Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 14, 1911, Image 4

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    . J.S&.
Mtkts Imm taking Easy
Absolutely Pure
Thm only bmkfmg mowdar
mmttm from Royal Grap
Cream of Tartar
Dakota County Herald
Subscription Price. $1.00 Per Year.
A weekly newspaper published at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
Permission baa been granted for the
transmission of this paper through the
inniic aa second-claw matter
Telephone No. 43.
Official Paper of Dakota County
for a saloon license and aill conduct a ,nere, bowpTir, aiid left it on the old was here last Friday to aervo an fit-
OUcll tacbmenl on two trutika belonging to
bar in the old bar room.
Nebraska Teacher, (Lincoln): The
board of education at West Poio- baa
paid Sapi O P. Ba-pa a. cico ccmpll
mett by re-electiug him for a term of
two years at a salary of $1,500 a year.
The election was br unanimous rote.
Mr Bowen went to West Point last
yrar to atieeerd SuptiDtideCt Camp
tell( who accepted the superintendent
cy at Columbus. The entire teaching
corps was re-elected at the same time
with a number of increases in salary.
Printing Bill Vetoed.
Governor Aldiich very promptly ve
toed the bill passed by the legislature
jut closed providing for the division
of vatronage in the matter of naming
the papers in the different counties
throughout the alalr iu which the con
stitutional amendments should be
published. Following is the veto mes
sage, which fully explains iUelf i
"I said in my inaugural hd dress that
a republican governor would not per
ish a democratic legiltur l piny
politics, and I referred to just such
meaaures aa 8 P 91. which I am at
this time vetoing Two years ago the
author of the present S F 91 introduced
a measure and it bara the law f
the state, that the authority of the sec
retary of state to name the local news
papers wherein constitutional amend
ments anonid be published was iakeu
from his hands sod given to the gov
ernor who was authorized and direct
ed to name the ne spa pars in which
cosstitutional amendments should be
"There most have been some potent
reason far making the change, wed if
it was good to make the change, cer
tainly nothing has happened since
to make a farther cbangu desirable or
necessary at thia time. It certainly
mnat hare been thought at that time
by thei legislature of the state of Ne
braska thai such ft change was not on
ly deairabls. but aes?9ry f"r b wel
fare of the atate, aad not desiring to
change" these happy conditions which
were solemnly crystaliied into law, I
believe that the Uw should remain on
the statnUt hooka long eoough to be
tnorougblr tried out so that the pub
lic would not lose whatever virtue it
might have.
"But the more important reason of
:i u: .! u: .....
ore is that it direct that the publica
tion of the amendments should be
limited to two papers alone. This
would give a monoply to the largest
newspaprrs in the county aiid would
deprive Lhe Kmallcr papers through
the county from receiving any of this
patronage. It is my intention to di
vide this patronage among republican
and democratio papers, and I deem
myself capable of making a selection
without the assistance of the legisla
ture, atd I therefore veto said senate
file No 91."
Whiting Items in Sloan, Star: Mist
Era Bigelow and Herman Hnrley, of
Homer, Neb, were married Wednesday
morning of this week at the home of
the bride's parents. They left the
same morning for Homer, Neb, where
they will reside on a farm ... J
Bouchard has resigned hi position aa
manager of the dry goods departmant
in the Cassady & Whiting store and
has accepted a position at Davidson's
manager of the linen department.
Hs and his family will leave in a
couple of weeks for Sioux (Jity where
they will reside.
Sioux City Journal, 10: John Mc
Taggart, of Emerson, Neb, wi in
Sioux Uity yesterday. He has rented
his farm near Emerson, and expects to
mars to Sioux City to take up his fu
ture residence.... Relatives of John
Nafziger in Sioux City have been no
tified that he is dangerously ill at Al
buquerque, N M. He is suffering with
lung trouble. Mr Naffziger at one
time was a member of the Stephens
Kennedy company in Sioux City.
Several years ago he removed to Pu
eblo and established himself in busi
ness, thinking a change of climate
might benefit his affected lungs.
