m- , 'jC ?'- T-jn. -"'' jVflr " .nwmsw' ?'. -- - . 1 r A AW.1 WJf" . -r-JnJfrf. - .W-F-!lJ v- -- t "-! -. . 4' 1 t 11 ITT" I' ; J r f. Br r2r- 7'jnX- riL fv S.- I JB Set. felt. '" HAS HO SUBSTITUTE H M5BE POWDER Absolutely Pure Ift onfy ksking powder mado from Royal Grape Stream of Tartar Dakota County Herald JOHN II REAM, PUBLISHER dubacriptton i'nee. $1.00 l'or Year. a weekly newBpaper published at Uafcota Oily, Nebraska. i'ermlHaion tins been grunted for the transmnHiori of this paper through the muiia uh Hrcond-class matter, Telephone No. 48. go today. Mr and Mrs Leo HnifiH, day ovonlng tlio oud caruo and God other near relative's, of Bnllx, Iotva,r- claimed Tor for hid own. Mnrgrot rived in the city Inst evening and will, was a nwect littlu girl and n grei accompany the others to Hubbard, ) comfort to hnr parents and to tlio homo ., , jcltclc, and oho will be greatly rnlnscd. Homer Star: A boy was born to "1J P'ck? his ohoiceHt rtowera. Mrs A M Nixon, last Saturday evening. 'f fe '""! "M warn hold lliurj ....AH Itlcharda returned Tuesday '" n,ml tntwmi mado in St Mary's fiom sovoral necks' visit with relatives cemetery. A vary large floral offering -n.i n.t, t.. wi. Ti,itwBBcontrlbntod bv the school child- ii i. i icii i n . iinn i i u tttt Auun iilii . .. .-. Official Paper of Dakota County f Items of Interest f r, A from our Exchanges j ? a Sloiui, Iowa, Star: down from his homo J J English whs in Hontli Siom Oity last week visi.ing with old frindH iu thin locality. Wyuut Ttihuuo: Mm Henry Johns was taken suddenly ill at church Hun day moiiiiug Hud wiu removod to her borne. Hho is reported better at this writing. l'nnca Loader: M I Mellon and Pcatl Uaker wont to Jackson Tuesday , in hopo of bagging a frvr canvas bach whioh iu i) reported to bo flying in that u'cinity.J Badger Greek Items in Pono.i Lead er: Mrs Ed Bush in visiting friends in Biunx Oity and Hubbard this weok. . . . .Phil Hmith of Hubbard is visiting friouds iu this vicinity this week. There must bn sorao attraction for Phil up this way for ho is quite a frequent culler. 8ioux Oity Journal, 15th: Todd Cliriktonlinrsou of Crnftnu, Nnli, Is in Sioux City . . . .The funeral services of Robert L Oxford were hold at 1 ;80 Vulook yesterday at thtt residence of H M Tollinger, iu South Sioux Oity. Jutermeut w.8 faths South. Nfoijr Oity o-metery. Lyons Mjrrori Miss Anna .Miller of this place was one of the trained uurnes for u ooiiBin of Mrs M M War ner's at Dakota Oity, Mrs Will Orr, who had a caso of blood poisoning, . . . Miss Edvinua Young got a lay-off from school .duties. Tuesday, on account of an nuruly stovo at the school Iiouho. Hho uud Ethil to udii use of the oppor tunity io vim (iieir sister jlon, uear Lyons. Craig News. Oakland Independent: The hoard of supervisors have grunted tlio pro posed new lino of railroad between Te katnah and IJcoatur the right of way along the main traveled public road. Decatur bus already granted u fran chise for the road and all that reniuins is the right of entry into Tokiimah, It hegiua to look us if Decatur will dual ly have a railroad. Tlio project is said to be u sure go. It is backed by east ern capital, no bonds or bonuses are "ssiUm &! t!;n rutin prnrnutlug it r.r. ready to build on short notice. Mo Keen motor curs will bo used. mural into tho Methodist narsonaKO n " "10 laalJ this week. Tlw MoEutaffers now havo r uor BOUOt)1 matc8' tho entire hotel and aro ready to take care of tho traveling public... .Jack MoTsggert of near Jackson, a son-in-law of Geo Thaokor, moved this week onto the old Surlier farm southwest of Homor. Frank Nowburn, who occu pied tho