HAS r.0 SUBSTITUTE 7Ah wins Absolutely Pure 77ro oiy baking powdor mado from Royal Crapo Cream of Tartar KO ALUM.I.'Q LIME PHOSPHATE Dakota County Herald IOHN H. REAM, PUBLISHER Subscription Price. $1.(10 Per Year. .V weekly newspaper publinlied at I'HkutH City, iSetiraska. r'ernmnion has ben granted fur the transmission of this papcrlhrough the rtxiia as second-class matter. Telophnnf No. 43. Official Paper of Dakota County I - . 1 Items of I nteresl from our Exchanges Pone Journal: Will in Hemey of Nsrora attended the dunce at Ponca Friday evening. noruick Items in 8Ioau, Star: Mr and Mrs J F Forney of north of town li ft last Thursday for a few ilujs visit with relutives at Homer, Neb. Wayne Deraoorat: Mr and Mn Chaa Culler visited friends at Winside Tuesday afternoon..., Mike Lyons of W'iuside was in Jacksou Saturday to see bis son who is attending school there. Sloan, Io, Star: Ghas Olson and family left Saturday for Hubbard, Neb, where they will make their home in the future. The best wishes of many frieuds follow these good people to their uew home. Emerson Enterprise: There has been no school at the east rohnol this week oo account of the sickness of the teaoher, Miss Haz A Penry .... Mr and Mrs Fred Wilkins of Dear Homer visit (d last Friday at the home of Mr Wil kins' brother, Que A Isenburg. Winnebago Chieftain : George Ash ford was down from Homer Wednes day on business.... Misses Mabel Nie bnhr aDd Bessie Morgan were in at tendance at the Walthill Farmers' In stitute Tuesday.... Mrs John D'Mejer has been visiting with Mrs James Foltzforafew days, and on Thurs dav the former went to Homer while the latter went to Dakota City for a visit. Ponea Leader: Chas Finkle of iear Hubbard, came up Wednesday even ing for a visit with his pareuts, Mr and Mrs E E Finkle.... Fred Hurlinger and sister, Hatha Hugh', a sister-in-law of Mrs rj P Mikesell, stopped iu Pouca last Thursday on their way from Colo rado, and visited at the 8 P Mikesell home until Monday uoon, when thoy left for DakoU City, where they will visit for a short time with Mrs Will Altntuus, then return to their home at Indi-tna, Peun. Omaha True Voice: As a result of the couourum laid iu this city on Wed uesday of this week Hev J P Jevane, of Dixon, Neb, has been appointed ir removable rscior of St Putrii.LV nor. isli, Jackson, Nub, io succeed the late FMLerP F McCarthy. The rector ship of North Platte has uot j et been filled. Father Devaue is t lie of the active jouug priutta of the diooese. He was ordaiued about twelve year ago and his first appointment was as assistant at Holy Family churoh, this city. He was theu appointed pastor of Sidney, Neb, aud remained there until about six years ago when he was ap pointed to Dixon. About a year ago Father Devane completed a flue paro chial school at Dixon and has made groat improvements on the church property there during his pastorate. Homer Star: Qo V Ashford was iu Lincoln the first of the week..., Claud Thacker went to Horuiok, Iowa, Monday, for a thait visit with relatives. ...Ed Polley was operated on at Sioux City last week aud from last re ports was getting uloug nicely.... My ron Bates leaves today for the saud bills where be will work lor 0 J O'Con nor. He will file on a Kink. id Lome stead later .... Miss Ingred Ahlberg of Winnebago, visited several days the past week in Homer with Mattie Mc Kinley aud other friends. . . . J M Kiug was called to Presho, South Dakota, last Thursday br the illness of his sis ter Mrs W B Allen. He returned to Homer, Monday eveniug driving home from South Sioux City, and left 'lier much better. Mr Kiug iuforma us that he was lost iu a snow storm oue night while up there and wandered around several hours before ho dually co ma to a house..,. Miss Grace Wood who ha been attending high school in Homer for two years past, died of pneumonia at the Herbert Harris home Friday, February 3, after an illness of but a short time. Her pareuts, Mr aud Mrs Frank