Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 14, 1911, Image 5

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t Kleiners
Grocery Specials
for Friday and Saturday
Lettuce, per bunch 5
BidishoB, por bunch. 5$
Celery, per bunoh, largo 10$
Hananas, por doz 20
Oranges, por doz.. . .'20o, SOo nnd 86c
Oniio Apples, por pk -. GCtJ
Winesap Apples, por pock GCk;
Suit Pork, best quality, por lb. . .131$
Hoot Sugar ourod Bacon, por lb. . . .224
Best Lard, por lb 144,
Pressed Ham, por lb 14c
California llama, por lb 1 1C
Bulk Coffee, por lb 20f and 304
Orapo Fruit 2 for 254
Our Own Pio 3 for 254
Briok choose, por lb 204
Ohetse, mild, por lb 204
Any kind of Laundry Soap, G bars, 254
Agents for Ohaso & Sanborn's Cof
fee 254, 80$, 8F4 nnd 404
We nre still paying the highest prico
for produce
Errs, por doz 154
Butter, per lb 234
Garden Seeds and Onion Sets
Shoes, Rubbers nnd Rubber Boots.
All kinds of Dry Goods Notions.
A Pair of Roller Skates Free for the
Children Ask About Them
M. E. Kneppe.r's Grocery
Wo Own
150 000 Acres
of Solecled Wheat Lauds
in the
Fertile Wheat District
for $10 to $22 Per Acre
Write for Our Free Book
"Tho Guide tO the
Last West"
Tells All About
Buy Canada wheat InndB today
nnd you will bo independent and
happy ten years from now. Thous
ands of Americans nro farming in
Canada. They like it.beoauso tlioy
re making money, muking it
quicker nnd easier, and you will
too. Write tod&v for FREE book
"The Guide to the Last West."
Leurn nil about Onnnda.
(If you aro interested in orchard
lands, write for our Sutherling Val
ley, Oregon, proposition.)
P. H. DAVIS, Dist. Mgr.
Norfolk, Neb.
Real estnto lonns. Gen Wilkitis.
'4i 'uiosun "idW 'U3U3A3 M '8 1M
titjppy atlitiQ mirii
iun pn Xanpix 'qMOja '
JBM l-"aIW 1J"N
pan pas iiuii(l aiio jno no pvx
sSuud$ 9UB$-oqdns
mnuepsg ujoour
They will also drive cream separators, operate grain dumps,
furnish electric light, operate veil drills, run blacksmith shops,
make Ice cream and run ice machines. Stickncy Engines will
do many other things on the farm, In the home or at the factory
requiring mechanical power. Let me say again, come in and
let me talk over your requirements with you and explain the
Stickncy Engine Its outside igniter, its perfect cooling system,
its automatic mixer, Us ball bearing governor and its three
point suspension.
Uenze & Green
mmmmmmm exclusive agentsi
Local Items
Friday, April 14, ign
Trade l home. You will flud 11 good
assortment of hardware nud tinwuro at
reasonable prices at Sohriovor Bros,
Chas Barto wont to Wakefield
urday for a fow days' stay .
Vorna Broyhill fell Monday and dis
located her arm at tho olbow.
"Play ball boys" and buy your baso
bulls ut the Dakota Oity Pharmacy
N R Smith and John Wolkor of Ho
mer, woro horo Monday on business
Wanted house-cleaning, washing
and ironing to do. Euquiro of Mrs
Lizzie Yoator.
Glen Smith whs down from Emor
son Tuesday attending Masonio school
of instruction.
Barney Gribble cama homo Monday
from n two weeks visit nt Meadow
Grovo nnd South Omaha.
E H Schloman of Sioux City, was
over Monday and purohaBed seven
head of horses in this locality.
If you haven't got time to do your
own shopping call up No 1. nud ho
will dolivor tho goods promptly.
Marvin Armour of Homer nttondod
lodge horo Tuesday evoning, going on
to Sioux Oity with his brother, W J.
W L Ross und D Van do Zeddo
went to Hastings, Nob, Monday to
attend a stato meeting of tho WOW
Henry Niobuhr, of Winnebago, was
horo ovor Sunday night at tho home
of his brother, Geo L Niobuhr, boing
onrouto to Pendor.
