Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 18, 1910, Image 6

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Royal is the
only baking
powder made
from Royal
Grape Cream
of Tartar
Highest in
Hot Breads
Dakota County Herald
JOHN II. ream; publisher
Subscription Price. $1.00 Per Year.
A weekly newspaper published at
uakota Jity. Nebraska.
Permission has been granted for the
transmission of this paper through the
mniiH as second-class matter.
Telephone No. 48.
F L Gallagher, demourat, of Rosa
lie, was elected float representative
over Uicil R uoughu, republican, by
93. Cuming county's 900 democrutio
majority still stands.
Thut was a smooth vindication the
Eiiglo bestowed upon itself last week
in the matter of graftiug the county
for f l 00 per puge for pnuting law
brief a when t'e stuno work is doue for
brivnte citizens for 75o per page. Da
kota county is on a cash payiug basis
yet and the taxpayers ate entitled
to the same consideration that
granted a private citizen or corpora
tion that p:is catdi for its work. ThiB
thing of payng off political debts at
the expense of the taxpayers is getting
chestuutty. If the county board will
let the printing of briefs to the lowest
bidder, the same as it does with other
work, we'll bet "Foxy Gratidua"
new testament that he wont git a dol
lar a page for it.
"It Might Have Been."
On the eve of election day, when
Dahlman thought Lis dreum ot being
Nebraska s next governor was u reuli
ty. he entertained his Omaha friend
in the style that is making Omaha
From the Omaha Daily News:
When Douglas county returns gave
Mayor Dahlman nearly 8.U00 n ajont
Tuesday night, the mayor took it for
granted he was elected and tua li
speeches in the Dahlman club a'H on
the ktieet, his subjects being thj W C
T U, t Lh prohibitionists, tlie Oimih
preachers. William J Uryan and th
Omalia Daily News.
In his speech at the Oahlman ilub
Le attacked the W C T U an Hi
prohibitionists, aooordiug ti men wh'i
were present, in terms that cauuot be
"When I urn pilot of thh great ship
of state," Le said, "I'll teach the W C
T U and the prohibitionists that the
oflioe of governor meaus something.
They'll receive no quarter at my hands.
And, by Go , if one of the
steps inside of the governor's
cfllee I'll kick the clear
across the oupitol grounds.
"And now, genth muu, I invite you
to the barbecue at Lincoln that we
liave talked of so muoh. We'll have
that barbecue on the state Louse lawn
and the beer will flow more freely and
there will be more of it than there ever
was in any Bullion in the city of Oma
"Vt r the rank ami fllfl of the party,
y 11 have made it pnimible for me to le
elect) I to tlm ofllitH of governor of Mum
great ntte of NtlraHkn, to you I any
that I am going to thiow wido optn
the city of Omuha ami the tt .to of Ne
braska. I'm going to exerciao the
power you have vested in me."
In apeecli on Farnnm nrar 15th,
Dahlmaa attacked the Daily News,
"The Daily News in a dirty low
down aheet, a lying, grafting sheet,
out simply for the money.
"D n vou, stop that car; don't
you know who's talking to yon?" cried
Dahlnittii, shaking his lint at a moter
man trying to aquecze his oar through
the crowd. He ordered police to stop
the oars for half an hour while he pro
ceeded. "I am for the plain people and
against all aristocrats aDd fanatics, "
suid Dahlman, whose rontrum was al
ternately a nap box and the rear Heat
of an automobile. Here was Duhl
man's advice to persons voting for
"I wish all the men who Voted
against me to get a gallon of bourbon
and a gallon of rye, go home and get
on a sotning drnnk and forget their
"All you fellows who haven't the
money hold up your bands and come
to mn and I'll give you $5 to buy
Dahlman boaHtingly wmerteJ he was
elected despite Uryan, whom he again
read out of the party, ami the Ministe
rial uiiiou and tlie W (J T U women.
"If Iliad beeni.cfcated Omaha would
have had hundreds of empty buildiugn
and pioperty values would have drop
ped 40 per ceut.
And to think that Senator-elect
Hitchcock's only regret of the result
of the campaign wax. that Dahlmau
was defeated for governor.
It-,-,.. t I A.
from our Exchanges
tmm ao aoMt : o
Potjca Leader: JulU Powers spent
over Sunday in Ponoa from her school
duties st Dakota City,
render Republic : Hupt W E Voss
of Dakota County vinited over Sunday
with Supt and Mrs L W Tarrant.
