'..'J! LIB BROKEN LIMBS ALSO. WAS TOO PUBLIC FOR HIM Thinks He died ot a broken heart TVlnks Love? Thinks No, dynnmlie. HIRAM CARPENTER'S WONDER FUL CURE OF PSORIASIS. "I have been afflicted for twent) Tears with an obstinate skin disease, called by some M. D.'s. psoriasis, and others leprosy, commencing on my scalp; and In spite of all I could do, with the help of the most skilful doc tors, It slowly but surely extended un til a year ago this winter It covered my entire person In the form of dry scales. For the last three years I have been unable to do any labor, and ajaaifferlng Intensely all the time. Every morning there would bo nearly a dust panful of scales taken from the sheet on my bod, some of them half as large as the envelope containing this letter. In the latter part of winter my skin commenced cracking open. I tried everything, almost, that could bo thought of, without any relief. The 12th of June I started West, In hopes I could reach the Hot Springs. I reached Detroit and was so low I thought I should have to go to the hospital, but finally got as far as Lan sing, Mich., where 1 had a slRter liv ing. One Dr. treated me about two weeks, but did me no good. All thought I had but a sSort time to live. I earnestly prayed to die. Cracked through the skin all over my back, across my ribs, arms, hands, limbs; feet badly swollen; toe-nails came off; finger-nails dead and hard as a bone; hair dead, dry and lifeless as old straw. O my God! how I did Buffer. ' "My Bister wouldn't give up; said, TVe will try Cuticura.' Sowo was an--plied to one hand and arm. Eureka! there was relief; stopped the terrible burning sensation from the word go. They Immediately got Cuticura Re solvent, Ointment and Soap. I com menced by taking Cuticura Resolvent three time a day after meals; had a bath once a day, water about blood heat; used Cuticura Soap freely; ap plied Cuticura Ointment morning and evening. Result: returned to my home In just six weeks from the time I left, and my skin as smooth as this sheet of paper. Hiram E. Carpenter, Henderson, N. Y." The above remarkable testimonial was written January 19, 1880, and Is republished because of the perman ency of the cure. Under date of April 22, 1910, Mr. Carpenter wrote from nil present home, 610 Walnut St. So., Lansing, Mich.: "I have never suf fered a return of the psoriasis and al though many years have passed I have not forgotten the terrible suffering I endured before using the Cuticuri Remedies." At the Door. "Yes, my mind is made up. Tonighi I shall ask her to be my wife. B-b-y Jove, I h-hope she's out!" Woman's Home Companion. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar-coated, easy to take as canity, regulate and invig orate stomach, liver and bowels. Do not gripe. Ignorance gives greater freedom In utterance than inspiration, and Is often mistaken for it. ! " " J Your Liver is Clogged up That's Why You're Tired Out at Sorts Hmve No Appease. . CARTER'S ! LIVER PILL wiO put yoa rig in lew days. They do their duty. G Ceastrpa. tin. BO- UniB, ladigeition, sb4 Side HtaeUrae. sum nu, shall dose, small rua Genuine anntbeu Signature LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FORj 8ALK Urt THB LOWEST PRICE3 BY WESTERN NEWSrAFER I'NION 921-S31 W. Aduma St., Chicago - "I find Cascarcts so good that I would cot be without them. I u troubled a great deal with torpid liver and headache. Nowfince taking CascreU Candy Cathar tic I feel very much better. I shall cer tainly recommend them to my friend M the bett medicine I have ever aeen." Anna Bad net, Osborn Mill No. , hall Kfver, Mm pteuant, Palatabla. PoUnt. Tatt Good. t)o(i'Md. Nover Slcteo,Waku or t,np. lOo. Va, 50c. Never lold la bulk. Th tenu is tablet atampod C C C. Ouaxantud to awe or your launoy back. 921 M V(pnQr IfiTAnllpn, Vrtm prellmlD ml n I f J I ury rrch. l)Kit lt free. M1IAJ Ml kEl I t hltVhNS a IO.. fcnS. 14, lit KUt OL, M n.'.blov'uu. J. iHNtrburu Si., euitu. 1 for Coij Hi 6 Colds I T HE BEST MEDICINE I 1 f e tvr, f-. -K'TT m tMMt JM i -RADFIM Mr. William A. Kntlftml will nnswi-r qur-stlniis and kIvp advice I'HtK or COST on all subject pertaining to the mibjei'l, of building for the readers cf this paper. On account of Ills wide pxp". rlenoe ns Editor. Author nnd M.tm'iu--turcr, he Is, without doubt, tlio highest authority on nil these subjects. Address 11 lniilrles to William A. ltadfnrd. No. lfU Fifth Ave.. Cdcaaro. 