"Jack" Gamble accompanied him and
has been in Mr Xaffztger's employ
since his removal to the Colorado city.
In the past few years Mr Naffziger has
devoted much of bis time to a quest of
Emerson Enterprise: The small
pox quarantine has been lifted from
the Poole residence.... Bert McEntafi
er and family hare moved into their
new home which they have just com
pleted.... Mrs George Conghtry and
children are visiting this wtek at Mrs
Cnughtrv's parents, Mr and Mrs Ed
win Andrews, at Beacon.... Will
Guernrey and Mi's Christine Jepson,
daughter of A Jepson of this place,
were qoietly united in marriage at Da
kota City Tnesday Geo Wallway,
formerly connected witii the First Na
tional bsnk, of this place has moved to
bionx City where be and bis wife will
make their home in the future.
Woid comes from Gandy, Neb, that
when farmer Levi McEntaffer former
ly editor and compositor on this paper
was sent ont by his wife to set a hen,
he came back for information as to
whether the hen should be set solid or
Sioux City Daily News, 10th: Allen
P Eennett will have an opportunity in
the penitentiary at Port Madison to
meditate upon the foolishness of an
nexing more than one wife at the same
time to hia family tree. The man sn
found guilty of bigamy by a jury in
Judge Oliver's court and Juuge Oliver
this morning sentenced him to not
more than five years in prison. Ken
nett dsfen I bt he did Dt be
lieve his first marriage was binding.
.... Because he was not caref ol enough
about the use of bis name on the bot
tom of some checks, C W Schwartz
will have to spend the next 30 days in
jail. Schwartz drew checks on an
Emerson bank in which be formerly
had an account, but which refuted to
honor these particular checks, and his
arrest was the result. In district
court this morning he pleaded guilty
In obtaining money under false pre
tenses, and Judge Mould sentenced
him to 30 days iu jail
cave in the rear of the Judd
plce on Front street, wbete
found Sunday morning by
Peterson and later returned
it was , n railroad section hand, who had down
Charles to point unknown, leaviug a $50 atom
to the bill as a alight token of remutiibrutico,
The trunks were shipped bock to bu-
, kota City.
Sioux City Journal, 11th: The dis-I George T Woods of Dakota City, is
trict court case of Vincent Knapp1 erecting a large barn on his farm south
against the Dumbarton Realty compa- of here, occupied by Mr Hansen. D
nj h been settled and dismissed.! H Hageria superintending the work,
Knapp sought to secure a judgment lor Henry Cain was a county soat visit-
the value of improvements to river ' 0r Friday.
front land . . . . Just because ho thought j Oeorgo Ha,B waH dow0 to Dakota
she had cut the bread too thin D L1 r... nn i,j,1M.. ki.i.
Allen struck bis pretty step daughter.
At least tbat'a what Mrs Caroline Al
len, the wife and mother, claimed in
the district court in asking Judge John
F Oliver for a divorce. The decree
was granted. Mrs Allen has two
grown daughters by a former marriage.
She had been divorced before on
the ground of cruel and inhuman treat
ment. She told her second story with
tears in her eyes and with her daugh
ter waving an open camohor bottle un
der her nose. Mrs Allen said her bus-
band made her feed the horses. She
even had to climb on the manger and
and up into the hay loft, she said.
When the wife was sick at tbs hospital
her husband called to see ber every
day. "nut be was very unkind," said
Mrs Allen, "hie waa always talcing
of the stuff be could buy with the
money be was blowing in at the hos
pital. He said my daughters didn't
kcow anything," continued the mother.
"lie said my oldest daughter ought to
marry the first man who came along
because she didn't know anything.
For about a year he has only taken a
few of his meals at home and when he
was there be wouldn't speak to aa at
the table." The daughter told the
court that her stepfather "went to the
theater and to church entertainments,
but he never took ber." She. too
cried. Allen, who is 54 years of age,
bad filed an answer in the case, but
did not make an appearance in court.
