N ., v. ) $10 & Day And All Expenses That's What Wo Will Qivo You If You Uo On One of Our Excursions to Canada. and Don't Find Our Lands us Good us Claimed. Round Trip Excursions $27.50 From Norfolk. Evory first and third Tuesdays wo run excursions to our 0 tin ml u vhont lands. First excursion Tuts dny, April 18th. Go with' Us ou one of them. Out $10 a day guar imten is a straight business propo sition. Wo own over 150,000 aeies in the fertile Saskatchewan dis trict which we aro soiling for $16 to $22 per acre on easy pnytnouts. Write for our new lioolt, "The Guide to the Lnst West." It tells all von want to ktiow about Canada. (If you aro interested in orohnrds lauds, write for our Sutherliu Val ley, Ore., pro, osition .) LUSE LAND & DEVELOPMENT CO, P. H. DAVIS, Dist. Mgr. Norfolk, Neb. DISTRICT COURT DATES For the Eighth Judicial district of Nebraska, for the yeur 1911: OiunliiR January 80, September 11 Dakota February 13, September 25 Stanton March 0, October t) Oedur Mnrch IB, Novembor 13 Dixon Mnrnli 27, December 1 Thurston April 10. October 10 The first dny of eacli term ts sot for henr lni? implications for citizenship papers. Guy T Graves, JiuIko. Real estate loans. Geo Wilkins. cEraffiwaBHraHraBaHH Kt;:iiiyi,Kriiihri)iigii jgg-KJWBF ed that the Stickney Gasoline Engine excels all others in its outside igniter, in its cooling system, in its automatic mixer, in its gover nor and valve motion, in the quality of material and workmanship and in the satisfaction it will give the operator. I have samples at the store and want every one to come and let me show that this engine is what I claim it to be the simplest and most reliable engine ever madean engine with over 15,000 satisfied users. You need an engine and the time to learn what a Gasoline Engine (and especially a Stickney) will do is Now. Come and let me explain and get one of the finest Gasoline Engine Catalogs ever publish ed I have only a few catalogs for free distribution. Renze & Green EXCLUSIVE RENZE & GREEN Paint and Whitewash Brushes W. Lr. Oalcotch. City E6e Quest lot of Pacini Is one that should interest-not alone the painters, but all desirous of improving and preserving their buildings and homes. In the Mound City Paint you secure not only a paint of good wearing quality, sun-proof, acid reliable in every way, but exactly the heaviest paint on the market, which means that it is made substantially from the purest ingredients known to the industry. Isn't that of value to you? In Mound City barn paint, you secure the genuine oxide of iron paint no imitation and furnished in red, slate, brown or yellow. We know you cannot beat these paints for either quality or price. Try them. Interior Is something that should appeal to every housewife not n Ion o because of improved appearance, but from the stauilpniutof econ omy of labor. On these grounds w wish to remind you that wo have a new and up-to-dnto stock of AVnll INiper, something to pleaso yon. And remember, we also keep tho sanitary wall-coating, Aluliastiiie. It will not rub off, aud can bo put on plain, or etchid in the most nrtistia manner. You will uot be ilisappomted if you uso it. Orlan.tck.1 VewrnlsH furnUhM a now unit artistic method for lirlKhtenltiR those old chnlrs, cup tmplKiard, or any article In tho house, Wo furnish It In oak, chorry. walnut, malioitimy, etc. Koutiluo Imitations ut smnl) cost. I Dakota City, Local Items Friday, March 31, ign Trade at homo. Yon will find a good assortment of hardware and tinware at reasonable prices at Hohriovor Bros. Fruit of nil kindu t Van do Zcddo's. "Play ball boys" and buy your baso balls nt the Dakota City Pharmacy Curg Ayres nud family have begun moviug to Uioir form on Walker's Island. You pill find a full nssortmnt of Easter post cards nt tho Dakota Oity Pburniaoy. Paul Kinkel arrived homo Sunday, with tho suow storm, from a ten days visit with relativos nt St Paul. Ouo of tho worst snow stoims of the soiisoii struck this pin 00 Sunday even ing, lasting n grenter part of Sunday night. Remember, for ten days, you con buy a 