Dakota County Herald IOHN II. REAM, PUDL1SHER Bnhwrriptlon Trice. $1.00 Per Year. A wprVly newKtmper puiilislipd at Dftkntn City, NplirHnku. if Tin lHHion hii hpcii rmi, (1 f ,r the trAncmirtMon of thin per t li run the an uprnnd-f Uf matter. IVIiihinp No. 43. Official Pafcr of Dakota County s 4 from our Exchanges 00 a,. ro ;vi ; :: Whiting ItcMiiH in MIohii, Liwh, htar: Mis H Sheldon, of W h 1 1 1 i 1 1 . Net), vis ilfl'l her friend John lilair lmt week. Uuiipnr Crrt k It.nin in l'nncn Jour nal: SiMitii i Ciwy returned from tlx hospital llund it nti.l if) getting jlm.g iot-lj. Uoraiok Iteciw iu lmti, Iowa, Htnr: fttiaa Ann I! irtlett of rtinnx, N'eli, vin itml over HuniUv with her Muter, Mm K Uard O riinVriirii. Lyona Mirror : Mia Clari Wilkius, Aiitonius Iihthou and Clnrcnct) Ilnxlei, who are attending nchonl here, Sun ohVmiI at their houieii in Homer. Dixon Journal : Father Fehily, for merly pin tor at Sidney, Nehr, hag been apiMiinted to fill the, ptHtorate of thi pariah to succeed Fattier Devanc, who kas gone to Jackaon. Winoebago GhiefUin : Oeo Ileikes and Mr Audhey, of Tennsylvania, were here Monday to visit their aunt, Mr Suuuel DeerinK....Mr ami Mrs Cone retnrued to their home in Haliz, Iowa. Monday, after a neverai veeka' vifiit here, with the lsttur' sinter, Mrs I 11 MoC'ormick. Ponoj Journal : J J McCarthy wua at Dakota City Monday and Tuesday. . ...W J Armour of Allen wan in I'ou o Tuesday and Wednesday of thia wei k. . . . Da?id Oriflith of near Homer is Siting at the E C Carter home here. Ho haa rented the Mrs Boollard farm on Hoith creek for the coming y-Mr and is preparing to move onto the mm). Wuterhery Items iu Ponca Journal: Claude Thompson, of Hubbard, haa aeceptrd a position as a barber in MurtiiiHlnirg . . . . John McQnirk ami family oT Homer, have moved on a furin went of Martinaburpt. .. .Ethel Ander ton Hiid Maggie- Thorn, of Hubbard, "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" J Notice Our Good Statement J published this week. MORE than enough available funds (with demand paper) to pay KVKRV'nOL LAR DUIv at once. Notes worth 100 cents on the dollar (far as we know) no suits or foreclosures, and EVERYBODY HAPPY: BANKERS and CUSTOMERS and we are "ALWAYS hungry for More business" it Try us fur a eaniple month 'The bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT Bank of Dakota. i Patronize Home Industry I Vm LORENZ, Proprietor of City Meat Market i Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand Cash paid for Hides and Pelts Agent for Seymoui's White Laundry. Basket goes on 5 Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays DAKOTA CITY NERRASKa I KM. .M VAT yj( a., $25.00" Dakota City Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver Colonist Tickets on Sale Daily March 10th to April 10, 1011 VIA BJorth-Western IL Proportionately low fares to points in Albert, Biitish Columbia, Idaho and Montana. Through Tourist Cars Daily, Minneapoli? and St, Paul to Pacific Coast Points. ROUnd Special llomeaeekera excursion licketa will l, ou rjn aale March 21at, April 4th und 18th to niuny points North' Moutani Northern portion of Idaho, atato of W ot wttHlji"Kton eaat of Kllensburg and Weiiatchoe, alao WeSl to Kootenai aection of Uritiah Columliia. or",;,rca;i,i:lp-,,o Lyman Sholes. OlvUlon I'ajin'r Aut.Oiuaha. visited a few daj at the Anderaon home Dear here. Pender Republic : Harry Poii'ida has a hale billed for March 'I anil will probably move t South Dakota.... MIhh M alile Niebuhr of Winnebago ited at the D C Weller home the Ihf-t of the week ... .Charley Pounds Iimm moved from Hnbbard back t Peiid r. We have not learned what he ill do. . . . . M ra J 11 