Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 07, 1911, Image 1

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MOTTO All The News When It Is Newt.
VOL. 19.
NO. 31.
House Has 228 Democrats to 160 Re
publicans 8enate Republican by
60 to 41 Champ Clark Elected
8peaker to Succeed Cannon.
Washington. Tho Sixty-second con
jtosb called by President Taft In ex
traordinary session assembled at noon
Tuesday. Tho galleries of both housoa
were filled to overflowing by specta
tors, while there was a full attendance
on the floors by members. Tho chief
interest, of course, centered In the
house, whero for the first time In
years the Democrats were In control.
Tho political complexions of the two
branches of congress are as follows:
House Democrats, 228; Repub
licans, 160; Socialist, 1; vacancies, 2
(Nl"th Iowa and Second Pennsyl
vania districts).
Senate Republicans, BO; Demo
crats, 41; vacancy, 1 (from Colorado).
Roll calls in the two branches show
remarkable changes from the last ses
sion. In tho houso the Domocrats
have a gain of fifty-four members and
the Republicans a loss of fifty-flvo.
Alexander McDowell, clerk of the
house in the Sixty-first congress,
called the representatives to order,
and after tho chaplain, Rev. Henry N.
Couden, had invoked the divine bless
ing on the proceedings, tho members
of the house, advancing in groups,
took the oath and resumed their seats
full fledged legislators for their coun
try. Then everyone Rat up and took no
tice, for the business of electing a
speaker and other officers was next
on the program. Of course it had
been all settled in advance by the
Democratic caucus of Saturday, but It
was Interesting, nevertheless, and
when Champ Clark of Missouri was
nominated to fill the chair in which
"Uncle Joe" Cannon had sat for eight
'years, his name was greeted with an
outburst of applause that made him
flush with pleasure. For the Repub
licans James R. Mann of Illinois was
nominated, as Mr. Cannon had de
clined the honor. Mr. Mann also was
warmly applauded. The vote, on strict
party lines, resulted In the c'octlou of
Mr. Clark, and Mr. Mann became the
leader of the minority.
The other officers, selected by tho
caucus, were elected as follows:
Clerk South Trimble, Kentucky.
Sergeant-at-arms U. S. Jackson, In
diana. Doorkeeper Joseph J. Slnnott, Vir
ginia. Postmaster William M. Dunbar,
Chaplain Rev. Henry N. Couden,
Vice-President Sherman was in his
accustomed place as presiding officer
of tho senate and the proceedings
there wero as usual conducted with
Supreme Court Decides Anthracltu
Roads Have Evaded "Commodities
Clause" of Hepburn Law.
Washington. Tho anthracite coal
roads suffered a defeat in tho United
States Supreme court when thut tri
bunal handed down a decision In the
case of tho government ngalntt the
Lehigh Valley Railroad company.
The effect of the ruling will be that
Lehigh and other anthracite roads
must sell their coal lands. Tho im
mediate outcomo of tho decision will
be that tho government will bo given
another opportunity to enjoin tho Le
high from carrying coal from its own
mines In nlleged violation of tho "com
modities clause" of tho Hepburn rate
law. Tho "commodities" clauso mado
it unlawful for a railroad to transport
in interstate commerce any commodi
ty produced by it, or in which it might
own or have any interest, with certain
The attempt to put tho ban on "cut
rates" in proprietary medicines in this
country received the unqualified dis
approval of tho Supremo court.
That tribunal declined, In an opinion
by Justice Hughea, to give Its aid to
such an attempt on tho ground that it
would afford tho manufacturers of
medlclno an unlawful monopoly.
Tho question of tho right of a manu
facturer to control tho price of his nr
Uclo to tho consumer aroso In a suit
begun by tho Dr. Miles Medlclno com
pany of Elkhart, Ind., against a whole
sale dealer in medicines in Cincin
nati, 0 John D. Park & Sons com
pany. Tho manufacturer sought to enjoin
tho Cincinnati firm from Inducing
dealers, who had procured medicines
from tho manufacturer, to sell It In
violation of a contract with the manu
facturer and from selling medicines
procured In this way at "cut rates."
Negro Shoots Three Men.
