Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, September 16, 1910, Image 7

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JTOy . nAVlllVUi
After all the market Is more Import
ant than the soil. It an Ideal soil
(sandy loam) for gardening purposes
la far remote from a good market, it
Is difficult to be financially successful.
If, on the other hand, the soil Is quite
unfavorable, but near a good market
and available supply of manure, it is
comparatively easy to make a finan
cial success of market gardening. It
Is Important, however, to select soils
which are naturally loose and friable
If a mixed line of gardening is to be
In preparing beds for flowers It
should be remembered that most flow-
is which produce a yellow bloom
should not have much organ lo mat
ter In the soil. Red or purple flowers
will do best on a soil with a reason
able amount of organic matter, and
plants which are grown for their foli
age should be attempted only on rich
soils. We speak of that now because
this Is the Ideal time to prepare nex
year's flower beds. i-.n-.ik
rsv... - - -
If you have only common cows,
breed them to a male of standard
dairy breed and the result will give
grade animals. These half-blood
grade animals bred in the same line
will give animals more nearly pure
bred, and this breeding and selection
with Judgment will result in a herd of
high producing animals that will make
money for the breeder or the man who
buys them.
Trimming the orchard is imperative
and trimming the hedge rows is just
as important. An untnmmed orchard
not only fails to produce fruit but is
also unprofitable in the shabby ap
pearance it gives the farm. The un
trlmmed hedge is even more objec
tionable as one gets his first Impres
sion from the outside.
Huinus making crops are such
grasses as timothy, clover, blue grass,
brome grass and alfalfa. It has been
found that grass land plowed and put
into crops is under better conditions
of moisture and freer from weeds than
land that has grown grain continu
When the fowls begin molting they
v.111 practically cease laying. As the
growing of new feathers is a heavy
drain on the fowl extra feed should
be given. A small amount of linseed
meal can be given to an advantage.
Peed w heat and oats rather than much
Don't let the young orchard trees go
into winter without protection.
Anything that shades the bark will
protect from eunscald but a covering
that gives the tree immunity from
h sunscald and gnawing from ro
dents Is better.
A well drained soil with good eleva
tion, slightly higher If possible than
the surrounding area, fairly heavy In
character, with a deep, strong, but
not hard-pan subsoil furnishes the
best conditions for successful apple
While there Is never any very large
profit in selling either turnips or
"greens," the crop is one that requires
so little care and is bo sure that it
will pay anyone handy to a market
to sow some for sale.
There are three kinds of bees Jn
every thrifty hive one queen, during
the summer season several hundred
drones, and the rest workers. These
workers are all females, undeveloped
This being the cement age, cement
floors are good for the new poultry
house, for they are dry and easily
kept clean. They can be covered with
dry earth in summer and cut straw In
"Examine the horse's teeth fre
quently." It might be added that a
most important time to do this is
when you are being Importuned to buy
a horse that is "as sound as a roach."
We frequently see young colts fol-
g along the fields after their
dams, walking many miles durlne the
hot weather. Useless and poor busi
ness. Generally when the comb of a fowl
Is bright colored, showing it to be full
of blood, the fowl is in a healthy con
dition and the fowls are usually ac
Grass, clover, corn fodder and cow
peas, when fed in green state, are rel
ished by farm animals much more than
ufter they are cured.
To groom the horse well after hard
work, does not only clean the skin, but
It prevents various parasitic diseases
af the skin.
Separate the growlne cockerels
from the pullets, and feed the former
more Uueraiiy, as tney will need It.
American sheep produce an average
of six pounds of wool per head and
are shorn once a year.
Attention to the brood sow at the
farrowing time should be especially
sheep like to drluk close up wher-j
ue water bubbles out from the
A farmer writes from Sallna couitj,
Nebraska: "Our apple orchard Is on
thin land and was badly neglected
when we bought the plnce. After two
years of heavy applications of stable
nuinure we made that old orchard
yield at the rote of l.r.OO bushels of
apples per ncre In one year." The
trees were fo clone together, however,
:md the yield so large that they were
Ki'eatly weakened. We then took the
bull by the horns and cut out every
'iilier tree and are going to have splen
did results this year."
