Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 07, 1911, Image 4

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    2 jAur",tytMnimlw
mtmrmrrr ,
.-. M wn "
Makit Momi Biking Easy
Absolutely Pure
Thm only baking nowdor
madia from Royal Crapo
Dream of Tartar
Dakota County Herald
dtibrtcriptioa Price. $1.00 Per Year.
A weekly newspaper publinlicri at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
PermiBHion lins been grunted for the
trarmmisHioii of this paper through the
niHile rh seroiiil-claflB matter
Telephone No. 48.
Official Paper of Dakota County
tern 8 of Interest a
rnm mir Pvr.hanirnR
HoHliins Items in Wuyno Democrat:
Oarl Pfoil left for Dakota City Tues
day. Waterbury Items in Pan en Journal:
Eran Way Ijuh ret moil from the boa
South Orock Items in Ponoa Jour
nal: Will Oasoy of ViMta Bpont Hun
day iu South Greek.
IJndger Creek Items in Pouca Load
or: Mios Boucom, of Hubbard, spent
a fow days of laBt wook at tho home of
her cousin, Mrs J P Mclutyro.
Lyons Mirror: Capt Wm Luther
mid J W Bivell wore down from Houth
Hioux Oity tli'u week looking at II E
Pfterson's lino Percheron horses . We
have kuowu Capt Luther for many
- t
Ponoa Journal: O I Newton and P
W Barker had a' very succubsful duok
hunt at Jackson lake Monday and Tuos-
day . . . . Dr Q A IuUur started to J aclt
bou liku Mnudn, but iiiul a bad break
down with his auto and was compolled
to return to Ponoa.
Bioux Oity Joutrial, 4th: W Oho
noy of Dakota Oity, William Uartcla of
Coburn, P Uereim of Ponoa, II Boffo
marth of Maskell, Hollor & 8 of Wy
not and Tlinailnro Poti-rs of Emorson,
with outtlc; J Krampor of Nncora and
Qua Behroeder of Hoskins, with hogR,
were listed over tho Nebraska division
of the Omaha.
Pouca Loader: Miss Bertha Olson
went to Dakota City, yesterday, for u
viit with friends... .Too Power who
joined tho paokois last week at Sioux
City to play bull, assisted on tho catch
ers stafi iu tho initial game last weok
for several innings. A two bugger
and a run was ohnlked up to his credit.
Pender Bepublia: Tho Bepublio
editor received word from Washington
litHt Saturday to the effeut that he has
beeu appointed postmaster at Pender .
A bond was forwarded to us with the
Htatomont.that when it was propeily
executed and approved a oom.uissiou
would be issued to us to tako charge
of the oflloe. The bond waa returned
to tho department Monday aud will
piobably require ten dajs or two
v.-coks to get tho formalities attended
to and the uuUiinisslonbnci. to Ponder.
Sulix Items in Sloan, Iu, Star: Mrs
Olive Linkswiller. and son Bilph and
Mr and Mrs MeCormink, left for their
homo at Winnebago, Neb.. ..Mrs Hus
sel Liukswillor U upending several
weeks with her mother, Mrs Alfred
Pepin, during tho formers hushitudV
trip to Arizona.... Mrs Whittiour aud
Mis Copeuhavor woro culled to tho
home of thwir sitter, in this oity, Sun
day, owing to tho death of their fath
er, Peter Lomoiue, who was accident
lr killed by a railroitd train. The re
mains n'eiu brought to tialix Monday
evening and tho services held from St
Joseph's church Tuesday a. in. Th
remains wero i iterred in the Catholio
cemetery north of town beside that of
his wife.
Wiunebugo Chieftain: Mis John
Ashford was in the city Thursday vis
iting friends.... Earl lUsdal and MIbs
Lulu Ilirsoh wore down from Homer
last Friday ovouiug, iu attoudunco at
tho Walthill Winnebago debute....