Grand Point, La. Arista Gullbeau
was shot and Instantly killed Monday
by Raoul Jean Raptlsto, a negro, who
also wounded Droznn Duprle, Sr nnd
his son, when thoy attempted to whip
tho negro for tho alleged theft of
8t, Louis Has Annual Dog Show,
St. Louis, The sixth annual show
of tho Mississippi Valley Kennel club
began hero Monday with 828 entries
for priics, Many dogs from the east
And extreme west will compete.
Two-Year-Old Grandson of Kansas
City Millionaire Taken From Wom
an by Masked Men During Absence
of Husband From City.
East Las Vegan. N. M. A victim of
one of tho most daring and cunning
ly planned kidnaplngB in tho history
of crime, young Waldo Rogers, the
two-year-old eon of Mr. and Mrs. A. T.
Rogers, Jr., and grandson of H. L.
Waldo, a Kansas City millionaire, was
stolen Wednesday at midnight from
his mother's arms at tho point of re
volvers by masked men. Thuwday
nignt, 24 Hours after ho disappeared,
ho was returned to his pnronts. A
ransom of $12,000 was first paid. Four
men are believed in tho kidnaping.
Though the child was stolon
Wednesday night, threats of tho ab
ductors that thoy would kill tho babe
If any report was mado to tho au
thorities, news of tho abduction did
not bocomo known until Thursday
night 24 hours after tho child had
been surrendered nnd tho kidnapers
had escaped with tho ransom. At the
time of tho kidnaping the child's fa
ther was absent from tho city. Masked
men entered the homo In tho fashion
ablo residence district nnd demanded
tho babe. The frantic mother tried to
bribe them with Jewels, sllverwnro
and what money was in tho house, but
a demand for $12,000 or tho child re
sulted in tho llttlo fellow being taken.
The bandits left a note telling how
money wns to be paid. Tho note di
rected that a red lamp should bo hung
In tho rear window of the house at
11 o'clock at night If the money was
to bo turned ovor. Falluro to do so
was to bo taken as refusal and would
result in thj immediate murdor of
the child, according to threats in the
noto which directed that tho money
be in bills of ten dollars or less. Tho
terror-stricken family lot no ono Into
tho secret. Thoy got the money and
at tho appointed hour, William Rogers,
undo of the kidnaped child, drove to
a lonely mountain spot with tho cash.
There tho bandits emerged from their
hiding places with lovol Winchesters
and took tho money which was care
fully counted in tho glare of auto
lamps, and finding tho full amount In
two packages of $6,000 each, directed
tho uncle to a point 15 miles in tho
opposite direction where, bosldo the
road, wrapped in a blanket, the child
was found asleop and nono tho worse
for its experience
The babo was returned to its
parents hero as fast as an auto could
burn up miles, Thon tho officers wero
notified. Immediately posses wero or
ganized and northeastern Mexico Is
being scoured by armed men.
Thirty-Four Killed In Battle.
Chihuahua, Mex. Thirty-four rebels
were killed and scores wero wounded
in a clash between a detachment of
SE0 federal soldiers and 150 Insurroc
tos Friday night. Tho Insurrectos aro
said to havo been shot down llko rab
bits in n running fight following a sur
prise attack by tho federals. Diaz's
soldiers declare they lost only four
Whltelaw Field's Early Friend Dead.
Indlannpolls, Ind. John J. Hender
son, aged eighty-one, who is given
tho credit for starting Whltelaw Held,
American ambassador to Great Rrl
tain, on tho road to fnme, dlod at the
homo of his daughter Monday after a
long Illness.
Lightning In Snow Burns House.
Muscatine, la. In tho midst of a
snow storm Monday lightning struck
the residence of C. C. Spring and the
dwelling was burned. Members of the
housho'd wero stunned
(fm (HBH
Became Bride of Wilson Mlzner Four
Years Ago, But Speedily
Got Divorce.
New York. Mrs. Mary Ado
laldo Yerkes, widow of tho late
Charles T. Yerkes, the Chicago and
London traction magnate, died at her
home, 871 Madison street, in this
city, of tho grip, aggravated by the
strain of prolonged litigation over tho
vast estate left by her husband.
She had been in n critical condition
for some days and her friends had
been warned that her Illness might
result fatally.
