Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 07, 1911, Image 5

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    k Wi H4timrnnio3i
Ivnepper s
Grocery Specials
for Friday and Saturday
Lottuce, per bunoli 5f
Itidishes, per bunoli 5
Oolpry, or buuoh, large 10
Bananas, par doz 2bif
Orangoe, per doz.. . .20o, 25o and 80i
Gauo Apples, por pk 00$
Salt Pork, best quality, per ll .... 13$
Best Sugar ourod Uncon, rurlb....2'2
Best Lard, per lb 14
Pressed Ham, por lb ltxj-
Oalifornia Hams, por lb t . . . . 14$
Bulk Coffee, per lb 20f and 30
Qrapo Fruit 2 for 25$
Our Own Pio 3 for 25$
Briek cliooso, per lb 20$
Cheese, mild, por lb 20$
Any kind of Lauudry Soap, G bars, 25$
Agents for Ohnso & Snnborn's Cof-
fee 25$, 30 35$ and 40$
Wn are still paying tbo highost prieo
for produce
Pumpkins, per doz $ 8.00
Squashes, por doz 15.00
Eggs, per tloz 15$
Butter, per lb 23$
Garden Seeds and Onion Sets
Shoes, BubbVrs and Bubber Boots.
All kinds of Dry Goods Notions.
M. E. Knepper's Grocery
I Go With Us
to Canaclev.
Tuesday, April 18th.
Round Trip Excursions
From Norfolk.
See the Wheat FicMs
of Canada,
I the Lund You Can Buy
I for $1G to $22 Per Aero
J on Easy Payments
f Grt Our Free Book
' Canada Lands now selling for
$1G to $22 per acre will be worth
$25 to $30 before the opening next
year. Now is tbo time to buy.
Today is the time to invostigate.
1 Start by sending for now book ou
1 Cauudu, "The Guide to the Last
West." It's free for tho asking.
P. H. DAVIS, Dist. Mgr.
Norfolk, Neb.
Vil 'u03Mi M8W 'JU3VHA3 M 0 "U
MlfpV "W lPW
..pern pm imt.il umo jno no pn91
tSuuds 8U!ics-oidns
PMtWM llll T"" M In,.
utnuepeg uooun
If you haven't got timo to do your
own (.hopping call up No 1. and ho
will deliver tho goods promptly
line valve motion is HERE. Come and see it and let me explain
to you what the Stickney Engine will do for you how simple
it is and what satisfaction you will have if you own one.
I have an engine ready to demonstrate to you any time
you come I want you to see how easy it starts I want you
to start and stop it yourself I want you to see how steady it
runs what large bearings it has how it is built for business
and satisfaction Come and pull it to pieces and if you don't
say its the best ever, I will eat my hat.
wmmmmmmmmm exclusive agentshhhhhmhhhbh
RENZE & GREEN - Hubbard, Neb.
Local Items
Friday March 31, ign
Trudo at homo. 1'U will 11ml n good
nsfottmeut cf hardware mid tiunaroar
rettsotvihlo priors at Hohrievor Urns
Fruit of all kind At Van do Zoddu's.
Vornn Brovhill fell Monday and dis
located her arm at tho elbow.
"Play bell boys" and buy your huso
halls at the Dakota City Pharmacy
Loyd Uontou was down from Norfolk
last weok visiting his old schoolmates.
Judge B E Evans went to Liucoln
Mouday on legal business, lotuuiiug
M M Beam and wife of Sio ix City,
eio Saturday night visitors at tho G
F Jtroyliill borne
M O AyroB and George Carter re
returned Monday from a wroW hunt
ing trip near Alliance, Nob,
Frank Orr uud wife loft Tuesday
for Benchltnd, Mnnt, to tako up thoir
residence on Mm Oir's claim
Mrs J N Kussuor and daughtor of
Sheldon, Iowa, wero guests last Thurs
day of Mrs Keesnei's histor, Mrs J T
BLtnemher, for ten days, you can
buy a 50o paakugo of Fleok's Stock
Fooil or Poultry Powder, for 25oat'tho
Dakota City Phaimaoy. v
Architect Colby of Sioux City was
here Wednesday submitting plans
and Specifications to members of tho
school bo.rd for a school building.
