Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 19, 1910, Image 4

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    1 '
' 1
Subscription Price. $1.00 Per Year.
A weekly newspaper published at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
rermission has been granted for the
transmission of this paperthrough the
mails as second-class matter.
Telephone No. 43.
Items of Interest 5
from our Exchanges
German Settlement items in Lyons
Mirror: Henry Kaebler and family
Tisited ai Chris Koblmeier's Sunday
Salix items in Sloao, Iowa, Star:
Joe McElfree, of Sionx City, spent
Monday and Tuesday here looking
after phone work
Ilornick items in Sloan. Iowa, Star:
Mrs 0 Sberrard Tisited with rela
tives in Sioux City and South Sioux
City, Neb, last Friday and Saturday.
Oakland Independent: Oakland de
feated Homer hero last Sunday in a
game of base ball by a score of 8 to 1.
Oakland had Homer abut out until the
eighth inniug, when tbey got the one
Bloomfield Monitor: Mrs H M Gray
and daughters, Mrs Ed Bagley and
Miss Evelyn Mason arrived home last
Saturday evening from their two weeks
outing at Crystal lake and report an
altogether agreeable time.
Pender Times: Mieses Edna and
Olinda Wacbter accompanied by Miss
Mary T wobig went to Bancroft Tues
day. From that point the two former
went on to Herman and then to their
home at Lincoln, while Miss Twohig
returned to Pender as the guest of
Miss Lou Hirscb.
Hartington News: Mrs 0 M Baird,
Miss Margaret Baird, Mrs E Ballon
gee of Missouri, guest of Miss Baird,
Mrs S H Morten, Miss Lncile Itobiu
son, and Miss Itobinson's sister, Mrs J
F Keir of Omaha, went Monday to
Crystal Lake for a week's outing.
Wayne Democrat: Mr and Mrs W H
Morris, Mr and Mrs John Larison.
Mrs "B W Ley and Misses Mar i or-
ie Beebe and Inez Johnson joined the
Wayne crowd at Crystal lake Monday.
.... will b Jay, formerly with tho Lin
coin Journal, was in Wayne last Mon
day in the interests of Ghas O Whe
don's candidacy for the senate. Ac
cording to Jay's theory Senator Bur-
kett is worse than a horse thief.
Pender r.epublio: Miss Lou Hirscb
was at Sioux City Monday uight to seo
juaiooim ttmitn who is in a hospital
more.... Mrs Jlmer Wharton of
South Sioux City visited her parents,
Mr and Mrs J It Kingston over Sun
day ... .E W Tarrant and W E Toss
went to West Point yesterday to visit
the Cuming County institute whioh is
in session tbere this week Attorney 11
E Evans was down from Dakota City
yesterday preparing the papers for the
ditch case which will be filed in Dis
trict Court soon.... Geo Adama and
family went to Crystal lake Saturday,
George was down during the day the
first of the week. They all returned
to Pender Wednesday,
Ponca Leader: Mr Will Rooney of
Hubbard was a guest at the Pat Bush
home over Sunday.... Rev George
Bray and family are spending the week
in their cottage at Crystal lake..
Mrs Twohig who has been visiting Mrs
J oe uavey returned to uer borne near
Vista... .Florence and Bonney Da
vey, may OloUartuy were passengers
to Crystal lake Wednesday for a days
outing.... Miss Mayme Jones of
Wjnot, came up from Dakota City
Wednesday evening for a vmit of
visit of a few days with Ponoa friends.
....Howard Sears, Aubrey and Ellis
Bray went to Crystal lake Wednesday
afternoon to spend a couple of days on
an outing and uauiug trip.
Lyons Mirror: Fred Wilkins and
daughter .Clara, were here from
Homer Saturday to make arrange
ments for the latter to attend the High
School. We remember well when Mr
Wilkius located in Dakota county 38
years ago. .. .Thirty-five years ago it
rained nearly every day until some
time in October. Nearly all of the
amall grain was destroyed, aud people
living oni level farms had to go in
boats frond their residences to their
barns. How many of yon remember
it? We lived on a farm near Uomsr
and we hitched four horses to a wagon
to bring iu a few bundles of oats to
feed, but the horses mired down and
the wagon sank to the hubs and thore
it remained until the next April.