Wood, life on the res ervation. The deceased was a mem ber of the senior class of the high school and would have graduated this spring. Her professor and teachers peak of her as a bright and intelli gent girl. She was well liked by her schoolmates and her untimely demise is mourned and regretted by all. She was born April 21, 1800, and besides her mother and father, leaves fonr brothers and one sister to mourn her departure . The pupils of the high school and Prof Campbell contributed a beautiful floral pillow with the de cessed'a name in the center. The fu neral services were held at the Luther an church Sunday, by Rev J L Ham uiond and the remains laid to rest in tlit. Green Valley cemetery southwest of Homer. A few roinntes delay in treating some esses of croup, even too length of time it takes to go for a doctor often proves dangerous. The safest way is Io keep Chamberlain's Cough tlemedy in the lioute, and at the first indication of croup give the child a dose. Pleasant to take and always cures. 8o'd by all drnggists. S ounntaruiutiNVrt JACKSON. iteriua oawyers spent Hatunlay in the city with friends. Margaret Quiun went to Bancroft. iiieo., ounnay to accept a position as Vi i o i . ... teacher in the school there. She will t acb the 8th grade. L W. Hall and wife spent over Sun day with relatives at Dixon, Neb. Henry Fraucisco and wife and Mr. Geo. Teller and family attended the Benniiiger -Peters wedding at Hub bard Tuesduv . Mrs. J. F Daley attended the funeral of Mrs. Dempsey, a pioneer woman of Newcastle, Neb., last Thnrsday. Chris Lautenhauffli went to Ponoa last Friday to look after a farm be has rented there. He expects to move his family there some time this month. Alex Lind will move on the farm va cated by Mr. Lautenbaugh. Peter Larson had a load of cattle on the market Friday. Geo. Kidd, of Siotn City was trans acting business here Saturday between trains aud was a guest of Jas. Flynn. ltev. Father Cooney, of Vista suent Tuesday with Rev. Roche. Neil Ryan, who is a student at Cul ver Military aondemy, arrived home to spend a few weeks, the school being closed on account of some cases of scarlet fever in the school. H. Kinney spent over Sunday with friends iu fclioux City Mrs. W. 0. Mixer was oalled to Na- per, Neb., taturday on account of the serious illneus of her sister-in-law Mrs. r. Gilson, a letter reoeived later say ing she died Saturday afterwards. Bonnie Earry is spending the week in the R. A. Lemou home in Sionx City. Martrar.it Keefe returned home last Saturday evening after a week's visit with friends in Sioux City. She was accompanied home by Olive Bellenger, wao was uer guest uutil TuesJay even ing. Mrs. 0. P. Qarvey and little danah- ter Maurine of HartinKton.,Neb.. spent over Monday i igbt with relatives here Charley Freoburaer and family have moved here from Springfield, Neb., and occupy tha section house. Mr. D reeburger is section foreman for the 0. B. and Q. R. R A large crowd of vounar nerrjle gathered at the A. Demaray home Tuesday evening i;i honor of Harry's birthday. The evening was ..pent in dancing and playing games, when at ll o cluck nice refreshments were se rved. At a late hoi r the guests de parted wishing Harry many more hap py birthdays. Clara Reiss returned to her liomn at Hubbard Wedneadav aft.nr Sunday visit with Pe'url Welsh. Rev. J. P. Devane. successor to Rev. Fr. Roche arrived hero from Dixon, Neb , Tuesday to assume oharee of the diocese here. Rev. Roche ones in Benson, Neb., to remain a few months when he plans goinnr to Ireland In Mav to visit .his pareuts. Hie many friends here wish him suouess in his new home. Edward, the little son of Mr. and Mrs E. T. Kearnevis critioallv ill. On Monday a consultation of doctors was called, but at this writiug his condi tion is still critical. Mabel Riley of this place who is a student at the Merov Hospital Oea Moines, taking a nurse's course is ill with typhoid fever. HUBBARD. Mr and Mrs Pat Duggau wero Sioux City