Mn G W Thackor of Homor was down
Wednesday to see Lecland Dormit, tho
llttlo son of Mr and Mrs Art Dormit,
who is very sick.... Geo Wilcox B!it
to the German Lutheran hospital Wed
nesday to boo his sister, Mrs Sueie
Thaoker, who is doing real woll, after
h-r operation for uppondioitis. ...This
i surely getting to bo quito a fancy
ohioken "nook of tho woods." Miss
Lulu Birscli of Homer has lately pur
Catarrh Cannot Bo Cured
vttfc LOCAL APPLICATIONS. M they ranoot reach
tfca teat of lbs dlwaae. Catarrh U it blood or ronatl.
lutlonal dneaie, and la order to curs It you mint take
lauraal rtmortlea. Hall'a Catarrh Cure U Uktn to
ternaUr. sod acu directly upon lbs blood and mueoui
wrfaeM. Ilall'i Catarrh Cure It not a quack mrdl
doe. It win prescribed by on ol tbe boat pl)ilclan
In tbU country lor yean and U a rriular prcacrlvtlon.
It M eomnoara of the beat loo Ira known, combined
witb tba beat blood puriaiTU. actlnc directly on tba
JMeeu lurtaca. Tba perfect combination of tba
two infredlenu U what product aucb wonderful re
MlU In curiae eaurrb. bend for trallmonlala. free.
.. . F.J, CHUNK V CO.. Propa., loledo. O.
BOM by DruiiliU. price ftc
TWs UaU'i Family I'Ula for touitlpatlso.
cliasnd a ttioof Whito Books for $60.
That's ftoiug some, and then to have
the tjetitliMtian of tho little family
Irecznhis cornb the frnt night after lie
arrived Oh, well, it is simply "too
bid, that's nil," as the fellow remark
ed about tho t'iroo bad eggs. But "it's
ngood ono," after all, as tho othoer fol
low said about tho ono egg.
Homer Btar: Miss Mabel Clapp re
turned Sunday from a week's visit in
Lincoln .... Mis Boso Mullou of Bioux
Olt) was the guest of Mrs W II Uyan
tho ilrst of tho week. . . .Basmus Ped
erson has rotumod from his visit to
Denmark and is again breathing tho
air of Dakota county tint! is cl"d ho is
buck.... J H Bookwell and wlfo, Dan
Hook well and nifo and Ed Munger
wont to Sioux City, Saturday morning,
in tho Bookwell automobile... .Bridge
Contractor Beedy of Blair, was iu Ho
mer last Thursday in consultation with
Commissioner Thackor. Mr Beedy
has tho contract for building tho
bridge in Dakota co-:nty ...Mr and
Mrs C J O'Connor returnod from their
tiip through tho south last Friday.
Uoidos making stop overs at Now Or
leans, Puduka, Lexington and Louis
ville, they i-pout several days in Keo
kuk, In, viriting witli 0 J'h danghtor,
Mis McMiinuH.. . .'Juiiornl Managor
Uonway of tho Nebraska Telepbono
company, canio up from Omaha last
Thursday and met with tho promoters
of tho Hubbard trunk lino in tho Ho
mer Btuto bank and after the greater
part of tho afternoon had boon spout
over tho situation, conceded practically
every point to tl.e farmors. Free ser
vice will now bo given to Hubbard and
Emerson to nil patronj of tho Homor
oTohangn. This is as it should bo and
the patrons are well satisiled with tho
amicable settlement.
Agnes Deloughry came down from
tho city Wednesday for a visit with
relutiVcB and friends, Sho returnod
Monday. '
Mrs G M Basuiusson has recov
ered from her recent illness.
See our now lino of Eustor bonnets
aud huts. Carl Anderhou.
Patrick Jones was in tho city Satur
day . He brought homo n oar loud of
Mr and Mrs L J Wilsoy attoiidod
tho daueo at Fred Derouo's last Fri
day night.
Spring caps for men and boys at
Carl Anderson's,
Miunio Basuiusson loft for Bioux
Oity Monday.
Aug Anderson and wifo wero Bun
day gu&sU at tho L J Wilsoy home.