Herman Ilurley, who lives on tho
OIibh Hisoiote place, returned Wed
nesday from a trip to Sloan, la, and it
is said thut ho brought a wife with
him .
There will be a regular mooting of
tho Musonio lodge Saturday evening
of this week. The O E S chaptor will
meot during the afternoon, and among
other thingB will elect officers.
Verna Hroyhill was tondcred a sur
prise Saturday evening by about thir
ty of hor young friends, it being her
lifteouth birthday. She was remem
bered with several handsome presents.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets asHBt nattue ill driving all
impurities out of the system, insuring
a free and regular condition and re
storing tho organs of tho body to
health and strength. Sold by all
Paul Pizoy and wife returned home
last Friday tho former from a trip to
Idaho 11 lid tho latter from a visit with
her parents at Malvern, Iowa. Air
Pizey was highly pleased with tho
outlook in Idaho and has decided to
locuto there in the fall.
County Superintendent W E Voss
granted the petition Tuesday for a
iihw snhool district to bo formed from
parts of districts Iso 15, 20, 25 and 29.
Tho hearing ou the petition was held
laRt week and the case tiken under
advisement with the above result.
O O Phillips, brother-in-law of W E
Snethen, agent for the Hurlington,
and ono of the promoteis of the pro
poposod electric lino from Omaha to
Sioux City, was Jiore last week in the
interests of the company. He was
looking over thoFoyo lino with 0 view
of getting an estimate of its value.
He carried blue prints of tho propos
ed line.
Chas Blessiug has sold his farm to
Henry Ebel and has purchased the
old Blessing homestead, taking posses
sion Wednesday. Mrs John Blessing
and hor daughter, Dollie, are erecting
a house on a part of the old farm,
where they will make their home. Joo
Ebol and wife will livo on tho place
purchased by Henry Ebel.
Seventy-ono voters turned out Tues
day at tho villiago election aud by
their votes chose tho same members on
tho board thut served for the term just
eliding. Tho following vote was oust
for tho election of tlneo trustees; J
P Bock well, 53; W L Boss, 4G; S A
Stinson, 30; D VandeZedde, 28; Geo
Barnett, 25; Julius Quintal, 7; S W
Foltz, 2;W.mNiemoyer,l; Chas Hall, 1.
Con Delougheiy was urrrstod Tues
day ou complaint of his sister, Mury
Doloughory, charged with drunken
ness, aud was taken before tho board
of insanity for a hearing Wednosduy.
He asked for a parole until Sunduy
in order to take the Neil cure in Sioux
Oitj, which wa granted by the board.
In case he becomes intoxicated again
tho sheiiff was instructed to take him
to Lincoln and place him in the ine
briato asylum.
The old mission building erected by
the Presbyterians on tho Omaha res
et vation iu tho early 50's, was wrecked
by tho present owner, Nonh LaFlesch,
recently. Tho building, a three story
stono structuro, stood on a picturesque
spot overlooking tho Missouri river
and uas a favorito stopping nlupo for
tourists aud sightseers. binco tho
building was abandoned by tho church
the woolwork, consisting of nativo
hard wood, was nearly all removed
and th 1 old structure became a menace.
A couplu of sticks of dynumito leveled
the old walls to tho ground.
The reliable Stickney Gasoline En
gine with its outside igniter, its perfect
cooling system, its automatic mixer,
its ballbearing governor and its straight
Renze & Green
Beal estate loans Geo Wllkius.
llrtienV coffeo is still in tho load.
Van de Z ddo sells it.
Druggist John W Tumbnll was an
Omaha visltot Sunday and Monday. '
Youvillludn full assortment of
Eiister post cards ut tho Dakota (JitA
Mrs A B Mitchell moved her family
anil honsehold goods to Winnebago,
Klott Neiswungor fell from his hi
oyola last Friday and dislocated his
arm t tho elbow.