Mrs Allen is 51 years old. She said
all her husband did was to look after
bit property. They were married at
South Sioux City, Neb, in 1902. Mrs
Allen in her petition asked $15,000,
but nothing about alimony wa said
during the trial. ...Maud BruuHn has
been granted a divorce from Grant
Branson on the ground of intoxication.
They were marriel in 1906 and lived
together, according to the wife, until
July, 1910.
city the
fi, nr-,r-.n-.r-ir-...-.r- S
Mrs Reninger is on the sick lit this
business caller in
Items of Interest
from our Exchanges
Pender Times: E J Smith was over
Jrom Homer Tuesday.
Albaton Items is Sloan, la, Star:
Ohas Olson and wife, of Hubbard,
2?eb, spent Saturday and Sunday
Sloan, I. Star: Ohaa O son, of
Hubbard, Neb, was looking after busi
ness interests hern and visiting rela
tives in this locality last week.
Wayne Democrat: Mrs I J Fuller,
of Emerson, as a guest of Mrs F S
Kerry over Sunday.. ..Mr apd Mra
Jabs Hogtc, ef Hubbard, Neb. arriYed
last evening for a visit witti Mrs Pratt
and family.
L)Obs Mirror: Miss Clara Wilkina
and Clarence Rasdall Snndayed at
their homes in Homer. ...MM Warner
and wife went out to the nistorio Black
bird. Friday, where the former helped
the Frets plant their garden.
Haiix Itema in Sloan, la, Star:
Broaia Whitttcar is employed in the
J F Taylor ho.ne....Miss Rosia Whit
Hear returned Sunday from Branson,
Ioa, where ahe baa been visiting at
the home of her Aunt, Mrs H II Bluuk.
Pender Republic: 0 J O'Connor of
Homer and ll H J Osborne of Winne
bago were in town Monday looking
after some business matters.... Nick
Fritz has leaaed tho Palace hotel of J
M Severaou and expects to open it up
aooa. He U also making application
Winnebago Chieftain: Dr Nina R
Smith was down from Homer yester
day on professional calls.... Lettie
Heike s of Dakota City was an over
Sunday vintL-ir with relatives iu the
Linksweiler and McCormick homes.
.... lire Susie Thacker returned home
Wednesday nooa from the hospital la
in the city, whero she had undergone
an operation for appendicitis. ho
was accompanied by hor mother, Mrs
VanCleve....Miss Hilda Turner Came
over from Emerson thia week to visit
with her sister, Mrs Sol Smith, pend
ing the time ttie Emerson schools are
elofwd as a Bafegiiard against smnll-
pox, there being three cases there in
light form. Tho school will doubtless
open in a WAek....ubaa Uuernsey,
living out near Einer&on, met with a
great misfortune this week. Fire
broko oat in his barn at 3:00 o'clock
Monday morning, aud it His burned
to the ground. Eighteen head tt
horses were burned, also nine head of
miloh cows, and fifty tons of buy. We
understand there was no insurance.
The origin of the tire ia not kuown.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
wa LOCAL AWUCATIO:.-!; j canooc itaea
tt wat U tt Iwm caurrn u a bfcxxl or couti.
W"' 4e. &4 la orflfT la rare It yoo u Uta
krttnal raartxa. 1UU' CaUrrb Cut uacs la
tWMOr and vii direct!? uixiq tU Uuod And bkkxmi
"""- null UHUTB LVTC u M qutt BWrdl
m. It w praentxd ty cm U U ixm pfayvlttu
a tMa muttrjr Un tnn aad n a rrruUr prwilpuaa.
Um nuMd Uw Ul tacict tun, cu&Used
waa Saat U UardMmfim. attlcc dtruttr cu U
rtMa. Tb stt eaAluttoa u v
Mn mptdkau M wtt Mwluwa auch wotuterful
at cunaj tturrt. wed to, iMUmUi. irc
a,. ,.'-i.CHiafEVCOMlrot,Toiilo,a
SM br IniMTMi, prfc ne.
feka Halt fuaSjr fa tot estuMpttfeo.
