Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 07, 1911, Image 7

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t -mme - t
J l.ui
New York Physicians Havo Many
Cures to Their Credit.
Now York, April 4. Advices from
every direction fully confirm previous
reports ,that the remarkable troatment
for epilepsy bolng administered by Uio
consulting physicians of tho Dr. Water
man Institute Is achieving wonderful
results. Old and stubborn cases havo
been greatly benefited and many pa
tients claim to havo been entirely
Persons suffering from epilepsy
should wrlto at onco to Dr. Watonnan
Institute, 122 East 25th st, Branch C3,
Now York, for a supply of tho romedy,
which Is being distributed gratuitously.
How He Averted a Duel.
Tho following Is told of former Sen
ator Joo Blackburn of Kentucky:
In tho days of his youth tho Ken
ttickinn was asked by a friend to sec
ond him in a duel. Ho consentcu, and
ut sunriso tho parties mot at the ap
pointed place. Now, It was tills Ken
tucklan's duty to say tho last words
touching tho terms of tho duel. But,
although he faithfully performed this
duty, tho duel never took place.
A murmur of "Why not?" invariably
goes around whenever thl3 story 13
told, whereupon tho nnswer Is as fol
lows: "For a. very simple reason. When
Joo finished speaking It was too dark
for a duel." Harper's Magazine.
Accounting for It.
Wcddcrly They say that a man
and his wlfo grow to look alike after
they havo been married a few years.
Now, my wlfo and I have been mar-
" ried ten yearsdo you think wo look
Singleton Yes, indeed. You both
soom to have tho some sad expression.
Stray Storks.
Occasionally or oftener people lead
a man to beliovo they admire him
when in reality thoy are only trying
to work him.
Keeps Horseshoers Busy.
There are used in tho British army
2S.C00 horseshoes every month.
To restore a normal action to liver, kid
neys, stomach and bowels, take Garfield
Tea, the mild Herb laxative. All druggists.
It's no uso a church advertising tho
Bible when it Is dodging its bills.
Made Safe by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Granitovillo, Yt "I was passinpr
through tho Changoof Life and Miflerott
71 r i o m nervousncs3
ana outer annoyinrr
symptoms, and I
can truly say that
yogotablo Com
pound lias proved
worth mountains of
gold to mo, as it
restored my health
and stronth. I
never lorgot to ten
mv friends what
Lvdia E. Pinkham's
"Vcerctable Compound has dono for mo
during this trying period. Completo
restoration to hcaltu means so much
to mo that for tho sako of other sulTor
ing women I am willing to make my
trouble public so you may publish
this letter." Mus. Ciias. .Barclay,
H.F.D., Granitovillo, Vt.
IXo other medicine for woman's ills
has received such wide-bpread nnd un
qualified endorsement. STo other med
icino wo know of has such a record
of cures as has Lydia E. Pinkham a
Vcgetablo Compound.
For moro than 30 years it has been
curing woman's ills such as inflamma
tion, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irreg
ularities, periodic pains and nervous
prostration, and it is unequalled for
carrying women safely through tho
period of chaugo of lito.
Mrs. Pinlcluim, at Lynn, Mnss.,
Invites all ntuk women to -vrito
herforjulvifo. Her advice is free,
and. always helpful.
la U P.H9 fld
Iia tae'iyyleld,lmttliat's what John Kennodyof
lMmontoo, Alberta, Western Canada. Rut from 4(1
acrusurnprin,? wneaun r.'iu. uot-uria
iruiuuiucruibiriviti iituuiiiruv-
intn Buuwi'uuuicr OICC1-lHntresullK-iuch
& 4.-
000 buulH lsol wlieut
troml'.'O uccra, or 331-3
tiu.ncrncre, lu.i'OandlO
buiiliel yields were num
eruub, Ai hlijn an i.J
bltnllMlR llf MIH b tltll
acrweri'ttiri8hed from
Tho Silver Gii )
at tho recent Bpokano
Falrwasawuttledto tl u
Alberta duvernuient for
Its oxhlbttof Braliu, sraes und
Tecetables. Ueportauf excellent
yields fur 1910 euru nlbo from
hatkatcbewan and Manitoba In
Western Canada
1'rtio linmetertd of 1 HO
turm. unit mlJiiluliiK lro
ciiiiptlciim of 1110 hi reB (ut
la nri-Hcrn) arc ti bo liud
Ul tbc rliolc i-Mt ilUtrbtH
HebooU foiiYinleiif, rll
muto vxclliit, (to! I tho
very bent, nil Imuthi lnnout
liand, liulldlng lumber
iliniip, filiileusy tor;nt mill
rriiHDimblo In prli u, wiltir
'fillv i roiMiriul , mUuil
fiirmtnciiHUt I'ewti.