Mis A U Sohumacher oxpjcts to
louvo the last of this weok for her now
homo at Rapid City, S D.
G H Adams, wholesalo "slioo mau'
of Sioux City, was tho guest of
Montford Knoppor Sunday.
Mis Harry Adair catno homo from
the hospital last Thursday, aud is re
covering nicely from au operation.
D n't forget you can buy tho Quest
perfumes and toilet necessaries of all
kinds at tho Dakota City Pharmaoy.
At the villag election in South
Sioux City Tuesday, Fred Curry, W
A Morgan aud E J Metz woro elected
Don't forget tho coffon with tho dish
es at Van do Zeddo's ho has a uioo
assortment. A nice uish with each
Mrs Paul Kinalo was oporatod on at
a Sioux City hospital last Friday for
11 n abcesB of tho car. Her condition is
improving slowly,
Ollio Fisher was oporatod ou at St
Joseph's hospital last Friday for ar
poudicitis. Ho is rocovoring nicely
from the operation
Will Guernsey, age 21, and Ohristo
na Jopsen, ngo 17, of Emerson pre
cinct, were joined in marriage Monday
by Judge Uiffornan.
Julius Quintal has recovered sulli
ciently to come up town uud visit old
friend,. Ho has been conflnpd to his
bed for about four months.
A foroo of men aro at work on tho
now store buildiug of S A Stiuson, and
it is expected to have tho building
ready for oooupanoy by Juno 1st.
Van has sotno of thosa fine Vouitiau
mirrors which ho is giving away with
coupon trade tickets. Call aud see
thorn, it won't cost yon anything.
Bobert E French, of Kearnoy, grand
lecturer for tho MaBonio order in Ne
braska, will hold a school of instruc
tion in this place Tuesday, April 11,
Foundations for tlm Mrs John Bles
sing house uud tho addition to the
John B Evans houso woro laid this
weok aud tho oarnenters uro now ut
Prompt relief in all cases of throat
and lung tiouble if you use Chumbor
luiu's Cough Bemedy. Pleasant to
take, soothing nnd healing in effect.
Sold by all druggists.
Esten Olson und son Lylo shipped
their household goods to Newell, S D,
Tuesday, whoro they havo looatod on
claims. Mrs Olsea uud children will
go the last of tho weok.
Dr O H Maxwejl wbb called to Win
nobngo Monday night on account of
sickness ut tho John Ashford home.
Ho made the trip by auto, using F A
Wiod's car, driven by Frank Broyhill.
All those indebted to uno please
como und pay part of what you owo
me, if you cannot pay it all. Kindly
oblige me for I need the money in my
business. VandZqddo, your grocer.
Arohie Joyce brought his four year
old son down from Now Underwood,
S D, Tuesday, for un operation for an
aboess iu tho ear. Mr and Mrs Steve
Joyce went with them to St Joseph's
hospital Wednesday, when tho opera
tion was performed .
Diarrhoea should be cured without
loss of timo and by a medicine which
liko Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera und
Diurrhoea Bemedy not only cures
promptly but produces no unpleasant
aftor effects. It never fails aud is
ploasuut und safe to tako. Sold by all
Harold Gribble, son of E II Gribblo,
met with a painful accident Saturday.
Ho was playing with powder, puttiug
a little pilo of it on the ground and
touching it off with a match, when ho
got too big a charge uud when it ox
ploded it burned his face quite badly.
Dakota county teuchors who attend
ed the North Nebraska Touchers moot
ing ut Norfolk lust Frtduy and Satur
day were, W E Voss, county superin
tendent; Miss Edna Balms, primary
teacher, Dakota City; Mary McKunna,
Goodwin; Mrs Miua Perriu, South
Sioux City.
Every family and especially thoso
who leside in tho country should bo
provided at till times with u bottlC of
Uhumbarluiu's Liiiiment. Thoie is
no telling when it may be wanted in
case of 1111 accident or omergonoy. It
is most excollent in all cases of rheu
matism, bprains und bruises. Hold by
all druggists.