Pender Times: Mrs Guy T Oraves
and son, Guy, and Alius Lou Ilirsch
spent (Sunday nt Horn r. They wont
up in Kucely's automobile.
Ponca Journal: Ghas Finkle of
Hubbard in visiting his parents here
for a few days.... 8 A (Tip) Bennett,
an old resident of Ponca, died at his
home in this city yesterday afternoon
at 3:15 o'clock of glandular tubt rc.ilo
s. Fuueral at the Presbyterian
church tomorrow at two o'clock p m.
Winnebago Chieftain: Mrs Chas
Skidmore was here from Homer last
Thursday, calling on friends. .... Mr
and Mrs Young and family were down
from the city Sunday, the guest of Mr
and Mrs Joe Htarkey . . . . As we goto
presB the sad intelligence reaches Wiu
nebago that Miss Gold a Queen is dying
at Isabelle, 8 V, with typhoid fever,
jjyoDB mirror: iari iiasdul was
down from Homer Saturdoy. . . .Ilev J
L Phillips of Homer was here yester
day..., Ilev Mr and Mrs Hammond of
uomer visited F IS Rhoda Friday . .
Miss Clara Wilkius who is attcudiug
sohool Uere Sundayed with her parents
Mr and Mrs I1 red Wilktus, uear
Homer, .. .Rhodes Taylor, editor of
the Uomer Star was here the past
week. He is an auctioneer and the
peoplo have elevated lim to the re
sponsible position of city marshal.
Horner Mar: Mrs Thomas Ashford
was visiting in Dakota Oity and Lin
coin the first of the week ... .Thomas
Ashford and Bud Orr shipped out 1300
bushels of flax from here Wednesday.
....Chas Davi 4 is reported improving
rapidly from Ins siege of typhoid fever
tie was sitting up yesterday... .James
Allaway was serving on the federal
grand jury in Omaha list week...,
William Thuet, of the live stook com
mission firm of TLuett llros. Omaha,
was 111 Uomer over Sunday visiting
with the Ashfords aud Ryans .... Her
Lett Harris and two sous, Dan and
Leonard, left last Friday for Cherry
county where they will look over that
sooUou of the state. .. .Oiicar Laird
had his right fore arm broken last
Friday in quite a peculiar manner
He was huskiug corn aud in reaching
for an ear of corn under the wagon
the team started up suddeuly drawing
the hiud wheel over his (lim....Mon
day night was a strenuous night for
the police department of Uomer. Four
drunks were ooiiijucd to tho bastile
aud brought before Judge MoKmley
for trial luesday morning. .. .1 J
O Connor was dow n town Saturday
morning wearing one of those, sweet
fatherly smiles that plainly says "the
stork visited us last night." A baby
girl was born to Air and Mrs O Connor,
Saturday morniug, which makes them
an even half dozen three girls and
throe boys, and by the way, it is not
"too good for them." These little
mites of humanity are the ties that
bind .
Craig, Nebr, Nawsi (Address of Rev
W R Warren before the Fpworth
Leagne convention at Craig, Nebr,
Sunday evening, Nov tith) "Rev W R
Warren, of Dakota City before begin
uing his address on "Visions," sang
several s ugs to the uoooin jianimeut ol
his auto harp. His firwt, ami perhaps
his ht'Ht, song was "Where is my wau
dering boy to night" tho audience
joining in the chorus. Tliit song is mi
ol i one at.d one that always touches
tlie heaits of all, especially the mothers
and fathers. Rev Warren's address
was exceptionally gcod "something
doing all the time" as one of the
ministers remarked euilierin the day
when speaking of him as a lecture:
but it is impossible mi ihn printed page
to reproduce his charming personality,
his caruoxtucsa of manner and his abil
ity to combine humor and pathos so
that they cannot he. separate, one from
the other- Atone moment hia hearers
would be convulsed with laughter; ut
the next they expeiieuced au iudilina-
ble feeling of sorrow aud a pecnliitt
mointure would dim the eyes. The in
cidents related by Mr Warren were
common every day occurrences, fa mil
iar to the older men and women, and
for this reason anppaled especially to
them. In telling of his boyhood dayx,
the stories of fuu and frolic were in
terspersed by graver, more importact
happenings, all of which have had a
direct influence on his life and charac
ter. Lveryone, he said, has visions at
some period of his life. Sometimes
theso come earlier in youth, again, they
overcome him as a middle aged man,
and sometimes he is influenced by
them throughout his entire life, all
depending on the imagination of the
individual; but cr.me they must, soon
er or liter, and their influences xhould
not be disparaged. Fathers and moth
ers have an uuiimited influence over
the lives of their girls and boys and
they should most carefully see to it
that this iufluence is always for good.