Remember, for ten days, yon oan
buy a SOo pankugo of Fleok's Stock
Food or Poultry Powder, for25oat tho
Dakota City Pharmaoy.
Albert Schumacher, wifo and baby,
loft Monday evening for their now
home nt Rapid City, 8 D, from whioh
place Albert has a iun ns mail clerk.
H Wesley Brown enmo down from
Horrick, S D Monday and is looking
uftor his property interests and othor
business mutters hereabouts. Ho ex
pects to return home tho last of noxt
A ohnngo in the timo of trains on
tho Omaha road is aunounoed for noxt
Sunday, Tho train to Omahn in tho
morning nnd tho oue from Omaha
will each bo forty minutes lator in ar
riving here
Tho little son of Archie Joyco of
Now Underwood, S D, that wns ope
rated on at St Joseph's hospital recent
ly, wus tnken home Inst Saturday,
Two other children in the family aro
nfllicted with tho snmo ailment.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets assist nature in driving all
impurities out of tho Bystom, insuring
a free and regular condition and re
storing tho organs of tho body to
health and strength. Sold by all
A Masonio school of instruction was
held hero Tuesday, presided over by
Robert E Frenoh, of Kearney, Neb.
grand custodian . A numbor from
neighboring lodges wrin attendance,
nmong them being W J ArrSour, of
Allen; Glen Smith, Hans Jensen and
Adam Bring, of Emerson.
A social dance will bo givon in tho
Ayres hall Tuesday evening, April
25th, with music by Collins Bros or
ohestra, of Marcus, Iowa. An invita
tion is extended to all lovers of good
musio to come. Tho committee in
charge of '.ho affair is planning for a
largo crowd, this being tho first dance
einoo the lenten season ended.
Our third quarterly mooting will bo
held next Sunday at 10:45 n m. Dr
Tindall will preach and administer
tho sacrament. Tho business session
will be held on Saturday tho 15th nt
10:00 n m. An Easter program by
the Sunday school will bo sondercd
Sunday tho'lGth at 8 p m. To any or
all of theso serviops youaro invited.
W R Warren, PaBto-.
Tho marriage of Herman Hurley, of
this county, hist week, to Miss Eva
Higelow, of Whiting, la, announcement
of which was made in Inst weeks Her
ald, ocouired at tho home of tho bride's
parents iu Whiting on tho 5th inst.
Mrs Hurloy was a prominent school
tencher of Monona county, Iowa.
Tho newly married couple uro at homo
on the Chas Hiernt farm southwest of
this place.
J F kaffzigger, a resident of Dakota
county during his boyhood days, died
Monday at Denver, Col, ot tnborculo
sis. DncniiHt!(l was conuootod with tho
Stephens-Kennedy wholesale liquor
house in Sioux City for sevoral yearB,
and lator moved to Colorado to try a
change of olimate for his failing health.
Ho spent tho past year iu New Moxico
in Hnarch of health, but finally bus
cumbed to tho dread disease. Tho fu
neral services and burial woro hold
iu Douvor. Ho is survived by a
wife. A sinter, Mrs Geo L Niobuhr,
resides in this place.
What it will do for You
' Stickncy Gasoline Engines will
thresh your grain, shell your corn,
grind your feed, bale your hay, saw
vnnr wnnd and nunw vour water.
- Hubbard, Neb.
Fruit of all kind At Van do Zuddo's.
Jas King wns up from Homor on
business Tuesday .
Bon Hall moved his family to Morn
ingiide lust Saturday
Union's coffoo is still in tho lead.
Van do Zeddo sells it.
Miss Clnrn Jopposon visited over
Suuday at hor homo in Plainviow,
You v ill find a full assortment of
Easter post cards nt tho Dakota Oity
John N Johnson, of Nacojrn, was n
caller on thn Herald Tuesday, while
down on businoss matters.
Goorgo J Bouohor nud John F Bart
lott of South Sioux City, woro lodgo
visitors horo Tuesday evoning.
Walter Ohonoy is erecting a cottage
20x28 on his farm west of town, to bo
tlsod by his holp on tho farm.
Mrs Sarah Dousohl camo ovor from
Maploton, Iowa, Friday, for a visit
with hor mothor, Mrs Wm Adnir.
