Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 03, 1911, Image 5

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Lincoln Sanitarium
.:TcijL ,uKiiim
Sulpho-Saline Springs
Leatd tor own rmlsa ami bm4
Natural Mineral WaUr
CasarpsM4 la ths tratBsat of
Haart. BtoaaasV KIAaay aa4 Llvar
MWwstt Charf . A(UrM
M. I. W. tVIRETT, Mgr.. Llsooln, 1st.
Every Woman.
Introducing our very complete Hnrlnir line
of lienutlftil wool mil tlnBH, wnsh fiilirlcn, fun
cy wnixtliiK. sIIIch, li(lkfH,pcttic(m!4.ctc Vp
to date New Yorlti'lty pattern. Finest line
on the market. Denllnir direct with t tin mil In
you will llml nur prices low. Mothers ran
niiiko till to n week Toucan also. Nitin
plcs, full liiHtrtictlon In nest Hiitnple case,
shipped express prcpnld. Np monpT re
q ulr.il. KxchiNlve territory. Write for
particulars. He flrBt to apply. Htnnrinrd
1'reHH UooilsOo, Heptane, Hlnuhnni ton, N.Y.
. Designs
An-onn a tkitr(, and description "in
QtilottlT nwrn 4111 our fro wt!ftnr u
mvnttn tt jtn.hiiy f itt'iiTiih u Ommiunti-a
l.rirt Mrlctlv rnii.toiitiiil. HMNf P10iv on lMnU
Hn. frn. l ift iuwi''y U.x fruiii:( pMentn,
Vif"n's tn k't tlirot;cli Aaum & Co. receive
tifc'iiU nnfic, w'Jhout chiro, la the
Scientific HKierican.
A hjiTif1)'niMr f 1 1 ttt'-nJ wolti. T.irpear. r'r
rtilnttMi f Hiiv aUmi inn J"irnitl. TiTiim, f3 s
Trt.r: ' iir .iit-ri'lifj, L boiu by nil new mien for)
C6e lie rev Id and
New Idea MagHziae $1 30
Sionx City Daily and Sunday
Journal 6 00
without Suuday 4 20
to rural route patrons ........ 3 50
Kansas City Weekly Star. .. . 1 15
Iowa Homestead 1 50
Poultry Gazette (Lincoln). .. . 1 10
Woman's tyorld 1 15
Lafollette's Magazine, weekly. 1 60
Hampton's . " 1 75
Lipninoott'g " 2 75
Fresh, Reliable, Pure
Guaranlood to Pla.o
Kvitv Gnrdecr :
fluiiirHli"iiti tir in
fuiipritir iti,rrrM; in-
h'- :" -yw.
Norttiern inw v Si i
1 pkfr. Ttl Ma li ma to , . '.':
1 P ItnrlMi , . , r
t pks. NrlMr'ifiinc 1lr . . . t"r
1 pkf. Rarl Arrw.Hfa4 rithair . . Ilf
1 fthir. Ktiltrrtitn hf f f tti p . , , Uit
Ala lit arilitia thttiM M)r Htia . . J ?
A'rit tidyl Sn1 10 rxnti to Tisli .(:' f, .(
packing and racei vo tti rtitovti "r'niiiu r ( t!i. . -i- "
gvtlier Nwr it l I'tri,r"e i -tr-l-" -J.it. m
904 (t-m Kt,
Grand Closing Out
Auction Sale!
Having decided to close out farming and move to South
Sioux City, I will offer for sale at the Mrs. Tim Howard
farm adjoining
on Tuesday, February 14, '11
all my personal property, consisting of
5 Head of Work. Horses
5 Good Milk. Cows
IO Head of SHotvts
A Complete Equipment of Farm
Machinery all in good shape
H. O. DORN. Auctioneer. ED T. KEARNEY, Clerk.
Special Rate Bulletin
for Februzcxry
To the South Feb. 7th and 21st, low round trip homeseokers
fare in effect to the south; attractive winter tourist fares in
effect every day to the whole south, with return limit of June 1.