Sacrifices, small they seem to us, are
large and of the mont vital importance
to the little folks, and due credit
should be given them for every kind
word or unselfish act, for wo cannot
tell what pangs of remorse have been
experienced before the final result was
accompliHhed. Discipline when ari
minietered with kindly justice is bene
ficial to children, but what seems mere
discipline to one takes the form of
gross cruelty to another Therefore in
dealing with children the temperament
of each individual should bo carefully
considered. High ideals are the
greatest incentive to advancement.
Even though they may never reach the
goal they always have something high
er and better to work forwsrd to and
their lives will be elevated and made
better by so doing. There is a lateut
power in many which is never utilized,
a Hong in the heart of many, which
will never be sung but the latent pow
er and the silent music will neverthe
less infl ence his life and his dealings
with Inn fehowmen. Have a minion
in life; do something for someone else:
let your heart expand with the love of
uumanity and in no other way will jou
so surely attain a true vision of the
Christ, Everyone was delighted with
Mr Warren's address and was sorry
wnen n was rlniHlied. Witu n song
and prayer thus closed the sub-district
convention, all returning to their res
pective homes feeling that they had
gained new strength and knowledge
and assured that a new bond of sym
pathy bound together the leagues of
this district "
Miss Carrie Stone has been staying
with her sister, Minnie Stone, who has
been very sick with pneumonia ut the
J N Miller Lome.
Louie Rasmussen and wife spent
Sunday at 11 C Hansen's.
A liuncroft and little son, Willie,
are ou the sick list this week with
pneumonia. !
L Churchill and family visited last
Sunday at the N L Crippen home.
Chris F.rioksen and wife visited Sun
day at Max Nelseus.
The birthday party that warn Riven
last Saturday eveuiug ut tne Jumes
Hendiicksen home was well attended
and all hid a very enjoyable time.
George Jensen and family spent
Sunday at the Peter Soreuseu home.
What might Lave been a serious fire
nas discovered in the Loomis house
Sunday, but through quick work of
tho neighbors the house was saved
with but very little damago.
Waltor Leusbring, who has been
very sick for the pist week, H improv
ing at this riling.
Mrs Albert Schroedor returned last
week from her visit iu South Dakota.
A very pleasant evening was epent
at Max Nelsen's Sunday when a orowd
of youi'g folks came in to remind
Marie of her birthday. Games were
played and supper was served. All
departed wishing many happy returns
of the day.
Luke Murray departed last week for
Victor, Col, to work iu the gold mines
there this winter.
J as P Holer son of Mr and Mrs John
Boler was re-elected county attorney at
Greeley, Nebr. by 800 majority.
Mrs J W Finuell, who spent the
summer with relatives in Denver, Col,
returned home Saturday.
Mrs Harriet MaeJMurphy, deputy
state food inspector, was iu town last
week investigating the wines and liq
uors at the Mc Bride saloon and also at
the htores. She left highly pleased.
Alice Melady of Hubbard attendtd
the dauciug party here Inst Friday
uight and remained until Monday u
guest in the D Hogan home
C H Good follow has adopted Master
Thomas HeuniugK, a little boy of
eleven jears, fromSt James orphanage
of Benson, Nebr.
Mrs Carrie Thompson of Waterbury,
Nobr, is visiting her daughter, Mis O
A Barber, this week.
J G Marsh, the Burlington ticket
agent, here, received word Wednesday
that begiuuing December 1st he will
get a raise of $5 ou his salary.
Johu and Katie Flannery visitel
over Suuday with friends iu Sioux
D F Waters one of our leftiliug !uer
cnanis who aims to be up-to-datt bus
put in a commercial account register
for the bundling of charge accountn
With this system you get au itemized
bill and total of account with each
Tom R Cionin of Lincoln, Nebr w as
a guest tliH past week ill the J J Mo
Bride home.
MrsMBAbts of Randolph, Neb,
visited a few days the past week at lh
home of Miss Mary Ryuu.
