Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 03, 1911, Image 5

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United Doctors, Specialists,
Aie itt the Moudamiu
And Will Remain Until
March 11th.
Remarkable Success of These Talented
Physicians in the Treatment of
Chronic Diseases
Offer Their Services
Free of Charge
The United Doctors, liopusmt by the
state of Iowa for the treat tueut of
deformities slid all nervous and chronic
diseases of men, women and chiklieu,
offer to all who call ou this trip, consult
ation, examination, advice free, making
no charge whatever, aXcept the actual
cost of medicine. All that is asked in
return for these valuable services is tbut
every person treated will state the re
sult obtained to their friends and thus
prove to the sick and afflicted in every
city and locality that at lust treatments
have been discovered that are absolute
ly sure and certain in their effect.
These doctors are considered among
America's leading stomach and nerve
specialists and experts in the treatment
of all chronic diseases and so great and
wonderf ul have been their c res that in
many cases it is hard indeed to find the
dividing line between skill anil mira
cle. DissenseB of the stomach, intestines,
liver, blood, Bkiu, nerves, heart, spleen,
kidneys, or bladder, rheumatism, sci
atica, diabetes, bed-wi tiiug, leg ulcers,
weak lungs and those afflicted with
long Btanding, det p seated, chronic dis
eases, that have bullied the skill of the
family physician, should not fail to call.
Many Wonderful Cures.
According to their system no more
operations for appendicitis, gall stones,
tumors, goiter or caneer. They were
among the first in America to earn the
name of the "JUoodless Surgeons," by
doing away with knife, with blood and
with all paiu in the successful treat
ment and cure of these ilangerous dis
eases. If you have kidney or bladder troub
les bring a two ouuee bottle of your
urine for chemical analysis and micro
scopic ex u in i n u I in ri .
Deafness often cured in sixty days.
No matter what your iiilnient may
be, no matter what others may have
told ou, no matter what expericm-e
you may have had with other physi
cians, if you want to get well again, it
will be to your advantage to see them.
Go at once . ' Have it forever settled in
your mind. If our case is incurable
they will give you such ailvico as may
prolong your life. Do not put off this
duty you owe yourself or friends or rel
atives who are suffering because of
your sickness, as a visit this time costs
you Lothiug and may save your life.
ltemember, this free offer is for this
trip only.
Married ladies must come with their
husbands and minors with their fath
ers. Office at Mondamin hotel, Sioux
City, Iowa. Hours 10 a. m . to 8 p. m.
It. E.
for Friday and Saturday
Bananas, per doz A
Oranges, per doz
2 ' I
Apples, per pk 50c and COif
Crauberries, 2 qts for 'ific
Lettuce, per bunch 5?
II n linhes, per buuel 5i?
Celery, per bunch, large ."..UK'
S 'Utii-h Onions, per lb C,
Salt P rk. bent quality, per tb . . . . 15c
Q iod ISaciin, per lb 1'iC
Armnui's Lard, per tb IX'
Houie-iiiude Lard, per lb 10"?
Fresh I'read and Bakery Cookies.
Top piice p iid f.ir Ivk and liutter.
Shoes, Kuldit rs and Uuldier lino's.
All kinds of Drv (1. od Notions.
Special Cnats and vests,
$5.00 values, for
M. E. Knepper's
For Sa.la
Cheap 1 span of I l ick
weight. aboljtll'.JOll. ti and 7
ear nl,l,
I I'KHsiSii. II,
lliil.liard, Neb.
Are you fnqueiitly hoarse? Do vnti
have that iinm.jing tlchling in )nur
throat? Dues )onr co igli annoy jou
at night, und do vu laise miicas in
the morning? Do ui want relief? If
so, take Chaicht rlain's Couh P.i im dy
and you will be pleased. Sold by all
Local Items
Friday, March 3, 1911
Trade at home, Ymi w ill find a good
assortment i f hardware and tinware at
reasonable prices at Hcliriver Hros.
r nut of all KimtH ,U an tip ,edde a.
Finest Iltitian sago at the Dakota
City Pharmacy.
Walter Cheney has purchased the
Henry Krumwiede driving mare.
lvoland It Orr went to Carroll Hun
day evening on a horse Inning expe
.ir 11111 iriggsatui children ar
rived here last Thursday for a visit
with relatives.
L E Knudsen, wife and twin bovs of
Siojx City, were Sunday guests at the
S A Stinson home.
Silas V Celleu and Till Andersen,
both of Elk Point. S I), were married
by llev Warren Monday.
George Sanford fell from a 1mm last
week and broke his arm at the elbow.
The little fellow is getting along nicely.
Time to think about your wall
paper, A full line of samples, with
right prices, at the Dakota City Phar
macy. Mrs Charles Kate was down from
Wayne a few days last week, visting
at the home of her parents, Mr and
Mrs 8 A Heikos.