Kin Raton was up t Hon) h hioiix City Tuesday to see her new e'raiidson, born to Mr and Mia Elmer Whartou Friday, February 17. Potiea Leader: Conuty Attorney C A King-bury went to Dakota City Mori din , to procure a writ of maiidauiUN pnuvecinH, compelling the return of hehoollioiiho in ditriet 31, hack to its former place. Home ; arties in district thitt) one, south of M artinhb'irg, want ed the sehool hou-ie moved and on a ceriaiu Hunday moved it tliree quart eri of a mile, to a tieiv location. The hearii g of the cine, which was before Jiiil"," Gravt a, was not hail Monday, on ocooiliit of til stenographer nit be ing preaent, but aoj mrued until (Sat urday. Sioux City Journal 25th: J Varity, formeily iu th shoo business in .Sioux City, li is opened a htore with 11 liraunt of South Sloui City, at the latter pluce. M r Varity w ill have o atge of a repair shop, while lis partner will have charge of the sales end of the ntnre. ... .The funeral services of John Mc Kinney were held at 10 o'clock yester day from Honth Sionx City. llev J L Phillips officiated, the Odd Fellows having charge of the services at the grave. Interment was in the Dakota City cemetery. Emerson Enterprise : A Weinandt, Chas ISotowsky of Homer and O E Dunielhon left Tuesday evening for Texas where they will visii the coni-t country .... Miss Mary Luth and Er nest Ulemark were united iu marriage Thursday. The Enterprise was una Me to secure paiticnlars but nevertheless extends coiigratulati'is . . . . At 7:30 o'clock at the Catholic parsonage on Wednesday morning occurred the wed ding of Miss Mayme Weinandt to Will Jensen. The ceremony was pei formed by llev Father Ilurke and only rela tives were present. Homer Star: Tom Ashford was in Fremont and Liinolu the tlrst ol tin week... .Mr and Mra Ti l Wilkins of the Hand hills arrived in Homer last Satin day for a visit with their parents and other relatives .. Mr and Mrs J De Mpyei and Utile son, will leave on the evening pa-s. nger today for Canada. Many people, will regret to aee this es timahle family leave this coiiiinunitv , and know the 'why' of it Couniv 2 i?o buy your m:ats of QtQ 4rJt, m M 43tc4, 4 w:j to I THE live maiwr ,r oti.n. B. C Buchannan, Agent, Diikotu city, Si h. HAS NO SUBSTITUTE Absolutely Pure Tho only baking powdor mado from Royal Crapo Cream of Tartar KOALUMNO LIME PHOSPHATE hut the he.t ninheaof all will follow them .. . I'om HiiHton aiiippid a car of horai's and other prop-i t v to the O'"ou- nor ranch neir Clieatei Held, lant Hut nr. I M y. II n purchaaed t wo He! a of g-iod harneHH from Walt Kmith and took them wei-t with him ) Amlerhon and wife and liltle aou of Avoca, Iowa, vinited over Hnndav in Homer with Mr and Mrs L C Waltmanu of the Omaha cafe. Mr Anderaon ia a brother of Mra Wiiltmunu and conducta one of the Urgent mercantile eatabliahmenta in tht city. A M M .M0tt 0 0Wj I CORRESPONDENCE J UOMEIt. The iieraonal property of the late Alexander M Nixon will be aold nl public itiietiou .March '.Mh. Liunie llockwell waa down from the county a. at over fSuuday. LeuH Wilkinw wua it paHnetigcr to Dnkola ('ity Hatuiliiy evening. MiHB I ia Colemau wua u viniior to the city over Fiiday night. Mra Jus Foltz returned laat w.iek from a viait to Iowa. .luck McQniik and family moved to a, farm near Newcastle thia week, h-re they will keep liouae for a farm er and f inn p.irt of the Lie.'