Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 14, 1911, Image 6

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    JSBfWSWWWpBkWrT., '"Tr,TOpnn
if !
Thomas Arsmore nnd Henry Mnlno
firlswuld stumhlo upon Intrigue when tho
tovernora of North and South Carolina
ro reported to have Quarreled. Orlswola
mien himself with Uarhara Osborne.
fUtURltler of the governor of South Caro
HR3, while Ardmoro nspouaes tho cause of
ferry Dangernald, daughter of the k;;v-
Irnor of North Carolina. These two ladles
re trylnp to fill tho shoes of their fa
thers, while tho latter are mlsslnsr. IJoth
Hates nro In a turmoil over ono Apple
freight, an outlaw with Rival political in
fluence. Unaware of each other's posi
tion, both Qrlswold and Ardmoro set out
to make the other prosecute. Uoth havo
forces scouting the border. Qrlswold cap
tures Applewclght, but Jerry finds him
and takes him to Ardsley, her own pris
oner Ardmoro nrrests a man on his
property who Bays he Is Gov. Osborne.
Meanwhile another man Is arrested a
Applowelght by tho South Carolina
tnllitln. Tho North Carolina mllltla Is
called Into action. When Col. dlllinswa
ter. Jerry's fiance, finds that real war Is
afoot, ho fleei. Applewelght is taken se
cretly by Ardmoro and lodged in a Jail In
South Carolina. Returning In Ardsloy,
Ardmoro finds that lUHings, the banker,
ami Foster, troasurcr of North Carolina,
have been at rested. Harbara Osborne ar
rives at Ardsley. Dispute as to who has
the real Appleuelght rrsults in tho Iden
tification of the man Jailed by Ardmore In
Houth Carolina its tho outlaw nnd that
Orlswold's prisoner Ts Gov. Dangcrfleld
of North Carolina, It develops that tho
two governors nro on tho most friendly
terms, nnd had retired together to tho
wilds of tho border, for a rest from tho
Cares of state.
CHAPTER XIX. Continued.
) -
"No!" cried Jerry. "Wo shnll do
nothing of tho kind! I met Mr. Ap
plewelght under peculiar circum
stances, but I must say that I formed
a high opinion of his chivalry and I
Leg that wo allow him to tako a little
trip somowhoro until tho Woman's
Civic League of Ualolgh and tho carp
Jrfg Massachusetts prcis havo found
other business, and hu can return In
Jeace to his homo."
1 "That," Bald Gov. Osborne, "moots
any approval."
Two moro prisoners wcro now
brought In.
"Gov. Dangerflold," continued Ard
.more, "here Is your stato troaauror,
who had sought to Injure you by de
faulting tho stato bonds duo to-day,
which Is tho first of June. And that
Sfrowsy person with Mr. Foster Is Sec
rotary Billings of tho Bronx Loan &
Trust Company, who has treated mo
at tlmos with tho greatest Injustlco
and condescension. Whether Treas
urer Foster has tho money with which
to meet thoso bonds I do not lenow;
Jbut I do know that I havo to-day paid
-thorn In full through Urn Jluckhnw Na
tional bank of Raleigh."
Col. Dnubenspcck leaped to his feet
and swung hlfl cap. Ho proposed throo
jcbeors for Jerry Dangorflold; and
(three moro for Barbara Osborno; and
then tho two governors were cheered
jthrpo tlmos three; and whon tho
jbungalow hail ueube'4to ring, It was
cccn that Ardmoro nnd Orlswold wcro
in each othor's arms.
"Surely, by this tlmo," said Mrs.
Atchison, "you havo adjusted enough
of thCBO weighty mattors for ono day,
Jand I bog thnt you will all dtno with
'us at Ardsley to-night at eight o'clock,
jwhero my brother and I will endeavor
to mark In appropriate fashion tho
jslgnlng of pcaco between your nolgh
jborlng kingdoms."
f "For Gov. Osborno and myself 1
accept, madam," ropllod Gov. Dnngor
jfleld, "providing tho flowing frock
jcoats, which aro tho vesture and sym
bol of our respective offices, aro still
jln the log houso on tho Raccoon
whero I became a prisoner."
Good-By to Jerry Dangerfield.
Tho noxt morning Ardmoro knocked
at Grlswold's door as oarly as ho
Sdarod, and wont in and talked to his
Trtcrad in their old Intlmato fashion.