111., and onl" .11 lose two-cent stump fur rep'-"" In building a house of concrete, no matter whut the form of the material may be, the concrete should be strong and sound. It should be wet, far too wet to be delivered from Its mold for considerable periods of time. The best artificial stone made In tlihi country is that made by the wet proc ess, simply because plenty of water Is necessary In the setting of the ce ment. The coming year will witness a great boom in cement-house build ing and the principles that untlorlio the use of this material are easy for the public to understand. But there are certain limitations In which the purse of the intending builder is Involved. Solid wall con struction Is very limited in its appli cation to dwelling house construction. While we have solved the problem of the factory and mill building in re inforced concrete the same may not be said for dwelling houses of all classes. In the mill and factory structure we have a relatively large amount of concrete as compared with the lumber and labor involved in the making of the forms, whereas, in the dwelling house, with the cut-up sur faces and Irregular opening:'., tlio ratio of the cost of forms to the con crete is out of all proportion, and places concrete practically out of the P. ft- ' ,T ! 1 r" JET I t - - running In comparison with other ma terial. Moreover, the Internal stresses, particularly the shrinkage of concrete In the mass, are Buch that the walls are apt to crack. They must be furred, or an air space formed, other wise they will be damp and extremely unsatisfactory. In the fall and spring there Is likelihood of condensation on the inside of an uninsulated con crete wall, and, last of all. It is a difficult matter to give a solid con crete wall an architectural treatment that can be called satisfactory, ex cept at a very considerable expense. The wooden house Is, of course, highly Inflammable and should only be. built as a last resort. Such a house, covered with metal lath and furred, has some excellent archltec- Firt Floor Plan. tural possibilities, but when well built will not be found to be cheaper than a rough brick wall, for the frame must be sheathed, papered, metal furred and lathed and covered with scratch coat of mortar before It is in condition to receive the stucco. This will be found to approximate closely the cost of brick work. Hut then ;t should be considered that the stucco house, although the cost may be the game as that of a rough brick wall, Is much more desirable because of Us modern rtppearaucj and attractive ness. Much has been said about the faults of stucco work, but like many another failure in the use of concrete, they are traceable to the ignorance of the user rather than to the fault of the material. Stucio has been much abused but it will give tho best of satisfaction If it Is properly made and applied. There are plenty of ex amples of this style of house the Live Long Without Food. Carton eating birds, such as the eagle and vulture, are able to live a long time without food, while some specie of sea birds have been known to go without food as long as 24 days. Certain species of birds, living on their own fat, have been known to ex ist lor two months without a morsel of food. From these facts naturalists have drawn the conclusion that all the famine-proof birds have a distinct ad vantage over the weaker varieties In :he race for life In the wild. They Made Her Sick. "W'ere you sick on the way over froni Kurope?" "No; I didn't net sick until I met the cuLtonis Insj ectcrj at New York." iH i G . , t Living Room I fl Porch i-vV ft ioi;ntry over which have withstood tl;e tcrt rl v ars nnd their appear ance nvil durability have been proved to the , 1 1?!';;; t ion of the owners. We are pro:!" to J:n',;o thing! In a class by the failures and not by the sue C.fS'.CS It is co with stucco hOUSOB. Wo pM'"nt leie the M'rsxctlve view iit'd the l,in of a Mucco house of :lcasit: t'.es-;::n One feature of thl I-.oufp In ti e economy of the de riv.n of the mf The space Is all utilized within a few feet of the top. f'rre fI.o ilil c 11-ed In selecting the tile for t'!.