Aunio Andorson enmo homo Satur
day from u two weeks stay at tho L
Poderscu homo.
Joo Hagan und John Hayes had a
car of hogs on tho market last week.
Shoos for everybody, in all styles
and priaes Let us lit you. Carl
Holon Long came" homo from the
convent last week.
Carl Fredrioks und wifo Sundayod
at tho Shumuoher home.
wo want your prounce, and we ro
still paying more than the market Af
fords. Carl Anderson.
Amoli Andorson was vifitiug at tho
pureutal homo Saturday and Sunday.
Louio Ivtidsen expects to inuko somo
improvements on hm dwelling house.
Geo Ebel will do tho work.
If you want a oravonetto coat, wo
can suit you in stylo aud prioo. Carl
Lou Smith will givo a dauoo at his
home, April 12,
A surpriso danco was given ut the
Freman Book well homo last Sulurday
night. Everybody had u good timu
Mrs B Gribblo was a Sioux City
shopper, Tuesday.
We uBk our lady customors to look
over our new lino of corsets aud ludios
furnishings. A complete liuo and at
prioes tliut uutuiot be beutun. Carl
P Soronsou and wlfo uoro Sioux
Oity shoppers Weduobday.
Herman Beuuo was iu Sioux City
aud Dakota Oity, Wednesday.
George Hayes, John HayoB aud .Too
Hagan shipped hogs Thursday,
A full linu of leather gloves, both
dress und work, ut Carl Anderson's.
Joo Kliol wus out to Basmussou's
Thursday of lust week shining up
A Imsket social and program will
bo given tho 21st iu the Peters' sohool
house. Every body como and have a
good time. Giila to britig baskets ami
boys to bo suro uud briug their poou
etbouks. Dress shiits, iu tho newest styles
aud patterns, at Curl Anderson's,
Henry Ilirsoh and wifo aro viritors
at the parental homo.
Eleotiou doy passed off very quietly
hoio, tho following villugu trustees be
ing elected: l)au Hartnell, Joe Ha
gau, D 0 Ilefferuau, John Hogan and
Ed Campbell,
See our linu of fancy upto-duto shirt
wuists now on display, Carl Ander
Mrs J Johnson, Mr Jcsseu and
daughtor Sinu, Mm J Uartnott, Fred
Bartels, Mi MoOeo aud daughters
Oeliu uud Mabel; Dolia uud Mike Tim
lin, Mrs J Ilarty and daughter Mary,
Fred Wilkius, Prof Jennings. Mrs
Christeuaen and son Joseph wero Sioux
City passengers from bore Saturday.
Mrs Murphy, aecoiiipaniod by hor
daughter Lorraine, lias returned to
Bouliokter, Minn, for further treat
ment under tho Mayo physicians,
'Lottie HoikoK of Salom, visited
friends in town Saturday on her way
to Wiunebugo.
Goorge Wilkius Buuduyed at his
homo nour Llomer. ills Bister accom
panied him to Dakota City iu the
evening, roturuiug tho next day,
Mrs Ohapolk and sou wero iu Bioux
City this week,
Lilliuu Beam of Sioux City, und
Mabolof Dakotr City, spent Sunday
aftornoon with thoir brother Oarl.
Joe Nash drove over from Thurston
Sunday in his now uuto. Mrs Ida
Coleman accompanied him back as far
as NVinuobi.go, comiLg homo on tho
evening pnssotigor.
Pearl Muiphy who toaohos at Pa
pillion, is homo on her E'istor vacation.
Tom Ashford lias purchased a fluo
new Cadillaa car.
Ur Will Boain of Walthill, mndo a
professional cull iu town tiiis wook
Mrs Mary Malioathcamodown from
Dakota City Tuesday to visit with rel
atives and friends for a few days.
Bom, on Monday, April 8, to Mr
and Mrs J V Gotham, a son.
Miss Sheets, a trainod nurso from
Bioux City, is employed at tho Gor
ham homo.
E J Smith was in Pender a fow days
this weok.