To the West and Northwest Homeseekers excursion fares are in
effect-Feb. 7 and 21 to large sections of newly developing terri
tory throughout the west, including the Big Horn Basin.
New Tour of Yellowstone Park A system of new and scenic S
day personally conducted camping tours of Yellowstone Park
will be established this coming summer from Cody, Wyo, via
the magnificent GovernmtntJShoshone Dam along the Govern
ment Road over Sylvan Pass through the Park and return, by
the. Yellowstone Park Camping & Transportation Co, Aron
Holm, proprietor. Price from Cody, including all accommoda
tions, only $50. Parties leave Cody every day during the
summer. This Transportatioo company has. handled large
parties of campers in such a satisfactory manner that their
growing patronage now requires daily tours fV..-ii Cod v. It
will pay you to write that company at C
later in the season ask for the
Local Items
Friday, Feb. 3, 1911
Trade at home. Yi.u will And a good
assortment of hardware and tinware at
rehsoDable price" at Bohrieyer Bros.
Fruit of all kinds at Van de Zedde's.
"Nw Comic" Post Cards at the Da
kota City Pharmacy.
See announcement and bills of Erin
Matin's sale, Tuesday, Fehruaty 14th.
Don't forget the headquarters for
school supplies at the Dakota City
Banker W J Armour of Allen, was
looking after business matters here
Anything wanted in the bakery line,
ploase order it the day before at Van
de Zedde's.
Don Forbes csifle in from his ranch
near Ballsgh, Nt.b, Sunday to look
after business matters.
Brighten np the old furniture with
a new stain such as the Dakota City
Pharmacy can furninh you.
Mrs Marvin Armour of Homer, was
a pnssenger to l'onca Tuesday to at
tend the funeral of lady friend .
George Lamson of Walthill, was a
caller on the Herald Tuesday, and
left the price of a year's subscription.
High priced eggs demand the lajing
hens; the Dakota City Pharmacy can
tell oa how to make yours lay. Ask
Lyle Olsen was laid up this week
with a lame leg, tne result of an in
jury from an ice hook while working
at the ice plnt at Crystal lake.
In remitting his subscription for the
Herald A J Peterson ot Valentine
writes, "Enclosed please find $2 sub
scription to The Herald, 0011 1J not
possibly do without it."
Maine Baohert, daughter of John
Bachert and wife, was seriously in
jured by a mangel in a laundry at
Ft Dodge Iowa, January 9th, and may
possibly lose part of her hand .
Chas E Hedges, a former station
agent for the Omaha at this place, but
now acting as relief agent, arrived
here Tuesday to relieve Agent B C
Bucbannan, who went to Omaha "on
business" Wednesday morning.
The next number .on the lecture
course will be Henry Black Burns in
one of his popular lectures, Tuesday,
February 14th. Hear him at the M
E church an extra number on the
lecture course, thrown in for g od
John W Hazlegrove of South Sioux
City, agent for the Farmers Mutual
Insurance company, was a caller Tues
day and informed us that the loss on
the Knssel Owens house which burned
recently had been paid in full by his
company. The building was insured
Do you know that croup con be pie
vented? Give Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy as soon as the child becomes
hoarse or even after the croupy cough
appears and it will prevent the attack.
It in also a ceitain cure for croup and
has never been known to fail. Sold
by all druggists.
Ed Munger and wife of Homer took
their little girl to !ioux City Saturday
to have her eye treated by a special
ist. The children were playing about
the stove wheu a younger brother -accidentally
struck hr in the eye with
a hot poker. It was feared tbat'the
sight whs destroyed, but the physician
tbiuks it can be saved .
new Pari C
oi.tc J.t h
V. E. Sncthen, Agent, I)ji ota City, Ntbr
L. W. Wakklkv, O I' A, On...)..., Nib'
10'4 Km tin in Hirt et
Real estate loaus. Goo Wi'.iiLS.
Brunn's coffee is still in the lead.