- house. It tihould stand r'T) ' rrnCM . I I. Ccccr.d Floor Plan. on a l.;r;M lot nnd be provided with plenty of shrubbery. It will be noted thi.i. ihi upp'r sasl.es of the windows are oriu.n.c tit; 1. The stucco for this midline should br very light In color and In contract the roof should he laiiit'il dark. The house Is en tered throi'gh a wide ikor that opens Intc n I.m'I of generous dimensions. ' As o:.c :t. ::;.!; in Ihe hall, at the end J of wl;l . !. is tl.e stairway, one may I look l:n;r.:i;li at each side and get the v f, s:t.i--.v It 'VY.i;W;SjLAjvr..1HIWr-- it l impression of the size of the resi dence. The width is 46 feet and the length is 29 feet. At the left la a large dining room which Is provided with an open grate, while on the right is the large living room. In both the dining and the living rooms are large cirrular windows. I!ack of the living room Is a bed room and at the rear of the dining room is the kitchen. On the second floor nre two large bedrooms. NOVEL MUSEUM IN ENGLAND The Adult as Well as the Child li Amused at the Wonderful In genuity Displayed. ISeneath the shadow of the ruined castle at Hramber, Kngland, there la a novel and Interesting museum. The exhibits are principally examples of the art of tho taxidermist, says the Strand; hut the subjects are treated in such a humorous manner as to" ren der the museum uninue In Kngland. From a child's point of view It Is a veritable Wonderland, reminiscent of the straiiKe siuhls seen by Alice when she made her journey Into that delec table 'country. The adult Is no less amused and agreeably surprised at the wonderful ingenuity there displayed. The idea of thus combining the art of the taxidermist with that of the humorist was generated in the brain of W. 1'ottcr. In lStil Mr. Potter set to work to construct his lirst set piece, illustrating the "Death and llurlal of Cock Kobin." This work was done In Mr. Potter's spure time and waa not completed until seven yeara had elapsed. The whole of tho incidents In the story are graphically portrayed, and an evidencing the patience and persever ance exercised by Mr. Potter it may be stated that no fewer than 100 speci mens of Mrltlh birds ure Included In the setting. In addition to the birds which li'iire in the story, there are the cuckoo, nightingale, goldfinch, hawktinch. bramble tinch, wryneck, etc. Much ingenuity is displayed In the a: langciiiciit of the "fish with his ;ish," the "fly with ills little eye," the owl, the hull, rendered In miniature, the rook, and the mourning birds all a-stgh.ng und u-sobbing. To Judge Its Own Needs. With intelligent guidance the child can be made the Judgu of what bis body needs In the amount of food. If the child be taught carofnlly to chew every mouthful of food thorough ly, and to swallow It before taking an other mouthful, and If he Is den-led any fluid to drink at meals, then he can not ovtrreat, for appetite wilt be satis fied before be has swallowed too much. Her Fault. Anyhow. "Norah, I hate to do It, but you are t red. That breaking wu. the last straw!" "Hut It was the intshiis cooked the breakfast, sort" "1 know It. und i.liln't 1 tell yoa never' t let her in tin; l.itchcnr imiiiip T iT 1 ' u. J Hfn Dm I "'4 turu(r t! 1 odero Homes l MARCi ARl'.T lil'l YOl' nervous? )o von I clloit for you to take the "iiiiiu "'hi ihiiiiit mi t .-i in k. .it 1 lwiipm i.i in vii v '. inn jiriino causes of insanity. Ir. Walter M. Seward of New York, who passes upon the mental condition of immv persons in the course of his work ns an examiner in lunacy proceedings. 1ms made ft close study of the causes lending to insanity, nnd p' ''es alcoholism at the head of the list. "lit liahli' Rtat istios from nil over the civil i:;ed world," be said, "show alcoholism to ho the exciting cause of insanity in from 15 to 20 per cent, of nil ruses- -that ti In say, one out of every five or six persons sent to the insane nsl,im would never have been put thero were it not for drink." Tin; froipienry f overwork ns n cause of insanity ennnot he accu rately stated in iiguivs on account of the great diflVulty iUhtnining accu rate data for statist ii s. hut lr. Seward expressed the opinion that if such figures could lie obtn md they would he large. Insanity