Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 25, 1910, Image 7

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Sl4kV 'A-. . A
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Chicago. 111. "I w.is trouWrd with
falling uinl liillnmmatlon, mid the doc
tors Bald l conlil nott
pet well unless I
had an 0vraUon.
you B'jrnt'time ai?o
about my health
and you told ma
what to do. After
taking; Lj-rtia E.
l'inkham's Vegeta
blo Compound and
Blood rurilier I am
to-day a well woman." Mrs. William
Ahukxs, 688 W. 2lst St., Chicago, 111.
Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotics or harm
ful drugs, and to-day hold3 the record
for the largest number of actual cures
Of female diseases ut any similar medi
cine in the country, and thousands of
voluntary testimonials are on lilo in
the llnkham laboratory at Lynn,
Mass., from women who havo been
tured from almost every form of
female complaints, inflammation, ul
ceratlon.displaeements, fibroid tumors,
Irregularities, periodic pains.backaehe,
Indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every such suffering woman owes it to
herself to give Lydia E. l'lnkb.am'3
Vegetable Compound a trial.
If you wonlcl lit special advice
about your ci write a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. l'inkham, at
Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free,
Wl always hclpfuL
Sioux City Directory
Smls. Mi-iirlin. Mntal Trail, ana
frlot I In rks, Hubbxr Tyiie, etc.
Sioux City, Iowa
No. 82 Light Double Driving Harness.
Nic. 1. K. or lirass Trimmed. Made of
best quality leather and bv expert labor.
With leather collars, $25.00.
feeml fur our free IIiirriPHH Catalog.
411 Pearl Street Sioux City, Iowa
Quaint Ideas and Expressions Re
corded as Having Been Rendered
by Coroner's Juries.
Referring to a verdict recently
given by u coroner's jury that death
was "caused by the medical evidence,"
the Hritish Medical Journal says:
"This verdict may be added to those
cited in the report of the select com
mittee on death certification, where
Dr. Ogle 1h quoted as saying: 'One
verdict came before me a little timo
ago which was this: "A man died
from stone in the kidney, which stone
he fallowed when laying on a gravel
path in a state of drunkenness." That
was given as n verdict. I thought
some joke had been played, and I
wrote down about it, and found it was
an absolute fact. Another one is
like this: "Child three months old,
found dead, but no evidence whether
born alive. These novel judg
ments recall that an up-state newspa
per not long ago spoke of taking a
murdered man's "post-mortem" state,
Note From Basswood Bugle.
Somebody took the rope off the bell
fin the fire engine house to use for a
'clothesline, and now, when there is a
lira, the constable has to climb up
into the tower and ring the bell with
a hammer. Somebody took the ham
'mer the other day, and, whenllank
Purdy's corncrlb ketched lire, the con
stable had to hurry down to MM
.ker's store for to borry a hammer.
Hllllker had lent bis hammer to Dea
con Renfrew, who lives four miles out
tn the country, and by the time the
constable had got there and hunted
around In the barn for the hammer
'ard got back to the engine house, the
angry elements had done their worst
land Hank's corncrlb was a mass of
(smoldering ruins. Judge's Library.
Sweetest Success.
f "What's the sweetest kind of suc
cess?" ' "That which you achieve by acting
.contrary to the a 'vice of your friends.
It isn't every tall p'.ayer who can
make a hit on the stare.
A single dith of
with sugar and cream tens
the whole storj
'The Memory Lingers"
Poatum Ce.-eal Company, Ltd.
Battle Creek, Micli.
in, j.mm
Frank Klaus
The coming middlo-weight cham
pion of the world, in the estimation of
many good boxing judges, is Frank
Klaus, of Pittsburg. Klaus has come
into ring prominence within the past
year and is growing better every day.
His friends believe that he Is the
logical successor of Stanley Ketchel,
being a fighter along the same lines
as the unfortunate Grand Rapids box
er, who fell by an assassin's bullet.
Klaus is 23 years of age. lie has
been in the boxing gamo for somo
Lime, but his reputation had not
Team Is Expected to Improve Great
Deal, However, Under Work oT
Its Expert Coaches.