About twenty-four years ngo Mary
Adelaide Moore-; daughter of tho Ju
nior member of the drug firm of Pow
ers, Welghtman & Moore of Philadel
phia, was married to Mr. Yerkes.
Yerkes had only Just been released
from ttho Cherry Hill penitentiary,
where he had been sent after convic
tion for crime in connection with mu
nicipal franchises. In order to marry
Miss Mooro he obtained a divorce
from tho woman who had been de
voted to him while ho was 'In prison
and had aided materially in obtaining
a commutation of his Bontenco.
For tho first ten years of her mnr
rled life the second Mrs, Yerkes was
happy. Then ono night her happiness
was suddenly blasted, never to bo re
stored. Tho blow wns delivered by a
friend of her husband nfter a dinner
in the magnificent rcsidenco In Fifth
avenue which had been built by
Yerkes for his wife.
This friend whispered a scandal In
her oar In connection with her hus
band. That resulted in g separation.
About four years ago Yerkes died
from pneumonia, after a few days' Ill
ness In tho Wnldorf-Astorla.
In less than twelve months later tho
widow wns married quietly In her
homo to Wilson Mlzner. Her socond
married life lasted about ono wool;.
A few months later Mrs. Yerkos ob
tained a divorce.
Otto Rlngllng Passes Away at New
York Following an Attack of
Heart Disease.
New York. Otto Rlngllng, tho soc
ond of tho famous brothers who now
control the greater part of tho circus
business in this country, died after an
attack of heart disease.
Mr. Rlngllng was tho flnanclnl man
ager of Rlngllng Brothers, and had
direct chargo of somo of tho groat
changes and combinations which oc
curred in circus affairs In tho lost
ten years.
View of Sunken Battleship Is Expect.
ed to Settle Long Standing
Pensacola, Fla. Tho hull of
tho sunken bnttlo ship Maine, In Ha
vana harbor, will ho exposed not inter
than Juno 1, according to Frank M.
Daniels, tho contractor who built tho
cofferdams around tho Milp. Ho re
turned horo from Havann. Thon It
can bo determined whether tho explo
sion which destroyed tho ship was
from without or within.
Elect Socialist as Mayor.
Herkeloy, Cal. For tho first tlmo in
tho history of California a Socialist
was elected mayor of a city in this
stnto Saturday, when J Stitt Wilson
defeated Ilovorly Hodghead, tho Re
publican Incumbent, by a plurality of
284 for mayor of Berkeley.
Woman Starves 8elf to Death.
Spokane, Wash. Melancholy over
The approach of Ufo's twilight, and re
fusing to partake of food, Mrs. Maren
Smestad, aged sixty-three years, died
of starvation Saturday,
u'lnii ( '"fmrn
Socialistic Mayora Are Elected ai
Greenville and Flint Republic
an State Officers Win.
Detroit, Mich. By a majority of
about 50,000 tho Republicans elected
nil their stnto nominees Monday. St
Joseph wns tho county to give the
last-named mnjorlty. Only minor
6tato offices were to bo filled. Eaton
county gavo n Republican majority
of 1,200; Kent, 3,500; Hay, 2.000;
Illllsdnle, 1,000; Onklnnd, 1,200. The
local option contests in 18 counties
attracted the principal attention In
the contests.
Tho "drys" made slight gains. Thoy
retain tho ascendency In Jackson,
Ionia nnd Benzie counties, having In
creased majorities In Jackson and
Benzlo. Alpena, which voted on tho
Question for the first time, will retain
In tho mnyoralty elections, two So
cialists triumphed, that party winning
in Greenvillo nnd Flint. In Qrecnvlllo
almost tho entire Socialistic ticket
was victorious. In Flint threo aldor
men went In with tho mayor.
Pontine eloctcd a non-partisan
mayor, on tho commission plan. Ho
is R. J. Lounsborry, Bay City chose
R. O. Woodruff, Republican, by 180
mnjorlty. Chnrlotto re-elected Mayor
E. C. David, Democrat, by 164. In
Hllsdalo A T, Lincoln, Dnmoornt.'wrin
by ten votes. Grand Rapids elected
only minor city officers.
Tho election of stnto officers was
colorless, tho Republicans winning by
more thnn 50,000 on a very light vote.
Tho successful men are! Russell C.
