I )ww,'i'V; "Wf& . , ffl hi Tf U l.tti- I: t I , 1 M. ITS I Tv y a w IL i ffJIO If7 ?f?T77'r' ZHfcB fjf &.TtWSJ7fW WJU POWDER Absolute! Pure Thm only taking powder made from Royal Grapm Cream of Tartar NO ALUM.NQ LIME PHOSPHATE Dakota County Herald IOHN H. REAM, PUBLISHER dubucription Price. $1.00 Per Year. A wookly newspapor published at Dakota City,,NebruBka. Permission has been granted for the irnntimixsion of UUb paper through the tiiniie an second-chiHs matter. Telephone No. 43. Official Paper of Dakota County 5 i Items of Interest i from our Exchanges f. .iuiiiuui UAbiiaiijica : J Pender llupuhlia: Harry Founds arid family of Hubbard havo been vis iting relatives hero for several days: ants did not attempt to claim the land iu (lUefetion or tooultlvnto it until after the plaintiffs had cleared the land oil and seeded it to alfalfa. TI10 valuo of tlio land is placed at 450,000, Sioux City Journal, 20: After nev ural continuances of the canes against her, Mabel Mooro dually appeared in tho district court jestorday to answer to tho cliatgo of contempt. The ncoif sation grows out of a permanent in junction against her, issued on the al legation or tuo wooauury Uounty An tisiloon leaguo, that bIio had sold liquor illegally at 1GH Center street. Tho restraining ordor was issued by Judgo Frank It Oaynor on November 8, 1907. Tho Mooro woman by her teatimony Books to establish nn alibi and to prove fllio was in Omaha at tho tirao of tho alleged violation . Besides tho contempt charge against hor, tho Mooro woman is under an indictment no thn ehargo of keeping a house of ill famo. This case wan not pushed on the undonitnnding that tho woman would stay away from Sioux City. Tho main witness for tho uutiealoon leaguo in tho trial yesterday was Jefso Hill, a spotter, who testified that ho had purchased beer at tho Mooro place, 807 Pearl street, on September 17, 1010. Hill says Florence Haas brought him a glass of beer and that when ha asked for tho second glass ho followed hor into tho kitoheu to eo where the liquor carao from. Tho Mooro woman, when put on the stand iu her own do tonne, testified that sinco August 12, 1909, sho had mado her homo in South Sioux City with hor married sister. Sho held tho leaso ou the rooms at 307 Pearl street until July 1, 1910, when she says she leased them furnished to Alice King for S200 a month. Tho Mooro woman paid for tho light and water. From Heptombor 10 until September 20, 1910, tho Moore woman says sho was in Omaha. "I can provo it by at least a hundred different per sons," sho declared. Sho asserted that when she leased tho place tho rooms wero all rented to men and that she had no idea they woro to ho used for anythiug olso. Prior to tho Mooro woman's testimony Ohiof of Police J B Iliohard told of raiding the place about September 15, 1910, and of arresting six girls. Judgo Mould took tho caso under advisomeut. Ponca Journal: Mesdames F 1) Fales and E E ltiee wont to SionxCity and Dakota Oitv Tuosday afternoon. Sarah MoOnrdy. To this union two chi'dren were born, Df-nides tho im mediato family tho deceased lcavea two brothers and throe sistors to mourn his loss. Mr Campbell Iihs boon n member of thu Presbyterian church of this placo for many years and has al ways taken an active part in the church work. Tho funoral will be hold this afternoon at 2 o'clock nt tho Presbyterian church. "In lifo wo are wo in tho midst of doath," for "Hero hovo wo no continuing city." Surely tho Psalmist wns inspired when Im said: "As for man his days aro as grass, as a flower of tho field ho flour ishoth. For tho wind passotu over it and is gono and tho placo thereof shall know it no moro." I CORRESPONDENCE HUBBARD, j Herman Renzo was a county hhiI boys succeeded in collecting $80 to ap ply toward it. Misses