50o paokugo of Flock's Stock Food or Poultry Powder, for25oat the Dakota City Pharmacy. Mrs R L Broyhill and daughter, Mrs Gretohon Weigaud, and buby, enmo down Monday from Laurel, Nob, for a t-hort visit with relatives anil friends. M O Avron anil nnn 'P.flcrnr. nrwl flnn Garter, left Monday for Alliance, Neb, lor a lofr days UuoK snooting. Ttiey were joined on the trio by Ed Lott. of Tekumah. Chumberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invariably bring relief to wo men suffering from chronic constipa tion, headache, biliousness, dizniuess. sallowneHS of tho skin and dyspepsia. Sold by all druggists. Alfred Seymour and two boys went to Menkling, S D, last Saturday to su perintend tho starting of a gusolino plowing outfit on Mr Seymour's farm ueur that place. Tho blizzard whioh struck that place Sunday afternoon re minded tnem that there was 110 place like home, anil they returned that evening. D II Eager rocoivod word this week fiom tho Security Lumber company of Winnopeg, Oau, for whom ho worked last year, that the snow is all gone in th'tt country nud that he can come on and gn to work any timo now. Air linger superintends the erection of offices, "beds and yards for the com pany. Fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism is simply rheumatism of tho musoles uo to cold or damp, or ohronio rheumatism, neither of which require any internal treatment. All thut is needed to afford relief is tho free application of Chamberlain's Liu imeut. Give it a trial. You pre cer taiu to bo ploased with tho quick re lief which it affords. Sold by all druggists. No.l Announcement After thorough investigation and inspection of all Gasoline engines, I am positively convinc AGENTSMMIIMMHBHI - Hubbard, Neb. ROSS Of Every Size and Kind. Phnrmoioy Genuine Rubbar Paint acts as a preservative when nppllcd to wood work or Iron. 1'rovonts that roof leaking ami Improves appear ances Konornlly. Gives satisfaction, Nebraska. Union's coffeo is still iu the lend, Von do Zcddu Bells it, John L Nixon of Homer, was trans noting business hero WodnoBdny, Dnn Rockwell nud J E Al linger were up -from Honmr Saturday on busi ness matters. " Bnrnoy Gribblo went to Mendow Grove last wook to visit his half broth er, Joe Jackson. John Yoiu'g, seotion foreman nt Ly ons, enruu up Saturday for n fov dnjs visit with relntives. The regular mooting of tho W II & F M society will bo held with Mrs Es ther Harden, Thursday, April 0. D O Ames, a former resident of tho south part of tho county, was visiting old frlontls hero Wednesday night. Mrs Nellie Nunn, of Winnebago, was n vititor nt tho homo of her broth er, Ashley Londrosh, Moudny night. D n't forget you con buy tho finest perfumes nud toilet necessaries of nil kinds at tho Dakota Oity Pharmacy. James Fisher, wife and baby, camo up from WulthlU Moudny and visited relatives lioro and at Salem during tho week. Mrs Hand Rookwell of Homor, spent Saturday horo with her daughter, Liu nie, oporator nt the telephone ex change. Don't forget the coffee with the dish es nt Vuu do Zoddo's ho has a nico assortment. A nico uish with each package. Ohris Paulsen has quit attending bUBiuosscollego iu Sioux Oity nui is working on the new Stiuson storo building. Esten Olson and family will leave next week for their claim in South Da Kotn . Will U Orr has purchased tho Olson houso. A letter from Mrs G W Hileman, ut Caroline, Alberta, Canada, announces tho nrrivnl of u baby boy nt thoir hoinu February 25th. At a meoting of tho school board Wednesday evening Prof J.AChiooino and MiBs Clara Jeppesen were retain ed to their present positions, Van has somo of those lino Venitian mirrors whioh he is giving away with coupon trade tickets. Call aud sou them, it wou't oost you anything. Robert E French, of Kearney, grand lecturer for the Maaouio order in No brnskn, will hold n school of instruc tion iu this plneo Tuesday, April 11. According to the Emerson Entur onterpriso smallpox has broken out in that town. Several of the reservation towns nnd those bordering on tht- res orvation aro experiencing