Mrs Henry Kunge of Walker's Island
underwent an operation at the Sama
ritan hospital iii Sioux City last week.
She is doing nicely.
A few from here attended the Duroo
ling Hale; at George C Blessing's place
north of Homer Saturday. The offer
ings brought good prices.
Gus Keller and familv have moved
from a farm southwest of town, to a
farm near Correotionville, which Mr
KeUer rerently purchased.
Van has some of those fine Veuitian
mirrors which he is giving away with
coupon trade tickets. (Jail ami sue
them, it won't cost you anything.
All of the personal property belong
ing to the late A M Nixon estate will
be sold at administrators sale at the
Nixon farm south of Homer next
Thursday, March 9th.
Charley Fueston and wife were hap-
ily surprised last Friday night, it be
iug theii first wedding anniversary.
About twenty-five fripuds gathered to
spend the evening with them.
Hans C Jensen and Anna K Hansen
of of Hubbard were granted a license
to wed on Monday. Mr Jensen, while
in town, enrolled his uame ou the
Herald's list for all the news while it
is news.
Mrs Mell A Schmied entertained
Monday for her daughters, Mrs Albert
Schnmaker and Mrs 1) D Dryden. The
former leaves this week for Rapid City,
S D, to reside and the latter will re
turn to Sioux City.
A cluing- in train time was made on
the IturlinKton ro id Snndiv. The
passenger train going south is now due
here at 12:57 p in, ten minutes later
than formerly, nnd the one north is
due at 0 o'clock l 111, seven minutes
Mediciues that aid uature Bie always
most successful. Chamberlain's Couch
Itemedy acts on this plan. It loosens
the cough, relieves the lungs, opens
the secretions and aids nature in re
storing the system to a healthy condi
tion. Sold by all druggists
lingular cateehetical instruction will
bo given by the pastor every Friday at
4pm in the Luherau paisonage, Da
kota City, and every Saturday at 3 p
m, at Salem Lutheran church. All
the young people are especially invited
to take advantage of this instruction.
Fully nine out of every ten cases of
rheumatism is simply rheumatism nf
the muscles ue to cold or dam I), or
chronic rheumatism, neither of which
r quire any internal treatment. All
that is needed t afford relief is the
free application of Chamberlain's Lin
iment . Give it a t i i ll. You ere cer
tain to be pleased with the quick re
lief which it uffords. Sold by all
Herman Pierman is planning to put
in a private electric light plant at his
farm just west of town. Others here
abouts are figuring on installing elec
tric light plants if the experiment
proves satisfactory. It would bo a
paying proposition if tlm Sioux City
Traction company would run a light
wire to this place, as neaily every
business in town would be glad to in
stall electric lights if they could get
The mandamus case involving the
right to move a school house in Dixon
couuty, which was heard before Judge
Graves here Saturday, came near fur
nishing a real live sensation, when the
opi osiug attorneys, J J McCarthy of
l'onea and C II llendrickseu of Allen,
passed the "lie," with a few embelish-
4mentsto make it sound more emphatic,
and began preparations to settle the
matter "it la Jack Johnson." Judge
Graves and Sheiiff llnckucll finally
restored order before any tenons dam
agt was done.
An attempted holdup was pull.td off
Sundav night about 11 oclo.k, when
two strangers attempted to way-lay H
C linchauan, agent for the Northwest
em road at this plaje. Mr Uuchauau
and Mins Maud Doolittle had be-u to
Crystal lake skutiug and on their re
turn home stopped at the depot to
leave their skates, when two men ap
peared anil chased them down town as
far S A Stinson's residence, where
they stopped and telephoned Marshal
Fueston, who came and escoited them
safely home. No trace of too men
co. ild be found by thu marshal.
The last number of the Dakota City
lecture course is the Giddings Family
Conceit I'l'inpauy, consisting of Mr
and Mrs Carlton 1, tiiiidm's and four
children. Their eutert in 111 tit is en
tirely in-w and unlike anything line
off -red the concert guitif; puUie. This
is the onlv family in the I'nited States
ii-inu: t his instrumental iou and which
furnishes tone, coiubiiiatinns slid effect
in luriiu ny impossible to anv other
1. st rumen tat inn. 1 heir n per toi re cov
ers a r.iiign from the latest popular
inu-ic to grand opera selections. The
four chil'lreii are all very proficient
musicians, both in vocal and instru
mental, und some very pleasing songs
arc sung on the program. Hear tliem
at the M E church Wednesday even
ing, March 8th.
Ileal estate loans. Geo Wilkins.
Priien s coffee is still in the lead.
an de Zedde sells it.