Van de Zedde sells it.
D D Dryden and wife removed to
this place Saturday from Sioux City
Buy a good farm on the Dakota
county bottom. I have it. Eimera.
A fine baby I kit arrived at the home
of Mr and Mrs Will U Orr Saturday
A n Surber, formerly postmaster at
Waterbury, Neb, was calling on old
friends here Tuesday.
Dr E J DeBell, of West Poiot, Neb,
came over Tuesday to attend the fu
neral of Wm Cheney.
Vern Armbright has been laid up
for a couple of weeks with a severe
attack of rheumatism.
Wm Burkhart and Fay Peoant, of
Sionx city, were married by Judge
lleffernan on Tuseday.
Mrs Archie Conghtry returned Sun
day torn a week'a visit with relatives
at Wakefield anl Emerson.
If you haven't got time to do your
own shopping call np No 1. and he
will deliver the goods promptly.
Judge 11 E Evans is in Omaha this
week as referee iu the proceedings to
oust Chief of Police Donahue.
John L Uaalcgrove of South Sioux
City, has been laid up with the grip
the past two weeks, but is now recov
ering. D H Hager received word the past
week of the death of his cousin, John
J Deuble, on Deo 25, 1910, at Lacker,
Don't forget the coffee with the dish
es at Van de Zedde's he has a nice
aHBortment. A nice uish with each
George H Haase and Miss Lvda
Jensen were married at the home ol
the bride at Emerson Wednesday
evening at 7 o'clock.
Carl Steoker and Minnie Huggen-
berger of Emerson, were uuited in
marriage by Justioe S W McKinley
at Homer the past week.
A new telephone farm line has been
organized at Homer with O 0 Frum,
president; Claude Thacker, secretary;
and Oeo MoBeatb, treasurer.
The Fifth Annual convention of the
Dakota Connty Sunday School asso
ciation will be held February 24th in
tbe M E church at Dakota City.
August Moeller of Akron, Iowa, got
a lemou Monday when he was united
iu marriage by Judge Heeffrnan to
f earl .Lemon, of the same plaoe.
Did you ever stop to think, that the
spices which last the lougest and go
the farthest for the same money are
obtainable at the Dakota City Phar
macy r
Guy Cheney and wife arrived here
Saturday from Seattle, Wash. Guy
experts to make a business trip to
Pittsburg, Pa, before returning to
On Saturday, February 4th, 8 A
Stiuson will deduot one-fourth from
whatever amount you buy. He will
sIbo sell jou a package oi Gold Dust
or a Cake of Bakers Chocolate for 25o.
The following letters remain in the
postufBce at Dakota, Neb, unclaimed
for the month ending Jan 81. 1911.
A Caskv, W II Cozad. Ed Huntlev.
Arch Lindsay. John H Beam, P M .
S A Heikes is having his old farm
residence dismantled. He has moved
part of it to Crystal lake for a summer
cottage and will move the remainder
to Dakota City and fit it up for a ten
ement. $80.00 per month straight salary and
expenses, to man with rig, to intro
duce oui Poultry Remedies. Don't
answer unless you mean business,
Eureka Poultry Food Mfg Co (lnoor
norated), East St Louis, 111.
The holy communion will be cele
brated in Salem and Emmanuel Luth
eran churches on the first Sunday of
February at the hours of 11 a m and
7:30 p m, respectively. A full at
tendance of members is desired.
While it is often impossible to pre
vent an accident, it is never impossi
ble to be prepared it is not bejond
any one's purse Invest 25 cents in a
bottle of Ohamberlaiu's Liniment and
you are prepared for spraines, bruises
and like injuries. Sold by all drug
gists. In mentioning the new arrival at the
Grant Holbrook home in Ludlow, S D,
we credited them with a boy instead
of a girl. The county papers that
glean their news from the Herald
without giving credit can also coireot
"their" error.