Emerson Enterprise: Sheriff Rock
well was in town on business Tuesday.
. . .Mr and Mrs H J Rockwell of Homer
viBi led Sunday and Monday with rela
tives here. .. .The Emerson base ball
team vent to Hubbard Sunday where
tbey had a hard battle with a team
called Hubbard but oomposed of play
ers from all the surrounding towns,
The game was called a little after
three o'clock but on account of the
train returning too early in the even
ing the game ended in the eighth in
ning with a soore of 8 to 8. It is not
known when the tie will be played off
as Hubbard will not come to Emerson
and our boys do not think it is a fair
thing to pull both games off at Hub
bard, John Ryan and Busby was the
battery for Emerson and their work
was splendid.
Sioux City Journal, 14th: M C Beok
an attorney of Dallas, 8 D, formerly
of Sioux City, is visiting frienda here.
....The marriage of Miss Catharine
Green, daughter of Mr an Mrs Thom
as Green, to Mr James S Riley, of
Dee Moines, will take plaoe August 23
at the Cathedral of the Epiphany at
9 o'clock in the morning. A recep
tion will be given at the Green borne
in the evening.... Miss EmmaEwald,
daughter of Mr and Mrs Fred T
Ewald, 203 Bismarck street, and Mr
r ran u wirici, wiu t uuiuw; war
ried Thursday eveniDg a 8 o'clock at
the home of the bride parents.
Tbere will b no attendants. The
young couple will be at home at 022
Pearl street until their new home on
upper Jackson street is completed ....
Material for the improvements on the
Foye line, from Sioux City to Crystal
lake and Dakota City, is beginning to
arrive. A carload of poles came to
Sioux City yesterday. Workmen are
busy on the electrification of the line
between Crystal lake and Dakota City,
and the management expects to have
the cars running by electric power
within a few weeks.
Winnebsgo Chieftain: Miss Eva
Surber of Waterbury was a guest at
the Jas Foltz home from Saturday till
Tuesday ....Glen and Edith Kessler
were down from Homer, this week
visiting at L 11 Geztmeyei's home....
Mrs M J Frum and two children of
Danbury, Iowa, are vititing at the C
C Frum home this week.... Mrs MS
Mansfield went to Homer last Saturday
evening to see her new nephew, who
recently .arrived at the J M King
home. . . .John Ash ford and son, Ohas,
and D M Day autoed to Sioux City on
Friday of last week in the former s
auto. . . .Ray Mansfield and Omar Kil
bourn left on Tuesday, for Isabelle 8
D, a new town, where Mr Mansfield
will do contracting. Probably Mr
Kilbonrn will start a barber shop there,
....Walter Niebnbr captured a tar-
rantnla from a bunch of bananas hang
ing in the Mansfield Merchantile Com
pany'a store, one day last week- The
big Spider is now "canned" in a small
bottle of aloohol and is on exhibition
at the store . . . . W H Chapman died on
Thursday night, Aug 11, 1G10. at his
home in Winnebago, at 12:10, at the
age oi 77 years, 7 months and 10
days. The disease that carried him
away was paralysis. He was born in
Pittsburg, Pa, and has made his home
in Burt, Dakota and Thurston counties
for the last twenty years.