Judge RE Evans went to Omaha
Tuesday on legal business.
whris Latitenb ich and family bnve
moved to a faun near l'onea.
Mrs George Prunger was down from
Wakefield over Tuesday tiight.
Gey Cheney and wife left yesterday
for their home at Seattle, Wash.
A ladies' MOD shoe at 2.00 011 Sat
urday, March 4th, at S A Mtinsou'a.
Miss Mildred liurkett was cm lined
to her home the past week by illness.
Spices are but drugs, for the purest
kind go to the Dakota City Fharaiaey.
Miss Lillian Orr arrived home from
Chicago last Friday for a short stay at
Oue dozen assoited sweaters ou Sat
urday, March 4th, at half price. S A
Ladies' combs and hair ornaments
at i price on Saturday, March 4th, at
S A Stinson's.
The dance held last Fi iday evenii g
was fairly well attended and all had a
pleasant time.
Beatrice Nordyko was down from
Allen last Friday and made a short
visit with old friends here.
The modern way to smoke your
meat is with "liquid smoke." The Da
kota City Phaimacy sells it.
Clay L Thompson and Minnie Mai-
lally, both of Waterbury, were grauted
a license to wed lust Iriday.
If you haven't got time to do your
own shopping call up No 1. and he
will deliver the goods promptly.
Bert Iieam left last week for Still
water, Minn, where he is working with
u bridge construction company.
Anton Larson and Chris Christian
sen of Goodwin and C 11 Uefferuau of
Jackson were in town ou business Wed
Don't forget the coffee with the dish
es at Van de Zadde's he has a nice
assortment. A nice cish with each
The holy rite of baptism will be ad
ministered in Salem Lutberau church
to all chilkren presented ou the 1st
Sunday of March.
The Herald turned out bills for
Henry W Sundt's public sale to be
held next Wednesday, March 8th. See
adv in another column.
Ernest Utemark of Wakefield, Neb,
and Miss Mario Luih, of Emerson,
Neb, were united in marriage on the
2 3rd inst, liev S L Keller officiating.
If it is A 1 groceries you want, just
glance over Van de Zedde's stock. He
will sell just as cheap as possible, and
he handles nothing but first class
Prof J A Chicoiue was taken sick
last week with a mild case of diph
theria. He has fully recovered, und
will be out ugaiu as soon as the quar
antine is raised.
Paul Pizey und family have moved
fn m the Krumwiede house to the
James Nelseu house, Mr Nelsen und
family having moved to their farm in
Hubbard precinct.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Fublets invariably briug relief to wo
men Buffering from chronic constipa
tion, headache, biliousness, dizaiuusB.
sallowness of the skin and dyspepsia.
Sold by all druggists.
M O Ayrds and George Carter re
turned Saturday evening from a few
weeks trip to California. Tlioy were
aecompauicd home by Mr Ay res' sou
Elgar, who has spert the past year in
Evan and Frauk Way came down.
from near Waterbury Tuesday morn
ing and in company with G F Broy
hill went to Sioux City to investigate
tlm automolule situation with a view
of purchasing machines.
j?8U.U0 per mouth straight salary and
expenses, to man Willi ilg, to intro
duce oui Poultry ltemedies. Don't
iiuswer unless you mean business,
Eureka Poultry Food Mfg Co (lucor
uorated), East St Louis, III.
The household goods of George Car
ter arrived hero from Omaha the first
of the week und are being installed in
the Krumwiede cottage which was re
cently purchased by M O Ayres, father
of Mrs Carter. The Herald welcomes
Mr Carter and family to Dakota City.
Notices have been posted in the
matter of consolidating school dis
tricts No. 1, 2, 12 and 13, giving ten
days notice before tiling petitions with
the couuty superintendent. It will
theu be up to the voters to deoide
wnether or not they will 0 insolidate.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets are safe, sure and reliable, and
haye beeii praised by thousands of wo
men who have been restored to health
through their gentle aid and curative
properties. Sold by ull druggists.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
rrnxUB & SLACailTEK Co.
Tftfo E Blivkn, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
Spring is coming und you will need
new mattresses ami rugs. We will
make up your obi carpets into better
rugs one third cheaper thau you can
buy new rugs. We will ul-o sell ion
a 4 5 lb ull cotton felt mattress for Hi !()
which you will pay flu for anywhere..
Samples of rugs and mattresses can be
seen at City Hall.
Mfg's Agt's, Dakota City, Neb.
Henry Powell, one of the pioneer
residents of Dakota county, passed
uaav nt his Ininn in this place Wed
nesday afternoon, at the age of H'.
years. His death was due to old age.
