Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 14, 1911, Image 7

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    "'" It"
Today as I sat In the garden nt play,
Jl heard nn old mother hen constantly
f'Cluck-CIuck! Cluck-Cluck!" for her
chickens to come.
JThe little chicks scattered to left and
t and to right
Wot heeding their mother, who called
1 with nor might,
Cluck-Cluck I Cluck-Cluck 1" for her
chickens to come.
Ind I thmiRht an I sat 'neath tha big
apple tree,
low dreadfully tired, tho old lien must
-ailing, "Cluck-Cluck 1" for her chickens
to come.
Just then mother called loud from out
tho back door.
at I kept so still I had done It be
fDotl. Doll! Doll, Dolll" for her daugh
ter to coma.
no volco of my mother rang out sort
and clear.
put I was bo laay I played not to hear,
r'Doll, Doll! Doll, Doll!" for her daugh
I ter to come.
Then I thought with a start, as I turned
me about.
alow tired my mother must bo calling
"Doll, Doll! Doll, Doll!" for her daugh
ter to come.
S Jumped up so quickly, and ran with all
To find from my mother what might be
her nepd:
And down In my heart I said, as I ran.
U'a never treat mother In that way agalnl
'Affords Much Amusement at Small
Social Affairs Profile Produced
by Aid of Pantograph.
An ingenious contrivance that will
afford much amusement at small so
cial affairs Is the silhouette maker de
signed by a Massachusetts muu. With
it accurate little repioductlons of the
Silhouette Maker.
silhouettes of men and women pres
ent may be drawn by any person, no
matter how little artistic ability they
possess, tho inventor claims. A fold
ing frame, ono section of which is a
translucent panel and the other adapt
ed to hold a sheet of paper, is fast
ned to the back of the choir in which
,tho subject sits. A lighted candle is
placed at a point where It throws the
shadow of tho head on the translu
cent panel. Pinned to tho paper on
jthe other side of tho frame is a piece
of curbou paper. By using a panto
graph, which la a jointed device for
rtho reproduction of a design on n
(smaller scale, the silhouette which Is
thrown on the screen panel can bo
reproduced in miniature on tho pa
per opposite.
Despite of Wing-Like Protuberances
Creature la Not Angelic Known
as "Frilled Lizard."
This animal Is a lizard. He is not
wearing an Elizabethan ruff because
It Is tho fashion, but because it Is
apparently attached to him.
Tho creature is not, in spite of the
wing-like protuberances, an especially
Lizard With a Frill.
angelic creature He lives In Africa,
is about three feet long, and known
to fame as the "frilled lizard."
An Indian Game.
Tho plum stone gamo Is popular
with tho Indians. The Dakotahs glvo
it tho unpronounceable narao of Kan
Bockootjpl, which simply means
shooting plum stones. Each stono Is
painted black on ono sldo and red
on tho other. They aro marked In
various ways to make them ot dif
ferent valuos.
These black and red stones nro put,
in a largo shallow dish of clay or
metal. This Is stuck against the
nearest object with a sharp blow;
the stones fall, black or rod sldo up,
.and the betting on tho numbor of
black or red stones constitutes tho
game. Of course this Is gambling,
pure and simple. Tho prizes aro
valuable furs, clothing, food every
thing goo3 for oxcltement of tho
game. Thoso who conduct It scream
nt tho top of tholr voices, nnd when
thoy rattlo tho platter thoy strike
'tholr shoulders so hard as to make
themselves black and bluo with the
Daisy stood In the meadow.
Her grat eyes wide and blue.
Bumble Bee from arroia the way
Past llttlo Daisy flew.
Daisy saw him romlng.
Opened her blue ;yua wide!
Her honrt pit-putted loudly,
And Daisy almost cried.
Sho felt afraid of Humble
Old lioney-beo so bold!
For ho sipped all tho sweotneas
l'rom llowers, sho was told.
And wasn't sho a flower
A "blossom," papa wtld
"A tender, wee, woo blossom,"
Ills "little Coldon-Head?"
liut Humble Hee, unmindful
Of Dalsy-mald, flew past,
A-seeklng other (lowers.