Ed T Kearney received a letter from
There Is mure Catwrh In Ihw section nf ihi numin,
tti.iu ail ullit'r tlitH-ivieft put Itku'lli, r. ami until tilt' hil
yvurn hum iiihm-(1 to Is m.-uratil,.. I ,ir m un-il
many years tin. tors pruliouiirrU It a !, uiM-am- nnj
prtTHTitHHl lis'itl ntn.-tlli-H, ami tv (niihiitiiiiv i u,.
to curt with ItKvtl tr.'atiiM'iit, pmiuiiihn-il a Ineui.ihlt.
Ni'li iici. h:ui miYt'll Catarrh til Ih h timMltutloiinl Ois
eitw. and tli,.rWort iviiuura coiiaUlulunial treat rnciit.
Hull a t 'alurrlt Cure, liiuiiurat-tunl hy '. j. ( ht-iiey
A Co., Tolt-tlo, Ohio IS the only I'niiAlltnltonal cure oil
tin market. It at taken lnM'ruullv in ihulid tn, it. 111
dm! to to.'iHiHMHiful. It fti'U (ltrfYiiy on (hi- tiltMxl
ftiul mut'oii iturtiic of the yule in Tin y uiltr una
tmuunti uouitrs ,r any vm n imiii iq cure, bouj
itT iMn-uUra nml t.wtiinnmaLa.
Atltlrrai: F. J. ( Ill NbV A CO.. ToU-Uo, Ohio.
KitUl by nruuuatifa, 7"tc.
'luX Uuil ininay l'UU fur OODAtipttUun.
his mother at Pinckncj, Michigan,
Monday saying she leaves this week
for the west. She will spend the win
ter here and with her daughter, Mrs
Fred Melvin, of Jefferson, S D.
Frances Horensen, who is teaching
school near Jefferson, 8 D, spent over
Sunday with friends here.
Clarence Hnngerford is at St
Joseph's hospita', recovering from an
operation for appendicitis.
James Sutherland enjoyed a visil
from his father, J Sutherland of Ponca,
the past week.
John Ryan and wife spent several
days last week in Omaha.
M li Hogan came down from Dixon
Saturday for an over Sunday visit with
bis folks be re.
The first number of the lyceum
course was given here Tuesday even
ing by Hnmeston, Lumorint. After
the entertainment a dancing party was
enjoyed by about 50 couple. Collins
Bros of Marcus Iowa furnished the
John Flannery saw Tim Murphy at
tue urana Tuesday night.
James Linafelter of Alpena, 8 D. is
visiting in the George Teller home and
helping take out their big corn crop.
Mary Kramper was called to Omaha
Thursday by the serious illness of her
brother James.
The LadieB Aid society met in the
i vv A ball Wednesday.
mi r. ., n .. . . ...
xue JuaniHii lirotliertiood will give
a basket social and dance Saturday,
Nov lata, iu the M W A hall.
The little daughter of Mr and Mrs
Lars Larson is slowly recovering from
a siege oi iniauiue paralysis and is
now able to walk with a little help
Woolen boots for winter wear at
Carl Anderson's.
M McEntaffer came down from Em
ersou last week to help flninh up the
work on the new hotel.
lvl Mullally m Laving a new fence
put up on his farm west of town.
lhe plastering will soon be finished
on the Lars Larson house
Mrs Paul Sharp went to Dakota
City Satuiday.
John Meyers was visiting friends in
Hubbard Sunday.
Comforters aud bedding of every
description at Carl Anderson s
John Howard, John Porter. Jim
Hogan aud George Hayes each had a
car of Logs ou the market Thurs
Bei t Francisco drove over to Jack
son Sunday.
Joseph Chrit-tunsen was absent from
school Monday and Tuesday owing to
Mrs D O Heffsrnan visited Wednei
day in Sioux City with Mrs J
Those from here who were city call
crs, Satutduv last were Mary Timlin
Mr Welch, and Mrs Christensen
Husking mittens aud gloves at Call
Auderson s.
William Evans of Emerson, was
Sunday guest ut the Renzu home.
Joe Lieeilnm was a business visitor
in Jackson last week.
Miss Minuie Stone is seriously ill
with pneumonia. Her sister Carrie is
oaring for her.
P F Watoou is suffering with
swelling ou one of his lingers which he
accideutly scratched on a sandbur
He is uuder the doctors care.