a siego of that loathsome disease. A card from David R Clapp, who left a oouple of wooks ago for Kindor hook, N Y, states that ho arrived at his destination all right, nnd thut ho likes his new homo and tho couutry, so far as he has seen it. Chamberlain's Stomaoh nnd Livor Tablets are sufe, sure and reliable, and haye been pruised by thousands of wo men who havo been restored to health tlrrough their gentle niil and onrntive properties. Sojd by all druggists. Tho village election will bo hold next Tuesday, April 4th. Tho only names to go on the ballot nro those of the retiring members of tho board J P Rookwell, W L Ross and S A Stin- bliusou, by petition. Tureo momhers nre to bo elected for two-year terms. Aro you frequently hoarse? Do you havo that annoying tickling iu your throat? Does your cough annoy you nt night, nnd do you rnise mucus in tho morning? Do you wnnt relief? If so, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and you will bo pleased. Sold by all druggists. County Suporintondnnt Wilfred E Voss nnd Miss Edna Baluss, teacher in tho primary department of our soheols, wout to Norfolk, Nob, Wed nesday, to attend tho session of tho Noitti Nebraska Teachers Association which convened thero that evening aud closes today. Miss Buiuss wus on the program for a vocal solo. A hearing on tho petition of resi dents from school districts No 15, 20, 25 and 29 to form a now district from parts of tho districts mentioned, was held before County Supeiintendent Voss, Suturday. A remonstrance to the petition was filed, and Attorney Jepson for the remonstrators asked for n continuance, which was grunted uu til Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, when Attorneys .leppbon for tho ro monstratois, unit R E Evans for the petitioners, argued the case before the Superintendent, who took tho matter under udvisement. S A Stinson on Saturday last lot tho contraot to tho Lytlo Construction Co, of Sioux Oity, for tho erection of a storo building 40x70 on tho site of tho one burned last fall. Tho new building will bo tho size of ttio ono destroyed by fire. It will be n one Btory frame building with a cement finish on the outside, giving it tho up poirutico of n stone structuro. Tim people of Dakota City aud vicinity are highly pleased over tho fuct thut Mr. Stiucon is again eutoriug tho mercan tile field, with tho intention of put ting iu tvon n better line of goods than that carried at the time of the tiro, which wub tho best and most complete of any in tho county nt the timo. A force of men was put to work Wed nesday morning rebuilding tho foun dation and gotting iu roadiness for the oiirpcutoru. Auy prospects of having a consoli dated scnool in tins place soon was passed uu when tho hearing on tho pe tition filed with County Suporinteud ant W E Voss was hold Tu.'sdoy. A romonstruncu bearing tho names of moro siguors than the petition was filed, aud ou tho strength of this tho mutter was turned down. Most of those on tho remonstrunco had signed tho originul potition, and in fact hud signed so many pupors bearing on tho potition aud remonstraneo that it re quired tho smvices of a Sioux City at torney to tell them where thoy stood ou mis question, tiowevor tiio ques tion nf consolidating with any of tho udjoinijg districts is settled for the timo being, uud tho school district of Dakota Oity will proceed to erect a building lor their present needs, ..There is nothing thut helps buil.l up a community more tliau its system of Fchools, but tho fuct that it would cost a little moro money in tho way of taxes caused mauy to opposo tho pio ject of consolidation. CALLED HOME r" H MARTHA HELEN LISCHKE Whtis6 death occurred at tho homo of hr parents, Mr nnd Mrs Julius Lisohko, throo miles west of Dakota Oity, Neb, on March 14 1911, was bom iu Dakota county February 25, 1890. Deceased was a blight, lovable girl, and her untimely death leaves a gloom of Badness over tho entire com munity, and n vacant chair iu tho homo. Tho sympathy of tho commu nity goes out to tho bereaved ones in thoir hour of