Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, September 16, 1910, Image 5

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Our Furniture Offerings !
Interstate Fair Week are Remarkable for Low Prices
and will Save you More Money than the Cost of the Trip
IKON BED, in white and green, full size.
Supported woven wire springs, Cot-
ton Top Mattress to fit. Special.. .4) J. Do
$3 COTTON 1ELT MATTIlfiSS, full size,
45 pounds cotton felt, heavy cc no
A.C.A. ticking. Reduced price. . . . J0.Uo
$8 LADY'S DKSK, golden oak, quarter
sawed, polished finish, 1 large and 1 m nn
small drawer. Reduced price $4.gO
BED DAVEN:OKTS solve the problem of
entertaining your friends during the fair.
Davenport by day Bed at night. rr rn
Special prices, up from IpZD.jU
$12 DRESSERS, made of solid oak, golden
finish, beveled French plate mirror.
Reduced price $t).v)0
$5 SANITARY COUCHES, steel fabric,
supported with coil springs, angle o on
iron frame. Reduced price $0.03
$17.50 BRASS BEDS, 2-inch corner posts,
heavy fillers and cross bars. CO. 00
Special Reduction pj.Uu
your honse comfortable during the cold days
of coming winter. Full line on our floors.
Our Trices sire Low
Rug Specials for Fair
9x12, Oriental or floral designs.
inches by 54 inches. Handsome
Remember five Interstate Fair - Sept 19-24- J
TOake Yourself at Home at Our Store !
S3 25 AXMINSTER RUGS, size 27
Fatterns. Special Reduced Price . . .
Mail Orders Promptly Filled.
(J0G-60S Fourth Street.
Freight Paid on All Amounts Oxer $5.00
Furniture (Do
Sioux City Iowa
Sent. 28th to Oct. 8th, 1910
Ttfitaj Ultt,
Oct. 4
Vldllldi; Xl(lt,
Oct. I
Ttindi; Aflinioi,
Oct. I
Mdir l!f It,
Oct. ?
Grand Military Maneuvers Every Day by U. S. Regular Troops.
Saturday, Sept. 171K
1 pound of Stinson's 2oc Coffee 20c
6 Cans Sardines 25c
3 Cans Extra Standard Corn.. 25c
1 package 25c Oats 20c
3 Cans Tomatoes 25c
1 Can 20c Peaches 15c
1 pound of Horse Shoe Tobacco 45c
Scvturdevy, Sept. ?4tK
6 pounds Sweet Potatoes 2Sc
6 Loaves of Quality Bread 25c
3 Cans of Fancy Corn 25 C
syz pounds Sugar 50c
2 pounds Fancy Comb Honey 35c
G pound sack of New Pancake Flour 25c
Absolutely Pure
Tho only baking powder
msdo front Royal Crape
Cream of Tartar
No Alum, No Lime Phosphate
Local Items
Friday, Sept. 16, igio
We Lave sewing machine needles
and schuttles to fit any sewiDg ma
chine. You will also find a good line
of hardware, graniteware and tinware
at right prices, at Schriover Bros.
S.A. Stinson
Dakota City, Nebraska
Herald for News when it is
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward I 101 Ml
etae ot Catarru tuat cannot ue cur
Utaxm Cure. p , rnF JJEY A co , ToWo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J. np
lor the last 15 yearn, and believe him perfectly ho i.
orable to all buslneM tranactltm and nnanelallf
able to carry out any obligations made by hla arm.
Waldino. Ki n nan A Marvin.
Wholesale Driwiclau. Toledo. O.
Hairs Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly uiK.n the blood and mucous surfaces of the
avatem. Testimonial! sent free. ITIce . cenu pet
bottle. lild by all DrumiKta
lake Mali's Family Villa for constipation.
Lincoln Sanitarium
Sulpho-Salina Sprir.gs
LocaUd oa mr prmitM and
iU tliS
Natural Minaral Water
UnsarpsMd ia tn treat meat of
Heart, t9mJMar Uf
MesWaSs Otaasge. AMrsst
Key. W. H. Warreu. 1'untor.
Services at the MvthodUt Kplscopnl
church every Hunilfty as follows: lJieai'li-
liiK at 11 am; tsumluy school at nia m; cliiss
mi-etluK 13 ni: f.pwortii i.i'iitnie 7 p in
pi-cachliiK 8 p in,
Kev. S. Ii. Keller. Tastor.