Tho assoclato professor of admiralty
was ohaving himself with caro,
"Yon won't havo any hard toolings
about that scarlot fever business, will
you, GriBsy? It was downright selfish
of mo to want to keep the thing to
myself, but I thought it would bo fun
sl ! n t AH 1 tl inliafe f S- Alb.l. .-fl
lu &u uucuu nuu vnw n iiuuugii ana
thon show you how woll I pulled it
"Don't over refer to it ngain, if you
,Iovo me," spluttered Grlswold, amia
bly, us he washed off tho lather. "I,
too, have rulod ovor a kingdom, and I
havo seen history in tho making,
quorum pars magna ful."
"But I say, Grlsay, thcro Is such a
thing as fato and destiny and nil that
after nil; don't you boltovo It?"
"Don't I believe It! I know it!"
thundored Grlswold, reaching for a
towel. lI.llftod ft white roso fiom a
glass of water where It had spent thn
night and regarded 11 tuiidetly. "Tha
right roso under tho right Btnr, nnd
tho 'tiling's done; tho roso, tho Btnr
and tho girl tho combination simply
can't bo beat, Ardy."
Ardmoro seized and wrung his
friend's hand for tho twontloth tlmo;
but ho was preoccupied, and Grlswold,
fastening his collar at tho mirror,
hummed Boftly tho couplet;
With tho winking eye
For my battle-cry.
"Grlssyl" shouted Ardirore, "she
never did it!"
"Ohbless my soul, what was I
paying! Why, of course sho wasn't
(tho one! Not Miss Dangorfleld
"Woll, you llko hor, don't you 7" de
manded Ardmore, petulantly.
"Of courso I llko hor, you Idiot!
Sho'B wonderful. She's"
Ho frowned upon the scarf ho had
ichoson with much caro, snupped It to
,Hhake tho wrinkles out, humming
softly, whllo Ardmoro glared at him.
"She's wise," Grlswold resumed.
with tho wisdom of lauKhtor accent
that, with y compllmonts. It's not
ioftcn 1 do bo well beforo breakfast.
iAnd now If you're to bo congratulated
Wore 1 go back to tho groves of
tAcademo pray bestir yoursolf. At this
ircry moment I have an engagemont
4o walk with a lady beforo breakfast
thanks, yea, that's my coat. Good
by I"
, Brcttkijut, was a lingering affair at
m ? .w s-ev j. j in
( n M 1 n riBi
i., i '"-tyjiggir"' 'i
Ardsley Hiat morning. Tho two gov
ernors nnd Uio National Guard officers
who had spent tho night In the houso
wcro not In tho slightest hurry to
break up tho party, for such a com
pany, they all know, could hardly bo
Bfwnmblpd again. Tho governors wcro
a trlflo nervous as to tho attltudo of
tho press, in splto of Collins', efforts
to dictato what history should say of
tho affair on tho Raccoon; but before
thoy left tho tablo tho Raleigh morn
ing papers wcro brought in nnd It wns
clear that tho nowspapcr men wcro
kcoplng their contract.
Both governors had decided upon
an Inspection of nuch portions of thnlr
mllltla as woro assembled on tho Rac
coon, and a Joint dress parado was
appointed for six o'clock.
Ardmoro, anxious to mnko every
ono at home, saw tho morning pass
without a chnnco to speak to .lorry;
and when ho was free shortly beforo
noon ho was chagrined to And that
sho had gone for a ride ovor tho es
tate with her father, Gov. Osborno,
Barbara nnd Grlswold, Ho went in
pursuit, and to his dollght found hor
presently sitting nlono on n log by
tho Raccoon, having dismounted, it
appenred, to rescue a fledgling robin
whoso cries had led hor away from
her companions. Sho pointed out tho
nest nnd directed him to climb tho
treo nnd restoro Uio blul. This dono
ho snt down bcsldo her at a point
whoro tho Raccoon curved Bweoplngly
Studied That Trifle
and swung off abruptly Into a now
courso. '
"I hope your fathor didn't scold you
for anything wo did," ho began,
"No; ho took it nil protty woll, und
promised thnt it I wouldn't toll
mamma whnt ho had been doing
about coming down horo with Gov.