Mrs Marion Skeon nrrivod from
Cody, Nobr, Saturday, for n visit at
tho homo of hor father, M O Ayres.
D n't forget you can buy tho finest
perfumes and toilet necessaries of all
kinds at the Dakota City Pharmacy.
Don't forgot tho coffee with tho dish
es at Van do Zoddo's ho hns a nico
nssortmout. A nico t.ish with enoh
Attorney Paul Pizey has been wear
ing a plaster ovor ouo of his eyes tho
paBt wook. Ho said ho foil down
stairs, and ho looked it.
Van haB so mo of those flno Vonitian
mirrors which ho is giving nwny with
coupon trade tiokots. Call nnd seo
thorn, it won't cost you anything.
Mrs Paul Kinklo, who was operated
on at St Joseph's hospital two weoks
ago for an abcess in tho ear, is rocovoi
ing nicely, and was able to return to
her homo Tuesday.
Prompt roliaf in all cases of throat
and lung troublo if you use Chamber
lain's Cough Roraedy. Pleasant to
tako, soothing and healing in effect.
Sold by all druggists.
Mrs Eston Olsen departed Saturday
evening for Nowcll, S D, to join hor
husband on their claim. Their little
daughter, Esthor, remained horo to
finish tho torm of school.
All those indebted to mo pleaso
oomo and pay part of what you owo
me, if you cannot pay it all. Kindly
obligo mo for I need tho money in my
business. VandeZeddo. your grocer.
Miss Porie Stinson will sail from
Boston April 20th for a tour of Eu
rope Sho will bo accompanied by a
lady friend from Kansas City, Kan,
who hits iimdn llio trip ubruad nov'elul
George Shoibloy has taken a job as
watchman on tho government snag
boat MoPhorBon, which is looatod at
Decatur, Neb, where the government
is putting in riprap to protect tho town
from the ravages of tho Missouri.
Tho "Jap" house on tho Burlington
right-of-way, and another small build
ing UBed by the section mep, was mov
ed Saturday to Lnketon, at the "Y"
north of town, where one of the section
crows will make thoir headquarters.
Mrs Roy Crippen of Homer was op
oratnd on at St Joseph's hospital Wed
nesday far appendicitis. Mr and Mrs
Nels Smith accompaniod hor to tho
hospital, Shu stood tho orerutiou and
is getting along nicely.
Diarrhoea should bo cured without
loss of timo and by a modioino which
liko Ohamborlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Romody not only cures
promptly hut produces no unpleasant
aftor effoots. It never fails jind is
pleasant and safe to tako. Sold by all
Miss Emma Frederick, who has
buen employed on the News nt Dallas,
S D, has resigned her position and on
April 26th will bo married to Mr
Homer Hitts, a youug business man ot
that place. Tho best wishes of tho
many friends of Mibs Frederick is ex
tended to her in anticipation of tho
happy event.
Every family mid especially those
who resido in tho country should be
provided at all times with a bottlo
Chamberlain's Liuimont. There
uo telling whou it may bo wantnd
oaso of nn accident or omoreonoy.
is most excellent in till cases of rheu
matism, sprains und bruisoB. Sold by
all druggists.
Grorgc Day, who served as section
foreman on the Burlington at this place
tho past two or threo months, was giv
on his release by tho company the flrnt
of tho month. After drawing his pay
ho took French loave, neglectiug to
settle various debts contracted during
his short stay hero. Moll A Schmied
placed an attnehmout on his goods to
covar a store account of about $50.
A letter from Everett Eastou who is
now located at Baker, Texas, stutf-H
that ho and his family aro doing nice
ly on a twenty aero fruit and vegetablo
farm . Uo states that tho climato is
line theie; that thoy havo good grass
for tho rango cattle and that corn and
potatoes are up and coining. Ho also
states that there is somo good business
oponings in his town, besides somo
soaps in land locations.
L Krygor, who has sorvod as post
master at South Sioux Oity for tho
past eight years, has tendered his res
ignation to tho dopartmont to tako ef
fect July 1st. His increasing insur
ance business demanding all of his
timo is tho reason for giving up tho
Qlllce. Burt Kroscn, tho handsome
oditor of tho Record, is out with a pe
tition for tho'placo, nnd in all proba
bility will be named for tho place.