Gruce Hamilton, who is holding
down a claim in Book county, was
compelled to return to her homo horo
Inst week by reusun of the bhaok on
tier claim being destroyed bv fire.
The lire is supposed to havo caught
in tho grass 111 tho door yard, uud be
fore it could bo whipped out 11 11 Iiuiihh
caught, and was consumed with till
tho contents. Sho will erect unothcr
houso, and again tako up her residence
ou hor claim.
Allon P Konuet was found guilty of
bigamy Wednesday in tho district
court iu Sioux City. The penalty is
livo yer.rs in the penitentiary. Ken
nett wa married to Lavoruo E Bath
bun ut Muson City, Iowu, Februaiy 21,
1010, but claimed tho inuiriuge was
not legal, und on Ootober 17, 1910,
was murried in Sioux City to Linnio
F Bookwell, of Homer. Tho jury do
omed uiui 1110 ursi marriago wus I eg hi
nnd brought in a conviction.
An cnthuastio muss mooting of tho
citizens of Dakota City aud vicinity
was hold ut tho oourt houso Wednesday
night to disctibs the mutter of n site
for tho new school buildiutr. Of tho
threo town squares availublo forscho il
ptirposes tho ono south of tho H W
Foltz house soomed to bo iu fvvor,
with the blook south of tho elevutor
second choice, It wus also suggested
thut tho district purchaso the blook
west of Win Hierman residence, which
would make a desirable location.
Tho matter of voting ou a sito will bo
presented to tho voters at an election
to bo cullod luter,
Tho Herald fdr Nowb whon it is
Dr O II Maxwell was a btuincss
visitor at Lincoln Thursday aud Fri
day of last week.
MrsDL Allon, of Sioux City, is
asking for a divorce from her husband,
D L Allon, and $15,000 alimony. Tho
parties formorly resided iu Homer,
If it is A 1 groceries you want, just
glance over Van do Zeddo's stock, He
will sell just ua cheap as possible, and
ho handles nothing but first class
Miss Olairo Spencer, daughter of
Mrs Etta M Spencer of this place,
was married ou Wodnosday at tho
home of her brother Craig L Spencer
in Seattle, Wash, to Mr Froderiok
All kinds of coal, food and hay for
sale at rousuuablo prices.
lVULDB & SLAOailTEll Co.
ThkoE Blivrn, Manager,
Dakota City, Nob.
A petition signed by n majority of
tho voters of districts No 3 and 30
asking that a part of district 3 lying
on tho Isluud sido of tho Iako bo
transferred to distiot 30, was Ulod with
County Superintendent Voss March
18th. Tho potition was granted Mon
day. Your tonguo is coatod.
Your breath is foul.
HoaduohoB come and go.
These symptoms show that your
stomach is the trouble. To remove tho
ciuiso is the first thing, and Ohnmbor
luia's Stomach und Livor Tablets will
do that. Ensy to tako and most ef
fective. Sold by all druggists.
D C Dibblo, a rftsidout of Dakota
county for nearly 30 yours, died March
28rd ut Palo Alta, Cal, where ho re
moved with his family iu 1002. Uu
had been a sufferer with rheumatism
for sovoraLyoars aud entered u hospit
al for an oporation, but passod away
tho samo day before the oporation
could bo porformed. Uu was 78 jearn
old, and loaves ono son, William C
Dibblo, and a daughter, Nollio Dibblo.
His wife, who was a sister of Henry
W Wood of this pluco, preceded him
in death several years ago.
StOK-KHW-iaW ;(Ktt-l!i&
vmsT niiMArtY.
Kiina IUi.uhs, Toaolior
Harold Antiim, Helen Wuldcu,
Loyd Mooro, Johu Sanford,
J umes Graham, Willie Powoll,
Irene Lako, Gladys Hall,
Ohurles Hull, Poarl Powoll,
Henry Krumwiode, Floyd Van Horn,
Elsie Krumwiode, Georgo Day,
Baymond Quintal, Buth Lako,
Miss Paulino Branugor of Emorson,
visited tho primary room Mouday.