Osborno Just to settle an old score tit
pokor mamma doesn't npprovo of
cards, you know thnt ho would nuiko
mo a present of a bettor riding horso
than tho ono I now havo. and ho
might oven consider a tilp abroad
next summer"
"Oh, you mustn't go abroad! It's
It's so lonesome abroad!"
"How perfectly ridiculous! Has it
novor occurred to you that I ntii novur
lonesome, not oven when I'm nlon."
"Well," said Ardmoro, who snw that
ho was headed for n blind alloy, "I'm
glnd your fnther was not dlsplensod
with our work. U'b a good thing nil
thlo fups about tho Applowclght peo
ple Ib ovor or I should bo worse than
silly. My mind was not Intended for
aueh heavy work."
"I think you havo a good mind, Mr.
Ardmore," said Jerry, with the nlr nf
ono who mnkes concessions. ''You
roally did woll In nil theso troubles,
and you did much better thnn I
thought you would tho day 1 hired you
for private secretary. 1 think 1 could
safely rocommond you to any gover
nor In need of assistance."
"You talk as though you wcro got
ting rondy to discharge me," said Ard
more, plnlntlvoly, "and I
to lose my Job."
don't want
"You ought to have something to
do." said Jerry, thoughtfully. "Ah
near ns 1 can mnko out you have
novor dono nuythlng but study about
pirates nnd collect pernicious books
on tho Blnful llfo of Cnpt. Kldd. You
should havo some lnrgor aim in llfo
thnn that and I think I know of n
good position that is now opon, or will
bo ns soon as papa hns cloarod out
tho peanut shells wo loft In his desk.
I think you would make an excellent
adjutant general with full chargo of
tho stato mllltla."
"But you have to got rid of Gllllng
water Ilrat," suggested Ardmoro, IiIh
hoart beating fast.
"If you mean that ho hns to bo ro
moved from office, I will toll you now,
Mr. Ardmoro, thnt Rutherford Gllllng
water will no longer sign himself
adjutant general of North Carolina
I removed him myBolf In a general
order I wrote yesterday nfternoon Just
beforo I told papa that you and I
I WTWa li
- ' I
could not act as governor any longer,
but that ho muBt resume tho yoke."
"But that must havo been a matter
of considerable delicacy, Miss Danger
flnld, whon you consider that you aro
engngod to marry Mr. Ollllngwntcr,"
"Not In tho least," said Jorry. "1
broke our engagement tho moment I
saw that ho camo hero tho other
night all dressed up to oat and not to
fight, nnd ho Is now froo to engage
himself to that thin blondo at Golds
boro whom he thinks no highly Intel
lectual." Jerry held up hor left hand nnd re
garded Its rlnglH flnsorn Judicially,
whllo Ardmoro, his heart rnclng hotly
against nil records, watched hor, and
with a particular covotousnoss his
oyes studied that trlflo of a hand.
Thon with a quick gesturo ho seized
her hand and raised her gently to her
"Jorry!" ho cried. "From tho mo
niunt you winked at tn t lmvn loved
you. I should havo followed you
round tho world until I found you. If
you can marry a worthless wretch
llko mo, if oh, Jorry!"
Sho gently froed her hand and
stepped to ono side, bending her head
llko a bird that pauses alarmed, or
uncertain of Its whoroabouts, glnnclng
cautiously up and down tho creek.
"Mr. Ardmoro," she said, "you may
not ho nwaro thnt when you nuked mo
to bo your wife and thnt, I tako It,
was your Intention you woro stand
ing In South Carolina, whllo I stood
with both foot on tho aacrcd soil of
tho Old North Stato. Under tho cir
cumstances I do not think your pro
posal is legal. Moreover, unless you
aro qulto posltlvo which oyo it was
that so fnr forgot Itself as to wink, I
do not think the matter can go fur
ther." Tho slightest suggestion of n smllo
played about her lips, but ho was
very deeply troubled, and, seeing this,
hor oyes grow grave with kindness.
"Mr. Ardmore, If your musclos of
locomotion havo not been utterly
paralyzed, and It you will leave tliwt
partlculnr stato of tho union which,
of a Hand.
noxt to Massachusetts, I most deeply
abhor, I will do what I can In my poor
weak way as fathor says In begin
ning his best speeches to assist you
to tho answer."
