35?S2,l,"'VJlw!wr1' tw -vtm-&ym' " ' 'ttwp" ft tniTviw uT-mw a twjTt r .-1 WTlTf ''iSr-VM etf DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD. ji l MB 'ffn r, ' " K,. MOTTO-ill Tke If w WImb II Ii Hen, VOL. 19. DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1011. WO. M. i 1 fc L gs J M MIIT DEATH IN COAL COL. LIERY FIRE NEAR THROOP, PA. SMOKE SHUTS OFF ESCAPE "lames Break Out In Engine House at Foot of Shaft and Men and Boys Are Imprisoned In Tunnel Where They Suffocate. 8ranton, Pa. Caught like rats in a trap, without a moment's warning, 60 men and boyij perished Friday In a coal mine flro In the Pancoast colliery at Throop, three miles from this city. Owing to the presence of volumes of smoke and deadly gases, the res cuers were unable to recover the bodies until several hours after the fire broke out. The cause of the disaster was a fire whloh broke out in the engine house at the foot of the shaft An alarm was sent to the miners and all the men except those working In the ,Dunmoro vein were able to make their way out Heavy, thick smoke arising from the burning engine house waa swept back into the workings toward the tunnel where 60 men were at work. They were caught behind this heavy wall of smoke with no means of escape left them. Aa the smoke drifted further back Into the lower vein the men are bo Uevcd to have been driven back to the end of the workings. Several times rescue parties made efforts to penetrate the wall of smoke close to the engine house after the flames had been extinguished, but the task was too dangerous and difficult. The men who tried to make progress through the smoke came back choking and with their eyes running water. The carpenter force was hurriedly called out and they with a small army of volunteers started to work sending all the available air into the lower veins. When the newB of the disaster had spread to the city and surroundlhg boroughs tho crowd at the mouth of the shaft multiplied many times and the Throop police found It necessary to swear in special deputies to aid them In keeping order. When a move was made to clear a passage from the shaft to the mine office there was considerable difficulty, on account of the determination of the crowd to stay closo to the shaft Rescue parties from the govern ment reljer station at Wilkesbarro and from the Lackawanna and Lehigh Valley Coal companies were dis patched to tho Pancoast mine and only for the use of perfected safety devices by these parties, tho fate of the entombed men would not yet be known. Banner, Ala. An official statement given out here Sunday says that 120 men were killed by Saturday's explo sion in tho Banner coal mines. They Include two white and three negro free men and ill negro and 12 white convicts. But ten bodies have been recovered. Relief work was In terfered with by many rescuers being overcome by black damp and having to be dragged out. The Banner mines are in tho west ern part of Jefferson county. They are owned by tho Pratt Consolidated Coal company .and aro worked by convicts, hired from the various coun ties through tho state. Tho explosion came at 6:40 a. m. It Is believed powder set fire to dUBt As the fan was destroyed, black damp quickly spread over the mine. ROOSEVELT RIOT A CANDIDATE CotonsI Declares He la Not an Asptr ant for Presidency or Any Other Offle. 8p"vano, Wash. Theodore Roose velt made his first public declaration regarding his possible candidacy for the presidency at a luncheon given In his honor Saturday by the Commercial club. "I am not an aspirant for anything because I have had everything," he said. "No other man alive has had I don't know whether I ought to use this simile In tho presence of the chaplain, but I am going to take chances no other man alive has had such a good run for his money." The colonel declared he was making his western tour for no other purpose than to thank tho peoplo who elected him to the presidency. WOMAN MAYORESS IS VICTOR Mrs. Ella Wilson Will Become Chle. Executive of Hunnewell, Kan. City Council Yields. Hunnewell, Kan. It now ap pears that MrB. Ella Wilson will be mayor of this town after all. She was given her certificate of