Ostrander and John E. Bird, Bupromo
court justices; Luther W. Wright, su
perintendent of public Instruction;
Benjamin S. Hnnchctt and Lucius L.
Hubbard, regents of the state univer
sity; Thomas W. Nadal, member of
tho stato board of education; John
W. Beaumont and Jason E. Woodman,
members of tho board of agriculture.
Mexican President In Hls Message ti
Congress Gives Way on Big
Mexico City. Committing himself
to tho advoency of .many of the re
forms demanded by tho revolutionists,
although professedly, $owIiK,,unly to
the influence of pubflc opinion, Gen
eral Dlnz answered his critics through
his somlanmiil messngo nt the open
ing of tho national congress Satur
day. Tho messago refers specifically to
the application of tho no re-olectlon
principle to tho naming of governors,
one of the chief contontlons of tho dis
contented element throughout the re
public, tho president stating that if a
bill providing for the "periodical rono
vntlon" of tho officials In question
should como heforo congress it would
havo hia earnest support. He nrgues
that as tho prlnclplo of no reelection
had not boon bronched of late In nny
of tho legislative assemblies ho had
not thought It proper for tho president
to express an opinion on tho subject.
Abuso of power by Jefes politico, an
other of Tho crying evils complained of
by-' residents in tho rural districts
throughout Mexico, Is to bo abated,
according to the plan outlined by tho
Ho proposes to Improve tho effi
ciency of tho Judiciary through a moro
careful selection of Its personnel nnd
lengthening of tho tenuro of pfllco.
Efficacious punishment of Judicial
functionaries for nialfeosonce Is to bo
brought about through the enactment
of moro stringent measures.
More Than 1,500 Shots Fired During
Fight In Laurel, Del. Blacks Be
gin Attack.
Laurel, Del, Ono whlto boy
was killed nnd threo whlto men
seriously wounded In a raco battle In
tho streets here. It Is said that sev
eral negroos also wero wounded, but
thnt thoy were taken awny and hid
den by their friends.
Moro thnn 1,500 shots wero fired
during tho light It was begun by n
band of negroos who suddenly ap
peared on tho fitreots nnd opened flro
on a crowd of whites In ono of tho
principal streets of tho town.
Tho riot wnB tho result of a hitter
warfare which has been waged bo
tween tho rncos for months.
I, C. Wire Strike Averted.
Chicago. Tho Illinois Central
tolegrnpherH won their demand
for an Increnso In wages and tho Im
pending strike of 1,400 men was avert
ed when announcement wns mado
from the offices of tho company thnt
an Increase of $70,201.08 a year had
been mndo to employes of this class.
Tho announcement followed a con
ference between representatives of
tho telegraphers nnd company of
ficials. Fines of $13,000 for 300.
Nnbhvlllo, Tenn. Finos nnd court
costs aggregating $13,000 will bo col
lected from "toft drink" sellors who
pleaded guilty to violation of tho stnto
liquor rovonuo laws. Nearly 300 per
sons wero assessed flute of $25 each
Church, a Landmark, Burns.
New Dralntreo, Mass. Tho Congre
gational meeting Iioubo, for nonrly 160
years u landmark in this section, wns
destroyed Monday by n flro which
started from an overheated stovo
Senate Gives Approval Second Time
to Measure and House Will Prob
ably Do Likewise.
Tho governor's veto of tho Sunday
Onso ball bill did not dotcr tho senate
from giving Its approval n second
time nnd tho upper houso passed tho
bill over tho veto by a voto of 21 to
11. When tho bill enmo up tho first
tlmo It received only 19 affirmative
votes. It received 51 In fnvor In tho
houso. It is expected thnt tho GO
votes necessary to pass it thcro will
bo secured. Tho sennto voto was 21
to 11.
Tho governor, in his voto of tho
mensuro, said In part:
"The particular objections to this
bill, which make it tncumbont upon
mo to veto tho same, nro directed
rather to tho form of tho mensuro
than to tho subject inntter thereof. It
1b truo that some very powerful rea
sons havo been prosonted aa to why
this mensuro should bo vetoed, bnsed
cntlroly upon moral grounds, hut I
cannot bring myself to tho proposi
tion of Baying thnt ono man, or Bet
of men, can dlctnto n codo of moralB
for nny other sot of men, nnd 1 do
not beliovo that It would bo right or
Incumbent upon mo, or reflect nny
credit upon tho high offico which I nm
endeavoring to fill to tho best of my
ability, to arbitrarily 1tntiln what
might ho right and what might bo
wrong from my own viewpoint, nnd
apply it to matters of legislation.