The udder of a cow has a good deal
to do with her value as an economical
producer. An Ideal udder should not
lie too large, but should have sunVienl
capacity to allow the continued
prowth of the cells necessary In the
manufacture of milk. The udder
should be evenly balanced in front
and behind and should be covered
with soft, velvety hair and be free
from blemishes and fleshiness. It
should extend well forward Had well
up behind and the teats should bt
evenly placed.
Humus Is a variable. Infinite son
;f matter, difficult to classify, clieui
lcally complex, sometimes highly nl
trogenous and sometimes nearly ni
trogen free, composed of mixed anl
mals and vegetable matter mostly
the latter In its intermediate forms ol
decomposition, but not complete.
A little green corn will help out
amazingly when the pastures get
short these hot, dry days. Care must
be used In feeding it, but it is doubt
ful if it can be mr.de to bring a big
ger profit than when fed green as a
supplement to falling pastures. And
you get full value for the entire crop
when used in this manner.
It takes two-thirds of all the good
cow eats to keep her alive and with
out loss of flesh, and the other third
of ordinary good rations to enable her
to give milk. The expense of two
thirds of the money earning rations
has to be incurred when the cow Is
earning nothing.
Angora goats of both sexes will
sometimes breed when five months
old, and often at six months, but from
the fact that they nre at this age but
a month or two from weaning time
and are not nearly full grown. It Is ob
vious that they should not be permit
ted to breed.
With native grass lambs or with
lambs fresh from the range country,
it would not be udvisable to begin
heavy grain feeding when first placed
in the dry lot, as an abrupt change is
not conducive to the best health nor
to the best future gain with any class
of animals.
With the present short pastures and
promised advent of extremely dry, hot
weather, it must be remembered that
now is the opportune time to feed the
sweet fodder corn we urged you to
plant through tl'iso columns last
spring for soiling purposes.
The profit from poultry depends
upon economical feeding, from utili
zing materials which would otherwise
be wasted. When grain must be
bought for supplying their principal
needs close figuring is necessary to
avoid loss.
Do not let the radishes that were
left for seed become too ripe before
the seed Is gathered. When the pods
break the seeds spread over a great
deal of ground and are equal to a
weed pest the following year.
In dressing fowls for market it pays
to be particular iu dressing them. A
well dressed, dry picked fowl should
bring several cents more per pound
than one that has its skin torn and
lots of pin feathers on it.
Unless a person is willing to pay
attention to little details and not
only do them once but as often as oc
casion may require, it would hardly
be advisable for them to undertake
poultry keeping for profit.
The young bees, hatched from An.
gust first on, will constitute the colo
ny to be wintered, and for this rea
son it is wise to see that much brood
is ready, even If we have to resort to
stimulative feeding.
Do not allow the pullets to get too
fat, as it will set them back in ma
king a start at egg production. lie-
sides, this overfat Is apt to create too
much animal heat, which often results
In a molt out of season.
A clover crop In which Bladder
Campion la prevalent should be cut
early for hay, then deeply plowed and
thoroughly fallowed during the bal
ance of the season, preparatory to a
hoed crop.
Water is a necessary constituent ol
milk and the cow must have It during
the time it is being manufactured.
The best plan is to have a supply
where she can have access to it at all
In raising late hatched chicks it Is
always best to have separate quarters
for them where they will not be
trampled down and their feed stolen
by the older and stronger birds.
If possible, keep the bees from cas
ting more than one swarm, and you
are certain, In a normal season, to
get a nice surplus of honey.
Keep a few cats In the barns and
give them milk at each milking. Thej
will destaoy the rats which eat th
grain that lays in the barn.
Take a mallet and sharp chisel and
trim the horses' feet. Keenlnir the
feet in good shape not only prevents
them from breaking and cracking, but
It is easier on me norses.
Have an extra trough for the hon
lot, besides the ono you feed In, and
keep a good supply of ashes, charcoal
and salt In It. It means hcalthlei
Some of our best authorities reoonv
mend timothy and clover to be sown
( in the fall without a nurse crop.
Prisoners Placed in Labyrinth nnd
Offered Freedom Under Uniqui
A certain Sullan who was fond of
all manner of Intricate puzzles used to
amuse himself by testing the In
genuity and resource of his prisoners
of war. Among other buildings about
his palace he bad a peculiar maze,
which consisted of 12 pits, open to
the sky above and connected by a
series of underground passages, which
were quite dark.