election, and this evening, it is promised, she will bo sworn into office. Tho oity coun cil yielded to the city attorney and acknowledged Mrs. Wilson victor. Loses 8ult; Cancels Naturalization. Olympla, Wash. Disgusted because he lost a justlco court suit in Seattlo against tho Northern Pacific railroad, P. Cotterill, who was born in England, had his naturalization papers can celed and ho left Olympla Sat urday. Blind Woman Die In Fire. Cleveland, O. Two persons, one a blind woman, lost their Uvea and three others were Injured when the residence of Henry Marston was de stroyed by Ore Saturday ULTIMATUM. "jxJSt WJ'PwirouT ny MAY I ) r v .jix i ir i m - ii n fiiiii ygy.y Wrr-IXean iijd s MICHAEL LINK DIES EX-LEGISLATOR FOUND LIFELESS AT HOME IN SOUTHERN ILLI NOISLAID TO APOPLEXY. HE HAD PREDICTED THE END dmltted Receiving $1,000 From Lee Wilson In Bathroom of Southern Hotel, But Said He Did Not Know It Was for His Vote. St. Louis. Michael S. Link, former member of the Illinois legislature, who was indicted by a Chicago grand Jury for perjury and turned Htate's evidence in the Investigation of the election of United States Senator William Lorlmer, was discovered by his wife early Monday morning dead In a bathtub In his home at Mitchell, 111. It was at first supposed that he had committed suicide, but an examination of the body showed that he had been stricken with heart disease. Link had been affected with heart trouble since the strain of his indict ment by the Cook county grand Jury May 6, 1910. He worried over tho disgrace that attended his connection with tho "bathroom" Jackpot Incident at tho Southern hotel In St. Louis July 10. 1909. Mr. and Mrs. Link celobratod their twentieth wedding nnnlversary April 2, and nt that tlmo tho former lawma ker predicted ho would die suddenly. Mr. Link was born near Glllesplo, 111., April 13, 1858. Link is the second former member of the Illinois legislature Involved In tho Lorlmer scandal to be overtaken by death. The first was Charles S. Luke of Nashville, whoso namo was brought into the affair after his death. Link always took the situation seri ously. Link had been the comic figure in tho tragedy which was staged with tho trial of Representative Leo O'Nell Browne. Link had been seen in St. Louis at tho time former Representa tive Charles A. White, the confessed bribe taker, declares certain men were called thoro by Representative Robert E. Wilson to get their sharo of the Forty-sixth general assembly "Jackpot." The charge w.i3 that Link had received $1,000 for his voto for Lorlmer. He was summoned to Chi cago and put under a grilling cross examination by State's Attorney Way man. He denied that ho had received any money nnd told tho same story before the grand jury. To frighten Mm an indictment for perjury was voted against him. Link cried loudly that ho wished to get home to his wlfo and went before tho grand Jury and confessed that ho had received tho money. When tho case of Browne came to trial, however, Link declared on tho witness stand that ho had never been asked to voto for Lorlmer, that no promlso of monoy had been made to him if ho would so vote and that It was paid to him after the fight was over without any expla nation from Browne. Call Gaynor In Crime Wave Probe. New York. Mayor Gaynor, among other city officials, will bo subpoonaod as a witness before the grand jury in the "crlmo wave" investigation, ac cording to announcements mado In tho press Friday. Two Die In Suicide Pact Aurora, 111. A husband and wlfo were killed at Maiden, 111., Monday on tho Burlington rallroud in what ap pears to have been a sulcido pact Thoy were struck by an east-bound passenger train and Instantly klllod. Tho couple aro Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore, thirty and thirty-eight years old respectively, They aro believed to be residents of Chicago who had become stranded in one of the small towns near Mendota. The couplo deliberate ly stood In the middle of the track and allowed themselves to be hit iiffe CONGRESS' PLANS OUT WAY8 AND MEAN8 COMMITTEE TO PUSH BILLS. Forecasts Activity In Senate Reci procity, Tariff Revision and State hood Measures on