Thon for many neons, whon ho hnd
his arms about hor, a kiss, which ho
hnd Intended for tho lips that woro so
near, somehow failed of Its destina
tion, nnd fell upon what seemed to
him a rose-leaf gone to Heaven, but
which was, In fact, Jerry Bangor
field's left eye. His bolng tingled with
the most delicious of intoxications, to
which tho clnsp of hor nrms about
his neck added unnecessary though
not unwelcome dollght. Then sho
drew back and held him away with
hor finger-tips for nn instant.
"Mr. ThnmnB Ardmore," sho said,
with maddening deliberation, "it might
not bo Important, but I must tell you
In all candor that it wns the other
Light, More Light.
If what Nikola Tesln says Is true,
there In bnokud for 1910 ovon agreator
triumph In thn physical world than
thu aerial flight of li)09. Ho says that
ho has practically perfected his Inven
tion of a "wireless electric light,"
with which, ho unya, It will bo posslblo
to light the whole United States, tho
current passing Into tho nlr and
spreading in nil directions, producing
tho effect of :i strong nurora boroalls.
lie declares that ho can light Isolutod
dwellings, though thoy bo located 12,-
000 miles from his cuntrnl plant. Ills
lamps, ho adds, aro indestructiblo, nnd
onco provided, will never nood to bo
ropnlrcd or renewed. If Mr. Tosla woro
only half as good In performance as
ho Ih In promises, what a benefactor
of the human race ho would be.
Drew the Line at That.
Strotchor Yes, It's cold, but noth
ing llko whnt it wns at Christmas
throo years ago, when tho stoam from
tho engines froze hard and fell on to
tho lino In sheets,
differ That wasn't so cold as in
'87, whon it frozo tho electricity In
tho telophono wlrco, nnd whon tho
thaw came all tho bally machines
wcro talking as hard as thoy could for
ovor llvo hourB.
Howhing Tho coldest year that I
can remember was In '81, whon tho
policemen had to run to keep them
scIvcb warm.
Hut this wns too much, and, with
Bllent looks of Indignation, tho othor
two left tho romancer to hU own re-
I flections.
Mr. William A. ltadford will answer
questions nnd give advlco FUEK OP
COST on all subjects pertaining to the
subject of building for the readers of
this paper. On account of his wldo expe
rience as ISdltnr, Author and Manufnc
liiiri, ho Is, without doubt, th highest
authority on all theso subjects. Address
all Inquiries to William A. Radford, No.
1M Fifth Ave., Chicago, 111., and only cm
lose two-cent stamp for roplJ'..
One of the principal objections to
tho uso of concreto In building con
struction Is tho fact thnt tho finished
surface is rough and no attempt Is
mado to givo a finish to tho surface,
either in the molds or after their re
moval. This Is probably duo to an
Idoa that interfering with tho surface
would destroy tho skin of the concrete
and deteriorate its usefulness. i
Two methods nro now being suc
cessfully employed, giving a finish to
concreto either In molded blocks, or
monolithic construction In place. The
flr3t of these methods Is to apply fresh
granlto to tho face of tho mold, which
gives It all tho finish and durability
of granite ashlar. This finishing ma
terlal Is ground and sifted Into sev
eral sizes, several of which aro em
ployed in making tho facing mixture,
on tho samo principal as mixing ag
gregates so as to fill tho voids. Tho
best proportion Is ono of coment to
throo of aggregate of different sizes.
A small quantity of hydratcd Hmo Is
added, which on account of Its fine
ness nets as a waterproofing, llkowlso
proventlng tho block from sticking to
tho mold. Tho lDgrodlents are thor
oughly mlxpd dry. The faco of the
mold Is wiped clean and dry. A thin
layer of almost dry spar mixed with a
little cement mixed with a little
hydrated lime Is spread on the plate.
On top of this a half-inch of ordinary
mixture Is spread, thon a layer of rich
backing and finally, the ordinary block
mixture, which should be tamped hard.'
The above method is tho ono used
when a facedown concreto block ma
chine isuscd, while tho reverso proc
ess is used with a face-up machine
In this caso the grit or feldspar is
sifted dry on tho wet cement. The
spar may bo pressed into the ourfaco
by running a roller over It. After It
has set tho surface Is washed with a
solution of ono part of murlntlc acid
to eight of water to remove any stains.
Thon it Is washed with clean wntor to
romove traces of tho acid. In mono
lithic construction tho Bides of the
forms aro plastered with about a half
inch of the facing material beforo tho
filling Is plnced.
