Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 03, 1911, Image 3

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    I I
OfGSS. Good Taste Shines
-m in Suitable
FOBleiH Office Attire
Every Picture "Tells a Story
7 .
mrM ur; 71.3
i ur
yYon'lT be de-V
fi'jjr lighted with the re- K J
f y salt! of Calumet Baking
A 3 Powder. No disappoints 'I
' 4 no flat, heavy, soggy biscuits, V
j caka, or pastry. ft
1 Just the lightest, daintiest, most f
i uniformly raised and most deli- 7
V cicus food you ever ate.
V Reoelvsa' MkirtmnrirorW'
Firm Fh Cikmiumi,
VV chiMjo, ior. Jr
PUS (D)1
kfor Coughs t CoudsI
"What becomes ol fill the smashed
aeroplanes ?"
"They sell them to the girls for
bats, I guess."
To Arrange Flowers.
Here are five golden ru;es which
should be observed by those who often
arrange flowers. Use plenty of foliage.
Put your flowers In very lightly. Use
artistic glasses. Do not put more than
two or, at the most, three different
kinds of flowers In one decoration.
Arrange your colors to form a bold
contrast or, better still, a soft har
mony. The aim of the decorator should
be to show off the flowers not the
vases that contain them; therefore the
simpler ones are far preferable to
even the most elaborate. Glasses for
a dinner table should be either white,
a delicate shade of green, or rose col
or, according to the flowers arranged
In them.
Twenty-Five Years of It
"Why do people have Bllver
dings, pa?"
"Just to show the world what
their powers of endurance have been."
Judge's Library.
"Do you tell your wife everything
you do when she Is away?"
"No; the neighbors attend to that."
Houston Post.
Many mistake soft words for tender,
loving ways.
When Coffee Is Doing Harm.
A lady writes from the land of cot
ton of the results of a four years' use
of the food beverage hot Postum.
"Ever since I can remember we had
used coffee three times a day. It had
a more or less Injurious effect upon
us all, and I myself suffered almost
death from Indigestion and nervous
ness caused by it.
I know it was that, because when
I would leave It off for a few days I
would feel better. But It was hard to
give it up, even though I realized how
harmful It was to me.
"At last I found a perfectly easy
way to make the change. Four years
ago I abandoned the coffee habit and
began to drink Postum, and I also In
fluenced the rest of the family to do
the same. Even the children are al
lowed to drink It freely as they do
water. And It has done us all great
"I no longer suffer from Indigestion,
and my nerves are In admirable tono
Since I began to ub Postum. We
never use the old coffee any more.
"We appreclatae Postum as a de
lightful and healthful bevernge, which
not only Invigorates but supplies the
best of nourishment as well." Name
r'ven by Postum Co., Battle Creek,
Read "Tha TJnt a iril..m
ikes. "There's a Reason."
Jver read tha above letter A irn
y appears from tlma to time. They
f" ''" true, aa full ot human
111' Illicit"!. ivi r 1 lino uA
Jl I no wonder olio's a bit tired
beginners who lost their positions this last, week in each ease
on account of a matter of clothes.
Girl number one dressed ko richly and expensively that
it made talk in the office. The other girls didn't like it, and
her employers finally decided to part with her as a matter of
policy. Her rings, her lace waists and silke-n rustle wore the
direct cause of the little note she found in her pay envelope.
The second girl was so untidy that she became a blot on
the landscape. The same old ink stain staid day after day on the front
of her shirt waist. Her hair looked always in imminent peril of coming
down the next minute, ller fingers had the appearance of being total
strangers to the manicure. The rim of black around their edge so fasci
nated her emptor, he declared afterwards, he couldn't keep his mind
on the letters when dictating. So she Mas paid for an extra week and
The third girl was scrupulously tidy and her clothes were not expen
sive. She chose their delicate fabrics rushing from one counter to another
at lunch hour, and made them up herself in the evenings. But the
perishable pinks and blues and lavenders that would have been so charm
ing at an evening party caused consternation in the office. She had made
the fatal blunder of mistaking the office for the home.
From all of which it appears that the business girl cannot be toe
careful in her choice of clothes.