The girls of tho Homor high school
served supper ut tho Woodman hall
Friday eveuing. A very good program
was given afterward which was well
attended, Thoro was a fishing pond
and randy and popcorn sol i at differ
ent booths. Tho receipts wero J.82 78,
which go on tho payment of tho piano
at tho school.
E A Leahy is sojourning fow weeks
at Excelsior Springs, Mo,
William Biloy was transacting busi
ness in Bosalie, last Saturday.
James L Barry, who attends school
ut the Blees military acadomy at Ma
con, Mo, arrived homo Saturday for
tho Easter vacation,
Mr Bergon, of Watorbury, had busi
ness hero Monday.
Bert Smith and wifo of South Sioux
ity, spent Sunday with Mrs Smith's
parents, F Autzen nnd wifo,
Dan Biohardson now drivoo out in
style, having purchased a fine new
huggy last wook from John Byan.
Tho eleotion passed off quietly hero
Tuesday, tho samo hoard being re-elected
for tho coming year.
Mr Miles, a representative of tho
8ioux Oity Journal, was iu town Tues
day and mudo arrangements whereby
tho morning Journal will arrivo here
on tho Burlington freight at 7 a m,
James Sutherland wus transacting
business at tho couuty sout Monday,
0 Soronson and wifo of Waterbury,
atteudod ohurch hero Sunday and
wero cuosts for tho day in tho MoBrido
L V and Guss Murray departed
Monday for Laurel, to work for tho
Burlington bridgo gang tho coming
Mrs James M Burry has gone to
Ohioago to visit hor daughtor Mary,
who is a student in tho Columbia col
logo. Tho young men havo thoir gymna
sium ull equipped and havo formed a
club, which is proving very onjoyublo
as woll as bouefloial.
Ed T Koarney and family woro call
ed to Jefferson, 8 D, last Baturduy by
a mossage announcing tho death of
Mr Koiruey's brother-in-law, Frod
Molvin, who had passed away the
night bofore. Tho docoasod was we'.l
uud fuvorably known horo having lived
hero u short time several years ago bo
fore moving to Jeffernon, and had
niado mauy warm frionds whilo hero
who deeply sympathizo with tho be
reaved wife in this hor hour of sorrow.
Tho deceased also leaves an only son,
Will, to mourn hid death. The funeral
was hold from tho Catholio ohurch ut
Jefferson Sunday. Thoso from bore
who attended woro Ed T Koarney and
family, Leo 0 Kearney and wifo, J W
Byan, D F Waters, E T and William
Keunt'lly aud John Hogan.
Kristinu Johnson visitod a fow days
last weok with Mrs John Lobhuu.
Mrs Louio Morgouuen enjoyed a vihit
with relutives from Sioux Oity lutt
John Joseon and daughter Sina wero
Sioux Oity passengers lust Saturday.
Clifton Priest and wife aro home
from Crofton to visit with friends and
relatives u fow duys.
n 0 Uunsou und family visited at
tho Louio BusimiHson homo lust Sun
A surprise daueo was givon ut Froo
mau Bookwell's last Saturday ovoniug.
A Hue timo was had by all.
Louio Bookwell shipped cattlo from
Homor lust Monday.
Mr and Mrs Peter Sorenson und
daughter Mnbul wero in Sioux City
last Wednesday to consult a physician
irgarding Mablo'n eyes. -She is im
proviug ut this writing.
E V Maurioo wont to South Dakota
last Saturday to look after his proper
ty there.
Bobert Lnesobrink and Frod Wil
kius shipped oattlo to Sioux City last
Hiram Priest aud wifo spout Sunday
at tho L E Priest homo,
Clara Wilkius, from Ljoub, Nob,
spent Saturday and Sunday witli her
Grace Crippon visited lust weok
with hor stater, Mm Nel Smith,
Cora SoreuBon, from Hubbard,
on iu homo to visit over Sunday with
her "Pa and Ma."
Joe Maurice
spout Sunday at
Frod A ilkins and John Lobuhn ship
ped hogs to Bioux Oity lust Friduy,
Gurrot Mason and wifo ato Sunday
dinner at tho BobortLuosobriuk home.