Sumliiy school every Sunday at :45 a in
Klliilx-th H. Iliiasc. supcilm.Mld.'lit.
prcuchiiiK amp in. every nunuuy.
Prenvhinir every Hundny at 11 a in
day hchool promptly nt in a in. Kl
lx'l'ton. Hliuel'lnlenili'lll.
The public Is cordlully Invited to all lliese
General lumens and shoe repairing,
Harry A 13 ro J-bill.
Cor doctor George Carter una Let
from Ouialia over Bun Jay.
Ab Mason bai recovered from his re
cent illnras and is liiinmlf again.
George Gribble was tip from Sot til
Omaha over Sunday, visitiug his
Deputy Marshal John F Sides left
Tuesday on a trip to the western part
of the Mtate.
Tlnre will he a rog lar meeting of
t tie Masonic lodge Saturday eveuiug
of tlm week.
a son was oorn to u a oiar-
shal W r Warner and wife, of Oiuulin,
Inst Xnursclrty.
Frank Sides was nick hint week,
threatened with typhoid fovur, but is
ont and around again.
Bert Wood and Jas Clarn went to
JuckHou Monday to liegin work on a
new houBe for John T Daley.
George Rickard and Mrs LIU M
Douuld of Bioux City, were marriod bv
Kev W'arrou Huuilay evetiing.
Everything in the line of school
supplies, such as pencils, crayons,
peus, tablets, eto, at Van de Zedde's.
Judge Heffernan on Friday of litst
week united in marriage John C Saupp
and Bessie Fayette, both cl bioux City.
Ilarry Ilileman returned Sunday
from Ewing, Nebr, where he had been
buying hay for the Fields & Slaughter
Mrs Tom Allaway and little son
were np from Homer over nunday vie!
Klrht puhllcatlon tMMii llws
To l.ola M. Hunt mid Clinton S. It. iin. tt :
You it tul each of you nre hiTctiy noiillcd
1 hut on t In- Lit li ilny of .Iiimmry , I'.hih, Milton
Korvslioe puii'liii-i il hi piiMUi- i- of the
county treasurer of 1 uttota I 'oiinty, NiImiis
ka, lots i, f ami n. In hloi-k -m, In Stanton,
I Hi I n the vllhiKHof South Sioux I 'Ity, I n the
ahl luikota county for the ili'lliiiin-iit slate,
coilnty, hi-hiHil, school IhiiiiI anil villaue tax
es fur the years Is-.il, ls'.c'. Ih.ki. h.. Isn,, lsim,
1M7, IN'.H, IS1IU, Ill, It l , Itl2, I It C, K, cM-, , I
llttl, that the sniil hula M. Hunt Is the owner
of the several tracts thereof, that the nalil
land Is taxed In said years III no niiine, llii'l
the time for redemption for said uln vi lli
ex pire on No einls r 4. lulll.
You will also take notice that after tde
expiration of three mouths from theilate of
the service oi tins nonce, lo-wii: on ll
i7th day of iK-eemlar, lulu, the deed for the
lana so sola as auove set. loi tn win i. up
piled for. Milton Koukhhor.
Bargains at Van's every day.
Banker George Haase was a home
visitor over Sunday.
Fred Schriover jr is attending Morn
ingside college, Sioux City.
Judge Evans laid a cement walk on
the east side of his residence property
this week.
D M Neipwanger has been summon
ed to serve on Uncle Sam's petit jury
in Omaha next month.
II you Haven t got time to uo your
own shopping call up No. 1, and he
will deliver the goods promptly.
A new cement walk will be laid on
the north side of the school house
square this fail, to connect with the
briokschool,house .
It pays to trade at Vans, and be
sides he will give you, free of charge,
a handsome ohromo in the course of
time. Go and see him.
A no steel veiling is being put on
the district court room at the court
honse, and the different offices are be
ing painted and papered throughout.
Miss Mildred Forbes, of Dallas, 8
D, was a guest of Elelen.Orr a few days
the first of the week while enronte to
Sioux Falls, S D, where she is a stu
dent at All Saints school.