Schedule. Washington. From n reliable and authentic source It has been learned that tho plans for legislation formulated by tho Democratic ma- jorlty In the house Indicated that tho I nepuuuean senate wu; soon nave sev eral Important measures bofore it for its consideration. The definite outline, subject to further caucus ratification, lists as fol lows tho order of legislation to be pushed forward by the ways and meant) committee as soon as tho house organization is completed: Popular elections of United States senators. Publicity before elections of cam paign contributions. Statehood for Arizona and New Mexico. Canadian reciprocity. Revision of schedule K tho wool schedule of the Payne-AIdrlch bill. Revision of tho cotton schedule. Beyond this the present program does not extend, other tariff matters and general subjects being left for further consideration, dependent a great deal upon tlmo. It also practically haB been decided that tho Canadian reciprocity bill to bo brought forward by Chairmon Un derwood will bo almost an exact dupli cate of the McCall bill. It will carry no tariff rider. Leading Democrats when asked whnt they would do If the senate Im mediately passed tho Canadian reci procity bill and then indicated its readiness to adjourn, declared that the houso would not adjourn. The Demo cratic leaders expressed confidence that the president would not exercise his authority to adjourn the extraordi nary session should a dispute arise between the two houses of congress over adjournment STEAMER SINKS; 20 DROWN Coasting Ship Iroquois Founders Off Coal Island, B. C Eleven Per sons Are 8avsd. Victoria, B. O. Twenty lives woro lost when tho steamer Iroquois foun dered off Coal Island early Monday. Five bodies have been recovered, In cluding thoso of the fireman, stoward, a Chinese cook and two passengers, unidentified. Out of tho ship's com pany of 19 passengers and crow of 12, four passengers and seven of tho crew were dhvhI Tho Iroquois was a wooden Btcnmcr of 120 tons, built In British Columbia ten years ago and owned and com manded by Captain Sears. BREAKS 24-HOUR AUTO MARK Valentine Rush, In Flat Car, Lowers World's Record by 238 Miles at Los Angeles. Los Angeles, Cal. Tho first 24-hour raco ever held on a speed way was brought to a successful end when tho Fiat car, with Valentino Rush at tho whocl, had covered 1,491 miles, breaking tho former world's 24 hour record of 1,253 miles by 238 miles. Tho Cadillac wns second with a score of 1,443 mileB, and tho Colo third with 1,219 miles. Holds Reciprocity May Go On. Washington. The customs court in a decision Monday bold in offott that the so-called "favored nation" claubo In the existing commercial trcatlos with England, Franco and Germany does not restrict tho United States in effecting tho proposed reciprocity agreement with Canada. Taft 8ends In Fisher Nomination. Washington. President Taft formal ly sent to tho senate Monday tho nom ination of Walter L. Fisher of Chicago to be secretary of the interior. ELECT MARTIN LEADER M.1M 111 VIRGINIA 8ENATOR DEFEATS 8HIVELY OF INDIANA. As Chairman of Democratic Caucus Ha Will Name Stearins Body to Fill Committee Vacancies. Washington. Senator Thomas 8, Martin of Virginia, the "progr aive" candidate, waa elected mi nority leader of the senate by a voto of 21 to 10 over Senator Shlvely of Indiana, tho radical candidate. As chairman of tho Democratic cau cus and leader or tho minority Senator Martin will name a steering commit which will fill committco vacancies, assign new members to places and re port its action to a future caucus for approval or. diBsent Only tho most deflnlto and reas suring pledges of fair treatment for tho new sonators, an acknowledgment of their represent j character as Senator Martin of Virginia members of their party, their right to assignment to important committees and to bo consulted in the manage ment of party uffairs in tho upper house, prevented tho caucus from end ing in bad blood. Martin was chosen, after a ballot was cast, receiving 21 votea and Shlvo ly of Indiana 16, with three sonators absent. This was the first time with in the pant 16 years nt least that a bal lot was required