placo last year, moved onto tho A Nixon farm, between horo and Emerson.... J G Boohert pulled through Homer with his hay baler, Wednesday enrouto to tho reservation where ho will balo about 76 tons of hay for John Ashfurd. lid Just ilnish od haleing about tho same amount north of tho swamp for Dr Maxwell. remcJibriiuco Winnebago Chieftain: Mm Nellie Nuuu wont to tho Oity Wednesday overling.. ..Mrs Louis Herman was a vihltor iu Dakota City Thursday oven lug.... M 8 Mansfield waa a business oilier in Sioux Oity Wednesday uud Thnrfiduy . . . .Mrs Ohas Hiseroto visit ed her parents, Mr and Mrs F M Eve land, the first of tlio week .... Mrs J A Davis was down from Homer Saturday to see hordaughtor, Mrs Lester Miller, and lo see the sick ball . ...Tho Win nebago orchestra, whilo on its way to Dakota City last Saturday night, with Giib Oerlach doing tho driving act, suddenly found its sevoral members in tlio ditch, tipped ovor about a mile anil a half north of Winnebago. Jes Hom ing declare) ho will never again trust himself in a rig Gus drives. Ho had rather risk it by balloon or on foot hereafter. x&jijmyKVAWjMmoWMMmm CORRESPONDENCE . jMJtj OOKWA(MiX0 MKOtOKKOKM HUBBARD. Crip to Enmuuii Euteipriso : Geo Cook has been deliveriug the mail on route 1 a" few iTvjs tnis weeit as Mr Ooughtry has been laid up with the grip.... lieu liuudersou went to ltouhcstor, Minn, Monday morning to eouhiilt the noted pljysloiaus about his knee. Mr lion doifcon is holding his uu but tho knoe dot'ti not seem to improve iu the least. ...L II MoLaughliu is circulating a petition tliiri week for tho appointment as postmuster. We undeistaud Mr "ohb is not a onndiduto for tlio ap pointment. Iu this case wo could Uud no one vi ho would bo better lilted Tov tho vacancy thuu Mr MoLaughliu, Sioux Oity Journal, 12th: Peter McShane, ngoil 8il years, an old res ident of Dakota county, died of old ago iu Hubbard, Neb, yesterday Mr McShane camu to Dakota comity iu 1878, uud for u number of years was a farmer. Later ho retired from the farm and had madu his homo in Hub bard. For tho past two years ho has been a constant sufferer from rheuma tism. Ho is survived by his wifu and four daughters, Mrs J F Duggau and Mrs W W Myers, both of Sioux Oity, Mrs John Hiirtncl', of Hubbard, Neb, and MrsFrauk O'Dounell, of Water- bury, Neb. Mr and Mrs Duggau uud Mr uud Mrs Myers uro in Hubbard now. Their families aro expected to Brim or Ohio Citt or Toledo. I LVCIS COUNTT. f " Fsank J, CiiiNCT make oatli that he la kdIoc partner ol tho firm o( f. J. CillNKr A Oo, doloc buamcM In the city ot Tulwlo, County and HUM aoreuld. and that aald firm will pay the aum ot 4K HUNURIIU DOI.LAUS tor each and ecry ewe ot Catamui thtt cannot bo cured by the uw ot HAUL'S CATAKBU CUKC, FRANK J. CIIKNEV. Swan f) bore me and luhecrlbed In my pretence, tkU U day ol Ueoember, A. V., ISM. 1 7?rr I - A. W. OLEASON, t i! Notast rvhu Mall i CaUrrb Cure ta taken loteinally and acU upoD Uie blood and mueou aurteoM ot the Aad tor Uathaonlal. tret. rmiiJtaiii ' T9l0(,l, Trin int'f rialyM, ir coutllpaUou. Mabel Heffarnan and Annie McGeo oanin homo from tlio convent lo attend tho funeral of Margeret Uoeney. Nellie Heenoy went to Sioux City Wednesday. Louis Mogetiseii uiid Ueit Duyer no ccompiuiod a stook shipmout to Sioux Oity Wedncsduy. Wo want your produce, and wo aro still paying moro than tho market af fords. Carl Anderson. Fred Burtles shippod a car of sheep Wednesday, two cars Thursday and one Fridoy. T,onis MngAnRA" and IWt Dyer were among tho stock, shippers from horo this week, Jim Smith has movod to tho Miko Beaoom Plot. Don't fail to soo our lino of