The best dressed girl in the office is the one whoe apparel best com
bines the cardinal principles, freshness, boeomingness and serviceability.
The fabrics may be as good as her purse can buy, the colors as blithely
pretty as she desires, but not so delicate that the slightest touch leaves a
smudge. And take thought, too, of rainy days and dusty car seats and
Found in
can rise in the army from the humble sta
tus of a private, just as he can rise in civil life.
He may become proficient in a dozen auxiliary branches, any one of
which will bring promotion in rank with better pay, and there will
always be superior officers to teach the aspiring one and hold out a help
ing hand.
I have no assignment of getting recruits for our army, but I am
positive that there are thousands of splendid young Americans who would
be better off in the ranks rather than in trying to fit themselves for some
of the learned professions and who would be glad to don the uniform if
they were only cognizant of the advantages that the army in reality has
to offer.
Many Bold
be solved now.
Removal of
W oman's
Hats in
wear them.
We would have had the city council make immediate appropriation
to fight the disease and we would take precautionary measures to prevent
its spread. As it is, not a ripple has been caused.
In the week previous 136 deaths out of GO t were'duo to this dreaded
Is the increase of this disease over past records due to atmospheric
conditions, the greater prevalence of heart trouble, bad air in street cars
and buildings or to the greater general weakness and debility of mankind
incident to modern life1?
t tnnnv anrnwma rTnrwlirw1 nf rinf
of them I Yet I know throe young
uncertain laundresses, Dark colors are generally the
Good tsste never shines out so brightly as from suit
able office attire. The girl who can keep her office rig
simple and smart and with pretty touches of individ-
olity, even without the aid of a fat pocketbook, is the
girl who is going to be noted for looking well any
where. But not frills and furbelows, please.
If I had a boy who had no particular
bent of genius for any specific calling, I
would as soon see him enlist in the regular
army of the United States as to take up
any other line of work.
If a boy has any good stuff in him the
army will bring it out. There is no bet
ter school to develop all the finer trait3 of
human character. Feople sneer at the com
mon soldier very often when that soldier
is far above them in all worthy qualities
and attainments.
Besides, any youngster with ambition
It is the younger element that is now
committing the big crimes and burglaries.
Why? Personally I believe that it ia
because too much liberty is allowed many
of the boys.
Evidences of this can be seen in some
districts where there, are saloons and pool
rooms. Where unemployed boys are allowed to
loaf from morning to night we shall con
tinue to have robberies and crimes.
So long as gangs are allowed to stay
together evil plans will be formed.
The question of the boy criminal should
There ought to be a law passed com
pelling the women to remove their hata in
churches and public meetings.
How would it look for men to wear
their hats in church?
The hats not only obstruct the view of
the preacher and good-looking singers, but
prevent the sound of the voice from reach
ing the persons behind them.
Women should consider this and know
that their ugly coal-scuttle and wide
brimmed hats are nuisances; they encour
age selfishness and cause the men to lose
respect for the hats and the women that
According to the statistics lurmshed by
the city health department, out of C55
deaths reported for the week ending De
cember 27 no fewer than 138 died of pneu
monia. This is at the rate of more than one in
five, or about 21 per cent, of the total
Had the 6arne number of deaths been
reported of any particular epidemical dis
ease, such as 6inallpox, measles or diphthe
ria, our spasmodically hysterical but other
wise sluggish natures would have been
Weary is the' back that bears the burden of kidney ills. There's no rest or peace for the man or
woman who has a bad back. The distress begins in early morninp. You feel lame and not refreshed.
It's hard to get out of bed. It hurts to stoop to tie your shoes. AU day the ache keeps up. Any sudden
movement sends sharp twinges through the back. It is torture to 6toop and straighten. At night the suf
ferer retires to toss and twist and grown. Backache is kidney ache a throbbing, dull aching in the kid
neys. Plasters or liniments won t do. You must get at the cause, inside.
Mrs. M. A. Jenkins, Quanah,
Tex., naya: "I waa bloated al
most twice my natural alze. I
bad the boat phy
sicians, but thy.
failed to help me.