Liohtnius struok tho barn on tho
'Thos Graham farm threo miles we6t of
town, occupied by Oeo nirshbuok,
Wednesday afternoon about 'i o clock,
killing ouo of his uoik horses nud set
ting tho barn on Urn. Mr Ilirshback
was nnttiriL' notatoca and when tho
llro which followed tho stroko of light-
nine? nrnkn out 110 ran to the Darn ami
with tho knife used iu cutting potatoes
ho sevored thn halter ropes of tho
horses and drnvo them from tho barn
with a pitchfork. Tho ouo horse was
dead whon ho rouchud the barn. Tho
bum was entirely consumed and but
for the heavy rain falling at tho timo
his hay and corn crib full of corn would
havo boon consumed. Thn loss was
partly covered by insuranco in tho
Farmers Mutual.
Tho Herald for News when it is
Loyd Ronton returned to his homo
nt Norfolk Wednesday.
Mis Floronoo Elcok, of Omaha is
hor ns n witness iu thn MoNamara (H
verco oase.
U O Bunhanuan, ngont for tho North
western, is laid up with thraat troublo
and E 11 Poolo of Emerson is acting us
Mrs Tom Alloway and baby oniuo
up from Homer Monday and spont n
fow days nt tho Frod Ducnsiug homo,
returning homo Wednesday.
If it is A 1 groceries you want, just
glance ovor Van do Zeddo'a stook. Uo
will sell just as cheap as possible, nnd
ho handles nothing but first class
Ellis Greek, of Meckling, S D, whb
a guest nt tho Alfred Soymour homo
Wednesday night. Uo had accompa
nied Ids brother to n Sioux City hos
pital for an operation.
Lightning struok an ioo lrjuso be
longing to D L Fairbanks ot South
Sioux City, during tho storm Vudnos
day nud bumod tho roof off beioro tho
bucket brigade got it under control,
Your touguo is coated.
Your breath is foul.
Headaches oomo and go.
Thcso symptoms show that your
stomnoh is tho troublo: To reinoyo the
cause is tho first thing, and Chambor
lulu's Stomach and Liver Tnblots will
do ttiat. Easy to taku and moat of
feotivo, Sold hy all druggists.
Tho rehearing it tho divorce oaso of
Mary MoNamara against hor husband
W 0 MoNamara, which wasremaudod
hore for trial by thn supromo court,
will be begun today iu tho district
ootiit of Dakota county. Judgo A A
Weloh, of Wayne, will preside for
Judgn Graves in this caso. Tho caso
was tried onco before und a divorce
greutod tho plaintiff, but tho caso was
appealed to tho supromo court and a
new trial was granted.
Eastern Star Elect Officers.
At the regular meeting of Dakota
Chapter No G5 O E S, April 8th, tho
following officers woro elected fur the
ensuing year:
Mrs Jonnlo Houclior Worthy Matron
it K ICvans Worthy l'atron
Mrs.loilo Nlomoyir Assoclatu Matron
Mrs Mary Moltnntli Soorotary
MrsAiinioM Kvuns Leo t ur r
Mrs.loiuilo Hoss UoiKtuotretx
Mrs Hutli Wnrron .. .Asuoclatu OomiiiotrvKH
Mrs Ktta Sides Adah
Mrs Laura Horn Until
Mrs llortha Mncomlmr , .. Katlior
Mrs Helen Hniilford Martha
Mrs M0UI0 Sides Kloeta
Mrs Martha Adair , Uhaiitalu
Mrs Lulu Klmura Owanlat
MrsMattlii Keniii Warder
Mrs Mary HnuRhinan... Sentinel
Sunday School Convention.
Tho interest iu tho County Suuday
School Con voution indicates that thorn
will be a largo proportion of tlTo t-ohools
represented. But to get tho host re
sults, every school however remote,
should have ouo or more delegates
Remember that this is tho timo when
you can secure expert help in tho so
lution of many problems. Tho Stato
Worker assigned to this Convention,
RovOhaB H Lewis, General Soorotary,
will bo prepared to rondor all tho as
sistance desired.
All pastors, superintendents, teach
ers, and others ofiloially connected with
the Sunday school, who nro interested
in knowing more about Tho Twentieth
Century Sunday School Graded Les
sons, Organised class work, Tho 'Teen'
Ago, aud many othor phazes of the
woik, should plan tobopresont. Plenty
of timo will bo given to ask questions
of tho state workers.