Tax Schedule
Following is the sohodulo of valua
tions for taxation ou live stock uud
grain for tho coming yoai:
Under ono year $60,
Over one year and utider two, $75,
Ovur two yours uud undor throe, $91),
Over three yours aud undor twelve,
Undor one your, $10.
Over ono your und undor two, $15.
Over two years and undor throo, $20.
Over throo years aud undor twelve,
Fat oattlo per huudrod, $i,
Hogs per hundred, $5.
Whoat 75o, com 30o, ryo 90o, oats
20o, barley 76o, potatoes oOo, hay $5
por tou.
On Shipments of Grain Alone the Di
rect Return Would Mean $100,000,
000, and Proportionately All Other
Product Would Be Affected.
In a former article we gavo facts and
figures to provo that, lf the corapre
henatvo plan of waterway improve
ment advocated by the National Riv
ers and Harbors congress wero car
ried out, tho direct return to the farm
ers of tho country, on the slnglo item
of grain, Trould certainly be ?ln0,oftV
000 a year and probably would be
moro than twlco that sum.
But grain Is not the only Item on
which the farmers would rocelvo a
benefit. The fact Is that for the farm
ers and everybody olse, for that mat
ter tho cost of transportation Influ
ences practically everything he buys,
boIIb, eats, wears or uses in any way
whatever, except water, air and sun
shine. The average man Is Inclined to
laugh when told that ho pays out more
for transportation than he does for
taxes or because of the tariff but his
laughter does not alter tho fact in the
There are three principal methods
of transportation, the wagonway, tho
railway nnd the waterway, and there
1b bo great a difference In tho coat of
transportation by these dlfforent meth
ods that It Is worth whilo to study the
matter a little. The experts of tho
good roads bureau estimate tho cost
of hauling a ton of freight one mile
by horse and wagon on the average
road in the United States at 25 cents.
The cost on a thoroughly good, smooth
road might be reduced to 10 cents.
Poor's Manual gives 7.82 mills per ton
mile ras the average price received by
tho railways In 1907, while th ofllclal
records kept at tho Soo show that the
average rate on the freight carried
Into and out of Lake Superior In th
same year was only .8 of ono mill.
Facts In a Nutshell.
Tou can bettor understand what
theso figures mean lf they are stated
I in another way. They mean that lf
you have a dollar to spend in shipping
a ton of freight you con send It 4
miles on an average road, 10 miles on
a first-class road, 127 nilleB on a rail
road, and 1,250 miles on a lake vessel.
It Is very easy to see that good
roads aro a lot better than poor roads
but that transportation by horse and
wagon 1b too costly at tho beat to be
used except for small loads and short
distances. So far as Interstate trafflo
Is concerned the wagon road must be
left entirely out of consideration. It
Is just aa easy to see what a great
benefit would result from tho building
of a railway Into a region where there
was none before, and that a still
groater benefit would result from so
Improving a river that It Is made
dependably navigable when It was not
so before.
Waterways Increase prosperity ia
three principal ways, vis: direct sav
ing, Indirect saving, and by what may
be called a creative offect. Tho dlreot
saving 1b that which occurs on goods
actually carried by water, and some
facts which indicate how great this di
rect saving Is, will also make more
plain the vast difference between the
cost of transportation by rail and by
Through the Soo canal at the out
let of Lake Superior there wore car
ried In 1907, 58,217,214 tons of freight
This was carried an average distance
of 828.3 miles at an average cost of
.8 of one mill per ton-mile. If this
had been shipped by rail at the aver-
ago railway rate for that year (7.82
mills), its transportation "Would have
cost $338,033, 3G4 more than was paid
for its carriage by water.
Tho total freight carried on all
lakes that year was, In round num
bers, 100,000,000 tons. This vast ton
nage was carried for $550,000,000 less
than It would have cost to send It by
rail, and tho Improvements, which pro
duce a saving large enough to pay off
tho national debt in loss than two
years, cost only 185,000.000.