. Frank Davia haa niirchiiBod the Louie II iHiiiiihhen place, known as the Oueruaey farm, for 52,'JUO, $75 per acre Mra Jaa Alia way ia quite ill of u ae- veio attack of meases. Mra Tom Aahford ami her mother. Mra Tim Murphy, returned Friday irom u tup to Louncil lllnffn. Mr and Mrs (loo Drake of Winne- bago, apent aeveral .lays visiting rela- tivea in lloiuer the piiht week. Mi.sa Iii (tie Heikesund Mias Cionin. of Salem, were in tea u Hnmlay. lU-v J L 1'lnllipa of South Sioux City and Mr Held of Fremont, begun a aeries if revival meetings in the M l-l church Sunday evening. It honed these will be well atteued as thev both have the welfare of the community at heart. ltoy Davis and his mother went to Sioux City Sunday evening, Mrs Duvia returning to Homer Monday and noy going U points farther tooth. Mrs Vern Lake of Dakota City, vis ited relatives und friends ii Honor this week, Will Heurdshear made u hut-inchs tiip to 1'onca, where ho will lemuin two or t hrce weeks. Mis Uristnl shopped in Sionx City the thai of tho week. Keith, the infant son of Mr and Mrs Charles Smith, of Hock county, Nebr, died at their home Thursday, Ft bin ary !i:t, of cupillary bronchitis. The reiuui is were brought to . lloiuer und services held from the home of Mr and Mrs Joseph Hmith, Saturday afternoon by Kcv J L Phillips. D L Allen, wife and daughter Beu luh, of Sioux City, visited relatives and fiiemls in Homer and vicinity the last of the week. Mr und Mrs Cheek left Tuesday evening ou u business trip to Spencer. Mr Cheek sold his farm there and will be a permaneut resident iu the vioiuity of I Inner. llev Sehaffer, of Walthill, assisted with the revival services Tuesday evening, llev Phillipa being called away to conduct funeral. Karl Uusditl visited school fiiends in Lyous Sunday. Chailes Hiserole has imrchiiaeil ! I) L Allen farm and will take posses sion i ni u ei k. Mr Kelly will movo onto the farm recently purchased liy Frank Davis out in t Ii bluff. Jay McKutiiffer ami wife- ure mov inn ijo the hotel. We gladly Wel- '' ''h. in to town. The King family who have inimaged the hotel for soei ul months are going to move to Cher ry county, I'.dna Davis is quite ill, buffering from an abcess ou ihe neck. It is like a game of checkers to cee the amount of luoviug going on mound ns Heroine a few of the niv.ia: Leslie Churchill and family are mov lug into the John Chuinl.erlaiu house; Air Cheek and f tmily en the old O.ika pli.ee, pi.vioiihly occuiied by Chur ehil.s; Lbner Miook will occupy the Ta.tlor Onl.orn hou-e vacated by Mr t 'heek ; .lack linger will move outo the old home pluee; Pl,i 1. )1Z y,,!! move ou in e Jack liergi r farm; T II Dixon will move on the Fred Kipp, r place pieioii-dy occupied by Hcuz. JACKSON. Johi iL Twnuitf ii.ni H load of IioKh OU tlio market l'ueail,v. Jolm Uoler had a lmul of hogs on tliu market Wediicmltiy . Louis Wuthli and wife of IluhUrd were visiting relative hero Saturday. William liiley whh trauauetiug Limi Ili'M iu l'uge, Nob, n-veral dava luat week. Hervicea were held iu tho t'utholie church hero Auli Weduiaday at ii o'clock a. ni. There will also be de votions here Wednesday and Friday evenings at 7 :.' throughout lent. Harry and Alice Demary spent over Sunday in the home of their sister, Mrs Merjl Hileman, near Homer. Pat Dillon and family moved to Sionx City Tuesday where they will nsi 1 while Mr Dillon looks up a lo cation. Williiun Martin f ibmcrof., Nebr, was looking over his fa ru near Vista the past Week. finite a number from here attended the Oilaudo (lamer sale Bt Ooodnin Thursday. IJ Cavauaugh and children, Sarah and Jack, returned from Lincoln Sat urday and were over Sunday guests at the H Dngar. home, They were en route to Allen, Nebr, their former home, where they will reside Mesdames M Uolerand Kiln O'Neill, and sister, Mary ISoler, were visiting iu the A K Mann home at Luurel the past week. Frank H I log mi arrived home from Chicago Friday evening. He expects to go to