Helen S limit unrolled in tho Booond
grudo Mouday.
Dora Ohen won tho prizo in the Star
spelling contest, tho prize boing ono
of Martha Finloy's books for girls.
James Graham was seoond aud Har
old Antrim third.
Dora and Olareuco Olson left school
as thoy expeot to move away soon.
Arthur Kolsoy and Harriott Ayors
have left school and moved away.
Harold Antrim receives diploma of
Perfect Attendance this month.
An interesting moetiug of tho Dako
ta County Homemakers' Club was held
Saturday afternoon of laBt week in tho
court room.
The moetiug was callod to ordor by
the chairman und tho minutes of the
two previous mootings road by tho sec
retary ul(1 upprovod.
Tho lluauoiul report of tha,01ub was
Tlio discussion "Propuriug Meat for
Summer Uss," led by Mrs Goo Miller,
brought out difforeut methods and sev
eral choico rocipes wero givou.
"Spring Work in and Around tho
Home" was tho subject of a gonorul
discussion by the Club.
"Sweet Pea Culture." by Mrs J J
Viets, wus u very interesting paper,
followed by a general discussion.
For soleot reading, "Woudorful
Men," read by Mrs O II Maxwell,
"Mrs Mulligan's Booipe for Ouko," an
Iiish dialect selection by Mrs J F
Sides und "Tho Hobble Skirt," a paro
dy on tho "Song of tho Shirt," road by
Mrs E W Nordyko, woro all much en
joyed. A description of tho "Fireloss Co'jk
or," its uses nnd many advantages,
wus given by Mrs Geo Bates.
Tho papors "Springtime Sugges
tions," by Mrs 11 J Boonoy, and "Wo
mon of tho Present," by Mrs W L Boss,
wero very instructive and eutottain
iug. A tory interesting description of St
Augustine, Florida, aud the surr fund
ing country was given by Mrs B E Ev
mm a description of its churches,
tho most modern and tho old mission
c 1111 roll over 300 years old, its dun
geons, slave market, hotels, and tho
customs uud habits of tho peoplo wore
Miss Buby Diorkiug gavo a very
plonsing recitation, "Tho Little Qua
ki r Sinner."
Tho book roviow, "Bamona," given
by Mrs W II Bradford was u good
description of the book uud its char
acter und was well enjoyed by tlio au
dience. Mrs M B Slooum read a vory practi
cal paper, "Tho Woman iu Business."
It was written in 11 humorous style aud
held tho attention of the uudienco.
Tho vocal duet by Vera and Frankio
Brown with Mrs Hurry Brown accom
panist iu singing "Houso Mo Today,"
vos exceptionally duo.
At tho close of tho program tho an
nual eleotiou of officers wus hold,
Tlio officers elected for tho year wero:
President, Mrs A J Krumpor; Vice-
President, Mrs Goo Bates; Secretary
ami Tronsurer, Mrs S A Stinson; Ex
ocutlvo committee, Mrs O II Bryant,
Mrs Geo Miller, Mrs Elmer Blessing,
Mrs J W Wiuobrennorund Mfss Eliza
both IIiiuho.
Thoso attondiug from neighboring
towns woro, Mosdumes W n Bradford,
M B Slooum, Herman Fonts, Martha
Shane, W 11 Mason, J W Winobron
nor, T F Monuhuu, II J Booney, Juntos
Tobin, J Sivill and Miss Mary Monu
ban, South Sioux City ; Mrs Boy Ar
mour Homer and Mrs E W Nordyko,
Sioux City. Over 50 wero present
nnd soverul new members joinod tho
Onmlirt Dally HeoiUml,
Tho first real interiiib.iii railroad in
tho stato of Nebraska, embracing 281
miles of track nnd bringing Sioux
City, Iowa; Elk City, Dacatur, Nor
folk nnd many othor populous cities
aud towns iuto close communion with
Omaha, is shortly to bo u reality, ac
cording to tho plans announced yes
terday by tho Baker construction com
pany of this city.
