s Mwmmwmmt' tx urn W If - pr Viy .I;vai ; iff' mm up 1 Scores of women will do it this winter, in some poor, old base burner ; and they'll get very little warmth out of it, too. Don't you think it would be a good idea to buy a First Class Favorite Base Bur ner, with Triple Exposed Flues, and save enough on your coal bills this winter to buy a new dress in the spring? It is a positive fact the Favorite does burn less coal and throws out more heat than any other base burner made. It took an organized body of stove ex perts nearly fifty years to perfect it. There is no other Base Burner like it, because tue features that make it such a wonder M and economical heater are patented. 9 It is the most attractive and best made stove, too. In the Triple exposed Flues you will find one reason why it will save fully one half on your coal bills. But there are many other vsss reasons too many to mention here. Cpme and see us, ana we will snow you that there is no other base burner that will compare with the Favorite. IS. IB. ILbr. Co. Hubbard, Nebr. YcniH rindtha Benson in tbr- mm fpiit All kinds of coal, feed and bay for sale at reaoouuble prices. 1'iwldb & Slaughter Co. ThioE Blivkn, Manager. Dakota City, Neb. If you liaven't got time to do your own shopping call up No. 1, and be will deliver the goods promptly. Local Items Lincoln Sanitarium iLzjLa Sulpha-Saline Springs Located on our own premiyas and aad in the Natural Mineral WaUr BATHS Unsnrpaued in tin treatment of Rheumatism Haart. Btomaoh. Kidney and Lirar Diteaaua Mwlcr.M Caarfci. AUru DR. 0. W. EVERETT, Mgr.. Lincoln, Rb. Friday, Oct. 28, 1910 We have sewing machine needles and scbuttles to fit any sewing ma chine. You will also find a good line of hardware, graniteware and tinware at right prices, nt Schriever Bros. The Youth's Companion So Much for so Little ! 52 Weeks' Issues only $1.75. L L . i 1 Bargains at Van's every day. The board of oounty commissioners meet tomorrow, Saturday. For Sale Eight fine young Duroc Jersey pigs, past eight wicks old. Fred Dnensing, Dakota City, Nebr. Adolph Bartels brought homo a fine buuch of feeders from Sioux City Mon- Buy a good farm on the Dakota county bottom. I have it. Eimers. MiwH Elizabeth Oreve bns accepted a pnM'imi iu a fruit store in Sioux Citv. Everything in the line of scbool supplii's, such as pencils, crayons, pens, rHbltts, etc, at Van de Zedde's. IUv S L Keller on Wednesday titd the nuptial knot that joined together Elmer O Mott and Mr 1'earl Vannice, both of Columbus Junction, Iowa. O M ITttchcock democratic caudi date lor U S senator, ami J P Latta democratic candidate for congrens, are billed to speak here Nov, 1, at 1:30 p m. Your cough annoys you. Keep on hacking and tearing the delicate mem branes of vour thioatif you want to ""J' l,.. i .!.: fii...un.i.:n,uf!ni.li E N Phillips of Exeter, Nebr, yisit-"'. ""TV'?:": . . The Companion entertains half a million families every week. "Only the Best" Reading chosen from the world's abundance of every sort. Send for Free Sample Copies of the Larger Companion and the Announcement for ign. FREE to JAN. 1911 I'vcrT New ulm-l'l ln-r Mbu rut oi't in. I k. nil- I i -H ( ii" M,i, I . , il I. V. . ; . I.I!- I I ' I---K Xli.-1 .iiiipiiii'in IV" "in'- I1 tin- r- Inli'S l-."" f'r 1il'. i, ,,!,,; 111. I I l '- (.11 IM, AMI 11 liisl'.llAs. tin: i .imi'AMov i:t i i :v- II Ii I (It! I '.I I I. lit li.;:,IM'l -I I ' ' lliiiiit-ii iiilur mill iii'I'l. " ' I In ii 'Mm- Vmiili'ii ii'i l'iiiil"" J till- .-.. Will.