Hi miiiaWMi a .a aJ W K 1 .1 El M-a. fl V4. XJL,tl. V .iiir JXk2.XJ. NKX.',. -t Uill Paw n Our . CtennRyn ill fiiSlRiw Buy Your House Furniture of Us. THE ADDERS C0G-G08 Fourth St. Oil Money refunded if you are not satislicd. RillTURE GO. SIOUX CITY, IOWA. FU State Fair Items. The entries for races oi the State Fair, Sept 5th to 9th, will close next Monday, Angust 15th, and are as fol lows: Trottiug 2:25,2:20, 2:15 and 2:10. and pacing 2:20, 2:17, 2:12, 2:09 and 2:01, Each being for a pursejof $000 with a five per cent entry. At the same time closes the Nebraska derby of 1 1-16 miles which will be ran on Tuesday of the fair, and the ten mile relay race, two miles each day changing mounts at the end of each half mile. These together with the six early closing races, fonr of which are for $1,000 each and nine running races, constitute the best list of raees ever offered on a Nebraska course, and taken with Wright Bros Aeroplanes to make flights each day of the fair, together with othorusnal features, should furnish a very attract ive program for Fair visitors No matter how vou make it, No matter how you bake it, No matter what it costs you, Yon can't beat Tip Top Bread, Made at Metz' bakery, For J Van de Zedde. Lincoln Sanitarium il l"- 1 TT H H ffl.I" Sulpha-Saline Springs Located on our own premises and uaed in the- Natural Mineral Water BATHS Unsurpassed in th treatment of Rheumatism Heart, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Diseases ModcMts Charges. AUrH Dn. 0. W. EVERETT, Mgr.. Lincoln, Bob. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, sa mfrtery will surely destroy tlifl senn of smell and complexly iterance the whole nyHtem when entering it through tho mucous Burtaees. Such artlrles shoikt never be unod except on prescrip tions trom rfputnble physicians, as the danuute they will do In ten (old to the good you can possibly de rlre trom them. Hall's Catarrh i:ure, manufactured by F. J. Cbniiy & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer cury, and Is taken Internally, actum directly upon the blood anil mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall s Catarrh Cure be sure you set tha jenulne. II Is taken Internally and made In Toledo, Ohm. by F. J. Cheney Co. Testimonials tree. Bold by DniEHlsts. Price, 75c. ier bottle. 'lake Hail s Family Pills for constipation. Local Items Friday, August 26, 1910 We have sewing machine needles and schuttles to fit any sewing ma chine. You will also find a good line of hardware, graniteware and tinware at right prices, at Bchriever BroB. Bargains at Van's every day, Edgar Ayres went to Omaha last Saturday via Madison, Nebr. Mary Braunt of Homer, is assisting at the local telephone exchange in this place. An eleven pound boy was born to Mr and Mrs Frank Combs, of South Sioux City, Tuesday. Perle Btinson, in the employ of the Pellctier Co in Sioux City, spent her week's vacation at her home here. Wm Antrim and wife of Randolph, Tr. r.renta of Mrs Paul Pizey, and David Kirkpatrick and wife, an uncle aut. of Malvern. Iowa, returned to their homes Tuesday after a days 1 : visit at the Pizey home. Col Theodore Eoosevelt, ex-presi-dent of the United States, will make a short viBit to Sioux City on Saturday, September 3rd, and will deliver a speech in the auditorium at 11:00. Regardless of political bias or party aflilliation the people jof this section of the countrv will be interested in the announcement and all who can should Parties make it a point to hear him. Mrs L W Whire and children, who have been staying at their summer cottage at Crystal Lake for the past few mouths, left Tuesday for their home at Woodbine, Iowa. Mr White will remain at the lake for a few months jet, where he is operating his pasbenger launch. Sheriff J P ltockw ill last Friday arrested Wm Slayer, who was driving through town, with a horse and buggy. The arreBt was made on the strength of a teleiilione message received from Sheriff Wm Aureus of Lemars, Iowa, who wanted the fellow on a charge of horse stealing. The victim had stolen