Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 14, 1911, Image 8

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New Nettm
How 8eventy-Five 'Tramp" Qold
Seekers Waited for the Virgin
Bay Boat That Had Gone
Over a Dam.
Recently, through the klndnosN of
EudJey Jones, of Littlo nock, Arkon
m, a surviving argonaut, I was able
jto giro his vivid description of the
jshort-cut road which Commodoro Van-
', 1.11. I ..I, , I l . .. .t...
lerDitt uuhq in rtjcftfiiuu m. iuv
transportation of the oarly California
pld sectors across that country, ana
if tho conditions of travel on that
mlln stretch of country lying be
tween Virgin Day, on Lake Nicaragua,
,nd tho port of Ban Juan del Hur, on
10 Pacific Ocean,
That rond to Eldorado Mr. Jones
ecamo intimately acquainted with
rhen, in company with 76 homeward
iound gold seekers, ho tramped it
om San Juan del Sur to Virgin uay,
Bc&tiBA hn and his comoanlon3 COQ
ikIIaJ On. Hmnrlar-ri tint 1111 ft
iVanderbllt steamer, but on a tramp
Hailing vessel, and, nonce, they naa no
fclnim on the Vanderbllt company.
"As wo camo in sight of tho lako,"
said Mr. Jones, "wo saw tho Vnndor
bilt lako steamor, which we had
hoped to catch, out In tho lako Just
starting, with Its decks black with
people, on tho trip across tho lako
and down tho first half of tho San
Uuan rivor to Castillo, whoro It con
nected with tho light-draught river
boats that piled between Castillo and
the seaport of Qreytown, whero Vnn
perbilt's Atlantlo steamers touched.
We were loft at Virgin Day, which
consisted of three or four bamboo
huts and the Vanderbllt 'company
house.' so-called. That was n largo
warehouse mado by setting poles in
tho ground, with other poles for raft
re, and over and around theso poles
bluo muslin cloth was stretched. It
was a cheap thing, but It answered
the purpose of a dry placo for travol
era to spread their blankets whon
tboy were forced to stop In Virgin
Bhv overnight Black native dirt
made tho floor, and tho spreading of
one's blanket upon it constituted
Koverolgnty, and wnB bo recognized.
"Having secured lodging in tho
'company house,' we started out to
find something to eat, and shortly
mado tho discovery that Virgin Day
was almost deserted by natives, and
bereft of food, except when the Van
derbllt lake boats touched thero,
which was twice a month. There was
cot enough food In the whole place to
furnish us 75 'tramps' with a square
meal. Tho nest day, finding that
aothlng was being brought in, somo of
How Nehemlah D. 8perry Missed Be
ing Governor of Connecticut Be
cause He Was About Six
Months Too Young.
Nehemlah Day Sperry, tho father ot
tho hauso ot representatives that re
cently hold its final session, Is in his
84th year. For fifty-seven years ho
has been active In the politics of his
native state of Connecticut In 1853,
when ho wan 26 years old, he Iwamo
a member of Now Haven's common
council, and tho greater rrt of U
tlmo slnco then ho has held office,
either elective or appointive. Mado
posmnstor of Now Haven by Lincoln
In 1861, ho filled that post for over
twenty-eight years, and ho has beon In
congress since 1894. He retired on
March 4, having refused to stand for
re-election on account of his advanced
aged, though he Is In perfect health
and is characterized by tho mental
vigor that was hlB when ho went on
Ericsson's bond and thus assured the
building of the "little cheese box on a
raft" that revolutionized naval war
Fifty-four yearB ago whon Mr. Sper
ry had served a your aa secretary of
istnto of Connecticut, hla party at
that time the Know Nothings met to
nominate a candldato for govornor. "I
wna pretty active in politics," said Mr.
ISperry, "and I had a good many
Xrionda in the organization. I also had
a good many friends among tho Demo
crats. It has always been my Idea that
a politician should mako frlondB
among his political opponents; I havo
always found it a good policy. And
noting that I had a large personal fol
lowing among the opposition, my own
Tarty friends began urging the party
to nominate mo as governor, using tho
argument that I could poll a largo voto
among the Democrats.
"8o well did theso friends talk that
oven heforo tho convention had been
called to order I discovered that tho
Never Despair.