For five weeks I
waa as helpless
as a baby. My
b a o k throbbed
and the kidney
secretions were
In terrible con-
ji.i ml i
tors held out no hope and I was
resigned to my fate. At this criti
cal time, I began using Doan's
Kidney Tills and soon was cured."
. susracr your Kionrvs
Sold by
Difficulty In Europe Successfully Over
come by the Exercise of Some
Diplomacy. ---
In the early days of the reign of the
late King Leopold of Helglum a sev
enth son was born to a Brussels wom
an, and when the ktng heard of it and
waa told that the boy was the seventh
successive one and that no girl had
come to the family, he asked to be the
baby's godfather. Ever since then
every seventh son born In Brussels
has had the same honor, and the moth
ers have received gifts in keeping
with their station in life. King Al
bert, In carrying out the old adage a
short time ago, had some difficulty
"because the seventh son was twins,"
according to the Frankfurter Zeltung.
"He could not stand for both boys, be
cause that would give the family two
Alberts. The remedy waa found by
Queen Elizabeth, who suggested that
her little son, the duke of Urabant,
be the godfather of the eighth boy,
who consequently received the name
of Leopold.
"My son was about three weeks old
when I noticed a breaking-out on his
cheeks, from which a watery sub
stance oozed. A short time after, his
arms, shoulders and breust broke out
also, and In a few days became a solid
scab. I became alarmed, and called
our family physician, who at once pro
nounced the disease eczema. The lit
tle fellow was under his treatment
for about three months. By the end
of that time, he seemed no better. I
became discouraged, and as I bad
read the advertisements of Cuticura
Remedies and testimonials of a great
many people who had used them with
wonderful success, I dropped the doc
tor's treatment, and commenced the
use of Cuticura Soap and Ointment,
and In a few days noticed a marked
change. The eruption on his cheeks
was almost healed, and his shoulders,
arms and breast were decidedly bet
ter. When he was about seven
months old all trace of the eczema
was gone.
"During his teething period, his
head and face were broken out in
bolls which I cured with Cuticura
Soap and Ointment. Surely he must
have been a great sufferer. During the
time of teething and from the time I
dropped the doctor's treatment, I uued
the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Oint
ment, nothing clue, and when two
years old he waa the plcturo of health.
His complexion was soft and beauti
ful, and his head a mass of silky curls.
I had been afraid that he would never
be well, and I feel that I owe a great
deal to the Cuticura Hemedies."
(Signed) Mrs. Mary W. Ramsey, 224
E. Jackson St., Colorado Springs,
Colo., Sept. 24. 1910.
To Economize 8pacs.
"But why is it that you always serve
toast with each slice stood up on
"Oh, I just got into the habit; you
know we lived in a flat when we were
first married."
nat It I.AI ATIVB BHOUl) OlflNINIS. IK) for
a alyatiur ui B. W t,h)W Lm4 U Wurl4
it W tur CwlS la una Imj. too.
It Is better to lose In loving than
to gala by self seeking.
Sl il
How To Tell When The Kid
neys Are Disordered
Painful Symptoms t Backache, sideache, pains
when stooping or lifting, sudden sharp twin
ges, rheumatic pains, neuralgia, painful,
scanty or too frequent urination, dizzy spells,
Urinary Symptoms t Discolored or cloudy
urine. Urine that contains sediment Urine
that stains the linen. Painful passages. Blood
or shreds in the urine. Let a bottle of the
morning urine stand for 24 hours. If it shows
a cloudy or fleecy setdmg, or a layer of fine
grains, like brick dust, the kidneys are proba
bly disordered.
i ue doc
Cut oat this coupon, mail it to Foster-Milbnrn
Co., DufUlo, N. Y. A free trial package of
Doan's Kidney Pills will be mailed you
promptly. w.N.U.
all dealers. Price 3o cents., Foster
Ortar wm sesfa Msfco s4 fcwtsr enly !
taj sumanl ittNul rloplne nftfl mm mm
"Now, that was a wrecking crew
worth while it was the worst smash
up I ever saw, and In 20 minutes they
didn't leave a sign of It."