Tho second method of finishing con
crete surfaces is to give them an ash-lar-llko
appearnnco by polishing tho
surfneo with carborundum bricks and
water. This method is appllcablo to
monolithic concreto, as tho molds in
which It Is formed arc built up of
boards, which havo a tendency to
warp and aro moro or loss rough. In
this case, the lnldo of tho mold which
FJrst Floor Plan.
forms the faco of the wall Is plas
tered with n rich material. Tho con
crete which Is to form the back of tho
wall Is filled in nnd allowed to Bet
twenty-four hours. Tho molds nro re
moved and tho concroto Is rubbed
down with carborundum bricks. This
gives n boautlful polish.
Hero Ih displayed tho design of n
houso that could bo finished In this
manner nt no very great expense Tho
concroto walls could bo carried to tho
second floor nnd tho balanco of tho
Btructuro could bo of framo construc
tion. Tho houso Ih twenty-nlno feet
wldo and twenty-six feet six Inches
long, exclusive of tho porch. Tho
porch of thls house extends partly
across tho front and around tho side,
assuring shade at almost any tlmo of
tho day. Ono enters tho house Into n
largo reception hall nnd directly
nhond Is tho flno living room, which
is woll lighted. A largo dining room
Is at tho right and directly back Is tho
kitchen. The kitchen is entorcd
through an cnclosod porch nnd direct
ly avallablo Is a good-slzcd pantry.
On tho socoud floor nro two bed
rooms undor tho gables. A bathroom
Is also provided tor, with a dormer
window In front.
5 ' H , i I
This house, if finished In tho man
ner described, will look well if built
Second Floor Plan.
on a cornor lot, as it will present an
exceptionally fine appearance. It may
also be added that If concrete Is used
in construction the houso will bo
wnrmer In winter and much cooler In
summer than it would bo if built en
tirely of frame.
March of Rabbit Through Australia
Like That of Devastating Army
Whole Crops Were Destroyed.
Tho campaign ngalnst tho rabbit In
Australia has had all tho excitement
and much of tho misery of a great
war. Tho march inland of the rodent
Introduced by the colonists in the
early days to mako their surroundings
more. home-like has been llko that of
a devastating army. Smiling prosperity
was turned into black ruin. Whero
there has been green pastures and
bleating sheep thero was a baro and
dusty plain.
In some places tho rodents were so
thick that you could hardly walk In
the Sclds without treading upon them.
The carcasses of dead rabbits poisoned
tho air, and caused a plague of flies,
which passed from them to the sheep,
causing among them a serious dis
Panic measures were at first tried
to Btem tho tide. Wholesale poison
ing with pollard baits, dosed with
strychnino or phosphorous, was tho
first expedient. It destroyed much of
tho native bird life, devastated tho
natural faunn, and left tho rabbit still
In triumphant possession.
A great reward was then offered
by the Australian government for a
remedy. No result came, and the
rabbit still ato his way into tho heart
of tho country. But time brought
Bomo knowledge of how to deal with
him. It was reasoned out that within
a limited area the rabbit could bo
coped with.
At onco thero camo a demand for
rabbit-proof fencing, and over mllea
and miles of inland country began to
stretch tho net of fences. Tho best
of tho pastoral lands were thus In
closed, and within lnclosurcs of 10,000
ncrcB or bo tho rabbit, it was found,
could bo exterminated. Hia natural
cover was cleared away, and vigorous
poisoning or trapping gradually killed
him off.
Even Better.
A farmer from Kerry went to the
adjoining county of Limerick, whoro
the land Is richer, to look for a farm.
Ho Bnw ono which he thought would
suit him. but could not agree with tho
landlord as to tho ront.
"Got away," cried the landlord,
nngrlly, nt last. "This land Is not
llko your miserable Kerry land, whoro
a mountnln sheep can hardly get
enough to cnt. Tho grass grows hore
so fast and so high that If you left a
heifer out In the field thoro at night,
you would scarcely find her lu the
"Dedad, yer honor, that's nothing',"
replied tho man from Kerry. "There's
many a part of my county whoro If
you loft n helfor out at night tho
douce a bit of her you'd ever boo
Man From Maine Won.
Four strangers wore talking amiably
logethor In a couutry Inn.
Ono said: "I was born in Virginia,
tho mother of statesmen and fair
"My natlvo stato is Koutucky,"
bonsted another, "tho land of suporb
pastures, fleet horses, sure marksmon
and peerloss beauties."