-, i.f I'll I- I lli.l-111-V I i iMlllltf llnl Muul.l i unt '0 111 h...'U 1 & in. YOUTH'S ISOSTON, COMPANION MASS. Vi-iy tiuhtiriptioiit KccclvtJ at thit Uilue. at the homa of his sou-in law, w Ji. Suethen, from Friday until Monday. W 8 Baughman received an ugly cut on his wrist Ironi a brogen window glass while working at the firo yesterday, It pays to trade at Vans, and be sides lie will give you, free of charge, a handsome chronio in the course ol time. Oo and see him. II A Baker, formerly ageni for the Watkins Remedy Co in this place, is herefrom the western part of the state on a visit with old friends. Fred Blume, of Emerson, who has been seriously ill for several weeks with inflamatorv rheumatism, has about recovered, and is regaining his health again, Dakota county hadn't ought to be compelled to pay $1.00 per page for piloting briefs just to enable some county officer to pay bis political debts at the expense of the taxpayers. Any legitimate cublisher will print briefs - - O a for 75c per page.' noaisness in a child subject to cioup is a sure indication of the approach of the disease. If Chamberlain's Congh Remedy is given at once or even after the croupy congh has appeared, it will prevent the attack. Contains no poison. Sold by all druggists. The Sioux City boosters, in a special train, and headed by Reed's military band, visited Dakota City last Friday evening. They were received at the depot by the business men ol town and escorted to the business part ol town w here they met the people and dis tributed literature and souvenirs ad vertising the commercial interests of Sioux City. D M Neiswanger came up from Omaha Saturday for a few week's stay at home, having been excused from dntv bb iurvmau in the federal court until November 14th. Mr Neiswanger has resinned as traveling salesman for Finoh, Van Slyck & McConville, of St Pnul, Minn, and has taken the Nebras ka territory for a new dry goods hrm that is being established id Sioux City. A trip to Great Falls Montana, and the filiug on a homestead in Judas Basin, Uear Beuchland, Mont, by MibS Matilda Herman, was followed by a quirt wedding in the purcontige of the Methodist Episr-opal church at Great Fulls of Mi.is Urmia!) to J Fruuk Orr, Hon of Roland U Orr and wifo of Umh 1 .1 u -e, cm Wednesday of lust week. 1 ho acquaint anen of ton two yoiiiij.! m-oplo was iaa-:! ut Phillip, S i, wiiete MiKs Herman, whose homo in in Uliii'iit?'), had spent thu pm-t Hammer with rel itivrH, :ind wlii.ru Mr Oir, who recently proved up on a claim, was re- Billing, Alter t an wii,tn,f.', wincn was solemuiz-'d by R.-v J E Martin, the happy couple returned to this placu where they will spend the winter, and return to Montana iu the spring. Thu best wishes of their many frieudd are extended thorn. Remedy. Sold by all druggists Havey Zentmire returned last Fri day from a visit to his old home ut Aledo. 111. while there ho was taken down with inflamatory rheumatism, and is now only able to hobble around with the aid of crutbes. The Wednesday Literary club will meet with Miss Engelen November 2, 2:30 pm. The following program to be given: Roll call reponses about noted Spanish discoveries; le-son study, ch 8, and 9 10, Miss Engelen; paper, the present conditions and fn ture of Spain, Mrs Evans; Scrap Book in Hoaiu. Mrs Adair Mnsic. Etta M Sides, secretary. We have a good position open in this oounty for a man of good standing to take charge of branch Oil and Gaso line station, to sell direct to the farm era iu barrel lots. Must be able to sive cash security as we carry car load oil, each station. Will pay good salary or commission to right party Address Milwaukee Oil Kenniug Uo, Aberdeen, 8 Dak. The bic bunch of Omaha boosters that were touring northeastern Nebras ka this week, paid Dakota City a short visit Wednesday afternoon, arriving here at 4:10 and leaving at 4:20 Their time waa rather limited in which to make the long trip from the depot and return, but they managed to find all the business houses and leave re minders of their trip, The Burlington shopping train that was put on several mouths ago to ac commodate the patrons of the line be tween Sionx City and Ashland, will be taken off the first of