After conducting a livery stable in
this i lace for about twenty-five years
r,a iaston on monaay disposed or ins
barn and equipment to Chas D Hall
who took possession immediately,
The T & W Envoy ball tossers loit
the last game scheduled for the season
at Crystal lake park last Sunday to
the Seneys of the city league, by a
score of 'A to 0. Nevertheless it was
one of the best guinea seen at tho lake
this sumnior.
Louis Dierkiug arrived homo lust
Friday evening from a trip to Atchison,
Kiiuh, where he accompanied his sou
Ilarry, to enter Midluud college. Ho
stopped at Lincoln a few days on his
return trip and took in the state fair,
which he says was simply tine.
"Can be depended upon" is au ex
pression we all like to hear, and when
it is used in connection with Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Hemedy it means that it never fails to
cure diarrhoea, dysentery or bowel
complaints. It is pleasant to take and
equally valuable for children and
iting Grandpa and Grandma Duen-
It B Orr has entered a fine draft
mare for exhibition at the Interstate
fair, and you will see that he gets a
blue ribbon.
Mrs Anne E Frazer left Wednesday
for Ohio, where she will visit relatives
for a time, and will later go to Florida
to spend the winter.
Julius Quintal and Wife and "Desk"
Foltz and wife were Sunday visitors
at Elk Foint, 8 D, making the trip in
Frank Broj hill's auto
Mrs Mary Pizey arrived home Tues
day from a summer's visit with rela
tives at Monroe, Washington. She
thoroughly enjoyed the trip.
Mrs Alice Walters, sister of J P
Rockwell, oame over from Des Moines,
Iowa, last week to visit relatives, and
to atteud the "Hock well picnic",
Andrew Christersen has taken down
his carpenter shop and will use the
material in erecting a new building
18x30 to be used for a grocery store
when finished.
Rob Woods writes that he would
leave La Crosse, Wash, on Thursday
of this week to spend the winter with
his parents in this place, tie has been
in poor health lately, and is coming
home to recuperate.
Not a minute should be lost when
a child shows symptoms of oroup.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy given as
soon as the child becomes hoarse, or
even after tne croupy oougli appears,
will prevent the attack. Sold by all
Wm Cheney, who lives just west of
town, threshed his wheat crop the paBt
week and reports a yield ot twenty-six
bushels to the acre on his 40 acre Held.
George Barnett, who did the job of
threshing, says it is the record yield so
far this season.
Miss Lena Sunt spent last week at
her home here nursing her mother,
Mrs Fred Duensing - She left for Chi
cago Monday morning to accept a po
sition as nurse in a family that former
ly resided in Sioux City, and with
whom she was acquainted.
Barney Gribble brought a big, well
filled ear of white corn to our office
the first of the week that was raised
on his Walker's Island farm by T J
Enepper. The ear measured about 12
inches in length and weighed a pound
and a half, and is only a fair sample
of the entire field.
Don't waste your money buying
plasters when yon can get a bottle of
Chamberlain's Liniment for twenty
five cents. A piece o : flannel dampen
ed with this liniment is superior to
any plaster for lame back, pains in the
side and chest, and much cheaper.
Sold by all druggists.
Sheriff J P Rockwell went to Lin
coln, Neb, Tuesday, armed with requi
sition papers for the three fellows that
are being held in Sioux City on the
oharge of burglarizing the South Sioux
City barber shop a few weeks ago.
After obtaining Gov Shallenbarger's
signature to the papers he proceeded
to Des Moines, Iowa, to obtain Gov
Carroll's consent to bring the men to
this county for trial.
by ambitious young men or ladies in
the Railway or "Wireless" Telegraph
service. Since the 8-hour law became
effective, and since the extensive de
velopments of wireless telegraphy,
there is a shortage of 10,000 telegrap-
ers. Positions pay beginners $70 to
$90 per month. We operate under su
pervision Of Telegraph Officials e.c1
all graduates are guaranteed positions
Write for full details to the Institute
nearest to yon . NATIONAL TELE
Philadelphia, Fa, Memphis, Tenn,
Columbia, 8 0, St Paul, Minn, Enid,
Okla, Portland, Ore.