Council Hhiffs this week where he haa a position in a railroad ollice. Misses Melady of Hubbard and Kel leher of Sionx City, attended the danc ing party here last Friday night and were guebts of Mary and Nellie ilo gan . Died, February art, 1911, tho infant baby of Mr and Mrs Fred Winters of ista. Inteiinent was in St John's Cemetery Monday. Mrs William liiley returned from Des Moines, Iowa, Tuesday, where she had gone to visit her duughter Mabil She was accompanied home by her sister, Mrs Julia Kvans, of Chicago, who wil. visit relatives here a few weeks. 'C D Terpeuning, Roy Meachen and wife and Jessie Kustermau and family moved to Wagner, S D, Monday. J A Hull and wifo enjoyed an over Sunday visit slrom their sou Raymond of Royal, Neb. John Kbllhoff who spent the past two years in the J P Kramper home. returned to his home iu Chicago Mon day. The Wales Concert company which was to give the third number" of the lecture course heie lust. Friday night, was postponed ou account of the lll- uest of one of the members of the company. Mrs K S lleutty arrived from Blair, Neb, Suuduy and is visiting relatives here. Mario Leahy is at St Joseph's ho pitnl receiving treatment for an abcess iu her ear. She is getting along nice ly. I Sam BreDnaman loaded his personal effects in a car on the Burlington Tues day and shipped to Royal, Neb, where he will live ou the Henry Francisco faim tho coming year. Krin Mann and family huve moved hero from Hubbard, und occupy the house north of Mr Kearney's. FIDDLER CREEK Chris Erickseu and family wefe Sun day visitors at the Larson Bros home. Mrs Max Nelson spent tho past two weeks at the Autonius Larson home on tho bottom. She was there helping care for the childreu, w ho were sick. Birdie Bancroft came home last Thursday from Iowa, where he had been staying for a long time. His cousin, Charley Bancroft, returned w itli him. Frank Davis, who is now living on one of the Uribble places, has bought 40 ncres from Louie KaHiuusnou. A party was held at the Peter Sor enseii's home lust Saturday evening aud all hud u line time. A tin tie tea basket social was given ut the Hale school house last Friday (Veiling and all enjoyed themselves very much. A lyceiim program was Riven. .Misa Stone received $23X0 for the liuskets. A baby boy wus born to Mr and Mrs John Labahu last Saturday. 1M. .UI . It 1 . - " ... vyimriejr iouge aim Wile Visited in Sionx City last Si.turday . Mrs Albeit Schrader is visiting Sioux City this week. Andrew tiarson is on the sick lit-t this week. Mrs Meda IlaiiKen and sou Willie, left for California last Wednesday. HUBBARD. John Howard und son were down to the city Tuesday . Don't forget the coffee demonstrtion at Cail Auders.iu's Saturday, March 4. Woods Hileman came in from Jules burg, Col, last week to look after his farm interests. Fred Bartlea hud a car of sheep on ou the market Thursday. Poultry grit aud oyster bIicIIs for your chickens at Carl Andcrsou's. Emil Anderson has moved outo the John lloguii farm . Michael Urecu aud wife aud (loo Hayes and wife were iu Sioux City Tuesday to attend the fuueral of Mrs John C Dineell. New shoes, in Oxfords and every other stjlo aud shape desired, ut Carl Anderson's. Ll Campbell has moved iuto tho lo w hotel, just tlnished. Fred Barti la shipped a oai of stock fiom here Thursday. A tine lice of faucy decorated glass rnie, suitable for bnthday aud wed ding gift-, at Cail Anderson's. The hog sale of lieacou Bros was not veiv It gely attended, ami the sale was called off after seventeen hogs had been sold. j Mis Duggau came, down from Sioux City Fiiday aud is visitim ut the 'John llartiiett home. Anna Hansen and llaus Jeiiseu were