Nove ber, at least that is the order that comes throueh our looal agent, W E Snethen While it will be immaterial to people in this vicinity who now patroni.e the eleotrio cur line, it will be a disap iioiutmeut to those south of us who have no other road to patronize. Bess Stinson, who is sojourning at Excelsior Springs, Mo, in company with her sister Perle, and Mrs Uairy Adair and father, Barney Gribble, writes that she is enjoying her vacn tion lmmensrlv. and that slie is now expert enough to defeat "Uncle Bar ney" pitching horseshoes, a game that nobody ever defeated him at before ho he says. Misses Bess and Perlo ex pect to return home Sunday, while Mr (iribble and Jaught r will remain a fuw weeks longer, tieorge l'ruuger, who lor llio past six years has filled the position of sta tion iitf! ut at this place for the Omaha road, h accepted a like posi'.iou for tlie nunc company ut Wakefield, ut a haiiil'oi.iH raise ill Halury, lie will succeed David Learner, u former In kota county boy, who has been iu the oil) ploy of the company f r twenty- eight yeurrt, aU'l lor twenty live years at Wakefield. Goorge Poole of Emur sun. relief agent, w ill have charge, of the station here temporarily. The many friends of Mr and Mrs Pranger regret their departure. Ma E M Sponcer left Tuesday noon ; for Denver, Colo, where she will spend a month with her daughter, Mary, j Roy L Widner and Miss Catharine Fouts, of Winnebago, were married here Thursday by Rey 8 L Keller. I The Dakota Comity Home makers Club will hold their next meeting Fri day afternoon Nov 11th. A program is being prepared. i Mrs Evan Way of Pigeon Creek precinct, and Mrs Ely Arick of Kansas, were guests at the Dr D C Stiusou . home Monday and Tuesday. G M Hitchcock and J P Latta, can didates for U 8 senator and cougress- j roan, respectively, a billed to speak at this place Nov 1, at 1 M0 p m. Mrs Auna M Evans, grand worthy matron of the O E 8, returned home lrst Saturday from a two weeks trip throughout the state in which she ofli oialy visited a number of chapters. N R Brasfield and wife came from their home near Awanka, 8 D, Wed nesday to spend a few days with Mrs Brai-Ut Id's mother, Mrs 8 C Hileman, who has been in poor health for some time. Oet married and have your wedding photos made at the De Luxe, wo make the latest styles and our prices are be low all. For group or school photos, see us first. De Luxe Studio, 405, 4th street, Sioux City, Iowa. Helen Knox has resigned her posi tion as teacher in the German school district No 25, oa account of poor health. Henry Wallwey, tho director, is searching for a tesoher ti fill the va cancy. John O Bachert and wife returned the first of the week from their auto mobile trip to Ft Dodge, Iowa. They traded their machine for a residence property in Ft Dodge, and made the return trip iu the steam cars. The pleasant purgative effect expe rienced by all who use Chamherlaiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets, uu i the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create, makes one feel joyful. Bold by all drngguts. Mrs George Burnett received word the firtt of the week that her brother, Clyde Gribble, living at Goodwin was seriously injured last Friday iu a runa way, sustaining a broken leg and sev eral bad bruises. He is still under the oare of a trnined nurse. . Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has become famous for its cures of coughs, colds, croup and lnlluenza. lry it when in need. It contains no harmful substance and always give prompt re lief. Sold by all drugisst. As a county commissioner one who stands for thu inteiestsof the taxpayer, you would go a long ways in nuun a a man better qualified to fill the office than Nelson Feaut.., the present in enmbent. Not a woid of complaint has been heard of his actions' while serving the county in the capacity of commissioner the past year. I am here to stay, I'm glad to say, With Rawleigh's ooong the Best Satisfaction or No Sale. Phono 18, 8 II Moore, "The Rawleigh Man." Wo Biermaun came - down trom Danton, 8 D, Wednesday to look after business matters and visit relatives and old friends for a few days. Mr Bier- man has just completed a concrete house 20x20 on bis claim, doing most of the work himself, which has a neat and comfortable appearance. A hail storm nearly rained his corn crop the past summer, leaving him a yield of about 10 bushels to the acre. Fire Destroys the S. A. Stinson Store Fire broke out in the basement of the 8 A Stinson store about 2 :.'(() Thursday attcrnnon, and in less tl sn an hour the building and nearly all its contents wero consumed. The gale that was blowikg at the time made it impossible for the bucket bii gado and chemical apparatus to head off the tlanirs and tuey soon spread to the J J McAllister law office, consum ing that building, and for a time threatened the Mrs Altemns house oc cupied by Mrs Mollio Uroyhill, b t which by bard work was saved. The fire originated in the cellar and was first discovered by John II Grib ble, head clerk for Mr Stiuson, who was quite seriously burned by the ex plosion when the oil tank in the base ment caught. It spread so rapidly to the roof that it was fruitless to try to cope with it, and the crowd that bad assembled at the first alarm began re moving the goods from the burning buildings. A call ior aid was telephoned to the Sioux City fire department and they sent a chemical engine over, making the G-mile run in U5 minutes; but the fire bad done its work by the time they arrived. This is the worst fire loss Dakota City has suffered in many years, and following the fires of the past summer, is a severe blow to the hu-iness inter ests of the low-n. Mr Stinsnn's loss will Bmnu.t to about $16,000. partly covered by in surance, carrying $5,000 on stock and $1,8U0 on the building The McAl lister law offico was uninsured, and valued at $350. About $1,000 worth of goods and fixtures were saved from the Stinson store, ana tin so were re moved to the Fred Beermau store building. Mr Stinson has made no plans as yet for the future, but it is hoped that lie will replace the burned buildiug with a brick structure. No matter how you make it, No matter how you bake it, No matter what it costs you, You can't beat Tip Top Bread, Made at Metz bakery, For J Van de Zedde. v HC 3MOI HIGH SCHOOL NOTES ii.' v-, i:-o -i-:-:- oi hoc4? r-sc )oo iV HIGH SCHOOL DEATAKTMENT Will Schriever has been absent sev eral dsvs on account of sickness. The eleventh Rrade have completed the Btudy of "Elaine" and are now studying "Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice." The report cards have beeu returned bearing the signatures of the parents and the amount of home study. This varies according to the needs of the differeut pupils. Arthur Kflsel enrolled in the first grade Mouday, and Mary Kolsel en rolled in the sixth grade. Leslie nnd William Hal are in school aftor a week's absence. .1, A. Chleolne. Principal. Julia Power, Asslstnnt Principal. CHURCH NEWS METHODIST. Rev. W. K. Warren, Pastor. Services at the Methodist Episcopal church every Sunday an follows: 1'reacli lux at 11 it in ; Sunday school at in a in : class mcctliiK 12 tn : Kpwortli J.enKue 7 p in: ui-eaclilnu S p in. Don't forget the services at the Methodist church. He ou hand at 10 a m, bring your children to Sundaj "Chool. Preaching at 11 a m and 7:30 pu. Let the young people rally to the League service at 0:30 pm. The League will give a social at Bro Geo Orr's ou the 0th at 8 p ru or thereboiits. That was a splendid anthem Sunday iveaing. More please. lie V. It is time of sudden mishap or acci dents that Chamberlains Liniment can bo relied upon to take the place of the family doctor, who