Upon one occasion he caused six
prisoners to be placed In these pits,
three of them dressed In red In the
pits numbered 12 3, and three more
dressed In yellow in the pita num
bered 10, 11, 12. The Sultan com
manded his vizier to provide each of
these prisoners, who were complete
strangers to one another, with a rifle
and five cartridges, and to Inform
them separately that any of them
who could escape alive under the fol
lowing conditions should be set free
and returned to his own country.
The three dressed In red were to
exchange plnces with the three dress
ed in yellow, but only one man was to
move at a time, upon a given signal,
a bell for the red and a whistle for
the yellow. Each man could move
Plan of Pit.
only from the pit in which ho stood
to another pit that he could see In a
direct line with his own, the passage
from one pit to another being always
a direct line through the dark.
As each pit commanded a view of
two others, each man was told that If
he saw another man dressed In a dif
ferent color from himself standing In
any pit he should fire upon him at
once and kill him or the man whom he
saw would In turn shoot at him. If
any survived and got lo the other side
of the maze they would be set free.
This plan having been explained to
the prisoners before the day set for
the expel iment and each of them hav
Ing been provided with a plan of the
maze it appears that one of them had
studied out a plan by which they
might all escape with their lives, and
when they were placed In the pits,
the tops of which were open to the
sky, he called to the others In his own
language and was delighted to find
that they all understood him, where
upon he explained his plan and gave
the word of command to each man as
to the direction he should take. In
22 moves they had safely changed
places, no red man having ever seen
a yellow man and no two men having
ever been in the same pit at the same
How was this accomplished?
Powerful Alarm Device, to Be Placed
on Front Fork of Machine,
Is on Market.
A powerful siren whistle, designed
for attachment to the front fork of a
motorcycle, just above the rim of the
wheel, has been placed on the market,
6ays Popular Mechanics. Attached In
Powerful Siren Whistle.
this way the bell of the whistle points
in the exact direction that the front
wheel of the machine Is taking.
One day the teacher asked he
class to write an essay on 1-oiuloi
Ubout which they had Just been l'cut
ing. When examining tluir paper
later, she was surprised to read tli
"The people of London are no!e
for their stupidity."
"Where did you get that from?
asked of the little girl who had wvlt
ten the paper.
"Please, teacher," the little mii;s re
plied, 'it's all In the book. It says
the population of London Is very
A Gcd Idea.
Bald Janey: "I look volume
Anfl why. I'll tell to yuu.
I don't knuw how lo rmd; so that'
The beat that I run do."
Rose Glioii.
Any one can play this simple game.
Take a fullblown rose, hold It up
where all can see, then let them write
on slips of paper l.ow many petals
they think are :i; .he rose. The pe
tals are then mi : .i' d the nearest
right recti vis :.
(TV (2) Ja)
7 o ((&)) 09)
How nicely little Ceell sits
And nits his Cnke in enreful Bits
A Wnrnlnir, John, to you,
Whone Mouth Is filled with Hocf a.nq
TIip HcmnnnH of n Turkey's te
And half a dumpling, too.
It rrnlly mntfra mi feci quite hurt
To nee the Way tlmt you IniHTt
Your FlnRprs In the 1Ib1i;
Such Mouthful, too, have eenped to t
Since Prophet Jonah Mnrviously
Wua swallowed by tlio Fish.
Pray from the Joint remove, your Fist,
Anil do not stubbornly persist
Good manners to offend.
Some Pay yo'ull choke upon a Slice,
Or suffocate from too much rice.
And that will be your Knd.
Each Player Is Given a Vowel and
Five Minutes to Write Sentence
Longest Wins.
"Now," said Charlie, when every
body was gathered around the table,
'let's play the vowel game father told
us he used to play when he was a
"How do you play it?" asked every
one at once.
it's very easy," replied Charlie,
distributing pencils and paper impar
tially among the family group. "You
take tho five regular vowels, a, e, i, o,
11, and, beginning with the first let
ter, each player writes as long a sen
tence as he can, using no vowel ex
cept 'a' in any word, but repeating
that letter as often as he wishes."