And perched himself at last
Within the bosom of a briar.
With petals soft nnd pink.
And Daisy breathed quite freely.
And felt so glad to think
Thnt thought sho was a dnlsy
The briar had more charm
For Bumble, tho old buzzer.
Who might havo done her harm.
Helena Davis.
One of Noisiest and Jolllest of Pas
times Continual Chanrjlng Causes
Much Merriment.
Tho favorite pastimes among tho
Chinese arc those which are sultalilo
for playing nt the table. 'The Dumb
instruments" Is ono or the noisiest
and jolllest games. In a company of
any number ench takes the name of
some different Instrument, which ho Is
supposed to imitate both in sound nnd
gesture. The leader will take tho
name of tho drum, which is tho most
Important Instrument; tho first man
on his right will have the horn, the
second the cymbals, and so on.
After all have performed for a few
moments on the various Imaginary In
struments the leader will say, "1 pass
my drum now to Jlr. Ling," who amy
bo sitting on the other side of tho
table. Thereupon Mr. Ling begins
beating the drum, and each of tho
other players must immediately
change his instrument bo that tho or
dor from the drum shall remain the
For Instance, he who sits upon the
right of Mr. Ling, who now has the
drum, must take tho horn, the second
to the right the cymbals, and so on
around tho circle, each Instrument be
ing the same number of spaces from
the drum as it is was before the
change. This continual phanslns of
the drum from one person to another,
and the subsequent endeavors to re
member what Is the correct imaginary
Instrument and play It properly, aro
provocatlvo of great merriment.
"Well. Henry, how do you like youi
"Not at all. They'ro so quiet thai
I daren't move, or mamma can't heal
what they're saying."
Too Lonesome.
Mamma cowing, Georglo standing
by Gcorglc: Mstmiuu, did you evcx
tell a lie?
Shocked Mamma: Well perhaps
when 1 WH3 oung and knew no bet
tor. Georglo: Did papa ever tell a llel
Mamma: I suppose ho might have
done ho when he knew no better
A pause Georgle: Well! I won't
go to heaven!
Shocked mamma: My son! what
do you mean?
Georglo: 1 don't want to go tc
heaven, 'cause it will be so lonesome
'with nobody thero but God and George
Beaver Dam Builder.
A man who had his doubts aboiu
beavers being able to build dams wai
presented with a baby beaver by 1
hunter. It becume a great pet, bin
showed no Blgns of wanting to build e
dam until one dny a leaky nallful 01
water was put on the floor of tho out j
kitchen. The beaver was tiieie, anc
though little more than a baby, whor
ho saw the water,oozlng across tin
floor ho scampered Into tho yard
brought a chip and began his work. Hli
owner kept the pall filled nnd left the
UUlIUing IIMUUIIill 111 UUUU, UIIU uiu 111, 1
tlo follow kept at his work until ho had
built a solid dam around tho pall.
American and English How do yoi
French How do ou carry your
Italian How do you stand?
Germnn How do you And yourself?
Dutch How do you faro?
Sw'edlsh How can you?
Chinese How Is your stomach? or,
Havo you oaten your rlco?
Polish How do you havo oursolfY
Hussion How do you live on?
Porslan May thy ahndow never
bo less.
Thov all mcun pretty much tho sail
of Joy
Helen Bruce Wallace
HEUE Is an tnstlnctlvo
sense of disappoint
ment when It rains on
Easter. We feel that
the sun should shine
nnd all nature bo at her
best and brightest on
this day that Is typical
both of spiritual and
physical reawakening.
As far as wo can wo
voice this Joyousness In the flowers
that are seen everywhere. Thoro Is
a coldness In tho church Fervlre that
is not brightened by at least n Illy or
two todny; It seems to poorly express
tho spirit of tho Eastertide.
Did not man bollevo lu a hereafter,
a future when wrongs will bo right
ed and sorrows turn to Joy, the world
would havo stopped trying long ngo.