to dotermlne the chairmanship of the caucus and Sena tor Bacon expressed the hope It would bo the last Martin was nomi nated by Clarke of Arkansas and Shively by JohnlW. Kern. Among the 16 men, 'all claimed as progressive Democrats who voted for Shlvoly as against Martin, was Senator O'Oor man. TOM L JOHNSON SUCCUMBS Four-Time Mayor o Cleveland Dies at His Home From Cirrhosis of Liver. Clevelnnd, O. Tom L. Johnson, four times mayor of Cleveland and former congressman from this district, dlod Monday night In his flf ty-soi enth year. He had been near death for five dayB. Up to a week ago the former mayor had insisted that ho would get well and again bo a candidate for may or of Clevoland, but finally he saw his hope waa futile and, after bidding old friends and former political associates farewell, he resigned himself to death. That Mr Johnson sacrificed his life for his principles is certain. Ho had beqn nlllng from cirrhosis of tho liver for years and was told by tho physi cians that ho must quit active work for awhile and take troatment but be was In tho midst of his fight for throo cent fare and refused to Btop. Finally, beaten in his fifth fight for mayor, ho yielded to illness and went to New York for treatment, but It was too late. DAVIDSON TO BE DIPLOMAT 'resident Taft to Appoint Former Gov. ernor of Wisconsin as Minister to Bogota. Washington. Jamos O. David Bon, recently governor of Wiscon sin, is soon to bo appointed by Presi dent Tuft to a high diplomatic position In South America, probably that of United States minister at Bogota, Uni ted States of Colombia. This is a post that pays a salary of $10,000 a year. Whether Minister Northcott, now at Bogota, will retire from the diplomatic service or be sent to anothor post Is not known at present FIRE KILLS 200 AT FESTIVAL Men, W.omen and Children Perish In Flames In Thatched Structure at Bombay, Bombay. Two hundrod men, women and children woro burnod to death in n fire which destroyed a thatched structuro In which they hnd gathered for a festival. Flvo hundred persons wero in tho building whon tho Hro broke out. Thoro was only ono exit nnd an indescrlbablo panle ensued. Given Twenty Years for Murder. Danvlllo, 111. Tho Jury In tho case against Fred O. Garner, charged with tho murder of Mrs. Elsio Cochrane, returned a verdict of guilty Monday and llxod his punishment at 20 years In tho penitentiary. Chinese Troops Rebel at Canton. Iindon. Northern Chlnoso troop stationed at Canton mutinied Monday bocauso they woro cMBSatisflod ovor tho action of tho nrlnco regent In nroolalm. Jng himself commander-in-chief of the army. LEGISLATIVE WORK IT IS ENDED AND ADJOURNMENT TAKE8 PLACE. ONLY X HANDFUL SEE FINISH Final Day Continues Four Rays, the Clock Having Been Stopped on April 6th. t Tho Thirty-second legislature of Nebraska came to its formal close at 3:42 o'clock Monday afternoon when a motion to adjourn sine die was made in tho house by Quackonbuah nnd In tho sonato by Skllos. At a mattor of fact Quackonbuah was not even In tho stnto houso whon his mo tion was read but ho had been given tho honor nnd his wrltton motion had boon in tho clerk's hands nil day. In tho morning it was agrood that the formal hour for adjournment should bo 11:50 o'clock Thursday, April C. Tho Skllos motion reads as follows: "Tho hour of 11:50 having now ar rived nnd tho sonato and houso hav ing heretofore ngreod upon final ad journment at this hour, to-wlt, April 6, 1911, at 11:50 p. in., I now move that wo adjourn sine die." The clock stood nt 10:15 as It has stood since the rccoss was taken Thursday night and tho rocords nnd journals show only one long day from that tlmo to Mondny. In tho houso tho nudlcnco enter taining the final motion and wntchlng tho last bills slgnod consisted of Mem bers Sink, Liver, Eggonbergor, Har rington, W. Z. Taylor, Mockott, McKls elck, Crossman and tho speaker. In tho sonato Prcsldont Morohoad vhh in Ihu uhair and Senators Tuluull, McGrew, Smith of Flllmoro, Sollock, Sklles and Jnnscn were In tholr sonta. Tho hoarty and vociferous ayes which wero shouted whon tho motion to ad journ was put camo from a weary group of Btonographors, clorks, em