"It is no moro thnn fnir to tho nu
thor of this measure, and to thoso
who nro interested In obtaining legis
lation along this line, to say that thoy
mndo an honest attempt to amend
the proposed measure to meet tho
objections in tho form of this hill, and
I bollevo thnt tho samo would havo
been dono had it not been, for the
unwarranted interference of partisan
politics nnd an attompt on tho part
of the political lobbyist who Is evi
dently moro Interested lp having tho
members of this legislnturo attempt
to put tho governor In a fulso light
nnd nllenntc the lovors of this sport
than to nfford them any needed legis
lation. "Tills hill under consideration re
peals every law wo now havo regulat
ing nr controlling this game of base
ball. It provides thnt any vlllago,
town or city shnll not ho prevented
from controlling, regulating or pro
hibiting tho playing of bascbnll with
in Its corpornto limits. So tho nu
tliorltlps might fnil to enact such a
mensuro, notwithstanding tho fact
that tho majority of tho pooplo In tho
community wero opposed to .tho meas
ure. "A bill could he framed that would
rocolvo my olllcln'i approval, and If
this bill woro frnm'd along the lino
of permitting each vlllngo nnd oach
town In this stnto to regulate and con
trol Sunday baBcbnll, as tho majority
of tho peoplo might wnnt, and, far
ther, If tho county Bupcrvlsors or
commissioners wero delegated tho au
thority to regulate nnd control this
gnmo of baseball on Sundny, in nc
cordanco with tho desires of tho peo
plo of said county, then In that enso,
thero ccrtnlnly could bo no objection
to thnt kind of n mensuro."
Expert Building Supervisor.
Senator Solleck offered a resolution
thnt tho governor bo empowered to
uppolnt an expert building supervisor,
preferably ono omployed by or family
inr with the federal requirements nnd
practlco, to look over tho Btuto build
Iiikh of Nebraska. Ho beliaved that
the various criticisms juado of public
buildings In this statu warranted
some sugh action.
The Drainage Bill.
Tho senate agreed on tho houso
amendments to Vomer's drainage bill.
Tills bill affects only tho southeastern
part of tho Htate and has never been
rend In the sonato, tho opposing fac
tions from tho southeastern part of
tho stato gutting together on a bill
and the sennte pnsslng it nt onco,
plenscd to get rid of tho burden,
Paes Bucket Shop Bill.
Tho senate passed the Hnrtos nnti
"bucket shop" bill and sont It to tho
houso, whoro nctlon may bo taken at
once. Tho bill is drastic In ItH pro
visions nnd differs from tho oxistlng
law in thnt it makes It u felony to
patronize a bucket shop, ns well ns to
conduct ono.
Sale of Bonds.
Stato TrenBiiror Georgo haB begun
tho advertisement of $1,000,000 of
bonds of tho stnto hold In tho stato
treasury which the legislature lias
Senate Eliminated Claims.
The sonutOj eliminated tho claims
of Seward and Lancaster countlos
against the stnto for money oxponded
in handling criminal casos, tho costs
of which wero tnxed to tho counties
because actions happened to bo begun
Placsk Apportionment Measure - Ii
In tho houso on Thursday tho legis
lative apportionment bill wns put
through tho committee or the wholo,
third reading nnd pnssago nil within
an hour and a hnlf, ami in tho end
secured sixty-six votes for tho mens
uro nR opposed to twenty-five against
It. Tho mensuro, a party plcdgo, both
of tho ropubllcnnn and the democrat!,
though possibly not in tho form in
which It has passed, now goes to tho
governor with no amendments to the
arrangement ns it passed tho senate.
When tho houso went Into commit
tco of tho whole Morlnrly of Douglas
was called to tho chair. Tho sifting
commltteo had Just picked tho hill off
tho goncrnl tllo nnd placed It at the
head of the sifting file. It wns taken
up forthwith. PotU Moved that tho
houso commltteo amendmont, nffect
lng tho Fourtconth'senntorlnl district,
bo not concurred In. This amend
ment' ho had secured himself. It took
Pawnee out of tho samo district with
dago and substituted Johnson. This
was not satisfactory to C. W. Pool of
Johnson county, former speaker of tho
houso, who secpred tho retraction
from tho member from Pawnee.