a horso the night previous from W W Chapman a farmer living near West- field, Iowa, and had mane a mgui drive, landing here in the forenoon just in time to get taken in. He ac companied Sheriff. AUrens uacK 10 ue mars, where he intimated that he would pl.ad guilty to the charge of home stealing. Mrs Esten Olsen returned home Monday from a week's visit at Vista. Nebr. Mrs J E DeWalt, of Sioux City, has been. seriously ill. with little hopes of her ultimate recovery. Harry Biermann arrived from Des Moines, Iowa, Wednesday to attend the picnic and visit relatives. If you haven't got time to do your own shopping call up No. 1, and he will deliver the goods promptly. Fred Blume of Emerson precinct, is very sick with (inflammatory rheuma tism. A trained nurse is in attendance. The Detroit gasoline and coal oil stoves the best safe, durable and clean. For sale at Fred Sohriever & Co.'s Miss Emma Frederick came down from Dallas, 8 D, Tuesday, and will spend a week with relatives and friends hereabouts. Clyde Crego returned'.last week from a namruer's sojourn in North Dakota. He says things were pretty dry there this summer and crops are badly burn ed out. Theodore Bliven arrived home last Friday from his western trip, but re turned to Newport, Neb, where he pur chased a big shipment of baled hay, returuiug home again Sunday. Ira Z Thorn, son of M O Thorn of Emerson precinct, and Ethel M Shore, daughter of J A Shore, also of Emer son precinct, were UDited in marriage by ltev Warren m this place Wednes day. F H Foreet, managsr of the local telephone exchange, and Vic Welson. Wm Quintal, Mike Ream, Harold Lon drosh and Earl Sides went to Vista Tuesday to unload a couple of cars of poles for the company. Taken up an an estray, on Monday, August 22, 1910, a black Shetland pony stallion. Owner can hove same by payiDg damages, cost of keeping and advertising. John B Evans, Dakota City, Nebr "Uncle" Joe Jackson and wife came down from Meadow Grove, Nebr, Wednesday to visit relatives and old friends. Thev are old time residents of this county, and their many friends ire always glad to meet them. If your liver is sluggish and out of tone, and vou feel dull, bilious, consti pated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight be fore retiring and you will feel all right in the morning. Sold by all drug gints. Honeht Bill's dog and pony show ex hibited to a fair sized crowd here Tuesday evening, The show was well wortli the price of admission. The nearness to the date of the Old Set tlers' picnic naturally kept the crowd down. The corps of teachers in the Dakota Citv schools for the coming term is now complete and is as follows: Prof J A Chieome, principal; Julia i'owers assistant principal, and Misses Bess Robertson, Mildred Spencer, Clara Jepperson and M Edna Baluss, grade eachers. Mr and Mrs T E Biiven, who spent the past two months in Kock county at the home of Mrs Bliven's parents, C B Howard and wife, report that Mrs tloward has been sick this summer with inflammatory rheumatism and has been in a hospital at Atkinson, the most of the time. When the digestion is all right, the action of the bowels regular, there is a natural craving and relish for food . When this is lacking you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They strengthen the digestive organs, im- nrnve the appetite aiid regulate the bowel?. Sold by all druggists. During the week of the Nebraska State Fair at Lincoln, Sept 4th to 9th, the Burlington will run a special train leaving Laketon, (.the siding at Crystal lake. ) at 4.45 a m, and leuving Dako ta City at 4:50 a m. Returning the traiu leaves Jjincoin 01 1 :au p m. desiring to take this train should purchase their tickets the even ing before, as there will be no agent on duty here at that hour. Tho tie vote on county comminsinner for the 3rd dintiict, comprised of Em erson and Omadi precincts, in which Nelnou Feauto, of Emerson, and H J Rockwell, of Homer, each polled 34 votes in the recent primary election, was settled luHt Saturday at the coun ty clerk's