brought about by overwork develops in nverconscient ions or overaiidiitious persons, who burn the candle at both ends and reduce them Ives to n condition of chronic fatigue and nervousness. Recovery is uncertain nnd convalescence slow and tedious, "Is any provision being made at present, for this class of patients, simply on the verge of nervous collapse?" was nsknl. "There seems to l.e n tendency to, establish clinics, particularly one in connection with the .Johns Hopkins hospital in Ha'.timore, for the care of commencing nervousness, with a view toward preventing insanity. In Europe these institutions linve been in existence for some time and the results have been most gratifving." f. " ' iii .iv- every largo city, norvois people insanity ?" Good Reason for Saving Some of Income By H. W. HAYWARD 1.1. $M? WL ways. My credit being unquestioned at that time, I was able to procure my wants, if I cared to, on charge accounts, and while not making a habit of that by any means, I did procure some things in that way, to my regret. I found it harder, Et ill living the careless way, to pay for what I had purchaHcd, than to get the charge account. I was consequently in debt when married, and, in fact, I married when I did because continuation at her work would have made a nervous and physical wreck of my wife. I was therefore with the added burden of supporting two and main taining a household. But, oh, the feelings that have possessed me at times, when pressed for money by those to whom 1 am in debt. As I am as honest at heart as the day islong, words cannot express those feelings. Suffice it to say that instead of being as happy ns a lark, which I would be if freed of debt, 1 am today troubled in spirit and despairing and discouraged. My advice is save, save ! Spare the dollars you would spend in care less ways and save yourself the feelings that attend the position of the young man who writes this. Various Reasons for Modern Gender By C. BROWN Kenilworth, 111. called feminine, possibly because there is a certain amount of uncertainty as to their time of arriving at any given place. Iiesides, their actions are not always logical, or, better, reliable. It is quite common for people to use the masculine form for inani mate objects as well. This is especially noticeable among Bome foreigners who when just learning our tongue KjHitk of shoes, umbrellas und inanv other things ax "hims." Some People Unable to Show Grief saw a in a I By COL MUCH BRA1NARD New Orleans those about nnd in saying this I risk being called an inhuman retch, a monster and other complimentary terms. The reason I am inclined to mirth is twofold. First, I am naturally light of heart, and, second, there is nothing in unreal wretchedness that inllueiicen my emot ions. The He'll o;is rief of l!p stage klH'W the '"t l. t V of the W" is olllv 1 often W' in!- r if the wicpis in ib -iters arc in i-ryday in. i i"-:ai imi.i of surf-enough uil'crinT? Most Rooms Very Low and Quite Small HUDSON sleep pDoilv at niir'it, nnd is it nn necessary amount of fooil? If so. viMino in v wi i 'iniuioiu.u KiLts in what course would you prcserile for who might have tendencies toward 'First of all, the advice of a good physician, who wouh: naturally prescribe regular hours, nn even, every lay life and plenty of exercise in the open nir, in mid it ion to any medicines which ho may Btiggest. These nre 1 lie essentials for nervous people to follow in their daily life if they wish to ward off insanity." To the young men who happen to rend these lines I have a few words, which, I believe, nre well worth their attention. They arc: Xo matter what your income, save a little. My present feelings, as I write this, would not be with me now, had I saved a little each week, each month, each year. Always earning a good monthly salary, I always spent it, not in riotous living, but carelessly and foolishly, for things I could well have done without and from which I received no returns whatever. This tind of living led me into careless In answer to the question as to the use of the pronoun "she" for inanimate objects, I refer to any book on the evolu tion of society. Primitive man had no conception ot an inanimate object, so all his surround ings were either "lies'' or "shes." In