.Wrllniw to hut placo for ct
tloniunt, settlern' luw r&lhrar
rnten, denerlptlTn lllufctrutnl
"LattlleitWett '(ent frru on
apiilleaUynlandotlir r Informa
tion, to riup't of lnioilitratlun.
Ot tawa. Can. .or to ttio Canadian
(jOTernuioDtAtom. 13C,
t. T. Hlnn.315 JImb Jl .51. Pxt, Kim.
J. . Hlith!ji,tlrjtt lH,Wjltrti,S.rj.
(I'm addrett nearest ou )
QUICK Rtlltf
Sioux City Directory
Alrtir printing ufilco do.nir a ijooil
tSHCy liugineok, In it ' m cay, to
trude for rioutli Dakota land A t'trculn It
yon bave boiitli Dakota html to el( or trade,
611 X'curl Street, Sioux City, Iowa.
Established 30 Years
rioral emblems
and cut noTTers for nil
b Uj y t
I fe 0 H
-Hj Vi-JU-
"There never wns a grandma half so
llu whltpeicri, wlillo beside her chair lie
And Inld Ills rosy check,
Vi'ltli manner ory meek,
cnlimt her dear old fncu In-Jovlns mood.
"Tlicro never wns a nicer grandma liortr,
1 know noma little liojs must bo forlorn,
Bwnuse thoy'o none, like you;
1 wonder whnt I'd do
Without n grandma's Kisses nlcht and
"Tliern necr wua ii deurer grandma
Ho klftstd lior and he smoothed her snow-
white hntrl
Then ilxetl her ruffled cap
And n6t!.d In her lap.
While grandma, mulling, rocked her old
"When I'm a man what lots to you I'll
A horso nnd carriage and a watch and
All grnndiniB aro so nice!
(Just hero he kissed her twice)
And grandmas srto a boy mos,t any
thing." Jpforc his dear old grandma could reply.
This boy looked up, and with a roguish
Then whispered In her car
That nobody might hear,
'Gay, grnndma, have you any more mince
New Moon.
Nineteen Out of Twenty Persons
Would Say Depth Was Greater
Than the Width of Cross.
Look at this peeulinr cross, nnd ask
jour friends which of the two dotted
lines is the longer tho one showing
tho urcadth of the cross or that de-
An Optical Illusion.
monstrating the dcplli Nineteen out
of overy twenty would reply that tho
cross is deeper than it is wide. As a
matter of fact, both dotted lines aro
of equal length.
Trick Msy Be Performed by Vibrating
Piece of String Drawn Around
Person's Head.
Place a picco of btritifc round thu
head of a friend, as shown in the il
lustration, taking caro that his hands
How to Make Realistic Thunder.
cover the ears, as shown in the
drawing. Then catiso tho string to
ibrato by drawing tho finger and
thumb along it, previously moisten
ing them or touching them with lesln.
Tho effect will ho that a sound ex
actly HKo a rolling peal of thunder
will reach the cars of the person
operated upon. Try It.
Facts About Amber.
A large pioportlon of the amber In
tho world is from tho shores of the
Baltic sea, from Mcmel to Danzig.