cannot always be found at the moment. Then it is that Chamberlain's Liniment is never found wanting. In cases of sprains, cuts, wounds -and bruises Cliamber- lain's Liniment takes oat the soreness and drives away the pain. Sold by all druggists. Thirteen voters, five of them repub licans, turned out Wednesday evening to hear Willis E Reed, of Madison, Nebr, expound democratio dootrine. The scarceity of the crowd was due largely to the big game of Hearts going on at democratio headquarters, where "the ceiling is the limit. Mr Reed was very tame in his remarks, and his talk was a disappointment to the Dahlniatiites . A GOOD POSITION Can be had by ambitious young men or ladies in the Railway or " Wireless" lelegrapu service. Since the 8-hour law became effective, and since the extensive de velopments of wireless telegraphy, there is a shortage of 10,U0U telegrap- ers. Positions Day beginners $70 to 400 ner month. We operate uuder su nervisiou of Teleerraim Umclals and 4 i . t . all graduates are guaranteed positions Write for full details to the Institute nearest to you. NATlOMALi IHiIjI'j GRAPH INSTITUTE, Cincinnati, O, Philadelphia. Pa. Memphis, lenn, Columbia. 8 0, St Paul, Minn, Luid, Okla, Portland, Ore. Word came from Phillipsburg, Kans. Tuesday that A Frederick Ber- gor, a former resident of this county, haS passed away the night previous. at hK home there from pneumonia His sc8 John and Wiiliam of this precinct had been with him during the last days of his illness and will bring the remains bore for burial in the 'lay lor nemeti rv. Mr BerKor was one of the first pioneer residents of Dakota county, coming here in July 1858. He first located on Squaw creek, south of Homer, where ho resided a few ycats, and then located on t'ut farm three miles north of Homer, where he resided until annul live years ao when he wov-d to llonnr. From there he move I to Kansas in the spring of lOI)1.), 1I. served his country in the civil wsr as a member of Co I, 2nd Ne braska cavalry. Dcceiised issiuvivd by six children Mrs 1'. I Norris. Mrs Albert Ondi'i-stal, MrsAuna hlieldon, Mrs Frank Shaffer, John liergi r and Wm llergur. His wifo uud one broth er, G net v Bergur, also survive him, Deceased was well-to-do in worldly goods, having accumulated considei ble property during his long Ltay and prosperous residence among us. Proaclilnit every Sunday at 11 Bin: Sun day school promptly at 10 a in. Sr. 1 Clul- IxM-tson, superintendent. I'll ii public U cordially invited to an menu services. LUTHCRAN- S. I.. Keller. Tustor. DAKOTA CITY Sunday school every Sunday at :4.r a in Kll.ttl'th S. Ililtlie, Hlipcrlnleliileiit. pit-achlntc at 7:au p iu. every sunuay. SALEM First Publication Oct 11 4w PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS . in the county court of Dakota county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Pciry I.ca mer, deceased. .... Notice Is hereby (riven that the creditor of the said deceased will meet the exeeu- . I.I Iwif..p. ..... .....,,fV lll.flfl. liir oi muu 1-niii.w, . " i". " ., .... of Dakota county, Nebraska, at the county court room in sum counij, on m mm .mj ... ii,ii .... I... 1 in I, ,1 ii . (,f Miii-i It III ri'lllllllljr, l, .11, .ii n... ... n. I .1... 1-7.1. .luw ..f A.,,-il lull Hi. mill itnu uu uu. ii ii. ..,, ... In o'clock a. ni.eiich day for the purpose of pri'SI-llllllK fclli-li I iiiinii i"i ...... ...v.. .... ...ii.... .....I 1 1 . .u'li iii.ii Slv ,iwnilliy tltljun t in, -ii n iii. . i i.f ti ....... . ............. in. iilloueil for creditors to present their claims and one yetu- for the executor to settle said estate, from the inn uay 01 Octolier, llilll. This notice will lie published In the lliiko- ta 1 'ouniy i leraiu mi- iiiur w im-ks nm-i-rum ly prior to tin) l-iin nay 01 r iriiury, iwu. Witness my hand, and seal of said court this Nth day of Octolier, A. H. mid. hral Oounty Juiliro. 