Homer Siar: Mra Ida Coleman baa
gese to St Paul for an iadeficato time.
....Harold liuckland has given up
his partnership in the aowspaper in
Wisconsin, uccording to a letter re
ceived by his folks ia Homer. ...Miss
Mabel Clapp left last evening for New
York state when she and her brother
David will operate a large dairy farm.
.... Warren Kinoear hat given up his
job with the Standard Oil company
and will again ply his vocation us a
carpeuter. Chus Bruce succeodod him
on the oil agon... .After only flieen
minute deliberation, the jury iu the
case of Allen Kenuett charged with
bigamy, brought in a verdict of guilty
at Sioux City yesterday. He mauied
Linnie Rockwell here last fall. He'll
get about four years 8 W McKin-
lev has received his appointment as
railway mail clerk and left for Omaha
yesterday to give it a try out for h
m.nth B E Walton, u first class bar
ber, has leased the shop for the time.
....Mrs CI; do Reeves of Winuebago,
died at her home last Friday morning
and wab hurried iu the Omndi cemo
tery Sunday afternoon. The hearse
from here conveyed the remains from
Winnebago, The deceased was for
merly Miaa Ollio Robertson and ybb a
resident of Homer for several years.
... .Last Saturday evening some light
fingered party took a valuable lap robe
from the buggy of Louie Rrckwell
which was standing in front of th
Red Barn. They evidently lost their
H Renze was a
Jackson Tuesday,
See our line of dress shirts for men.
Carl Anderson.
Emelia Anderson spent Sunday with
the home folks.
Joe Hogan and John Hartnett went
to Sioux City Tuesday.
Dr Leahy of Jackson, was called to
Wayne by the death of his father.
He left here Tnesday cresisg.
John Hogan was in Pender Monday
and Tuesday on busme&s.
A DcW tilit Ot taii07 Sullt Waiattf, iij
the latest patterns and styles. Carl
Mrs Francisco, Mrs A Anderson,
Miss Theresa Anderson and William
Goertz, were some of the Sioux City
shoppers from here Wednesday.
Bert Francisco was a business
er in Homer Wednesday.
Nellie Hosan spsnt Saturday
Sunday at her home in Jackson.
Mrs McGee and daughter Mabel via
ited at the convent in Jackson Satur
Wo want your produce, and wo are
still paying more than the market af
fords. Carl Andersou.
Born, to Mr and Mrs J Smith,
April 9, 1911, a daughter.
wiuiam uuggan leu Aiontiny as a
delegoto to the WOW convention
which was lie id at Hastings, fteb, this
Jack Heffernau went to Pender Tues
day evening. Jack is about to buy a
saloon at that place.
Mrs H Iliroch tiaitod ut the parental
borne Wednesday.
Our lady customers will find every
thing in tho line of furnishings for wo
men that is usually found iu a that
ciavs store, Look at our stock and bo
convinced. Carl Anderson,
Mr and Mrs Field of South Dakota
and Mrs Crow of Sioux City, are visit
ors at tho Tom Heffernan home.
A surprise party was given at the C
Hirsch home last Saturday, in honor
of Mis II Hirsch's20th birthday.
B B Gribble has sold his placo of
business to Geo Timlin. Invoicing of
stock began Monday. In a shoit time
George will take possession aud
bo among oar hustlintr merchants.
Wo have not heard what Barney in
tends o tlt
Jon Heffurnuu ranin down from hi)
claim in South Dakota Saturday. Joe
looks hale and hearty,
You nill need a cravenette coat this
spring and Carl Anderson has them in
all styles uud prices.
Wm Reninger shipped s car load of
stock Tuesday,
MtiJ Hartnct!
Shane visited in
Mary Beacom visited last week near
Badger Creek, at the home of ber cous
in, Mrs J P Mclntire.
Mike Green and Jessie Graves ship
ped a car load of hogs Saturday. Tom
Long also shipped a car load.
Mr and Mrs B J Cobleigh and fami
ly wish to extend their heartfelt thanks
to their friends and neighbors for their
kind aud generous assistance during
the long and serious illness of their
two little daughters, Mable aud Fate.