Even with all our faith that deaden
ing question. "What's tho use?" lurks
In wait for us at every obstacle In tho
road. Did we not believe In what lies
on tho other side, though unseen, wo
would turn back llko Pliable from our
miry Slough of Despond.
Take away temporal hope from a
msn, from a nation what follow.?
The Easter Egg
I am the
tinted Easter egg,
at whose bespangled
shell you peg with careful
stroke of knife or spoon, regarding
me as quite a boon. And as I feel
your lusty stroke I chuckle gay ly at the joke,
for ou I know are in the mesh of placards
worded "Strictly Fresh." You trust ihe crafty
grocer man who sells his eggs just as he can and
n:vcr is the least afraid to claim that they are
"Newly Laid." The grocer man, he puts his trust
in men who are not wholly just, for they sell eggs the
whole year round and often in deceit arc found, because
they ffeep the eggs on ice until there is n raise in price.
However, I would advise that you should turn your happy
eyes upon the lintings of my shell the hues are laid on so
well; the dreamy pinks and reds and blues with which the dye
my form embues; or possibly I may present designs that for true
art are meant a landscape or an ocean scene wherein
there are faint hints of green, or maybe, limned with dainty
grace there is a most bewitching face that smiles into your joyous
eyes which shows' the sparkle of surprise. Do as you r'eisei
but It is best to act, perhaps, as I suggest. Put down your knife with
which you aim to crush my most aristic frame, and simply feast your
inner man upon the pictures that you scan. For all you see and all
you know; for all my cunning pictures show I may be of the overflow
of Eastertime a year ago. Old masters may have painted me in some
forgot en century and left mc in some cherished hoard some ware
house where fresh eggs are stored and it might fill you with regret
If you should heed me not aud let your appetite for works of art
gain headway o'er your mind and heart. .O, listen, listen, let
mc beg I am a simple Easter egg, bedaubed with paint and
drowned in dyes, but let me beg of you: Be wise I How often
do we weep to see things not what they're cracked up to be I
Remember, I have made no claims 1 leave the dealers all
such games; I may be but a cheat and sham, but I
am only what I am. Think over what I say think
twice; all men may profit by advice. If you
should crack me to your woe, remember
that 1 told you so. Nov all my little
speech ih done. Strike I Strike,
but first prepare to
(,'unat tliuii count, the sUir.i that ulKhtly
ailxtun lu tli'i nzuro Hky?
Cunxt thnu oiint the rjoudt that llyhtly
Float itbiivn our IipiuU o hlsliY
Cod Din Ijiril the nuinhur knoweth
Of t!m womlttrti that hu sliowntli,
In tholr niuntltMi vurled forms,
In tholr L'OUutloH.i wtrlml forms,
Canxt thou count th children dully
IUhIiu; from tholr bails at morn
GoIiik forth to wniler Rally,
Jiy no ritrtf or trouhln worn'
O01I tho Lord In all tldlKhteth
Anil ttic-lr Koodness ho r'nulti-th
Tt toi, I.'1 doth Icnaw and lov,
Tl. t h doth Uiu mid love
m ,m amiCi
ilO 'vMi
For tho man discouragement, Inertia,
despair, then usclcssncss; fur the na
tion disintegration. How much farth
er reaching In Its effects for 111 Is a
hopelessness thnt this rough earthly
path lends to eternal life.
Are we discouraged today? Havo
tho worries ot tho money-troubled
winter hit us hard? Have wo trials
that none but ourselves may know,
tho nioro bitter that they must bo
hidden? Aro wo bowed under a
weight of Illness, of morbid droad ot
tho future, thnt will not lift?
Let tho Joyous messago of tho Eas
tertide bring healing. Hopo Is bolus
voiced on every sldo today, In tho
swelling notes of the organ, In tho
soaring voices of choir aud chorister,
In tho Inspiring message that is pro
claimed from every Christian pulpit
In the land.
The joyousness of Easter. Alas, for
tho woman who cannot feel it; who
Is not lifted out of herself today.
What though tho old gloom returns?