shoppers Wednesday. Wm Reninger was a south bound passenger Wednesday. Chris Uasmussen went to Sioux City Wednesday to consult a physician iu regard to his health . He has not been well for some time. Chas Finkle weut to Tonoa Wednes day evening, Harry Rockwell went to Wlusido Saturday morning for a fe daya visit at the W Whitaker home. Ella Heeney was a Sioux City visit or Tuesday. A dauoe was giveu at Larsen Bros last Monday night. Mike Green and Dave Leep were in Sioux City Tuesday. Eiin Maun's sale was well attended but the stock did not sell as well as was expected. The dance at the Woodman hall last Friday night was not largely at tended, there being only about twenty couples preseut. The Ldies Aid society met at Mrs Lt ep's Wednesday. B B Gribble was iu Omaha and Lincoln this week. Mrsllirsh was on the sick list this week, Fred Bartels, Mike Smith, Carl tredrieksou aud Charlie Dodge were Deafness Cannot De Cured by looiil aiipllratlona. aa tli.-y cummt rraoh tli dav eaH i.rti.,n ul th r. iur. 1. only una i. 5 cur. dm. .,,d lluu S) by oii.mull'nal mu-Ult MUCOUS IINI.V, u in. KurUi-huui 'luiw. wiu-u mil tub u liiil.meU yu hv. t rumbling luuua ur uu" pciitwt hru,.. ma lrn u f, tilluy ,w. u-m to) II,. mull. au.l uui. I he aulau.iii.iwu c... b. Uho oul .,! Il,ia lull. r.tur.-J tu It. normal condl. IU.U. bearlua will Ih. 0ir.,yi lorevrr; niuaJli oul ol iro .re. cmuw-d by I alnrrU. which k i,0UuuJ but an InOaiurd w,ilitkn ul iha mucoiu aurlw-. W. WW biv. (lu, H.M lMu, , vJZot r"'T t" irrli) ihai rni la curwl by Hall, t.lwrh Cure. ,! . rtr. ul.ni. tree Hold br PruMtoti. ?v. uwu lain Uall l I aiuUy iUI. lor cuualluutlou. I Sioux City visitors Monday. John Mitchell was tip from Omnha for a several days' stay at the parental home. He returned Tuesday. Mrs Carl Fredrickson is suffering from a severe cold. Mrs DO II ffernsn spent several dsys at St Vincent's hospital at the bedside of her husband, whn has been there for the past week. Mr Heffer nan is getting along nicely at this writing and it is hoped that within a few days he will be able to r-turn to his home. George Timlin is quite ill from the effeots of tonrilitis. Mr and Mrs Nelson came in from Holt county the first of the week and are visiting relatives and friends. A V i a ueorge snu 1'eter Jensen had a of cattle on the market Monday. car A surprise party was Riven in the M W A hall Saturday night in honor of Mayme Clausen's seventieth birthday. A very enjoyable time was had by all. Supper was served at the midnight hour, after which the merry crowd dis persed wishing Mayme many happy returns, also wishing for many more such surprise parties. Hans Nelsen was a county seat visit or Wednesday . Chailie Smith visited his biother in Wayne from Saturday until Monday. Jonn Nixon and John Clayton from near liomer were in our burg Tuesday. Bert Francisco's home was near be ing a hospital the past two weeks, the entire family having had a round of the grip. Henry Hirsh is doing some carpen ter work on the Saunders pltce. Lots of new ginghams, dress Roods. shoes, men's shirts, just received at Carl Anderson's. The little chums of Henry Renze, jr. curuc in Wednesday to help him spend a pleasant eveniug. Clara Reins and Lou Welsh were city passengers Saturday. Fred Pounds was in Hubbard Tues day. Jim Smith speut the first of the week in Sioux City. Andrew Anderson came down from Bloonifleld Tuesday on business. We want your prodnce, and we are still paying more than the market af fords. Carl Anderson, Mrs Reiss went to the city the first of the week to see her little boy, who is in a hospital. Martha, Adalade and Alfred Smith were among the partioipents iu the Uendricksen surprise party Saturday. A new line of men's and boys' hats and caps in all the latest styles. Also aiuuiineot furnishing goods. Carl Anderson, Jim Barry was a business caller in Hubbard and vicinity Tuesday. It is said that Emil Anderson has rented the John llogan farm and will move there on