licrnicc and Annio Keefe of Sioux "ity, were over Sunday guest iu tho J J Molirido homo. Ueo Luis returned Friday from u week's visit at Orofton and Watisa. Mrs John Ryan was visiting her pa rent hero this, week while Mr Ilyau was looking over some land near Jlel videre, b D. John Ityan, impleinont doaler, sold manure spreaders to P Heenan and Mark Loaden, Tuesday. Mrs C J Goodfollow was removed to a Sioux City hospital, Wednesday, for treatment. Miss Lula Dnmsan and Miss Hunna O'Keefeof Sioux City, visited over Sunday at tho J V Ryan homo. Whiting Items iu the Sloan, Iowa, Star; Herman Hurley, of Homer, Nob, returned homo after a few di visit with Whiting friends. Salix Items in Slonn, Iowa, Star: Mr nud Mrs MoCormiak, of Winneba go, are vieiting the lattorV aunt, Mrs 8 D Cono. ... Mis Linknwillor and sou Ralph, of Winnebago, aro hero for a couple of weeks visit in thu (lone homo, Waterbury Itemo in Ponoa Journal: Mr and Mrs Charley Bares returned homo if tor spending u number of dayo with friends and relatives at Homer and Hubbard, . ..Mrs Morey Cleve land returned home from South Sioux City, where bIio has been spending a fow dava with her mother Wynot Tribune: Oonduotor Moriu and wife visited at Omaha a portion of tho past week. Conductor Ourtor relieved hitn. . ..Lloyd li Jeep, mana ger of the E Haaa clothing and dry goodB honso, doparted Monday for Wugnor, S D. Ho will bo absont for about two weeks closing out a general merchandise stock., Mrs Jeep accom panied him. Ponoa Louder: Ed Conrad was u nailer ut tho James llarty home iu Jackson Sunday.... J P Moltityro wont to nubhard, Nob. Thursday morning to attend the funeral of his cousin, M!bs Margaret Heeney,. ..Joe Power returned Tuesday from Dakota City, where ho has been teaching. He went to Sioux City today, to mako a tryout w'ilh the Sionx City Packers ...Doo Douglas who nwrvad a term in the penitentiary, waa iu Ponca the first of the week. Doo is lookitiR well, but being without money was cared for by one of our good citizens and giv en money to buy a ticket to Jackson. Sioux City Journal, 28th: Todd Christophorsop, of Croftou, Neb, was iu Sionx City ycstcr.iay....Joir Smith and Miko Perron worourraigned in po lice court yesterday nu buigulary cLargos. Smith pleaded guilty, but tho oaseH wero coutiuuod until Thurs day to permit thu boys to eugago coun sel, Thu two lads, it is alleged, enter ed the lleaoom drug store, Sixth and Pearl streets, and tho Edelweiss hhIooh, 700 Fourth atroot, Booty from thu two pluoes wero rocovoroit by detec tives in the boys' room at thu Olen hotel. Smith, according to hia story, hails from Now York City, where ho has relatives. Ho receives money from them, but thu last cheek whh not mifll oieiit to cover his expenses. Perron, according to Smith, was not implicat ed iu the thefts. Lincoln, Neb, Special in Sioux City Journal, 28th: Thu capriolous flow ing of thu ftliHsouri river h.is auused a suit to be filed in federal district court bv tho S B Catilu Land oompauy, of Sioux City, Io, against John C Urib tile ut a!, residents of Dakota county, Neb. The suit involves a large tract of land now situated iu Dakota county, which was formerly a part of Union county, S D. Thu defendant claim the land by right of uooretiouA Tho plaiutiff claims that tho land was uot added to tho land of the defendants by accretion, hut by a sudden change in the oourso of tho Missouri during high water Tho company claims to have purchasod tho land involved in the suit in 1901 and alleges that tho defend- Homer Star: A baby girl made its appearance at tho Wm II Hols- worth home, last Wednesday.... Tho infant baby of Mr and MrM Wm Winch died Tuesday aftor rioon. It was only a fow days old and it had never been able to tako nourish ment, Tho remains were buried