This "gold of the Baltic," so called, Is
a mofet valtiablo commodity, which at
ono tlmo ranked among fossil, or pet
rllkil gum, from coniferous, or pine
trees ot some prehistoric' period. Theso
forc-Ts along what now fomprlses pnrt
f tho shoro and tho bed of tho Baltic
sea, gnu- out their amber wax ages
apo, and this, together with tho trunks
of tho fallen trees, lies burled In a fos
sil btate A gieat storm on tho Baltic
nlwas bilngs to thu sho)o a quantity
of amber which probably has lain In
tho soil at tho bottom of the sea for
M'ich of tho amber of commerco Is
picked up along the ghqre, but tho
greater proportion of it Is mined. Tho
deposit is found about twenty feet bo
low tho surface of the ground ami Is
burled In tho remains of forest that
flourished thousands of years ago, per
haps Looking After the Eggs.
I.ady llotty, who Is 4 years old. and
never misses n trick, wns taken tho
other evening to a restaurant for her
suppci, nnd with all the Importance
and tprteluly dignity of her years,
calmly ordoreil poached eggs on loust
While tho llttlo family gioup w.ts
awaiting its servico, the "kiddlo"
amused hersolf by looking out of tho
window, pressing against a screen to
got a closer view of something below.
Sho was warned by hor mothor that
th"b screen might glvo way und lot hor
fall to tho sidewalk, perhaps Injuring
her tcrriblv Sho drew away thought
n minute nnd turn said na'vdv
"Would I fall If tl o screen wci ou'"
You icrtalnly woH " v.r h' moT
er' i resly "And .-m'll I n awful
hurt' 1'" ' Very 1 1, ly " ' Tl ci what
tfould tie man do with tho eggs'"
r-uUR O'CU
When tho old sun dlul by the garden wall
Tells Us tho hour Is 4 o'clock,
Then children und dollies both ono and alt
To tho garden tea-tablo gladly flockl
Kor Grandma has flnlshed her dally nap
And there will sho Bene us with cako
and milk,
Darling rIio looks In her lare-trlmmed cap
And second-best gown of tho llnest atlk.
ESSES mrXW(ish
v W hM
Dollle.i unit nil luivo u bite nnd sup,
Huiurry aro wp from our hearty play!
Dilntlly line Is each plnti Utul cup
l'or Qrindmn nu9 always brought up
that wayl
When no'vo lind ai much ti3 wo all can
AVe lay ourselves down on tho soft, cool
And then the dear ladles for tnlot entreat
Until tho Ions shadows liocla to pass.
Young German Noblewoman Inspired
Her Countrymen to Freedom by
Display of Fortitude,
Julio M. Llppmnnn tells a story of
the Thirty Years' war In St. Nicholas,
under the title of "Tho Street Sweep
er." Tho author says:
Now Mainz is ono of tho strongest
fortresses in Germany; but, nevortho
less, during tho Thirty Years' war It
was occupied by the French, who laid
tho country wasto and ruled over tho
land with all tho harshness of in
vaders. There seemed no hopo of es
caping from their tyranny, for the men
who had fought and lost were dis
couraged, and had no further heart for
resistance. So matters went from bad
to worso until, one day, tho beautiful
young countess of Stoin summoned all
the bwoctest and best maidens of the
city into her presenco, and urged them
to mnko a solemn vow that they would
nolllipr wil nor llptn t n word of
wooing until their country was en
tirely free.
As you may bellovc, tho news of
this leaguo nindo a great stir; for men
who havo lost their courage in war,
and men who have lost their hearts In
love, are very different beings. The
Frenchmen saw very soon that tho
young Germans wero showing signs
of rebellion, nnd so they determined
to wreak their vengcanco on tho
countess. They took her prisoner,
dragged her through tho city, and at
last thrust a broom Into her hand, and
bade her sweep the principal street of
tho town a terrible humiliation., they
thought, for a high-bred lady as sho
Hut do you think sho faltered? No,
indeed. Sho raised her eyes, and,
praying aloud so all could hoar: "God
of my fatherland, bless my sweeping,
and as I sweop tho highway, grant
that tho enemy may bo swopt from
our land!" graspod tho broom firmly
dike tho truo joung noblewoman sho
was) and swopt so clean that not a
Frenchman of them all (and French
men pride themselves on being ablo
to see very fine points) could discover
a spook of dust. Thoy stood about,
and twirled their mustaches, and tried
to look supercilious, and to raise tho
peoplo's mirth against her. But thoy
did not succeed; nnd tho townsfolk,
Instead of Jeering, took off their caps,
and echoed her prayer "God bless
the swooping!"