March 1. We have a few fur coats that we will close out at bed rock prioes, rather than carry them over. This is a chance to get a bargain in a fur ooat. Carl Anderson. Louis Pedersen was a passencrer to the county seat Monday on court busi ness. FIDDLER CREEK Three of L Priest's children are on the sick list this week with grip and tonsilitis. Cora Metcalf was an over Sunday visitor with Lena Wilkius. The basket social given at the Shull school house was a great suooess, $19.25 being collected, which will be used in purchasing maps and a few other articles needed. A birthday party was eiveu at the Miller Bros home last Thursday even ing, it being 01 las Christina's birthday. All had a very enjoyable time. Freeman Rockwell and Oscar John sou were Dakota City visitors Mouday. Uora Sorenseu spent Sunday at home. A number of Fiddler Greek young folks attend the birthday dance m Hubbard Saturday. Louie Rasmussen and f..mily took Sunday diuner nt the Chria Rusmussen home. Mr and Mrs M L Crippen attended the sale at Jay MoEutaffur'a Tuesday. Mr uud Mrs Fred Kipper visited one day lust week at the Robert Leuse brink home. IN MEMORIUM. lU'solutloii adopted by Dakota Olty lodgo N'MHI.U.O.K Whkkbah; The Hutlden tlertth of Ilrotlier Alexander M. Nixon east, a ulooni over our Biitlro ineiolHTHlili) unit not to us alone, but upon all us fur his m-iiimliitiiin-cM extend. He u man Unit wi.m well nml fiivoml.ly known, and whom, InHoi-nee was felt in whatever he entered Into. In hit death Udd Fellowship lost a loyal meiiilM'r, and In ill home lodge we feel that his phiee cu never bu tilled. A heart that was warm with the principles we love I uu no more. A II reside Is cold mid eheerhiHH liecmiHe Iw reft of a fat hers presence and cure. To-day our hearts ure sod. when we rememlH-r the dear one uonti before. We forw.-t all his limits and reinemlicr only that which was nol.le and Iwiiutlful In his character. While lnouri lnu his loss we Klu.lly accord u trib ute to hi talent ami worth. Our iiiost ear liest ympiithy noes out to the bereaved ones '.eft tichtnd. Kkhoi.vkd; That the charter of our lodge bo draped In mourning for thirty day and that a copy of these resolution be spread upon the minute, and a copy given to the county paper and aeopy seut to the fami ly of deceased. I). O. Htinson, I 1 1 . J . Hoc K w K I, L, J (Join m 1 1 tee. John II. Kkam. ( REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. William (tnrdon, trustee, et al, to School district No 11. "Joy Park" n part of Joy 1'luce udd to South Nloux f'ty I 1 IU Kdward J Mull.illy and Mary K Mul tiply to Klleii butfgim. un iimliv '- In the eft of ac1 and sc'4 ne 5IV--T. lrto Ol) Kdgur Kredrlck and I .Hum Fredrick to Harry II Adair, lot lu, 11, ID, block 170, Dakota City i m John II (irlhhle and Carrie l dribble I to Hurry 11 A.li.lr, lots t), 7, N, U block I 171", Dukotul'lty ...imluuo A I meet a Itccdcr and J W Heeler to liny Deluney, lots it, it.). Mix-art. ori ginal pint to South Sioux !liy so no ' Wm (lordon, trustee, Wlunue ilordon anil Stella i tlordon t IM.yll-.lii Keel, low ft. tl, bl.M-k 1M, Joy l'hu-e to South Sioux Olty inn ill l'hyllsiu licet and W J Heel to J II llollou, lots 6. il. block mi Joy Pluce to South Sioux City I ui Win Ityun and Julia A Kyau to Jo Ilislglns, uw'4 w'4 sec lu. ', uw' ec IV, all iu 2V-7, I'.lsl IHh p in 0O7( (to John Mnllhall and K A Mulhall to Ada M I, Telly, w4 nw. ft-?7- and all iiccrellou, comui.'iicliig ut the west Hue of sec A, Mil rods south of north Hue thereof, running east Via l-S rods thence south Nil rods io centerllneof anld H-tlon, thence north (o pnu-e of Is-gluiili.g, lot 4, 6--u and accre tion thereto jii no KlUa (leyer to Harry II Adair, lot 6 block 170, Dakota City m o J HIGH SCHOOL- NOTES ,(MC QrC K4& (-; 0MI HOK.I Sc1kk1 ronsolidatinn and transporta tion should be foremost in the minds of nil who live in school districts one, o, twelve, thirteen snd twenty-three. In the meeting Wednesday evening