ofllcn by the two contestants pulling straws. Feauto was the win ner iu the drawing and will bo the nominee for county commissioner. Pender suffered a disastrous fire Monday night when the Pallace hotel and the Nick Fritz implement house were burned, the latter being entirely destroyed. The hotel building was an old landmark of Tender, and was erect- by W E Pebles, founder of the town. The building was the property of John Sieverson of Sioux City, and was in sured for $18,000. The Becond story o! the hotel wan occupied by the coun ty officers as a court house, Another Old Pioneer Crosses the Dark River. One by one the pioneers of Dakota county are Grousing the dark river of death, and the ranks of the sturdy vetetaus who paved the way f r civili zation and the building up of the gov ernment and social condition unsur passed in the west, are gradually thin- , t The Herald for News when it is News. Good winter seed wheat for sale, B M Boats. Buy a good farm on the Dakota county bottom. I have it. Eimers. Mrs Helen E Weeks returned last week from a visit with old friends at Allen. O E Bliven is now domiciled in the Stinson house in the north part of town. George Hirschback and family re turned home Wednesday from their Colorado trip. " Arlow Ilager arrived here from Pu eblo, Colo, Thursday morning for a short visit at home. Bert Harden arrived home Saturday off the road for a visit at home. He is still with the Galena Oil Co. John F Sides, deputy U S Marshal, made a business trip to the western part of the state last Saturday. Ernest Triggs came over from Fort Dodge, Iowa, Tuesday to visit his fam ily a few days, and take in the picnic. Arch Euston arrived home Tuesday from Malta, Mont, where he has been employed in a drug store the past summer. A new settler, a bright eyed baby girl, arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs Carl Matz on Old Settlers day, the 25th. Joseph Sides, wife and daughter Truda, came up from Lincoln Wednes day for a few days' visit with Mr Sides brother, John 1 . It pays to trade at Vans, and be sides he will give you, free of charge, a handsome ohromo in the course of time. Go and see him. The German picnic held at the Wm Ebil giove west of town last Friday was a big success, and a large crowd assembled to erijoy the festivities and sports. The Foye electric line was complet ed to this place Wednesday,, and the first rnn with an electric car was made over the line about 9 o'clock Thursday morning. An ontertainment will be given by the Salem Ladies Aid society of the English Lutheran church Tnesday evening, Aug 30th, Miss Elizabeth Bonis and Mies Georgia Boals Reed will be the eetertainers. Kozy Studio has moved to 3rd and Jackson streets, Sioux City. Making photos in all sizes an, at a very low price on cabinets. Now is your time to bring in the babies. Our prices al ways the lowest. Work guaranteed. In buying a cough medicine don't be afraid to get Cliumberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it, and relief is sure to follow. Especial ly recommended for coughs, colds and whoopiug cough. Sold by all drug gists. Iu the ball game at Crystal lake Sunday the Envoys threw a scare into the camp of the Shepardsous, the lead ers iu the city league by tying the score in the uinth inning. The game went two extra innings and the Shep- ardsons pulled out victors by a score of 12 to II. Be sure and take a bottle of Cham berlaio's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with you when starting on your trip this summer. It cannot be obtained on board the trains or steam ers. Changes of water and climate often cause sudden attacks of diar rhnua, and it is best to be prepared. Sold by all druggists. Dysentery is a dangerous disease but can be cured. Chamberlain's Col io Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has been sucsessfully used in nine epidem ics of dysentery. It has never been known to fail. It is equally valuable for children and adults, and when re duced with water and sweetened, it is pleasaut to take, , Sold by all