And God did blosq It; for tho sight
of their noble young countess at her
task put the men on their mettle, and
they turned on tho Frenchmen and
fought with such a will that it was
not longbeforo thero wns not ono loft
in tho land, and they had indeed swept
the country qulto clear of every foe.
Willie Bo peoplo go to some sani
tariums to get In trim?
Father No. to got trimmed.
Couldn't Eat Much.
"No, dour," said mamma to lltt)o
Carrie, who had Just rucolvcd n box
ot swoetmouts, "you must ask one
ot your llttlo frlonds in to share
your candy."
"Woll." replied the llttlo lady, nft
or a fow momonti' thought, "I I
guess, I'll invitu I'annle, 'catiso candy
makes uer tooths achu an' sho can't
eat much.'
Little Boy Sayo Grace.
A little Hartford hoy of tathor a
thoughtful and Inquiring turn ot mind
asked his dignified father ono day, aft
er tho silent graco at dlnnur. "Papa,
why don't jou nay It aloud?" "You may
nny It aloud If you wish, my son." re
plied thn fathor, and bowing his head
the little follow solnninly originated
this, unique grace: "Cod havo morcy
on theso victuals"
Good Frldry
a jiin '.rjy n iin- u rompTuhii;
v.' ' Ciod Pr.di. w., rrrlVrd tl.c .
rri" icib- N'H, yoi Ut r
I hoii e
I bOU."
,iuJ nad our Hbinm f r
Interesting Account of "Calf Killer or
Dug Hill" Battle Twenty Out
of 72 Get Away.
I havo never road an account of
what Is known as the "Calf Killer
or JDug Ulll battle," In Whlto county,
Tennessee I don't recollect the dnto
of tho battle, but it was some tlmo in
1RC1, Snvonty-Uvo of us followed
Champ Ferguson, tho hototl guerrilla,
all day until about four o'clock In tho
evening, nnd they set a trap for ub,
and wo didn't do a thing but rldo Into
It. I nnd two more comrades wore ad
vance guards, and wo wero some four
hundred yards in advance writes
John V. Clark, bugler, First Tcnnos
seo M. T. U., in tho National Tribune.
As wo wero riding ulong at ease, 1
noticed fresh horso tracks In tho rond.
I looked up tho road about ono hun
dred yards, and saw two Johnnies sit
ting on their horses, with guns lying
ncross their saddles, and I said:
k"Hoy8, yonder stand two confederates.
Supposo wo got them." I raised my
old navy, took good aim and opened
on them. Tho Johnnies broke, as wo
thought, for life.
I wnu bugler. I sounded tho double
quick charge signal, and lit out aftor
thorn, nnd about tho time tho com
pany caught up wo Bpled two lines of
bnttlo formed. Ono line was up to
our right, on high ground about thrco
hundred feet nbovo us. Wo wero in
tho Dug Hill rond, which ranged
around tho mountain about six hun
dred yards from where wo entered It.
At tho looso end ot this hill wns an
other line of bnttle. By this tlmo an
other line had formed hohlnd us, nnd
tho Johnnies wero cross-firing on us
three ways. Wo had a close call. As
I recollect it, 20 out of tho 72 got out.
John M. Hughes, colonel command
ing tho Tenth Tennessee, was back In
the mountains, picking up deserters
and conscrinting that country. Ho
had gathered about seven hundred, In
cluding old Champ Ferguson's band of
robbors and murderers, nnd thov
were tho ones wo wore fighting Wo
fought our way back tho way wo
camo in. Wo fired every round of
ammunition In tho company nnd then
used our sabers. This little light
lasted from four o'clock until nbout
six. Tho smoke was so denso that
you could not toll ono man from nn
other. Lieutennnt Kmlck Stono ot tho
old Fifth Tcnncsseo cavalry was in
command. About six o'clock ono
Johnny ball passed so rlnuo to my
head that it left a blisterall tho way
across my forehead just abovo my
eyes. Just after that another cut
"I 3ounded the Double Quick Chaiac."
my bridle reins In two between my
hand and my liorso's neck.