Mr Powell was bom in Massachusetts
March 2'.), 1828, and came to Dakota
com tv with tiie vanguard of civiliza
tion in lb."7. Ho was married to Ar
minta Ilium, who, with the following
clnldr. 11 survive hi : Will, Burt,
Clay, Bichard, George and Arthur
Powell and Mrs Edith Brotheit hi, of
Dakota City, iiiid Mrs Ida Andreen of
South Sinus City. The funeral will
be held today, I'ridm, at 10 o'clock,
from the ie-.i deuce, interment being iu
the Taylor cemetery.
CaiJ of Thanks
We wish to i xpicHs our appreciation
for the kinilt t'HH and nhHiHtuncn of our
tieiiilioii and frieiula, relldere 1 (I l
ring lUnerH and liliriul ( f our lui
lovej hllaliaud and father.
Mrs. Charle Vo and Daughter,
Ihekla Vo.s, Describe Their Re
cent Trip lo New York.
While rclurnlnK (nun Icrsey City to New
York City ! the ferry, we saw freight cars
t ranstuu ted on Mat lioats acres the North
rlvci from city to city. This seemed some,
w lint e 1 lions lo in, tail IH iilMitily liccausi
we were not accustomed toMu-h slahts.
For to oiitnlti n w Idcr riiinxe of ex perlenec,
we took the subway curs to the llronklyn
hrlilve from the suliwuy entrance nt Mud!
son uveinie which took us directly up to
the Inliltfe. Tlie lliooklyn lirldue and the
l'nlon Suiiare Hie the two lamest suhwny
stations. The subw ay line lo t he l'.i iMiklj n
lirldue lias a four-track system. All snli
ways are thirteen feet liluh throiorhout.
The siihxay cars, termed the "Kaplil Tran
sit K.illroml." are inn by electricity and
compare to 11 train of coaches of a slenm
passeimer train. At the Hrookly 11 bildiru
station, we loll nil It soiuew hat illltlcult tn
II ml our way out as there was a eemlnii la
byrinth t ways leadline to the stuli s out to
thcexlt. Which way out was t lie dllemiiis
with the many hand slims ot ciitraiire and
nil Nevertheless we Miccecdeil In nudum
our way ui stuns. Kven then we weie jet
under c er 1 11 a vast enelosiire hut hilled to
estalill-Polir W lieielllsillls thus luulllied ol
11 policeman. " XV lilch way we mut to to
t lie Hi iHik l 11 litldtfc? i oil aie on the
brlilKx limit now. ' he sinllliisly replied.
At once we comprehended that we weie ou
the approach of 1'ie trrcul hriittie, IVoeced-
Imr 011 our way wre soon had ilie blue ky
nlHivc us, hullillntis at either side aud the
Manhattan tower of the hi nine was in
Hill hi.
1 1 Is our aim not to portray In 11 lucluie
siiue nnd mystical manner but to convey n
VMiphtcitl and comprehensive lib a of the
Hrookly Hi'l'lne and Its siirroiiuiituK views.
The In blue has a promenade for fool pas-
semters, two railroad or rapid transit trneks
and two roadways for the trolley cars and
teams. The promenade Is the central and
blithest, t he next lower elevation lies to
elt her side of the rapid transit rail road ; the
lowest and outward portion of the In bixo Is
for trolley carsiind tesms. Theenllie leuxlh
of the lirldKe Is a mile ami one-lift h, and t he
w Id I h S'i feet . 1 he .New 1 01 k and hrookly u
lowers stand nut In the Kast river nan, re
spectively, from the shore. no nrlilKe Is
suspended by four Immense oil-coated and
iralvaul.ed steel cables If,-', Inches In diame
ter which pass over the towers to their an
chorage we feet hack of the towers. From
thcFeeables are su iperded the snperst tie-1-
11 ro and forms a it real 1 1 tnntflo of net-work
i'X tendlnn f i i'in elt her side or Ihe low ers.
The ropes are all of ualvaiiled steel w ire
ami are caprble of sustiiliilnK live times the
load I le y w III ever be culled ou to hear.
It Is d I men It for one to Iiiidersiauii now
the builder, Itoohllnir, conceived the ideii of
t he 1 11 trlcate and complicated plan of lids
lmkota City. Neb., Feb., i7, lull
Hoard of county commissioners mi l pur
suant to adjournment, t'rcseiil, hd .Xlor
k'an. chairman. Thos I.ouk, ileo XX i hack
er, and XX', I.. Itoss, i lei k.
Moved by Thomas l.ontf and seconded by
Ucomc XX' I'liacker that Hie clerk Isold. -red
to wrlle warrants ou the county ireuernl
fund for I lie following warrants, claims
heretofore allowed on road district Noll:
.loll 11 Marty, $7i; Annie llellernan. JMi; lain
Marl nett, $.po; voilmr .xye, 1 hos i.ouu;voi-
Ins- No, I'M Nomitn, Gcome XX' Thacker not
voiliiK, Motion lost. ,
Moved by (leome X' Tluicker mid second
ed by lei Momini that the clerk write the
rollowntk warrants ou road district No II,
demotion fund : John Many, $7r: Annie
MelTernan, floe. V'olimt Aye, lieome XV
Tluicker and F.il Moman. otlutr No, Thos
Limn. Motion carried.