Borrow. Tho Herald for News when it is News. If you haven't got timo to do yonr own shopping oall up No 1. aud ho will deliver tho goods promptly. Louis Moo nnd Bertha Eridkson, both of Sioux City, woro married by Rov W R Warren liBt Saturday. They uiioh had seeu 27 summers. Georrfo Niebuhr is tho foreman of tho construction gang for tho Lvtlo Construction company that is work ing ou thu Stiuson sioro building. If it is A 1 groceries you want, just pluueo over Van do Zedde's stock. Ho will sell just us uhoap as possible, nud ho handles nothing but first class goods. A Uiuniago license was issued Mon day by Judge llefferuan to Hugh Uodlo of Rosalie, aud Emma Hotrick, of Winnebago . Their ages woro J1 and 22 resseotively . All kinds of coal, food nnd buy for sale at roasuiinblo prices. l'DTLDH & 8LADOHTEU Co. TnroE Blivkn, Muuuger, Dakota City, Nob, Ohas Voss was horo from Omndi precinct Thursday on business matters. Ho cxpoots to lcavo tho coming weok for either California or New Mexico on n laud seeking trip. Medicines that aid nature are always most successful. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plau. It loosens tho cough, relieves thu lungs, opens tho secretions nnd aids nature in re storing tho systom to a healthy condi tion. Sold by all druggists. Mass fleeting. A mnss meeting of the qualified elec tors of school district No 1, (Dakota Oit) will bo held at the court house next Wednesday evening, April 5th, to discuss the matter of a building sito for a now school houso. Tin's is a muttrr of vital importance to every patron of our schools, and all should make it a point to attend. By Ordor of tho School Board. Olden Days in Covington. Items reproduced in tho Sioux Oity Journal from its files of twenty years ago: March 27, 1891 : Yesterday morn ing about 3 o'clock a fight ooonrrod iu tho white houso at Covington, whioh resulted rathor seriously to two of tho participants, John Poison and "Doc" Middleton, The latter icceived a pis tol wound in tho light side aud the former had his skull fruotured by a blow apparently administered with tho but of tho revolver. March 80, 1891: Since tho'Poyson shooting uffruy at tho whitn house at Oo-iiigtou thu town hi.s taken ou a comparatively moral streak. All thu gambling houses wero closed by tho Dakota county officials toon after tho shooting, HOMEMAKERS' CLUB MEETING The Dnkota County Uotnemukors' Olub will hold their next meeting at the court houso hull, Saturday, April 1, ut 2 p m. All uro cordially invited to att.nd, Tim following ptogrum will bo givou: Rending minutes of last meeting Secretary. Roll Gull Responses, A moraory gem or humorous uuyiug. Financial Report of Club Secy. Instrumontul Music Mrs John Mil ler. Paper "Spiingtimo Suggestions," Mrs II J Roonoy , Reading Mrs J F Sides. Discussion "Prepuring Meat for Summer Use," Led by Mrs Geo Miller, disouesed by Mesdumes S A Heikes, Elmer Blessing, S A Stiuson. Reading, selected Mrs Elizaboth Hurwig, Sweet Pea Culture Mrs J J Vletz Vocal Dijet Vera aud Fruukiu Brown, Recitation Miss Ruby Diorking. Diversion, "Spring Work iu and Around tho House." Led by Miss Elizuhoth Huiiso, discussed by Mrs (limit's Louis Lursuu, Geo Neibuhr, Mel A Schmied. Roadiug Mrs O 11 Maxwell. Use of tho Fireless Cooker Mrs Ueo Mates, A Littlo bit About Florida MrH R E Evans. Paper Mrs W L Ross. Reading Mrs Elizabeth Herweg. Book Review, "Roinaun" Mrs W II Bradford. Current Events Mrs Mury R Mo Heath .' Tho Woman iu Business Mrs Mury Sloeum Reading Mrs E W Nordyko. Vocal Duet Mrs Fred Millor aud Miss Uertrudo Mikesell. Election of officers, PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Dakota City. Nob., Mnroh, S7, 1011 Hoard of county commlloiu,r met pur suant to adjournment, l'rcsont. Kd Mor nnn, chairman, Thus Lour, (loo W I'll ack er, nnd W, I. Host, Ulork. Tho Nmrtl nmilo tlm fotlouinu onion Thnt tho county treasurer proceed to pur chano such books ns will bo necessary for tho propartns nnd compiling of tho records In tho treasurer's olllco for 8eavonor Halo, tho same to wo Into force In the jonr 11M2, tho county to appropriate from the Konornl fund of tho county tho amount necessary to cover tho extra expense Incurred by tho Uounty Trcnstirorln making up aud com piling tho tax record. The following claims woro allowed on tho county genorni ruiid: J J McAllister, 1st quarter salary.. .