Au attack of grip is often followed
by a persistent oough, which to majy
proves a great anuoyanoe. Chambei
Iain's Cough Remedy has been exten
sively used and ith good suooess for
the relief and cure of this cough.
Many cases have been cured after all
other remedies had. failed. Sold by
all druggists.
If troubled by indigestion,oonstipa
tion, no appetite or feel bilious, give
Chamberlaiu's Stomach and Liver
Tablets a trial and you will be pleas
ed with the result. These tablets in
vigorate the stomach and liver and
strengthen the digestion. Sold by all
A few minutes delay in treating some
cases of croup, even tho length of time
it takes to go for a doctor often proves
dangerous. Tbe safest, way is to keep
Chamberlaiu's Cough Kemeriy in the
hoiii-e, and at tho first indication of
croup give the child a dose. Pleasui.t
to take aD.l alwajs cures. So'd by all
Tho City Hotel, Dakota City. Neb,
has bc-eu newly furniHhed throughout
by MeHH's Dery & Morrison, the new
proprietors. A pleubing feature of the
new hohtlciy is the home coosiiig of
bread, pien, cakes, etc, served to the
guests. Family dinners will also be
made a feature by the new manage
ment. A neeiu 1 rate will be tnado to
thone atten.liug the Farmers Iustituto
held on Friday and Saturduy of next
l'ollowing is the petit jury for the
Fell- 'M- la 1011 term of iliHtiict court
' -ni.iy : W A Morgan, Geo
Orr. Nelson I'tuuto, Johu
-w'pliuii Juice, John Jordan,
I'. ,t. (' Jt Uuernsev. John
i 1 . ( Inn U s liliven, Herman Suiid,
.. Ii lliu s. n, 11 1 Rockwell, Ivoiiih
P.. , rHoii, John O Miller, W I Davis,
; -1' hn Nixon, John Kike, Chris Hansen,
Geo Mi.lkiff, N D Pilgrim, Nick Jac
obseu, Ceo Hunchback.
William Cheney Passes to
His Reward.
Death claimed another of Dakota
county's earliest pioneer residents Sun
day morning in the demise of William
Cheney, who passed away at his home
after an illness of several months of
arterial scorosis, at the age of 79 years.
Mr Cheney, in company with A n
Baker, came to Dakota county with
the vanguard of civilization iu the fall
Of 185. locating in the town of Omadi,
about five miles south of this plaoe,
where he remained for several tears,
and was one of the prime factors in
the organization of count; affairs.
In 1868 he went to Wiuuebsgo Agen
cy and entered the employ of the gov
ernment as stationer engineer, oper
ating a saw and grist mill until 1877,
when he removed to Dakota City,
w here he has since made his home.
For the last te i years ho resided on
his farm adjoining town on tne went.
Mr Cheney was lrn at Ellery, NY,
Jnlv 22, 1831. Hn was mani.-.l at
Dakota City, Neb, June 18, 18G8, to
: ...
A V.
Miss Luoinda Whitehorn. Besides
his wife, hn is survived by five child
ren, namely: Robert L Cheney, of
Hardingrove, 8 D; Mrs May L Sparl
ing, of Cherry Creek, 8D; UrsMable
E Mjriu, of Wynot, Neb; Walter
Cheney, cf this place, and Gay Che
ney, of Seattle, Wash , all of whom
were at his bedside when the final
summons came. Two sous, Eddie and
Howard, lost their li'es in Crystal
lake May 3, I860.
Mr Cheney was a man honored and
respected by a wide circle of frieuds
and acquaintance for his iutegrity and
sterling character. With the excep
tion of a trip to his old home in New
York, iu company with his wife, fifteen
years ago, he seldom, if ever, was
away from his fireside over night.
The fnneral services were held on
Tuenday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
from the residenoe, conducted by Rev
W R Warren, M E pustor, assisted by
Rev S L Keller, pastor of the Luther
an church. Omadi Lodge No 6, A F
and A M, of which the deceased had
been "a member for fifty-two years,
took charge of the remains and escort
ed them to the Dakota. City cemetery
where the MaBOuio burial service was
given at the grave, with E J Rix of
Norfolk, deputy oustodiau of Nebraska,
iu charge of the ceremony.