"Wrecking crew, you Idiot! They
were souvenir hunters."
The Latest Golf Story.
Two Scotchmen met and exchanged
the small talk appropriate to the hour.
As they were parting to go supper
ward, Sandy said to Jock:
"Jock, nion. I'll go ye a roond on
the links In the morrn."
"The morrn?" Jock repeated doubt
fully. "Aye, mon, the morrn," said Sandy.
"I'll go ye a roond on the links tfie
"Aye wee'l," said Sandy. "I'll go
ye. But I had Intended to get mar
ried In the morrn'."
A Mosque for London.
It is proposed to erect a mosque In
the capital of the greatest Moham
medan power In the world, and the
only surprising feature of the pro
ject Is that It has not been executed
before. The building is to cost 100,
000, to which the Aga Khan has al
ready contribute 5,000. The com
mittee In control of the scheme is
presided over by Amir All and In
cludes the Turkish and Persian min
isters, as well as three members of
the council of India. London Globe.
In the Blood.
Willis Are those Kentucky horses
you bought scared of autost
(Jlllls No, Indeed. They never no
tice a train, either, but I can't get
them used to a sprinkling-cart to save
my Hfe! Puck.
There la no surer way to friendship
than the honest and sincere apprecia
tion of the good qualities and merits
of others. Henry Lee.
Sufferers will profit rnuoh from Dr. Wm.
T. Msrrs' 'Tractical fetudy of riles, their
cause, prevention and cure," sent free by
1). Hansom, bon i. Co., Buffalo, N. V.
Any New Methods
"Ain't it strange th' way Kelly beats
bts wife?"
"I dunno. How does he do UT"
Why suffer wh ere tmuliles, oulck re
hf by usina PETTI'I'S KYK HAlVk, 2o.
All druggists or Howard Bros.,Dufl'alo,N.Y.
I bad rather be kissed by an enemy
than wounded by a friend who enjoy
ed the Job.
mm 7: ,
I II :, -t i-.
,7 :i. , .' tf-fc.
Maple St.,
KU In bad
- Mildurn Co., Buffalo. N.Y., Proprietors
tnvsttotfMb. OiMtOssaotew tnlon sl Ibws. 11 4r I,
kMUa-UM UOn. ilu sod Ma Qfn. MBKMOK
Vagaries of Flnanoe.
"I understand you have paid
mortgage oft your place."
"Yep," replied Farmer Corn toss el.
"Then why do you qpmplaln of hard
"All the neighbors have done the
same thing. That leaves me with
money on my hands that nobody
wants to borrow."
Important to Mothers)
Examine carefully every bottle of
CA8TORIA, a safe and sure remedy lor
Infanta and children, and see that It
Bears the
Signature of
In Use For Over 80 Tears.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
A Robber.
"Were you ever confronted by a
"And did you play the part of a
"No, Indeed, you can't throttle a
gaa meter?"
In all its forms among all sges of horsss,
as wall ss dogs, cured and others in sams
stable prevented from bsvins the disease
Every bottle guaranteed. Over 600,000
bottles sold last year I. SO and $1.00. Any
good druggist, or send to manufacturers.
Agents wanted. Bpohn Medical Oo., Spe.
Contagious Diseases, Goshen. Ind.
"A burlesque," said the occasional
theater-goer, "is a sort of take-off.
isn't itr
"It is." replied Miss Cayenne, "If
you judge It by the costuming."
Diphtheria, Quinsy and Tonailitta begin
with sore throat. How much better to
cure s sore throat in a day or two than to
be in bed for weeks with Diphtheria.
Just keep Ilamlins WUard Oil in the
Couldnt Lsst a Day.
Howell I can tell you how to live
on ten cents a day.
Powell Don't do It; I've only eight
Mrs. Wloslew's Boothlng Bjmp for Children
taetblug, softens the funis, reduces Inflamma
tlua, allas paln.oorcs wind oollo, tta a bottle.
If you fear to soil your hands in
helpfulness you may be sure you are
defiling your heart.
A Poor Weak Woman
As sste is tamed, will end ere brawJy sad patiently
afjoaiue wlaisai a streo oua weuUi Sve way ander.