"I don't quite understand," said
Cousin Lucy. "Please give us an ex
ample." "You'll have to give me a few min
utes' grace, then," laughed Charlie,
taking his pencil and paper. "Sup
pose I take 'a.' He wrote industrious
ly a few minutes and then read the
result aloud:
"Ah, madam, Frank Farns, a tall.
tasty, black man at Panama, has a
cat that can catch all bad ants and
bats at Nathan's pantry and barn."
"Bravo!" cried uncles and aunts
nnd cousins, as Charlie finished read
ing the queer sentence
"You see," continued Charlie, "you
may give the players five minutes, or
any time you agree on beforehand, to
make up Iho sentence. When tho
time is up, the sentences are read and
tho ono having the longest sentence
of good, plain, commonplace English
has gained tho first point. You go on
this way for each of tho live vowelB,
and when all the sentences are read
and compared, tho person who has
gained tho most points wins the
Willie, Jennie, Mary, Joe,
Decided they would take a row
From Boston down to Tokyo.
Until up spoke the River Man:
'I really do not think you can.
For Tokyo Is In Japan."
"But. why,' they tiRkefl In (Treat dismay,
"Could we not go a little way,
And start again some other day?"
What happened then, I do not know.
But tbat was yesterday, nnd so
They must have gone to Tokyo.
Mistake to Lift Animal by Nape of
Neck Without Supporting Lower
Part of Body.
It is a mistaken idea that the propet
way to lift a full-grown cat is by the
nape of its neck without supporting
the lower part of its body with the
other hand, says Watchword. It Is
true that the mother cat carries young
kittens by grasping In her mouth the
loose skin at the back of her off
spring's neck, but a tiny kitten is a
very different matter from a large cat,
and, indeed, the only way to lift a
kitten without squeezing or hurting
its soft little body is to lift it by its
neck; but after it has grown larger its
own weight is too great to be support
ed by such a bit of skin and fur as is
so grasped by the hand, and many a
cat suffers perfect tortures by being
held In this manner, and Is quite help
less to run or struggle, as In such a
position certain of its muscles cannot
bo controlled, and it Is absolutely at
the mercy of its unconscious tormen
tor. The same rule should be observed
In lifting rabbits by their ears. They
should always be partially supported
by the free hand and not allowed tc
dangle with their whole weight strain
ing from their large but necessarily
delicate ears.
Even or Odd.
Tills game is the most ancient, per
haps, that we know. The children
who played In the streets of Athens
and in the Roman Forum In early
i'gr-t.. knew and loved it, and Utile
children find amusement in it bil.l.
It is played In this manner: One
ehild hides in her hand a few hi uns,
nuts, or just bils or paper, and asks
her companion to guess if they ure
or even.
If the playfellow guesses odd and
on opening her hand the other dis
plays an odd number, nhe forfeits the
article': to the guesser, who hides
lliem In her turn. Hut if the guess Is
edd and the number even, the guesser
pays a forfeit and the first hider re
tains the beans, etc. The guess imuit
be right to win.
A Conditional Situation.
If little Kirla w.-ru imt t Ht.ijild
And lltllti toyn wire n. t u h fools.
And no one undid Unv 1. ..ins,
There'd be no puhl r L -,. 1 ir schools.
The kidney secretions tell If disease
is lurking In the system. Too fre
quent or scanty urination, discolored
urine, lack of control at night. Indi
cate that the kidneys
are disordered.
Doan'a Kidney rilla
cure' sick kidneys.
J. F. Haynle, 7th
St., Forest Grove,
Ore., says: "Doan's
Kidney rills saved
my life. I was In bed
for weeks, passed
blood and was in terrible condition.
Doan's Kidney Pills removed my trou
ble and I have not had an attack for
over a year.
Remember the name Donn's.
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a
ox. n'oster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
"I always try to bo a gentleman."
' "Some people have pretty har.
trials, don't they?"
"Our baby when two months old
Was suffering with terrible eczema
from bead to foot, all over her body.
The baby looked Just like a skinned
rabbit We were unable to put clothes
on her. At first it seemed to bo a few
mattered pimples. They would break
the skin and peel off leaving the un
derneath skin red as though it were
Bcalds. Then a few more pimples
would appear and spread all over the
body, leaving the baby all raw without
skin from head to foot. On top of her
head there appeared a heavy scab a
quarter of an inch thick. It was aw
ful to see so small a baby look as she
did. Imagine! The doctor was afraid
to put his hands to the child. We
tried several doctors' remedies but all
"Then we decided to try Cutlcura.