The hiilldliiK of county brhlues for the en-
sulmr year was awarded to K s Ileal ty, his
bid iM-lriK the lowest and bust.
Moved by lieome X' Tluicker and second
ed by Thos I.oiik Ihnl the road petitioned
for by Henry llieruian and others be iriaiil-
d as prayed for and thai the dummies be
allowed 11s tlxed by the appraisers. Soilnu
Aye, Thos l,on, Kd Momini and lieome XX
Thacker. luiiniuics allowed as follows on
road district No II: John O Orlhhle, J'.m;
Fred XV innor, tin; John Kriurer, H; i lias XX
Hlesslnn, jfi; I 'has Slerk, t-1; l.ouls lthiucli-
11 rd 1.
Itoad petitioned for by Carl lllrsch and
t hers m'fiulcd in prayed for and dummies
allowed as follows: Mans Andersen, $7e;
Mans Hansen, fl:i; I'm! llirsch. J-'in; Nlss
Andri'sen, $7e; I'litrlck Farrell, $7.",.
Clerk ordered to w rite warrant for turn In
favor of A 11 linker, on the Did Soldiers Ite
llef Fund.
Tlie following claims were alloxved
on th" county Keneial iunu:
Hurt Kroesen, supplies $ L'l Ml
John I. Ila.h k'iove, salary 41 no
Klopp A Karl hit Co, slip lilies II li
Fred Sell never A Co. supplies 4 "a
K .V- H l.br I 'o, supplies L' l 01
K X- It l.br Co.mdse il H,
K lopp ,v Hai l h ti Co, supplies 7 vn
II1111.V 11 Ailalr, Jury fees :'."
C XV Slerk, services :l mi
Johuii Hachert. care of paupers, al
lowed 011 rent Ie in
Jolinti llacheri. care of Andrew NIs-
sen, cllll III J.','-'.7e. Ill lowed 'M "."
Oieiieral wtiriuiit lo Is' w ltted for
J.'.IH. Jin. 12 to apply on personal tax
es, balance to Ih- applied 011 rent.;
FA Itilinre. wushliiK lor lieo May i '
llenry mimic, le cords of wood ;tl 2"i
'l lii' following claims were alloxved
011 tlie road nisi net iunu:
K J Me Hell. No I JIW m
1 ieome Jensen, road work, No In in
I'al Jordan same, No l.i :i no
I ieome 1 1 ayes, Jr, same, No HI I il
Hoard adjourned to March L'7, lull.
W. I... HOSS,
County Clerk.
Successful Hog dale
The sale of Duroo Jeisey sows, held
at th George BlosMing farm adjoiuing
Homer, lasl Hatunlay, was tiot as
largely attended aa it should have been
couaideriiig the offerings. Ihe aver
hitii for tbo tliirty-l iree sows sold was
$:t.'i.43. Following is a list of the ur
ohnsera aud the prices paid :
James J I.apsley . .
...No 1
... " 4
... " n
... " 21
. . . " 8
. . . " X
till no
47 mi
ml 1111
112 ou
41 mi
:m no
r,i in
M nil
Sim no
VI im
Jacob Sides. . .
Phillip Kenz.
" " "I if7 uu
' " "2 4:1 no lll no
K II rauiih " il ft in
"a 11a 1111
' "In w no
" M S7 mi $1,1.1 ini
Flunk Harney " 7 2.1 no
" H 2.1 UU
"1.1 mi no
" ! ili nil
"2.1 21 im Jliili no
(ieoiKo Johnson " II I-1 no
"ill 27 i iw io
K 1' I'hainlierlain " 12 ii uu (iu nil
M .1 l'oieshoe . . " III If! on
. " :u :u no $rtu io
1,11 ioodsell "IH 2U no $20 (Ml
T -.hooii "2J 2H no jau no
t ied heymour "21 Wiii lis nn
(li) Mimoii " 2il 2ii in UU hi
Louis Knudsen " 27 2,i no $'.n 11
(ieorue ZlllUl " 2S 27 IK I
" "2n 21 mi ih no
S A Mason "HI 40 uu tin no
Total II. I'll im
; i- - : '.: . i
v.:.. ... .' jOj
Kli.NA llAI.I'rts, Teacher
A c l,i mm for lieiuner-i Mill l i Ht utcl
Mmiiliiy. l'atroua havi in clul lreu of
Hcliool ii.'ii who wish to have tliem lie
KIU hcliiiol this Niriti "ill !ohho Hl'lld
tut in Moml n morning.
y, ii i oi i iid' u t
.no 1'iiniuiv
tiH sou, '11 ache
A I tendance s
I'll net ual 1 1 .. . W
I'lipIN i i.-l I In-r absent uoc tardy
tlady- lib riiilill. Hal ph ( il aliaill,
I'M email Quintal, i teoi w saulord,
M ai le i il , 1 .1 1 1 ie K ruin ied,
h.ra Moore, U Hired k lnl.e.
i ieorie Sanford sustained a lirokeii arm
hy ful I i iu Mom the tool ol a n u n
Kdttard May enrolled lu.thi
lat week.