Yale doesn't stand as impressively
is usual for superiority on the grid-
Iron bv anything evidenced as yet this
veur. Cantain Daly hasn't a coherent,
smooth running football machine at
his disposal. The team hasn't got the
nunch. the power to forgo a swift,
sure attack when it is needed. It is
expected to Improve a great deal, how-f-ver,
under tho work of Its expert
Knntieh cames have been played
and the season has ndvanced far
enough to make the assertion that
the chief aim of those who worked so
hard kist winter as members of the
rules committee has been accomplish-
Captain Daly of Yale.
ed. The game is much safer and tho
nlavers are open to fewer and less
serious Injuries. Tho game Is less
exhausting and freer from mucli un
necessary roughness, which more
than anything else opened the way to
constant unfavorable criticism. There
are bound to be some injuries. It
could not be otherwise, In such a
ptrenuous sport, but the Injuries up to
this time have been of a minor kind,
except In two or three cases.
Although Yale has suffered more
than any other team by the new
rules, Head Coach Ted Coy Is far
from knocking the new code. "Give
them a chance," says the greatest of
Yale players. "Despite the fact that
people claim there Is just as much
chance for injury as there was of
yore, the game us It Is now played is
not as dangerous as before. And I
believe that from a spectator's view
point the new game is much more in
teresting and exciting. Every play
can be seen now, whereas before,
wh'U the old rubs were in vogue, at
tack after attack on the line could not
he fully appreciated by the specta
tors, inasmuch as they couldn't . tell
w ho carrier; the bell."
Duchess Takes Up Golf.
The Ducluss of Marlborough is tho
!; test convert to f.olf. She lias gone
iu lor it. e,o strongly Ihat she has
. . c ' Miilly decided to take a hoe. e at
.c :'t!i I'crwiek, ( lo -e by I lie Ol' the
I,. .-' ioUlse-1 ill the I'lilted King-
('.oii:. .-l.e !s kill'. i r I v. o birds with a
li.g!.- Mnae. for air iheirabouts
1 1 , lie s i hat of Sui' Tlaiul and
Miits l.i rd lv i S; i i'.err Churcl.il!, her
! i ci rid : en. v lio ih spite the constat '
.f. !!! of lei ! n.'.h r. (ices seem
t :!. -..I
CCd.t Ke.'y Knocked Out.
;... AH.-!!. ' : i !.i I v. J, !.; c-ha!:.!.!n:i,
. : d a I ' ' hill! ie Nolly of
i ..;.;.;;,, be:, sv tho :,!oi.n I; Valley
Z.nU lie ciiib i'.t AniHerdiiin, N. Y.,
the oiaer night. At it II was best from
urt to linish.
of Pittsburg.
Bpioad far until recently. He stands
5 foet 711- inches and is of sturdy
build. He is not especially clever
but has a punch 18-carat lino and the
courage of a lion. He loves to mix
up things while In the ring and does
not mind taking two or three blows to
land one of his pile drivers. Klaus
has fought good battles with Ketchel,
Papke and Harry Lewis. He had no
trouble defeating Jimmy Gardner. He
is out after the middleweight title
and stands ready to meet any of the
other fighters who claim it.
Many of the greatest baseball stars
come from the farm, and it is not sur
prising that they go back after retir
ing from the game.
It Is tho ambition of every prize
fighter nowadays to grab a champion
ship and get Into vaudeville.
Sam Langford, the knock-out pugi
list, says he Is tired of the stage.
There is too much sham and not
enough reality about such life to rat
Isfy Sam's aesthetic taste for tho
A westerner Is to be head of the
United States Coif association.
Hackenschmldt's declaration that he
would meet Gotch, should the real
world's champion emerge from retire
ment, has stirred up the wrestling
fans from Missouri.
Hackenschmidt wants to fly In an
airship. He Is not afraid of flying
Fielder Jones, former manager of
the White Sox, Is reported as saying
that he has no intention of returning
to baseball at present and that he
prefers to live on his fruit farm in
If they can hold cross-country r ins
In tho city why not cross-city run; in
the country?
Capt. Pat Page's Maroon baseball
team has downed the Japanese In
straight falls. The jiu Jitsu, however,
was barred.
European wrestlers, like 1 (alley's
comet, always come back, but they
come oftener.
Suppose Wrestler Gotch should sud
denly decide to emerge, from retire
ment. Would Hackenschmidt call off
that American tour?
William Rourke, owner of the Oma
ha Western league baseball team, an
nounced plans for a $.10,000 ball park
to be built there this year. The plans
include a steel grand stnnd and im
proved field.
Bids for American Fighters.