iu Omaili cemotory yestorday morning. . ...S A Combs' hoiiBQ caught fire iu tho kitchen last Saturday afternoon but was extinguished' before much damago was done. Mrs Combs had started ouo burner on her keroseno siovo and loft it for a moment. When sho roturnud the stove whh a mass of flumes and the blazo was reaching to tho ceiling. The paper was burned from the kitohou along with a fow other minor dumages. It was put out without reaching other parts of tiio house .... Qlen Armour lost thruo val uable horses last weak, tho result of uu ovordoso of wheat. Duvo Hileman was Rowing wiieit joinint; tn pHtur in which Armour's horses wero run ning and left a wagon box partly full whoro tho horses had no difficulty in gotting ut. During tho night they found it ancl.'tlio following day two of them were dead and another died n a couple of hours later. Thoro wero sevou or eight in thu bunch and wo aro informed thoy aro all effected moro or or less. Ouo of the throe dead onoa was a tliroe year old mare weighing 1800 pounds valuod at $250 C W Schwartz of Nacoru, was arroxtod in Sioux City last week, charged with forgery and drawing worthless chocks on a bank at Nacora. Tho oheoka wore passed mostly at saloons, About llvo or six vtouks ago, this sumo man was in Homer and represented to Uhas At Bornwsky that ho had just came up from Unialia wliere lie bad sold a car of fat cattle, representing that ho and his brother were operating his father's farm near Nacora. He wrote a check on thu First National bank of Emerson ami uy 111s taut ot Having raised a good crop and selling fat cattle, etc, induced Mr Borowsky to ciibIi tho same, Thu check' was sont to Emer son and came hack protested. It seems ho had no funds in this bank and novor did have. Mr Borowsky says that ho will do his utmost to havo him brought to Nebraska and see if ho can't bo gtvon a stiff term iu tho penitentiary, visitor Wednesday. Frooman Rockwell, Honry, Georgo and Robert Lusobrink wore county seat callers Saturday. Sco our now lino of Easter bonnets and hats. Carl Anderson. Fred Bartles and G Ogburn accom panied a shipment of one car each of oattlo to Sioux City Tuesday. Bert Francisco was a business caller in Emeieou Wednesday. Spring caps for men and boys at Carl Andorsen'H. Carl Anderson was a passongor for Pender last Thursday. Mr Nowburn of Winnebago, was iu Hubbard Thursday of last weok. Pearl and Ernest Porsinger wero in Sioux City u couplo of days last week. Shoes for everybody, in all styles and prices Let us Ut you. Uarl Aaderson . Mrs Duggan of Sioux City came down Friday of last week for a vit.it at tho Johu Hurtnett homo. Mrs Geo Johusou is numbered among the sick. Mr and Mrs Lou Welsh visited at tho parontal homo of thu latter, Sunday. Wo want your produce, and wo are still paying moro than tho market af fords. Carl Andorsou. Alice Beaoom visited friends near Ponoa, last woek. A surprise party was given last Sat urday night ut tho Georgo Johnson homo in honor of Georgo, jr. G H Ogburn took u car of stock to tho city Tuesday., See Ruuzo & Croon's now ad in an other column, Emma Andersen is visiting at thn homo of hor undo, Louis Pedersen. Wo understand that O Rusmossen, near Wlgglo creek, Uaa invested in an auto. If you want a oravenctte coat, wo can suit you iu stylo and prioo. Carl Andersou. Tho Wtst Hubbard Telephone Co hold u busiuess meotiug Weduesduy. Ed Hartuett was in Sioux City Mon day. He bought u fino team of mulea while there. Wo ask our lady oustomors to look ovur 0111 new Hue of oursuts tnd ladies furnishings. A complete liuo and at prices that cannot bo boaten, Carl Anderson. "Joo Ebel wus snowed in Sunday whon out to suo his best girl. Fred Durtols was iu Omaha last week. A full lino of leather gloves, both dress und work, ut Carl Anderson's, Tho