school consolidation was strongly fav ored by ever one prpsent either in the form of a centralized country school or a consolidated chool located at Dukota City. Sine all seem to favor an improve ment in the local educational s.vstem why not get the best that is possible and avoid having to send your boys and girls away to school to complete their high school course. Many boys and many girls have gone wrong be cause they did not have parental care or home surroundings when sent away to uign school, running win spoil a young country or village person of high school agn quicker than to allow him or her to go to a larger town or city and select their own companions un known to the parents. Within the last month a pupil in the Dakota City high school when asked w hy she was anxious to go to a cityccliool replied, "Becanso there is more fun.'' Ask some parents who have had experience an J they can tell you what iun may cost. Some seem to be .if the opinion that consolidation and trausportrtion is an experiment. This is a false illusion ; for it is not a fad. The first consoli dated school with transportation was established io 1809 and there has been more such schools established in the last five years than in the preceeding twenty-five years. Not in a single in stance have patrons wanted to go back to some other method after consolida tion and transportation have been tried. If you wish your children to be pre pared to corn pt to with theooming gen eration of e iuoation, without sending them Irora home at an early age, by all means favor consolidation that will provide a full high school course and special work in agriculture. J A Chicoine, Tria While it is often impossible to pre vent an accident, it is never impossi ble to be prepared it is not beyond any one's purse. Invpst 25 cents in a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and you are prepared for spraines, bruises and like injuries. Sold by all druggists- Sunday School Convention The Fifth Annual oouveution of the Dakota County Sunday School asso ciation will be held February 24th in the M E church at Dakota City. The general secretary of the Nebraska State Sunday School association, Rev Chas H B Lewis, will be present. He is well able to give information and instruction on every line of Sunday school work. If you wish any partic ular subject or department of the work presented or Discussed, please inform the county secretary, Miss Haase, at onoe. Plan now to attend and help make the convention a suc cess and learn how to do more efficient Sunday school work. J F Winebrenner, President. Wm L Wolfe, Secretary. All kinds of coal, feed and bay for saie at reasonable prices.. Fix-LDs & Slauohtkb Oo. Tko E Bliven, Manager. Dakota City, Neb. banners' Tribune Becomes Farmer and Breeder. The Herald is in receipt of an an nouncement of the change of name of Farmers' Tribune to Farmer and Breeder. Farmers' Tribune was es tablished in 1878 and has been pub lished in Sioux City, Iowa, since 1904 The publishers, Farmer and Breeder company, emphasize the fact that the ohange is in name only, as the men who have so Buooessf ully conducted the business since it was brought to Sioux City will contique in chnrge. Farmer and Breeder is owned, edited and pub lished by northwestern farmers and breeders. H O McMillan is president and general mauager and John Thomp son, editor, Both of these men are highly successful farmers and stock men and own and operate farms in connection with their newspaper work. Farmer aud Breeder is a moet appro priate name for that publication. Its scope fully covers the live stock indus try aud the grain farmer is fully as well served by the publication as the breeder. We are advised, ho i ever, that it is the intention of the publish ers to devote more attention to live stock and breeding features in the fu ture. We believe this is a good move, because the future of this great sgri cultural territory depends upon how much live stock