At a St. Patrlck'B Day dlunor In Dob
ftou Senator Lodgo onco said: "Low
las was Ireland's cstato then, there waa
;no cause for despair. No cstato Is
ever so low but that It might bo lower.
Like tho wood-sawyer case, you
"'You need exercise, violent oxer
els, that's what you need,' a doctor
ionco said to this woodsawer. 'What
1b your business, my man?'
"'I'm a woodsawyer, sir.
"'Well,' said the doctor, 'suppose
you don't grease your saw for a month
or so.'"
Contemptuous Condescension.
"Do you suppose thero are any peer
jeueti left in England?" inquired the
(plainly dressed woman with her arms
fcll of bundles.
"Why, I suppose so, madam," replied
the floorwalker in that soothing tone
ono ubos toward mild lunatics.
"Well," said the Indignant, humlli
ated, little woman whoso means limit
ed tier to the cheaper grades of ev
erything, "I didn't know but what
they were all over hero working 1b
this stojp"--"-ick
P to , jCfJimtartw
us, in such skiffs as wo could find,
started up the lako foraging. Tho
best wo could do was to collect a
Bcant supply of beans, plantains and
bananas tho staples of the country.
"For four days wo fasted and
prayed for ths return of th lake
boat; the trip to Castillo and return
could easily be mado In 24 hours, and
not even tho Vandorbllt agent could
Imaglno what was detaining tho
steamer. On tho fourth day tho agent
secured a schooner from some old don
up tho lake, and Just as tho sun went
down tho last of us crawlod Into its
hold, and with a good breeze we went
racing down tho lake. Tho boat was
about 60 feet long and 8 or 9 foot
wide Just wide enough for us to back
against the sides and for our feet to
touch on tho gunwalo. The stono bal
last was under tho bonrd soats on
which wo sat, and a porson six feet
high could not sit straight on account
of the deck overhead.
"We mado a good night's run to
Castillo, and to our surprise next day
saw tho missing lako steamer lying,
not at tho wharf above tho dam,
where sho usually ended her Journey,
but at tho wharf that Vanderbllt had
built below tho dam, and from which
point ho carried his passenger to
Greytown in tho small river boats.
Tho passengors tho lako steamor had
brought down wero also at tho lower
wharf that is, most of them wero.
The others I never know how many
had beon drowned threo or four
days before when, as tho steamor was
about to make fast to hor wharf, a
strong curront seized hor and carried
How David Bennett Hill Qave Earnest
Young Man the Chance to Ob
tain an Education as a
In his socond term as governor of
New York, David Dennett Hill loarnod
of tho Industry and the honorable am
bition of a young man whoBO homo
waB In a vlllago not far from Elmlra,
N. Y.
"The boy Is very anxious to become
a doctor," Govornor Hill was told. "Ho
Is studious, but ho makes a bare liv
ing as a clerk in a littlo drug store. He
Is almost In despair becauso ho does
not see how he will bo able to nave
money enough to prepare for and pay
his expenses at a medical school."
"I know tho boy," Governor Hill re-
delegates were hound to notnlnato mo
for govornor. I wont around among
thom and told them they must do no
such thing, but they paid no attention
to mo. Indeed, whon tho convention
met tho delegates Boomed unwilling to
wait for tho regular order, so 'sot'
wero they In their doalro to namo N. D.
Sperry for govornor.
"Well, at last I wont out upon the
platform, and for a time could not
mnko myself hoard. When I hnd se
cured qulot I cold to them: 'You muBt
not nomlnato mo for governor.' Dut
they would glvo no hood to mo. Thon
again I said to thom: 'You must not
nomlnato mo for govornor; for I can
not accept. And If you will bo quiet
long enough I will tell you why.' I
coaxed and waltod, and at last thoy
became quiet enough for me to explain
'I cannot nccopt becauso I could not
bo govornor even were I elected.' I
said. 'Tho constitution of .our atato
Bays that a man must bo 80 years of
ago to qualify for govornor. I shall
not bo 30 years of age until next sum
mor and tho governor Is sworn In In
May Therefore, you will see that If
you nominated and elected mo I could 1
not servo. Dut If you are willing to
take my suggestion, I will ndvlso that
you renominate Governor William T.