Wo wero nil pretty close together,
and wo started almost straight up tho
mountain, I In tho rear by this time.
A confederate caught my horso by the
tall nnd ordered me to surrender. I
didn't havo a lead In either of my
navies and its I was bugler I watn't
supposed to carry a gun. I diow my
sword and guvo a right-hand back
cut, und I was freo from him
I think we lost 52 men. At lenht
one-half that number surrondejed to
Colonel lluse, as ho was u tegular sol
dier and promlEod to protect thini. Ho
did so by passing them back lo tho
roar to old Champ, who shot thorn In
cold blood. Wo got this Information
from a couplo of old negroes, nnd
thoy said that wo killed more of them
than they did of us
Wo wero 12 miles from Sparta,
Tonu., and arrived thero about two
o'clock. About four o'clock Pickett
camo In. Ho reported that ho was
taken prisoner, and took tho oath to
nover tako up arms against tho south,
so ho resigned his olflcc and went
homo, and I think of all tho nonou
men I over snv during tho war he
was tho worst.
The noxt day wo went back through
that country with .100 picked mon
that U, men who volunteered lo po--and
not a confederate could wo find
In arum.
Dr. 's Loyalty Rather Coppery.
Down In old oastt rn MnnnchusettH
(town not montloncd), rosldo! n cci
tain Ur. , whoso loyalty wiih com
monly reputed a rathor "coppoiy,"
hut who Ik wonderful In hla hucccrr
in tramplantliiK trees nnd makliiK
thorn thrlvoln fact, hns rained n
paradise around his lino old mansion
A clorlcul guent onco rnakiiiK the
rounds, nald: "Doctor, tho Unltod
.SUttea marshal ought to havo an eve
to lour liroccdltips" "How ro''
,. i,,i ti, doctor n trlflo start'ed. rnd
om3r,lr" whrMiT ho had spoWn out
n mti0 too plolily nny time "IT
, c-u c you havo tuch ii hrnnv way of
cncijurnglni; trocson " Tlio doctor
JotiBlietl nnd "owed him ono."
Man Saves Two Lives but Subsequent
Lionizing In Much to His
Two lovers wero strolling along a
canal bank on tho outskirts of Paris
tho othor day when tho woinnn sud
denly ran from her companion and
throw herself into tho water. Though
but a bad Bwimmor, hor companion at
onco Jumped In to rcsctio hor, but ho
was uunblo to do so, and both wore
In peril of drowning, At this mo
ment a stranger camo nlong, and seo
lug tho struggling couple, bravoly
lumped In nnd succeeded In bringing
botli tho man and tho woman to tho
bank, whoro thoy wero booh revived.
A cheering crowd assembled to con
gratulate tho rescuer, who, however,
showed great reluctanco to bo lion
ized. Ho was qulcltly walking nwny
when two policemen camo on tho
t-ot-no ami Insisted Hint tho name and
address of so bravo a man should bo
taken. Their surprise was great
when they found that tho gnllant
rcscuor wns a burglar for whom tho
pollco were anxiously searching. Ho
was taken Into custody nnd will bo
brought up for uontenco. It Is expect
ed that tho gallant rescue will lend
to his dismissal, or at least to a re
duction of nny sentonco that might
otherwlso hnvo boon passed on him
for his less heroic deeds,
Has Cardinal Gibbons' Approval.
Cardinal Gibbons, tho highest au
thority of tho Roman Catholic church
In America, has exprcs3od his ap
proval of Tuberculosis day, which Is
to bo obsorvod by tho churches of tho
Unjtod States on or nbout April 30,
and of tho general organized anti-tuberculosis
campaign, ncordlng to a
report of an intorvlow mndo public by
tho National Association for tho Study
nnd Prevent Ion of Tuborculosls.
Tho lntcrviow was granted by his
omlnenco to II. Wirt Stoolo, oxccutlvo
secretary of tho Maryland Associa
tion for tho Prevention nnd Relief of
Tuberculosis, and Dr. Charles O'Dono
van, ono of tho loading physicians of
Baltimore. Tho Cardinal expressed
his cntlro sympathy with tho plan ot
tho Tuberculosis day movomont and
Indorsed tho progrnm both of tho
Maryland association nnd of tho na
tional association.