drug gists. The gasoline stove at the Mrs Eva L Orr home got to acting up Wednesday and the neighbors thought the house was certainly on tire and gave the alarm. All who heard it responded to the call, and the new chemical fire ex tinguishur was also run to the scene of the tire, but the blaze was extinguish ed without using it, and with utile or no damage to the house. Following is a list of jurymen select ed to serve ui me oepiemuer sum term of the district court: John 11 Gribblo, John Mehan, Max NuIhou, James Duulup, John JesHen, Leo Biede, Ernest Goortz, T E llefforuan, J M Barry, J O Collins, Goorgo H Saltsgiver, John Sierk, C W Dickover, George Wilson, Hans Anderson, Al bert Roost, Glen Armour, F E Bras field. H F Cain, Charles Young, Mar vin Armour. Thomas F Crosby, 0 C Beerman and A D Lischke. CHRIST WADDELL. ning nntil a few more years none of the vanguard will be left. In the death of Christ Waddell, of 8outh Sioux City on August 17th, 1910, Dakota county loses an honest, up right and substantial citizen, and his family a kind and tender father. The following obituary is taken from tho South Sioux City Record. At his home in this city Wednesday evening the nngel of death carried the soul of Christ Waddell into the great beyond. Mr Wnddell had been in poor health for several years. He was born in Knox County, Ohio, July 3, lS.'it) and was 74 year9 1 month and 14- davs old. He was married January 13, 1800, to Miss Mary Davis tit Springfield, Mali askn County, Iowa, and w.ib preceded in death by his wife two years ago. Mr Waddcl had been a t'ittzen of Dnk ota County since 18G8 and was an honest and upright man among his neighbors and a kind and loving husband and lather. There remains to mourn his luss a sister, Sarah Watts, of Barnes City,- Iowa, five children, Albert o Allen: Oscarof Naehes, Washington; Mrs Emma Harden, Charles and Ira of this eitv. There are also 20 grandchildren and f:ur great grandchildren. The funeral will be held trom the Methodist Church Snturday at 10 o'clock, Kev J H Hard a former pastor and Kev J L Phillips will conduct the services. Inter ment will he made at the Taylor cemetery near Homer. where the little ball will drop or where the big wheel will stop will have to go nnsatitifled. ' Among thd improvements at the In terstate Live Stock Fair grounds in City ure a new poultry house and a new sheep barn, SOUTH SIOUX CITY Krom the Kecord W H George and sou Glenn are at Rochester Minnesota, where Glenn is undergoing treatment for a growth on his nick. The street department has filled in the low places this side the combination bridge and a good cinder road bus been put in there. Miss Kittie and Jessie Porter, who have been visiting Miss Lticile Macom- her returned Wednesday to their home in Peterson, Iowa. Mrs I.N. Mullins and family who have been visiting at Morsland with her mother, Mrs H. C, Phillips, returned home Tuesday. H. W. Meeker it building an addition to his home west of town which will be used for a kitchen. Other improvement arc also being tnnde at the Meeker home. Mr and Mrs W H Bradford, who have been enjoying a visit to their old home in New York Hate, returned to South tsioux City Monday alter a two months stay in the east. Rev J L Phillips, accompanied by Mrs Biuma Harden and son, Mclvin of Ponca, left Tuesday for llif Colorado, to look at the relinquishment Mr Phillips has for sale. Dr. C. C. llerren was at Hickman over Sunday retu;ning with his family Tuesday. Mr and Mrs llerren will be at home in the Biertnnn cottage cast of the Telephone Exchange. Miss AnnaEogen, who was taken to a Sioux City hospital for nu operation for appendicitis and who was very low tor some time is now getting better and will soon be brought home. Mrs Laura Prcssey is moving this week from the Parker cottage, to the Len Lampson house on Omaha street. Mr Lampson has rcpapered and repair ed the place and fixed it up in good shape. Bert Batey, foremnn of a "dago" gang on the Omaha, whose home is in Sioux City cot his right foot caught in a frog and severely