"Of courao, onco T had got uty ex
planation made, thoy had to take bo
rlous heed of it. Dut they wero still
keen to have mo on the ticket, and so,
after they had renominated Judge
Minor for govornor, they chose me
again as their candldato for secretary
of state. And Judge Minor and I wore
ro-olocted, and from thon on until i
went to congress In 1891 I never again
held an elective oiUco.
"I wonder," added Mr, Sperry re
flectively, "how ninny other men have
mlsBed holng govornor by being six
months or so too young to qunllfy for
that ofllcoT"
(Copyrlk'lit, 1910. hy K. J Kilwardt. All
UlBlits Reacrved.)
How Two famous Lawyers, 8ulllvan
and Armstrong, Handled Per
jured Wltnetses.
Two famous cross-examiners nt the
Irish bor, says FrauclB U Wollman
In "Tho Art of Crons-Exnmlnatlon,"
woro Sorgoant Sulllvnn, nftenvnrd
master of tho mils In Ireland, and
Sergeant Armstrong, llorry O'Drlon
In hla "Llfo of Lord RubboU" doBcrlhes
tholr methods.
"Sullivan," ho soys, "approached the
wltnoss quite In a friendly way,
seemed to bo nn Impartial Inquirer
seeking information, looked surprised
nt what tho witness said, appeared
oven grateful for tho additional iiirht
thrown on tho caso.
"'Ah, Indoedl Well, as you have
said so much, perhaps you can help
us a little further. Well, really, my
lord, this is a very Ingenious man.'
"So playing the witness with cau
tlon and skill, drawing hint Fwlthlly
on, keeping htm completely in the dark
about the real point of attack, the lit-
her stern foremost over the dam. Sho
negotiated the drop without serious
accident, and all who remained on
board whllo she was doing so were
landed safely at the lower wharf, Dut
many of thoso who Jumped overboard
in panic while tho steamer was head
ing for tho dam wero drowned, the
gold dust strapped around them in
belts weighing thorn down.
"At CbbMHo w 7d 'trampd' harame
'regulars,' socurlng passago in tho
Vanderbllt river boats as far as Grey
town. On our way down tho river wo
met nono other than tho rodoubtablo
Commodoro Vanderbllt himself on the
new lako boat ho had towed from New
York, as wo learned when wo reachod
Greytown. He hailed our captain,
talking for n few minuted about tho
condition of tho river, etc., and tieen
passed on.
"That was tho first and only time
I ever saw Commodoro Vandorbllt,"
continuod Mr. Jones, "and it has often
seemed strange to mo that I should
have mot both Commodoro Vandorbllt
and Commodoro Asplnwall, who estab
lished the Panama routo for gold seek
ers, but onco, and that onco in their
own spheres of action thousands of
mllos from whero I had heard so
much of them In early childhood.'
(Copyright, 1910, by K. J. 13 J wards. AH
Rights Reserved.)
No Place for Such Things.
Tho deacon's wlfo wanted to Jot
down tho text, and, leaning over to
her Bcapcgraco nephew, she whls
pored: "Have you a card about you?"
"You can't play in chapel," was his
solemn, reproving answer.
And tho good woman was so flus
tered that sho forgot nil about tho
piled. "Ho Is, as you say, Industrious,
his habltH are always good, and if ho
has an ambition to becomo a doctor,
tho way shall be found by which ho
will bo able to take the necessary
courso at somo medical school. I will
see what can bo dono."
Soon nftor this Governor Hill was
vlsltln? Elmlra, and, as though casual
ly, vlflltod the drug store Ho greeted
tho young clerk very cordially. He
asked him how he was getting along,
and whether It was his purpose sim
ply to become a druggist
"Oh, no, Governor Hill, I don't want
to bo a druggist. I am clerking in this
drug store simply to earn my living. I
am trying to savo money."
"That 1b a very good habit to get
Aro you saving for any special pur
pose?" "Yes, governor, I am vory anxious
to bo a doctor. When I was a little
boy I made up ray mind that I would
be a doctor. Since I havo beon in thlB
drug Btoro I have mafltored proscrip
tions, and I havo learned tho various
qualities of drugs. That would be of
great servlco to mo If I wero to bo a
Gov. Hill meditated a moment and
thon turned to tho clerk. "How would
you llko to come to Albany and live In
my house?" ho asked. "You know, I
llvo In tho exocutlvo mansion. Thero
Is a vory good medical school at Al
bany. If you lived at my house It
would cost you nothing. You would bo
considered a member of my executive
family. Wo would seo about prepar
ing you for nnd socurlng you nn en
tranco to tho medical school. How
does that plan strike you?"