One of the biggest family reunions
ever held in Dakota county was that
of the Rockwell family held at the
George W Rockwell home west of
Homer last Saturday. Eighty-three
me nbers of the different Rockwell
families assembled for the big reunion
which had been planned for some
weeks pust, and spent the day in visit'
ing playing baseball, dancing, etc
Only two ot the assemblage were from
out oi tue county, and tuey wore
Mrs Alice Walters, of Des Moines
Iowa and Mrs Minnie L'ruce of Tuka
mah. As had been planned when the
the reuuiou was first mentioned a per
niuneiit organization was effected and
officers i Uetud as follows: George W
Rockwell, president ; J II Rockwell
vice president; George R Rockwell
secretary; CL Rockwell, treasurer
Howard J Rockwell, corresponding
secretary. Speeohes were made by
different members of the association
and a committee on membersuin was
chosen to open a registration book and
obtain the names of all the members
of the family. Taken in all it was
day to be remembered in the annals ot
Buy a good farm on the Dakota
county bottom. I bare it, Eimers.
Barber James Hatch visited rela
tives at Emerson Wednesday and
U 8 Marshal Warner was here from
Omaha Wednesday looking after busi
ness mattt rs .
Rev W R Warren went to Fiillnrton,
Neb, to attend the session of M E con
ference which convened there Wednes
day. Alfred L Smith of Sioux City, and
Mary Brysn of Sioux City formerly of
Jackson, were married by Judge, Ueff
ernan Thursday,
Ilarry W King and Georgia E Holt,
both of Hioux City, were joined in the
bonds of wedlock Wednesday evening
by Kev S L Keller, Lutheran pastor.
Your complexion as well ss your
t niper is rendered miserable by a dis
onered liver. By taking Chamber
lain's Stomach and Live Tablets yi u
cau improve both. Sold by all drug
gists. Get married and have your wedding
photos made at the De Luxe, we make
the latest styles Bnd our prices are be
low all. For group or school photos,
see us first. De Luxe Studio, 405, 4th
street, Sioux City, Iowa.
Miss Agues Wilson of Lyons, a
former primary teacher iu our school,
visited friends here last week. Her
folks are moving from Lyons to Lin
coln to reside. Since leaving here she
has give up teaohing and is now work
as a stenographer. I
We will send you Tuk Herald and
the Lioooln Daily State Journal from
now until January 1. 1911, for only
11.20; or you can add the big Sunday
edition of the Journal for 20 cents
more in all $1.40. The sooner von
subscribe tho more you will get for
your money.
A plot was discovered by Sheriff J
P Rockwell last week where an at
tempt had been made to liberate the
two prisoners in the county jail by
removing several brick from around
the outside window in the corridor of
the jail, which would' make it easy for
them to get out after escaping from
the cage.
Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy is today the best
known medicine in nse for the relief of
an oure of bowl complaints, cures
griping, diarrhoea dysentery, and
should be taken at the first unnatural
looseness of the bowels. It is equally
valuable for children and adults. It
always cures. Sold by all diuggists,
Rally Day
September 18, 1910 will be observed
as Rally Day at the Dakota City Em
manuel Lutheran church. Sunday
school service at 9:45 a m. You,
whether a member of the home depart
ment, main school or cradle roll are
expected to be there.
Members, friends and everybody are
cordially invited to Sunday school
on Rally Day to participate in the serv
ice, hear the cornet solo and special
music Come, and bring some one
with you.
The promotion exercises and song
service nt 330 p m, interest you. All
are welcome. Rally Day will be con
tinued a the evening church service.
Special music and a special sermon by
the pastor has been arranged; Your
prayers, presence and help are needed
to make the occasion what it ought to
be. Plan now to come and help.
No matter how you make it,
No matter how you bake it,
No matter what it costs you,
You can't beat Tip Top Bread,
Made at Metz' bakery,
For J Van de Zedde.
Kozy Studio has moved to 3rd and
Jackson streets, Sioux City. Making
photos in all sizes and at a very low
price on cabinets. Now is your time
to bring in the babies. Our prices al
ways the lowest. Work guaranteed.
I am here to stay,
I'm glad to say,
With Rawleigh's goods the Best,
Satisfaction or No Sale.
Phone 18, S n Moohe,
"The Rawleigh Man."
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Firms & Slaughter Co.