folfax, Wash, Gazette: Governor
William H James left Snnday for Se
attle, where he will join his brother,
Walter James of Los Angeles, and to
getuer they will prooeed to Alaska on
the excursion steamer. The brothers
have not seen each other for C0 years
....As Stated elswhere Ex-Governor
James of Colfax left Monday for Seat
tie to meft a brotner lie nad not seen
for GO yoars, and together they would
make the trip to Alaska. A dispatch
from Seattle of the Oth has this to sav
of the brothers. "Two brothers, who
bad not joet in CO Tears, passed each
other a score of times at the IUinier
Grand hotel yesterday saw each other
at the King street station, where each
went expecting the otber to arrive,
and were formally introduced last
night by C H Sbafer, clerk at the ho
tel. "William II James, 79, former
Uovernor of Nebraska, lives at Colfax,
Wash, while bis brother, Walter
James. 7tf, is a resident of Los Angel
es, riity years ago wiey waiaea
down a road leading out of Dakota,
Nebraska, and said good bye. Walter
James was returning to Marion county,
Ohio, and William James remained at
Dakota, to practice law. "Walter
went to the war to fight for the Union
cause and upon his return sought a
home on the western frontier. Near
ly a quarter of a century ago William
James came to Washington, D torn the
day of their saying good bye at Dako
ta until yesterday their patns never
The new hotel building will soon be
ready for plastering.
The infant child of Geo Eble and wife
was quite siok last week but at this
writing tne little one is doing nicely.
The Fiddler Creek boys came out
winners in the game played with the
Hubbard boys, the game was 14 to 31.
Geo Hale and wife went to Newell,
Iowa, Wednesday of last week, return,
ing Friday.
Mrs E Christensen and son, Joseph,
visited friends and relatives at differ-
erent points in Iowa, several days of
last week.
Anna Sberoder visited a couple of
days last week iuthe city.
John Smith was quite si'ik the first
of the week.
Boju, to Rasmus Nelson and wife
Saturday the 13th, a boy.
Mrs Pearl Persinger was very ill the
latter part of last week, but is much
improved at this writing.
Mrs Rasmus Frederiokson of New
ell, Iowa, came down Tuesday to visit
her daughter, Mrs It Nelsen.
A large number from here saw the
ball came Sunday played at Ghus
Dodge's plaoe.
Chris Smith and Chris Chistiansen
of Vista were business callers in Hub
bard Thursday'
Leahy Bros oi ttioux inty came
down Thursday evening in tbeir auto.
Mrs O Rttsmussen returned Tuesday
from her trip to Europe. They had
been gone about four month's.
Mrs 0 L Thompson spent the week
in Mapleton, Iowa,
. Miss Shrape of Sioux City visited at
the Thompson home one day last
Joe Leedom's new threshing outfit
arrived last Saturday and Joe has been
busy ever since.
WGeortss and wife were Sioux City
shoppers Friday of last week.
Jimmie Ileeney was a passenger for
the city last Friday.
The Hubbard telephone company
held a business meeting Monday after
aln and Mrs T Long was among the
Sioux Cttyians one day UbI week
A L Anderser came over from Wat
erbury, to remain over Sunday witt
the folks
Anna Anderson came home Sunday
after a weeks stay in the ci)y.
George Eble is the busiest man in
Hubbard if you don't believe it just
ask mm.
Patsy Duggan was numbered among
the sick the first of the week,
Miss Cora (and Anna Sorrensen re
turned Friday from a weeks visit with
relatives and friends at Lake View,
Tom Graham marketed soma fine
porkers here Tuesday.
Bert Cobleigh and wife and Burt
Francisco and wife with their fami
lies enjoyed an outing Saturday and
Sunday at Crystal laks.
Mrs Tom Cullen has fully recovered
from her recent illness.
Tom Hodgint was down the first of
the week to help bis brother Tim.
Raymond Cnllen is doing the farm
ing stunt at Tom Grahra's.
Miss nodgins of Vista, spent the
past week at the Irwin Maun home.
Monica and Gertrude Hall were the
guests of their cousins, the Misses
Jones, Thursday evening.
Fred Anderson, while removing dirt
from a side hill, was hit on the head
with a falling rock. The injury is not
Den Harris was taken very ill Tues
day with appendicitis and was hurried
to the hospital, where an operation
will be performed.
Gertrude Hall departed Wednesday
morning for St Edward, Nebr, where
she will spend a few weeks with Celia
Winnifred Maun of Laurel, Nebr,
and Edith Miller of Omaha, are guests
in the M Holer home.