H. O. Messier of Milwaukee Iiiih
Iwen chosen us representative of Hugh
Mcintosh to arrange for a party of
American fighters to invade Kngland
this winter. The following offers have
been wired to various pugilists for
these fights: Kaiifftnann Is offered
$13,000 for live fights, or ,10 per cent
of the receipts; Paekey McFarlund h
offered $fi, ono for two fights, or a .10
per cent, share; Klaus of Pittsburg Is
offered $5,000 for ..iree fights, or 'J.ri
per cent, of the receipts, and Ad Wol
giist Is offered $3,000 for each contest,
with the option of a 10 per cent, share
In the receipts. Kaulniaiin may luecl
Johnson under this agreement.
100 Mile Bicycle Record.
'. 11. (Iruhb. the Ki,gli:,h vi getarian
ling (dub rld'-r, aeronsp'h In d a ('.,(.
lonnaiiee In heating the K.isti in
. li -h count n s' I u:i mill .- ( lie;.;
eld. He; pit" til" W 1 1 1 1 1 . he covered
distance 111 lho hour.-, one minute,
niy-two si-conds, ns i-giiin-t the
i 1 1 1 1 -s best thru- of live hu.irs. ten
1 1 1 1 e .-. . t W i d v s i i o 1 1 d s .
t Wi
Sammy Sreith Outpointed Cosdr.i
lut'g Sammy Smii !i of I'hil u!i 1
i h ; outpointed .lack (ioodinan of .,
Yi;, i 1 1 y iu a fast ten round bout lie
tore ll e Vltioi...! Spurt!: g chili iii the
I liter i iv li.'- other lli!.!. The light-
;r.g v.... fiiiioi.. throughout with
Smith .-Lowing to udvant age, except
in the s:th round, which was Good-man's.
Gridiron St.irs Need Not Possesi
Great Weight, as Agility and Speed
Figure In Contests.
Light, Meet footed backs are In d
mniiil this year for nil the college foot
ball teams. I'nder the new rules the
light player has at last come Into his
own. This does not mean that the
lurel; field can be composed of men in
the lightweight class. Put the day of
(he ponderous, heavy backs seems to
be a thin;; of the past. A player
weighing from 1.'0 to ISO pounds has
t!ii- call for tho positions this year.
The nhoHshmi nt of (lie sturdy, cata
pult type of hack is due to the change
in the rules dealing with the old stylo
of Hue plunging play. No longer Is It
le' il for the human baCerlng ram to
herl three or more men as interfer
ence at a:i opposing hue. Mass play
ha.; hern ( (V. dually abolished. And
so the character of the game has un
dergone a great change from the days
of the fly ins wedge.
That the big college tennis reallzo
the futility of plnving heavy men In
the hack Held is shown by the num
ber of hi ills made this year. The
heavy men had their try-outs early In
the ,-ta:,o:i and they failed to make
as much headway as tlip lighter play
ers. In Ki:ue cases the experiment
proved father costly.
Harvard wa one of th.i first to ro
nli:v the value of ll';ht men In the
bak f:;d. Kvidcnr" of tlds was
ihi'V.n whrn Minot, an AU-Amerlcnn
back of hut year, was shifted to a
place in the line. Miaot's plunges
through opposing lines last season
in It I'd the Crimson many big gains,
lu;t with the restrictions on this stylo
of play this season the coaches do
elded lie would be more valuablo on
the line.
Later in the year Princeton mado a
similar ihift. Captain IMdlo Hart,
reckoned one of the best l;ae plungers
In the country, was taken out of tho
back field after thu Lafiyetto game
and placed in tho line, la tho game
with Carlisle Hart more than won bis
spurs as an aggressive lino man. Ho
opened up some big gaps fur tho backs
to tear through.
Coach Ted Coy of Yale was another
football director to startle the ex
perts when he placed Howe In at full
back. Last season Howe was tho
choice for quarter back and It was ex
pected he would play that position
this year. Ho is heavy enough under
the new rules, but he does not meas
ure up In weight by many pounds to
some of the old-time full backs.
Perhaps the forward pass bad had
much to do with giving the light men
their opportunity. Surely that, coup
led with the necessity of end runs,
has worked a big change in the com
plexion of the attack. To bo success
ful the forward pass must bo hurled
ami reci iveil by a player quick on bis
feet, ono able to get started with the
hall at top speed. While lacking in
concentration of attack and a bit weak
on the defense, Princeton has ono of
tho fastest back fields In the coun
try. Sparks, Pendleton and Itallou
make up a combination hard to beat
Pendleton Is counted ono of the best
runners In a broken field of recent
years, and Sparks shows plenty of
lash in his attempts to skirt the ends.