A third extolled Ohio, a fourth
praised Louisiana. At last a tall, gaunt
man said:
"Well, gentlemen, I come from tho
gardon spot of America."
"Whore's that?" shouted tho othors
In chorus.
"Skowhegan, Mnlne. Can I sell you
a razor strop?" Doston Herald
I x wiD
L Ms
A' .......J
Spring Debility
Felt by so tnnny upon the return of warm weather
Is due to the Impure, impoverished, devitalized
condition of the blood which causes that tired
feeling and loss of appetite as well as the plmplos,
bolls and other eruptions so common at this season.
It is cured by the great constitutional remedy
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which effects iis wonderful cures, not simply because it contains eareaparil
la, but becauso it combines the utmost remedial values of moro than twenty
different ingrcdicnta. There is no real substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla.
If urged to buy any preparation said to be "just as good," you may bo sure
it is inferior, costs less to make, and yields tho dealer a larger profit.
Evidently Recital of Romance Long
Passed Made No Appeal to His
"Charles," said a sharp-voicod wom
an to her husband In a railway car
riage, "do you know tbat you and I
onco had a romance In a railway car
riage?" "Never beard of It," ropllod Charles
in a subdued tono.
"I thought you hadn't; but don't you
remember. It was that pair of slippers
I presented to you tho Christmas be
fore wo were married that lod to our
union? You remember how nicely
thoy fitted, don't you? Well, Charles,
ono day whon wo were going to a pic
nic you had your feet upon a seat,
and whon you wore not looking I took
your measure. But for that pair of
slippers I don't believe we'd have over
been married."
A young unmarrlod man sitting by
immediately took down his feet from
tho seat. Ideas Magazine-.
How Sea Birds Drink.
Under the headline, Whoro Do They
Get Water? a writer In tho Young
Folks Catholic Weekly says: "When
I was a cabin boy I often used to
wonder, seeing birds thousands of
miles out to sea, what they did tor
frosh water When thoy wcro thirsty.
One day a squall answered that ques
tion for me. It was a hot and glitter
ing day In tho tropics, and In the clear
sky overhead a black rain cloud ap
peared all of a sudden. Then out of
empty space ovor a hundred sea birds
camo darting from every direction.
Thoy got under tho rain cloud, and
waited there for about ten minutes,
circling round and round, and when
the rain began to fall thoy drank their
fill. In tho tropics, where the great
sea birds sail thousands of miles away
from shore, they get their drinking
water in that way. They smell out a
storm a long way off; thoy travel a
hundred mllos maybo to get under It,
and they swallow onough raindrops to
keep them going. Now York Trib
une. I
District Attorney J. F. Clarke of
New York was talking about tho re
cent kidnaping cases.
"Kidnapers," ho said, "are apt to
disappear now. They havo become
too unpopulnr. Why, a kidnaper is as
unpopular as a widower.
"Widows, now, aro vory attractive,
but about a widower thoro Is always
something uncanny, something almost
clammy I moan, of courso, from tho
matrimonial point of view.
"I know a widower who Is thinking
of marrying again. He thought ho'd
bioach tho matter delicately tho other
morning to his little daughter, so ho
" 'Ah, my dear, how I did love your
"But tho little girl gave him a sus
picious look and snapped:
"'Say "do," not "did," papa.'"
Truly Wonderful Cat.
A wonderful cat Is that owned by
Mr. A. J. Gorrlngo, a tradesman of
Ditching, England. Mr. Gorrlnge has
a bantam which lays her eggs in dif
ferent parts of tho yard, but his cat
nover falls to find them. Sho takes
tho egg botweeu her teeth, places it
on tho step, and rattles the door han
dle with hor paws until her mistress
arrives to tako in the egg. Not one
of tho eggs has yet been broken.
And Found a Cliwigo In Feed Put
Him Right.
A man docs not count as wasted the
tlmo he spends In thinking over his
business, but ho scorns loth to give
the same sort of careful attention, to
himself and to his health. And yet
his buslnoss would bo worth little
without good health to caro for it. A
business man tolls how he did him
self good by carefully thinking over
his physical condition, Investigating to
And out what waa needed, and then
changing to the right food.