A Preaching Cross Restored.
Tho preaching cross In tho village
of Bunlngton, situated amid romnntlo
surroundings on tho northern side of
tho Mendlp hills, has, by tho generos
ity of Col. Evan II. Llewellyn, been
restored. It is recorded that early in
180.' tho hnndsomo fifteen century
baso of tho cross all that then re
mained of it was removed and uti
lized In building a now houso for tho
then parish clork. Happily, tho orna
mental dial stono did not share tho
snino fate, and this haa been incor
porntcd into its original position in
tho now cross. Threo broad and mas
sive stops carry tho oldsocket upon
which rests a tall monolith shaft,
which in crowned by ono of those
Inntcrn-Ehnped canopies so peculiar to
Uio wost country. From tho London
Molssant's Comparison.
. "Tho lato John B. Molssant wns n
gonial as well as a skillful airman,"
said a Chicago editor.
"I remember woll a visit ho onco
mndo me, with drawings of nn noro
piano of his own Invention under his
anu. I Joked him a llttlo about tho
machine It certainly had n heavy,
awkward look. But ho said with n
" 'Oh, don't Judgo oven an neroplano
by Its outside. What If tho man who
discovered tho oyster hadn't Btoppcd
to pry open tho shell.' "
"What do you think of tho idea ot
an extra session of congrerj?"
"Well," replied Fnrmor Corntossel,
"romo extry sessions Is llko Borao ex
try newspapers. Thoy ain't enough In
em to Justify tho holiorin'."
Popular Publicity.
"Thnt tall waltor seems to bo very
much In demand."
"Ypr; he never op-n a bottle ot
champagno without attracting tho at
tention of everybody In tho room."
t;S13 AI.I.KN'H l'OOT-EASB .,
the AntlnniiUo om!er lo bo n taken Into Uio tiroes
for tlrol, Hclilnv fiU. 1 1 liiken Hm Ming nut of xirn
nud bullion! and uiulin nulkllitf b dulluhU Bold
nrerynlinrn, 2o. litate furfOuf. For I'lllCM
trial imcwafc, uddrctt A. H. OlniUoJ, Lo Hot, r.'.Y.
"Tho heart is n umnll thing, but do
slreth great matters; It Is not suffi
cient for a kite's dinner, yot tho world
Is not Biifflclont for it. Hugo.
RrmemVr TraFk'w Ointment, if in peed
rf n uniform, leli.ililo household lemedy
fn- inflawnatrn' nr citarrhal ailments. It
Mill not disappoint you.
What wo uro doing Bpeaka with
greater forco than what wo uro say
ing. Koyston.
Mri. Wlnslow'a Boothltifc Syrup for Children
Iretlilnif. r-oftens llui khuin, reducex lullniiima
tlon, ulluyu pain, curca win J colic, 21c u bottlo.
It 1b a great thing to bo trusted, but
It Ih u far higher thing to bo worthy
of trubt. Henry Leo.
Hotter cenoral health is rtiro to follow
thn uto tit the natural Ileib laxative, Gar
field T'U. it ti.nt'ots constipation.
Go to Bleep without suppor, but rlso
wlijiout debt Tnlmiid.
Sick Feeling
that follows taking a close of castor
oil, saltti or calomel, it) about tho
worst you can endure Uch it
Rives one the creeps. You don't
havo to have it CASCARETS
move the bowels tone up tho
liver without thcoe bad fcelincs.
Try thorn. gii
CASCARUT9 ioc a tiox for n week's
' treatment, all drtiwclits. lUt-nest 'llrr
lu tlio world. Million liosca u month,
Color more r lot' j bi Ifiliter and f istcr colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors nil fibers. They dye In cold waterbetter than any other dye. .You c
dyuanv rarat witlut rinplnc npart. Writa for free WHf Hoy to IVycHlft-irh nml MixCtlnn, MC WBttt! ttlMJO rflMfflMr. IlilfciSMtiJ
25S J&4111W Tr f
Tho Judge No, my consclonco does
n't hurt me when I glvo a man a llfo
sentonco, if I'm suro ot his guilt. But
I Htip'poso yours docs?