Tate tsot is wecnea Sine aere patieat thaa they eeffct
M M uattr euoa treublee.
Every weosaa te keow that
the asoet asperienued aaadieai edWee
asd ia eeWea mnMtuc aad errvaor
the Wad it's Dispensary Madioal Association,
rWee, U. D., freaitW, Bufiaie, N. Y.
kas kesa aoW mnltitH pkysioiaa of the Invalids'
IIte. mm aWMeJ laetttoU, ef Buffalo, N. Y., tor
maay yean Msd lass had a wider practical eaperieeoe
the Usstaoal ef wshms'i diseaws than any ether peeieiaa Im this eeeatry,
Uis asediawM are werW-isieas ler their asMsHshiag a&eaey. '
The meet reWeet reaaealy ever tniws fmr sw. mmi aU&W
-s Is Dr. riecMs Far arid. IVaerirUa.
rr MAaxa weae womsn itiong,
P1 nr syssptaeaa U wetmaa's peealW ail-nU ere fairy set
tmrtk its riaa sWUah la Che rWe's MeeHeal Adriaet- (lftUH paea), a aewly
eirkeel mmi mm t, ,mt, BdraWsi. lisbeaaa. witt be aesrt asi rmmmimt W 11
a pay aoet mi wrfiat mmi
A. Sturteyant, O and
Tulare, CaL, says: "I
shape with kidney
trouble. Too fr
QUiot urination
oompellnd roe to
arise at night, my
bladder beoame In
flamed and 1 suf
fered sever pain.
When I began ua
Inn Doan's Kidney
I'llls I passed a
gravel stone three-
quarivia of an Inch and variegated
In color. Alter this my trouble
uweer vsua wowgn j.
sata1 mttr ktfnw than anvbtr In. YmsssAM
OHU0 OO.t Qulmaf. Illlnf.
Splendid Grops
In Saskatchewan (WisUrn Canada)
800 Bushels from 20 aoree
of wheat waa tha thresher's
return from Lloyd
mlneter farm In the
eaaeon of 1910. Many
Belde In that aa well as
other dlatriote yieks
ad from U to U W
shale of whaat to the
aare. Other (rains la
?re) thos derived
ram tha t S t.
ot Weetarn Canada,
this uatuni si
arlaaa to advanea.
act bowlOa' east
Lud Ta
mn' Un
should double In two mn
Oimlo growing, mfiad f arm-
Ui ratal 11
districts! J SO sore pre-emptions
at 8.00 vraore with
in eortaln area. (Schools and
ctmrchee In every settle
ment, ollniata nnexeilea.
ill the ripnesti wom. vswi
id bnlldlna- material
or partlanlaie aa to leaatlea,
low aottlam' railway rauw Mis
dranrlptlTS lllnstrntad psnpWal
'Ist Best Wmat," and nuwr la
formation, wrlto to Boptof Ijnaat
fl rail on. Ottawa, Canada, a Se
Canadian Ooranunsat Aeas
IT tan. ItSMmaSL. S. M. Bm.
1 1. bcudta, hw Itl.I.totras. 1 k
(Use address saraae yea.) St
Vanishes Forever
' Preupt RcEefPsraanent Cart
fat. Faraly
able act en
lae uvsr.
seaea Leasers ike aaeasajaa krwdstei
t)M ejras. gesaB fflL iJ Deee, Sma Kte
Genaint anstu Signature j
FISTULA, Pay when 5rA.
All Reotal Dlaeaaeaeured wtOtt
out a aurvtcal spo tlaa aa4
(uaranusd to last a lifetime. Ne ohloimtoiea
or f auaral amxathrUea uaad. Kisalassss flrwet
DR. f. R. TARRY. 223 Bee Birildlnf. Oentiak ksk
M H TTtllTt Wl.s W. ftlwisa.'SMa
r II I r 1 1 I J Instuo. u.u. IMukMC 1
a neeasaewsat raleramas.
irr w
r writ t. If: X
ition, R. V. I'ly S
Dr. Pieroe
maiiUi AaVinass as shore.