Prcof of Good Results.
Wouldn't you call that a pretty fair
dividend on tho Investment? And don't
you think It would pay to Improve all
our waterways as fast aud as far as
we can 7
"But," says some one, "what reason
1b there to nuppoHo that Improved riv
ers would glye anything llko as good
results aa have been obtalnod on the
lakes?" That is a proper question and
1b entitled to an answer.
Tho only 7aterway In this country
which has boen improved aa a whole
1b composed of tho four lakes above
Niagara Falls, but thorp are many Im
proved rivers In Europe, From a care
ful study o: tho results obtained on
these rivers the army engineers esti
mate that when tho Improvement of
tho Ohio river Is finished, frolght can
bo curried thereon for ono-half mill
per ton-mile. That moans that tho
dollar which will carry a ton 127
miles by roll and 1,250 iuIIob by lake,
will carry It t.tW mllos by river.
(josi oi transportation win vary om
different rlvera with depth, width,
swlftuess of curront, etc., but the ea
tlmated cost on a completely Improved
Ohio river can bo Increased by CO per
cent, before It will equal tho avorago
cost ou the lakes In 1907, and there
1b still a margin of nearly 400 per
cent. beforo.you reach a rato one-half
as high aa that by rail. It will pay to
liuprovo our rlverB.
Wlndordon, trustee, et al, to Henry
O Taylor, lots sM. SI, blk II, Joy 1'hice
Add to South Hloux Oity .. t
1' K (lllllgnli and Katherltiu K (Hill
gau to Kieil lleruuiii, lots 1 to 10 and
IStoSI, blW IS, Klrst lly Add. to So.
Hloux (Mty
Wm Oordon. trustee, Wm Goidou and
Stella (lordou to James (latluey, lot
t, blk 41, Joy riaceadd to H S () ,. ..
ltosoua lltingu and Henry Kongo to
Henry Ijio, loll, Crystal I.ako 1'nrt.
William Gordon trustee and William
(lordonand Stella 1) Oordon to John
K Moore, lot 15 blk. W, Joy l'lacoadd
Buy a good farm on tho
county bottom. I have it.
Tltil rnbllcatlon March 31 3w
Oidor of Hearing on Petition for Ap
pointment of Administrator.
In tlio county court of Dakota county,
Htiitu of NetiratLa, Dakota County as,
To Mary K, Hookwcll, Julia Ann lllacknt
or, Mlllau May Wllklni, .lolm 11. Ilraunt,
Mary llrauiit and K all persons Interested
In tlm estate of John Ilraunt, deceased:
On readmit tin) petition of Mary K. Hock
well praylnx that tho administration of
ftnlil estnto U Krimlfd toG. V. MollontH as
administrators It in horehy ordered that
you, and all persons Interested In said mat
ter, may, and do, appear at the couuty court
to bo hold In and for said couuty, on the
13th day of April, A. I). 1911, at 10 o'clock a.
in., to show cause, If nuy thoro lie, why
tho prayer of tho petitioner should not bu
grunted, and that notlco of the pendency
of said petition nnd that tho lieorlnK there
of Imj Riven to nil porsons Interested In snld
matter by publishing a copy of this order
In the Dakota County Herald, a weekly
nuwspnpor printed In said county, for threes
Micccnslo weeks prior to said day of hear
tnir. Witness my hand, and seal of said court
this SMtli day of March, A. 1). lull.
IBEAI. Oounty JudKo.
First publication 4-7-lw.
State of Nebraska, Dakota County ss.
To whom It may concern:
The commissioner appointed to locate
nnd establish a road commencing at the
quarter between sections 12 and U, town
ship HI. raimo IS, west of fitli 1'. M nt the
point where road No. 72 tains north, nnd
from said point run west ou tho section
lino butween auctions 12 aud 13, Twp. SS, It.