Cobloigh children havo fully recovered from their recout illness, Mrs O Unsmussen was on the sick list the past weok. Dress shirts, in tho newest styles arid patterns, at Carl Anderson's. Fred Bartles shipped a of oattlo Tuesday morning to Sioux Uity. Minnie llolmer und Frank Burko of Sioux City spuut Sunday with Miss Malady. Seb our liuo of fnnoy up-to-date shirt wnista now on display, Carl Ander son. Joo Losdom was dowu to Dakota City one oveniug last wook, on import ant business. J P Rockwell, and wife wero guests ut thu Diuk Ruukwoll homo Saturday and Sunday. FIDDLER CREEK Robert Lusobrink und Fred Wilfcins shipped cattle lust Monduy. Albert Robertson and Potor Soren son went to Dakota City on business last Monday. Mrs Max Nelson is viriting on tho bottom this wook. A surprise dunce waa given at tho Georgo Johnson home last Saturday night, in honor of Georgo jr. Suppor was served at tho midnight hour und a jolly good timo was had. Louis Rusmusscn and family, Peter Sorenson and family and Carl Lar son's ato Sunday diuuer ut tho U G Hanson home. A surprise party was given at tho Off Harris homo laBt Saturday even ing, in honor of Mary's 17th birthday. A good time was had by all. John Johnson of Homer is putting a now bridge iu for N L Cripppn this weok. Mrs Rasmus Nelson and babe wero over Sunday visitors at tho John Lo bahn homo. John .lessen and family visited last Sunday at Henry Gloo's, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J oli 11 A nil ford nml Flora H Aahfortl to Tito Astiforu, una ii lot 0 bile 4. orig inal town lluuior, all hllc2, nnu lots 6,7,8,P, blka.nll In l'rleo's add to Homer , t 1 ou K Fiord well and Sophia M llordwell to Mntlilm.l Mtnn, lot 6. ttllc 12nd add toHH ! aui Julia Leach Ularlc end v H Ulark to Mm U FoiIIh, lot 4, 1)1 k 82, Covington nnnexSaO 000 John Ji I'lillllDiHiul Kuby A Phillip to A WWolls, lots 28. 27, 23, blk 7 Hallway add toHHO 100 lather Mulllns mid John Mutllns to O A Oouant, lots 1.1, 14, blk nr. Joy l'lace toHH U uu Wm (iordoti, truatou, Win Gordon nnd nml Htelln Gordon to Ksthur .Mul llns, lots 18, 14, blk a'), Joy 1'lnce add toHH O IU) John II Myers and Mary Ann Myers to Kdwnrd J Klchorst, nX soi S3-2-4 8TJU0 Kphrntn Hockwoll, a married man to Mary 15 Hockwrll, lots 7, 6, blk 9 orl Klnnl pint to Ilomur ,...' 2005 Mary K Rockwell, Ephram Rockwell, Mary llraunt, John II llrmint, Lil lian May Wllkliis, Kdward Wllklns, Julia Ann lllaokpter and Albert II Itlnckotor to Geo U lllcsslim, 11 no 11-27-8 8080 Wm Gordon, trustee. Win Gordon and Stella Oordoii to InnniiUn I, .Mortal, lot 11, blk .1!. Joy Place add to 8 8 O. 100 First Publication Murh31-aw Ordor of Hearing on Petition for Ap pointment of Administrator' In tho county court ot Dakota county, Nebraska. Statu of Nobraska, Dnkota Oounty ss. To Mary K. Rockwell, Julia Ann lllackot or, I.llllau May Wllklns, John II. llruunt, Mary llraunt nnd to nil persons Interested In the estate of John llraunt, deceased: On rcudliiK tho petition ot Mary K. Rock well prayliiR that tho administration ot suld estate In) Kiwi ted to G. W. Mclicath 113 administrator: It Is huieby ordered that you, and all persons interested In suld mat tor, may, and do, appear nt tho county court to lie held In and for said county, on the 13th day of April, A. I). 