Easter bonnets, and furnishings uppiopriate for tho Eastor seusou. Everything now and of tho latest styles, Oarl Anderson. Marie Kelligbet wont to Jackson Sunday and visited tho girls at tho oonvont. Torn Long was in Sioux Oity Satur day and Suuday. Alice Veaooui spent tho first of tho weok iu Sioux Oity. A dandy uow lino of plow shoes, in cluding the colobrutod mulo-hido shoes, y to wear and easy to buy, at Oarl Andaman's. Charlie Dodge and Louie Lursen had u oar loud of stock on tho market Tuesday. Those from heiu who wero in tho Oity Tuesday wore, Oharlio Dodge, Louis Rusmiisson, Mrs Deaeom, Peter Sorouseu, George Uuys, sou and daughter, Mike Smith, Will Uurty and wife, Airs 0 llasmutispn was a Sioux Oity shopper last Saturday. Spring caps and hats iu all styles and prices, at Carl Audetsou's, 0 Olseu and wife went to Bloan, lo, to atteud the fuueral of Mrs Olson's father, hut week. Mabel uud Fay Cnbleigh are slowly on their way to recovery, Mrs P Hhuip vihiled in Sioux Oity u couple of days last week. All kitida ot canned goods at Carl Anderson's, at lower prices thuu at any other storo iu tho county. Try our ouuned peals, ul SI. 25 per dozan cans. Edward Jensen and family ate din ner ut tho Peter Jensen home Suuday, Eugro and Homo Hansen vibilod ut tho homo qf thiir sister, Mrs U Jensen, of Nti corn, Georgo Portis hud tlio misfortune of being kicked by a horeo lust wock uud is under the doctors care ut this writ- nig. Drees goods, wash goods, percales, in all the latent pal terns, at Uurl An del soli's. Hoy Wilsey had a linn Polaud China liog shipped iu from Wayno Wednes day. Fted Battels shippud two oar loads of shopp Tliurnd iy. Pearl Ilarty and Jettio Loug visit ed at tho convent iu Juaksou Sunday U llirsoh uud wife visited at tho parental home from Saturday until Monday. EastHr candies, the latost iu tho market, at Oarl Audersou's. A flro iu tue swamp destroyed con siderable hay for parties iu this local ity, Tuesday. Mrs John Harty and children wore in Sioux Oity W dnosduy. C M ltasmussen uamo buck from Sioux Oity Wednesday. Sheriff llookwell was in Hubbard and vicinity tho first of tho week. Onion sets, uud garden seods of all kiuds, ut Carl Anderson's, Mrs Julia Mtkesell itud daughters Gertrude and Mrs Oliver Fisher, were guests iu Hubbard Tuesday. John Smith, who was tukeu to a Sioux City hospital lust week to bo operated on, has boon very ill and for a tlmo his Ufa was dispairod of, but word has beeu received that u slight ohitugo for tho better had beeu noticed, Last Tuesday Mr uud Mrs Frank Heenoy wero oulled upon to lose thoir daughter Margaret. Sho had not been well for over a year, still at times bar recovery wus hoped for, but ou Tues- HOMER, Mr Gorliam mado a business Walthill Tuesday afternoon. Mrs Dillon brought tho infant baby of Tim O'Connor down to Homer this week, but was called back to Sioux City suddenly by tho serious illness of her daughter, Mrs FltzGibhoDS, who is in tho hospital. Mrs Priest and daughter Ila mado i. trip to Sioux Oity Thursday. Little Sherman McKmley, who has boon sorioasly ill with itiflamation of tho bowels, (it very much bettor, Eph Itookwoll and family havo moved into tho parsonage. Mrs Louis Armol and daughter Bor nadette drove up up from near Winne bago Thursday to take tho evening train to Sioux City. Grandma Priost, who has been liv ing with her son Frank, has gone out to her sou Ern Priest's iu the country. Dr Smith visited her brother Will and family in Walthill Thursday afternoon, Marvin Armour uud wifo attondod tho Lyceum number ut Dakota City Wednesday evening going on to Sioax Oity tho next day, returning to