IM, to the point where the southwest corner
of lot 12, section 12, aud the northwest cor
ner of lot 2, section IU, Twp. 88, H, 48, Inter
sects tho Armstrong meander lino, and
thoro terminate, has reported In favor of
tho establishment and location thereof, and
all objections thereto or claims for dam
ages must bo Hied In the county clerk's of
llco on or boforo noon of thoJth day of June,
Kill, or such road will bo established and lo
cated without lofeience thereto.
W. U HOS3.
County Clerk.
Klrst publication 4-7 3w
Notlco is lieroby given that the petition
of Franz I.elimann lor license to soli matt,
spirituous and Inous liquors on lots 4 and
Mil block 1, In tho vlllagoet Nncora, Dakota
county, Nobraskn, during the llscnl year
lcglntilng on the Hist Tuesday In May, ion,
Is on lllo m tho oillco of tho county clerk of
Dakota county, Nobr., and all objections
thereto must bo filed on or bcfoio tho :Wth
day of April, 11)11, or tho same will be Kraut
ed. Frnnz Lehinnnn, Applicant.
Dated tills Gth day of April, 1911.
First publication 4-7 3wks
Notlco Is hereby given thnt on the 0th day
of April, 1811, Duggau A Hoirorunn Hied with
tho village dork of Hubbard, Nobr., thoir
application and petition for a llcenso to sell
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, nnd
conduct a saloon In snld village on lot 8, in
block 12, under tho laws of tho stnto of Ne
braska and oidtnnnces of said vlllimo, dur
ing the llscal year beginning the llrst
Tuesday in May, mil. Any and all objec
tions to tho granting of said llconse should
1r on lllo with the village clerk by tho With
day of April, 1911.
Duggau A Iloirornnn,
I). O. HolTornnn, Applicants.
Village Olork.
First publication 4-7 4ws
Ill tho county court of Dakotn county, Ne
braska, In tho uinttor of the estate of Wlllielmlna
Isenburg, deceased.
Notlco Is horoby givon thnt tho creditors
of tho said deceased will meet tho adminis
trator of said estate, Iwfoi erne, county Judgo
of Dakota county, Nobrasku. at tho county
eout t room In said county, on the ssith dny
of July, mil, on tho Stlth doy of August, lull,
and on tho tfith day of .Hoptombei, 1911, nt
10 o'clock a. in, each dny for tho purpose of
presenting their claims for examination,
adjustment and nllowance. Six months
are allowed for creditors to presont their
claims and ono year for tho administrator
to settle said estate, from tho 25th dny of
July, 1911.
This notlco vill bo published in tho Dako
ta Oounty HerMd forfour weeks successive
ly prior to tho ."9th day of July, 1911.
Witness my hand, and sent of said court,
tills 25th day of March, A. 1). lull.
CsnAi. Oounty Judge
The Imported Belgian Stallion
Leugraud no.59062
Has been purchased by Leonard
Ross from W. A. Lang & Co. of
Greeley, Iowa, and will stand
for service in Dakota County
the coming season. This cele
brated stallion was imported
from Belgium last year, where
he was used in the service of
the government, and is a steel
bay, 5 years old weighing 1,900
pounds. Leonard Ross, the
owner of this horse, will be glad
to show him to those desiring
to breed to the best that can be
Bills announcing date and
place of service and giving pedi
gree, will be issued soon.
Tsfre Her-.!! ensti
New Idea Magazine $1 SO
Sioux Uity Daily und Sunday
Journal 5 00
without Sunday 4 20
to rural route patrons ft 5ll
KaiiHas City Weekly Star 1 la
Tow a Homestead 150
-Poultry Gazette (Lincoln).
Woman's World 1
LafolletnB Magazine, weekly.
1 60
1 75
2 76
Uampton s
Lippincott's "
Made to build New Iluilntu. AtrlalwUl
make you our Dermanout customer.
Prl7P fnllprtlnn nduk.iiTaritisii.v-i
- , - , Uf,i2klndi;lo"tM,
11 tns nnoat 1 Tamp, 7 mcna.a t u.io., s ik vane.
Ue! 10 SprlacDawerUr llolba C4 VHttellf ID U.