ployes and nowspapor men who hung around watching the final obsequies; with morbid Interest Tho last actual work was dono Sun flay, when the conference conunltttoos on tho general maintenance bill nnd the McArdle motor vehicle bill report ed their agrooraeut. The offices of tho clorl: of tho houso and tho secre tary of tho senate will bo busy for sovoral weeks yet until tho prelimi nary work of printing tho Journals Is finished. Senntor Bartllng, during tho last hours, Introduced a resolution, which passed, calling attention to the fail ure in congress of tho Burkott mens uro to appropriate $250,000 for a for ester school at Nebraska City and asking the stnto delegation In Wash ington to continue efforts to honor the memory of J. Storling Mortou by se curing tho establishment of such a school. Tho governor was notified In tho morning by n committee, that the ses sion was ubout to closo, In the last few days tho governor has boon sign ing bills at tho rate of two or three an hour and his oillco forco Is exhaust ed with tho strenuous pace at which ho is working them In trying to (lis- i poso of tho mass of legislation which he must finish within a few days. Tho bills signed wero minor for tho most part and ho has failed as yet to dis pose of any of the moasures which ho mny possibly voto. Tho tolophono bill, tho Omaha appropriation bill and the other moasures in doubt are still bun irl nt; in tho balance. Bills Signed. From Saturdny to Monday Gov. Aid rich signed forty-four bills, all of them bearing date of tho 10th. More Pay for Legislators. Tho senate agrood to tho houso amendments to Vollp's bill which pro posed to crcato a four-yenr term for senators. The house cut out this foaturo nnd stood pat on Its notion. However, tho bill still provided for n salary of $600 per session for tho membors of both houses, double the present pay, and also limits tho time In which hills may ho Introduced to twenty days, No Money for Library. Tho effort or tho Nebraska Histori cal society, In Hpito of porslst out lobbying by ugontB of both bcxcr, failed to land tho $225,000 which was to lmvo gono for a library building. The senate library and tho rccoids of tho society wero to bo housed In this building Governor Hopewell Leaves. Lloutenant Governor Hopewell, who presided over tho tiuccesslvo sessions of tho state sonato, loft for Exeolslor Springs, Mo for tho purpose of ro riiporatlng. A three months' grind of the legislature mnkos him feel tho need of rest. Appropriations. Appropriations approximating $5, 000,000 wero niudo by tho state leglB luturo during tho session. Whon the conference ugreod Sunday on tho amount to be carried by tliu general mulutenuueo bill, and both houses adoptod the report, ull the appropria tion measures wero complete. Accord lug to tho confuienco report, tho gen eral maintenance bill carries a total amount of $2,081,000, an increatio of nearly $350,000 over tho totul amount agreed upon by the houso. THE CLOSING HOURS. Both Houses Very Busy as End Draws Nigh. The ancient and honorable core mony of stopping the clock was per formed In the house Thursday night at Just a quarter past ten. Officially It will remain 10:15 o'clock of April 6 until Saturday night or possibly Monday to ennblo tho legislature to mako good tho report of its confer-' ence commltteo In adjournment upon the 6th. The senate spent Its first night ses sion In passing appropriation bills, tho 1G appropriation bills passed car rying a total of $391,110.30. The bills passed provide $2,000 for marking tho Oregon trail, $5,000 for n state building inspector, $12,000 for a heating plant for the school for tho blind nt Nebraska City, $100,000 for tho medical school nt Omaha, $3,000 for tho relief of W. A. Phllpot, $15, 000 for sower and water main con struction at Wayno, $75,000 for weak school districts, $600 for the relief of Loulso Rollins, an employe at tho In stitute for the foeblo-minded nt Beat rice, $15,000 for connecting tho city water main and tho school for tho donf nt Onmha, $40,000 for a hospital for indigent tuberculosis sufferers, to be established west of tho 00th me ridian; $2,000 for tho purchase of land for tho