inariied last Wednesday st the home Btati or Ohio city it Thi.i;io. i I. i i ah I'm i. f 1"hvk J i'ionkv innKia oath tlmt hr la noiilor huriii. r i( th linn ul t . J. t iumi A Co , ileum lillMliusa in lln- I ay ,, -1,,,,. c, t j ,.,,,, uteri s.u.1 n, Hi , , lrm ,,. w ,um , )M. IHMHII li luii. . tis ler .iirli and i,ry csx' nt i iAHhii ihai calami ( rurcil by (lie use ol IIAI.1 a l A14IIHII i t he V I1WK J ( III NFV. i-wiirn in bef.in. nio ami miiHu rilMsl In uiy iri n(A tins nth iy ul liiivmUr. A. l., int. ) I A. W. OI.KA.SOX. ' ' N'UTAHY 1'IUIIC. Hall falarrh (rc la taki'n Inli-riially and aru atr.'i lly uis.ii ih I.i.-mI ami imn-uua aurlai- ul llin yalt'iu. en-nil lur ti'Mliin.Hiialrt. Ins, . F J cm.SK.y ro. Tolixlo, O alil hy all IiniKuiaU. ' hv lake Hall Family i'llia lur nmllatloa. of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs U Hansen, Rev Pedersen of Sionx City, performing tho ceritnony. The young couple n ill reside near Narora on a fai m All kinds of smoked ami salt fish, for the Lenton season at Carl Andcr sou's . The infant child of Mr and Mrs Sam Knox died Monday at 11 a in, of pneu monia. The funeral services were held Wednesday, interment iu Elk Valley eeuietery . Mrs I'.bel of NorfoU, mother of Oeo snd Joe Etui, of this place, died at Nolfolk Monday of last week. Oeorge and Joe attended the funeral, which was held at Norfolk, Wednesday. Spring goods in endless variety are arriving daily at Carl Audersou's. Calicoes, percales and everything in dress goods iu all the latest patterns. Dulciii Leedotu, daughter of Joe M Leedora and wife, "'as joined in mar riage Wednesday to Freeman Pounds, an industrious young farmer of this place. The ceremony was performed by R v J L Phillips, M E pastor of South Sioux City, iu the presence of a score of invited guests und relatives. The best wishes of the community ur extended the happy couple, who go to housekeeping immediately on the Voss farm northwest of Hubbard. The bride was bcrn aud raised in Dakota county and is a model young woman whom the groom may well feel proud of. We want your produce, and we are still paying more than the market af fords. Curl Anderson. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Harriet A Ayres, widow, to Curl K Frank, lots 7, H, hlk I'M), Imkota City f 1 on DO Kvans, county treasurer, to O K .Martin, lot I, hlix-k in, Joy Pluee uihl to South Sionx Ulty J.I Klmers and l.lllll Klim-rs to John l)i iii inelr, part sel HWl4.12-jM-l 2i) I) T (illliiian and Mary S (tlllniaii to Mary K Miitiilernon. lots 5. II. hloek ovlnirton annex to South Hlou x 'lty i (0 Mary K Miinilerson, slnKle, to .tunics II Smith and Medoni A Smith, lots fi. a, hloek :., CovlniMon Annex to South Sioux t'lty , l'S 10 A iin-l In Clinlllle ninl Alfred Clialllle to Jhines Nelseii.e'j ue1 , ;m-L'S-7 it 0 Report of the Condition o! The Bank of Dakota County "The Bank tM ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" of Jackson, Nebraska, Charter No. K, in corporated In the State of Neliniskii, ut the close of i.usluess Kehruury 17, lull. KKSOL'KCF.H I.oiins ii nd discounts ins,:tai fit Overdrafts, secured and unseen red I, on 2n Hiinklnu house furniture and tlx- tures :i,mhi no Current ex nenses and tuxes puld . W tin Ime from luit'l, .state und private hunks ill.WI ill Silver, nickels ami cents In.'i:) H7 Total 2:11,1111 2: I.IAIIII.ITIKS ('uiiltul stock paid in in,mii niirpius llllio i.inio (HI I iKllvnieii proMts ;)H5 42 I lldl Vllllln I deposits sub ject to clu ck $ SI, llli iis I t-li in n 1 certlllciiles of deposit ,V,- no Time cel tlllciltes of de posit i:r7.iin ii -jin.oirij - Total ?;(l,ltil S T.VI K OK N K UK AMK A, I County of I