I'lilrdl ifrade
Coffee Demonstration
at Cetrl Andnoi'i Store, Hubbard. Nb.
Mr. h. V,. Kntidscn, representative of Iv. B. Millar & .o., of Chicago, will give
a Demonstration in our store on Saturday, March -4th, of the Celebrated Millar's ColTee.
Kvcry lover of a good cup of coffee should avail themselves of the opportunity.
Mr. Knudsen is an Kxpert on Coffees, and you will never know how Delicious
coffee can be until you have. a cup of Mr. Knudsen's Coffee.
ColTee is a peculiar beverage. Vou never hear of a person who doesn't like a
good cup of ColTee.
It is true that some people, for some reason, don't drink any cofTee; but I have
got to learn of the first one who don't like a well made cup of coffee.
Remember the date Saturday, March 4th, bring the Whole Family and we
shall try to make it as pleasant and comfortable for you as possible, and at the same
time give you the best cup of coffee ever served in Hubbard.
Very truly yours,
Carl Anderson, -d, N.b.
inn i e Iou s const ruction.
The volume of traltlc Is enormous anil
thousand of people puss over this lirldue
dully. The distance from the lliooklyn
llrhlKo station to the tower Is a half mile.
The iueiiuallty of division depends ou the
fact that the New York approach Is much
Kieaterln extent than tlie llronklyn ap
we walked win uisiance 10 mersew r oik
tower that wc could liidiiltfe In the privi
leges of a closer oliseratlon of the hrldkie
and siirioiindlntrs to a lietler ad vaiitatle.
Ihe rectamiular tower has two inches
w hich arch over the hrtoKc. lis lutrados
curves nrp lancet In rorm. ,tii 111" center
pier dlvlillnir the arches was a tahlet on
w hlch were the names of t he coiunil ttee and
a list of names of persons connected with
t he hill Id Inn of the In h lire ami also I lie data
when the New York lower was Itulsln d, IsT.I.
The In ldire wa4 completed In I he year Isstl.
We walked a short distance Is yomi the
New 'ork tower w here we could overlook
I he hrldire, and t he passtnir cars w hich vl
hrate the entire structure, makimr us feid
somewhat apprehensive for the lime Isdnir;
yet t he complc and I remendlous const ruc
tion verities Ihe hlateuient that the natu
ral life" of t he lirldue Is iM.imn years: there
fore, t he very null I het Ic of t ranslency and
mlll.v ln-1 ills one w 1 1 h an a-suniuce that
the In Id ue Is u si rollKhold of salety .
I .ooklnrf ll p the tl er one can sen I he 11-
lliunsiiui if and (ueensliot'o luidires. 'I he
W iIIIiiiiisIiiiiii Is Ihe Ki'ciucHt suspension
lirldue In t he world. II was II nlshed I u 11 "Jl '
und Is onc-llfth of a tulle loiiKer than the
Itiook l n hi nine.
Mow u the river In the upper M'W link
hay could Is' seen I lovernei s Island, w here
Is the military department of the Atlantic,
which In lime Is to Is' the chief military
post of t he count i y.
h rom here couni no seen uic niHiuie oi
l.lls ily in the upper hay and In Ihe ills-
liince ls' oud I tie island are Ihe Narrows.
I he opcnluu Isdween l.ouir Island and Ntn
teu Island, thiouirh w hich New Yoi k's com
merce passes out lo sea. W here the Knst
and Noi'th I lludsoii) rlxers Join their cur-
reins it Is iilMiut twenty miles out to the
I.ooklmr to the cast Is llronklyn, and lo the
west anil north is ,ew l ork, w nere. lower-liiK-nhovc
t he my rladsof hiiildliuis.wei eseen
tin) siimier and Met i opolllan liulldliius. The
heiuht of Hi" sinner liulldliiu uiiove the
Ideivalk w llh the pinnacle Is (112 feet, llleils-
u red ti.v llie same sianiiaru me niei roimi
tau Is IVM (eel, makllia U t he hlmllcst liulld
Imr In New York I'lly.