"Why, govornor, I never could forget
such kindness," cried tho youth.
"Whon can you come?" asked Hill.
"Whonover you say," was tho in
slant answer.
So It happened that this young drug
clerk ,vas Installed inconspicuously
among those who, aa clerks, were In
tho employment of tho governor at the
executive mansion. Eventually, he
paased through the medical school and
took his degroe. On tho dny nftor tho
graduation, the govornor asked him:
"What nro you going to do now?"
"Oh, I'm going to begin practice"
"I don't advise that," anld Hill. "You
go to Dollovue Hospital, In New York.
I will boo to It that you gain entrance
there. Devoto at least two years to
hospital practice. Then you will be
fully equipped to prnctlco."
That advice wnB followed, and tho
young drug clork whom Govornor Hill
had thus holpoa afterwards begnn
practlco, In his professional work Jus
tifying all of hts bonofnetor'a expecta
tion and Interest,
i Hla name? Well, it may bo that,
whou tho executors ,of Senator Hill's
estnto mako public tholr probato work,
this name will ho disclosed,
(Copyright, 1910. by E. J. Kdwnrda. AU
Rights Reserved,)
,V ..
tie sorgoant' waited until tho ninn wn
in tho moBhea and then flow at him
and Bhook him ns n terrier would n
"Tho 'big seigoauf (Armstrong) had
more humor and more power, but leas
doxtorlty and resource Ills great
woapon was ridicule, Ho luughed at
tho witness and mado ovorybody olso
laugh. The witness got confused nnd
lost hla tompor, and then Armstrong
pounded him llko a chniuplon In the
To Repair Qlass.
One ot tho uoatost and most suc
cessful ways to repair brokon glass
ware or china Is Btmply apply, with a
little stick or thin knife blade, suffi
cient soft white lead, such as used In
house painting, to edgo of broken
parts and band with strip of thin cloth
whllo lead Is hardening. Remove the
bands In a few dayB and you will often
find article in as solid condition ns be
fore breaking.
X IV V I V I 1 A UachMor of Science, Gradutta Nan.
Phytlclan and Sursscn
IV TT TTTlOTrVT FormfrlrSnprinlndentofJefferonParlc
INI I ItXIIXIlT and South ChlcoHoplll. and Tralnlm
JL SXWJMJ. lVJ School, for Nuriat. Author of "Confidence.
LJ A Hook for Youni Clila."
One of the most cspontlal Items In
tho care of a patient Is proper prep
aration and care of the bed. Ono of
tho first requirements of a good nurse
is her ability In this lino, and yet how
poldom do we find anyone except a
trained nurso who understands thjtt
matter so essential to tho patient's
First, tho mattress must bo protect
ed, both for tho sake of cleanliness
and for oconomy. UnlosB tho patient
has Involuntary urinations or bowel
movements, a soft pad will bo suf
ficient Over this tho lower sheet
should bo drawn smoothly and pinned
to tho under side of the mattreBa at
tho corners. Tho upper shoot and
blanket come next. Theso should bo
well tucked In at tho foot of tho bed,
but not bo tightly as to bo uncom
fortable for the patient Tho upper
edge of the blanket must bo protected
by turning tho end of the sheet book
over It
When the patient is very 111. or If
tho nature of tho Illness is such than
tho lower sheet becomes soiled, a
draw sheet should be used. After tho
lower sheet has been fastened In
place, a sheet of rubber cloth, about
a yard square, is placed across tho
middle of tho bed, allowing the upper
edgo to moot the pillow. This is
pinnod In placo by one Bafety pin at
each corner. Over this Is placed a
sheet that bos beon foldod crosswise
Tho hems should como at the bottom
so as not to form a rldgo under the
patient's back. The sheet should be
securely tucked In at the sides.
The changing of tho linen should be
managed with as little fatigue and dis
comfort to tho patient ns possible.