inkotii. i I. IM T. Keiuney, ciishler of the nlmvi named Iviuik, do heieliy swear thin tin ii I sive si a lenient Is a correct inn I true copy of the report iniide lo tin' state luinkinn Is.nrd. aiikst: Ki1. Kkaunkv, l". M. Kkaknkv, I M rector. Ciishler It. K. K K a it n :: v, I'lrector. SuIisciUmmI and sworn lo Is fore me thl; Slril day of Keliiuiiry, lull. IiKK C. Kkaunkv, (skai.) Notary I'uhlle My commission expires March i, l'.il;) First publication -'-17-11 ;iwka NOTICETO DELINQUENTS Notice Is herehy wlven tlmt the Interest upon the sale contract lo the followlnu de scillsd Mcliool hind In Imkotu county, Nc. Iii'uskii, us M't opposite the inline of the hold er thereof. Is deliiniiieiit and If the unioiint which Is due Is not puld within IU days from t lie date of t Ills mil Ice. said colli rue t will be declared forfeited by the Hoard of Kdiicu tlonal Lands and Funds, mid said forfeiture III lie entered of record Iu the inuiuier pro vided by law. Lot 4 ill Sec. lrt-iK-a. S. II. Cuttle Lund 'o. I Sale. I K. It. Cow I. KS, Conmilssloiier of l'ubllc I, an. Is ninl Huild- I IIKs. I lined February In, Ml I. First publication 2-17 :lw Order of Hearing on Petition for Appoint ment of Administrators. In th itinly court of Imkotu county, Ne- hntska. Suite of Nebraska, Imkotu County ss. To .lulin A. Nixon, l: m mit Nixon. Kll.a Ix'th A. Nixon, ( iriu'f A. Mum, and Alex ander M. Nixon, und to all persons Interest ed Iu the esl ile of A, M. Nixon, deceased. in readliiK the petition of Julia A. Nixon piayliiK thai the administration of said es tate u- itiaiiied to li. II. stlilworthy und in. I. Warner ns administrators. It Is hereby ordered that you and all per sons interested iu said mutter may, und do, appear lit the county court to lie held in und for said county, on the 4th day of March, A. li. hit 1, ut In o'clock am, to show cause. If any there lie, why the praver of the petitioner should not lie Ki anted, anil that notice of the pendency of said petition and tne heiirlna thereof lie ulven to all per sons interested In said mutter by pulillsli tiiK a copy of this order In The liakolu County Herald, a weekly newspaper print ed lu said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of lieuiinK. Witness my lltlllll. lltul seal of said priori. this luth day of Febniiuy, A. li. hill. 1. t'. liKKKKKNAN, wkai. County .Indue First Publication Mnrcli:! :(w Ordor of Hearing on Petition for Ap pointment of Administratois In the county court of I'ukota county, Nebruska. State of .Nebraska, Pitkotu County ss. To Mai lii Illume, Fred Illume, t ins A. Isen biii. Kliiibelh Wllklns. M innle I, list brink, Iledwiu Mason, Fanny I'olly und Fred Kip per, and to all persona Interested In the estiue of Willie Imluc IseiibuiK. di censed; n read I n( the petition of Fred Illume, Piaylutt Hint the ad nilnlst ration of Mild es tate In' irriiiited to (ins A. lscnhuiv, as mt- list i ii l ii ; It is hereby ordered that you, and all persons Interested In said mat ter, may, and do, appear ut tliecounty court to l' held in and for said county, on the '.'.It day of March, A. i. lull, at In o'clock a. in., lo show cause, if any there Is', why the prayer of the petitioner should not lie Biiinteil, and t lull notice of the pendency of said petition und that the hrailiiif there of lie Ik'Ivcii to all persons Interested in said mutter by publishing a copy of this order Iu the Iii, kot a County Herald, a weekly newspaper printed In said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of lienr Inu. W itness my hand, and seal of said court this 5(7 in day of February, A. li. lull. - , ll C. liKKKKKNAN, aKAl. County Juilue. Lincoln Sanitarium Sulpho-Saline