Several mombors tried to speak on
tho question boforo tho house, ono of
tho most Important thnt will nppear
nt tho present sosslon, btit tho gcntlo
man from Douglns in tho" chair re
fused to rccognlzo them and put tho
question of recommending tho bill for
pnssnge, It enrriod and within half
nn hour tho houso went onto bills on
third rending nnd passed tho moasure.
Republicans who voted for tho bill
woro Allen, Anness, Bushee, Clarke,
Dort, Eager, Ellis, Gnlt, Glistafson,
Hnslk, John, Kent, Meyer, Nutzmnn,
Prince, Smith nnd Stobblns. Only ono
domocrat, Busso of Burt, voted
ngnlnflt It. Tho othor votes were nil
democratic for tho bill and republic
an against it.
Removal of University.
Tho romovnl of the University of
Nebraska from its prosont enmpus
to tho stnto farm was approved by
tho houso. Tho measure up for con
sideration wns II. R. G20, by Kirk of
Uoyd, providing for a lovy of 1 mill
to bo oxponded In beginning tho ro
movnl. It is expected that tho pres
ent buildings will not bo all converted
nor thn uow buildings nt tho state
farm ready to take caro of ull tho
students In less tlmo than ton years
and possibly longer. The 1 mill levy
is ectml lo pass tho conato.
Indemnity for Glandered Horses.
The senate spent n very Inrgo part
of its timo Frldny morning in con
sidering Plncok's bill providing in
demnlflcntion for owners of gland
ered horses which nro klllod under
tho direction of tho deputy stnto vet
erinarian. It wns placed on third
rending. The bill provide a maxi
mum payment of ?200 for nny horso
thut Is killed,
Senate Passes Commission Bill.
Two hills for a commission rorm ot
government In Nebraska cities wero
passed by tho senate Tho Rnnnlng
bill, tho mensuro pushed by tho Ad
club of Omahn and amended to ex
empt from Its provision tho Omahn
Water Hoard was passed without dis
sent nnd also tho Tanner bill, which
Is confined to South Omaha.
Will Veto Base Ball.
Tho Sunday base ball bill reached
tho governor's offico Frldny and It
will be vetoed. Tho governor tins
frequents Indicated that ho would
take this courso and lator ho stated
it positively. Ho said ho would sign
a bill which prohibited Sunday baso
ball oxcopt whoro It was permitted
by thn local authorities.
Road Sides for Farmers.
Tho senate ordorod to third road
Ins tho bill to glvo back to tho farm
era strips along tho sldo of country
roads. This bill, sennto fllo No. 211,
allows tho county commissioners, on
1otltlon, to reduco n road to tho
width of forty feet, providing it
shall not bo shrunk unevenly within
section lines.
Salaries of County Judges,
Tho houso fulling to ngreo to tho
sennto nmendmonts to houso roll No.
20, regulating tho salaries of county
Judges, tho sennto refused to allow
tho bill to stand ns It camo from tho
houso nnd n conforonco commltteo
was appointed.
Signed by Governor.
Governor Aldrlch signed tho OUIs
stock yards bill and bo Informed tho
legislature. Tho governor hns also
signed sennto fllo No. 7, Reagan's con
stitutional amondmont allowing all
cities tho right to frame their own
Capital Removal Dead.
Lincoln will continue to bo the cap
ital of Nebraska for at least two
yonrfl more, unless tho houso shall
roverso tho voto which killed tho cap
ital removal bill. Tho voto wns 58 to
The Banking Law,
In tho sonato nnd tho houso a mos
sago from tho govornor was received
urging speedy action on the appropri
ation for tho cnrrylng out ot tho
banking lnw.
Urged by the Governor.
At tho request of Govornor Aldrlch
a bill was Introduced in the lower
houso calling for an appropriation ot
$7,000 to cover tho salary and ex
penses of a superintendent of build
ings. This offico tho govornor urges
to bo created for the protection ot the
Home Town
3- Helps -
And as the Movement Broadens In
It Scope It will Surely Be
come Competitive.