II Larson, while chopping kindling
was struck in the eye by a flying shv
Heavy socks for these froi-tv morn
iugs are just what you need We Lave
them. Carl Anderson.
Herman Renze wont to Omaha
Tuesday to attend the implement deal
ers convention.
fredttartels was a business visitor
in the city Tuesday.
Mary Hush is spending the week at
the llenry Hirsh home.
Mrs A L Anderson entertained
few families at Sunday dinner.
Mr Heunnan of Lynch Nebr, had
nerd of borses for sale m the stock
yards this week.
Mrs Wm Goertz and daughter, Mrs
Wm .Nelson, were visitors at Dakota
City Tuesday.
Henry Thompson and little son were
visitors to the city Wednesday.
Carl Fredricksen is turning out some
dandy work iu his harness shop. His
stock of harness, blankets, robes, etc
is oomplete and up to date.
A number of the farmers have finish
ed busking corn, and they all report
the crop just a little light this year.
We have the best lino of undntwear
in the county to select from. See our
stock and be convinced. Carl Auder
derson .
A goodly uumber from here took in
the dance at Jackson Tuesday night.
Little Margaret Ueeney is quite sick
at this writing
Mr and Mrs Wilson Were Jackson
callers Tuesday.
Lureeu Bros shipped a car of hogs
Tuosday morniug.
We want your produce, and we are
still payiug more than the market af
fords. Carl Anderson.
Fred Bartha. the sheen feeder of
Dakota county, was a business visitor
at the county teat Saturday. Mr Bar
tela lost about 1D0 sheep recently by a
train ou the Omaha road running into
the Hock, aud there's goiuq; to be some
thing doing,
J 1' Beacon), the Duroo Jersey hog
man, was a visitor t j Sioux City Mon
day, j
Wo Lave jliat received our tew stock
of oveiuhoes. L t ns lit you orit while
tho fcizes are ooinplcto. Carl Ander
son. Mis Chis Rasiuussrri whs a Sioux
City shopper Thursday iff la.-d week.
James Henriuksen surprised his
wife last Saturday by inviting a large
liumlierof fi lends to hep celebrate,
her airth birthday. They u!l settled
dowu for a good time and about 11
o'clock au elegant luueh was rerved
and all teturned to their home with
the thought of having spent u Ull)bt HU.
j iyable evening,
Uenricksen many
and Hi-1
ling Mm
Lappy returnexa.
Report of the Condition of
he Bank of Di kota City
f Dakota City, rlinrter No. WM, Ineorpornt-
I, in llie xtnte of Mehrrckii. at tlio pWmb of
ImslncM Novemlier In, lulu.
Irfiaim nnd (llncnmitx I lflX.ft'W M
Knnklii house furniture nixl fix
tures it nil on
Curn'iit expeiiM. ami tnxe mild.. I.m To
line from mtt'l, Mute and
private Ixink fcw w4 ti
Currency H.:tl 1 no
Hold roln v7fi im
Silver, nickel and cents. HiS ill :i.7l! IB
Total i-HhiM W
npltnl stock nald In 1 gn.nm on
Hurplus fund sj.uio no
lUxllvmcd profits 7,145 us
Individual deposits huI-
ject. loclieck I flft.ZW 64
iH'iunud certificates of
uenoslt R9K m
Time certificates of de
posit IPUmO 17
me to national, statu
and private Imnks 6,WX f0l,!M 31
loini 1 wvu.ifji vu
County of 1'akota. (
I. M.O.Avrcs. nrpslflent
of Dip altove mimed bank, do hereby swear
mai 1 ne aiKive statement Is n correct nnd
rue copy of the report mnde to the Htutu
HiinkliiK Hoard. M.O. Aykks,
Attest: President
Harry II. Adnlr, Director.
Ueo. 3. Houcher, Director.
Hubscrlls'il ami sworn to licforo mo this
l'HIi day of Novemlx-r, 1VIII.
(8KAI.I Notary l'uhllc.
My commission expires January Iff, lull.
Flint Publication Jet 11 4w
In the county court of Dakota county.
In tlie matter of the estate of Peiry I'ii
nier, deceased.