Is It not something to havo Btood on
tho heights and sung aloud with tho
joy of liIng; lo havo seen tho sun
piercing tho clouds, to havo caught a
glimpse of tho radiance beyoud? Nev
er again will IIm blackness bo so
dense, for Is there not the hopo of
that joyous day when tho sunlit
heights will be ours, to inspire us to
keep on climbing.
Let us not bo content to keep tho
season's Joy in our hearts. Ileal Joy
ousness must llnd an outlet, lu cheery
greotlng, In forgetfulness of old grud
ges, In taking brightness into tho
lives of those who may be shut out
from Jt Wonr your Easter flower,
typical of hopo, be heartened by tho
Easter message, but share both flower
nnd message with those whose need of
rhper mav bo greater far than yours.
For Kingdom of Peace.
The mortal life of our Lord and
Savior was one long trial from the
rude manger-cradle, whuiu, God omni
potent, ho was held a helpless babe
against a woman'B heart to those last
awful hours of iloiulirtton, when, lovo
sacrificed, ho hung a bleeding, thorn
crownod victim upon Calvary's height.
Yet hlri mission among men was to
bring unto them peace; hlu earthly
existence, tho vory purpose of his com
ing, wits that by tho great atonement
the kingdom of peace might bo set up
forever among the creatureH of hla
Missionary Work.
"Nothing of tho sort," asserts tho
fulr oung thing when her friend ac
cuses her of setting her cup for tho
young man, "I am simply doing somo
missionary work. You don't supposo
I want him to bo a heathen, tlo you?"
"How rjueurly you talk! Everybody
says that you aro trying to Bupplnnt
draco Hwello In UIb affections."
"Isn't that missionary work? Ev
erybody says hu simply Idolizes her,"
Tho question of loetpiueal trudo re
lations between tho United Stntoa nnd
Canada has provoked considerable
discussion and intorcsL Whatever
ilso tho discussion may havo done, it
has brought out tho fact that on tho
Canadian side of tho lino tho agri
cultural situation Is ono that forces
attention, and It has also brought forth
the fact which It is well to faco, that
on tho American. Btdo of tho border,
there is u vastly increasing popula
tion to bo fed with a somowhnt de
croaslnc proportion of food products
This nrtlclo is intended to point out
to thoso who may wish to becomo of
thoso who can rniso wheat, onta, bar
ley, flax, cattlo nnd hogs nt tho least
cost that tho opportunities in Control
Cunadn aro what they vein seeking.
During tho past year tho ofllchl llg
tiros show that upwnrdu of 130.000
Amoricnns located in Canada, nnd tho
greatest majority of thoso havo sottleil
on farms, and when tho tlmo comes,
which It will within a few years, they
v. ill bo ready to holp eorvo tholr par
cnt country with tho food stuffs that
Its Increasing population will require.
Tho Immigration for tho spring has
now sot In In great earnest, nnd train
load after train load ot a splondld
class of Bottlers lcavo weekly from
Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago, Do
trolt, St. Paul and othor points. Most
of theso nro destined through to points
In Manitoba, Saskatchewan nnd Al
berta. Tho reports that como from
tho different farming districts thcro
aro that tho spring is opening up well,
nnd tho prospects for a- splendid crop
this year nro very good. In somo dis
tricts good homosteads aro yot avail
able. Tho price of all farm lands has
naturally had nn Increase, but it Is
still away below Its earning capacity.
Tho Immigration branch of tho Domin
ion Government has just published Its
1011 Illustrated pamphlet, which mny
bo secured on application to tho De
partment of tho Interior, Olluwa,
Canada, or any of tho afjeuls ot tho
Dominion Government, whoso adver
tisement may nppear clsowhoro in this
Preventing a Disturbance.
Colonel Scotchem was weary. Ho
had had a vory arduous day retreating
from tho enemy, and he wished to ro-
coup his strength In order that ho
mlsht retreat ctlll further on tho mor
row. "MncPhorson," ho said to his now
servant, "I'm going to Bimtch forty
winks slcop. Stay In my tent nnd
see that I'm not disturbed."
Mac saluted. Flvo minutes later tho
snores pf Colonel Scotchem were cut
short by tho loud report ot a gun.