Tho uamo of tho company is tho No
braskn Transportation company and
actual work of construction is about to
begin, as fully hixty miles of right-of-way
has boon soourcd.
Tho contract for building tho load
has boou awarded to tho Baker Con-
5truotiou company, with offices ut 31-1
tamgo buildiug, Omaha.
Tho road will run from Omaha to
Elk City aud will double track to that
point. From Elk City tho lino will go
in two directions, ono running north to
Sioux City, la, uud wi 1 be uinoty-oight
miles in length, whilo tho other lino
will run iu u uorthwestorly dirootiou
from Elk City to Norfolk passing
through a rich und populous section of
tho stato, and will bo about 100 miles
in lougth.
Franchises iu Fremont and Docatur
have already been secured and work
in obtaining thorn elsewhere is progtes-
siug rapidly. Othor terminal arrungo
monts hnvo also bcou made.
The roud will, iu all probability, en
ter Omaha via Loavouworth sticot,thuB
giviug intorurban sorvicodiroot to the
largo retail stores of this city.
The cost of this immenso undertak
ing will be $8,000,000, uud it is boiug
frauchised in Europe. Tho urrr.ugo
incnts that have boon mado uro en
tirely satisfactory to tho offioora of tho
company. C W Baker of tho Baker
Construction company returned 11 few
daj s ago from Now York City, whoro
ho was for Ave weeks conducting ne
gotiations with Etiropouu capital for
tho taking of tho securities.
Tho details are now being dispoBod
of as rapidly as poisiblo aud tho con
struction company is getting ready to
lot sub coutraots. It is uutioipatod
that tho roud will bo completed in
about two aud one-half yours
Tho oonstruotiou company bus so
cured tho s6rvices of W E King, for
morly with tho Illinois Truotion com
pany, who has ahargo of tho eugiuoer
iug work. No pains will bo spared, to
rush tho work of construction as rap
idly us possible.
It will bo tho purpose of tho manage
ment to give local iutoruibau Servian
hotwoen Omaha nnd Decatur every
two hours, n distance, of sixty-seven
miles, and it is also oxpocted that
through sorvioo between Oniatiu nnd
Sioux City will bo had ovory two
hours. " In addition thoro will bo local
intorurban sorvioo between Sioux City
and West Point, Nob, every two hours.
There will also ho through sorvioo be
tween Omaha and Norfolk, with Madi
son connections, ovory two hours.
Au immonso powor plant, dosigncd
to gouerato enough olootrioity to opo
rato tho eutire system, will bo built on
tho Elkhorn river two miles west of
Elk City and will gonerato 21,000-horso
power. Tho shops of tho road will
also bo located at that point, whioh is
twenty-ouo miles from Omuha.
Tho lino will bo constructed of tho
best material throughout uud tho
track laid of hoavy stool. It is espe
cially designed to handlo special in
tururbau business, as woll as all class'
es of freight.
Tho construction of this roud has
beeu praotioally undor covor for tho
last two years uud up to the prosont
time its promoters felt Unit it would
not bo wiso to give too much publioity
to their plunB. But now that thoy aro
fully matured, .llnaucial arrangements
completed to the entiro satisfaction of
tho officers of tho company they havo
consented to mako known to the pub
lic their arrangements for tho build
ing of tho road, which is destined to
bring Omuhu and its business interests
into quick aud direct communication
with ithu oitios and towns through
which tho road nnd its connections
will pass.
All porsons having foncod streoti
within tho lust two years uro hereby
ordorul to open sumo or they will bo
opened by tho tnwu marshal, by order
of the town board. Thoso having
foncod prior to two years ago must
pay the ront ou samo ut ouco or thoy
will bo oponod.
James Foebtdn,
Town Marshal.
Cuttle uud horses to pasture.
3-31-lw John L Nixon, Homer, Neb.
Farmers' Tribune Becomes Parmer
and Breeder.