Rev P F McCarthy, who spent the
past month in Omaha, arrived home
Thursday. He was acoompanied
home by Mrs John Sullivan and daugh
ter, Margaret, who were his guests
until Tuesday.
Mrs John McEwen and children,
and sister, Miss Kate Sullivan, of
Sioux City, spent over Sunday with
their brother, Thomas.
Mr and Mrs Chester and little
daughter of Omaha were over Sunday
visitors in the home of her 'parents, D
O'Hanlon and wife.
Florence Lockwood, who spent the
past month in the J Rush borne, left
for her home at Byron, III, Friday.
Mrs James Rafferty and children,
of Lake Crystal, Minn, are spending
tho week with her father, E Hiatt.
A Demaray and wife spent over Sun
day with friends at Allen, Nebr.
L W Hall and wife, Ben Cullen,
Joseph Waters and Michael Heffernan
took in the Harvest picnic at Dixon,
Nebr, Monday.
D O'Hanlon threshed his wheat last
week which went 30 bushels to the
acre. Dr Leahy's went 26. Several
other farmers who have threshed re
port good yields.
E L Harkness and family who were
guests in the home of Mrs Harness'
sister, Mrs E T Kearney, the past twe
weeks, departed lor their new home in
British Columbia, Saturday.
Eileen Hartnett is spending a weeks
vacation in the Ella Maloney home in
Sioux City.
D J J Connelly and family moved
to Niobrara, Nebr, Wednesday.
Mike Heenan of Newcastle was vis
iting relatives here Monday.
Geraldine Kilty, of Stillwater,
Minn, was an over Sunday guest in the
M liarry borne.
The primary eleotion passed of qui
etly here yesterday. Only C8 votes
were polled.
i j-ibo u j.eamey and wile departed
Tuesday lor eueldon, Iowa, to attend
the wedding of Mr Kearney's brother,
Mrs J W Finnell left for Denver,
Col, Thursday, and as soon as Mr Fin
nell can dispose of his property here he
will join her there, where they expect
to make their future home. Their
many friends here regret to see them
Rose McKeever of Hawardeu, Iowa,
is a guest in the home of her uncle,
Ed T Kearney.
John Welker has been enjoying
visit from his brother of Riobland,
Wis. He returned to his home Wed
Thursday John Welker went to Hot
Springs, S D.
One of Geo Blessings children is on
the siok list.
William Heitritter, wife and child,
of Sheldon, Iowa, ars guests at the
Wm Winch home. The ladies are
Clarence Gallagher who was opera
ated on in a hospital for appendicitis,
is geting along aB well as could be ex
Mrs Walter Smith is on the siok
Born to Rasmus Nelson and wife
Aug 15 a son.
Wm Heitritter who is a guest at the
Wm Winch home is oujthe sick list.
Alioe Harris who has been very sick
and who was iu a critical oondition,
is improving.
Mrs Mary Crocker is at the Off
Harris home helping care for the sick.
Nadine Shepardson is spending the
week with her cousin, Miss Hazel Da
vidson. -
Mrs B McKinley and daughter,
Marjorie, went to South Sioux City
Saturday and are guests at the Frank
Combs home.
uertie and JUattie oiciunley were
Sioux City shoppers Friday of last
week ,
Geo Wilkins and Raymond Voss
came down Tuesday to vote at the
primary. Aa a side issue Geo came to
see that it was done right.
The primary passed off quietly and
a large vote was polled, considering
the bad storm that came up in the
Lena Knudson, a nurse, spent her
two weeks vacation with her sister,
Mrs John Harris.
The nurse who has been nursing at
the James King home returned to
Sioux City Tuesday,
Mrs Neut Orippen visited Tuesday
at the Jay McEntaffer home while
Neut attended the primary.
Raymond Smith visited from Bator
day till Tuesday at the home of bis
grandfather, Neut Crlppen,
Eddie and Burley Chamberlain from
tne reservation were over Sunday vis-
Ask the man with whom you talk typewriters
if he has a machine with a Combination
Column Finder and Paragrapher
itors at the Albert Robertson home.