Homer Friday. Clarcnco Ilasdal, who is attending scliool in Lyons, Sundaycd in Homor. John Winobrennoruccompauied Bev Phillips down from South Sioux Oity Sunday. Ohas Clay pool, wifo and baby from Sioux Oity, bpout Sunday with rela tives in Horner. A LI Monroe and wifo wont to Sioux Oity Sunday evening, Mrs Monioo re turning tho uoxt day, Mr Moaroo making other points traveling fur tho Edwards & Bradford Lumber Oo, Mrs Fannie Orozeir visited friends and rolntivca in Homer the first of the week. Born, on Friday, Muroh 10, 1911, to Carl Beam and wife, a boy. David Olapp leavea for Now York Ibis week where ho expoots to farm . Mr Gallagher is going through with the car aud also expects to look at tho lund iu that state. Think It Over. When your church gives an enter tainment, who buys a tioketfrom yon? Your home merchant. When your lodcu givfB a dance, who buys a ticket from yon? Your home merchant. Whou you raise a subscription for a sick or needy brother, who heads the list? Your home merchant. Whou vou yourself or some other of your family is sick, and your pay day envelope won't reach arouud, who gives you credit ? Your homo merchant. Did you ask your mail order man to help your church, buy a tlokot foi your dance, subscribe for a siak broth er a boueflt or give you credit until next pay day ? lhink it over. JACKSON. Mrs Pat Hcoaan was removed to St Joseph's hospital Tuesday, whero sho will leooivo treatment. J W Flnnell and L A Nolan returned from Sturges, S D, Monday, whoro they had bocu tho weok boforo to take a claim. Mrs A 0 Carroll, daughter Gladys und son Muynurd, of Sioux City, wore guests in the Ed T Kearnoy home sev eral days last week. Thoy departed Sunday for their uow homo in Califor nia. Mrs TIiob Oasoy of "Vista, Neb, is ut the libspitul recovering from an ope ration. M D Loudon is taking a few weeks pleasuru trip thiough Toxub, An entertainment will bo given in St Patrick's hall Friduy evening. March 17, tho proceeds to goto buying u new piaun for tho hall. A small-admission of 25o aud loo will bo chargod. All ure invited. Mrs Henry Suudt, sr, wont to Ponca. Saturday, tu make her homo with hor daughter, Mrs Chris Lautoubuugh, who recently moved thore. Goo Monger, wife and children, ppont over Suuday with relatives iu Wutorbnry. Mary Z Bolor dopartod Monday for Laurel to spend a week jn tho A E Maun homo. James Timliu and wife of O'Neill, Neb, weiu visiting friends horo Satur day. Mrs Katie Moran arrived hero from Deuver, Ool, Satuiday evening. Misses Aliiio uud Bernico O'Neill, of Sioux Oity, wero over Sunday guests of Mury Z Buler. Misses Outheriuo und MurRurot Quiuu of Bancroft, .Neb, spent Suuday at home. Mrs 0 U Duggau aud daughters Leuru and Mildrod, of Sioux City, Thou Murphy of Homer, John J Ityan and wifo of Sioux. Oilv, were Suuday guests ut tho fl W O'Noill homo. Tho forty hours adoration will bo gin in tho Catholic ohuroh horo Sun day. Sovoral priosts from tho outsido missions aru expected to bo present. Mat Hogan, manager for tho E A B Luiubttr Co ut Dixon, Nebi, spent ovor Sunday with tho home folks. Geo Teller, jr, and sister Lizzie, ro turned Monday evening fioui a weeks visit with their broth r William, ut Laurel, Neb. MIbs Mary ttyan and Mrs Frank Diivuy returned homo Friday evening (rom excelsior bpungs, Mo. FIDDLER CREEK Minnio Wilklus went to Lyous, Neb, Thursday, to visit her sistor Clara. Mrs Ed V Maurieo is staying with Mrs Alex Nixon this weok, Tho "8olo" oluli met at Albert Shroodor's last Thursday evening uud all had a jolly good time. Mux Nelsou, Louie ltasmuBseu, Ex Sheriff Hauseu uud Merianious Potor bou went down to Blyburg