Halloa Is fast on his feet and at the
fame time an able punter. Against
Houser of Carlisle he mado an excel
lent showing, outkicking tho Indian
by many yards.
Nor are the Tigers without their
usual drop kicker. Pendleton has nc
qnitted himself well In the early
games and seems capable of dropping
the ball over the cross bar from any
point almost within the 40-yard line.
The list of star Princeton kickers is a
long one. Somehow Nassau secures a
good goal kicker almost every year.
While Harvard haB been rolling up
big scores on Hb opponents Yale and
Princeton have not been doing so
well. Yale was scored on by Syra
cuse, beaten by the Army and held
to a no score tie by Vanderbllt.
Princeton started off well enough by
scoring IS points on Stevens, but only
managed to score 12 on New York
university. Villa Nova was easy for
the Orange and Ulack. but the Tigers
barely won by a score of 3 to 0 over
Lafave'le- They defeated the Indians,
C to 0.
Autopsy Reveals Real Cause o'
Freshman's Demise at Cornell
Died of Heart Disease.
That Lauren II. Palno of Puluth,
the freshman who died at Cornell in
firmary the other night, did not die
from injuries sustained in football
practise was made known after an
autopsy upon the body by Dr. Charles
A. Pent., the Huffalo pathologist.
The findings confirmed the opinion
of the football coaches and others
connected with the game and re
moves all doubts as to the playing of
the balance of tho scheduled year.
The findings are contained In the fol
lowing telegram sent by President J.
G. Schurman to Franklin Palno, the
hoy's father:
iiv I'.entz of Huffalo made a post
mortem examination and has Just
submitted to me the following signed
report: 'From the findings it Is my
column that the patient died of un
avoidable acute dilatation of tho
heart, associated with arterial disease
nnd a Kastro enlero colitis. There
v. a no evidence of anything duo to
football Injury. The gastro entero
eolith was the most Important cause
of tie dilatation.' I should add that
I r Unit Is a member of the depart
niei.t of pathology of the I'nlverslty
of Puft'.-ilo and has made thousands of
A B. shop's Opinion of Football.
in a recent sermon on football
l:i.-l.op Candler of tho Southern Melh
m!i. t huri h :aid:
! '! ' hoi 'Mil ! l ill h in the matter is
it1-; i'c 1- in c i . ' of ioutiihty at which
hi iii i i y iiw nles hive hern uiin'-d
j: i .1- of Its eh:- !' al'r:. lions, ami an
! '';!! at the iMuiu.'i ion of this elc
j pu nt would UK-aii eli'iilnatlon of tho
:;:me. I hero are some tilings w men
cannot be reloritud wilhoiit tho death
of them becuusc lho heart of their
life is the evil. This Is the case of
football. It is Inherently and Incur
ably bad
Answer No Doubt Truthful, but by No
Means What the Crator
Pooker T. Washington, congratu
lated by a New York reporter on the
success he had made of his life, said
with a smile:
"I suppose I must be modest and
declare that luck has had more to do
with my progress, or otherwise 1 11 be
In Senator Dash's shoes.
"Senator Dash of Tallapoosa prided
himself on his rise from the bottom,
for Senator Dash in his youth had
worked with the colored people In the
cotton fields.
"Hoastlng tit a political meeting
about his rhe, the senator singled
out t'nele Calhoun Webster among his
audience and said:
" 'I see before me old Calhoun Web
ster, beside whom, In the broiling
southern sun, I toiled day after day.
Now. ladies mid genlkiueii. 1 appeal
to I'ncle Calhoun. Tell us all, uncle,
was I, or was 1 not, a good man in
the cotton Held?'
" 'Yo' wuz a good mnn, senatah,'
tho aged negro replied; 'yo wuz a
good man, fo' a fack; but yo' sut'ny
didn't work much.' "
Novelist When I'm writing a novel,
f lose considerable sleep over it
Critic Oh! well, what's your loss Is
your renders' gain.
Indigestion, Gas, Sourness and Dys
pepsia Go and Your Stomach Feels
Fine in Five Minutes.
If your meals don't tempt you, or
what llttlo you do eat seems to (ill
you, or lays liko a lump of lend in
your stomach, 'or if you have heart
burn or a sick, sour, upset or gassy
stomach, that Is a sign of Indigestion.