wrenched it in rclensing it Monday evening. Me was taken to his home and is recovering nicely. Two carloads of cement for uie in the construction of the new Omaha st.ttion at this place arrived this week. Work will be commenced on me new aepot ns soon ns enough material is on the ground it insure the construction crew against delay while building. Work was completed this week on the automatic grain shocker that has been a process of construction at the C. A. Davis & Son blacksmith shop. J. O. Stewart the inventor had his grain shocker in operation here two weeks ago and many saw the machine in oper ation. The new machine does nwny with a man's work and one man can both cut and shock the grain when Mr Stewart's invention is attached to his binder. Sioux City capital may become interested in the mnnu'ncture ot tnc machine. The promoters have their eye on South Sioux City as an ideal location lor the plant. 1 Tlic Glorious Harvest Timo Dakota County, as usual, at the way topjplacc. A recent trip through Iowa, Illinois and Mich igan disclosed no such corn. And we want to loan you Cattle Money this fall to feed it. Bank, of Dakota. County ffVWaa""'!! iii'n,iii'"iniii mum Nbr, AUGUST RATE BULLETIN . TO THE EAST: Besides every-day special tourist rates to eastern cities and reeorts, as well as diverse route tours of the East, including an ocean coast voyage, there are special rates, August 4th, to 7th inclusive, for the Knights Templar Conclave at Chicago, and from September 13th to the 17th inclusive for the Grand Army Reunion at Atlantic City. ESTES PARK, COLORADO: Just north of Denver, Colorado's finest recreation region soon to be a National Park Ask for full descriptive booklet. IIOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to West and Northwest localities. Get in touch with the under signed and let us help you plan the most attractive and com prehentive tour at the least cost. W. E. Snethcn, Agent, Dakota City,-Nebr. L. W. Wakklrt, Q P A, Omaha, Neb 1001 Farnam street. Pip- Get married and have your wedding photos niado at the De Luxe, we make the latest styles and our prices are be low all. For group or school photos, see us first. He Luxe Studio, 405, 4th street, bioux City, Iowa. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Dakota City, Nebr, Aug, 20, 1910. The Board of County Commissioners met nursuantto adjournment, Present Nelson Feauto, Chairman, Ed Mor prau, Thos Long, and W L Ross, Clerk. On motion it was ordered that the Cbunty Treasurer accept the principal of all tuxes against lots in the several villages of the County where such tax en are delinquent and unpaid in full payments for such tax up to and in cluding the year 1905. This order is not intended to apply to lots hereto fore sold for taxes and unredeemed from year 1006 inclusive. All taxes, principal and interest must be paid in full on such lota , Tho following claims were allowed on tliO county Kt'iiei'ul fund ; K liPrury, taxes refunded t I'W n K St U I.lr tJo, indse H Wi Kluim fc Hin tlelt t.'o. siiuolli s VI !)-' .1 f KocKwell, tuiai'U let-M, eie i n l'erkliis llriw l!o, Hupplli'8 SB T h' Mi-(i'i. 4 M DuliotiiUity t'liiii iiiiiey, imUe Vi no The followlim eliiliiu were allowed on tho roiiil iIIkI rlirt fuml : John Johnson, rond work, dint. li.... lti (Hills Key. KiniH'.illst. 17 i Wl Henry Klol.e. mime, (list. 17 ('onnid Wolf, same, illst. 17 !i 1,1 () Thorn, smile, UUt. 17 0 John JeHMMi, Niime, (list. 17 SiMnl Chris Sorenseu, sumo, cllst. II 47 " Fred Beerman. allowed on ditch fund. $45.00 The Board selected a jury list of 00 names for the fall term-of Court- Whereas on the 17th day of August 1904, judgments were rendered in the United Btates Court against fachool District No. 11, of Dakota County, Ne braska iu favor of Edwards H Chap man and J Le Roy Buck as adminis trator of William Boswick, deoeasod, due on one principal bond and intorett to Feb 1. 