Uo not forget tho timo, April 26 and
27', 1911, nor tho place. South Sioux
City .
Henry MoKlvortjan and Sarah Mo
Kivoruati, John MuKlvorRan, Mrs
John McKlverttau, Mlohnol MoKlv
organ, unmarried. Matt MoKlver
uim to Mrs Alice McNally. Mis Mary
JIu iiKcrford and I.l.zlu MoKlvoiKim,
110H BWfct 25-20-fl, swJi swK UI-29-7 $ 7M
Ksten Olhou und Dora Olsen to Will II
Orr. lots 1, 2, !), 4,r,,7, H,, 10, 11, lillc
17,DukotaOlty 1U50
Kston Olson nnd DoraOIhon to Will II
Orr, lot 12. bile 17. Dakota Oity... .
AllettuO Stewart, widow, to Kva 11
Oillotto, sK nwJ4. 110K nwK 27-2SMI. ,
Kobort I Leader and (Irace () Luudur,
lKith sliiKle, to Kllzahoth Kiiuue, lot
K, blk ill, (lovlnuton annex toSSO . 1
Lewis MoKlunoy, John McKlnnoy,
Liuirii FiusHuy, Zelta Dtil'onoat,
Allah McClunry, Arthur MeQunry.
Lllllo Oarinaclc and Henry Oai mack
to Jerry DoKoresl, lots 4.5, 0, 7, H, hlk
in. Hallway add to SSO 181
Lllllo Oarinaclc, Hntiry Oannaok, Ada
L Mctltinry, Arthur McQnary, Zut
tii HeKorest, Jerry DuForost, Lewis
McKlnnoy, to Laura l'russoy 11 ml
Jim MOKlliney. lorn it, is, w, nut n,
2ndadd toHHO
Wm Jacobs nud Kllralwth Jacobs to
James UlnrkliiK' sw 2O-20-O
LoluM Hunt to Kltubetli 11 Fuune,
lot 11, hlk 81, Uovlnuton annex to SSU
Klbort H Hubbard toKllznliotli Kaiwo
lot U, blliSI.UovliiKton annex to HbO
Nellio Dierking is out of sohool bo-
eaiiHO a sprained ankle,
A special cluss iu Physics has houii
organized to aid members of the
clevt'Hth grade to prepare for state ex
Lost yostorday somowhoro between
suuriho and sunsot, two golden hours
oaoh sot with sixty diamond minutes.
No reward is offorod; for they aro
gone forovor.
Harrold (iribblo is in school tliiH
wook aftor a wook's absonoo duo to
burns received while destroying somo
old gunpowder. This young man hud
been porfoct in attendance up to that
timo ovon though ho drovo four miles.
At tho close of the school ynnr tho
tonchor will note on tho roport sent to
the parents of each delinquent what
in her opinion caused tho failure
Thero aro several pupils who will not
bo promoted thin year on account r.f ir
regular attendance.
How many of us appreciate tho val
ue of time? If wo all did no doubt
tho attendance in all tho guides of our
schools would bo moro regular. Very
few consider that not only tho absent
but all tho members of tho samo class
oh aro injured and their progress re
tanled by tho absence of ouo pupil for
0110 day. On tho roturn of uu absent
pupil tho whole uluss must bo hold
back to allow tho delinquent to oatoh
up with his classmates. Parents,
work with thn school for tho good of
the raon and women of tomorrow aud
do not allow your children to be out of
school for a single day for trivial rea
Krom the Hccord
Mrs Harry lid wards of Mitchell wns
the Kticst other pnrcnu Mr nnd Mrs W
VY KuowKou this week.
Charles Phillips nnd wife left Monday
or Ponra where Mr Phillips will help
out on the Journal lor the next few
J W Twoliiij of Jackson wns in town
Tuesday. Mr Twohijr has lcccnlly re
turned from n trip to Texas where he
spent most of the winter.
Mrs Louis Jeep, daughter Miss Hdtin,
nud son, Master Adclbert, returned Sal
111 ilny Irom their winter's stay on the
Pacific const unit report n pleasant nud
prolltabte Journey.