last Wed nesday to hunt ducks, Gruco Crippou is on the sick list this week, Grandma Priost is staying with her son, L E Priest, again. OIibb Dodgo and wife spout Blind ay at tho Johu Lobahu homo. A surpriso party was held at Nols Hanson's homo last Saturday evening in honor of Myers Hanson, und all had u good time. Ed llookwell and Juo Claytou took hens aud geese to Sioux City last Monday. t O J O'Connor uud wife startod Sun day on a trip to Florid. Thoy ox peoted to stop at Keokuk and Kansas City ou tho way dowu, SOUTH SIOUX CITY From the accord V. II. George left Tuesday lor a trip to Texas where la will look nt land and spend n week sightseiing. F Kerr is building a small house on the old Wilson place south of towo, where lie will raise onion? this summer. Mrs Kntc Hognn returned Sundnv evening trom Cherokee where she hnd been spending two weeks visiting the home of her daughter. M. L. Wolle and sou Henry left Friday for Kit Carbon, Colorndo, where they expect to huild one homestead five miles from that place, and iu it month or two will he joined by the remainiuj; members Qf the fumily. Willie Mulliiie, who has been at school in St Paul Minn returned home Mondny lie has been sick with diphtheria and the Kchool hud heen under quarantine lor six weeks when he lift. He will visit his parents here nod rest up before return ni. Nois Uhvcn nod grandson, Jesse ol near Homer were over Sunday visitors in town. This is Jesse's first visit here since the family moved uwny Inst cnr nud he has grown so rnpidlv durinu his sojourn on the reservation that some of his best friends failed to recognize him. C A Conunt last week sold his home at the north end of Dakota street to A Brndic Cownic, the consideration hi ing $1,800. Thh. will innkc a fine home for Mr Cownic and his tntnilv. Mr Connptts looking nt lots with a view of building a new home nt once. Lew Stevens will commence the crcct ion ol u Hummer collate at Iihuid Bench which is to be 28x.'!G with a porch on two aidet. 0-cnt Sliituni will be the carpenter, Mr Stevens hns beer; one of the Sioux City sunimer colony nt the lake for several years, Messers Burke, Gordon aud Walker have comphted arrangements for the construction of ten new cottnges in the not th part of town just wist of the hijjh school building. These gentlemen expect to commence building at once mid the houses will he for sale on the installment plan or for rent. Henry Rungc hns heen busy this week circulating a petition in Scliool Districts No. nnd No. Ao, th purpose of which is tu have the bo it miry of these districts chauued. Under the new plan all the land on Walkers Island and that part ol Brushy Uend occupied by the Web ster, Woddell, Harden, and Tunmclif familes nnd n small part of the Brown ranch on the big hnr, would be taken Irom district 3 nnd added to district 30 The petitions are addressed to County Superintendent Voss and are being largely signed by residents ol both dis tricts. The South Sious City lodfte of Ancient Order of United Workmen this week leased the rooms over the Evans Build lug just north of the Record und will re model them into a lodge hall. The Workmen plnn to make their new quar tcrsa model of neatness and comtort nnd will have things arranged with a special view ns to their needs as a lodge The deal has heen pending for some time nnd the members express them selves ns well pleased with their new home. The Workmen hnve heen holding meetings nt the Woodmen hull on Main street. CANADA THE LAST WEST Klrst publication 3-10-ll-tw. OltlJKUON MIOIUTKOF WIMi OU ON CHUNT- 1NO LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Stuto