This can bo done easily by ono per
son, unless tho patient Ib very ill or
helpless. Only the upper sheet or
blanket is left over tho patient; the
lower sheet la then loosened at top,
bottom and sides; one sldo 1b then
folded along Its entlro length, length
wise as flatly as possible close up to
tho patient Tho fresh sheet should
then bo folded lengthwise, alternately
backward and forward., for half its
width, and placod on the side of the
bod from which tho soiled ono has
been removed. Tho nurso then goes
Two Good
Useful Coat For cravenotto. serge
or covert coating, this Is a most prac
tical pattern. Tho panel back, also
fronts, nro laid ovor sldea In wrapped
seams, Btltchod about a third of an
Inch from tho edgo.
Tho lining, which Is of shot silk, ox
tends only to tho hips.
Stitched tweed lint of tho same col
or as tho coat, trimmed with a wing,
1r in tho best Btyle.
Materials required for coat: 5
yards 48 Inches wide, 4 yards Bilk
for lining,
Sorgo CoBtumo. Very dnrk navy
sorgo is used hore; the skirt has a
wldo front and a deep added pleco at
Fronch knots nro fnBhlonablo.
Deaded effects contlnuo in good
The long, seamless shoulder remains
lu excellent voguo.
ChomlBottcs aro now of colored chif
fon, inndo porfoctly plain.
The laco trimmed hat brim Is offee
tlvu indeed, especially with n plumed
Scotch plaid Is having a decided
voguo for both chlldron's and women's
Special attention Is given this sea
son to parasol handles shown in hand
somo woods.
Small white satin beads nro much
used on the frock of black chiffon or
Organdies aro daluty and Inoxpen
elvo and mako delightful frocks for
summer wear.
A Quaint style suited to tho slim fig-
to the other side of tho bed, turns tho
patient carefully on his sldo facing
the nurse. She then tucks tho folded
Bhoets close up to him, smoothing the
clean Bheot carefully. Sho then turns
the patient over onto hla other sldo.
In so doing ho passes tho folded
sheets, so that they aro now at hlB
back and ho Ib lying on tho clean
sheet Tho soiled sheet can now bo
removed and tho other half of tho
clean ono smoothed out and the aides
and ends tucked In. Tho upper sheet
and blanket are then replaced as be
fore. In changing tho upper Bheot
tho clean ono Ib spread over tho top
of tho bed and held In placo whllo the
soiled shoot and other clothing aro re
moved. In this way We avoid expo
sing and chilling the patient
When the patient cannot be turned
on his aldo tho sheet must bo changed
from top to bottom. The Boiled shoot
being loosened at the top and pushed
well down under tho pillow, tho clean
sheet Ib then started at tho top and
pushed down under the pillow also. In
changing tho sheet In this manner
two persons are required, ono stand
ing at each Bide of tho bod and work
ing the Bheote down slowly and care
fully. In making a bed care must be taken
that a seam ot tho sheet does not
come under the patient's back. Sev
eral times a day tho under shoot must
bo smoothed free from wrlnkleB. All
bed linen should bo thoroughly
warmed and aired before commencing
the making of tho bed, and everything
should bo placed in a convenient
place bo there will be no delay during
tho process.
In casos of fractured limbs one per
son must gently lift tho Injured limb
whllo another changes tho sheet un
der It. In these cases a wide board
(table leaf or Ironing bonrd) should
be placed across the bed under tho
mattress to prevent It from sagging.
Water beds and air beds are used
in cases of prolonged Illness to pre
vent bed-Bores.
Tho old-fashioned feather bed has
no place In a sick room. Whero ono
Is In use tho nurse must uso a great
deal of Ingenuity to bo able to die
pettHH with It, for In this ago anvono
who uses a feather bed la liable to
be very "set" In her ways.
(Copyright, 1310. by W. G, Chapman.)
foot laid over the upper part lu a
wrapped seam; buttons In n closely
set row trim each sldo of uppor front
Tho right front ot tho smart little
Jacket buttotiB quite over to the left
with closely sot buttons: the holes be
ing continued to edgo of right sldo
nnd buttons on the left.
Tho deop turn-over collar and cuffs
nro of white cluth.
Hat of stretched black satin trimmed
with oxidized galloon and gray ostrich
Mntorlnis required: 7 yards 4(5
Inches wide, 4 yards skirt lining, 4
yards silk for lining Jacket, V yard
whlto cloth, about 7 dozen buttons.
uro Is a velvet bolero suit trimmed
with plaited lnco.