Vnuclin Tollinger enme in Irom Cole
rldue Inst week nnd took chnrgc ol the
shipping department nt the Bdwnrds &
Briimord wholesnlc department, during
the nbsrnce of Joe O'llnrn who is sick.
J H Smith hns stnrted work on two
Inrije houses nt the north end ol 1st Ave
nue near the approach of the Couihinnt
nn brldrrc. Thcv will h- larse and
commodious nud will be n line addition
to that part ol the city.
Otto Dnhms of Sioux City says that
he hns closed a contract for the erection
of n rcndeiitiK plant in South Sioux Oity
The carcasses of all animals, which he
has the exclusive tight to collect in Sioux
City, will betnnde into fertilizer nt that
plant in the future. The plant will be
Opened within a few weclts he Bald.
Precinct Assessor It W Meeker started
on his duties Motidny of finding out
how prosperous Covington precinct
people nre torthc year 1011. He started
in on South Sionx Citv business men
and will then tnkc nn inventory f the
furniihing of South Sioux City homes
belorc interviewing the farmers out iu
the country.
The work of remodeling the upper
Hoot ol the Evans building into a lodge
room hns progressed rapidly this week
nnd will becompleted by Saturday even
iiiK. It will be newly papered nnd paint
cd and will present n bright nnd attract
ive nppenrnuce. The Workmen will
occupy it.
A petition has been circulated nmong
the users ol the Combination bridge
asking that the company put their
books on saie ut some point in South
Sioux City near the postoffice. This
would bcA great convenience to the
users of coupon books ns the toll house
is out of the way for most patrons ol
the bridge.
On Monday of this week Postmnstcr
L Kryger of the South sioitx City post
office sent in hW resiKnntion to Post
master General Hitchcock nt Wtmliiug
ton to tnke effect lulv 1st. This is a
move on the part of Postmaster Kryger
that will surprise his tnniiv friends nnd
the patrons of the olficc. The step wns
taken by Mr Krygcr because of the de
mands made upon his time by his large
and Increasing insurance business, to
which he will clrvote bis entire time
nfttr he steps out ol the postotficc.
Cattlo and horses to pasture.
8-31-4w John L Nixon, Homer, Nob.
All kinds of coal, food and liny for
sale nt roabouablo prices,
tiKLDB & Slaughter Oo.
ThkoE Blivkn, Managor,
Dakota Oity, Nob.
All persons having fenced streets
within tho last two years aro hereby
ordorrd to open same or they will bo
opened by tho town marshal, by order
of tho town board . Those having
fenced prior to two years ago must
pay tho rent on samo at once or tlioy
will bo opoued.
James Fueston,
Town Marshal.
Hov. W. H. Wnrron, Pastor.
Servlcos nt the Mothodlst Kplscopal
ohurch every Sunday as follows: l'rcach
1 nit at Ham; Sunday school nt 10 a 111; class
muetliiK 12 m: KpworthLoaguo 7 pm;
DienohlimS p iu.
H. T Keller. Pastor.
Sunday school every Sunday at 0:15 a 111;
Hllzalioth S. Haaie, superintendent.
picaehliiKat7:uop in. ovory Sunday.
Preaching every Sunday at 11 a m: Sun
day school promptly at 10 a in. P. P. (Jul
bortson, superintendent.
The public Is cordially Invited to all these
Trade Mabkf
.Copyrights 4c.
Anrons .mng n sketch and description m.
quickly lucerthln our opinion frco wlifllior an
Invention l Protosbly Mf nrnhln CnromiiMr
UonantrlcllrconUiloiittal. HANDBOOK onfateuU
out froa. OlrtOkt Keener for ucurlnir patents.
l'ntmits taken tlirouKh M111111 & Co. receive
idmwi notice, Tmnout cnarco. in ino
Scientific fittiericatt
A tmndiomelr llluitratnd WDoklr. Largest r.lr.
i-ulatliin of any i.cieniltlo Journal, 'renns, IS a
yenrt lour months, 1. Bold Ijjrall newnlnalers
SUNN &Co.301DfMdi"'' New Yorft
11 ...j mite- f V 8U Washington, 1). C
IlliUltiand Hit Hands
These are llio lhlnpi whtrh
will tnnka n man nf vriii,. tmv.
Secure his lively Interest and whola
some development by nlvlnu him
rilled with fine reading which faiclnatci lioyi.