"Grent Scottl" cried tho colonel,
"aro tho enemy upon us?"
"Nn, dlnna frot," replied Mac. In
serting his head reassuringly through
tho tent flap, "It war. only a wee
inouslo. But as I thought ho might
wako you up I shot him." Answers.
You Never Can Tell.
A certain "colllst was onco snow
bound for three hours nt a pmnll rail
road station. Ho unpnekod his 'collo
nnd played his dozon fellow-sufferers
a request program with tho result that
ono of them took him to Europe for a
year. You nover can toll as you bear
your precious llddlo-caso through tho
streets what mnglc casement may not
open on tho foam (of steins), nnd
what fairy hand mny not beckon you
within to do tho one thing needful to
opus flfty-nino, or draw n valiant bow
In the bnttlo or Schumann quintet.
Hobert H. Schnufllor, In tho Atlantic.
An Ambassador'o Noce.
An nmbaEsador to Russia, formerly
a leather merchant In this country,
discovered certain secret processes re.
gardlng a special kind of loathor man.
ufacturcd thoro. He would havo been
looked on with suspicion hnd It been
Buspected that ho could learn any
thing of thoso methods. Hut during
his sojourn ho got near enough to cer
tain fnctorles to register, through hla
sense ot smell, Homo Impressions with
which ho wns nblo to work out the
formulas when ho returned homo.
Atlantic Magazine.
Truth a Trouble Maker.
A West Philadelphia man and hlB
wlfo have separated. None of tholr
friends know why, but ono, being curi
ous, unkod tho htiBband:
"What was tho trouble between you
aud your wlfo?"
. "O, nothing much. Sho bought a
now lint for $20 and asked mo what I
thought of It. And I told her. Thnffl
Indication of Wisdom,
"Why do thoy call tho owl the bird
of wisdom?"
"It Htuya out nil night and doesu't
toll what It hecs or does." Judge.
V.jr Hnlvr la Afivptlo Ttibra
TrovcntH Infection Murlno Eyo Halvo
In Tuhon for all lyo Ills. No Mornhlnn.
Ask DrUKBl"t4 for Nnw Size Mc. Val
uublo Eyo Hook In Kuch Packuife.
Good breeding In benevolence In
trlflen, or tho preforenco of others to
ourselves In tho llttlo dally occur
rences of Ufa. Chatham.
(jiirficid Tea will win your nppnnal. It
Is pleasant to take, mild in fiction and very
hunlth-KiviiiK. It overcomes 'oimtipation.
A man doesn't have to bo a detec
tive In order to find fault.
Ono of tho moat remarkable proofn of
tho unusual laxative mcilt contained In
Dr. Caldwell's Hyrup l'opsln Is that It Is
eltectlvo not only In pnoplo In tho prime
of life, hut at tha oxtremeu of uiren. As
many letters aro received from mothers
regurdlng tho cures ot children, as from
men and women ot sixty, seventy and
eighty years of age. It must bo truly a
wonderful laxative.
In the cure of constipation and bowel
troubla In old peoplo It has no equal. It
corrects tho constipation, dispels tho head,
ache, biliousness, k.-is, drowsiness after
catlmr, etc. Peoplo udvanclnc In yeiirs
should sco to It that their bowels move
freely, an If thoy do not to take Dr.
Caldwell's Oyrup i'cpsin. You can nro-
mBE ft m
KmKnlB FpJKCB - a. h '.a -
Please Read These Two Letters
Tho following letter from Mrs. Orvillo Rock -will provo how unwisa
it is for vromon to submit to tho dangers of n Burjrical operation when ib
may bo fivoldod by taking Lydla E. Pinldnun's Vegotablo Compound.
BUo was four wooks in tho hospital and camo homo sufferlns
rorso than before. Then after all that BUfforing Iordia E. Pink
ham's Vcgotablo Compound restored her health.
Paw Paw. Mich. ."Two years atro I suffered
vory sovcroly with a displacement I could not
bo on my feet for a lonff tlmo. My physician
treated 1110 for several months without much re
lief, and at last sent mo to Ann Arbor for an op-nr-Atlnn.