2f F Oy All Cakes, "Hill ff Biscuits, I MoreTastv. i Absolutely Healthful Lomi cal, 272 PROTECTION Why we advertise "Safe as a Government Bond." We loan to farmers almost exclusively (the safest class of borrowers in the world.) Less than $50 losses in nearly a quarter of a century. Ample capital, surplus and backing to fully protect any possible loss, with a lifetime's reputation back of all. Protection most thorough vault, safe, burglar alarm aud the services of all the detectives of two Insurance companies. State and Amorican Bankers Associations, and of Pinkcrtons. That's part of the reason for saying "Safe as a Government Bond." "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you Bank, of Dakota Coixtxty & RIGHT" latelcaon Nbr. 1 Abstracts of Title A $10,000 Burety Bond Guarantees tbo accuracy of every A Abstract I make Mxa u oca Successor to Dakota County Abstract Co. Bonded Abstracter J. J. EIMERS ! I Klrst publication fiw , NOTICE OK UEKEIIKRH BALK IN VAUTITIOH llv virtue of till order of the district court of Nebraska, III and for luikota county, for thu sale of real estate to mime pariiuoii, i-i.tirlerei oil I III! Ill llllV Ol HClOlier. n 1 1, lull), In a suit for partition, wherein Mary I'tiinir Is DlulntllT. anil Klleil llturKHii, rat rick ImikViiii and .loliu William Itooney and Thomas lieneillct Itooney, Illinois, Frank 1'iiiiilt. KM ward J. Mullall.v, Mary K. Mill lally, Hans Nelsen mid l,aura Nclseii, a defendants, we. the uiiderslinied persons, referees In partition duly appointed mid commissioned 111 suld suit, nil 1 1 11.-. 1 and Hctlnu, will, on thw d day of I leceinlmr. A . Ii. lKiu. at II o'clock 111 the forenoon of said day. sell at public sale at the front door of the court house at liakota City, county of Dakota and statu of Nebraska, thu follow Inn d-scrlls-d real estate, to-wlf Tin. est half of the southeast quarter (K'-jof HKS). and thu southeast quarter of thu northeast quarter I WK'- of N KU) of sec- tlon 27, all In township, norm oi rnime ( east of thu Bill f. M In lmkola county, Nc 1.,-lwblL Thu terms of Biild sale to lsi cash, or not less than onu-half cash, wit h iiiortKimu twick on t he land sold or other equivalent securi ty for de (erred pay ineuts and interest.. Imled Ik-tolier 27, lain. llAMKr. 1IAHTNBTT, I'ATHICK JllNKH, llKKMAN KRNK, Ki I. i i es lii I'll rt 1 1 Inn The R,icR Irrigated Iands in Efte Old Horn B&sin, Zfie Shoshone Project, "Che Huntley Project, Arc an IShe jBirliragtosi Personally conducted excursions first and third Tuesdays. Soil The soil is rich, very deep, and is alluvial in character, of grayish brown loam that yields tremendous returns. The soil is not limited to any one crop but is showing remarkable results on widely diversified produce. Everything prospers here, wheat, oats, barley, alfalfa, sugar beets, potatoes, garden vegetables, apples, and all small fruits, as well as live stock, poultry and bees. Climate The climate is especially attractive here and settlers are fast coming into this desirable country. Government Auction Sale Ask about the Government Auc tion Sale of Crow Indian lands. One-fifth cash. No residence required. Iree Literature If you want to share in the magnificent op portunities that this country offers, you should lose no time in sending for free literature prepared by the Burlington railroad. Land Bookers Information Bureau, 1001 Farnam Btreet, Omaba, Nebr. Ekuii r : Viitlil Us Your Name JV, have a gooil money lnnkintr proposition . ; .1 va::t to tell oil about it. Write to-day for pur tiail.irs. Address :v; idi:a ; Uruadway l'Ur.LISHINO CO. NKWYOKK, N. Y. W HARNESS m !i I J V.4 I This lji-in. Coucord Harness No. 70 no collars 31 Our No. 170, l2-in. Concord, with flat backs, abetter job $35 41 1 Pearl St Sioux City (91 -ftt-f -t. I r::i... - 4 i -I mm m tl u.-'