1911. the sum of tfU74.44: And whereas in another action Jtni- ward D Bhephard vs School Dist. No 11. Dakota County, Nebraska, a judg ment wa rendered against said dis trict in which indue Feb 1, 1911 $4850.88, aosts $280,1(5, and Whereas. the assessed value of taxable property in said District for year 1910 is but $;310.134 00, requiring a ievy of 27 mills to liquidate and pay off said judgment, and whereas if such is lev led iu a single levy in addition to ine other levies and taxes to be raised for the present year on said District it will be so oppressive on the .taxpayers and taxable property in said District as to mnke it desirable and proper n;t to collect all of wuid sum this year It 4 therefore ordered that but 9 mills be levied this vear on tho judgment of Edward D Shephard and & mills to aoply on the J L Roy Buck J utletnent, or a total of 11 mills to bo levied against all taxable property of Helmut District No 11. Dakota County, Ne branka. Board adjourned to September 11, 1910. W. L. ttOSS, County Clerk. Interstate Fair Notes. No gambling of any kind will be al lowed this year at the Interstate Live Stock Fair in Sioux City. JNot even pool selling on the races ii to bo per niitted. The fellow who thinks he can pick out the winning horse will have to make a finite bet with his neighbor, if he bets at all. There will no public betting stand as in days of old. No games of chance will be allowed Man'i propensity for gneubing the spot SIDEWALK BESOLITION. Piissod liv the Town Hoard AtmuRt . 1IUO Hn it Hesolved. Hy the Chairman and Rimrd of TruHtuen of tho VIlliiKO of Dakota City, Nebraska, that new nldewalkn be eon- Htrut-U'tl of cement hioiik iuhi lumnillK upon tho following lots and blocks In said v 11 Intro as follows: AIoiik the east side of lot 12, Mock 11)1 heirs of Augustus Koiinte, Martraret J! Heritor and V. 1). Hall, record owners; Aloim Uie norm onus or lots i (tun 2, uiock 17;t; 1). C. Ktlnson, record owner; Alonit tho north side or Moutn Mamoi Sri ii a re, from tim west corner to tho en trance to tho brick school house: school district No 1, owner. Aloui tho north ends of lots 1. S and H, block 111. Kred and Curl Schrlever, owners. Till walk to bo built of either brick or ce ment. A snoctiil nieetlnit of the board of trustees of sukl vilhiKo of Dakota City, Neliraxka, will Is' held for tho purpose of conmucrlnit tho lienedtH derived from said Improve ments and placlmt valuations and assess ments accent ink to law', upon tin' lots ami blocks abutllmt and luUolulmt said Hues of sidewalk, on Mondtiy, the 2ilttl day of Hep tenilier. inln, atso'clock P. M.,at the olllce of Paul l'l.ey. In snld villatte. I, rnul l'l.ey, clerk or Dakota City, certity Mint Mm above resolution was unproved and mloDtcd at the nieetlntt of tho Ihiiii'iI of trustees or sum viiuiKu on AimiiHi'A I'.'i". Paul I'lzey. SKAI. VII Unto Clerk I Time is Money Time Saved is Money Earned Don't fool away valua (l ble time with an OJd Style washing machine. iji The One Minute Washing Machine t is a time saver, also the $1 lightest running machine jj on the market. Thous j ands in use. Ask your V neighbor. Sold on Trial and it Ht Don't Come Back i I wis d Bralforl Wr Co. I First publication H-2fl-li llws NOI ICU OF TAX DEED. To I.ola t. Hunt and Clinton S. Dennett: You nod each of you mo hereby not I Hod that on t ho :)d day of Novemlwr, urns, Itoli- ort I'). Kvnns uni-chased al public sale of the county treasurer of Dakota county, ieiiras ka. lots 4. ft and n. Iu block sr. within me vn hiKoof South Kloux City, In tho said Dakota county for ine tic muiuoui suite, county, sclioool, school iiouil mid viiuiiro tuxesior I lie years ls,i,lK!Pi,S',ti.lsui, ixio, Inim, ihii7, Isiin, Imiti, it . ui''. ii'ti. s, uk. r.i ami nn that tho said f.ola M. Hunt Is tho owner of the several tracts thoreof, that the said hind Is taxed In said years In no name, and the time for redemption for said- halo will exolroou November 4. It'll!. You will also take notice that after the expiration of throe months from the date of tlio service ot tins nonce, lo-wit: on uie lath duv of Dcooinlier. Ill II. the deed for tho land so sold as above set forth will lie up plied for. Milton