Louis Wilkins was a Sioux City vis
itor Saturday.
Ethel Priest visited last week in
Homer at the home of her brother,
Hiram Priest and wife.
Rasmus Nelsen and wife are the
proud parents of a seven pound baby
boy, Aug 13.
Hannah Anderson of Sioux City was
an over Sunday visitor at the Larson
Bro's home.
Master Raymond
visited last week at
The Robert Voss
been quite busy in
Smith of Homer
the N L Crippon
corn sbeller has
this vicinity this
John Jessen is building a new double
corn crib on his farm.
Miller Bros, and Fred Wilkins mar
keted hogs in Homer last week.
Anna Jepson was a Sioux City pas
senger 'ant week.
Marie Nelson was visitor at the F A
Sawyer borne in Homer last week.
Mrs John Clayton and daughter,
Ethel, were in Sioux City shoppiuglast
Alice llairis has been very sick for
the last week but is some better at this
Beck Nelson and wife were Sunday
visitors at the Rasmus Nelson home.
Mabel and Bertha Rasmusseu visit
ed last week at the Louis Rusmussen
and Peter Sorensen homes.
N L Crippen and wife visited last
Tuesday at the Jay McEntaffer home.
The John Bachert family visited
with relatives in South Sioux City last
Count Iieinrioh Bondenbender is
here from Witohita, Kans, on a short
visit at his old home.
Sam Bridenbaugh had a steer killed
by lightning Tuesday evening duriug
Uie severe thunder storm.
A fine baby boy was born to Ross
Polly and wife, living on the old An
thony Myers farm, Monday.
The heavy rains the past week stop
ped shock threshing for a while but it
has made the corn crop a certainty.
Ohas Barber and daughter, Lena, of
Ponoa. came down the first of the
week for a visit at the E H Cornell
GeoJge A and Chas BIossinK joined
the crowd of exourionists last week
that went to Colorado for an onting,
aud to look over the land situation.
Archie Coughtry lost one of his best
work horses Sunday night. The ani
mal was alright in the evening and
the next morning it was lying dead in
the stall, and from indications it ap
pears that the lightning struck near a
window where the horse stood and the
animal was killed by the shock.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fields & Slauqhtib Co.
TmoEBliven, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
Get married and have your wedding
photos made at the De Luxe, we make
the latest styles and our prices are be
low all. For group or school photos,
see us first. De Luxe Studio, 405, 4th
street, Sioux City, Iowa. ,
He may tell you that he has not, but he will not tell
you that a typewriter without it is just as good.
The Combination Column Finder and Paragrapher is
a feature so essential to successful typewriter operation that
it will eventually be incorporated in all typewriters.
The typewriter offering this feature today is the
The Smith Premier Typewriter, Model 1 0, has four
teen exclusive features all of vital importance in producing
the best work.
Let us send you complete descriptions of them.
Syracuse, N. Y. Blanche everywhere.
Dakota City, Neb, Aug 16, 1910.
Board of connty commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment. Present:
Nelson Feauto, chairman, Ed Morgan,
ThoB Long, and W L Ross, dark.
Road petitioned for by Frank i.ussler, jr,
was k runted as preyed for, and damages al
lowed as follows:
Fred Shlmmock '. flft (10
.1 nines Howard 60 no
H KUrlbhlK, appraiser 8 Oil
Herman Kenze. same g on
Oeorco Hayes, same 3 on
Joe I.eedoin, same 3 00
Clork ordered to write warrant for $25 In
favor of (Jeorue I. Miller for Farmers In
stitute fund.
Olerk is ordered to write warrant to H ()
liorn for $1UU on the. Bene nil fund to lj used
for a county ex hi bit at the Interstate fair.
The following levies were made on a val
uation of r-'.61B,WS:
County Keneral fund 5'i' mills.