May our Heavenly Father, "who is
love itself," protect and bless them
both in health and ic sickness.
Mr and Mr- B J Cobleigh.
Michael Mitchell returned from Win
ner, S D. Sunday, where he was call
ed by the illness of his son John, who
was ill with pneumonia. He left him
much improved.
Raymond Hall ba gone to Plains,
Marie Leahy spent over Sunday
with relatives in Sioux Uity.
Rev J P Devane returned Saturday
morning from a weeks visit with rela
tives in Chicago.
J B Smith enjoyed a visit from his
on George and family, whom he had
cot seen for several years. They were
enrouie'from South Dakota to Laurel,
Agnes Delougbery of Hubbard is
spending the week with nersister, Mrs
X H Sullivan.
The home of Mr and Mrs Joseph
Hunan of Vista, was gladd&ned by
the arrival of a little daughter at their
home'April 6, 1911. All doing well.
Mrs D J McDonald and children of
Sioux City, were over Sunday guest
at the John Ryan home, enroute from
Laurel, wtaere they had spent the week
in the home of her ancle, H J MrBride.
The schools closed Wednesday for a
shcrt Easter vaca:ic. Thar II1 ,-
open next Tuesday.
Mra W O Mixer and family are mov
ing this week to the Mrs June Lillie
house. Mrs Kate Moran and children
will occupy thehouse vacated by Mrs
George Smith, the genial agent for
the N W R R, has gone to Coleridge,
Neb. as relief agent for three months.
A Mr Johnson is agent here during
his bbsenoe.
The Jackson Athletio Club have is
sued invitations for a private dance in
St Patrick's ball April 21. A banquet
wiii fotiow in tue M W A ball. Five
piece harp orchestra will furnish the
music. It promises to be a swell af
fair. Mra O 7 Goodfellow who underwent
tho second operation at St Joseph's
hospital, is doing well.
Dr Leahy received the sad intelli
gence Monday of the death of his
father, M Leahy, a prominent nitizn
of Wayne, Neb. He left at once for
Woyne .
Helen Kearney returned Tuesday
nveniug from a weeks visit with friends
in Omaha.
The lttat uuiuber of the Lyceum
course will be given in St Patrick's
bull April 17th by Weatherwax Bros
Klrnt I'nl.llcntlon March 81-nw
Ordor ef Hearing on Petition for Ap
pointment of Administrator'
In Um county court ut Dakota county.
Htiito of NobraHkn, Dakota (Jounty .
To Mary K. Itorkwi-ll. Julia Ami lllacket-
or. 1,1 1 1 Inn Alny Wllklrn. John II. ilrnunt.
Mnry lirnnnt nnu loan persons inuireueu .
in inn cswiiu or jonn iiraunt, accented!
On rundlriK the petition of Mary K. Ilock
well ornyltitf Hint the nliiilnltrntlon ol
aid citato tw Krnnted to O, W. McKentb a
admlnUtrntort Ills hereby ordered thnt ,
you, and all persons Interested la said mat-,
ter, rnay.nnd do.appearattliecounty court
to l lie Id In nnd for aald county, on the
I.Uh day of April. A. D. lWl.ntlO o'clock b.i
in., to show cause. If any there be. why
tho prnyer of the petitioner should not be I
Krnnted, nnd thnt notice of the pendency k
of snld petition nnd that the hearlntr there
of In Klven to all persons Interested In said
mnttor by publlntilnK ncopyol this order I
In the Itakola County Herald, a weokly '
newspaper printed in said county, for tore
successive weeks prior to said day of hear
lntr. Witness my hand, and jealof taldcoart
this th day of March. A. 1. 111.
O C. Htrrr.s.vAX.
skal Coauty Judge. I
First publication t-T-4w.
Jacob 1. nAttr.lt tcoxo.