his estimation everything had a spirit, good or bad. Hence the lingering custom. Things are given the gender of what ever sex they seem to the individual most to resemble. Automobiles, steamboats nnd trains are Can you tell mo why people weep at a theater when the clever actor or actress de picts some phase of human woo? It is something I've never yet. been able to account for sat ihfnctorily, us common a phenomenon as it is. Are those in the audience who do not shed tears less hu matio, less sympathetic than those who bo dew their handkerchiefs with tears, as I More of women do the other evening playhouse. .wn, u a in, uici in met, w nen i see lachrymose matrons and maids all me I feci sorely . inclined to laugh. does lint fei'Mlill touch me a little bit, for I rca lily touched by) Mild Mannered Little Man Has Very Embarrassing Experience on Street. II was a mild mannered little man, short, with gray hair and spectacles. It was noon on Washington street, and as usual the crowds were shov ing and pushing to get somewhere. The little man was trying to worm his way through the crowds. A well-dressed woman, accompanied by a small boy, was mixed up In tho crowd. She wanted to cross the street. The boy stopped to look In a window. The lady reached down and (rasped a hand, saying: "Take my hand, dear." "Not right here on the public street,'' she was startled to hear some one reply. looking down she saw that ehe was rlasplng the hand of the very In offensive Inilo man, who seemed to be much confused and embarrassed. "Sir!" said she, haughtily, "I don't want you; I want my son." Boston Traveler. What Impressed Him. 11. Chllil, president of the Yel lowstone Turk association, went to Kurope two or three yeara ago and had for a companion a man Interested In the hotel business. They traveled over Europe, Investigating hotel and commissary problems to some extent, nnd finally arrived in Rome. They went Into Pt. Peter's and stood be neath tho dome. "Well," said Child, "here it is. Here's the dome." Tho hotel man took one look forward. Then he turned to Child and aaked: "How much did that man In Ixmdon say be wanted for them hams?" The Significant Wink. WI think," said the weary stranger, "that I'll go somewhere and take 40 winks." The hack driver looked puzzled. "What's tho troubleT" "I was wondering whether you wanted me to drive you to a hotel or a drug store." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOHIA, a safe and sure remedy for lufauts nnd children, and see that It Ileum Uio Signature of CLayaSu&U In TJso For Over Hi Years. The Kind You Havo Always Bought. Household Hints. By taking one hobble skirt and sewing up one end of it a very pretty ragbag may be made in which to put tho otherB. Ston Eucaxing! Try the beat and moat pertain remedy for all painful ailments Jlamlin Wizard Oil. Ihe -way it re lieves all Borcneaa from spratna, cuta, wounds, burna, scalds, etc, is wonderful. When the virtues aro only on the surface they eaBlly find vociferous evaporation. Mm. Wlnalnw's Noothlna; Hyrap. Porrhlldrnn UuMblnif, softens the gums, rrducesln nauuuauun.allay spaln, cures wind ouUo. SfroaboUle. You possess only as much faith aa poasesKea you. Remedies are Needed Were we perfect, which wa are not, medicines would not often be needed. But since our systems have be come weakened, impaired and broken down through indiioretions which hsvo ono on from the early ages, through countless generations, remedies ar needed to aid Nature in correcting our inherited and otherwise acquired weaknesses. To reaoh the seat of stomach weakness and consequent digestive troubles, there is nothing so good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov cry, a glyceric compound, extracted Inal roots sold for over forty years with great satisfaction to all. users. For Weak Stomach, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Pain in the Stomach'aiter eating. ' Heartburn, Bad Breath, Belching of food, Chronio Diarrhea and other Intestinal Derangements, the "Discovery" is a time-proven and most efficient remedy. The Genuine has on lta outside wrapper the Signature Yoa can't afford to aeoept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-aloo-liolio, medicine or known composition, not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate stomach, Urea and bowels. Sugar-coatad, tiny granules, eaay to sake as candy. Hess olol by W. L. DOUGLAS 3.00 3.GO&4.00 SHOES i"oKI ova- SHOca. aa.oo, 2.so and aa.oo. but in tm World. The lienuflU of free hides, I which apply principally to sole, leatUer.anrtthn reduced tariff on sola leather, now enables me to rive the wearer more yalua for his money, better and longer wearing $3, $3.AO and M shoos than 1 could give pre aions to the tariff revision. la you realise that mr ahoa hare been the standard tor ere r SO yeara that I make and sell mere 11.00, 13.60 and S4JM those than but inner manuiaeinrer in ine unltml Htalee F It has mud W. I,. Ixiagla shoes a household i CAUTION ! ir.awSs-fc.'KTAKE If rear dealer oaaauteuevlr i on wuli w. u lionglaa Haws, wnwfin MsU Onln-Ukuuoc. W. I.. DOI'uLa, taa ark Sk, arMkM, ataaa. 1 JfK Vft&.aaaaaa,.,,,,, .rim ami. r TbeRayo There are la J prir Oodi StlAOTytiv S"r.r oine. itniveeirour UCHT"t;;La-t Sil I T I J Cured in Gns Day "I rrjrart my cold nre m fclas; fct ttr thaa m LIU Iornce Poller." ML.MOIM. As a rule a few dones of Munyon s Cold Cure will break up say cold snd prevent pneumonia. It relieve the head, throat snd lungs almnut instantly. Then little siiff.ir pellets can be conveniently earried in the vest pocket for use at any time or anywhere. Price 23 cents at any dniKcista. If vou need Medical Advice write 'to Mnnvon's Doctors. They will carefully ihannopie your cane and give you sdviee bv mail absolutely free. Adareas Prof. Munvon, !i3d and Jcfferion Streets, Phils dalphia. Pa. Why Rent a Farm and be compelled to pay to your landlord moat or your nard-aarned prontar Own your own farm. Secure a Free Homestead in Manitoba, Saskatchewan ar Alberta, or purchase land In one o' these districts and sans a profit of $10.00 or $12.00 aa acta every year. Land purchased S years sao at (10.00 an acre haa recently chansed hands at tj.1.00 an acre. The . crops rrowo on these 1 . n d a warrant the advance. You can Become Rich by cattle rliinr,davlr-Hnff,mll far mine and grain rowing In the provlacaa of Manitoba, SAvLatchawaa ana Alberta. Fraa hoanaataad anil pra mptloa araaa. a well aa land held by railway and land com- r antra, will provlda komaa or mill. on. Adaptabla aotl, kaalthfol cl t rants?, aplrndld ackoola and churrhra.dood railways. For atlora rutt, OnworlpUTa 11trfitT)rV'Uiit Hmt W how U reach th oonrit.ry nct other aarv tlcnlnni. wrti to Htip't of Ironil irrminn. O'nwn. Cantula, or to Uia CanaUlan Ctoramaieni AanU I T tlotnrs. )1S Jrts St. A fm, ftn J. I. Mifcln, Drmf 1), Idiertm, J ft. (Vm aMtvp ntnm(et roa.) n Established 30 Years FLORISTS Floral emblems and cnt flowers for all eeeaatona. SIOUX CITY, IOWA PILES FISTULA cured In a few days, without pain. No pay till cared. Cat this ad out, rood for 5 fur each patient. Write for Barticolara. Ei. Mslhuar, Ml Ferasrt teas A Traat lltff., tlaui Citj, l KODAKS and supplies of every description. Send for catalogue. Finishing a specialty. ZIMMERMAN BROS; Sienz City, la. W. N. U, 6IOUX CITY, NO. 63-1910. from native medic Will EfeepYoun Harness soft as a glovo tough as a wire black as a coal Dealers Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY nnesiaeraetiU it ills If I could take yon lata my large) faotorlea at Ilrockton, Mass., and anew jon how oars tulle W. L. liontflaa eboee are Bade the superior workmanship and the ale h trade leathers uaeo, jr u would then anderstand why IollarforIioUarIGaarante Kt bhoe to hold their shape, look and fit better et4 wear loaier thaa aay other 1140, tajo or 14.00 shoes yoa eeu bnj. 4M thoea than ,tP I m gaallty ounu. lUcfivKfQzA AwVjaj ord eTdrywhare. N J l&h Co. NO SUBSTITUTE Lamp Is a high sraJe lamp, sold at a low swlcaw mps tfaatoost more, bat there! s no betwr lame asaSe at any trusted of eolta braset adakel lated aatlr ieMnUaai u oruuiaent Uiapr rooa la aar hpuea. Tberels nothing knoea lo ua art rt luaii-nis.,nf thatfian add to the raise of the R A TO lAref as a uswe arery aeier ererrwnere. ii Dot at Jours, write tur o tne aeareei aceocy criiie STANDARD OIL COMPANY Oocorprst. AXLE GREASE Keeps the spindle bright and free from grit. Try a box. . Sold by .dealers everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. tlnoorporated)