Relatives of the family who came to
attend the last Bud rites, were: Abel
Cheney, of Black River Falls, Wis, a
brother of the deceased; and Mrs
Carrie Quinn, of Vermillian, S D, a
Card of Thanks
We wish, in this way, to express our
appreciation for the kindness and as
sistance rendered during the illntss
and burial of our beloved husband and
Mns. William. Cheney
and Children.
homcmakcrs- club mcctinq
The Dakota County llomemakers'
Club, au auxiliary of the Farmer's
Institute, will bold their annual pub
lic) meeting in the Ay res hall Saturday
February lltb, at 2 o clock p m. All
are cordially invited to attend. The
following program will be given:
Review of Year Mrs A J Kramper.
Minutes of the last meeting Mrs S
A Stiuson.
Roll r'all Responses A
given or humerons saving.
F inaucial Report of Club Secretary
Instrumental Music Mrs John Mil
Lecture New methods of cooking
and serving frnit and vegetables, il
lustrated by cooking demonstrations,
Miss Nellie Maxwell, Neenah, Wis
consin, (atate speaker)
Vocal Duett Mrs Fred Mills and
Mias Gertrude Mikesoll,
Overland Journey through Yellow.-
stone Park Mrs A O Sides.
Vocal Solo Mrs Paul Pize
Reading, selected Mrs Elmer Bles
Paper Mrs S A Mason.
Vocal Duett Vera and Master
Frankie Brown.
Recitation Mrs Cora Miller,
Paper What to avoid iu the home
and a few useful hiuts Mrs J F Sides.
R ailing, selected Mrs C 11 Max
well .
Vocal Solo Miss M Edna Baus.
Current Events Mrs Mury Mo-
13. at h
Reading, selected Mrs
Vocal Duett Mrs Mell
A Schmied
and Miss Eliz ttieth Haase,
Recitutiou Mrs A J Kraaiper
Election of Oflicers.
Maky m Khaiii fr, Iohei uine Htinbon,
Pres. Secy.
For Seel
Choice Poland China male hog, one
year olil. Fred Bartels, Hubbard, Neb
The Herald for News when it is
If it is A 1 groceries you want, just
alaiice over an de Zedde's stock. He
w ill sell jiiHt ss cheap as poNsilile, and
he handles nothing but first clans
All kinds if ooal, feed and hay for
sale at reasunable prices.
Fivldh & Hlacohtkb Co
TmoE BLivfcN, Manager
Dakota City, Neb
t armers to i left.
The snnnnl merlin ot the PnkotaCniintT
Farmer' IntUut will lie hold In this plnrs
February loth and Ilth In tho Ayren-Krum-wlcle
hnll. Following tho proaraini
M.U! a. in. Kent method of noedlnir: w heat
and ont, II. M. KnnN. M. Hfttoom, linn
llHrtnt'lt. WeoigR Teller.
11.(10 a. m. rnfltiirc. (leome Miller. M. tlen-
coni, A.J. Kramper, T. K. Monnhnn.
11 nner.
1.00 p. in. A I fulfil (rrowlna, rnrln and
lee.llmi of It, I'lipt. NV. H. A. Hinllli,
Monx I lly, Tom hulllvnn, John U. Kr
nn. I. KI p.m. Ilcm-nt of the alio, A. J. Wett-
Sloin City.
Kepurt of sraln Judge, II. K. Urowii,
Halls, town.
10.00 a. m. Chicken for profit, W. W, rinld
win. Hl.nm Ot)-.
II. 00. n. ni. Problem In growing hog, 11.
II. Senile, Lincoln, Tom Hiiyne, Hloux
1.00 p. tn. Are you rnNIng the most prodt
sole type of horses? W. K. Kydd, Hlm
ooe. On I ll r to.
l.no p.m. Stork Judging deiuniiKtrntlon.