Civic Improvement in becoming na
tional in its Bcupo and as timo passes
it will become competitive. Tho cttlea
that pay tho greatest attention to It
will hold out the best Inducements to
prospective residents and follow the
surest method of Increasing their
population. The improvement of
streets are important features ot the.
promotion of clvlo beauty. Washing
ton is tho best laid out city in Amer
ica and will in time become one of the
most beautiful cities in tho world, be
cause Its Btroets aro made upon a
plan, mapped out by Plorro L'Enfant,
during tho lifetime of Qoorgo Wash
ington. Tho schema of streets, parks
and boulevards then provided for was
considered so much out of proportion
to tho probable growth of Washing
ton that it was regarded by many
persona tho work of an impractical
dreamer. Without It Washington
might now bo too much handicapped
by tho irregularity of its streets to
admit of its becoming a city of dignity
and beauty sultablo to its importance
as tho capital of the United States.
Cleveland, ns Mr. Murphy said In
-:b address, "laid out Euclid avenue
all tho way to Buffalo." -In other
words Euclid avenue will follow its
present direction and maintain its
present width, no matter how far the
city limits of Cleveland may bo ex
tended. Not long ago an engineer from
New York wns eutnmonod to Manila
to lay out a city of radiating boule
vards and straight streets extending
for enough into tho Jungle to accom
modate tho growth ot tho capital ot
tho Philippines for n century. The
object in view is to correct as far as
possiblo the mistakes that were made
prior to the American occupation,
and to make Manila tb,o best-lald-out
city in tho entire Orient, I
Throughout tho United States and
in our most distant "provinces" roadi
building in the country and street
survey (ujfandnavlng Jn tho cities is
receiving greater jrecofcSHJori is bo-'
Ing-aPrun'JcmintaT ftiaprfance- TbtT
states that Build Uiob'eit roads, and
tho cities that boast the best streets
and the best highways from their
centers to their suburbs and the coun
try beyond tho suburbs, will be
mnrkod "progressive" upon tho map
of tho United States that Ib in the
mind of evory homeseeker and every
capitalist. Louisville Courier-Journal.
Money Spent for the Beautifying of
Cities Returns Always to
the People.
Tho DolglnnB havo gono on the
theory that by pleasing the eye the
contentment of tho people Is increas
ed to a very considerable degreo.
Magnificent parks, civic centers and
buildings aro tho result, and accord
ing to a. writer on this subject in The
Now Ago:
"Experience has shown that the
monoy spent by tho municipalities of
Relglum in their attempts to beautify
whenover and wherever possible has
ben rocovorod a hundredfold, by rea
son ot the fact that the more attrac
tive the city the longer the visitor
lingers and the more money he
"The wlBor heads have discovered
that tho City Beautiful is not a lux
ury, but a necessity for tho welfare
of the peoplo and uplifting of the na
tion." Tho samo results will be true in
tho caso of Denver, whero the cam
paign for the city beautiful has al
ready given the municipality a wide
roputation for procresstveness and Is
already attracting tens ot thousands
of visitors and many new residents
The Unit of Social Life.
Thero Is no sustained social life un
loss enough peoplo llvo in continuous
close touch, and tho vlllago Is the
unit which is multiplied to form
cities. Cities are, socially, collections
of villages, and tho larger the city
tho moro plainly 1b this fact made
apparent. It is certain that thero
must be a dellnlto numbor ot people
closely and constantly associated to
form a village, and it is certain that
when the number becomes too large
to permit ot Intimate and constant
association thero is another village
formed, within or alongside the orig
inal vlllago. The question of the defi
nition of tho word village must rest
upon tlils fact. Whoever is able to
determine what number of peoplo can
remain in social association can de
fine tho bounds ot the village.
Landscape Gardening at Sohool.
When tho question of organizing an
improvement society is broached many
havo been heard to exclaim: "I don't
seo that much good could be done in
our community." Well, every "com
munity" has at least ono Bchoolhouse
and the writer has yet to see one
whoso grounds are so neat and gen
erally ornate that they could not
easily bo Improved. Any live ciub
may find plenty ot work to give vest
to pent-up enthusiasm In Just one or
dinary school yard, that Is, it they do
a real, good job.
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