The follow Inn day the Met ropollt.iin w as
the doinluenl ohject of Interest. Il Is on
Madison avenue fiiclnu Minllson suiiare and
Is the Met ropolltnu I, lie Insurance compa
ny's stately home, and Is one of the llllilesl
otllce hulldlnus In existence. Its total Hour
area Is nhout tw. nty-llve acres and the pen-
Ii I e employed ml li i her a.noe.
.Madison square is amiii iiisuuuuisnen snr-
roundluiis. 1 1 Is as Imiiui If ul as a park, with
Its 1 rees, lawns, foiintalus and l lie stalues
ofi'hester Allen Arthur. Itoscoe ronkllm',
William II. Seward and Admiral Jenkins
Win Hi.
Wo crossed the smmre to Fifth avenue
this irlvlmt us a line view of Ni 1 1 si a i Hiiimro
Itoof t iardeii, which Is ou Madison avenue.
The st ructure Is popularly renamed as the
most lienullful piece of archltecliire In the
city. A colonade w ith pollsiuni tnariiie pil
lars eMend around the top Klory, here are
also cupolas, domes a..d towers, i hi t he top
lory UHm roof iarden tneater. ineiinest
feat ure of all Is Ihe lower w 1 1 Ii a succession
of helfray statics of lilmliiNhlmi sl.e. laper-
Mui to the pinnacle, upon which rests i no
shlnlmi IlirureXif Miami with tlylnn drape
ries and creseiii l,ow .
Ihe Madison Suiiare I iarden Is the arclil-
leclural Irliitnph of t he architect who lost
his ol herw Ise pel Ihllolls hie III the trauedy
enacled w it hill this hiilldlmi, the roof Har
den theater.
We saw t he H uller hulldlnu w hich Is on
Itroadway and Hut Ii avenue. Ill properly
called tlie Hilllroli hecause the plot on
w hich It stands ami the liiiihllnn Is or llul
Irou shape, w it h t he rounded point Inward
Madison Suiuire. II Is very narrow in com
parison to 1 1 s Icnut h. and towers Id uh n hove
1 he mi M' dlnu hillldlnus. It Is llstonlsh-
Inu lo Und t hat one comes In contact with
r.rondwuy here and there and everywhere.
It Is said to he the lonuest streel Iii the
world w lndlnults way from t he sunt hern
point of Manhattan Island north to link
ers. Klftli avenue has neither hiiIiwiiv cars nor
surtiice cars, hut has all kinds of convey
ances, such as electric buses which serve
promiscuous passenuers ami tlm cheapest
mode of transit. Then there are caiis, han
som cahs and taxlcahs at times lined up for
aillslanon of a block or two walllnu their
chance to pass oni at the comiiiand of the
mouiiled police. The pedestrians then too,
await their turn at thu command of thu
dismounted police.
Turk avenue has the trolley earn Midway
for the distance of eluht blocks. (In this
subway are parks enclosed by Iron fences,
hence the avenue's name.
At42iul and 1'ark avenue are four car
lines at four dllferent levels. The upper
most one Is the elevated road, then the
street railway, theu I he I nterborouuli "iil
way, away dow n under the urounil tlm Hel
niont tunnel. Here, too, Is the (Hand I'en
tral stat Ion from w hereon Tuesday at II :Jl a.
in., we took the Lake Shore route tol'hlca-
We left New York City with Its splendor
of plutocratic prodlunllty, iintlclpallnu the
pleasure of the car ride lor noiirs uionu in
hanksof the Hudson. After we were com-
fortahly arriiliiued In the parlor car New-
York hoon vanished from our slulit. I lieu
In cauer search for Infoi iiiotion contrlhii
toi y tu lair elemental know led ire of tlie sin
run udl nit con nl ry, we iihnndoncd reserve
and solicited Hie desired I n fin unit Ion from
I in- p ii lei , w ho was Ho- very proly pe of his
Afler passlnu Yonkeis, a suburb of New
Yoi k i 'I i y , w H h a poiiuiaUoii of iw.imi, we
pa-.sed (isslnluu: here Is Ihe SI in Sluu fll'ls
on. Then ell in- t he I ii 'II ll 1 1 f 1 1 1 wooded hills
of I rvmuton u here Is t he luauinllcent sum
mer residence of tin- Vandi mil s, wllh the
Ide.il en ll'OllUli lit of Ihe dehulllflll ever
Ureet, wo-ided h.lls. Mnliail-lliU tlie Is'llllly
! of scenery aie the I'allsitdfs strelchlhil
I ii 'Vi v lor miles OU the Jeisey si le of the
! liver.
I- ,r several miles up the rlvcrrrom where
1 he 1 1 ml son divides Into t he Hast ..ml Noi t h
rivers, I he broad expanse of Its waters in
t hel r (low li w ard collise ts-colne fuile lur-
biileot, blllowlnu. foamlnu. h-apl ,g mid
splashlnu auaiiist Its rocky simn-s w hich
siiuuests to one how the composer, o, H.