Notice Is hi re by Riven that the creditor
of the said deceased will meet the exectl
tor of said estate, liefore me, roiint.v indue
of Dakota county, nelxiiNka, at the county
otirt room in said county, on the l.Sth day
or renrtniry, mil, on tne i;it n day ol March
lull, and on the 17th day of April, lull, at
lOo'cliM'k a. in. each day for the purpose of
pre Heniintr tneir ciitiins ror examination
adjustment and Allowance. Klx months
are allowed for creditors to present their
claims and one year for the executor
to nettle Mild estate, from the 14th day of
ucioiht, itnii.
This notice will lie mihllshed In the Dako
ta t'ounty Herald for four weeks successive
ly prior to the l:lth day of reliruary, 11)11
witness my hand, and seal or said court
this nth day of Uctoner, A, 1). IlilU.
sfal County Judge
First publication 10-2N 5w
Ky virtue of nn order of the district court
of Nebraska, In and for Dakota county, for
the sale of real estate to iiinke partition
rendered on the 7th day of Oclolier, A D,
mill. In H suit for partition, wherein Mary
I uiim is piiiiniitr. and Mien utiu-uan. rat
rick Diikkiiii mid John William Itooney and
Thomas Benedict Kooney, minors, Frank
I'tlliiK, Kdward J. Mullally, Mary K. Mill
lally, Hans Nelsen and l.aura Nelsen, are
defendants, we, the undcrttlniied persons
referees In partition duly appointed and
commissioned In said suit, niiallllcd and
actliiir, will, on the :kl day of Deeeinlar, A
1). HUH, nt 11 o'clock In the forenoon of mild
day, sell at public sale nt the front door of
the court house at Dakota City, county of
Dakota and state or Nenrnska, the follow
In. deci IlK'd real estate, to-wlf
The east half tf the southeast quarter
(K'iof HKl4), and the sotit lien-t quarter of
the northeast quarter I SH.4 of IS r,') of sec
tion 27, nil in township US, north of rniik'i
east nf the Alii 1'. M., in Dakota county, Ne
The terms nf snltl sale to lx ensh. or not
less tlm it one-half ensh, with niortiraue bin1
on the land sold or other equivalent sectirl
ty for deferred pnymentsand Interest.
Dated October 27, 111 10.
Dakiri. Haktnett,
Patkick Jonrh,
Hkkman Rknzk.
Keferees In Partition
First publication ll-ll-l(-4wkti
You nnd ench of you will take notice that
on tin -'7lh day or October, lino, c. Martin,
plnlnlitl herein, tiled her petition in tlie
district court of Dakota county, Nebraska,
iiKainst you, tlie said defendants, the object
anil prayer ot which are to establish nnd
quiet her title BKamst your ndverse claim
to the property hereinafter descrllied : a-k-Init
that you Ik barred and estopped from
haviiiK or claiming any rliclit or title there
to, adverse to said plnliitltT, whether by
conveyance, niortiraue or otherwise.
Tlie following are the names of tho de
fendants, and descriptions of the property
above referred to:
To W. H. (Goodwin, Jr., as elalnilna lots 11
and 12. in block 42, of Joy 1'lace Addition,
South HlouxClty : to II. Keaver.ascliiiminK
lot 12 In block of i'alnicr Place Addition,
South Sioux City; to Anna K. Klllott, ns
claiiiiliiK lot 4 in block 111, of 2nd Addition to
South Sioux City; to John C. Hleiiklron and
J. C. Illenklron, as clnlmliiK lots 1 mid 17, In
block of 2nd Addition to South Sioux City,
lot IS In block 5 of 1st Addition to South
Sioux City, lot 17 Iu block rl. lot w In block 7,
lot III In block H. lot 1" 111 block 12, nil of
south sioux city; lot fi In block 2,
lot 1 In block :i, nnd lot 2 In block
4 of Central Addition to South Sioux
City; to Aaron Middle knufr, as owner of
lot IS in block V or 2nd Addition to South
Sioux City; to J. M. Wlllctt, as claiming lot
Sill block Not 1st Additiou to South Sioux
City; toOico. K. Sealiold, as claiming lot 23
in block 5 of 1st Addition to South Sioux
City; to James Kephnrt as claiming lot 0
In block 14 of South Sioux City; W. A. Houts
as claiming lot l.'l In block 12 of South Sioux
City; to Ann K. l'ereshlng or AnnaM. I'er
eshing, as claiming lot 111 In block t of South
Sioux City; to tlie Gateway Improvement
company iih claiming lots 8 and 17 In block 7
of South Sioux City ; to John Walraven, as
claiming lot 15 In block of South Sioux
City: to Chas. A. Chapman, ns claiming lot
s In block f of South Sioux City: to Ixila M.