Rovers that end In n capo effect at
tho back aro used on littlo drosses.
To Whiten Piano Keys.
Piano keys that hnve become yellow
with ngo mny bo whitened by touching
lightly with a clean rag dipped In
Jnvello wntor and wiping off with clear
water afterward.
Lift tho key to bo cleaned above
tho others with a linger and hold It
firmly. Secondly, uso only tho very
smallost amount of javello water, bo
cauBo If you let any of either liquid
drop on to tho wood It will cnuso tho
wood to swell.
Tho process Is, however, aafo If a
woman will bo caroful.
If ono key Is cleaned nt a time and
tho directions given aro followed suc
cess will como.
The Right Spirit.
While I gaze out on the forest and
hills and the beautiful sunlight, I want
God's lovo to ehlno Into my heart as
the sun shines upon the earth. Ton
neneo Housewife.
Jp) in
Device Invented by Missouri Man
May Be 8et for Any Hour De
sired How Conneoted.
An alarm signaling devlco, which
mny bo applied to a clock already In
use or be built Into a clock as orig
inally constructed, forms the subject
matter of a patent recently granted
Electrical Time Signal.
to J. I. Johnston of Graham, Mo., says
Scientific Amorlcan. Tho signal
ing apparatus consists of a signal bell
and battery circuit, ono terminal of
which Is connected to a brush bear
ing against a disk of Insulated mate
rial, while the other Is connectod to
a segment in tho aforesaid disk. The
disk is mounted on the cannon of the
hour hand and connected therewith
is a small dial on the face of tho
clock. To set tho alarm for any do
elred hour the dial Is turned so that
the brush will come In contact with
the metal segment "when tho hour
hand of the clock reaches the desired
Diseased Tissue, Like Cancer, Can De
Destroyed Without Loss of Blood
Other Results.
New possibilities In medicine havo
been discovered by Dr. Franz Nagel
schmldt In tho heuling effects of elec
tric currents. In a demonstration be
fore the London Royal Society of Medi
cine, he used an alternating current of
as much as two and one-half amperes
at 800 volts Instead of tho very small
current of 100,000 volts tried by D'Ar
sonval, a quarter of a century ago
and with this he showed hoatlng and
cooking action confined ontlroly to
the narrow path of tho current. With
tho two poles placed on opposite sldos
of a piece of liver, the current coagu
latod tho portion corresponding to tho
diameter of the electrodes, all except
that In tho direct courso traversed be
ing unaffected. In a solution of white
of egg In a glass, though, the harden
ing could bo watched, and with a cur
rent of 0.5 amperes It was seen to
commence midway toward them. The
practical value ot this action Is ex
pected to be great Diseased tissue
llko cancel1 can bo destroyed without
loss of blood, localized pains can be
relieved promptly by moderate hoat
lng, and many other results can be
achieved, including that of strengthon
ng and accelerating tho heart's ac
Fans Especially Adapted for Theaters
and Large Restaurants Speed Is
Easily Regulated.
When ono la seated in a cool, com
fortable theater waiting for the cur
tain to go up, It Is quite easy to give
no thought as to how this condition
ot the air Is attained, says Popular
Ventilation Easily Controlled.
Electricity. Tho accompanying llliiafc
trntlon reveals ono means In the ven
tilating fan operated by an electric
motor secured to tho wall, Tho de
vice takes up and forces out the foul
air. This method of forced ventilation
can be and Is used also in both large
and small restaurants. Ono of the
fenturos of tho Illustration Is the fact
that during the periods when many
people nro to be tared for the fan may
be run at full speed, while during the
lax or closed hours tho system may be
run at Blow speed or shut down en
tirely by the simple adjustment of a
lever or the throwing of a switch.
Record Long-Distance Wireless.
A record for long-distanco wireless
tolegraph communication uifs rocont
ly reported by tho Mnrcont company.
A new Htatlon which Is being eroded
at Duenos Ayres, Argentina, has re
ceived messages that were exchanged
betwoon Glaco Dny, Nova Scotia, and
Cllfden, and irolnnd. Tho "distance
betweon theso two stations and that
at Duenoa Ayres is about 5,600 miles.
Flret Fire Alarm.
Tho first alarm of Are by an electric
tolegraph system was given at 8:30 p.
ji., April 29, 1853, in Doston.