By using the Cutlcura Ointment we
softened the scab and it camo off. Un
der this, where the real matter was,
by washing with tho Cutlcura Soap
and applying the Cutlcura Ointment,
a new skin soon appeared. We also
gave baby four drops of the Cutlcura
UeBolvent three times dally. After
three days you could see the baby
gaining a little skin which would peel
off and heal underneath. Now the
baby is four months old. She is a fine
picture of a fat little baby and all
Is well. We only used one cake of Cutl
cura Soap, two boxes of Cutlcura Oint
ment And one bottle of Cutlcura Re
solvent If people would know what
Cutlcura is there would be few suffer
ing with eczema. Mrs. Joseph Koss
oiann, 7 St. John's Place, Rldgewood
Holghts,N."8vfApr. 30 and May 4, '09."
Local Enterprise.
Tourist why do you call this a vol
cano? I don't believe It has had an
eruption for a thousand years!
Guide Well, the hotel managers in
this region club together and keep a
fire going In it every year during the
season. Meggendorfer Blacttcr.
There la genius and power In per
sistence. Orison Swett Marden.
Send postal for
Free Package
of l'axtine.
Better and more economical
than liquid antiseptics
Citm on a sweet breath ; clean, white,
form-free teeth antUepUcJUly clean
mouth and throat purities the bream
after smoking dispel all disagreeable
Derspiration and body odors much ap
preciated by dainf women. A quick
remedy for sore eyes and catarrhs
m 'mm. A little Paxtine oowder
LK-ifl solrrd ia a gUu of hot wstcf
makes a delightful antiseptic so
lution, poueuing extraordinary
cleansing, germicidal and heal
ing powei, and absolutely harm
iTT. t c i ftri- .
mmiir lafjp os it druggiiU or by mail.
Salts and Castor
ft bad stuff never cure,
ll only makes bowels move be
cause it irritates and sweats them,
like poking finger in your eye. The best
Bowel Medicine i$ Caacarett.
Every Salts and Castor Oil user should
get a box ol CASCA.RETS and try
them just once. You'll see.
Caacareta Wc boi-wwk'i treatment.
All drunrlita. IlUrffait aellor la itae
World million boau a mouUt.
S S Sal mm m All RECTAL RISK.
Pt When
Without a. aurirlcal operation and OUAItAN
1KKD to laat m LIFETIME. No chloroform,
ther or other general anaeatbetlea uaed.
824 Beo Building Omaha, Neb.
tueu .Lirunt;. htivimtiki IiiimiIi I 1 -ra. Umiti
lcer,HiTif uloiia l'lrrra. arl (.i I li r I n
ili.ii I I lrra,Mtrurlal I'll rm.U liltehiv. II-
lllir.Mllk l.IC.t V tT Kora, tlluld Mirra. rulihrlt..
lujAra. KjaullMta. J .1'. ALLfcN .lpt. A, M i'u ul.Mmil.
P. Sbto
aii A tmr'
11 ffiSjfl
Ctltr mors losdi krlhtr and laittr colors this an; othsr Cyo. Ono lOe pscbogo colon all titirt. IKe, n-t n cold ltr better thin an? athor Cra.
Its ess inj earnnnt without rloeinl tpirL Writs lor trot iOelilot- Mo lo Oio, Bitten ing Mu Cf.irt. .".JCi.Y.r CC, Qutnoy, illinolm
Scotsmen Objected to Mixture of Good
Whisky and Religious Con
versation. Owen Seaman, editor of Punch, was
the principal guest at a dinner of the
London Authors' club recently, which
was followed by a discussion on
"Humor." Mr. Seaman begau with a
story deprecating tho spoiling of good
dinners by any discussion at all.
There were three characters in the
story a bluebottle nnd two Scots
men. The story at once struck a note
of probability by showing the Scots
men drinking whisky. Tho bluebottle
buzzed on the pane; otherwise si
lence reigned.
This was broken by one of the
Scotsmen trying to locate the blue
bottle with eoologlcal exactitude. Said
the Scotsman:
"Sandy, I'm thinking If yon fly Is a
tlrdle or a beastle."