Tho Pruuchor How do you mean?
Tho Judge Why, you ecntenco
many Innocent men for llfo nud Uien
colloct n feo for doing It
Household troubles; Headache, Tooth
rche. Earache, Stomach rtclie. Humlins
Wirnnl Oil cures these nclios nnd pains
no why don't you keep n bottle In the
What Is passing In tho heart of nn
other rnroly escapes tho observation
of one who Is a strict nnatomlst of
his own. Shelley.
Mon astonish thomsolvcs far more
than thoy astonlslw their friends.
John Oliver Hobbes.
Garfield Tea purifies the blood, eradi
cates rlicitmiitiL.il, gout and other diseases.
Somo sermons come nenr bolng dem
onstrations of eternal punishment.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
This supplies puro blood by aiding digestion, increasing assimilation nnd ira
pnrtind time to the whole clrculstcry system. Its h"rt tonlo and n great deal
more, having an alterative action on the liver and kidneys, It helps to elirainata
tho poisons from tho blood.
To enrich tho blood nnd Increase tho red blood corpuscles, thereby feeding
tho nerves on rich red blood and doing away witlt nervous irritability, take
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and do not permit a dishonest dealer
to insult your intelligence with the " just as good kind." Too " Discovery"
has iO years of cures behind it and contains no alcohol or narcotics. Ingredi
cuts plainly printed on wrapper.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of
stamps to pay expense of wrapping and mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps
for tho French cloth-bound book. Address t Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
FOR HrekWm'By
-. .. ,.. . ..-. ..
T. ThftTfcTTafSLT. A fii
e JU MJr H &4
h887Ao 2-J2 3 3i& 4
W. h. Douglas shoos cost moro to mnko than ordinary shoes,
booauso higher grado loathors nrausod and soloctod with greater
care. Theso aro tho reasons why W. Ii. Douglas shoes are guar
antood to hold tliolr shapo, look and fit hotter and wear longer
tuau any oilier Blioos you can uuy.
tsraswAfiE or suasriTUTEs.'nzi
The genuine havo W. L. Douglas noma nnd tho retail
price stamped on tho bottom, which ipiarantees full valuo ,
nnd protects tho wearer against high prices and inferiorshoes.
u your nitiirrmnnot uipiilryou with tlwsfnnlneW.uuonRlsno. nnt ...., aur.ro
for AlH.lt Urilei Orlon. Hho lent dln-cl from furtory to wearer, all clirgM J?,vn ohocb
previa. W. 1.. Dmitflua, J4.fi Hpurk tit.. JJ rue Uto ii. M., 2.O0,S2.GO.S3.O9
QtgSatf a4 v5-MM uii2HBH3aBlBBMjdKpjSalBVBBKiBBBV
Your Choice
Take your choice. Coal with its disagreeable and expensive feat,
urc3 or Solvay Coke which is practically puro carbon the hear
element. 100,000 households burn Milwaukee Solvay Coke the clear
canitary, crnokelcas, bootless nnd economical fuel.
Buy MMmaukea
f V 1
It can boused in any furnace, range, otove or grate suitable for coal-
saves 20 per cent of fuel coat. Solvay Coke means completo combustion
no waste, no smoke, no soot, no ashes to sift.
Warm3 tho houso while you would wait for hard coal to get starred,
2,000 dealers In tho Northwest soil Milwaukee -i
Solvay Coko all sires ask your dealer, and writo
for interesting booklet of coke Information to
pacmnms, Rttmvw & g&mphnv
Colby-Abbot Buliding -
r i i i
Iss Kams amid Miss Whiion's
"WITUIM EASY ACCV.HH of nil parts of tho city, nnd of tho Brent libraries
nnd uiiMttimH Oppmtimi-y h'lvcn for nttendanco at publlo entertainments of
Ldurntlotiul nnd nrllallc v tlu-
TIIOUOUUU AND CONflr.UVATIVn TItAINING, moral, lntolleotual nnd
phynk'ul, with expert supci vision In overy department, thus Insuring dcflnlto
und certain rcut'lts
l'Ai'Llrv I.AUG13, oach teacher a specialist; and pupils assured tlio Indl
ldual nttontlou nit it .1 to llirln reipeotlvn iifi'ds.