Importance of Preserving Eyes ef
Workers Brought to Attention of '
Architects and Owners.
Tho question of -proper lighting tfl
coming to bo moro vital every day. Iu
tho cities there nro thousands of work
ers who do all tho work by artificial
light, and such places as hotel lob
bies, railroad Btations, libraries and
tho like aro now oonstructod so that'
ortlflolnl lighting Is necessary at all
hours of the day and night. The Im
portance of proEorvlng tho oyee of
workers nnd patrons is therefore
brought to tho attention of employer
and architects with the construction
ot every now building. The system
which stands in highest favor Just
now is tho "concealed light'' method,
because It saves both light and eyes.
It doos away with nil direct rays and
makes a glaro impossible. With tho
Bourco of light hidden much less power
is needed to light a given cubic apaco.
This Is fairly familiar, but In this
connection certain English reports
have brought out a fow figures with
regard to concealed lighting which are
now. For instance, the concealed light
ing system of the Dritlsh museum,
which has been found most satisfac
tory for all purposes, is really only
seven one-thousandths as intense as
daylight. The light in the woolsack
in tho houao ot lords is only six one
thousandths as intense and that of the
clerk's desk in the houso of commons
ono twelve-thousandth as intense. This
is certainly a cheap enough Bystem,
and what Ib more, remarkable univer
sal testimony goes to show that It 1
pre-eminently satisfactory.
The difference between the old glar
ing method of lighting and the new
concealed lighting may bo seen in the
lobby of the Auditorium hotel In Chi
cago by any one who was familiar
with tho place before the now lights
were installed.
Water Is Warmed While Passing
Through BrasB Tube Wound With
Fine Nickel-Steel Wire.
A French Instantaneous water heat
er for direct attachment to the faucet
is shown in this drawing. It consists
of a brass tube containing a colled
glass tube wound with fine nickel
steel wlro, says Popular Mechanics.
The water ia heated while passing
Electric Heater.
through this tube, which projects
through the lower end of the protect
ing brass tube. Connection with the
electric current Is by means ot a flexi
ble wire.
Speed of Electrlo Trolley.
In 1902, in a German government
test, an electrlo trolloy car made an
average speed of 128 miles an hour,
whllo tho fastest record Bpcod of a
steam locomotive is 120 miles In an
hour. A carrier pigeon, in a hundred
mile flight In 1900, flow at tho rate of
86 miles an hour, which has been
nearly equaled by tho fastest motor
cycle! 84 miles.
Storage Battery Car.
Experiments with tho Edlaon stor
age battery car havo been made by
tho Erie railroad betweon West
Orange and the Junction of the Green
wood Lake branch at Forost Hill. It
Is planned to uso these cars in regu
lar service between these points, and
from Forest Hill tho passengers will
bo carried by the regular trains.
Money Moved by Electricity.
An eTectrlc vehicle, tho only ono ol
Its kind in tho world, Is usod to trans
port on nn average of $7,000,000 daily
from tho bureau of engraving and
printing to the treasury department at
Plucking Chickens.
A powerful olectrlc blower has beon
devlBed for plucking chickens. Whon
the dead chickens are placed In the
Btrong auction all the feathors and
down are quickly removed
Electric locomotives probably will
bo used for towing Bhlps through the
Panama canal.
To take up tho strain more evenly
a Swedish Inventor has produced elec
tric cables with hempen cores.
A windmill-operated electric gener
ator produces current for olectrlcally
lighting a church near Bllston, Eng
lund. A novel electrical advertising clock
operates a phonograph to call the
'nttentlon of paasorsby to adv-v-
roents which It displays.
Tho falls of tho River Jordan be
low tho Lake ot Galileo are to be har
nessed to supply electricity to tho
larger towns of Palestine.
A Now York department storo Is
Installing a wireless outfit bo that pas
sengers on Incoming liners may do
their shopping by wireless.
To handlo the telephono buslnosa In
tho flvo largest office buildings In
New York city no less than 2,300
miles of wlro are required. Of theso
tho Hudson Terminal building or
b'ulldlngs, slnco it Is a twin edifice
take 750 miles,
A now eleotrlc lamp for automobile
headlights Ib mounted on a bracket
to bo attached to an oil or gns burn
er In such n way that It may bo fold
ed to ono Bide and tho burner used If
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