1911, at 10 o'clock n. in., to show cause, If any thoro bo, why tho prayer of tho petitioner should not 1m) Krantud, nnd that notice of thu pendency of said petition and that thu hearliiK there of bo Klvon to nil persons interested In said matter by publishing ncopy of this Older In tho Dakota Uounty Herald, a weekly newspaper printed In said county, for three successive weeks prior to snld day of hear ing. Witness my hand, and sen! of snld court this 28th day of March, A, I), lull. I) O. llKI'FKKNAN, skai, Oounty .TudKo. Zhe Cyclotve Churn Is tRe... Fastest, Cleanest, Easiest, Best, and Most Sanitary, Sim ple, Durable and Convenient Churn on the Market. kj.5ept 13.1910 ;)II SOUTH SIOUX CITY From the Record J. M. Paul ot the Kmerson Uuterprisc was n cnuer ut tue Record oihce today. Miss Edna Bates, the prinlnry teacher utUaliotu City spent Sundaj with Prof nnd Mrs II Uaubnch. Miss Hiidah Ihannainan returned Sunday to Spenrfish, S. D. niter n mon ilis visit with her mother. Mr nnd Mrs Lovil Jeep and son were down from Wynot, Mondav nnd spent the evening nt the Jeep home here. John Morris, n motorinnu on the street enr, commenced work on his new home cast of the Normal school building this week. C A Connnt hns the cellar excavated for his new home on the property on 1(5 street, which he recently purchnscd from John Mullitis. Mr and Mrs Frnnk Iiarlv of Wnlker's slnnd gnve n farewell party nt their home Wednesday. They will lenwe next week lor Wnlthill where they will live. C It McNeill and family this week moved to thejoe Foycfnrm on the hanks nt Crystal Lake on Walker's Island. Their homo iu town will he closed dur- ng the summer. Tuesday morning nhout C o'clock the home of Mr nnd Mrs J II Calumet in the north pnrt of town entmlit fire from 1111 overheated stove and burned to the K'Ouid, The los amounted to about $7S0. Deputy Sheritf John L Hnzlewrovc has so far recovered from his long seige ol blood poisoning thnt he is nble to be nhout again with the nid ol his cime nnd the automobile. Ucv IJ ASchnffer, ol Primrose, was the speaker nt the Presbyterian church here for two services Sunday. At n called meeting of the congicgrntion it wns utinnniiously voted to give Ucv Schaffcr ncall to the" church here. Iiert Knrst is again lnid up nt his home on Walker's Island as the result of n uitxup with a horse. This time he is sulferinp from n dislocated shoulder, the resplt of a kick. This is the third nccident Mr Karst has met with iu the past year. So far ns the Record hns been nb!e to learn there ntc lour tickets in the field for the sprinc village election, nnd on these four tickets two men appear twice which will lenve 10 names (or the voters to choose from. The election will he held Tursdnv April 1 th nnd the tickets mentioned nre ns follows: lid Metz, J W Ilnzlejjrovc and Ohnrles Cnse; W A Morgan, Gd Metz nnd Fred Curty; D L Fnirbnnk. R A Mclntyrc nnd W A Morgan; nnd Lewis Jeep Sr, S R Funk F Tcets. ' First publication 3-10-11-lw. onDEUON ritOBATEOF W'LL OK ON CHANT ING LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Htnto of Nebraska, Dakota Oounty ss. At a session of tlio County (Jourt held nt tho Uounty Court room In Dnkota Olty In MHld county, on thu lth day of March A. D 1911, present Hon, D. U. HelTurnan, county JudKo. In tho matter of the estate of A. M. Nixon, deceased: Whereas, letters of administration havo this day been urnuted to 1). It. Stldworthy mid Win. P. Warner its administrators of the estate of A. M. Nixon, deceased, it Is hereby ordered that creditors 1h allowed six months to present their claims nxulnst said estate for adjustment and allowance, and that said administrators beallowed one year to sottlo up said estato from tho 4th day of March, A. D.. 1011. It is further ordered that notice ho Klven to tho creditors of said estate to appear Ihj foro mo at tho Oounty Court room of said county on the rth day of June, 1011, ou tho. rah day or July, mil, and on tho 6th day of Heptombor, 1011, at 10 o'clock In tho fore noon of each day by publication in tho Dnkota Oounty Herald, a newspaper pub lished In said county for four weeks succes sively prior to tho 5th day of Juno, lull.; 1). C. IlKKVKUNAN, SKAI.. . Oounty Judge. In offering this churn to our customers we wish to be brief, straight