unluun department linowii nn tlio UPPI2H llulISU, for maduato and special
(stuikntH iloau lilts' to vpoml t!i winter In Now Yoik In a congenial social ntmos
pht.ro, unlar tho most lu rable conditions for cultuto of social cracoa atid for
intsllU" tit ndvunctii int 'i'I.q HI'I'CU HOUSU U in a Urgo decrea freo from
tho ntUlimry icstrlctloiiH of a nchuol.
IiEST AUVANTAUUS of New York nvallablo for tho study of Music, Art.
Elottitlon, I.aiiL'uatfPi a'ld Dancing.
PHYHICAti I2Xi:itC18EM. Special attention given with the object ot promot
ing health, k-raro and easu. of motion nnd rotiost) of manner. Tho gymnaslla ex
rrclscs nro in chargu of u crnduatu ot Dr. Hurgent, of Cambridge, Mass. 8UM
MKU CAMP In New Hnmnshlro.
TIUJ SUCCESS OV Till: SCHOOL has been so pronounced that It has re
ceived the hlcliost romiiH'iidatlon of thu leading educntors of tho country ns
w II as ot the lilslirt tl litis of tho V K, aovernment; Miss nangs nnd Miss
"WMton refer by poiintplon to tho prouldonts ot ten collocea unit dnlvcrsltlcs
and to l'resldont nnd Mrs, Tuft. Bx-Vleo-Presldent nnd ilrs. Fairbanks, Kx
1'icsldcnt und Mrs llooscvolt, und tho Chlof Justlco,
Spring Humors
Coma to most peoples and causa many)
troubles, pimples, boils and other crop
tions, besides loss of appetite, that tired
feeling, billousnees, indigestion and head
Tho pooner you get rid of them tho bet
ter, nnd tho way to get rid of them an4
to build up tho system is to tako
Hood's Sarsaparillo
Tho Spring Mcdicino par excellence tm
shown by uncqualcd, radical and perma
nent cures.
Get it today in usual liquid form o
chocolated tablets called OorsatobB.
1 H
The Army of
la Growing Smaller Erery Day
teiponiible they l
esly sire rM
they perm roes
euro Cwiilips.'
Uea. MA
liom use
them (or
acts. Iadinttioa. Sick HmJkIm. SJLwl
Genuine mutUu Signature
T of thu paper de-
Readers -ate
tiied in iu columns ihoula innft upon
luring what theyatk (or, refusing all
subflitutes ot imitation!.
in nnnriTP Cnmr. Wro.. lota ndrano
Did mUrilO u.uf brln Tlil and dlTletoi
paring ttock. Amfu&mj IoU, umu acrei oil lana.
Your IJ.W mar malm you 1600. Values tnomaslni
lllla nil tnan l.rih.l . U.H la Mmi ulnln It An It
Oil and town boonilmr.
Corporation, i!U
WrltA niuimtnln lU-nltV
lUtllwur, Denver, void
If the blood Is poor and filled with tho
poisons from diseased kidneys or innctiw
liver, tho heart is not only served but
poisoned as vrcll. There are many con
ditions duo to impure blood such as
dropsy, fainting spells, nervous debility
or the many scrofulous conditions, ulcers.
" fever-sores," white swellings, etc AIL
can be overcome and cured by
Br I v. i
.0 f ITtLK I
aj;hi i"a-1
Cures the skin and nets n n prerrntlrr for others. I Iqul J frlren on
tuntoiiRiti-. 8f fur brood innrcn nnd nil others. Uest kidney remedjr;H
c; nti nnd il.00 n twttle : U.00 and f 10 00 liio dozen. Bold by all drnnriats
and liursa gooda bouses, or sent express paid, by the manufacturers.'
!.., .i i nay
A JU ,CSm hm0
Shoes SMS
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
h lift
oa 131
asaWsuuv -sv
mm vmmm)iaSn..-Jf S (aV