Kokkhiior, uwneroi uoriiiicaie Klrst publication H-1M 8w Order of Hearing and Notice of Probate of Will. In the county court of Dakota county Nebriihka. Mtato of Nebraska, Dakota County ss. To Dora Hroyhlll, William M. I.eniner Clara AblHitt, Mary (Irlbblo, Klla Warner Frank II. lAtamcr, Minnie Hale, l.ydla Now Vernil Newell, Karl Newell. Austli Newell, l.lllliiit Newell, loon Newell, and to all persons Interested In tho estate of Perry lioamer, deceased : (in readmit the petition or Frank II I .earner nrayluit that tho Instrument lllod In this court on tho I'Jtli day of Aunust, lulu, and purporting to Ihj the last will and test anient of tho suld deceased, may bo rjrovec and allowed, and recorded ns tlio last will unit testament of l'orry lA'aiuer, deceased Hint said Instrument lie admitted to Pi' bate, and tho administration of said ostati lie itrantod to Frank H. lioanieraH executor it Is hereby ordereii mat you It nil all per sons Interested Iu said matter may, and do, appear at tlio county court to ho held ii and for said county, on the fith day of Hep tetnls r, A. I. lulu, at Uloclock a in. toshow cause, If any thorn Is1, why tlio prayer o the pell tinner should not bo Krauled, aui Mint notice of the pendency of said petltlor and the lieui'lnit thereof ho irlveu to all per sons lulcrcslcd In hiilu matter by piilillHli Iiik a copy of Mils order In The Dakota County Herald, a weekly newspaper print ed In said county, for t liree successive week he in' In suld (lav or lieiirimt. W itness my nanu, anil seal or suiu coui v Mils l.'ilh day of Aumisl, A. D. lulu. D. t '. llKFt'KKNAS skal County Juiliro First publication H-al-lO 8w ks NOTICE 01? TAX DKKD. To l.uey liulloek. In whoso inline Utl appears on record, and all persons luleres il In lots n mill l in iiiock :', ami (inn J. l Holt mid A uizl A. Adams, Iu whoso mum UI le appears on record, mid to all persoi Interested In lot ft In block -', all In Marlli Addition to houth hloux City, Dakota com t.v . Nebraska, you and each of you will tuk notice that on the 4 1 lid ay of NovoinlsT, lli7 C. K. Illlven purchased at private lax sale from tho treasurer of Dakota county, Neb., for the taxes duo and deltniiuenl Ihereon for tho years IKitt to limn, Inclusive, on lots il and 4 In block 2. and for the years n'.mo I nm. Inclusive, on lot ft In block v. all in Mar tin's Addition to Houlh hloux City, Nebr.; that said lots were assessed In no name whatever In said years, and that said C. 10 . Illlveu will apply for a deed for said lots under said tax sale and certlllcato alter the expiration of three months from the date of the service of this notice. ( n iii v k si, Owner of Hnld Cortlllcute. Bated this lstti day of August, lttlO, Dakota. City, Neb. sit. --- -M-M-f -t--rV U) II) z This lK-in. Coucord Harness No. 76 no collars $31 Our No. 179, l-in. Concord, with flat backs, a better job $35 Sturjjea Bros. 'ZZt,? HAR JNI E:SS PI. (I) ft I 2 f4,4HHvvWHT4-TrTtHvT4vtv4Tt4MtTf Does not Color the Oil air Insredlent of Ayer Hair Vlaror Sulphur. Dettroyt scrmt that caute dandruff and falling hair. Cure railic and eruption of tcalp. Glycerin. Soothing, healing. Food tu the hair-bulb. Quinin. A stiong tonic antUepllc, ttimulant. , Sodium Chlorid. Cleantintf. quiet irritation of scalp. Capsicum. Increase activity of ttlaad. Sage. Stimulant, tonic Domestic remedy of hltfh merit. Alcohol. Stimulant, antiseptic. Water. Perfume. Show thlft formula to your doctor. Auk liim if there Is a single injurious ingredient. Ask him if he thinks Ayer's Hair Vigor, as made from this formula, is the best prepa ration you could use for falling hair, or for dandruff. I-et him decide., lie knows. .T. I1. A TKIt CnMriHT. Iiwi'll. Miwi. I Patronize Home Industry buy your meats of 1 i . $ A Proprietor of J, City Meat Msxrlkof: i a f Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand Cash paid for Hides and Pelts ' )j Agent for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket goes on Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays DAKOTA CITY NEBRASKA S