to the point and strictly honest in all the ' claims made, and ask in return your honest criticisms. A trial will convince the most skeptical that the Cyclone is the Fastest butter producer in the world today. It is manufactured and guaranteed only by the Kinser Manufacturing Co., Sioux City, Io., and sold by Catrl Anderson Hxibbatrd 3T Nebratskgi $ g Patronize Home Industry buy your nreats of S Wtxv LORENZ, i Proprietor of 3g City Meat Market Fresh. and Salt Meats always on hand Cash paid for Hides and Pelts Agent goes on for Seymoui's White Laundry. Basket Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays Dakota City Nebraska 1 030lKHK'stm f 4 r ---- , First publication 3-10-11-W4. OKUElt ON PIIOUATE OF WILL Oil ON GRANT ING LETTKItS OF AlMINIHTIlATION. State of Nebraska, Dakota Oounty ss. At a session of the Uounty Court held at tho Oounty Court room in Dakota Olty JLn said county, on the 4th day of March, A. ))., 1011, present Hon. D. O. HelTernau, county JIKIKC. in tuo matter or tno estato of wiiimm Cheney, deceased: Whorcas, letters of administration havo this day been Krauted to I.uclnda Cheney and Walter Cheney ns administrators of tho estate of William Chuney, deceased, It Is horoby ordered that creditor-" bo allowed -lx months to piehunt their claims against snld estato for adjustment nnd allowance, nnd that snld administrators be allowed one year tosettlu up snld estate from tho lth day of March A. D 1911. It Is further ordered thnt notice bo Riven to the creditors of said ostnto to appear Pe loid nu nt the County Court room of snld county on tho 0th day of Juno. 1011, on tho (ith day of July, 1011, and on the tith day of Heptombor, 1911, nt 10 o'clock in tho foro noon of onoh day by publication In tho Dnkota Oounty Herald, a newspnpor pub lished In snld county for four weeks succes sively prim io the 0th day of June, 1011. D. O. IlFPKKHNAN, skai,. County Judge. BTin or Ohio Crrr er Toledo. I Lucas ooeirrr. f Fkanc J. Cheney makei oath tbat be U tcnior partner ol the firm ct Y. J. Ciienet A Co., doLa feualoMa la the City of Tolrda. County anil Htata aJoreaald, and tliat aald arm will pay tbe aum ol ONU UUNOHED DOLI.AUB lor eacb and every turn ot catarrh that cannot bo1 cured by tho use o( Hall's Catakhu cube. FHANIC J. CHENEY. Bworn to before me and tubacrlbed la my presence UU (tb day of December. A. D 180. J 77 t A. W. rjLEABOK, I ZrZ I NuTABT POBUC. UaU'i Catarrh Cure la taken tsUrnally and art directly upon tb blood and mucous surface of tbe tyaUm. Head lor totlmonl&U, Irr. m ... ,. ,. $ J' CIIBNKY A CO.. Toledo, O. Bold br all DrunloU, Tie. Take HaUJi Family I'UU lor conitlpatlon. Emerson Enterprise: A Imliv girl wiib lioru to Mr and Mrs Joo Harris on 4t Patrick's day. -..Hntnrday lire oaught in tho meadow east of Jule lionilerHonV rusidonoe aud it took tlio best efforts of initio than a dozen mou to save the ntuolts of hay belonging to Mr UondorRon..,.A few thousand years ago a wiso kiutf remarked : "Hoest thou a rnau diligent in his busi ness? He shall stand before Kings." Tha other night a Homer man ant boforn four kings and it cost him $13 50. . . .It A Poolo recorder of Em erson lodge 208 A O U V has received a warrant of death ulairu of A M Nixon for $2,000, this being tho 12th claim of Emorson lodge since its organization iu "J2 or a total ot $2-1,000. "Mali that is bom of woman is of fow days and full of trouble. He cometh forth liko a ilowor und is out dowu ; Uo lleuth also as a shadow aud con- tiuueth not," Last week wo ohronioled tho fact that Arthur Campbell wub confined to his bod with a slight attack of plurisy, After a short illness of b t a week ho suocuabed suddeuly last Tuesday morning about 7 o'clock. Arthur Uaiupbell waa born at Rushvillo, Jll, Jliuo U0, 1818, Uo lived with his