$170 UD M k Kounoiiy, boarding Mrs Anuor- Min,,., ,., S M Klopp A Hurtlott, supplle ,., ) SI Klopp A llartlott. supplies..,,,,,,.,.,, 7 Ml K A lttiuge, wnshlng for Days,.,.., .. IM Nobr Institute for Feeble. Allndod.... 67 III I,. I (loodsoll. Constable services it sn National Olllco Supply Uo, supplies. . . 11 W Klopp A llartlott Uo. supplies UW m " Ii Itoss, 1st quarter salary,' oto .... M 10 Kred Hohriovor A (Jo, stovo 22 Ml Dakota Ulty l'liarinaoy. Mdso it M (loorgo WllVlns, salary, etc 119 02 Farmers Kxcnungo, Muse for uunsoi- llys Kl 17 Mrs Jnui' Kuw'ton, Umnllmr prUon- ors am .lames Kueston, salary...... .. .,.,.,.. its Pi) John Hwdegrovo, salary 40 () John Thackor, IalKr .1 ft) J 1 Hockwcl.. snlnry nasi John (1 llachort. boarding paupers,.., f7 () Mrs Haeliei'1, caloor Nlsson M 00 Knowlton A Mnuulug, Mdso 21 IR " 0 l " " " " , It) Mi Tho following claims wcro allowed on tho road district fund: Will llnrtols, road work, itlst Noti..,.$ 1 7. It M Uuko. road work, dlstNoB SS M Henry Oloe, rond work, dlst No 17..., Ill tl JohuTlinokor, rond work, dlst No A... 47 ft) Tho following claims wero nllowed on tho county road fund; GoorgoW Thackor, supplies f C2 78 Hoard adjourned to April 21. 1011. W. U IIOSS. County Clork. CHURCH NEWS METHODIST. Ko W. It. Warren, Pastor. Services nt, tho Methodist Knlscopnl ohtirch evory Sunday as follows: l'ri'noli- ins at n am; suniiay sonooiatiun m; class meeting 12 m; Kpwortli, I.eaguo 7 p in: Pleaching H p in. A saloon petition being circulated I Why? Doso it bring auy more uihii hood to town?1 Does tho rotten rulo of King Bauekus help citizenship? Doos the saloon Iu lp your boy ? Is lie more obedient because he can get whisky rot uorost tho bar? These t.re questions you may unswor at your luisuro. The evil deeds that men do will mnot them ut the judgment. The church's business is to save men the drunkard? Yes, but also to suvo tho bo s from becoming nots. Savtt them lo lighteous and sober lives. You say "I dou't boloug to tho church." You ought to, it's tho best thing this sido of heaven loti need uot look for any thing better or us good. Now lot's bo u bit wise aud try nud keep historic Dakota Oily free, as she has been tho last fuw mouths, from grog, Free iib fur us an open saloou is concerned. An open saloou 'did 1 say ? Tes. Every ninth boy is needed to koop up tho quota whioh our homes must furnish to fill tho rauks of tho horrible army of bloated druukardB who aro annually yiolding their lives to this evil. Who is going to furnish tlio uiutli boy t ioul Uli wliero is my wandering boy tonight? My hoait ovotlloes for I lovo him he knnws, Oh where is my wandering boy to night? A noble lot of boys in thu Suiiduv pchool class of Rro Knoppnr, Let the good work go on. Heaven wnnts to know the faithful. LUTHERAN. Hov.S.r,. Keller. I'nstor. DAKOTA OITY Sunday school evory Sunday at d :46am; KUzabetli S. llaaso, superintendent, preach Inn at 7:1X1 p in. ovary Sunday. BALEM 1'reachlng ovory Sunday at 11am; Sun day school promptly at 10 am. F. 1'. Uul bertson, superintendent. Thu public Is cordially Invited to all thoso sorvlces. Wanted. Onttlo and horses to pasture 3-31-4v John L Nixon, Homer, Nob. Buy a good farm on the Dakota couuty bottom. I havo it. Eimurs. Household Goods at Auction. Having decided to quit housekeep ing I will offor for sain at public auc tion to the highest bidder oil SATURDAY, APRIL 1, at 1 o'clock p m, at my residenoo jut west of court houso, iu Dakota Oitj, Neb, nil my household goods, listed as follows: Tiv.i good beds, complete with springs, Four stoves, two of thorn now, com pleto with pipo. Eight chairs, four of them dining chairs. One good 10-foot oxtension tablo. Ono oak center tablo. Ono cupboard Ouo washing machine. Ono commode. Fruit ptiH and