Write to-day; Mention this Paper.
t-r tOfUand rteklot and relv thliTal liable
MtfTii ox i-rue poipeio, craiar wua my Dif
, liMtrurtlte, lleaullful Hed and Plant Hook,
. wui a . -.coui ma xieai variui 01 mmi, ruou, aw.
mrnl.AcllveUitol IIUHIIiand Ills Hindi
Thpie Bra tha thlnpa whlrh
will inaLa a man nf vmir Imv.
becure 111a uvriy inirrrii ana wiiuie
romo del elcpmenl by Kit lug him
rlllctl with fine reading which fasclnatct boyt.
icellent stories ot surer.. ure, travel, hUlory
anil current events. I'hotoBraphy, stamps, elec
tricity, carpentry, sports, camei. tm toys itut
whit to do srui how to do It. He'tin. tally Illus
trated, and every line In harmony with refined
home training! endorted by tv,oot) boys and their
parents, bend 11.00 for a fu.l year. On aalo at
allnewS'Standsat 10 cents.
THE SttlCUE fUiUSK.NC CO. 101 Mijtstio lift , tatrott, Mch.
Paint and
W. Iu.
Dakota. City
IShe Question, of Psint
Is one that should interest not alone the painters, but all
desirous of improving and preserving their buildings and
homes. In the Mound City Paint you secure not only a
paint of good wearing quality, sun-proof, and reliable in
every way, but exactly the heaviest paUit on the market,
which means that it is made substantially from the purest
ingredients known to the industry. Isn't that of value to
you? In Mound City barn paint, you secure the genuine
oxide of iron paint no imitation and furnished in red,
slate, brown or yellow. We know you cannot beat these
paints for either quality -or price. Try them. .
Itvterior Decoratiion
Is something that should appeal to every housewife not
alone because of improved apppojrance, but from tho standpoint of econ
omy of labor. On these grounds wo wish to remind jou thnt wo havo
a now and up-to-dato stock of Wall Paper, something to plenso you.
And remember, wo aluo keep tho sanitary wall-coating, Alabastinc.
It will not rub off, aud can bo put on plain, or etched in the inoBt
artistia rnnuuer. You will not be disappointed if you nso it.
Orlantck.1 VtvrnlsK
furnishes n now and artistic method
for brightening thosoold clinlrs.cup
buplioatd, or any article In tho house,
We furnish It In oak, chorry, walnut,
mahogany, etc. genuine Imitations
at small cost.
Dakota. City,
'Che Cyclotve CKurti
RA Sept. 13.1910 iS
In offering this churn to our customers we wish to be
brief, straight to the point and strictly honest in all the
claims made, and ask in return your honest criticisms.
A trial will convince the most skeptical that the
Cyclone is the Fastest butter producer in the world
today. It is manufactured and guaranteed only by the
Kinser Manufacturing Co., Sioux City, Io., and sold by
Carl Anderson
Hubbard 3T
J Patronize Home Industry buy your m-;ats of S-
Proprietor of ;
City Meat Market i
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand S
Cash paid for Hide? and Pelts
A Agent for Seymoui's White
s Tuesdays ana comes DacK oaturaays j
,, Dakota City Nebraska, f
ff-t- ---
------- --- -- tttTM 44
This -. Coucord Harness No. 7G
no collars S31
Our No. 179, 1-in. Concord, with
flat backs, a better job S35
Sturges Bros. .J? a.?
. -- -- - -
Undertaker Cou"y Corner
The Mico Etern'il I'rocesj of jSinbalraing,
Nothing taken from body and nothing put
in body. All done upon outside. Body can
be kept for ages.
B. F. Sawyer, Jackson, Nebraska
Of Every
Size and
Genuine Rubber Paint
acts as a preservative when applied
to wood work or Iron. Prevents that
roof lenklug nnd Improves nppenr
nnces generally. Gives satisfaction,
Is the...
Fastest, Cleanest,
Easiest, Best, and
Most Sanitary, Sim
pie, Durable and
Convenient Churn
on the Market.
Laundry. Basket goes on
' 3
a ,