The other replied: "Man, don't spoil
good whisky with religious conversa
tion." Vermont Thrift.
Robert Lincoln O'Hrlen, editor of the
Poston Transcript, is a great admirer
of tho thrirt of the Vermonters, but
thinks sometimes they carry It too
O'Brien was up in Vermont last sum
mer and went to dinner with a friend
who had some political aspirations. As
they came to the door be heard the
lndy of the house say to tho hired
girl: "I see Mr. Jones has somebody
with him for dinner. Take those two
big potatoes down to the cellar and,
bring up three small ones."
Does Engineering Work.
Mile. Ilandurln is superintendent of
an engineering firm in Russia. She
was graduated from the Women's
Technological Institute In St. Peters
burg, and has had practical expe
rience In engineering. She built a
steel warehouse for an army co-operative
society, has been assistant en
gineer in building a bridge across the
Neva and has done other Important
There is a duty of pleasure as well
as a pleasure of duty. Silas K. Hock
ing. Good for Sore Eyes,
for 100 years PETTIT'S EYE SALVE linn
poNitively cured eye diwanes everywhere.
All druggists or Howard Iiros.(Buffido,N.Y.
Tls much to wound a foe; 'tis more
to Bave him and to win a friend. Eric
Mm. WlntfoiT'o ftnothlna; Syrup.
Fbrchlldivn t'tlllnir, anrtnsthfK"n,, rt-durrsfn.
tiuaiw&Uou,ailtiir pala.cu ran wind culiu. 2Jc a buitia.
Your truly great are notoriously not
happy. J. C. Snalth.
Wheat Yield
De From 25
Lnnd fialen and homcHtoad entria Increaatnfr. No cassation tn numbers ffntnff from UnlteA
Htaten, Wonderful opportunities remain for thoae who Intend making Canada their home
Now dlmricta be Inn opened up for nettle men t. Many farmers will net, t.bU year, $10 to S16 per
acre from tltetr wheat crop. All the adrantarei of old settled countries are there. Good
schools, churches, splendid markets, excellent railway facilities. See the grain exhibit S4 the
oJftereut State and some of the Couuty fairs,
Itters elmtlar to the ol lowing are recelred erery day, testifying to satisfactory
conditions; other districts are as favorably spoken of;
Msldatnnc, Ha I., Canada, inn, fttb. 1010.
"Mr parents cume hece from Cedar rails, lows,
four jrcani Stfo, ana were so well plffoted with this
country they sent to iioeur TA lene for me. I have
tukrn tip a bomoitteaU near Uiciu, and am perfectly
aaUaUed to atup hers, " JUeouard l)oinjIas.
Htettler, Alberta, Jo It Slat, 1910.
"Well I fot lip here from Vorent City, Iowa, last
Pprlna In good shape with the stock and everything.
Now, I Lure got two tnv back In Iowa yet, audi
am going back them now soon to get them and an
other car up hero this fall. What I would like to
Snow Is, If there U any rhanre to get a cheap rate
acn again, and when we return to Canada X will
call at your oflloe fur our certificates."
Yours truly, 1L A. Wlk.
B nil nerd, Minn., Aug. lt, 1910.
1 am going to Canada a week from today and
Intend to maiis my bums there. My him band haa
been there alx weeks and Is well plaad with tho
country; so ho wants uie to come as noon as pos
sible, lie (lied ou a cialiu near Ijandia, Sank., and
by bis duscripUou of H it suuktbsa pretiy place.
Pend for literature nnd unit thelornl Canadian Gorerninent Atfenta for Excursion Bat,,
beat district lu vuicu to locale, aud wueu to go.
" E. T. HOLMES, 315 Jackson Street, St. Paul, Minnesota
J. M. MAC LACHLAN, Box 116, Watertown, South Dakota
A Poor Roof Is a
You don't need
UVLi U Wiri
blc Compound Cured Her
Knoxvillo, Iowa. "I Buffered with'
pains low down in ray rijfht side for ft
year or more and was bo weak and ner
vous that I could not do my work. I
wrote to Mrs. Ilns
ham and took LydlA
E. Ilnkham's Vege
table Compound
and Liver Fills, and
am glad to say that
your medicines and
kind letters of di
rections have don
more for me tnart
anvthincr else and I
M had the beat physi
cians nere. x can.
well nt night. I believe there is noth
ing like the Finkham remedies."