State of Nebrxita, Ctelota County s.s i
To whom tt may concern:
The comtaiiiloscr appointed to locate
and cstat:ttS a read commencing at the t
quarter between sections Band U. town-'
ship J, ranee t west of Sth P. M at the '
point where road .So. 72 turns north, and '
from said point ran west on the section '
line tetwn ctIons 12 and 13. Twp. cK It. '
t. to the point where the southwest corner 1
of lot:?, section LJ. nnd the northwest cor-1
nerof lot S. section n. Twp. ft. R, t. inter
ts the Amnlrens meander tine, and ;
there terminate, has reported In favor of j
the establishment and location thereof, and '
all objections thereto or claims fonlam-.
ase. mast tie Sled in the county clerk's of-!
see on or before noonox thestbdayof June,
Paint and
Dalcotia. City Pharmaoy
Of Every
Size and
TShe Question of Peiivt
Is one that should interest not alone the painters, but all
desirous of improving and preserving their buildings and
homes. In the Mound City Paint you secure not only a
paint of good wearing quality, sun-proof, and reliable in
every way, but exactly the heaviest paint on the market,
which means that it is made substantially from the purest
ingredients known to the industry. Isn't that of value to
you? In Mound City barn paint, you secure the genuine
oxide of iron paint no imitation and furnished in red,
slate, brown or yellow. We know you cannot beat these
paints for either quality or price. Try them.
111. or such road will b established and lo
cated without reference thereto.
County Clerk.
FJrit publication 1-7 3w
Notice Is hereby elven that the oetltlon "
of Fraox Lehmann for llcene to sell malt,
spirituous and vinous liquors on lots land
i in block 1. In the village ef Naeora. Dakota
county. Nebraska, during the fiscal year
U-flnnlns on the nrst Tuesday In May. IHI. 1
is on file In the office of the county clerk of
Dakota county. Nebr.. and all objections '
thereto mnt be filed on or before the 3th
day of April, l'll. or the same will t grant
ed. Franz lhmann. Applicant.
Dated thlsth day of April. It'll.
Is something that should appeal to every housewife not
alone because of improved appearance, but from the standpoint nf econ
omy of labor. On these grounds we wish to remind you that wn have
a new and up-to-date stock of "Wall Paper, something to plefe you.
Aud remember, we also keep the sanitary wall coating, Alabastinu.
It will cot rub idf. aud can be put on plain, or etched in tue most
artisti; manner. Yoa will act L oiappointed if you use it.
Or-len.tsk-1 VajrnlsK
furnishes a new and artistic method
for brightening thec-e old chairs cup
bupboard. or any article In the bouie.
wfnrnlh It in oak cherrr. 'rtJnut,
mahoirany. etc. peuuln Imitations
at small cost.
Csnulrva Rubber- Paint
acts as a preservative when applied
to wood work or Iron. Prevents that
ruol lending and Improves appenr
ances generally. Gives satisfaction,
Dakota. City Ncbras.sk.du
First publication 1-7 3wks
Notice is hereby given that on the flth day
of April. Ill Dn(fnn Heffernan filed with
the village clerk of Hubbard. Nebr.. their
application and petition for a license to sU
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, nnd
conduct a saloon In said village on lot S. In
block 12, under the laws of the state of Ne
braska and ordinances of said village, dur
ing the fiscal year beginning the first
Tuesday In May, 1911. Any and all objec
tions to the granting of said license should
be on nie with the villaze clerk by the 'JHh
day of April. 1W1.
Duggand. Heffernan.
D. P. Heffernan. Applicants.
Village Clerk.
First publication 1-7 Iws
In the county court of Dakota county. Ne
braska. In the matter of the estate of Wllhelmlna
Isenburtr. deceased.
I Notlr I hrv?vn t h.MJitrt..
of the said deceased will meet the admtnls-
trntorol said estate, before me. county iudse
of Dakota county. Nebraska, at the county
court room In said county, on the Sth day
of July, 1911. on the Wth day or August. 1911.
and on the &th day of neptembei. 1011. at
10 o'clock a. m. each day for the purpose of
presenting their claims for examination,
adjustment and allowance. Six months
are allowed for creditors to present thlr
claims and one year for the administrator
to settle saia estate, rrom the 2th day or
July. 1911.