New method of rooking and nerving
fruits and vcgetHtU, llln-t rnted ly
cooking dcnionstrntlniiH, Minn Nellie
Maxwell, Neenah, Win.
tvrninii bkhhion.
7.80 New stunts In the chicken liiinlnenn. H.
Home miming, Minn Maxwell.
Small fruit and grnpevlnen, Mr. Kydd,
CIhkh A yellow corn Int., silver loving
cup; 2nd., tl nn It cane; Hrd., $3 cash and nix
patent need corn hangers.
Cln H white corn 1st. T plush rolio;
2nd, il Cllsli ; Snl, fct cuih.
Clnm C nweepntaken of A and H Iavln
flexible 4-nectlou harrow, value tH.
hoys' ni VISION.
(Under IS yearn old)
Clnm I yellow or white corn 1st, gun;
inil, IJ cash ; Sr.l, l cash ; 4th, pocketknlfc.
All exhlbltn In alove class to constitute
in ears.
Chisn K bent nlngle enr exhibit, open to
all, yellow or white corn 1st, 10 watch;
2nd, V cah; Hrd, I casli.
Wheat spring lnt, corn slieller: Slid, IJ
cnxti; Hrd fl cash.
Wheal winter 1st. Atlnn pump Jack, val
ue tin; 2nd, 12 caHli; Sid. l cash.
Onts 1st, f. rush; 2nd, $2 cnh; 8rd, one
hnnd com planter.
Kxhlbltnof small praln to lie one perk. ,
Potatoen K.arly Ohio 1st 14 cash ; tnd one
bushel need corn; Hrd, II worth Harden
ceils and poultry waSerer.
Potatoes w hite 1st. 14 cash : 2nd, 1:1 hnt:
Hrd, 16-lb pall mica axle grease.
Krend 1st, tr rug; 2nd, 100 pounds flour;
8rd,6-lbcan linking powder.
Butter lnt, ii umbrella: 2nd, set allvur
apoous; Hrd, 60-1 li nnck Hour.
Layer cake 1st. Alt pillow: 2nd. 11 cash:
8rd, fioc cash.
Angels food 1st. carving net; 2nd. one do
Johnson's Hlscults; Hrd, Coo cash.
lH'vIl food 1st, 2; 2nd, l ; Hrd. ft to.
M luctt pie 1st. II M; 2nd, 1; Hid, Aoc.
Apple pie 1st, tli; 2nd, l ; Hrd, fine.
Lemon pie 1st, II, W; 2nd, II ; Hrd 6no.
(Under 18 years old)
Bread 1st, tn waist; 2nd, 12 cash; Srd, one
pound Johnson's chocolates.
Irfiyer enke 1st, 12.60 silk umbrella: 2nd. II.
Angel food lnt, ti: 2nd. il: 8rd. one pound
Johnson's chooolalus.
Praft colts under 12 months of age, to tie
exhibited Saturduy afternoon, February 11,
at l:ao p. in. 1st. H; 2nd. 7; Bid, T.
All grain exhibits must tie placed Is-fore
10 a. m. on Friday morning, Februnry HI.
I'nrtlen will he on hand nt Ayres' hnll to re
ceive the exhibits Thursdny.
All exhibits In women's nnd girls' depart
ments must Is' placed by 11 o'clock a. in..
Saturduy, Feliruaiy 11,
All exhibits must tie grown nnd selected
by exhibitor.
The tenth grade is now studviug
Argumentation. The text used is
"Brooks and Hubbard's Rhetoric."
Some interesting work is being done.
The eleventh grade is taking a short
course in Letter Writing. Much pleas
ure as well as benefit is derived from
this work.
Nellie Dierking is on the siok list
this week,
' "Written and Oral Composition, by
Sampson and Holland," is the new text
book used in the ninth grade English
class. We find this book to be not on
ly interesting but also practioal.
School work is progressing nicely
regardless of a few difficulties. New
books are arriving daily, which adds
to the interest of the work.