I was thoro four weeks and camo homo
sufforlng: worso
1 JrA--
vised mo to try Jiytua Jts. A-inicnanvH vcfretaoio
Compound and I did. To-day I am well and
Btronir and do all my own housework. I owe my
health to Lydla E.PInkham'8 Vcsrotablo Com
pound and advise every woman who Is afflicted
with any fomalo complaint to try it." Mra
Orvillo ltoek, It. R. No. G, Paw Paw, Mich.
'? Ill A' ft'
"Thero never was
Rockport, Ind. "Thoro nover was a worso caBO of woman's
ills than mine, nnd I cannot bcpln to tell you what I suffered.
For ovor two years I -was not able to do anything. I was in bed
for a month and tho doctor said nothing but an operation would
euro mo. My father suggested IiVdia E. PInltham's Vegetable
Compound; so to pleaao him I took it, and I improved wonder
fully, so I am nblo to travel, ride horseback, take long rlilos nnd
nover fool any ill effects from It. I can only ask other suffering
women to glvo Lydla B.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial
before submitting to an oporation." Mrs. Margaret Meredith,
It. 1 D. No. 3, Kockport, Ind.
"Wo will pay a handsoruo reward to any person who will provo to
us that theso Jotters aro not genuino and truthful or that either of
theso womon were paid in any way for thoir testimonials, or that tho
letters aro published without their permission, or that tho original
letter from each did not como to us entirely unsolicited.
For 30 years Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetablo
Compound Thas been tho standard remedy for
fomalo ills. No sick woman dooi justice to
horself who will not try this famous mcdlclno.
Mndo exclusively from roots nnd herbs, and
has thousands of cures to its credit
mm T1T111 rinlili 1111 Invites all sick women
tsPV to wrlto her fop advioo. Sho naf
eulded thousands U health free of charge.
. Addrtiao Mr3. Plnkuam, Lyaz, 2ass.
All canon of Distemper, fi liootlc, Tluk-Eje, Calarral Ferer, Cough
nnd Colds with
This Is n liquid oItou on tho tonRuo or placed In feed, absolutely ;f
for Mares, Colls and all others. Money hack If not satisfactory. $1.00
bottle holds three ro-cent bottles. Bend for free Horse Book. Sold
by drugirlsts or prepaid from
BINKLEY MEDICAL COMPANY, Dspt. A, Napplnaa, Indiana.
An Individualist,
Tho reason for tho individual drink
ing cup hud hoen expluluud ttgtitu find
nguln to the chlldron and thoy had
become sturdy pupporters of the
80 It was not surprising to hoar
Henry ciilllus: "Ma, mul Melville's
got my Individual apple!"
Tho plcaouro of lovo la In loving.
Wo uro hupplor In tho prtSBlon wo fool
than In that wo Inaplro. Francis Duo
do Hochofaucauld.
Ynu nro not' treating yourself or your
family fnirly If vou don't Uefp iramlins
Wizard Oil In tlio Iioubo. Tt' tho best
rubstitite for familv doctor and a tnichty
good friend In enso of etnersency.
Sot youraolf earnestly to soo what
you were mndo to do, and thon Bet
yourself earnestly to do It. Phillips
Mrs Wlnslow's Boothlnjr Syrup for Children
tectliliiK.xoflrus the ituuis. reduces lnMnmmn'
lion, allays palu. cures wlud uollc, 23a a bottle.
An Institution must bo propped up
by precedent when It is no more up
lifted by nap.
TaUo GirfUld Tea In tha spring to purify
tho blood and clesnsa the system.
A ploastmt Binllu and a swcot voice
nro great helps on life's journey.
Fads for Weak
Nine tenths of alt the sickness of women Is duo to some derangement or dia-
ine-tsntlu ot all the tlckneti ot women Is duo to ion
te of the oigans distinctly feminine. Such sickness 1
ery day by
caie of the oigans distinctly feminine.
every day by
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
It Makes Weak Women Strong,
Sick Women Well.