This notice will be published in the Dako
ta County Herald for four weeks successive
ly prior to the 29th day of July. 1911.
Witness my hand, and seal of said court,
tills 25lh day or March. A. D. 1911.
D. O. Hkkfernan-,
seal CountyJudge
Ze Cyclone Churn
Is tKe...
Fastesr, Cleanest,
Easiest, Best, and
Most Sanitary, Sim
'pie, Durable and
Convenient Churn
on the Market.
r5ept 13.1910 TI
ipOoRrTrc.ca IFlI
First publication 1-H-ll-wS.
Notice is hereby given that Kred G. S lun
ar d has filed with the village clerk of Dako
ta City. Dakota county, NebratVa. his appli
cation and petition for a license tosell malt,
spirituous and vinous liquor", and conduct
a saloon In said tillage, during the fiscal
year beginning on the first Tuesday in May,
1911, under the laws of the state of Nebraska
and tho ordinances of said Ulnae. In a
building located on parts of lots It and 15,
In block 140. Any and all objections to the
granting of said licence should be on tile
with the village clerk of said village on or
b-.'Jore the 3Jth day of April. 1911.
Fhkd g. stanahi. Applicant.
I'acz. Pi7ET. Village Clerk.
Dated this 13th day of prll. 1911.
Marcus and Eristiua Miller were
Sioux City passengero Monday.
Peter Peters aud family, Henry Gloo
and fnraily, and John Jeuseu and fam
ily vieited at the John Johnson home
Mrs Hiram Priest was an over Sun
day visitor at L E Priest's.
Wm Kulil and Joa Maurice spent
Sunday with home folks.
Mrs X L (Jnppen accompanied Mrs
Roy Crippen to riioux City Friday of
last neek, 'he latter being taken to St
Joseph's hospital for an operation,
Harry Eritcsen purchased a team of
mules nf Geo Ashford last week
Abo Bancroft and wife from Emer
son, visited last Monday at the M L
Crippen home.
Mrs M Hftuten and Mra
sen wero among the Sioux City shop
pers Monday.
J Beacom was in tho Otty the first
of tho week.
Louie Rockwell had a car of fat cat
tle on the Omaha market Friday.
Mr aud Mra VVl8ey ate Sunday din
not at the August Anderson home.
See oar new line of Eabtur bonnets
and bats.
13 I) Gribble and Henry Hanson at
tended tho Woodman couventin in
Juckaon, Wednesday
Mra Garret aud son Urjaut were
city shoppers Wedncaday.
Cliff Priest and wife loft for Oregon,
wli.mt thoy expect to make their home.
John Hatty was in Sioux City
Our shoe stock ia complete iu all
lines, and wo can fit you iu any style
or priced hoe. Carl Anderson.
Frank Ufllng and Jetae Graves were
Sioux City passengers Saturday.
Mell A Schmied, of Dakota City,
Tribune Becomes Farmer
and Breeder.
Tho Herald is in receipt of an an-iiouncfint-rit
of tlu change of nunm
of Farmers' Tribune to Fnuer and
Breeder. Farmers' Tribuue waa es
tablished in 1S78 aud has been pub
lished iu Sioux City, Iowa, since 1904
The publishers, Farmer Hnd Breeder
company, emphasize the fact that the
change is in nano only, as the men
u ho have so successfully condncted the
buBicess cinco it was brought to Sioux
Peter Lar-' ',T wl" continue in charge. Farmer
First Publication l-ll-3.
To Whom it May Concern:
Charl"; !. Borowsky ha this day filed his
application with the village clerk of the
village of Homer. Dakota county, Nebraska,
addressed to said villnge board for licence
to sell malt, snlri'uous and lnous llauors
at retail In said Ulage during the year end
ing in .Mn iiMzonnnuai me roiiowing ue
crlbed premises, to-wlt: Commencing at
a point eighty ' 'J) feet east of the northeast
In offering this churn to our customers we wish to be
brief, straight to the point and strictly honest in all the
claims made, and ask in return your honest criticisms.