Ask your Pharmacist for a 50-cent
case of Pape's Dlapcpsln and take a
little just as soon ns you can. There
will bo no sour risings, no belching
of undigested food mixed with acid,
no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness
or heavy feeling in tho stomach, Nau
sea, Debilitating Headaches, Dizzi
ness or intestinal griping. This will
all go, nnd besides, thero will bo no
undigested food left over In tbo stom
ach to poison your breath with nause
ous odors.
Pape's Diapepsln Is certain cure for
out-of-order stomachs, because it pre
vents fermentation and takes hold of
your food and digests it Just tho same
as if your stomach wasn't there.
Relief in five minutes from all stom
ach misery Is wnlting for you at any
drug store here in town.
These large C0-c.ent cases of Pape's
Diapepsln contain more than sufficient
to thoroughly cure any case of Dys
pepsia, Indigestion, Clastritls or any
other stomach disturbance.
All In Good Time.
Seven-year-old William had become
the proud owner of a pet pig, and in
sisted upon having all the care of it
himself. After a few weeks, as the
pig did not seem to thrive, his father
said to him:
"William, I'm afraid you are not
feeding your pig enough. It does not
seem to be fattening at all."
"I don't want him to fatten yet,"
William replied, knowingly. "I'm wait
ing until he gets to be us long as I
want him, then I'll begin to widen him
out." Tit-Hits.
Twin Extravagances.
"I don't suppose there is anything
gets out of date quicker than a wom
an's hat?"
"Unless It is a battleship."
Pneumonia nd Consumption are nl
yB preceded by an ordinary cold. Hum
linn Wizard Oil rubbed into the client
draws nut the inflammation, breakii up
the cold uud urevenlH all wtiouh trouble.
Not a Harmless Sport.
Friend You fought bareheaded?
French Duelist Yes, and got a fine
sunstroke. Journal Amusant.
Pettit's Eye Salve for 25c.
Ki'hevcH tired, roiiKcntcd, inflamed and
mro eve, ipiickly Mnm eye aches. All
druggists or Howard Kion., Buffalo, X. Y.
A bachelor girls' club is an associa
tion of women who think they are
more likely to get husbands by pre
tending not to want them.
Mm. Wlmlnw'i Sooltilnir nyrnp.
Korrhllitrrit u-i-Onhto miOi-iih t tit. tt ulna, i.-iluri-H In
ttuuuuiiUuii.mUjh u.it ii. i-mt.i, wim! cullu. k- u I turn.
It Is belter to Inherit a fortune than
to marry one.
When You Think
Of the puin v. Iiuli many women experience witli every
in on 1 h it mute, the riitlcrieki and kindness ulwuyt usmici
ntcd witli vioiiiunliuiiil (il-ciii Iu he ulniuit 11 iinnuic.
Win I c in (Srncnil nu wurouu rehcU auinst vtlmt tlie rc
furds an u nulurul iiecesnity llurc is mi tviiniun wliu wuulj
nut gladly lie tree I rum llni rcturriiijj period ol puia.
f)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes
weak women strong and sick women
well, and fives tfrern freedom from pain.
It eataOliahea regularity, subdues Inttanf
motion, heals ulceration and cures te
ttialt) weakness.
3ick women uro inviteil to consult us by letter, free.
All correspondent-? utrictly private und sucredly con-
tider.tiul. Write wilhoiit fear and without lee to World's Dispensary Mj.
icul Akkociation, K. V. 1'icrue, M. D. , President, liufljlo, N. Y.
If you want hiMik thut tells all about woman's diseases, and how to rore
them at home, senJ 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of wrapping and mailing
only, and we will send you jrtg copy oi Dr. Pierce's great thousand - pufie
illustrated Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, uptodate edition, ia
luuidsoine I reuili elotb blading.
Al.coHop-3 rr.n cf:nt
A?6cfo!!e VYep.iretion for A3-simi!.-i!in
lit? Food arul ReCul.v
tmp lho iitom.-.ths cn J LUwvcIs cf
Promotes lli'tlion.Chccrful
iicss ami Rest Contains neither
Opium. Morphine nor Mineral
Not Nahc otic
At f,
l.-.i'i Sttd
AUMb Stti
.Itilt Srtft
'. WJitt'
lilrrl Srttt -
(ti'Sirtl .I't. e
A perfect Komcily forConMlpa
lion . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,
C1 i Worms .Convulsions .Feven sh
!,lrssand LOSS OF SLEEP
Xac Simile Signature o('
The Centaur Company,,
i i J if M " ' I J L" T '
W 7 If. " k ...