It acts direotly on the organs affected and is at the same timea general restora
tive tonlo for tho whole system. It cures female complaint right in the privacy
of home. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and
local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors, and so abhorrent t
every modest woman.
We shall nut particularizo here as to tho symptoms ot
thoso peouliar affections incident to women, but those
wanting full Information as to their symptoms and
means of positive cure aro referred to the People's Com
mon Sense McdicaJ Adviser 1008 pages, newly revised
and up-to-dato Edition, sent frit on recoipt of 31 one
cent stamps to cover cost of wrapping and mailing only,
in French cloth binding? Address 1 Dr. It. V. Pierce,
No. 663 Main Street, buffalo, N. Y.
In New York City. Best features of coun
try and city life. Out-of-door sports on
school park of 35 acres near tho Hudson
River. Academic Course Primary Class to
Graduation. Upper class for Advanced
Special Students. Music and Art. Writo
for cataloRtia and !"rms.
lu bias ui Uti 1 Mm. INtiiilt Aitux. k ZJlfJ SI, Wot. H. I
long" your llfo by healthy bowol action.
Clogged bowels Invite disease. Women .
about to pass tha menstrual period cannot
do hotter than use Syrup I'cpsin several
times a week until the system has set- j
tied to Its future condition.
Among tho strongest supporters of Dr,
Caldwell's flyrup Popsln urc Mr. W. Q.
Horn of New Decatur, Ala., and Mr. '
Qcorgo 0, BpauMInc of tho National Sol
diers' Homo, Kansas, both elderly men.
Tho regular sUo bottles can be bought of
any druggist at fifty cents and ono dol- 1
lar, but a free caraplo bottlo can bo had '
by sending your address to the doctor, I
For tho frou enmpta addrens Dr, W. II. .
Caldwell, 201 Caldwell bulldlnir, Montl
collo. 111. l
than before. My mother ad
a worso caso."
Tht Farmer's Son's
Great Opportunity
why wall for ih oia Titrm u twain
joar lnuBniaocar giEjpanuwiu
MWfta iU )UU( iuiuiu
nee. A tuoat oppor
tunity awaits you In
Mnitoba,Saa Kate hewn n
or Alberta, whero yuu
can Mure a Freellotne
sonable prices.
not a year from now,
whop land will be high-
m the ubnndunt crops of
Vhent, Oata and Hurley,
writ as ratlin raiting, ata
canting a steady adrnnce In
prloe. UOTri
that the m
in '!
(lie II. H.
iurtrer III
rloe. uoTrrnmcnt iviunia tauw
nuinoer ui seiners
lit tunnun rroin
wits tto ixr wni
IUIO limn tun
Inm vnnr.
.MBiiy.farniera have, paid
for tlielr lwiiil out oi Uiu
proceeds of ono crop.
Jfrne llomostetuls of 100
acres anil pre-emptions of
100 acres at WB.Ofi Bnacre.
Fine oltrante. aood scliools,
excellent railway facilities,
low rrelihtntes vooil, wa
ter una lumber easily ob
tlnl. .....,... ..
particular lo unliable location
V or pnmpnirt "ja,i cb cm,
and low titiem
Hnnt nf lmmlfi
ow mtlers' rate, apply to
Csii,, or to Canadian (lort Af.nt,
t T. Mats. 313 JicIsm Jt.St Tat Ku.
j. H. iidjciki, Drittr 117, HtlcrUnrCs.
Us. address nearett you. ST
Inttoo.U.CTlluokslnM. lllgb
cat nfwaooos. lleet results.
W. N. U.( 8I0UX CITY, NO. 1S-1dlt,
Such sickness can be cured is cured
Ulcers JVIercn rial Hire ra,V!iltor!weU
liiir.MIlk l.,K,VeverKorr.llu'. l'o.iu..lj.
t.llut.. ;iulU!. J.l.AU.BN,lesl.A7.Bt.ruul.Ulnn,
" J Winn a
354 W. Adams St, Chicago
IS pucdsi to
'itij nickatfo
otlitr tttrchet only 11 ouncov amo price ntl
I .- BI
'f 1