Tho Herald is iu recoipt of uu an
uounoomeut of tho change of name
of Furmers' Iribuuu to Furmor und
Breeder. Furmors' Tribune wits es
tablished in 1878 aud has boon pub
lished 111 bioux City, iowa, sinco 1001
Tho publishers, Furmor and Breeder
company, omphusize tho fuct thut tho
change is in nar.10 ouly, us tho men
who havo so successfully conducted tho
business since it was brought to Sioux
City will continuo in charge. Furmor
uud Breeder is owuod, edited uud pub
lished by northwestern furmers and
brooders, 11 G McMillan is president
nnd general malinger und John Thomp
son, editor, Both of theso men uro
highly successful furmors und stock
mon and own and oporato farms in
connection with their newspaper work.
I1 armor aud Breoder is a most appro
priutu numo for that publication. Its
scopo fully covers the live stock Indus
try uud tho grain furmor is fully us
well served by tho publication as tho
breeder. Wo aro udvisod, hoi ever,
that it is the intention of tlio publish
ers to doyoto more attention to livo
otook and breeding features in tho fu
ture. Wo believe this is a good movo,
boouuso tho future of this grout agri
cultural territory depends up in how
much livo stock our farms produce, A
liboral production of livo stock Iu this
country will colvo tho groutost prob
lem of conserving our natural resources
a retention of tho fertility of oursi.il.
The Herald, $1 per
1 if
The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT
Dakota County can add a few hundred thousand
bushels of corn to its usual fine crop this year
A littlo selfishness iu this ndvlco, for wo wish every farmer to
prosper this jear, so he can bo happy, pay his debts, and put
a good sum at interest here iu this good bank, that is "as ssfe
as u Government Bond " W'hrn the farmer prnspore Every
body Smiles aud id Happy. Plenty of money for good loans
all tho tlrao. Lowest rates.
Bank, of Oalcota
Mineral Paints
("Cement" Brand)
Is the best insurance you
can put on your barn.
It is composed of Mineral Colors of the highest grade
obtainable, ground in pure Minnesota Linseed Oil, as
arc all Minnesota Paints and is WARRANTED to be
as durable a paint as it is possible to manufacture.
Try it this season.
or Sevle by v
Edwards k Bradford lumber Co.
Dakotak. City. Neb.
Zhe Hersvld and
Farmer and Breeder P '
Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers
Book on patents. "'Hints tolnvcntors." "Inventions needed."
"Why some inventors fail." 'Send rough sketch or model for
search of Patent Office records. Our.Mr. Greeley was formerly.
Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full chargejof
the U. S. Patent Office.
Abstracts of Title
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Guarantees tho accuracy of ovory
Ahstraot I mako
Spring and Summer Rsttes
Special Excursion Rates to California; general basis $60 on cer
tain dates in April and May and daily from June to September;
still lower general basis of 50 on certain dates in June and
July. General excursion basis to Portland, Seattle, $60 on cer
tain dates in May and daily from June to September; still
lower general basis of $50 on certain dates in June and July;
$15 higher to include Shasta Route. Usual diverse routes and
stopover privileges. The tour of the Coast is the world's
greatest railroad journey.
Yellowstone Park: Plan now a summer tour of this wonderland.
All kinds of excursion rates through Gardiner and Yellowstone
gateways; also personally conducted ca.mp lours through Cody.
Big Horn Monntains: The resorts of this delightful region near
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tourist patrongc. Send for special publication.
Colorado and Rocky Mountains: Usual popular summer rates
to Colorado and Utah cities and resorts.
Send for Estes Park booklet.
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Harness a.rvd
II. T. Harness
Old Style Concord
New Style Concord
Hopair Work Civon
Sole Agent for Damn's Hog
FVedricksen (& Son
f (
Seed Com
Ihikotn County Abstract Co.
Bonded Abstracter
If you uro uxpvctliiK to mako any kind of asiimmortour I shall
bo Kliul to lmv you K"t In touch with inu eiuly.
W. E. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr
L. W. Wakklky, Q 1 a, Omaha, Nub
1004 Fiirnum stri'ot.
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in the line of
Horse Goods
Prompt Attention
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