our farms produce. A liberal production of live stock in this country will solve the greatest prob lem of conserving our natural resources a retention of the fertility of our mil. CHURCH NEWS METHODIST. Kev. W. It. Warren, Di.stor. Services at the Methodist. k'r,iu..n.,ui church every Sunday us follows: breach ing at u a m; Sunday school nt in a m ; chias meeting 12 m; Epworth Ijugue 7 p in: preaching S p m. LUTHCRAN. Rev. 8. L, Keller. Pastor. DAKOTA CITT Sunday school every Sunday at .:tS a m : MUhImHIi S. Hanse, superintendent, preaching at 7:M0 p ui. every Sunday. SALEM Preaching every Sunday at 11 a m; Sun day achool promptly at 10 a m. tf. P. (Jul bertson, superintendent. The public Is cordially Invited to all these service. Lincoln Sanitarium Sulpho-Salii.9 Springs Locatad ur oara pramlau a4 aja la tn Natural Mineral Water BATHS T7uurpaaa4 la tb rrratmtat ! Rheumatism art. Btoaamoh. Kldnay aa4 LI' LitMuSk Mmm Cfcaifaa. A a rasa IR. I. W. EVIRETT. Mgr.. Lincoln, Is. I BRED Duroc Jersey Swine at my farm one-half mile north of Homer, Neb. Sstrdsy, February ZStK X I V 1 ..,Wr.y '1., r- a Consisting of 35 Bred Sows sired by the reat brecdins boar, Missouri J Gold Finch, and other boars of note, and bred to Springdale Banker and the great young boar Chief Springdale. I am putting in this sale some of the choicest of the breed and the best of the Springdale herd. TERMS Nine months time allowed purchasers on approved notes bearing 10 interest. This Sale Commences at 1:15 P.M. GISORGE; C. BLraGSSIMG " 1 A T T- a . vrui. a. ira uavis, Auctioneer. I w-sijjsailMiiiiujiiaaiiijMiiaiu Mrarw. First publication 2-17-11 8wks NOTICETO DELINQUENTS Notice Is hereby Riven that the Interest upon the sale contract to t he following de scribed school land in Dakota county, Ne braska, as set opposite the name of the hold er thereof. Is delinquent and If the amount which is due Is uot paid within 80 days from the date of this notice, said contract will be declared forfeited by the Board of Kduoa tlonul Lands and Funds, and said forfeiture will lie entered of record in the munuer pro vided by law. Lot A in Sec. 18-28-8. S. B. Cattle Land Oo, (Sale.) K.B.Oowi-eh, Commissioner of Publlo Lauds and Build lnirs. Dated February 10, 1011. First publication 2-10 8ws NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, Publlo notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at my ofttce until 12 o'clock noon on the 27tb day of Feb., lull, for the bulletin- and repairing of such bridges as may lie ordered by the commissioners of Dakota county. Nebraska, during one year immediately following execution of the contract with the successful bidder. Plans and specifications are .now on file and may be seen at my oflice. The general character of the work will be of pile and stringer bridges, all wood, and steel 'I" 1mhiii and channel Joists on either wood or steel caps on piling, piling to be red cedar, see plans and specifications, The nuiiilsir of bridges to bo determined by county necessities, and their location to be In Dakota county as may be determined later. Koch bidder must accompany his proposal with a certified check for 1 1 .'. payable to the order of the chairman of the Uounty Uominlsslonersof DakotuCounty, Nebraska, as a guarantee that he will euter Into a contract for the building of such bridges ond making such repairs as may be ordered during one year Immediately following the signing of the contract. Such check to be forfeited and held as liquidated damages should bidder refuse to enter Into a con tract within ten days after award Is made to hi in. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or to accept such bid as may seem to the liest Interest of Dakota county. Dattid at Dakota Olty, Nebraska, this th day February, It'll. By order of the Uounty Commissioners of Dukota County , Nebraska. W. L- ROSS Clerk. First Publication Feb 10 Bw Ordor of Hearing on Petition for Ap pointment of Administrators, In the county court of Dakota county, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Dukota County ss. io 1,111-iiuiii uiicney, Koocrt L. uneney. May L. SDlirlliig. Mnls l A. Morln. Wiiltnr Cheney anil Ouy Cheney, and to all perHons interested In the estate of Wllllum Cheuey, deceased : On rending the petition of Walter Cheney praying that the udnilnlNtratlon of said es tate In- grunted to Luclndu Chenev. widow. uud Walter Cheney, us administrators; It Is hereby orOered that you, and ull persons Interested In suld matter, limy, and do, appear at the county court to t held In and for said county, on the 4th day of March, A. D. 1IH I, ut ill o'clock n. in., to show cause, If any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be grunted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof 1h given to nil persons Interested lu suld mutter by pub lishing a copy of this order in the Dakota County Herald, n weekly uewspaDer print ed lu said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day or bearing. Witness my hand, und senl of said court this Nth day of February, A. D. lull. 1) C. HKr-FKKNAN, seal County Judge, First publication lt-17 8w Order of Hearing on Petition for Appoint ment of Administrate. In the county court of Dakota oouhty, Ne braska. . State of Nebraska, Dakota County ss. To Julia A. M1011, Kmma Nixon. Kllza- twth A. Nixon, Uroce A. Nixon, und Alex ander M. Minn, and to all persons Interest ed In the estate of A, M. Nixon, deceused. On rending the petition of Julia A. Nixon praying thut the administration of suld es tate Is' granted to Ik 11. Stldworthy aud Wm. 1. Warner as administrators. It Is hereby ordered thut you and all per sona Interested In said matter may, und do, appear at the county court to lie held In and for suld county, on the 4tb tiny of March, A. D. lull, at luo'clock in, to show cause, If any there lie, why the praver of the petitioner should not I grained, nnd that notice of the pendency of suld petition and the hearing thereof lie given to ull per sons Interested In suld mtitler by publish ing a copy of this order lu The Dukotu County Herald, tt weekly newspaper paint ed I u said county, for three successive weeks prior to suld day of hearing. Witness my hand, uud seal of said court, tills loth duy of February, A. D. lull. D. V. II Kt lUKN AW, sk.u County Judge DISTRICT COURT DATES For the Eighth Jadioial district ol Nebraska, for the year Cuming January an, September 11 Dakota Stanton ( 'edar Dixon Thurston... .February l;l. Ni pt, mls-r :'5 March , ivloU-r II . . ., . March la. Nnvc nils-r 18 March !, ls-cetul"r 4 April ID, Octolar 111 The first day of each term Is set for hear ing applications fore tltzenshlp papers. liuy T O raves, Judge. The Herald. $1 per l au: i SOW nawaitnafcaau. W. H Annual Interstate Breeders' Association Meeting, and Sale of Pure Hogs, and will b Kld In tK horaa tl pavilllon at Sioux City, Iowa February 21-23, inclusive An elaborate piogram has been arranged for the event. Everybody interested in farming and stock raising is cordially invited, in fact earnestly requested to be present. Zhe Stock. Sale will be held on the last day of the free catalog of the sale stock, address: Interstate Breeders' tss'iu, Box 772, Sioux City. Iowa Auctioneers Col. Carey M. Jones and Col. J. A. Benson Patronize Home Industry buy your msats of I Wm. LORENZ, S $ I Proprietor of S City Meat Market I Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand Cash paid for Hides and Pelts Agent for Seymoui's White Laundry. Basket Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays DAKOTA CITY HARNESSi afft Everything in the line of Harness and Horse Goods II. T. Harness $31.50 Old Style Concord $35.00 New Style Concord $37.0O Kepair Work Uiven Prompt Attention Frcdrickscn (Si Son. i Hubbard .yiaHftvit.i,:1; j,imm.iiazj.juvuiaXiCttaF9 SALE Ryan, Clerk TBsaasasmmsok. Stock Judging, Bred Cattle, Sheep meeting. For goes on NEBRASKA I I I I I I Nebraska., I i I