"marnntceil under the Foodar4
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Wipilj, l i
Dry Your C!o!lics oaaWeJVashday
With a New Perfection Oil Ilcater
r f
It gives )ust as much heat as you desire. It is safe, odorless
and smokeless.
It has an uutomatic-IocMng flame spreader, which
prevents the wick from being turned hich enough to smoke, and
is easy to remove and drop back, so the wick can be quickly
cleaned. Burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, be
cause of a new device in construction, and can always be easily
unscrewed for rewicklng.
An indicator shows the amount of oil In the font. Filler-cap doesnot need!
to be screwed down, but is put in like a cork in a bottle, and is attached to the
font by a chain. Finished In japan or nickel, strong and durable, well-made, built
for service and yet light and ornamental. It haa a cool handle and a damper top.
rnUra ButmuitMr. It nnt at vmir. mrftt fat ddscHntiiM circular
miiini y to tht Man st aitncy of Iht T"11
Standard Oil Company
5 r (taeorporalxi)
3 '3.50 & '4 SHOES I'SoSlX
Boys- Shoes, $2.00, S2.50 A S3. 00. Best in the World.
W. L.Duotmm 03.OO, $3. BO mnd 04.OO mhomm
mrm pomltlvmlj Ihm bamt mmdm mnd meff pop
ular mhomm tor thm mrltsm In Ammelom, mnd mem
Ihm ntamt memnmntfoml mhmmm tmr yo Im buy.
Ktunrtnrd for orer.TO yara, that I inuka and pell more S3. 00, .J M) and
S4.II0 almra than anr other mHiiiifurtiirr In the L".H.,and that lxU.l.AK
FOIt IMH.LAH, 1 U17AKAK1KK MY HUOKS to hold thBlmliann, look
aud fit bettor, and wiar louger than aoy other $:i.O0, S3. ft) or $i W nhoea
Jouranbuy? OualUj eounu. ll boa made mj ulioee TUB LJiADiJta
You will be pleaaed when yon bay my shoes hecinie or the
St and appearance, ami when It comes time for you to purchase
auother pair, you will be more than pleaded be.auo the lust
ones worn so well, aud gave yon so mui-h oomfort.
caution i, r,.,r,!;
If your dealer caimoi supply jou iUi W
ii wilii n . i- i
W. I. lXK
Household Lubricant
Dtalirs firrnliirt
Sold by
For Infants orifl Children,
The Kind You Havo
Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
rr?T'' " hxmjii'i''"iw,V'
ft .
J HHil'InV li I J i'i tl li If I ' 1
When clothes can't be bung
outsiJc, and must be dried in a
room or cellar, the New Perfection
Oil Heater quickly does the work
of sun and air. You can hang up
the wet clothes, light your Perfect
tion Oil Heater, open the damper
top, and the heat rises and quickly
dries the clothes.
Do not put off washing to
await a sunn;day in order to avoid
mildew. Dry your washing any;
day with hot air from a
Alsolatcly smokeless and odorless
Du Tu
If that
my aboei
h T
W. L.
ilka Cm.
no substitute-
kjiis !& niiors, wniA tor nu itit vmwi'E.
iil.AH, 14.rk. (., UrMklou. 1
Is specially selected for any need In the
home. Saves tools from rusting. Can can
not break. Does not gum or become rancid.
- - . m (Incorporated)
Will Keep Your
soft as a glove
tough as a wire
black as a coal
Dealers Everywhere
Nearly Every One Gets It
Tlic bowels show first sign
ci things goiug wron. A
Cascarcl taken every night
as needed keeps the bowels
working naturally without
nrip, jrnne and that tipse
sick feeling.
Ten cent box. wifV's treatment.
All ilruk' n. irf s. n:;.;eij s'.Ut ia
tiicwoild- million buxes muutli.
it,iU-nl t ti-t.rN.MM.'i'iirlMl I lc.-. hit
Int;. .Mill l a-K.I-iv.rM.rt....tui.iM,rM. Imum .
Uil.. Ilj J I' Al.l.L.N.lKiil. All.-mjv.
II. ll .1 ...-iin. .-... m in. t In,, ii. .k Ii era,
I li-'rM..i-rirulfiil. I't'.r.. itri-i-.i t tt-r..lMA
i" i