other housohuld at tides. MllB PlIILENA GOODHKIJ,, Ownor, J P Rookwell, Auctioneer. for Friday and Saturday Lettuco, per buuoli D Il'idishos, por hunch D$ Oulery, per lmnuh, largo Klij: Hnnanns, per dnz 20 OruiiRos, per doz....20o, 25o and UCc) Gauo Apples, por pk GOc Halt Porlt. best quality, por lb,. . ,1.1c, Host Siifjar ourod Dacon, por lb, ,. .226 Best Lard, per lb Hi): Pressed Hum, per lb lljcj; California Hams, por lb He; Hulk Coffoo, por lb 20$ and .10 Orupo Fruit 2 for 25(J! Our Own Pio 3 for 2Dc, Brick cheese, por lb 20$ Cheese, mild, per lb 20$ Top prico paid for Errs and Butter. Garden Seeds aud Onion Sets y IL E. tapper's Grocery Specials Klines, ltuhhcrs and llubbor Boots, All kinds of Dry Goods Notions, M. E. Kneppor's Grocery DAKOTA CITY, NEB. "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" WATCH YOUR SRHD THIS YEAR ESPECIALLY YOUR Dakota County can add a few hundred thousand bushels of corn to its usual fine crop this year IF EVERYBODY SELECTS GOOD SEED. Y A IHtlo selfishness in this ndvioe, for we wish ovory farmer to prosper thin year, so ha can bo happy, pay his debts, and put a good Bum at interest hero in this good bank, that in "as safe as n Government Bond " When tlm farmer prospers Every body Smiles nnd is llnppy. Plouly of raduoy for good loans nil the timo. Lowest rnteB. v ' Batvk. of Dakota ineral M ("Cement" Brand) Is the best insurance you can put on your barn. It is composed of Mineral Colors of the highest grade obtainable, ground in pure Minnesota Linseed Oil, as are all Minnesota Paints and is WARRANTED to be as durable a paint as it is possible to manufacture. Try it this season. For Stvlc by Edwards k Bradford Lumber Dakottk. City. Neb. "Che Hcrsld and Farmer and Breeder GV-a Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers Book on patents. "Hints tolnvcntors." "Inventions needed." "Why some inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for search of Patent Office records. Our.Mr. Greeley was formerly. Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full charge .of the U. S. Patent Office. GREELEY &MGINTIRE fe. t roj ij WASHINGTON, D. C. --JJlOJ ii Abstracts of Title A $10,000 Surety Bond Guarantees tho neouraoy of every Ahstraot I make I Attractive Rates for March Very Low One-Way Rates to Pacific Coast. A gensral basis of 25 for one way colonist tickets to California, Oregon, Wash ington and the far west, daily from March 10th to April 10th. Tickets are honored in coaches and through tourist sleepers. Through Tourist Sleeper Service. Every day to Los Angeles, via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake Route. Every day to San Francisco, March 10th to April 10th, via Denver, Scenie Colorado, Ogden; personally conducted tourist sleeper excur sions every Thursday and Sunday to Frisco, thence Los An geles via Coast Line. Every day to Seattle and Portland. ITomeseekers' Excursions. March 7th and 21st to new territory south, west and northwest, including Big Horn Basin. Yellowstone Park. Think now about touring the Park this sum mer inquire about the new and attractive way through this wonderland, an eight-day personally conducted camping tour from Cody, via the scenic entrance, everything provided; different from all other tours. An ideal recreative and scenic outing for a small party of friends to take. Address Aaron Holm, Proprietor, Cody, Wyo., or the undersigned. HARN ESSi ' Everything in the line of Harness a.rvd Horse Goods II. T. Harness $31.50 Old Style Concord $35.00 New Style Concord $37.0O Kopnir Work (livou Prompt Attention Sole Agent for Baum's Hog Tonic, Best on the Market. v I FVedrickseni (Si Son. Hubbard iSeed Conv County 4 Jivokson Nabr. Faints $1 :A Successor to Dakota County Abstract Co. Bonded Abstracter J. J. EINERS 0. xnm w ii iSmSSSM If you aro nxpeutliiR to innlcoauy kind nf n Miinuiur tcurl shall bu Klail to have you Ktit In touch with mu early, W. E. Sncthcn, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr L. W. Wakklky, G P A, Omuhu, Neb 1004 Fai nam street, Nabraal&i M m HI I-Tfi ?l I I I v