ThioE Bliven, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
Will pay for the Lincoln Daily Statu Journal mailed
to your address anywhere in the country outside of
Lincoln and suburbs from now until
JAiWARTf 1, mil
Add only 2." cents and the Big Sunday Journal will
be included SI. 25 for Daily and Sunday. This offer
is for Mail Subscriptions only. Why not order today?
CATTLE (or other Rood) LOANS.
Added another clerk, to care for our
increasing business, and better prepared
Call in or write and know 'why' it is to
terest to do business with a good bank.
Send Us a New Customer.
than ever
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you
Bank, of Dakota County &
your in-
fotelcaon If
Nabr. li
Special September ILcxics
To the East You can make an eastern trip at reduced rates
any day, and for many eastern trips the limit has been ex
tended to GO days instead of 30 days.
To Atlantic City and Return Special Rates, September 13th to
17th for the Grand Army Reunion.
rfebraska State Fair, Lincoln September 4th to 9th inclusive.
Special reduced rates and train service from Nebraska points.
Low One-Way Rates to the Coast General basis, only $25;
August 25th to September 0th and October 1st to 15th to Cali
fornia destinations, and from September 15th to October 15th
to the Northwest and Tuget Sound.
California Excursions General basis, only $50 round trip; direct
routes, September 1st to 7th and September 24th to 30th;
$15 higher includes the Shasta route.
IIOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. Irri
gated lands assure a crop and values will greatly increase dur
ing the immediate future.
W. E. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr.
L. W. WAKKtEY, Q P A, Omaha, Neb
1004 Farnam street.
A. Halli'tt. (Ii'fi'liilant.
You will tnk notlcH that Kdwnrtl W. Me-
riiilrt', plalntllT, M It'll Ills petition in tliu
ounty court of Dakota county. Nnliranka,
aualiiMt til Bald V. A. Ilallrt. tbu oliji'ct mid
Diavor of Willi' li ail) to oiituln a juilttiniMit
uxaliiHt tlm Kiild (I. A. Halli'tt on n promlx
sory note for -1Uli kIvimi to O. HluinklxirK
A vo., aim aiHiKiii'ii to huh piaininr, inn to
tal amount Huh tm-rcon on nalil intli tiny of
Auirimt, linn, iMdiitt idai.NU; that t he said ('.
A. Ilalli lt m a nim-ri Hiiii'iii or me mate of
Ni'hra-ka. and that tlm plalntllT hue lllcd
IiIh nllldavlt to obtain an order of attach
ment; that an order of attachment lias
iM'en IHsui'il anil mvli'il upon tue couuae
Hltunted on the went half of tho north wuHt
quarter of Bectloii thirty-three (iCl). town-
Hliln twenty-nine -sui, rani nine tvi. earn.
Iieliiii cottaue muiiiImt l"l. hiiuaii'ii on riiiiie
In what Is known as Koyi'H 1'ark at OryHtal
IiHke, In Dakota County, ISehraska. and
that plalntllT will ask tnai xnni property no
sold to satisfy tho amount found due upon
said promissory note, and for mii'h other
and further relief an justice requires.
on are reu ul n il to answer Haul petition
on or before thin 7tb day of November, A. 1).
Dated th m Btn tiny or Heptemner, luui.
KlIWAHII W. Mt'UUIKH, i'llillltirr.
The Aliove notice U approved by me and
ordered published In some Ictfnl newspaper
of said county of Dakota, Nebraska.
D. U, JiRrr RKnAN,
County Judge
Couniy Coroner
Time is Money
Time Saved is
Money Earned
Don't fool away valua
ble time with an Old
Style washing machine.
The One Minute
Washing Machine
is a time saver, also the
lightest running machine
on the market. Thous
ands in use. Ask your
Sold on Trial and it
Don't Como Lack
,L Dakota. City, Nab.
Edwards & Bradford Mi Co.
i Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Surety Bond
Guarantees the acouracy of every
Abstract I make
Successor to
Dakota County Abstract Co;
Bonded Abstracter
This ljj-in. Coucord Harness No. 7G
no collars $31
Our No. 179, 1-in. Concord, with
Hat backs, a better job. , $35
Sturcs Bros. AoZt?
B. F. Sawyer
'llv . -
Owner of Cerlillcate.
adults. Soli by all dragisst.
the family,
Jackson, Nebraska