Springs Looat 1 on our wu pruilaa aa d u4 Id th Natural Mineral Wtttr BATHS UaanrpaaMd ta IL tr.aimanl f Rheumatism art, Btuoaaoh. Kldnay mat Llvar Ulaauoa MarfataM Ckargia. AMim 9K I. W. EVERETT, Mgr.. Llacoln, lak. LOOK HERE Greatest Offer Ever Made to Stock Feeders Dr. Hess Stock Food on 3 Months Trial From the manufacturer's written guarantee and the untiring praise it is receiving from our customers we are doubly sure that it is, without exception, the best Stock Food or tonic ever produced and at a price that you can afford to feed it regularly. Now here is our proposition: We will supply you with sufficient Dr. I less Stock Food to feed your animals twice a day for three months; we will supply you with 25 lbs. or one ton, then if at the end of three months you are not absolutely sure that it has paid you to feed Dr. Hess Stock Food, that is. if your animals fed for market have not been more thrifty, your other stock in better state of health, return to us the empty package and we will re fund every cent you have paid us. Here are the prices: 500 lbs. for $25.00 Or 100 lbs. at the same rate, $.00 Or 25 lb. pail at $1.00 There is not a farmer or feeder in this community that can afford to miss this liberal proposition. Mark you, you are to be the judge and jury Si&kotsx City Pharmacy Dakotiv City, Public Sale Having decided to quit farming, the old Will Ilazlegrove farm, four miles west of Dakota City and three miles east of Jackson, Neb., ou Wednesday, March 8th, ion 0 The following list of property: IlorsCS One bay team, mare and celdintr. 7 and 10 vrs old, wt. 2,300 lbs. One span of bav m.irf,. nw 7 and wt 2,300 lbs. One bay colt coming 3 yrs old. wt about 850 lbs. One bay colt coming 2 yrs old, wt about 700. One bay yearling colt. One brown mare 12 yrs old, wt 1,300. Two bav Red Rock mares, age G and 4, wt 2,200. One brown mare 4 yrs old, wt 1,100. Cattle One half-blood Jersey cow, 3 yrs old. One red cow 4 yrs old, and one 2-yr-old heifer, both will soon be fresh. Hoars 13 head of shoats, wt. about 200 lbs each. Farm Machinery 1 Rock Island disc, 1 six shovel walking cultivator, 1 four shovel Racine Satley riding cultivator, 1 four-shovel riding and walking cultivator, 1 Janesville disc cultivator, 1 Brown 4-shovel riding cultivator, 1 bran new two row Dandy cultivator, for listed corn, one Ifi-inrh X-Rnv sulky plow, 1 10-in. walking plow, 1 Canton riding plow, 1 four section harrow, complete, 1 new Rock Island Special farm truck, 1 Lansing wagon, complete, 1 Bradley top buggy, 1 Hedges Queen binder, in good shape, two sets work harness, one set of double driving harness, 1 single harness, bran new, 1 hand pow er corn sheller, 1 De Lavel cream separator, about 10 rods of wire cribbing, and an asssortment of farm and garden tools. About 3 doz chickens. 1 pair of ducks. Sale Commences at 10 o'clock. Free Lunch at Noon. TFRMS' 10 ""'ler "ver that amount ton tuoutlia' time on i JiYiiisJ. tmkul,le notes bearing 10 interest fron, date. . W. SxstYctt, Owner II. O. DORX. Auctioneer. Undertaker Tho Mico Etcni il Process of Jimbalmiuir. Nothing taken from body and nothing put in body. All done upon outside. Body can be kept for ages. li. F. Saw.ver, lackson, Nebraska (Abstracts of Title A $10,000 Suretv Bond I Guarantees the accuracy of every AliHtmct I make yj HARNESS : : IT I - : This 1J -in. Concord Harness No. 70 no collars 31 Our No. 17!), 1 J-in. Concord, with flat backs, a better job Sturgeo Bros i HARNESsK Mr. FEEDER j Nebraaki I will offer at Public Sale at HD T. KEARNEY, Clerk, County Coroner i ISuceeHsor to Dakota County Abstract Co. Bonded Abstracter I J. J. E I M E RS I 0) 4ll Fearl St Sioux City