folks at Dakota Uity, Iowa, for some years nnd when ho was about twonty-ouu yoara of ago oamo to Nbrasku, Lator ho located on a quarter sootiou of laud under tho tree claim uot, being to laud now owned by Julius Lamp, Uo wua married to Miss Emma Wiglo on December 80, 1880, and to this union threo ohildron wero born, two of whom uro still living, Jos in who is engaged iu constructing and building in Minne sota und Robert who is iu St Louis. Airs Emma Campbell died in 1888 and ou tlio 18th day of November 1801, Arthur Campbell was married to Miss JACKSUN. Maggie Murray went to Dakota City Monday to stay with Mrs Ohonoy fur the summer. Ed T Kearnoy and family spent Sun day in Jefferson, 8 D. Mrs P Heuiioy caiuo homo from 8t Yiucont hospital Sunday, whoro uhn went for treatment. Bho is getting along nicely, Mabel Itiloy nrrivod homo from Dos Moines, Friday, to recuperate from an attauk of typhoid fover and rhoumu Usui, tiho is gaining rapidly. Dr Leahy and wife, Mrs J E Mo Qouigal and E A Leahy saw thu "Man from llroadway," at tho Grand, Sun day afternoon. Mrs J V Williams roturnud to hor homo ut Uoruiuk, Io, Tuesday, uftur an over Stiuduy visit iu tho II Du gau home. Tho homo of Mr nnd Mrs Mark Louden was gladdened by the arrival of a little 11-pound boy, Maroh 22. Masters Laoy and Edward Lilly of Sioux City, aro spending the week with lelativca lieio. Mrs Fritz Andorson oujoyed an over Sunday visit from her sister, Mrs Lena OhristeiiHPU, of Salix, Iowa, It is reported that Hartley Aruot loft for parts unknown, leaving a few hero to mou in his departure There will be a program aud basket social at tho Miko Mltoholl school honso Friday oveniug, given by tho teacher, Alioo M Demaray. All in vited. Thos Sullivan spent over Sunday with his sister in Sioux City Mat Zulnuf was transacting busi uess iu Omaha last Friday. John Hike has purchased a now Ford auto from Dr Leahoy, tho agent for tho Ford Auto Co. E A Leahy wont to Sioux City Mon day to purohiiBo tho equipment for thn uow gymnasium. Tho high school Lincoln Sanitarium MliW.m inn i i m wHlKT Sulpho-Saline Springs Lcat(l on our own pruili and m4 intb Natural Mineral Water BATHS Cnnnrpaasad in tb treatmtat of Rheumatism Kart, Btouiaob, Kidney and Llrar Dlteaixi MJft Ckarfia. Ad4reu R. 0. W. EVERETT, Mgr Lincoln, Ret). First pubIIention!J-10-ll-4W. IN DISTINCT COHItT FOK DAKOTA COUNTY, NE1111ASKA. William Orrvs Thos. M. Kloek. William O. Orr, solo heir of (Jims U. Orr, deeeased, Thos Hoboson, John 1. Kolley. John W. Pot tit. VlrKlnla Ilussell. Alary Mel. Hussell, It. II. .Stewart, true name unknown, Georgia Jay, John K. Do Walt, Horace K. DoWnlt and David A. Itarkley, only helrsolThomas I.. llrllTeyand Telia GrllTuy Do Walt, Itoth deceau'd, Jacob lllrslifeld, Joan L. (lollior, TheiMloru K. Andrews, Laura M. Struby, Sarah Iluchauau, residuary IcRatee of Hob ert l!uclia..an, Sr.. deeeased, Oarollna Con nable, soloholrof KdunrK. Mason and I.ydla A. Mason, both deceased, A, 1. .Small, true name unknown anil S. Small, true name un known, tlio unknown heirs of the following named pel sons, to-wlt: Thos. M. Fleck, Thos. Hobeson. Johu 1. Kolley, John W. I'ottlt, Virginia Kussell, Mary Mol. ltus holl, It, II. stowart, true namo unknown, Jacob lllrslifeld, Theodore K. Andrews, Martin Wlkldal, A. 1. Small, true name unknown aud S. Small, true name unknown. To Said Defendants: You and enoli of you will take notice that on tho 25th day of February. 1011, the above named plalntlir II led his petition In tho Dis trict Court cf Dakota eounty, Nlrnskii. aualnst said defendants, tlio object and prayer of which Is to unlet title In the plaln tlir to the followlmr described orooorty slt- ; uated In tho vlllauoof Dakota Olty. Dakota county, .