Ninth Gradr :
Algebra Helen Graham.
Tenth Grade:
English Marion Heikes, Harold
Algebra Marion Uiekes.
Caesar Marion Heikes.
Ph. Geog. Elmer Bierman.
Eleventh Grade :
English Vira Bougous.
Geometry Claude Heikes.
Cicero Frank Side's.
Agiioulture Vira Bougns.
Owing to the records being burned,
it is impossible to decide honors iu
uinth grado Latin and English.
J A Cuicoink, Prin
Julia A Power, Asi't Prin.
Berth.t and Hazel Murray have
moved away.
Irene Lake is in Bchool again alter
five weeks absence.
Dora Olsen won the prize in the sec
ond grade' spelling contest Friday.
Farmers' Tribune Becomes Farmer
and Breeder.
The Herald is in receipt of an au
nounoement of tlie cuange ot name
of Farmers' Tribune to Farmer and
Breeder. Farmers' Tribune was es
tabliHhed in 1878 and has been pub
lished iu bious City, Iowa, since 1004
1 he publishers, 1 armer and Breeder
company, eniphasizs the fact that the
change is in name only, as the men
who huve so successfully conducted the
htisineHB since it was brought to Hi. mix
City will continue in charge. Farmer
and Breeder is owned, edited and pub
lmhed by northwestern farmers and
breeders. II O McMillan is president
and general manager and John Thomp
son, editor, Both of these men are
highly successful furmcis and stock
men and own and operate farms Ml
connection with their newspaper work.
Farmer and Breeder is a most appro
priate name for that publication. Its
scope fully covers the live stock indus
try and the grain farmer is fully as
well served by the publication as the
lire. tier. We are advised, however,
tli ut it is the intention of the publinh
ers to devote uioe attention to live
stock and breeding features iu the fu
ture. W bt-lievu this is a good move,
ben, nine the future of this great tigii
cult inil territory depends upon how
much live stuck our furuis produce. A
liberal product inu of live stock in thin
country will t-olve the greatest prob
lem of conserving our UHturul resources
a retoii tiuu of the fertility of our stil.
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you
Hank, of Dakota County
AlwHj" the Oldest Bank in the Connty.
, NotiH't lines! the largest bunk in the count;,
Tri' to the IH:ST Bsnk in the U. S. A.
And "ALWAYS hungry for MORE business."
Getting it, too every wek. Jnat closed the largest year of
twenty-five good ones. Try this good bsnk for a sample month,
and if we doot treat you better than you have ever been treated be
fore drop us, like a hot cost.
That's the way we gain and keep new customers.
"The bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
Free to Boys !
SELECT 10 cars, either white or yellow corn, bring
them in to the Farmers Institute. If the judges
decide yours are the best, eail at our store and
we will give you free a fine new II. & R. single barrel
Shot Gun, with automatic shell ejector.. This ofTer is
open to any boy in Dakota county under 18 years of
age. The corn must be either white or yellow, and
the Boy well, we don't care what color the boy is.
Ours is a Boys' as well as a Men's Store, and we'll
treat you so that yon '11 come again.
Edwards & Bradford . Lambor Co.
t JMMs
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Surety Bond
Guarantees the acoitracy of every
Abstract I make
Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers
Book on patents. '"Hintstolnventors." "Inventions needed.'
"Why some inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for
search of Patent Office records. Our Mr. Greeley was formerly.
Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full charged
the U. S. Patent Office.
I H A R.N- E S Si
Everything" in the line of
Harness arid Horse Goods
II. T. Harness $31.50
Old Style Concord $35.00
New Style Concord $37.0O
Kepair Work Given Prompt Attention
FVcdrickscn (Si Son.
This Ua-in. Coucord Harness No. 76
no collars . . f 31
Our No. 179, lK-in. Conco-d " 1
flat backs, a better job ....
City, Nb.
Successor to
Dakota County Abstract t!
Bonded Abstracter
r I
0 4l 111 M
O moux City