County brldtre fund 4 "
County road fund 5 "
Railroad bond slnkliiK fund. "
Railroad lioud Interest fund.... H "
The following levies were made for the
redemption of outstanding Indebtedness
Hist. No. 1....2 mills
Jiist. No. 6. ...2 mills
Dlst. No. H. ..2 mills
I Hut. No. W....2 mills
Ilst. No. 14 2 mills
Dlst. No. ill 2 mills
Dlst. No. 17 2 mills
Dlst. No. 1H ....2 mills
School district levies were made by the
several districts of the connty as follows:
Ulst. No. Mills. Hint. No. Mills.
81 lit
22 11
24 ill
25 Ill
21 11
27 7
2S :
2 25
:) Ill
ill 2f
32 V
S3 26
81 12
811 H
3 II
41 7
.. 5
.. S
.. H
.. H
.. 6
.. 7
The following school ImmhI levies Were
made by the several districts:
District No. 1 6 mills
District No. 31 mills
The following claims were allowed
on the county general fund: v
John H Ream, hoard of health f 2 75
J K Munger, same 8 no
.1 nines Fly nn, same 2 GO
(1 I) Smiley, same 75
Hurt Kroesen, supplies 43 (in
Wilfred K Voss, Institute fund Ml 00
The Aussin Western Co, plow inn 00
Harry Foltz, sidewalk 171 04
John H Kaohcrt, boarding paupers... 2S 00
James Fueston, salary ... it no
Mrs Jas Fueston, hoarding prisoners 22 uo
W barton Hiom, iinise to Campmdl. .. .
Arthur ltymlli, freight on repairs...
J P Rockwell, salary, eto
Security J u vestment Co, refund on
till 50
3 07
113 41
1 42
(Hut ms allowed on the county brldire fund
K S lleaty tw ill
The following claims were allowed
on the road district fund
(1 N (Jeorgensen, r'd work, dlst. No. S.$ 111 50
H F. Hi own. mud w ork
2. 815 On
Sam Thorn, same,
K liner Miller, same.
James liorder, same,
I. II Border, same,
Henry ltunge. same,
Hlen DeForrest, same,
Archie Miller, same,
J W De Forest, same,
Vernon Nelson, same,
Arthur Hyiulll, same,
0. 24 fiu
12 00
12 (10
8(1 no
1 50
V no
A ill
24 ini
15 75
47 60
Board adjourned to meet Anguat 20,
W. L. ROSS. Clerk.
First publication N-1D-10 8wkg
To I.ucy Bullock, In whose name title
appears on record, and all persons Interest
ed in lots 8 and 4 In block t, and Orln J. Kl
llntt and Amzl A. Adams, In whose names
title appears on record, and to all persons
Interested In lot A In block 2, all in Martin's
Addition to South Sioux City, Dakotacoun
ty, Nebraska, you and each of you will take
notice that on the4thdayof November. Iir7.
C. K. Kllven purchased at private tax sale
from the treasurer 01 liakota county. Neb.,
for the taxes due and dellnauent thereon
for the years I8u2 to 1KI, Inclusive, on lots 8
ami 4 In block 2, and for the years lsto to
uon. Inclusive, on lot 0 in mock 2, an in Mar
tin's Addition to South Sioux City, Nebr.;
that said lots were assessed In no name
whatever in said years, aud that said C. K.
llllven will apply for a deed for said lots
under said tax sale and certificate on or
before the 2ud day of Uutolier, lwio.
C. K. Htivt), '
Owner of Said Certlllcate.
Dated this lHln day of August, iviu.
Harness and
Whips, Fly Nets, Saddles, Sweat Pads,
Lap Robes, Stable Blankets, Etc.
Kepair Work Given Prompt Attention
Fredricltseix CSL Son
Lrct Vs Kelp Yoi
make your plans for that new building, by loaning you one of
the books from our Circulating Library. These books contain
One Thousand Plans of Houses. Barns, Cribs, and in fact build
ings for every purpose. You will find them a great help in
getting at just what you want.
Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co.
PtR npmra ran n
SEPT. 50919
Dakota City, Nca.
Bonded : Abstracter
in the line of
Horse Goods
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iowa
0 t ' "Wwy
I i