-venrasua, to-w ,: All or bloclt IV and lots 1 to 8, lxjtli lneluslvu, aud lots 10 nud 11, In block M, nualnst tlio adverNO claims of tlio said dofi'lidanls and eanli ot tliem praylmr that the defendants and each of thoni In) barred and forever mtopped from luivlmroi-olalmliiKnuy rights, title or Interest therein, and that ttie deeds and other Instruments of record under whJvh tho defendants In tho action havo appar ent claims to the land, or to pnrts of It, Im) adjudged null and void In so far as they id feet the plalntlll's title or constitute a cloud or clouds thereon, and asking for gen eral eriultuhlo relief. You are required to answer said petition on or befoie the 17th day of April, lull. Dated this 25th day of February, lull. William Oltit. I'lalntltT, lly I'uul l'lzey, his attorney. The Imported Belgian Stallion Leugraud no.59062 Has been purchased by Leonard Ross from W. A. Lang & Co. of Greeley, Iowa, and will stand for service in Dakota County the coming season. This cele brated stallion was - imported from Belgium last year, where he was used in the service of the government, and is a steel bay, 5 years old weighing 1,900 pounds. Leonard Ross, the owner of this horse, will be glad to show him to those desiring to breed to the best that can be obtained. Bills announcing date and place of service and giving pedi gree, will be issued soon. (I) If) z E l-l3tll This l-in. Coucord Harness No. 76 no collars S31 Our No. 179, 1-in. Concord, with flat backs, a better job $35 Sturges &ros. ",'&" 5 $25.00' Dakota City to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver irw h v w ii i ii i ,i B A .- '.MBHKSO A"R.V. VWSBEr mF&zmr avavteuu . . is Goodldcas. Cood Entertain. mtnl.Acllvcllscol nisMltsand Ills Hands .Tlicso nro tho Ihlnsswldca vlll mnko a man ol lour ticv. firura lila llvclv Intereit and whole EOmo development Ly ulMne him The AMERICAN BOY rilt'il with flno reading which fascinates boyj. Kiccllent stories ot ndventure. trael. history and current ocnts. 1 holography, stamps, elec tricity, carpentry, sports, cames. Tells boys lust what lo do nml how to do It. Peautlfully Illus trated, and every line In harmony with refined homo tralnlnct endorsed by 2W,MW hoys and their parents, bend tl.c-0 for a lull year. On salo at all news-stands at 10 cents. I HE SFMCUE FUSUSHISG CO. 10! Mlldtlo B'dg , Dstrolt, M ch, Colonist Tickets' on Sale Daily March 10th to April 10, 1911 via the- IHorth-lnf ester g& Line Proportionately low fares to points in Alberta, Biitish Columbia, Idaho and Montana. Through Tourist Cars Daily, Minneapolis St, Paul to Pacific Goast Points. Round Trip and Special Llomeseokers excursion tickets will bo on Hale March 21st, April lth and 18th to many points in Montana, Northern portion of Idaho, state of Washington east of EUansburg and Wenatohoe, also to Kootenai section of British Columbia. If you contemplate a trip no mattor where, for rates and other In formation, call on or mleress B. C. Buchannan, ABent, Dnkoiu Olty, Nob. Lyman Sholes, Division l'ass'r AKt.Omiilm, r ,'a viJt .v '". I!iiliat)lc,-Puro ft- S-Tv V i i Tjariileed u Plcaio "vvM v ,'JW t t , ,y Cl ,, ,ri, ' ,' iTsrV;j-lJ "l''" 1 1 UW ,lt tl.O JT VCLT'V ' vrr i- ii eritpinrotir ??? Ly r.n io Vm tifit niihl tMir nliiiniitiOs, SPCCIAL OFKCn CENTS "A-Ol;V collection I I.. I' I r'- r-r' i l.sllA In Tlf.r l ta , 4 1, t,tifcl , - I. SIM I l,.l.4ltl,. tij.1(r K,1 ii t.-, l, 1 ' ,'rtrtj 1 1 ki( tti.4 t t i , t Ktl,r wliK our N w I !!. i . lsltl,V r NOIllMLKJ VSi llMl h(, ) J H II Its ll' lit SI 00 .lp .ir t, at , tu4 S 1IIC1UM1. IO. t nr,1,t fhiijf, si:i:d co. ur,.r.l. Illinois Undertaker coy coroner TU .Mico EtoriMl Process of jsmbalming. Nothing taken from body and nothing put in body. All done upon outside. Body can be kept for ages. 15. F, Sawyer, lackson, Nebraska J f . & ' 9 t t! tf ; 71 V"