W iMon, came to the In-pliallon of the,
"MooldlUht on the Hudson."
. en i-h iU the i 'at skill mountains oppo-tte,
on the Jersey side as 1 1 I- even t hi ailed ,
loomed op t he moii ii tal nous li II Is of p, odlu
loi h sle of which the Storm Klnu was the
tiueo iiortent ions.
Tin' Hudson ulides p ist Its ruuued clltTs
ils if feiu ful of this sinister seniiiu-l w hii-h
real lis frow tilnu heiuhts as If uunrdlnu
the ilver. llh Hie fnnl hills In l he rear, 1
! In an liidentuie formlnu a plan an Is thei
historic U'esl 1'olnt. Then cauiellie snow
I'll'sleil I'lltskllls 11 11 ill 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 s III View lllld
s, Hill We were 111 A I llll II V . W I e-re we lefithe
I llud-ou valley, t he route taklnu a dlie.-t
i turn to the we-t iivcr Alhanv and -chene-'
I-1 ad V I lelullt - into I tie M illilW k Vlllle t.
j We saw Ihe ' Utile Kails" cllyl In Hid
I Mohawk river and Adluuidock, a small I
! low-n iie-l led at 1 1n- fool of the c 1 1 IT of a!
j lilonntainoil- hill. Atl.ltth- l-'alls was es-ahll-hed
a larue k.-l'l'in- mill, hut I lie
' pri uci pie ni'i-ii tail Ion of the Mohawk valley
i I-unrdem nu a lid did r I nu. As we went on
w e en uu- i o i ne ma is lies a' i ne iooi n 1 1 1 s oi
tie- d i ri.inlock moii nt a.
'I'lien t S- shadow- of nluh t d re w near and
s i In - world outside was In darkness.
e a V 1 11 1 Us t o -et 1 1 the past. We were con-
vlneed Hull Ihe east hail llesthellcal ad
vaniaU' -s. I aiitlful -ceiiery and super, ally
i, fart. We -aw then-Mill of Ihe pmuress
which strife nnd u mi Ml t Ii hi had broiiuht
fort h and now we w .'I e ou our way back lo
tile west yet plesaUllIU ofUrellt pllssl III 1 1 1 ll'S,
j t hat couu-s from coeislon a place of peace
li' ourceflll lllld Iree Mom Unit tierce strife
ill o l plenty.
Canada Geese, Canvas Hacks,
Pin Tails Various reports are
they are flying unusually high
means you will need
penetration that can
a large stock, well assorted, and will .be pleased to
quote prices in any desired quantity.
Shot guns rented to responsible parties.
bdwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers
Book on patents. "Hints to inventors." "Inventions needed."
'Why some inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for
search of Patent Office records. OurMr. Orecley was formerly.
Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full charge of
the U. S. Patent Office.
Washington,.!). C.
Attractive Rates for March
Very Low One-Way Rates to Pacific Coast. A gensral basis of
$125 for one way colonist tickets to California, Oregon, Wash
ington and the far west, daily from March 10th to April 10th.
Tickets are honored in coaches and through tourist sleepers.
Through Tourist Sleeper Service. livery day to Los Angeles,
via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake Route. Every day to
San Francisco, March 10th to April 10th, via Denver, Scenie
Colorado, Ogden; personally conducted tourist sleeper excur
sions every Thursday and Sunday to Frisco, thence Los An
geles via Coast Line. Every day to Seattle and Portland.
Ilomeseekers' Excursions. March 7th and 21st to new territory
south, west and northwest, including Big Horn Basin. .
Yellowstone Park. Think now about touring the Park this sum
mer, inquire about the new and attractive way through this
wonderland, an eight-day personally conducted camping tour
from Cody, via the scenic entrance, everything provided;
different from all other tours. An ideal recreative and. scenic
outing for a small party of friends to take. Address Aaron
Holm, Proprietor, Cody, Wyo., or the undersigned.
Harness arid
II. T. Harness
Old Style Concord
New Style Concord
Kcptir Work (liven
Ssnli- Ao-prit for Hnn tit's; Hm'
Frcdrickscn Son.
Hubbard Nbraak(k
Mallard, Teal and
to the effect that
this season. This
ammunition with a
force and
We carry
be depended upon
City, Nb.
If yon are etpeetliiK In make any kind of a summer tour I ihnll
Im triad to have you xet In touch with inn early.
W. Iv. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr
L. V. Wakklky, G P A, Omaha, Neb
Fn r nam Htreet.
in the line of
Horse Goods
Prompt Attention
Tnnir Rout nn 1 1ir Market.