school for tho blind, $100,000 for two now buildings at tho Lincoln asylum for tho insnno, $3.0.S0 to pay for paving at tho orthopedic hospital in Lincoln, $12,500 for tho purchase of ton acres of land for the nf-honl for tho donf, $55,000 for a new wing on tho Kenrnoy normal building and $C, 500 for repairs at tho state fish hatch cry. Tho senate also passed houso roll No. 34, Fuller's bill providing thnt counties build their own bridgeB If costing Icsb than $500 each. Tho ho tel commission ball was also passed. This provides a now oillclnl, a hotel commissioner, at $1,800 a year. Houbo roll No. 366, placod on third reading by tho sonntoL carries atotal of $1,101,560. Houso roll No. 611, tho goneral maintenance bill, carries $3, 082,770 as placed on third reading by tho senate. Cox of Kearney Happy. Senator Cox, of Kearney county, went homo happy In tho thought that ho carried in hla bolt a stato agricul tural school for his senatorial district The location of tho Bchool is not as sured, but he la conlldont It will go to his district Tho legislature appro prlatcd $100,000 to start Buch a school and In time it Iff hoped to btilld-U un IIF lU.t)" llIWIUIIBl Flag to Old Soldiers. Senators Buhrmnn nnd Bodlnson Joined In a motion thnt tho flng float ing from tho stnff abovo tho senate chamber shall at tho end of tho sob slon bo presented to the Grand Army post nt St. Pnul, Nob., and tho flag back of tho president's desk shall go to tho Grand Army post nt Konrnoy. Tho resolution, though opposed, wnH adopted. Inquiry Into Insane Hospitals. A losolutlon of Inquiry icgnrdlnR the condition of inBane pntlontB now In htnto Institutions was put through tho houso. The resolution stated that thoro havo been complaints concern ing tho crowding of some asylums nnd that the board of public lands and buildings could, If it made an ef fort, obviate tho difficulties. Nothing Doing. An effort was mado y tho house to reconsldor tho voto by which tho regents woro authorised to apply for and nccopt tho Carnogio' foundation for suporanuntcd professors The motion was defeated. No Charter Revision. Lincoln will havo no charter re vision nt this session of tho loglfiln turo. Tho bill passed tho Semite, but on reaching the houso It wns found to havo defects that It is now too lato to remedy. Telephone Mergers. Telephone morgors under the control of tho railway commission wero made a possibility If tho governor approves, when tho houso concurred In tho son ato amendments to II. It, 537, tho Minor physical connection bill. Tho houso cut tho mcrgor clnuso out of tho bill, but the fienata passod tho bill with the merger nddod. Tho houso docldcd to concur. Commission Bill Passes. Tho commission form of govern ment hill recommended for pnssngo was paused by tho houso 78 to 0. Thoro was no further opposition to tho hill, but John Morlart, of Doug Ins, spoko to explain the attitude of somo membors of tho Douglas coun ty delegation, which has been accusod of working against the bill. Appropriation of $100,000 Passed. Tho sonato passed tho bill carrying nn opprprlntlon of $100,000 for tho erection of a laboratory building in Omaha, which will form tho nuoseuB of tho new university modlcal school. Charter Bill Vetoed. Tho voto on tho Omaha chnrtei bill reached tho house of representa tives and for lack of 11 votes, tho houso failed to puss tho bill over the governor's dlBappiovnl. The ballot was 49 to 41, and 60 was necessary. In setting forth his reasons for douy Ing tho city officials his approval of tho bill they drew, ho goos over tho arguments against honvy taxation which linvo been presented to him by Interested property holders und quotes several lettors In support of v his position. GARDENING IN SCHOOL COURSE English Children Are Now Required tf Do Certain Amount of Practical Work. Gardening Is now Included as a ce dal subject for English school chil dren. There are two courses In the year, each consisting of at least twen ty hours' practical work. "Tho boys ore qulto keen about It," said tho head tencher of Sutton. schools. "Each of tho fourteen lade who form the class for gardening has his own little plot of ground for which ho Is