of Nebraska, Dakota County us. At u Reunion of tlio (Jounty Court lipid at the County Oourt room In Dakota Ulty in "aid county, on th 4th day of .March A. D., 1011, prosont lion, I). (J. llofTornnn, county JUURC. In the matter ot thecstatoof A. M. Nixon. drcciuicd i Whereas, lott'jrn or administration hao this day boon Kmnted to 1). II. Htldworthr and Wm. I. Warner aa mlmlnlntrators ot tho oitatoof A. M. Nixon, deceased. It Is horetiy ordered that creditors bo allowed bx months to preaent their claims against said PHtato tor adjustment and allowance, and that ald administrators bo allowed one year to sottlo up snld estate trom tho 4th day ot March, A. I)., lull. It Is further ordered that notice bo Riven to thn creditors of snld ostat tonppnnr I1 foro mo nt tlio County Oourt room of said county on tho 6th day of June, 1911, on tho 6th day of July, lull, and on tho fatli day or Heptembor, 1811, nt 10 o'clock In tho foro noon of each day by publication In tho Dakota County Hornld, it uewspapor pub lished In said county for four weeks succes sively prior to tho 6th day or June, lull.; , , 1). O. llKKKKItNAJf, skat.. County Judge. WMMSBKllOHII & Patronize Home Industry buy your nnats of S j Wxx LrORENZ, Proprietor of City Meat Market Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand Jj Cash paid for Hides and Pelts Agent for Seymours White Laundry. Basket goes on Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays I DA KOTA Clv N EBRASKA Klrst publication .M0-ll- I. oliuMl ON fROBATE K WILI. on oN GIUXT- INO LKTTEUS OF ADMINISTRATION. State of Nebraska, Dakota County ss. At a session of tho County Court hold nt tho County Oourt room in Dnkota City In buhi county, on m -tin uuy or iWiuoli, A. I)., 1U11, present lion. D. o. HolTcmnn, county JUdKO. In tho matter of tho i-stnto of William Olinnoy, deccaed: Whureas, lottors of administration hno this ilny beau Krauted to l.ucliula Chonoy nud Wnllor Ohonoy iitiidiidulslralorn of llio ostnte of William Cheney, deceased, It Is horoby ordorcd that creditor- Ihj allowed six months lo present their claims nsalnst snld cstnto for adjustment nud allowance. Hint that said administrators iw allowed one year tosuttlo up said bhiato from tho 1th day ot March A. D 1011. It Is further ordorcd that notice Ixj Riven to th" creditors of snld nutate to appear bo. foie mont tho County Court room of snld county on tho Oth day of June, 1011, on tho ath day of July, lull, and on tho 0th day of .September, 1011 at 10 o'clock In tho foio noon of each day by publication In tho Dakota County Herald, a newspapor pub lished In said county for four weeks succes sively prior to the 0th day of June, 1011. 1). O. Hfkkkknan, hkat,. County JudRe. -4--f First publication :j-10-ll-lw. IN DISTRICT COURT FOR DAKOTA COUNTV, NEBRASKA. William Orr vs Thos. M. KleeV, William O. Orr, solo heir of Ohas C. Orr, deceased, Thos Ilobosun.Johii P. Volley. John W. Pet tit. VlrRlnln UtiHSoll. Mary McP. Uussoll, It. H.Htownrt. true mime unknown, (leorKla Jay, John K. DoWalt, Horace K. Do Wait and Dm Id A. llarkley, only heirs of Thomas Jj. Griffey nnd Tollu Griffey DoWalt, both deceased, Jacob lllrshfold, Joan It. (lolller, Theodore V. Andrews, Laura M. 8truby, Hiuali Iluchannu, residuary lenatee of Hob ort Muclia..an, Hr., deevu-od, Carolina Oou nablo, solo Kelr of KdnarF. Mnsonaml Lydln A. Mason, both deceased, A. P. Small, true namo unknow n ana . Hmall, truo name un known, the unknown heirs ot tho follow lnt? named porsons, to-wlt: Thos. M. Fleck, Thos. Hobcsuu. John P. Folic , John W. Pottlt, VlrRlnln Itussell, Mary McP. Ilus sell, H. II. Stewart, truo name