Ecep tho sanitary wall-coating, AlalKistliu'.
It will not rub off, nud can bo put ou plain, or etched in the most
nrtistio manuer. You will not bo disappointed if you uso it.
Orionttxl VixrnlsK
furnishes a new and artistic method
for hrlKhlcnlitK those old chairs, cup
bupbouttl.or any article In the houso,
We furnish It In oak, clierty, walnut,
nialitwiny, etc. Reiittlne Imitations
at small cost.
Genuine Rubber Paint
acts ns a preset atlvo when applied
to wood work or Iron. I'lcscnts that
toOf lcnklmt aud lmptoves appear
ances Kcnerally. Gives satisfaction,
Dakota City, Nebrsxsk.s.
E6e Cyclotve Churn
'& Sept. 13,1910 Ml
WNSERiire.CO. fffil
Is tRe.
Fastest Cleanest,
Easiest, Best, and
Most Sanitary, Sim
ple, Durable and
Convenient Churn
on the Market.
In offering this churn to our customers we wish to be
brief, straight to the point and strictly honest in all the
claims made, and ask in return your honest criticisms.
A trial will convince the most skeptical that the
Cyclone is the Fastest butter producer in the world
today. It is manufactured and guaranteed only by the
Kinser Manufacturing Co., Sioux City, lo., and sold by
Carl AjriLlersof3i
Hubbard 3P
Se Patronize Home Industry buy your meats of j
I City Meat Meurket
-Proprietor of-
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand
Cash paid for Hides and Pelts
!j5 Agent for Sey mom's White L,aundry. Basket goes on &
l .-nnln- ..-4I . ..- lnA., l".. 1 -T-
xiicsuuys uiiu uuuica uuck oaniruays ft
r w w .. TSkSjt iftjr X;
s juc.oia. vuyf rvnjQrasiCfv
Ji .:
-uu-.u j.u -. .- l.- , . .. -
- 4- --sV4---- T-H--H-ts-ttttsHK-KH
ii i-F?isrE:ss
Ivi ifHnw
c&mktrt i rifft n ,i i
This lK-i"- Coucurd Harness No. 7G
no collars 31
Our No. 179, lK-in. Concord, with
Hat backs, a better job $35
Sttizsrge IBiro
41 1 Pearl St
Sioux City
" " - " -Afc.-.AA.A- .i i. A .
TT-""- -
Undertaker cv coroner
Tlw Mico Eionnl Itocps of Kmlmlming,
Nothing taken from body and nothing put
in body. v All done upon outside. Hodv can
be kept for ages.
Ii. T. .Sawyw, I ick-,on, iVbraskc
tr f"V WCBns '