Mrs. Clara Frasks, R.F.D., Ho. 8
Knoivillo, Iowa.
The success of Lydia E. Finkham
Vegetable Compound, made from root
and herbs, is unparalleled. It may b
used with perfect confidence by women
who suffer from displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, ilbroid tumors, ir.
regularities, periodic pains, backache,
bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indU
cestiou, dizziness, or nervous prostra
tion. For thirty years Lydla E. Finkham's
Vegetable Compound has been the
standard remedy for female ills, and
suffering women owe it to themselves
to at least give this medicine a trial
I'roof is abundant that it has cured
thousands of others, and why should it
not euro you?
If yon Tvnntspoclal advice write)
MrSePinkhnni, Lynn, Massforit
It is free and always ltelpf uL
Cholre quality reiln nil roans
white fuer or Btigun bought ou
order. Ten of Thouuudft to
Heleet from. HMihfaction Ouar
tuiieed. v:orrepondenee Invited.
Come itud nee fur yourulf.
National Live Stock Com. Coy
At either
KanMiCity.Mo.. St. Joseph. Mo S.Oawha.MeU
Wntmn R.ralman,Waak
liifton. L.U Itookx I r. Hll
nt rctferonaua. ilcot naidak
If amirtrd with
Thompson's En Vatir
auru eye
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 38-19101
in Manv Districts Will
to 35 Bushels Per Scro
and It wua Uiruuub him thai w decided lo loeata la
Canada." Toyrt truly.
Mr. Richard Uanrr IMnitr.
Tarlorm Fslll. Minn.. Ana. T. 1914.
'I shall jrn toCamruaa tula b all witii my uatlle ao4
bnuMiuiddgnofii. 1 Rut a poor cpp hnra tuta rar
and my brother-In-law, Axel Nordstnnn InOamroaa,
wants me to come there, lie formerly Lived 1A
W ilton, .North liuknta. I am gotrur to bdy or take
homestead wheti 1 get there, but Ido not want to
travel two timet there, for I take my brother-ln-law's
word about Uie couutry, aud wunt to got yourlov
niiu." Ifuura truly
I'eter A. Nelaosu
Veeta. Minn., July 14th, WIS
"I wnf to Cnnndn nine ynara airo and took ops
quarter seriiuii ol railroad iuui aud a houieatoad.
but my buvs have never taken up any Land yet. X
still hold the railroad land. 1 hnd to come back t
the state on account of my health. Please bit me
k now nt once If 1 can got tho cheap rates toPonuka
Alberta." Yuma truly.
lieo. Iakew1ti,
;.,'--' ;:m-.; v p.1,:
Th Rayo Lamp la a h'gh grade) lamp, gold at low prlcev
There are lamp, that enwt nion. hut tlii'rela no hetter lamp made at any
price. donMnirted of mild l.nisi; tili'kol plated ranlly knptclean'
ornament to any room In liny huut. rl ltt.ro la nothing known to the art
of Imnp-maklUK that c:in mid lothn value ol the KAYO lnip an a lluhu
aiTlnK device. Kvory r .uli-r everywhere. If not at joura. write lu
deKrlpUyeclmnlur ui i ..i i -i-an-nf uu.-mv of the
Needless Expense
to rnrmi money for raintirc or patching
your roof, or to have it rrjiravi-led; m itlier you bava to
replace it after a heavy wiaj bt.irm, if you use
Gal-va-nitc Roofing
Gal-va-nite isroa'td en U.tli titles with fluked Mica,
a mineral that never wcar t r,i. This coating protects the
heavy wool frit base and i's t',,rco r:ats cf mineral asphalt.
Gravel or cruslu-d st')no in a iodic)? allowi the weather to
dry the oils out and it ioon t-'.i. Mica retains these oils
and defies the weather.
A one-piece root it the result if you use Gal-va-nite,
it cements and welds tojji-tlit.-r.
Let us send you samples a id full information.
200 Union Road St. Paul, Minnesota
Kctjs the spindle bright bd
f:ro from grit. Try a bo
S'.'";d l y dealers everywhere.