unknown, lacoh Hlrslifcld, Thoodoie V. Andrews, Martin WlMduI, A. P. rtmiill, truo nanio unknow u and S. Hmall, truo name unknow u. To bald .Defendants: You and each ot you will tako notice that on tho 'J-'itli day of February, 1011, tho aboo named plaintiff filed his petition In tho Dis trict Court of Dakota county, Nebraska. nRalust said defendants, the object and prayer of which Is toqulot title In thu plain- ui i." ih- ,inwm -,' i i,n-, iHupHrtv Mo unted In tho vIHiiko of Dakota City, Dnkota county, Nebraska, to-wlt: All of block 10 nnd lots 1 to H, both inclusive, and lots 10 and 11, In block at), against the adverse claims ot tho said defendants and each of thorn praylnR that tho defendants and each of thorn be barred nnd forever nstoppod from liavliiK or claiming any rights, title or Interest thoreln, nnd that tho deeds and other lustiumonts of lecord under whAdi tho defendants in tho notion havo appar ent claims to tho laud, or to parts ot It, ho adjudged null nnd void in so fnr ns thoy at feet tho plaintiffs title or constitute n cloud or clouds thereon, nnd asking for gen oral cquttrfblo rollof. You aro required to nnsw or snld petition on or boforo tho 17th dny of April, loll. Dated this 25th day of Fobruniy. 1011. Wiimam Oiin, Plaintiff. By Paul Plzey, his attorney. Now Offers More nnd Better Oppor tunities Than Any Other Coun try in the World. 44.4-t- -H- 4-t A i A i. -I.-1.J. J X Utlv -' 1 (t HARNESS m I fev i iy MWw - - -i i x This lK-in. Coucord Harness No. 76 no collars S31 Our No. 179, 1-in. Concord, with flat backs, a better job S35 Sturges Bros. IS,? (D W APR Isl ESS U) - .-.t Mtt A -- 4-- $25.00" Dakota City to Portland, Tac Seattle, Vancouver Y Tiiu woat, aa far aa tho Unite d States is concarnotl, is gono. Tho yoimg man looking for a future and tliu old mau looking for a placo to bnild a homo for himuelf aud family at the loweut pooHible oxponao and effort are turning to tho huge, broad und easily cultivated fields of western Can ada, whioh oin now bo bought at very reHoiiblt priot'Hr Tfc in tlm present day land of opportunity. Fifteen or twenty years ago land in the western states could bo bought cheap but not any more. With development comes advauco in land values, So it will bo with Oanuda, but the mau who buys uhoap land in 0 a inula now will not havo to wait Uftoon or twonty yoors for tho udvanoo. Ho will realize quicker returns than tho man rrho bought uhoap wealern lauds in tho United States. Things aro douo quick er thoHo days than thon. Development is more rapid. The Canadian Tranb Oontiuontal Rail Roads have arranged to spond $500,000,000 in western Can ada immediately. Thut'd a demon stration of faith iu this now country, that puts to rout all questions ot doubt as to progresH uud development. With railroads oomes population uud with population comes iiioroiino in' laud values. Iu western Oanadu, there aro all kiuds of good cheap laud, especial ly in the Haskatohuwau district, whioh has proven to bo tho most fertile wheat producing country iu tho world. Qood wheat landa iu this distriot can now be bought for as low as $10,00 to $'12 00 pur noro, aud on easy paymeuts ut that. We otvn over 100,000 aoros in tho fertile Saskatchewan distriot, and it I will pay any man who in looking for r ! good investment or an opportunity to get a home uud farm ohoap to write us for our book culled "Tho Quido to tho Last Wist." This book tells you all y u want to know ubo i' Canada and a copy will bo sent to aujbody fieo of charge. Just send your unruo and ad dress, Lust Land & Development Oo,, Norfolk, Nebraska, riist Publication March: C Ordor of Hearing on