A trial will convince the most skeptical that the
Cyclone is the Fastest butter producer in the world
today. It is manufactured and guaranteed only by the
Kinser Manufacturing Co., Sioux City, Io., and sold by
Homer: thence east to the east line of the
southwest quorterof the outuea't quarter
of section eleen 11) township tnenty-tev-en
l?7) range eight ibj east of the Sixth P.
M.; thence south along said line forty IW
feet; thence nest to the eat line of Front
street In said village of Homer, thence
north along said east line of Front street
forty (4) feet to place of begtnntg, which
property and place so described is within
the corporate limits of the lllage of Ho
mer. Dakota county. Nebraska.
All objections toald application maybe!
Hied with the Village Uieric on or before
Saturday. April S. 1911.
Dated this i day of April. 1911.
Attest: Applicant for Licence.
J. L. Hlanch itn. Village Olerfc.
and Breeder ia owned, edited and pub'
lulled by uorthwe6tern farmers and
breeders. H G McMillan is president
and general mauager and John Thomp
son, editor. Both of these men are
highly successful farmers and stook
men and own and operate farms in
connection with their newspaper work.
Farmer and Breeder is a most appro
priate name for that publication. Its
scope fully cover the live stock indus
trr and tho gruiu farmer is fully hs
well aorved by the publication as tho
liretdor. Wo are advised, ho ever, i
thut it is the luteution of tho pubiixh
era to dovote more attention to livo
stock and breeding features in the fu
ture. We believo this is a good move, j
because tho future of this great agri
cultural territory depeuds up n how
much live stock our farms produce A
liberal production of lire stock in thia
country will i-olve the greatest prob
lem of couserving our natural teeources
a retention of the fertility of onrsiil.
Buy a good farm on the Dakota'
county bottom, I hato it. Elmers, t
The Imported Belgian Stallion
Leugraud no.59062
Has been purchased by Leonard
Ross from W. A. Lang & Co. of
Greeley, Iowa, and will stand
for service in Dakota County
the coining season. This cele
brated stallion was imported
from Belgium last year, where
he was used in the service of
the government, and is a steel
bay, 5 years old weighing 1,900
pounds. Leonard Koss, the
owner of this horse, will be glad
to show him to those desiring
to breed to the best that can be
Bills announcing date and
place of service and giving pedi-'
gree, will be issued soon. j
Patronize Home Industry buy your meats of
Proprietor of
City Msi,x Ndirkt
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand
Cash paid for Hides and Pelts
Agent for Seymours White Laundry. Basket goes on
Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
Da.Ic.otet. City Nebraska
-. -
V.5y J;av . biPb
IV1 Vfl fl WV'Jlrtl
Y Vli '1 If xW
This lyi-'m. Coucord Harness No. 70
no collars S31
Our No. 179, l-in. Concord, with
flat backs, a better job $35
Sturcs Bros. ioSTS.?
1 m
P-T f X? W E2SS W
--"- -- -- --
iloJe to bIM New Ilm.laro. A trial V
mixe Ton oar DermAnent ecitamtr.
Prize fnllert on auuMrwirtiniuvt
T ' ' ' u.ll unda i T h.m.
11 Uw tout Trlr. I eplrwLil I OmUa, t TUl.
Ut;iOkrric-iOTir fe.iti TintU-t la aU.
Write to-day; Mention tbls Paper.
r row ut rc lt( al nnln tfcU TJaaU
rtlTC Ururl
. i
i mtirarUTC i(ruri 4 a l"li iuk, J
II MfeiT-ioctUaUMtluicUMtl !. ruau.u. J
H.W.BacLbw, Ml "&&&,&. J
r r&WiSBMKanKBarTwi
j.3-M MaaaataBUtrtaaw aw
Undertaker couty coroner
Tip Mico Etern'tl Process of isrnlaliiiing.
Nothing taken from body and nothing put
in body. All done upon outside. Body can
be kept for ages.
B. F. SaV,r, Jackson, Nebraska