Ficpllenl itorici ol adventure, travel, hlitory
and current events. Photography, itampt. elec
tricity, carpentry, uporti. camcu. Tells boy 1 tut
what to do and how to do It. Ileautlfully lllui
tratedi and every Una In harmony with refined
home training! rndorted by 2V),000 hoys and their
pirenti. bend ll.oo for a full year. On aalo at
IHE SP8HCUE ruSUSHlNS CO. 10! Malittlo lido . Detroit, Mich.
Freih, Reliable, Pure
Guaranteed to Pleaio
Kverr Hardener and
Planter alioulil test the
superior iiierltanf Our
Northern tirown Heeds,
we will send iioatpalil our
I t. roils; luuita , , . !!
I If, IVInmii lUdl.h .... .Us
I ll(, h,IMlrala(iUr; ... XIX
I ths. Isilj irraw.li. ail lslilc ... lis
I itr. lull.rlaa Msrtr lallss . III
sUa 12 WrlIUilalallsrHi(li . . Its
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sfllir win, fir nw aim in.iruriiTS iisrnsii ituina a
001 It. inn hi. ltiiilifonl, Illinois
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191 3k ciSttttlttKV
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The Herald, $1 per
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
sa',It."S,Wa..aSaVsBeN, .t'--''ri'i&-0'
Dakota County can add a few hundred thousand
bushels of corn to its usual fine crop this year
A littlo Bi'lflshucas in this Rtlvion, for wo with ovory farmer to
nroHpcr thin year, eo ho oan bo happy, pay his dobtn, nnd put
a good sum nt interest here in this good bank, that is "na safe
as a Oovornment Bond " When tho farmer prospers Every
body Smik'B nnd is Ilapny. Plonty of monoy for good loans
all tho timo. Lowest rates.
Bank of Dakotai
Mineral Paints
("Cement" Brand)
Is the best insurance you
can put on your barn.
It is composed of Mineral Colors of the highest grade
obtainable, ground in pure Minnesota Linseed Oil, as
are all Minnesota Paints and is WARRANTED to be
as durable a paint as it is possible to manufacture.
Try it this season.
Wor SevIc by
Vhe Hersvld and
Farmer and Breeder
Prize Offers from.Leading Manufacturers
Book on patents. "Hints tolnventors." "Inventions needed."
"Why some inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for
.search of Patent Office records. OurMr. Greeley was formerly.
Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full charge j)f
the U. S. Patent Office.
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Suroty Uoud
Guarantooa tho aoouraoy of ovory
Abatraot I make
Go Somewhere This Summer
TO THE EAST In due season attractive tourist rates will be
announced to the Lake and St Lawrence regions, Atlantic coast
cities and resorts. Can we help you plan an Eastern tour?
Or If You Prefer the West, think about the mountain climate
and scenery of Colorado, the Big Horn region, or a tour through
Yellowstone Park; there are circuit tours embracing Scenic Col
orado, Salt Lake, Yellowstone Park and the Big Horn Moun
tains, all in one journey. Perhaps you can take this summer
that long wished for journey to the Pacific Coast, embracing by
diverse routes the entire West and Northwest regions. A sum
mer tour, whether through the East or through the West, has
become to many a necessity, while railroad and hotel facilities
make it a diverting and enjoyable experience. There are no
tours in the world that offer the traveller so much for his money.
Iharn essi
I -
Everything in the line of
Harness and Horse Goods
II. T. Harness $31.50
Old Style Concord $35.00
New Style Concord $37.00
Kopiiir Work (Uyoii Prompt Attention
Sole Agent for Baum's Hog
irt.J.S.1O0a .V0 6aa
mr rtsurivikaviA fccx. 9aKx
Hubbard Nebraska I
Che Herald:
d Bradford Lumber Co.
Dakota. City, Neb.
SuueeBBor to
Diikotu County Abstract Co.
Bonded Abstracter
J. J. E I M E R S
U vS?Jj
It you aro uxpcctlnK to niaku any kind of a auninior tour I shall
bu KlaU tu liavu you nut lu toucli with mo early.
W. E. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr.
Is, V, Wakki.ky, O P A, Omaha, Nb
1001 Fur nam street. i
Tonic, Best on the Market. ?
only $1 t yV
. 9