"For somo years I had been bother
ed a great deal after meals. My food
seemed to lay like lead In my Btomach,
producing heaviness and dullness and
sometimes positive pain. Of courso
this rendered mo more or leas unfit
for business, and I made up my mind
that somothing would have to be dono.
"Reflection led me to tho conclusion
that over-eating, filling tho stomach
with lndlgestlblo food, waa responsible
for many of the ills that human flesh
endures, and that I was punishing
myself In that way that waa what
was making mo so dull, heavy and un
comfortable, and unfit for business
after meals. I concluded to try Grape
Nuts food to see what It could do for
"I havo boon using It for somo
months now, and am glad to say that
I do not suffer any longer after meals;
my food seems to assimilate easily
and perfectly, and to do tho work for
which It was Intended.
"I havo regained my normal weight,
and find that business la a pleasure
onco moro can. take moro Interest In
IL and my mind is clearer and more
Name given by Postum Co., Battlo
Creek, Mich.
nead "The Road to Wellvllle," in
pkes. "There's a Reason."
I'vcr rd the mboTe Irttrrt A tt
one nppoara from time to lime. Tbr?
nre genuine, true, and full of kumu
urn .X
Clty Man Grow all your own vege
tables, I suppose?
Farmer Grouch Most of 'em. We
get somo cabbago heads from the city.
"I suffered from tho early part of
December until nearly the beginning
of March with severo skin eruptions
on my faco and scalp. At first I
treated It as a trivial matter. But
after having usod castlle soap, medi
cated washrags, cold cream, vanish
ing cream, etc., I found no relief what
ever. After that I diagnosed my 'case
as eczema, becauso of its dry, scaly
appearance Tho Itching and burning
of my scalp became so intense that I
thought I should go mad, having not
slept regularly for months past, only
at Intervals, waking up now and then
because of tho burning and itching of
my Bkln. Having read different tes
timonials of cures by tho Cuticura
Remedies, I decided to purchnso a box
of Cuticura Ointment and a cake of
Cuticura Soap. After using them for
a few days I rocognlzed a marked
change in my condition. I bought
about two boxes of Cuticura Ointment
and five cakes of Cuticura Soap in all,
and after a few days I was cntiroly
freo from the itching and burning.
My eczema was entirely cured, all
duo to using Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment dally. Hereafter I will never
bo without a cake of Cuticura Soap on
my washsttnd. I highly recommend
tho Cuticura Remedies to anyone suf
fering from similar Bkln eruptions and
hopo you will publish my letter so
that othors may learn of Cuticura
Remedies nnd bo cured." (Signed)
David M. Shaw, cafo Paymaster, Pier
65, N. R., Now York City, June 2, 1010.
Cuticura Remedies sold everywhere.
Send to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp.,
Boston, for freo book on skin and
scalp troubles.
He Might Have Earned a Vote.
Little Johnnie stood gazing solemn
ly on tho decrepit form of an old
countryman. Noticing the boy's atten
tion the old man asked: "Well, what
13 It, son?"
"Say," the inquisitive youngster
asked, "did the politicians kiss you
whon you was a baby?" Success
This is tho name of the greatest of all
remedies for Distemper, Pink Eye, Ilea vet.
and the like among all ages of horses. Sold
by Druggists, Harness Makers, or end to
the manufacturers. .50 and 11.00 a bottle.
AgcnU wanted. Send for free book. Spohn
Medical Co., Spec. Contagious Diseases,
Goshen, Ind.
"I once proposed to a girl In a
"With what result?"
"A lot of expensive plants were nipt
by frost." Washington Herald.
Garfield Tea assists overworked digestive
organs, corrects constipation, cleanses tho
s) stem and rids the blood of impurities.
Envy Is punishing ourselves for be
ing inferior to our neighbor.
Make the Liver
Doits Duty
i Nnjetiaesm ten wben the lirer is right th
stomach 'asd bowels are rijLt.
pel Isiy Ihrtf to
do tf duty.
i CcnCo
Indigos i
Hcsdssba, smmI Distress after Eitiaf.
SawB Pil, Saul Dm. Small Pries
. Gtnoln bmpcsi Signature
Sioux City Directory
Floral emblems and cut flowers tor all
occasions. 8IOUX CITY, IOWA
Cut Flowers
For All Occasions
Wholesale and Retail
J. JR. Elder, Sioux City, Iowa
sB Ck rtr erst
Established 30 Years A