Hunt, as claiming lot 11 In block 6 of South
Sioux City; to William H. rainier, as claim
lot 1 In block 8 nf Central Addition to South
Sioux City, and lot 12 111 block 04 of Coving
ton, as annexed to South Sioux City: to K.
J. Krasslleld as owner of lot 6 In block 112 of
Covington,, as annexed to South Sioux City ;
to Kllznhcth Arnesdorf, as claiming lots 1
and S In block Hn, In Covington, annexed to
South Sioux City; to the Combination
Kiidge Company, churning lot hi In block
Kl, In Covington, annexed to South Sioux
City ; to tlie Sioux City V Nebraska Railroad
Company , us claiming lot W In block 79 of
Covington, ns annexed to South Sioux City ;
to Tealle Griffey, or Tealle Dewalt, claiming
lot 1 In block (til In Covington, annexed to
South Sioux City; to Thomas Sigler and
Moses K rait, claiming lots i, 4 and 5 iu block
till of Covington, andexed to South Sioux
City; to John Nlchnus, claiming lot :t in
block tw of Covington, annexed to South
Sioux City ; to W. J. IJnruh, and K. R. Mc
Pherson, claiming lots II In block IIS of Cov
ington annexed to South Sioux City; to
William Gordon, trustee, claiming lot M In
block firt of Covington, annexed to South
SlouxCily; to Francis A. Joy, Chimney I,.
Joy and Helen J. Skeels, claiming a mort
gage on lots II and 12 lu block 42 of Joy
Place, Addition to South Sioux City; toj.
M. Moan. Frank Hunt, kn'e C. I'aliuer,
William li. Palmer, and Charles H. Palmer,
claiming a mortgage on lot 4 in block In In
2nd Addition to South Sioux City: to. lames
M. Higgs. claiming tlie east half of lot 1 111
section HI, township 27, range u east. All
of said property being Iu Dakota county,
You are required to answer said petition
on orlM'fore tlie luth day of December, lulu.
Dated November 2, lulu.
C. Martin,
Ity fieorge M. Pnrdoe, Attorney.
Lincoln Sanitarium
J n -n 'H a y rif-
Sulpho-Sslina Springs
Locate 1 on our own )r!iisoa and iu4
iu ttia
Natural Mineral Water
CAttirpuined in tb tr, !mut of
Boart, btonneh. KMny and Llvar
Madf O. !'(. Ad4nu
OR. I. W. fVERETT, Mgr.. Lincoln, Mb.
Tho Urownie (Jirl
at tho M E Church
Ntxt Wedneieday Eve
and Up -
FVtxits m
A Good LIne of Undcrwetvr
&A. Remarkably Low Prices
Sooth of City Hotel
E6e MctKodist CKircK
Wednesday Evening November 23rd
Dakota Citvi Nil I X.9.Vy '3
Bonded : Abstracter
Everything in the line of
Harness and Horse Goods
Whips, Fly Nets, Saddles, Sweat Pads,
Lap Robes, Stable Blankets, Etc.
Keptir Work Given Prompt Attention
Fredricksen CSi Sotv
The Mico Eternal h-ocess of ilmbalming.
Nothing taken from body and nothing put
in body. All done upon outside. Body can
be kept for ages.
B. F. Sawyer, Jackson, Nebraska
Until the Cold Pinches to Provide the Winter Comforts.
Cold weather is coming, and you have to have a heater. Wp
sell the best makes that stove
G6e Favorite Base Burner
Zhe Prize Oak
Zhe Elite Oak
Zfie L. m. II. Air TigKt
Come in and see them now.
Edwards& Bradford Lbr.Co..
i Patronize Home Industry
Proprietor of
City Meat Market ?
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand
Cash paid for Hides and Pelts
Agent for Seymoui's White
V. . .1 J
2 lucsuuys unci euiiK's uai'K oaiuruays
" 4CK4i :k
Abstracts of Title
A f 10,000 Surety Bond
'luaruntfeu the accuracy of every
Abstract I make
New, Clean
to - Date
Dakota City
rownic (Elrf
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iov.
cu'y crn
experts have been able to produce.
buy your m?ats of
Laundry. Basket goes on
l. 1 i . i
; m t'- m (.
mm u n.xttm -:
Dakota County Ahstract Co;
Bonded Abstracter
r I