responsible and at which ho works under my supervision. Tho produce la his, nnd great is the Joy of taking homo tho first spring radishes of his own growing, a fine head of let tuce, or a basketful of marrowfat pons. "As to tho education benefit, garden ing teaches the boys to do the right thing at tho right tlmo and Induces habits of method and observation. It also orcates a love of outdoor life a sQlendld counter-attraction in later years to the public house and music hall." "Two hours nnd n half a week 1b all tho tlmo thnt can ho given to garden ing, but so keen are the children 'that they put in n good many spare minutes on their own account. Even the in fants, under tho kindly enre of the schoolmaster's wife, havo their own special allotment, whicb they zeal ously rake and weed and generally look after. The mysteries of digging, trenching, potting, grafting, etc. In fact, a good, all-around training In tho growing of vegetables, herbs, fruits and nowrs Is Imparted TrJtl most happy results. Tho cultivation of peas, lettuce nnd tomatocB proves perhaps more attrac tive on tho wholo than that of roses nnd carnations, but flowers arc by no means neglected. A fine chrysanthe mum avenue In the Sutton school garden, the splendid blooms of which gnlnd a gold modal for their owner, has proved very stimulating to youth ful competitors. FOR PARKS AND BOULARDS , .- . ..Xa 1 f-'w-NV , J i Constitute a "Commercial Asset" That , No Progressive City Can Afford to Ignore. In fifteen yenrs Kansas City has built up n system of forty-five miles of boulevards nnd moro than two thousand ono hundred acres of parks. According to a rccont article In the Outlook, Georgo E. Kesslor, tho land scape architect for tho park board, says tho parks and boulevards are a distinct commercial asaot. While the system has cost $10,000,000, "the prop erty fronting on theso boulovards has been ndvanced by them more than that amount." Whon it was first proposed to es tablish such a system tho proposition aroused florco opposition nnd a long nnd hard fight was necessary in the courts before tho improvements could bepln. No city Is likolj to mako a mlstako In spending liberally from Its rev enues for tho maintenance of parks nnd driveways. Thoro aro different plans of ranking theso Improvements. KnnBns City has mado them by as sessing the cost ngnlnst tho property benoflted by tho Improvement Other cities have issued bonds, and others still havo made special tax levies. In whatever way, provided if th,e ex pense bo not utterly out .of reason, parks and boulevards aro a good In vestment and "n commorclnl asset" that no progresBlvo city can afford to Ignore. Loulsvillo Courlor-Jonrnnl, i Parks and Politics. It has been demonstrated by experi ence in ninny cities that tho park ByB tern moro than any other of the un dertakings of a city should bo 'man aged Independently of the council or legislative body of tho city govern ment The reason for this Is, of wurse, that the majority of th mem bers of tho city government Is com posed of practical politicians or oC men who havo about thesamo educa tion, tho snmo Impulses nnd IdeaB and about the same tastes. It should bo clearly understood that no blame is meant to be cast upon practical politicians. It is simply a fact that whon they control tho management of pnrks, tho results attained from the point of view of nrt are poor, some times very bad indoed. "Quaint" American Cities. We hopo nil American cities will soon be "quaint" in the sense In which Now Bedford, Mnss., Is called quaint. Tho Now Bedford Standard resents tho terra ns Implying that the town Is staid and old-fashioned. But whon applied to n community whoso population has admittedly Increased moro thnn one-half in a decade -It was 62,442 In 1900, and 1b now almost 100,000 it must be chiefly In Us pleas ing connotations of eleganca nnd BtrnngoncsB that is allied to beauty with the suggestion of tradlttonul stylos of architecture adapted to mod ern needs, and is by no means an oplthet of reproach. It Will Pay. When tho Bchool children get the garden habit Memphis will become tho city beautiful. Memphis Commer cial Appeal. Ml II I a I 4 i -? .15 M 1 J