Petition far Ap pointment of Administrators. In tho county court of Dakota county, Nobiaskn. Htato of Nobrnska, Dnkota County ss. To Maria illume, Frod illume. Ous A.Ison burg. Elizabeth Wllklns. Minnie I.usebrliik, lied wlrt Mason, Fnnny Polly and Fred Kip por, nnd to nil porsons Interested In tho estate of Wllholmlno Isenburg, deceased: On reading the potltlon of Fred Illume, praying that tho administration ot snld es tate Ik) granted to Gus A. Isenburg, as ad ministrator; It Is hereby ordered that you, and nil porsons Interested In snld mat ter, may, and do.appear at the county court to bo hold In nnd for snld county, on tho K5h day ot March, A. D. 1011, at 10 o'clock a. in., to show causa, If any there bo, why tho prayer of tho potltlonor should not bo Rianted, nud that notice ot tho pendency of said potltlon aim that the neailng there of bo gl en to nil porsons Interested in snld ' matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Dakota County Herald, n weekly I newspaper printed In said county, fortlneo . successive weoits prior to sum nay or Hear ing. Witness my hand, nnd sial of snld court this 27th day ot February, A. D. lull. I) O. IlBlfKKKNAN, sisai, County Judge, r,"v -- m CI WIS 1 11 CI Colonist Tickets on Sale Daily March 10th to April 10, 1911 -VIA THE- rstsasz DUCKBCG'S SEEDS SUCCEED I SPECIAL OFFER: Made to build New llailnrii. AtrlalwUT E'aio you our permanent customer. m ffl mm NortHlrVesterim Litve Proportionately low fares to points in Albert, Biitish Columbia, Idaho and 'Montana. Through Tourist Cars Daily, Minneapolis St, Paul to Pacific Coast Points. Round Trip and Special Homosookers excursion tickets will bo on sale March 21st, April 4th and 18th to many points in Montana, Northern portion of Idaho, state of Washington east of Ellensburg and Wenatchee, also to Kootenai section of British Columbia. If you coutoniplato n trlp formntlou, call on or adoross Lyman Sholes, Division Pass'r ARt, Omaha. no matter whoro,' for rates and other In- B. C. Buchannan, ARont, Dakota Oity, Neb. Prize Collection, RsthK;!''' 11 tliu finest) Tnnlp. 7 inlcmLd : Onion, 8 beat varie ties! 1 10 SprlrwOomrU lb-Ci Tamtl.'l in aU. CCAIi,VTTi;UU TO riXAiE. Write to-day; Mention this Paper. SEND 10 CENTS Vtx potli( and ftcl I Of and rtcciv tliU raltia11 ir"u oc trim immii.m1uv ottUMr MtUt my ui4 irmtrnriivo, ipinuiui rrrd ana iiant isoou . itL-i i. sotii ut ntsx TUI41I9 OS t1"ll, riatttff . , UUltiUUXBEE STiEETC . toUUiii UttU, U-U i II.W. Buckiea, Undertaker "'"y Coroner The Mico Etcniil Process of embalming. Nothing taken from body and nothing put in body. All done upon outside. Body can be kept for ages. ' B. F. SiUV.yer, Jackson, Nebraska A LINCOLN DUO TO mmKmmmuamMtaKKammKammBMaatmKamtmtaMaamajKttammnamamaaBSUi iwinnnBwnwi Weekly Independent Farmer Monthly Poultry Topics And This Your Local Papor, All Four Ono Yonr This Cut Price is Not Good arch 28 r NEWS la oao of tho largoat and best news and market Tinners In ti,n No liquor or naoty medical ada. Will atop kHE LINCOLN DAILY state, fearless, lndopendont and prints the truth. when timo la up. THE INDEPENDENT FARMER is a practical, helpful weekly farm and stook paper, atop wnon urao is up, THE POULTRY TOPICS Is a beautifully printed monthly macazlno dnvntn,i tr, ttrif.h mionirlf1 Hntn4-mA4-n vmi .... wm stop wnon tlmo la up. "Will maklns side of the poultry business, with household departments. The Regular Price of the News Alone is $3-00 SO YOU ARE GETTING THREE OTHER PAPERS FREE Bring your money In early so you get this BARGAIN RATE and we'll begin sending papers at onco Khe Herald, Dakota. City, Neb. V & i O 11